Palm Beach State College Green
This issue:
Complacency and Recession versus Sustainability
Complacency and Recession versus Sustainability
How Green is Your Green?
Green Expo 2010
The Green Institute
Build for a more environmentally effective future
Using REVIT To Design ‘Green’
Meet the Presenters
Last year’s Green Expo
How Green is Your Green? Submitted by the City of Lake Worth As we all know, the world is “going green.” Communities are more concerned than ever about keeping our neighborhoods as environmentally friendly as possible. The City of Lake Worth is in the forefront when it comes to green programs. The three primary areas are: • Single Stream Recycling-making recycling easier through the use of one container for all recyclables. We are the first and only city in Palm Beach County to implement this. • A Bio-Diesel City Vehicle that is fueled by vegetable oil. The City expects to add more vehicles to this program in the future. • Composting-residents of Palm Beach County sign up through their associations and agree to keep records of how much organic waste they have in their bins throughout the month. All of these programs get and keep the residents of Lake Worth involved in the vital issues that encompass “going green.” The City of Lake Worth’s Public Services Department is committed to offering stateof-the-art methods to help protect the environment and preserve Lake Worth’s green lifestyle now, and for the future!
Institute News
By Missy Tancredi, Adjunct Instructor for Palm Beach State College Green Institute The current economic situation as it stands is depressing; Blaming one another, generation to generation, doesn’t solve anything. We are all accountable for our choices and choosing a life of convenience and complacency has created the path we now tread. We have out-sourced our country, even our taxes are now processed in India, whose brilliant idea was that? And, why do we, the public sector, allow it? Many people today hear the words “green” and “sustainable” and think it’s a fad or some kind of conspiracy, but the truth is that it’s the road to economic recovery. We make choices everyday about the products we choose in business and at home. Why not choose a product manufactured and serviced here in the U.S.? Why not choose a product that has been designed to diminish resource depletion and protect those resources we lump into the category of the environment? Why not choose foods that are grown responsibly without genetically modified ingredients? The common answers to all of these questions are that it’s easier, and it’s more expensive to buy local or regional. Really? Perhaps in the up front costs, but the reality is that product you choose from another country supports a job that could be done here in the U.S. Employment
rates make or break an economy, so is it really cheaper? Ask all of those homeowners and businesses that installed Chinese drywall with little or no recourse for replacement compensation, if it was really cheaper. We have got to move out of our comfort zones and change the way we do things, but first we have to change the way we look at things. Complacency means to be so “self-satisfied” with the way things are that you do nothing to improve them. Do we all have to be unemployed, hungry or in foreclosure to realize that things need to change? Sustainability is the key to our future as a civilization, redoing things in a responsible way, economically, environmentally, and socially. Our choices and behaviors can help make those opportunities to take back our economy, our manufacturing, our resources and create a sustainable, viable future. Let’s wake up from our trance-like state of complacency and build a new future that isn’t about corporate greed and personal entitlement and do something! It’s not important what you choose to do to improve your life and the lives of others; it’s your choice, but do something. Improve something you have a passion for already by volunteering, protecting, inventing, making better choices, most importantly just do something.
Palm Beach State College’s Green Institute is hosting the third annual
Green Free
EXPO 10 9 10 10A.M. - 4 P.M.
The Green Institute
at Palm Beach State College
What’s your carbon and ecological footprint? Learn about your role in the Green Environment, how to be green and meet demands for low energy efficient homes, all on a budget! What you'll learn… • What it means to be green • How to become sustainable • New state required course for Water Distribution! • Designing and Installing PV Systems
Many additional offerings coming soon!
TIO 0815
Designing & Building Energy Efficient Homes (CEUs)
TIO 0850
Energy Efficient Housing for Florida Climates (CEUs)
TIO 0560
Florida Green Programs and Certifications
TIO 0108
HVAC “Green” Service School
TIO 0550
LEED Introduction - What is LEED?
TIO 0555
LEED AP New Construction Exam Prep
TIO 0556
LEED AP Green Bldg Oper. & Maint. (GBOM) Exam Prep
TIO 0557
LEED Green Building Basics for the Green Associate Exam
TIO 0562
Residential Energy Audits Intro
TIO 0560
FL Green Programs & Certifications
TIO 0561
Sustainability for Business
TIO 0581
PV Systems Intro - NABCEP: Cert. of Knowledge Exam Prep
TIO 0582
Solar Thermal Systems Intro
TIO 0861
2007 Florida Energy Code & Green Buildings (CEUs)
ORO 0210
Water Treatment Operator “C”
ORO 0212
WasteWater Operator “C”
TIO 0380
Revit Introduction
TIO 0381
Revit Intermediate
TIO 0382
Revit Advanced
Sign up now! Or call 561-868-3702 2
Submitted by Stiles Construction Design your office, retail and industrial buildings to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Using Sustainability Guidelines can ensure that you are producing healthy and productive places for our community members to live, work and enjoy. Environmental protection precautions and procedures are implemented from the initial development phase of every project, and reconsidered at every phase throughout the entire scope. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
• The benefits of getting certified
The Green Institute courses this
Build for a more environmentally effective future
Focus on reducing our environmental footprint through unique and green practices and procedures. Creating healthy and sustainable environments involves choices, such as opting to install carpet with low VOCs (volatile organic compounds) during the design phase of a project. This endeavor can be furthered when considering chemical levels and their impact on indoor air quality. Common items such as sealants, adhesives, paints, and even furniture can negatively affect indoor air quality and are important to consider when deciding which items to incorporate into your building.
Using REVIT To Design ‘Green’ By Eugene Fagan, Adjunct Instructor for Palm Beach State College Green Institute It is now possible the create a virtual building with REVIT and analysis its energy performance. The data generated by REVIT can then loaded directly into the LEED rating system. Sun light and shading: Building orientation on the site and sun angles can greatly help lower energy usage. REVIT will show the shading on the windows for any day and time of the year. Sun impacts from adjacent buildings: The adjacent building shadows can be graphically shown for better window placement and window sun screens. Energy Usage: When the building is created virtually, the Building Information Model (BIM) will give real world energy analysis. The data is exported an the universal Gbxml to a 3rd party program. Tracks recycled materials: The LEED systems tracks recycled materials for its rating. REVIT gives a break down of all materials (new and recycled) in the building. Tracks water usage: Water is fast becoming the critical resource. REVIT will help minimize its use. Sign up now for the next REVIT class! To learn more visit the Green Institute at
Palm Beach State College
Meet 2010 Green Expo Featured Presenters
Bob Gilbert
Green Stream Mapping
Vice President, Green and Sustainable Solutions Mr. Gilbert has been serving Florida based organizations for the past 29 years. The Green and Sustainable Solution consortium, through a diversified portfolio of products and services, has emerged as a leader in providing solutions that contribute to clients’ exponential growth and profitability while minimizing clients’ environmental impact.
Come be introduced to the tools to analyze where your organization stands on the Green Continuum. Through Green Stream Mapping, participants can learn how to identify Green opportunities along their individual Value Streams. Included is how to identify Conventional Waste versus Green Opportunities. Similar to Lean, organizations need to identify and rectify their Non Value Added Green Challenges.
Missy Tancredi, LEED AP
Do Something!
Vice President, Eco Advisors, LLC
The current economic situation as it stands is depressing and we are all accountable for the choices we make. Green, sustainable choices and behavioral changes can help pave the road to economic recovery. This talk will address sustainability as it applies to our personal lives and businesses…the importance of becoming green and what it means to our future.
Ms. Tancredi is a Vice President of Eco Advisors and the host of Radio Green Earth, South Florida’s first all environmental talk show. She is a sustainability consultant working with clients on social responsibility programs, operational procedures, carbon and ecological footprinting, energy use reduction programs, and green building consulting. She is currently the Chair of the PB Branch of the SF Chapter USGBC and adjunct faculty at Palm Beach State College on the subjects of, Sustainability, Green Programs, and LEED.
Eugene R. Fagan
Using REVIT To Design ‘Green’
Architect, Adjunct Professor
Come see the exciting advantages to creating a virtual building with REVIT and how it evaluates the building’s energy performance. Features include, LEED rating data, sun light and shading, sun impacts from adjacent buildings, energy usage, tracking recycled materials and tracking water usage.
Eugene R. Fagan is a Florida Registered Architect and adjunct professor for REVIT at Palm Beach State College. His main emphasis is using technology for applying sustainability to buildings in Florida, Central America, and Africa.
Miguel Perez, CGC, LEED AP
Case Study of Certifying a LEED Building
Miguel is a Preconstruction Manager at Stiles Construction. He works with the design team to develop construction budgets and establish sustainable goals. Being a LEED AP since 2006, Miguel has helped to successfully certify multiple buildings using the LEED CS, NC and EB rating systems.
An overview of the LEED Certification process that walks you through the actual projects, points achieved, and the challenges encountered.
Dr. Kirt W. Rusenko
Wildlife and the BP oil spill
Kirt has been the Marine Conservationist for the City of Boca Raton based at Gumbo Limbo Nature Center since 1995. He is in charge of the Boca Raton Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program which monitors sea turtles on Boca Raton’s five miles of beaches. He was instrumental in opening the Center’s sea turtle rehabilitation facility which handled more than 100 patients during January 2010.
The BP oil spill clearly demonstrates that oil companies have no contingency plan for a deepwater well malfunction. Dr. Kirt Rusenko will talk about the immediate and long term impacts of the spill on marine and coastal wildlife, especially many endangered species such as sea turtles.
Thank You to our Green Expo Sponsors!
Green Link 2010
PAID WEST PALM BEACH, FL PERMIT #1388 Trade & Industry Continuing Education 4200 Congress Avenue MS # 60 Lake Worth, FL 33461-4796
Don’t miss this year’s
? EXPO October 9
Green EXPO
2009 Want to exhibit at
Green EXPO? 4
Tables are still available. If you would like to display your products or share your services, please call and reserve your space today. Space is limited! 561-868-3702
Visit for additional presentations! CRM0910-0156