We are1 a full service agency offeringPalm Advanced Life Support, Beach Gardens Fire Rescuerescue service, fire suppression, fire safety and inspection services in our Signature City.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................... 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3 Process .............................................................................................................. 4 Strengths: ...................................................................................................... 5 Outcome of SWOT Exercise ................................................................................ 5 Weaknesses: .................................................................................................. 6 Opportunities:................................................................................................ 6 Threats: ......................................................................................................... 7 Successes ....................................................................................................... 8 Disappointments ............................................................................................ 8 II. Notes on discussion of what can be changed? ....................................... 9 III. Notes from Discussion to Identify General Issues Affecting the Current Environment .............................................................................................. 9 IV. Notes from Group discussion on Suggested Actions for Moving Forward .................................................................................................................. 9 V. Notes: Suggested “Take Aways” for Updating Strategic Plan ............... 10 Notes on Participant’s Suggested Action Items: ........................................ 10
Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
The City of Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue Department has maintained an active Strategic Plan for over ten years. In that time, many changes have occurred within the City and the Fire Rescue Department itself. The original plan was developed by a large group of Fire Rescue personnel including all Officers and a number of representatives from all other ranks. Later plan updates were completed by a cross section of the department, in smaller groups. Past plans were created to meet a five year timetable with stated goals and objectives assigned to task groups, each having an identifiable leader. In general, there were five to six Goals broken down into a like number of Objectives. Due to other department objectives, some goals were not met and needed to be changed to coincide with changes in the economy and associated budgetary constraints. In preparation for an update to the plan a S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis was held at the Fire Rescue Headquarters in February 2009. This session included the majority of the Command Staff and the Shift and EMS Captains of the day. Details of this meeting were captured in notes and on easel pages and an outcome document was prepared. During a meeting of Accreditation Managers held in Orlando, Florida March 11th and 12th 2009, the philosophy of Community Based Strategic Planning was presented. This type of planning not only utilizes personnel from the Fire Rescue Department, but also encourages the use of residents (external customers) and other City department members (internal customers) in plan formulation. This information was passed on to the Fire Chief, who embraced the idea of involving non-departmental personnel being involved in this process.
Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
Process On May 21st 2009, a Strategic Planning session was held at Palm Beach Community College. Attendees at this session included the following: Command and Field Staff Members (12) Growth Management Director Police Department Major Human Resource Generalist Public Works Fleet Supervisor Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Marketing Director Palm Beach Comm. College Corporate Education Director Resident – Winchester Courts Community Resident – The Sanctuary Community
The workshop was facilitated by College Business and Industry Specialists, from the Corporate and Continuing Education Department as found on the attached agenda. The attendees were broken down into four workgroups and the recent S.W.O.T. exercise was evaluated and edited by all participants. Once this was accomplished, the groups met two more times during the session and were successful in identifying priorities for the organization. It was thought that a shorter plan life, with an annual major update, would support a more manageable outcome. With this idea in mind, three main Strategic Initiatives were identified for the upcoming year. These include Internal Communications, Better Recognition of Personnel and Community Outreach. These Goals are the crux of this plan and will be discussed in detail in the Strategic Initiative Sections of this document. The Vehicle Replacement Schedule was also updated by staff and continues to be part of the Strategic Plan. All information collected during the Strategic Planning Session was collected and documented by Palm Beach Community College personnel. This information was categorized and makes up the major sections of this document.
At the conclusion of the meeting, each participant stated their support for the recommended priorities and specific actions they would initiate as a result.
Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
Outcome of SWOT Exercise Strengths: •
Department personnel are considered the most valuable and notable strength of the organization; the Department is proud of our personnel recognizing their knowledge, skills and abilities in delivering high quality fire-rescue services to the community it serves.
The quality, design and condition of fire and rescue emergency service apparatus, equipment and facilities are considered a significant strength and essential to our mission. The most highly trained and educated workforce cannot deliver high quality service without quality resources.
Receiving Accreditation (renewable every 5 years) and continuing to meet those standards
High quality and prescribed fire and rescue training - done on a regular basis and with a thorough and consistent delivery in order to insure high quality and successful service.
Provisioning of well planned and budgeted resources within the City is vital in the delivery of high quality fire-rescue services to the community.
The positive relationship with external community organizations and community partnership increases community awareness – interaction and demonstrates increased value to the community as a whole, i.e. PBG MC, PBCC, school systems, the PBG Mall, home owners’ organizations and fosters a commitment to customer service.
Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
Weaknesses: •
While there is accountability in the organization, there is a desire for greater accountability for the personnel and Department as a whole; the lack of accountability is perceived as a weakness; at the same time the participants are willing to accept accountability as a matter of responsibility. Property tax legislation coupled with declining property values has critically reduced funding.
Communication, internally and externally, vertically and horizontally continues to be a challenge; Communication on all levels – management vs. union, workers/management
The inexperience and generational levels of personnel within the organization are exacerbated by rapid expansion and the complexities of increased size possibly leading to apathy; older wisdom & experienced personnel lagging
Inconsistent interpretation, implementation and application of policies & procedures result in a breakdown in communication.
Inadequate individual recognition on all different levels (even with limited resources i.e. Spirit Teams, awards ceremonies, quarterly)
Opportunities: •
Increasing community awareness through public education and services community programs in spite of staff positions loss; Utilization of nontraditional delivery methods, i.e. web site, email news, etc Identify alternative and non-traditional revenue sources and for day to day operations and specialty programs of the organization, i.e. external community education programs, provision of vehicle maintenance and/or other services.
The slowing of the economy could signal an opportunity for the Department to expand and contract with neighboring communities to provide services.
Future (i.e. Scripts Phase II & Western) development will provide new tax base and increased funding for fire and emergency services
Increased State and Federal grant funding programs can result in the purchase of equipment to enhance specialized training through public/private partnerships
Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
Generational groups within staffing represent an opportunity to develop solutions which will take into consideration multilevel experience base & feedback, representative of the community.
Threats: •
The current state of the economy and the “cost of doing business” i.e. funding reductions and its effects on employment and the mandates of Continuing Education requirement – pose a threat to the overall mission as it relates to staffing, budgeting and elimination of positions and also the following: •
Contracting out of services to reduce costs; merger with PBC Fire & Rescue and privatization of balance of services if they become an umbrella of county-wide services through a privatization initiative.
Time utilization of 24 hour shift – on 24 off 48
Differing political agendas and priorities and un-funded mandates.
Level of services – growth cause depletion of resources; changes in service deployment, either/or “adaptive” service
Decreased staffing, levels of service and increased workload of personnel and are considered obstacles to manage department operations as effectively as desired
Layoffs – re-focus on territorial and lack of “big picture” vision, limits communication; state legislature discouraging alternative funding sources
Reduction in packaged benefits
Property values drop – reduces budget allocations because of reduced ad valorem taxes
Job motivation perceived to be one of entitlement verses service oriented
If western expansion is dropped, there is a perceived threat that annexing at a later date will cost more due to fixing the unsupervised development originally
Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
Successes •
• • • • •
• •
Accreditation maintenance – higher level of service – increase in community involvement – higher level, leadership, passion; State/County inspection Relationship with PBG Medical Center • Medic meetings Streamline administration Automation – County dispatch (click to enter help response time); laptops in vehicles, reports scanned No litigation New, updated equipment • EMS Training Lab • Fleet Maintenance Community Partnerships, Community involvement (50th anniversary), big heart event (volunteerism) Assisting other departments (fuel truck; EOC; NIM system…emergency management system unifies communication across emergency response organizations) Collective agreement, 3 promotions, raises, have not laid off field positions
Disappointments • • • • • • • • • • • •
Decreased level of service because of the down economy; loss of community programs Either/or staffing Loss of programs: CPR Residents Unaware of impact Leg. blocked rev stream Improved pension Real cost of public education Communication New vehicles – broken when arrived Missed marketing opportunities City council too involved in day to day operation Non- Motivated individuals
Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
II. Notes on discussion of what can be changed? • More community involvement • Market what we do. • Improve communications, both internal and external • Do more with abilities – individual initiative to motivate • Celebrate and recognize successes (reason to get together) III. Notes from Discussion to Identify General Issues Affecting the Current Environment • Economy – less money available • Consolidation factor • Creative Communication – across levels (conference Call system) – department meeting • Follow through • Public Relations – awareness – internal city awareness IV. Notes from Group discussion on Suggested Actions for Moving Forward 1. Follow through – Communication Initiative & shared responsibility – Goes both ways – 2nd tier can assume some initiative – Morale – Atta boy icon recognition vehicle – Conference call implementation 2. Internal & External Communication – Highlight successes in reports – Share cost responsibility with community in presentations – Calendar of community presentations – Desire to have more communications from top down – Polarization between chiefs & troops – (gold time – decimating appropriate front office information) – Chief’s monthly update – dedicated communication from office – Managing tasks to yield results – Looking for communication guidance from top down 3. Continue with revenue generating ideas by: – – – –
Increasing community relation through community involvement Growing with the development of Scripps Phase II, provides catalyst to generate economic impact Conducting External Training – Capture income stream through community programs Utilizing volunteers to help promote educational programs & community awareness Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
Continuing to conduct community education (HOA, etc.) helping to “market” core services, like a “grass roots” campaign
V. Notes: Suggested “Take Aways” for Updating Strategic Plan • • •
Deliver message back to troops Vehicle to follow up & measure progress in communication Develop additional goals and objectives using SMART principles S M A R T
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound
Shared Buy-In
Notes on Participant’s Suggested Action Items: • • • • • • • • •
Work on communications – Newsletter submissions Develop a citizen committee for public awareness Continue Advocacy with partnerships Take more time to look at the big picture Share spreading the word and make it actionable Focus on working on positive morale Take steps to create measurable items to assess progress Public relations Follow through on something on our list
Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue