How to Hire a
Delivery Captain by Paul Foer
oat owners can be faced with a shop on price alone. The pros know the Delivering boats can be a tough way dilemma when their boat is at labor market, and their rates reflect that. to earn a living, and we need to realize Point A but they want it at Point B Those willing to do this kind of work for that in order for there to be a decent labor the lowest price should be avoided. An market, owners must be willing to pay for and are unable, unqualified, or unwilling to move it from A to B. The boat could be owner who tries to save $50 or so per such services. Hire a professional and not trucked or perhaps put on a ship. Maybe a day over a five-day trip is practicing poor the person doing it for the lowest price or friend could do it. This article a friend who wants a leisure is concerned with how to hire cruise. It’s probably not a good a delivery captain and crew. “Hire a professional and not the idea to introduce yourself to There are services that do this person doing it for the lowest price or the prospective skipper by first while acting as agents or employers of the pros, and there asking, “What do you charge?” a friend who wants a leisure cruise. are independent professionals Of course, the fee is imporwho do this directly with the tant, but would you approach a doctor, lawyer, accountant, or a house boat owner. economics when it means the differpainter in the same fashion? We’re talking My first advice to the owner is that if ence between on-time satisfaction and a about placing your beloved boat in somehe wants a trusted professional mariner, dissatisfied day or two longer—or maybe he’s going to have to pay for it. Do not something worse. one else’s hands. Most boat owners want
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