PCA Chesapeake Region Patter, April 2019

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Chesapeake Region


Autocross Volume 60, Issue 671

April 2019

Calendar Tech Events

Chesapeake Region

Events Calendar Month






TREFFEN Santa Barbara

Beachfront Resort


Autocross School - Introduction to Autocross

Porsche Annapolis (classroom)


Bedford Springs Tour

Ron Farb, guest Tour Master


Hershey Porsche Swap Meet and Tour

From New Freedom to Hershey Park, PA


Autocross No. 1

Prince George’s Stadium


Volunteer Appreciation Party


Autocross No. 2

Prince George’s Stadium


36th Deutsche Marque Concours



New Member Party

Porsche Silver Spring


PCACHS Board Meeting



Garage Crawl and Driving Tour (morning)



Tour and Rally School No. 1 – for Checkpoint Crew (afternoon) Tour and Rally School No. 2 – for Competitors (morning) West Virginia Grand Tour



19 5/31 – 6/2


Member Support Do you know a Porsche Club member that could use a little sunshine? Please let us know. The Club has established a new Sunshine position. If you know a Club member who is ill, has a hospital stay, a family member has passed, or is facing some difficult or challenging times, we would like send a card to let them know the Club is thinking about them. Please contact Doug Ehmann at Sunshine@pcachs.org. Thanks!


Chesapeake Region

Inside This Month! The Porsche Patter is the official newsletter of the Chesapeake Region of the Porsche Club of America.


Events Calendar ..................................................... Editor

Contributions to the Porsche Patter should be sent to the Editor at least one week preceding the month of publication in Microsoft Word format via email to editor@pcachs.org. Please send images in their original size. Co-Editors: Al Saxon, John Lewis, Larry Robinson Contributing Photographers: Lynda Sobus, Aniano Arao, Al Saxon, Bob Zach Contributing Writers: Bob Rassa, Aniano Arao, Steve Graham, Terrell Williams, Jim Hemig, Randy Richter

2019 Tour & Rally Schedule......................... Aniano Arao Membership & Anniversaries ....................... Minta Miller PCACHS Board Member Directory ........................ Editor 9

Monthly Features President’s Message ............................. Michael Murphy Chesapeake Challenge ........... Minta Miller, Joan Wood History Channel PCA-Style ............................ Bob Rassa



Lighter Side ........................................................... Editor

Advertising: For questions about advertising rates and placement in the Porsche Patter, please contact Editors @ editor@pcachs.org.

PSS Tech Event ........................................ Randy Richter New Member Party ...................................... Minta Miller Autocross Update ....................................... Greg Hartke

Letters to the Editor are welcomed. They should be brief and may be edited for length. Please include PCA membership number and contact telephone number for verification. Unless otherwise reserved, permission is granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the Porsche Patter and to the respective author.

Club Information

Porsche In The News ............................................ Editor Racing News .......................................................... Editor What is a TSD Rally anyway? ......................... Bob Rassa Upcoming Events 32

TSD Rally School & TSD Rally ..................... Aniano Arao Drive to Porsche Swap Meet in Hershey .... Aniano Arao

To subscribe, join the Porsche Club of America. Details at www.pca.org. The Porsche Patter is published monthly by the Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America. Subscription is limited to members of the Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America.

Bedford Springs Driving Tour ..................... Aniano Arao 2018 Financial Report ................................ Vincent Rock Greenbrier Concours d’Elegance ......................... Editor PSA’s ...................................................................... Editor Market 42

FYI .......................................................................... Editor Name & Car Badges .............................................. Editor PCACHS Jacket ..................................................... Editor


Chesapeake Region

PCA-CHS is... The Chesapeake Region of the Porsche Club of America (PCACHS) serves it’s club members and hosts activities within the Baltimore, Annapolis and surrounding geographic area, including Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The general objectives of PCACHS are, as indicated in the by-laws: •

Promote the highest standards of courtesy and safety on the roads.

Promote the enjoyment and sharing of goodwill and fellowship engendered by owning a Porsche vehicle and engaging in such social or other events as may be agreeable to the membership.

Promote the maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the marquee by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information.

Establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with Porsche AG, Porsche Cars North America (PCNA), Porsche dealers, and other independent service sources to the end that the marque shall prosper and continue to enjoy its unique leadership and position in sports car annals.

Promote the interchange of ideas and suggestions with other PCA Regions throughout North America and the world, and in such cooperation as may be desirable.

Establish such mutually cooperative relationships with other car clubs as may be desirable.

Establish a community service initiative with the goal of engaging members to participate in activities that benefit the community through fundraising or volunteering of time.

Cover Photo: Susan Lewis

The Porsche Patter is published monthly. Articles from members are welcomed and encouraged and should be sent electronically in Microsoft Word format to editor@pcachs.org at least 1 week before the end of the month preceding publication. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject all material submitted for publication, including advertisements, and the right to cancel advertisements at any time, for any reason, at the editor’s sole discretion. Statements appearing in the Porsche Patter are those of the contributing authors and do not constitute the opinions or policy of the Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America, its Board of Directors, or the editor of this newsletter. Unless otherwise reserved, permission is granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the author. The Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America, neither endorses any advertiser nor warrants any product or service.


Chesapeake Region

2019 Tour & Rally Schedule Get Ready to Join 13 PCA Chesapeake Events

The Chesapeake Region’s Tour & Rally Committee has 13 events on the drawing board for 2019. Dates and events are subject to change. Registration for most events will open at least a week before their scheduled dates. Log on to your account at www.clubregistration.net. If our events don’t show up on your “dashboard,” click “Search for Events,” then “Find Event.” (03/26/2019) April 13 & 14 (1) Bedford Springs Tour, Reisterstown to PA, with guest tour master Ron Farb April 20 (2) Porsche Swap Meet Tour, from New Freedom to Hershey, PA May 18 (3) Garage Crawl, Tech Committee event supported by Tour Committee (tentative, AM) May 18 (4) TSD Rally School: Class No. 1 for Competitors and Class No. 2 for Checkpoint Crew, with guest instructor Bob Rassa, Owings Mills (PM) May 19 (5) TSD Rally, with guest rally master Bob Rassa, Monkton (AM) May 31 to June 1 & 2 (6) West Virginia Grand Tour 2019, from Owings Mills to WV, 3 days July 6 (7) Southern Maryland Tour, after New Member Party in Annapolis Aug. 4 (8) Ice Cream Tour (could become a different kind of tour) Sept. 14 & 15 (9) Western Maryland Tour (Garrett Co.), after PCA HQ Open House on the 14th, 2 days Oct. 5 (10) Chesapeake Challenge 50 Gimmick Rally, in Howard County Oct. 27 (11) Fall Colors Tour No. 1, North-Central Maryland Nov. 2 (12) Fall Colors Tour No. 2, Virginia Horse & Wine Country Dec. 8 (13) “Kindertime Toy Drive & Linda’s Legacy” Driving Tour, Baltimore County (tentative) Details about upcoming events are available at www.pcachs.org, in the Chesapeake Region’s Patter newsletter and at www.clubregistration.net. They are also disseminated regionwide via eBlast. To join our registry and receive notifications about our events, please send your request to tour@pcachs.org. -- Aniano Arao & Randy Moss Co-Chairs, Tour & Rally Committee


Chesapeake Region

Membership & Anniversaries Primary Members: Affiliate Members: Life Members:

Total Members:

950 529 1

April 2019


Minta & Aaron Miller

New Members: 10 Test Drive Participants: 0 Sherman & Debra Canapp

Clarksville, MD

2018 Panamera 4 E-Hybrid, Black

Jeffrey Cramer

Baltimore, MD

2018 911 Targa 4 GTS, Black

Michael Ford

Phoenix, MD

2000 911 Carrera Cab, Silver

Robert Forsyth

Columbia, MD

1955 356

Nick Grabiak

Riva, MD

1987 944 Turbo, White

Scott Gray

Ellicott City, MD

2013 911 Turbos S, Black

Bradley Shapard

Westminster, MD 2006 Cayman S, Artic Silver Metallic

Matt Thomason

Forest Hill, MD

2003 911 Turbo, Silver

Peter Turner

Hampstead, MD

1983 944, Black

Anniversaries: 10 Years Charles Roveti & Julia Burr Lee & Gabriela Fishpaw

5 Years Charles Gilman Leah Justis Jan & Anne McGlumphy William Meissner Andrew & Tracy Nalge Richard Pugh Larry & Jennifer Robinson

Transfer In: 1 Patti Mascone

Transfer From: Potomac (POT)

Transfer Out: 2 Donald A. Mattran Paul E. Monger

Transfer To: Potomac (POT) Transfer To: Everglades (EGS)


1 Year Nicolas Conforti Virginia Ricketts Orel Swnson *** Please excuse us for any inconsistencies in reports as PCA HQ continues to improve our system.***

Chesapeake Region

PCA CHS Board President Vice President Executive Vice Pres. Treasurer Secretary Past President Autocross


Publicity Social Tech Session Tour/Rally Safety Chair Chief Driving Instructor Community Service Concours d’Elegance

Chesapeake Challenge Historian Membership Webmaster Insurance PCA License PCA Zone 2 Rep

Michael Murphy Lynda Sobus Steve Graham Vincent Rock Aaron Miller Claude Taylor Brad Martinez Greg Hartke Meilyng Wigney-Burmaka Al Saxon John Lewis Larry Robinson Pat Walker Donna Brandt Jim Earlbeck Randy Richter Aniano Arao Randy Moss John Jensen Ellen Beck Rebecca Earlbeck Ron Gordon Doug Ehmann Donna Brandt Minta Miller Joan Wood Bob Rassa Minta & Aaron Miller Jim Hemig Lee Rock Laurie & Bruce Tarsia Rose Ann Novotnak

president@pcachs.org vicepresident@pcachs.org executive@pcachs.org treasurer@pcachs.org secretary@pcachs.org pastpresident@pcachs.org autocross@pcachs.org autocross@pcachs.org autocross@pcachs.org editor@pcachs.org editor@pcachs.org editor@pcachs.org publicity@pcachs.org social@pcachs.org tech@pcachs.org tech@pcachs.org tour@pcachs.org tour@pcachs.org safetychair@pcachs.org instructor@pcachs.org communityservice@pcachs.org concours@pcachs.org concours@pcachs.org concours@pcachs.org challenge@pcachs.org challenge@pcachs.org historian@pcachs.org membership@pcachs.org webmaster@pcachs.org insurance@pcachs.org pcalicenseplates@pcachs.org zonerep@pcachs.org


Chesapeake Region

Porsche of Towson


Chesapeake Region

President's Message President’s Message – April 2019 Welcome to spring, well at least officially! Writing this Message at the end of March on a cold morning where the temperature is 28 degrees, but sunny. Before I get too deep into the April events, let’s make sure you know about the PCA webinar on this year’s Parade in Boca Raton. So if you are traveling to Florida for this year’s Parade, please make sure you sign up for the 2019 Parade Registration Webinar (Use Link Below To Register)

PCA—Get Ready to Boca! Phase II Parade Registration opens April 15, 2019 at 12:00 pm EDT. Phase II Registration is the time when you will select the events and activities you and your family will enjoy at this year's Parade. We understand that Phase II Registration can be a little overwhelming, especially to first time attendees. Phase II Registration Webinar — April 2, 2019 at 9:00 pm EDT / 6:00 pm PDT We are here to help! This short training webinar will help you prepare for registration. We will explain the registration process and answer your questions. You must be registered. Do it today! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more information! Register for Webinar


Chesapeake Region

President's Message It’s time to get out there and drive our Porsches, so let’s talk about the April events. On Saturday April 6th, our outstanding Autocross Committee starts the season off with their “Introduction To Autocross” school at Prince George’s Stadium in Bowie, MD. So arrive early and bring your driving helmet, if you have one, or one will be provided for you to use. On April 13th is the first of thirteen driving Tours where Aniano Arao and Randy Moss (with Ron Farb as Tour creator and “Guest” Tour Meister) have worked their magic to bring you an outstanding driving adventure where the destination is Bedford Springs, Pennsylvania. [Ed: See the article below] Stay overnight, or return home later in the day, as expected arrival time at the resort is 3:45pm. Next up is our annual Hershey Porsche Swap Meet on April 20th, which starts off with breakfast at the New Freedom Restaurant & Coffee Shop and group caravan drive to Hershey, PA. So arrive no later than 7:00am for breakfast and we depart for Hershey at 8:00am sharp! Here’s the PCA Central Pennsylvania Region’s link to their website page (http://cpa-pca.org/ swap/2019index.html). Admission is Free, but parking is $25 per car in a Porsche-only parking

designated area. So come on out rain or shine! Also on April 20th is the very first Autocross driving event of the season. Your Autocross No. 1 event is at the Prince George’s Stadium. So make sure you arrive early, get your coffee and help your Autocross Committee set up the course cones, etc. There is always work to be done on Autocross day, and many hands make things go smoothly and in a timely manner. So come out and drive hard, but also pitch-in with the work to work the corners and help out with other needed tasks. As always, please keep in touch by emailing me at president@pcachs.org and include your ideas, comments and questions. I look forward to seeing you soon, and have many fun and safe drives in 2019!

Best - Michael 10

Chesapeake Region

Chesapeake Challenge

Article by Bob Gutjahr

For over 40 years, Chesapeake Region has invited its members and friends to celebrate the annual Chesapeake Challenge – the oldest running multi-event weekend in PCA history. The first Chesapeake Challenge was held August 2-4, 1968 at the Holiday Inn on Loch Raven Blvd. in Towson, with the Concours d’Elegance staged on the front lawn of Goucher College. The two Porsche dealers in the area at the time, Knowlton “Pappy” Long’s Stuttgart Imports and Charles Gillet’s 40 West Motors, donated the trophies. Pappy passed away right after the 3rd Challenge, and the 1st Overall Award was designated in his honor thereafter. The Challenge became quickly popular among Mid Atlantic owners, and attendance grew to well over a hundred cars in the ensuing years. The Challenge has moved around Maryland throughout its history. Cumberland, Havre de Grace, Annapolis, Timonium, and Columbia are among the locations that have hosted the Challenge. The event has been held in the spring, summer, and fall, and in the beginning, included a full concours, TSD rally, and autocross. We have kept the concours, added a people’s choice car show, swapped out the TSD rally for a gimmick rally, and dropped the autocross for a tech quiz. One of the great traditions of the Challenge is in commemorative license plates. Many Porsche Club members have collected these plates and proudly display them on their garage walls. From 1968-2008, the event was held as a three day event held from Friday over Saturday, with the autocross being held on Sunday morning. In 2009, the club changed the format to three events in one day. In the weeks leading up to the Challenge, not a Q-tip or cotton ball can be found on store shelves as participants prepare for the Con: cours or the People’s Choice Car Show. Then it’s on to the Gimmick Rally. There is no better way to spend a relaxing afternoon! After participants return from the Rally, they show off their Porsche knowledge with a Tech Bingo or perhaps a “Porsches in the Movies” type quiz. The participant with the highest combined scores for the three events is awarded the coveted Lufthansa (Knowlton P. Long Award) trophy. The task of finding the perfect venue and pulling everything together is in the hands of the Chesapeake Challenge Chairperson. Hats off to those who have done this job so well for forty years!

This year the Chesapeake Challenge celebrates its 50th Anniversary and this year we celebrate our history. Our Chesapeake Challenge Chairs, Minta Miller and Joan Wood, are working hard to bring back some Blasts from the Past!

Stay tuned to the Patter for more details and teasers in the following months!! Photos: Lynda Sobus Logo: Minta Miller and Joan Wood


Chesapeake Region

History Channel PCA-Style A monthly feature depicting some highlights from past years, 50, 40, 30, 25 years ago Bob Rassa—Club Historian

40 years ago activities in April 1979 were many, and Marty Goldsmith was still in charge. A report on the annual winter Wine & Cheese Party, hosted by Towson Valley Motors in February, was noted and the event was a big success [back then, Towson Valley was located on the SE corner of York Rd at Bosley Avenue, now a Korean dealership. The Audi part is in Owings Mills and the Porsche part is on Kenilworth Avenue, both owned by the Cohen family, dba Priority One Motors which also just recently bought Chesapeake Cadillac/Jaguar/ Land Rover]. Marty announced a different location for the April meeting, the historic Belvedere Hotel [built in 1903 and still in business!]. An editorial was provided discussing the relative merits (or lack thereof) of riding in the back seat of a Porsche. It started with the fact that a 914 has no back seat so it won’t be included. The 356 offered some maneuverability, the 911 was better, the 928 was marginal due to headroom dropoff, but the 924 was best. The Region had a grand total of 181 members, with money in the treasury. Bill Morgenstern had a piece on how to pack a 914 for a camping trip – and he found that everything fit in the two trunks except for a small cooler that was carried in the passenger compartment. Potomac Region member Dan Rowzie [still active!] ran the “sea to sea Cannonball Rally” in 1975 and was going to give a report on this at the April meeting. It was mentioned that the Cannonball, which started in 1971 with just entrants, is a coastto-coast, New York – Los Angeles, mad dash, no holds barred run. First to arrive in LA wins, no questions asked. And a 912 window sticker was printed for a 1967 912 5-speed, showing a base price of $4,790, plus $80.00 for the 5-speed, $180 for a Blaupunkt Frankfurt radio, and a whopping $6 for the outside rearview mirror. Grand total - $5,056. [The serial number was noted as 458.632, so if anyone knows where this car is it would be interesting.] 30 years ago in April 1989 the Colonel [Gutjahr] was still in charge and his president’s message filled 5.5 pages of the 20-page PATTER. He talked about the Central Penn Swap Meet [now the Hershey Swap Meet], and a tour to member Jimmy Boyle’s house where 13 Hudsons reside, although other members of the Hudson Club were going to bring theirs—bringing the viewing total to at least 25. Jimmy also had a large collection of Hudson memorabilia, such as dealer signs and spare Hudson parts (such as apparently very large spark plugs still in their original boxes). A summary of Hudson production was included – 2,112,594 cars built between 1909 and 1957 when they went out of business. But the Hudson Motor Car company also built the Essex, and 1,311,107 of these were built between 1918 and 1932. And oh, they also built the Terraplane – 365,191 of them – between 1932 and 1937. Comments were made on the successful tech session at Tischer Autopark, on an upcoming concours d’elegance at Baltimore’s Rasch Field that may feature a car or two from the Miles Collier museum down in Naples Florida, and the annual Chesapeake Challenge which was to be held at the Sheraton Towson with the concours at Goucher College. Dinner meetings were still at the Country Fare Inn. And the Region had $2,346.74 in the treasury. [Historian comments in brackets]


Chesapeake Region

The Lighter Side A new feature in the PCACHS Patter— ”The Lighter Side” — contains some of the more unusual or humorous images from social media. Submit your suggestions to editor@pcachs.org.


Chesapeake Region

Porsche Silver Spring Tech Event By Randy Richter Thanks to Porsche Silver Spring, we were treated to a wonderful tech event on March 30 th. The day was clear and bright as evidenced by many members awaking their sleeping chariots from their winter hibernation. We were greeted by Porsche Silver Spring (PSS) staff and guided to a Porsche parking line up that featured many of our members interesting vehicles. PSS had set up a welcome tent and had some beautiful cars on display to welcome us. As we entered the garage area, Allie graciously welcomed us with a large assortment of donuts and fresh coffee. She urged everyone to try the bacon donut and while it looked inviting, I passed. After introductions the program started in earnest First up was an explanation of the Porsche Certified Pre-Owned Program (CPO). Casey Parnham, the PSS Sales Manager, explained the programs parameters. We learned that the warranty extends for 2 Years / Unlimited Miles Warranty coverage after the expiration of the new vehicle limited warranty or from the date of sale if the new vehicle limited warranty has expired. In order to qualify as a CPO vehicle we learned that the vehicle undergoes a 111 point inspection process. On some particular vehicles, Casey shared that the cost of the inspection for the dealer was as much as $12,600. Casey also shared that Porsche has broadened their CPO program to include Current model year vehicles and those of thirteen previous model years from the original in-service date with less than 124,000 miles. Next, Brad Ferringer the PSS Service Manager spoke to us about the recent upgrades to their service program. PSS has added a service writer and now has two service writers with a combined twenty plus years of Porsche service experience. Brad also informed us that the service technicians staff had also been increased and PIWIS Tool now consisted of two gold level technicians, two silver level technicians and a bronze level technician. It is clear that PSS has moved decisively over the last several months to dramatically upgrade their service experience. Brad introduced Fernando, one of the Gold Technicians to demonstrate the PIWIS tool. PIWIS is the Porsche Integrated Workshop Information System. This is the electronic diagnostic tool that Porsche service centers use to evaluate and repair the many complex systems in todays Porsches. It should be noted that while there are other testers such as iCarsoft, Durametric and Schwaben that work with Porsche vehicles, these units have Porsche Battery Charter minimal functionality in comparison to the PIWIS. Todd B graciously allowed his beautiful GT3 to be used as a demonstration platform. Fernando showed us many of the screens and the information that is available by using this tool. He explained that when replacing components on the vehicle such as the battery, alternator and transmission the PIWIS enables those items to be properly programed into the vehicle. Many thanks to Brad, Casey, Allie, Fernando and the rest of the team at PSS for their wonderful hospitality and highly informational tech event. Todd’s GT3 hooked up to PIWIS


Chesapeake Region

PSS Tech Event (cont’d) PIWIS Screens

Allie and Jim presenting Ron with Gift Certificate

Manny pointing out flaws in Jim’s window rubber


Chesapeake Region

PSS Tech Event (additional photos)



Chesapeake Region

One of the Rarest

By Martin Bigg

Courtesy of CARBUZZ

This Is One Of The Rarest Porsche 911 Turbos Ever Made This rare prototype could be the only surviving example in the world. Porsche collectors may want to visit RM Sotheby’s upcoming Essen auction next month because a very rare 1994 Porsche 911 prototype will be going under the hammer. It’s believed to be one of the earliest 993 prototypes ever built and is a rare opportunity to own a piece of Porsche's history. Documents indicate it was pulled from the assembly line in 1994 before the engine and transmission were installed and sent to Porsche’s Racing and Technical Development unit at Weissach, Germany, where various components were tested, including experimental wider fender flares and special nose and rear-deck air spoilers. For the rest of the story and more photos, see https://carbuzz.com/news/this-is-one-of-the-rarest-porsche-911-turbosever-made


Chesapeake Region

Left of the Wheel from the WSJ Author—Dan Neil Porsche owners love to brag how their cars’ odd ignition placement can be traced to the brand’s racing tradition. The story is baloney, as Dan Neil discovered NEWBIE PORSCHE owners may experience brief disorientation. It could take a few mornings to get used to the German luxury-sport cars’ ignition switch being to the left of the steering wheel, outboard of the driving position, not inboard like every other make of car in the known universe. What’s the deal there? Most Porsche drivers would probably tell you the story their dealers told them: The outboard-placed ignition keylock (now the Start/Stop switch) was a racing innovation. Up until 1970, the 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race employed a running start, when competitors would sprint across the track, jump in their cars and roar away. The ignition switch on the left allowed a Porsche driver to start the car while shifting into gear and steering off. As origin stories go, that’s pretty good. It has the virtue of being plausible. You can see how the outboard switch might save a driver a couple of valuable seconds in a Le Mans-style start—and it serves the legend that everything about Porsche cars is honed by competitive motorsports, right down to the ignition switch. Porsche has legitimately owned endurance racing for the last half-century, winning Le Mans a record 19 times. The switch merely provides an opportunity for a sales associate to expound upon the same.

But that’s not quite how it went down. My source in this matter is unusually good. In August 2008 I drove the Porsche 356-001 (1948), a tube-frame, mid-engine prototype built by Ferry Porsche—son of Ferdinand Porsche—during the company’s postwar exile in Gmund, Austria. The Ur-Porsche’s ignition switch, cannibalized from a VW, is indeed on the left of the cockpit; but as then-Porsche Museum curator and keeper of keys Klaus Bischof explained, its placement had nothing to do with racing. In the early Postwar period, when the company amounted to a mere handful of men hammering and welding in an old sawmill, electrical wire was scarce. Putting the switch on the left “saved a little bit of wire, a little bit of money,” Mr. Bischof said, “and maybe 200 grams.” Also contra the legend, the keyed switch, sometimes accompanied by a start button, moved around in the early days. In the Gmund Coupes (1948-51) the switch occupies the center of the dashboard—likely to be close to the fuse box. But in the Reutter-bodied 356 Cabriolet RHD (1951), the first Porsche successfully imported to the U.K., the ignition switch is in the outboard position (to the right in RHD cars). Another untidy fact is that many of the company’s most famous sports-racers, including James Dean’s ill-fated 550 Spyder (1955) and the 904/6 Carrera GTS (1965), have their key-switches inboard of the steering wheel. The outboard position hasn’t always been canon law. It is now. Call it brand narrative, design DNA, provenance, echt. If Porsche were to build a car with an inboard ignition switch now, enthusiasts’ heads would explode in righteous, albeit misguided indignation. Most probably see the left-side ignition as tribute to the motorsports legend Porsche became. I prefer to let it remind me of the sawmill days, when all that stood between Porsche and oblivion was a little length of wire.


Chesapeake Region

New Member Party 20th—New Party HelloMember and Welcome Chesapeake Region PCA New Members!! This party is to recognize and welcome all New Members to PCA and/or Chesapeake Region. New Members are anyone who is new to the club in the last 2 years and has yet to attend one of these fabulous and social events. There will be breakfast type refreshments complimentary of our proud sponsor Porsche of Towson. New Members will get Welcome Swag Bags filled with great PCA and Chesapeake Region goodies. We will have people to answer questions and help you gauge your interests within the club: •

Track/Driver's High Performance Driving Education



Tech Sessions


Driving Tours & Rallies

Community Service

Also, we will raffle off some fabulous door prizes and offer discounts on Chesapeake Region Name Badges ordered at the party. Who: Everybody (All Members) What: New Member Welcoming Party When: Saturday May 11, 2019 9:00-11:00 AM Where: Porsche Silver Spring 3141 Automobile Blvd Silver Spring, MD 20904 Why: To meet New Members and for them to meet some of the Coolest Porsche People AROUND!!! How: Driving your Porsche

Want to get to know this crazy bunch of characters? Well, we want to meet you too!

This picture was taken at the 2018 Porsche Parade at the Ozarks in Missouri. Members of the Chesapeake Region not only work hard, they play hard too! We are a fun loving group who not only love our Porsches, but are pretty good friends too. We enjoy celebrating each other and our cars, as well as giving back to our community.

Not a New Member? Then please come and out and help us welcome those who are!! We could use all the help we can get. Let's show our Newest Members a good time and how awesome it is to be a member of the coolest and most fun Region in PCA!!

REGISTRATION: NOW OPEN!!!! Register at www.clubregistration.net or RSVP to New Member Party via email (membership@pcachs.org) 19

Chesapeake Region


Chesapeake Region

Autocross Update

Greg Hartke

Our first autocross event of the season is in the books! It wasn’t a race day in the sense that there were no points awarded towards the season championship, but it was certainly a racing event with timing running. On Saturday March 23rd, we held Instructor Day in the morning and Test and Tune in the afternoon. Both of these were practice sessions with the morning devoted to the instructors and the afternoon to everyone else. I don’t know if you remember that day, but I can tell you it was c-c-c-cold early in the morning and very windy all day. Brrr! I get chilled again just thinking about it. The biggest problem we had all day was that the sensors at start and finish kept getting blown out of alignment by the wind, which really kept us scrambling. Never fear! That won’t happen again. We’ll weigh those babies down hereafter to keep them stable.

(and also the 2018 CHS PCA Enthusiast of the Year!) hasn’t been racing for the last two years, instead opting to put all his efforts into organizing and running the AX events. (Thanks again, Pat!) This year, Pat’s coming out in full force so he signed up for the March 23rd event to get back in practice. I, personally, was really looking forward to this because I wanted to see if any more pieces were going to fall off his car as they were so wont to do in the past. ;) Alas, we never got that far. Pat drove his car to the event with no trouble, but the fuel pump gave up the ghost before he ever had a chance to spin the tires in anger. Poor Pat! He had to trailer the car back home and missed all the fun, besides not providing us with the anticipated entertainment. I’m sure he has the car fixed by now and we’ll look forward to seeing him at AX#1 on April 20th.

When Brad and I arrived at the venue in the wee small hours to get set up, the first thing we noticed was that the lot still had a lot of debris on it from the winter. I was a bit disgruntled because it was supposed to have been cleaned before our first event, but it was not obvious that was the case. Worrying about what I’d find on arrival, I actually brought my gas blower to do some spot cleaning if necessary, but that wasn’t going to cut it for the whole lot. As it was, I spent probably an hour cleaning up one section, but that was just a drop in the bucket.

Then there was Michael Ricketts. Michael was driving in the morning and got in only a couple of runs when he developed a gas leak and had to shut it down. Michael’s wife, Virginia, was entered to drive in the afternoon, so that little problem wiped out her chance to drive, too. Bummer! Michael was a trouper, though, and was kind enough to hang around in the morning and shag cones while the other instructors had their fun. Much appreciated, Michael!

The morning event was not just designed to give the inI contacted PGS management after the event and it turns structors practice, it was also there to provide the new out I was completely wrong about the lot cleaning. They crew (Brad, Meilyng, and me) with an opportunity to get really had been out there Friday with a buffalo blower and an event set up for the first time without the pressure of a a couple of backpack blowers trying to clean the lot in the full race. In other words, the attending instructors were wind as best they could (it was nasty that day, too) and our guinea pigs. ;) The expectation was that we’d have what we saw at our event was the result of their cleaning things pretty much shaken out for the afternoon and the efforts. Wow! It must have been a real mess before they Test & Tune would then go more smoothly. Amazingly started because I’m sure they put a lot of work into what enough, that’s pretty much what happened. There were they were able to do. Still, it wasn’t great for our purpos- some glitches (we couldn’t upload the times in real-time es. In the end, I talked to the General Manager of the to live.axti.me), but the only real problems we had in the Bowie Baysox and he very kindly made us a deal. It was afternoon were with the wind causing sensor misalignproposed that if we would move the date of our October ment and a dead battery on one of the sensors (quickly event, they would have the lot professionally cleaned, remedied). Not too bad! which is a surprisingly expensive operation. I consulted The instructors got in plenty of runs in the morning and with Brad and we agreed that this would be best for the the times were pretty interesting. At LTI last year, typical enterprise, so I expect the lot to be in much better condiruns started in the mid- to upper-30 sec range, progresstion for our next event (the Intro to Autocross on April ing up to the mid-40 sec range or so. At PGS, a fast time in 6th). Note, now, that the listed date for the October event the morning was in the mid-50 sec range as befits the largwill be changed by a couple of weeks to have this done. er venue. Hey, longer runs mean more fun, right? We We’ll get the schedule modified as soon as we can. weren’t saving times, but the fastest time I heard about As many of you know, former CHS AX Co-chair Pat Walker was 54.8 sec by Chris Nolan in his new GT4, 55.1 sec by


Chesapeake Region

Autocross Update (cont’d) Slava Burmaka, and 55.5 by Lara Pierce. There may have been others as fast as or faster than those times, but those were all I heard about, and if I missed your fast time, I apologize. Poor Brad couldn’t even drive; his car is still in pieces. Sure hope he gets it put back together and gets out to have fun soon!

Greg Hartke

GT4, class S5) at 7th overall and 56.401 sec.

As usual, the S3 was the P-class with the most entrants (5) and Bob Simmons from the Potomac Chapter was fastest with 57.648 sec in his 2006 Boxster S, followed by Tessa Hall (also from Potomac) in her 2006 911 Carrera at 58.471 sec. S4 (4 entrants) was taken by Pinto Soin in his The highlight of the day for me (besides throwing up a (immaculate as always) 2014 911 CS at 56.685 sec, folpretty good 55.9 sec in the morning) was being given the lowed by Wayne Moore screaming around the course in opportunity by Chris Nolan to drive his just-acquired 2016 his 2014 C4S at 56.687 sec. S5 (also 4 entrants) was led by paint-to-sample Golf Orange GT4. Talk about cool! I drive Scott Johnson in his 2010 997.2 GT3 at 55.984 sec, fola 2014 Cayman S in S3 and the GT4 really is a Cayman on lowed by Curtis Bowcutt at 56.401 sec in his 2016 GT4. steroids. More torque, more power, sharper brakes, and I talked to Pinto at one point and somewhere along the even a better feel to the clutch. Wow! Thanks, Chris!!! I line he turned off all the nannies in his car (as I had been certainly enjoyed it, even though I didn’t really do the car encouraging him to do) and was astonished to find that he justice. The only weakness to that car was that the tires was suddenly a full second faster that way. He told me he that came with it really weren’t up to the task. I was drivreally noticed that he wasn’t fighting the car to make it do ing my own car on last year’s tires, but even so, my Caywhat he wanted anymore and that after that experience, man had more front end grip than the GT4. Actually I imhe was going to keep them off thereafter. Good stuff, Pinagine most of us were on last year’s tires, something that to! I hope it shows up in even better results for you this will no doubt be rectified for the first race of the year year! when points are at stake. Tell you what… It was a long day for those of us running The course was tweaked for safety for the afternoon sesthe event, but the smiles were worth it. Everyone had a sion, so the times don’t really compare to those estabgreat time (except maybe Pat and Michael… ;) ) and I was lished in the morning, but there were certainly some fast really proud of how everyone pitched in to help us gather times turned. In an astonishing turn of events, we actually cones and equipment at the end of the day to pack up the started the afternoon session just about right on time and trailer. A heartfelt thanks to all! Your help was hugely apwere able to give the participants 7 runs, completing the preciated! entire afternoon event in less than 4 hours. Keep in mind that you now have a bunch of rookies runOur non-Porsche guests really took advantage of the opning these events, so there are bound to be some glitches portunity to come out and practice with 15 entrants. FTD along the way, but rest assured we’ll get our act together was posted by Peilin Yang in his 2018 Subaru WRX STI at and will try very hard to give you a great season. We’ll be 53.853 sec, which was quite impressive. Second overall looking forward to seeing you at our future events! went to William Cruz in his (are you ready for this?) 2018 Tesla Model 3. I watched Bill drive and he clearly knew what he was doing out there. Very smooth, no drama. He did a superb job of using the strength of his car (instant acceleration) to his advantage. Brad told me he had a chance to talk to Bill, who has considerable experience AXing a Miata and other cars, and it really showed. A sign of the times? Perhaps. These next few years will no doubt prove interesting in that regard. The fastest P-car was driven by Ken Wesche (1987 911, class P3), coming in at 55.387 sec for 3rd overall. Scott Johnson was the 2nd Porsche (2010 997.2 GT3, class S5, 5th overall) at 55.984 sec, followed by Curtis Bowcutt (2106


Chesapeake Region

Porsche of Silver Spring


Chesapeake Region

Porsche In The News


Bringing you links to interesting Porsche articles from around the globe Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Looks Production-Ready It’s been a while since we’ve caught a prototype of the Porsche 718 Cayman GT4. Now that the track-only 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport has been revealed, it seems like only a matter of time before the covers come off the road-going GT4. Our spy photographers have snapped some photos of the new GT4 being put through its paces at the Nurburgring, and it looks practically production-ready. All it’s missing is are Porsche badges at the front and rear. Compared to our last sighting of the GT4, the front bumper and diffusor are devoid of camouflage, giving us a clear look at the range-topping 718 Cayman, which will likely be produced in limited numbers. The only change we're expecting to see on the production model is the headlights being replaced with Porsche's LED units. The Full Story Here

Go behind the scenes with the 2020 Porsche 911 designers When Porsche isn't detailing its Top 5 secret prototypes, best interiors, or loudest cars, it's busy basking in the glory of its signature car, the 911. On YouTube, Porsche has a series called "The Making of the New Porsche 911," which started with in-depth looks at aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, and audio. The third video takes place at the Porsche Development Centre in Weissach, Germany, and shows 15 calming minutes of clay sculpting, sketching, digital rendering, and diagnostics. It's fascinating and oddly soothing. The Full Story Here

Porsche Figures a Subscription/Leasing Plan Just Might Discourage Flippers Ultra-rare automobiles have a tendency to be scooped up by speculators hoping to turn a buck. Manufacturers hate this, as they see none of that sweet, secondhand scratch — plus, the vehicles frequently end up as garage queens tucked away from the public eye. While a bit of a grimy move, it’s easy to understand why […] The post Porsche Figures a Subscription/Leasing Plan Just Might Discourage Flippers appeared first on The Truth About Cars. Read the full story

The enduring mystery of the stainless steel Porsche 911 We investigate the experimental and mysterious 1967 911S As the value of early Porsche 911s continues to skyrocket, collectors place an increasing amount of importance on provenance. Documented, matching-numbers examples are worth more than those with a murky past, and historians go to significant lengths to trace the history of each car that comes up for sale. And yet, one of the most unusual 911s, an experimental 1967 911S with a stainless-steel body, remains mostly unknown – as if it had never existed. See the Full Story Here

24 If you know of a good article, please bring it to the attention of the Editors at editor@pcachs.org.

Chesapeake Region

Racing: Schedule and Links Upcoming Races • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Apr 5-7: Carrera Cup Britain—Brands Hatch Apr 6-7: Barber Motorsports Park [GT3] Apr 9-10: Carrera Cup Deutschland—official tests Apr 12-13: Bubba Burger Sports Car Grand Prix at Long Beach [WT] Apr 20-28: 42nd Porsche Tennis Grand Prix Apr 25-28: Carrera Cup Britain—Donington May 3-5: Acura Sports Car Challenge at Mid-Ohio [WT] May 3-5: Carrera Cup Deutschland—Hockenheimring May 4: WEC—6 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps May 17-19: Carrera Cup Deutschland—Masters Most May 31-Jun 1: Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix [WT] Jun 7-9: Carrera Cup Deutschland Jun 14-16: Carrera Cup Britain—Croft Jun 27-30: Porsche GT3 Cup—Watkins Glen Jun 28-30: Carrera Cup Britain—Oulton Park

Racing Links • • • • •

Porsche’s motorsport year 2019. A look ahead Porsche North America Racing WeatherTech SportsCar Championship Schedule (IMSA) Porsche GT3 Cup Schedule World Endurance Championship (FIAWEC)

Highlights •

Porsche #911 wins all three categories at the Mobile 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring: GTE-Pro, GTE-Am and GT categories.

@PorscheNARacing @PorscheRaces

Photo: Porsche via sportscar365.com


Chesapeake Region

What is a TSD Rally anyway? So what is a TSD rally? To start, TSD doesn’t stand for “Tough S**t Dummy” or similar but rather Time-Speed-Distance rally (or rallye, if you prefer). So to explain it more fully, it is like a tour with a full set of route instructions, but where you must drive each segment of the route in a specified time at a specified average speed so a navigator is essential to calculate your average speed and help keep you on course. You will also go through a few checkpoints where a crew will tell you whether you are “on time,” late, or early. Since the route instructions give you average speeds that you are to maintain throughout the course, at any point on the rallye, we know exactly where you should be and at what precise time based on your start time.

Article by Bob Rassa

We suppose soccer and SUVs happened along with other more relaxing activities and TSD rallying gradually fell out of favor. We don’t recall when the last Team Trophy banquet was held but we think it was around the late 70‘s or early 80’s. The sport is highly competitive, of course, and it used to be said that a TSD rallye was one of the ultimate tests of a successful marriage. There are several classes within the TSD rallye environment, from Unequipped to fully Equipped, per PCA Parade rules. The top class, Equipped (R1), allows full rallye equipment to be used (and there is some nice fancy gear out there!). Then there is Tech Equipped class (R2), which allows apps on cell phones and tablets along with equipment from the next lowest class, R3. Navigational class (R3) allows maps, rallye tables, slide rules and single-function calculators along with equipment from class R4. The next is Unequipped Navigational class (R4) which allows a GPS system to be used, along with anything from R6. This Unequipped Plus class (R5) allows factory car computers that can calculate average speed, along with anything from the lowest class R6. This lowest class is called Unequipped (R6) and allows clipboards, simple time pieces including a stopwatch, pens/pencils, paper, clipboard etc. Cell phone use, except for navigational apps in classes R1 and R2, is not allowed.

TSD rallying used to be quite big in the Baltimore and Washington area, with pretty much one rallye every other weekend out on by the 12-15 sports car clubs that used to exist here. In Baltimore, there were 6 to 8 clubs in the 60’s and 70‘s, including the Chesapeake Sports Car Club (CSCC), Volvo Marque Club (VMC), Corvette Club of Baltimore (CCB), Mustang Club of Maryland, Maryland Automobile Sports Enthusiasts (MASE), and of course PCA-Chesapeake. Each of these would put on autocrosses, gimmick rallys, and TSD rallys pretty much every week. There was a Team Trophy Rally series, in which 8 to 12 TSD rallys were held throughout the spring & summer, where rallye team scores were tabulated and overall winners So what is a navigational computer? Well, for the year were honored at a banquet held nowadays they are all electronic, but here is in mid-fall. a pic of one built in the mid-60’s (mine, actu26

Chesapeake Region

What is a TSD Rally anyway? (cont’d) ally) that includes (l to r) three Veeder-Root mechanical mileage counters, a Halda Speedpilot Mk. V, a precision clock and a stopwatch, plus lighting. Steve Shap and I became Master Rallyists in the Baltimore area in my 66 Mustang Fastback with this rally board, which hung from the dashboard at the rear and rested in the navigator’s lap. The Halda SpeedPilot Mk. V is a mechanical rally calculator that mechanically connects to the car speedometer via a cable tee, and has a 0.01 mile accuracy odometer plus a high-accuracy mechanical clock. You set it The Author’s Navigational Computer for the average speed you wish to maintain and it tells you how many seconds ahead or the rallymaster’s odometer. You receive a debehind you are. If you are delayed along the tailed set of route instructions similar to a route, the device shows you exactly how tour or gimmick rally, and you must be alert many seconds late you are and you run faster for signage and other “clues” since road until you are exactly on time. Now, there is names/route numbers are typically not proan electronic version of the Halda SpeedPilot vided, and a bit of trickery is often employed that does the same thing, and uses GPS and to catch the inattentive rally team and trap an electronic sensor that collects data from a them into an off-course excursion. When this rotating tire. happens, teams usually figure it out in short Other companies make TSD rally computers, order as subsequent instructions don’t such as TimeWise (shown on the next page) match up and after you get back on course These are fully electronic rally computers you have to make up time. that are even more accurate than the older You are also told to maintain a certain avermechanical devices. age speed along the route, and these change Such devices are needed for absolute preci- based on road conditions etc. And as stated sion in a TSD rally, where the ultimate objec- in the introduction, checkpoints along the tives are to 1) Stay on course, and 2) stay on way will see how early or late you are at that time. It does you absolutely no good at all to specific point along the route, since based be precisely on time but way off course. A on the stated average speeds, you should be short odometer calibration leg is at the start arriving at each checkpoint at a precise time of the rally, so you can “calibrate” your car’s of the day, to the nearest second, based upodometer, and therefore speedometer, to on your given “start” time at the beginning of 27

Chesapeake Region

What is a TSD Rally anyway? (cont’d)

A TimeWise TSD Rally Computer

the rally. You are assessed one penalty point for every second early or late at each checkpoint, and of course lowest score wins. At Parades, it is not uncommon for the master rallyists to “zero” a leg or two on the rally.

rally, and the 2nd session after a short break devoted to teaching how to run a TSD checkpoint. Then on Sunday, May 19, the TSD rally itself – called the One Lane Bridge Rally - will be conducted, with assembly time at 8:30 AM at a location to be announced to registrants via email, with the first car off at 9:30 AM. The rally will not be overly long or complicated, covering about 60 miles of very scenic central Baltimore County with a bit of western Harford County back roads. It will end at the historic Manor Tavern for lunch. Look for your “enews” bulletin to announce these two events and register. Trophies will be awarded in each class, of course, to both driver and navigator.

For PCA Chesapeake’s inaugural TSD rally comeback, we don’t anticipate anyone For more info, you may contact the author/ bringing one of these sophisticated rally rallymaster at historian@pcachs.org or 202computers, so we will have just two classes 320-9862. of competitor: unequipped, and equipped. Unequipped teams of driver and navigator may use clipboards, pens/pencils, watch or clock, and stopwatch. Equipped classes may use their car navigational system (mainly to calculate average speed), calculators, and a cell phone navigational system (again, to calculate average speed) as well as the items as in Unequipped class. The date of the rally school is Saturday, May 18, at the Collectors Car Corral in Owings Mills, and will run from 2 to 5 PM, the first 2 hours being a school on how to run a TSD 28

Chesapeake Region


Article and photos by Randy Richter


Chesapeake Region

TSD Rally School & TSD Rally

Article by Aniano Arao

PCA-CHS 2019 Tour & Rally Event Nos. 4 & 5 – May 18 & 19 For the third year in a row, PCA Chesapeake will hold a Tour & Rally School. In 2017, the emphasis was on gimmick rallies. In 2018, driving tours and various kinds of road rallies were covered. This year, the focus will be on a competitive event called Time, Speed and Distance (TSD) Rally. Longtime PCA member and club historian Bob Rassa will be our guest instructor and rally master. WHAT IS A TSD RALLY ALL ABOUT? Porsche Parade organizers describe it this way: “A TSD Rally starts with a set of instructions specifying a route to travel and the speed at which to travel. The Rally is done in teams of two, with a driver and a navigator. The goal of the Rally is to drive the route at the correct speed and arrive at each checkpoint on time. If you drive too fast and arrive at a checkpoint early, points are deducted. Similarly, if you drive too slowly and arrive at a checkpoint late, points are deducted.” A TSD Rally, generally, is more demanding than a gimmick rally, but just as much fun and potentially more satisfying. Yes, it is a stress test that can break a marriage or a friendship. But it can also strengthen and spice up a relationship. Bob will tell school attendees how to make this challenging activity constructive rather than destructive, and how to make it enjoyable rather than infuriating. To help bring about such an outcome, Bob will share a secret formula with two magical potions. School attendees will then get a chance to put their lessons into practice in an actual TSD Rally. Bob has put together an exhilarating route made up of scenic roads that twist and turn through the northern parts of Harford and Baltimore counties.


Chesapeake Region

TSD Rally School & TSD Rally (cont’d) SCHOOL CURRICULUM • A gentle introduction to TSD Rallies, including tips on how to preserve a marriage or a friendship • General Instructions, a primer • Route Instructions, a nuts-and-bolts explanation • Scoring, a brief explanation • Checkpoint Crew Training, for volunteers WHAT, WHERE, WHEN • TSD RALLY SCHOOL: May 18, Saturday. Sponsored by CPR Classic East and Collectors Car Corral • TSD Rally School Venue: Collectors Car Corral, 12 Music Fair Rd, Owings Mills, MD 21117 • When: 2:00 to 5:00 PM, with coffee and donuts • • • • • • • • • •

ONE-LANE BRIDGE TSD RALLY: May 19, Sunday. Sponsored by Porsche restorer CPR Classic East TSD Rally Course: In Harford and Baltimore counties, MD When: 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM Assembly Point: Private address to be mailed to registrants. It was once a garage crawl destination. Assembly Time: Gather by 8:30 AM for car staging, coffee, donuts and a CAR COLLECTION TOUR. Drivers’ meeting: 9:15 AM Departure of 1st car: 9:30 AM; cars to be launched one-minute apart Pit stop: After about an hour on the road Length of rally route: About 60 miles, around 2.5 hours of driving Finish line, lunch & awards at Manor Tavern: 1 to 3 PM, 15819 Old York Rd, Monkton, MD 21111

REGISTRATION • Sign up for the TSD Rally School at www.clubregistration.net from 1 PM April 10 through 1 PM May 12. A registration fee will be charged (TBD). • Participation in the TSD Rally and Checkpoint Crew Training will be optional but recommended. • General instructions, other details and updates will be sent via e-mail through ClubRegistration.net. QUESTIONS To obtain more details, please read Bob Rassa’s article in the April issue of Patter. Send rally-related questions to him at historian@pcachs.org and registration-related questions to the Tour & Rally Committee at tour@pcachs.org or rally@pcachs.org. (Text and photos by Aniano Arao)


Chesapeake Region

Drive to Porsche Swap Meet in Hershey PCA-CHS 2019 Tour & Rally Event No. 2 – April 20, Saturday

Join more than 6,000 fellow Porsche owners and enthusiasts in Hershey at the largest Porsche-only swap meet in the world. Nearly 650 vendors will be there, along with about 1,000 Porsches. Some of the cars will be for sale. A People’s Choice Concours will be held. As usual, we will gather for breakfast just over the Maryland line before driving to Hershey. WHERE, WHEN, WHAT Assembly Point: New Freedom Restaurant and Coffee Shop, 17308 Susquehanna Trail S, New Freedom, PA 17349. A designated parking area will be reserved for our cars. When: Start gathering at 7:00 AM. Come early if you plan to have breakfast. The place opens at 6 AM. Drivers’ meeting: 7:45 AM Departure: 8:00 AM Swap Meet ETA: 9:00 AM, Giant Center, 550 W Hershey Park Dr, Hershey, PA 17033 ANNUAL PORSCHE-ONLY SWAP MEET IN HERSHEY • Date: Saturday, April 20 • Time: Swap Meet open to public 7:30 AM to 4 PM • Admission: Free • Parking: $25 per car (Porsche-only area available) • Paved parking lots • Event held rain, shine, snow • Nearly 650 vendors • Around 1,000 Porsches • More than 6,000 Porsche fans from all over the world • On-site food and beverages


Chesapeake Region

Porsche Swap Meet Hershey (cont’d) • Peoples' Choice Concours • Purchase, trade, barter—everything Porsche • No pets or animals • No scooter, Mopeds, trail bikes, drones. Swap Meet Organizer: Central Pennsylvania Region PCA. Visit the CPA-PCA’s Web site for additional information or to register as a concours entrant or vendor: http://cpa-pca.org/swap/2019index.html DRIVING TOUR REGISTRATION ● Sign up for the PCA-CHS tour at www.clubregistration.net from March 30 through April 17. ● We need the name of every driver and passenger who will take part in the driving tour. ● We also need to know the number of cars that will join the caravan. ● Driving instructions, other details and updates will be sent via e-mail through ClubRegistration.net. QUESTIONS Send breakfast- and caravan-related questions to tour@pcachs.org. Subject field: “Swap Meet.”


Chesapeake Region

2018 Financial Report


Chesapeake Region

Bedford Springs Driving Tour

Article by Aniano Arao

PCA-CHS 2019 Tour & Rally Event No. 1 – April 13 to 14

Our first tour of the season is a big one that will have us driving through the Catoctin Mountain and weaving through the backroads of Pennsylvania to the historic Omni Bedford Springs Resort. Once there, those who wish to spend the night and enjoy this fabulous resort may do so. This tour ends there. If you choose not to stay overnight, you could simply drive back to the Baltimore area on your own. Our guest tour master for this event is Ron Farb. WHERE, WHEN, WHAT

Destination: Omni Bedford Springs Resort, 2138 Business 220, Bedford, PA 15522 Assembly Point: Kecco's Kitchen parking lot, 114 Westminster Pike (MD-140), Reisterstown, MD When: Start gathering at 8:15 AM, April 13, Saturday Drivers’ meeting: 8:30 AM Departure: 9:00 AM Pit stops: 10 AM restrooms, Burger King, Thurmont; 11 AM lunch, Red Robin & BJ’s Restaurant, Hagerstown, MD; 2 PM restrooms, Phantom Fireworks, Breezewood, PA ETA at Omni Bedford Springs Resort: 3:45 PM, 2138 Business 220, Bedford, PA 15522 35

Chesapeake Region

Bedford Spring Driving Tour (cont)

POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES ON SECOND DAY Tour participants staying overnight will be on their own on the second day, but here are a few suggestions from guest tour master Ron Farb: ● Just relax or enjoy the resort’s amenities, such as the indoor pool, the spa, the golf course, the hiking trails or the Segway tours. ● Drive to the Flight 93 Memorial through a couple of covered bridges, individually or as a group. ● Visit the town of Bedford Springs. ● Unfortunately, the Old Bedford Village will still be closed for the season. But if you ever return, this is a must-see attraction if you like Colonial Williamsburg. ● Shop at Hagerstown Premium Outlets on the way home. TOUR REGISTRATION AND RESORT RESERVATION ● Sign up for the tour at www.clubregistration.net from 1 PM March 1 through 1 PM April 6. ● Reserve your own overnight accommodation by calling 1-888-444-6664 or 1-814-623-8100. ● Driving instructions, other details and updates will be sent via e-mail through ClubRegistration.net. DETAILS AND QUESTIONS To obtain more details, please read Ron Farb’s article in the March issue of Patter. Send questions to tour@pcachs.org.


Chesapeake Region

The Greenbrier Concours d’Elegance

Kate’s Mountain Drive Get your Friday morning started right with an exceptional breakfast buffet prepared by The Greenbrier’s awardwinning culinary team. With your stomach and your gas tank full, you’ll hop behind the wheel of your favorite car and head out on a driving tour of some of the most scenic mountain roads you’ll find anywhere. Take in the views of mountains and valleys in an area rich in history, while enjoying the feel of your own automobile and the sights of other fine cars. The Summit Drive Explore the mountains and back roads of West Virginia, including The Greenbrier Sporting Club, with an exclusive driving tour. The experience begins at Kate’s Mountain Lodge on Friday afternoon, followed by a spirited drive up a winding mountain road for a catered lunch at The Summit. This venue, usually reserved exclusively for members of The Greenbrier Sporting Club, provides an incredible view of The Greenbrier Valley from a mountaintop overlook and features some of the finest food on the entire property. The adventure concludes with a scenic drive through the back roads of West Virginia. Test the power and precision of the automobile through vast elevation changes, while enjoying picturesque scenery you won’t find anywhere else in the world.

Welcome Reception This casual gathering at Kate’s Mountain Lodge allows concours judges, participants and enthusiasts to become acquainted with the other participants and learn more about The Greenbrier and the weekend’s activities. The event will run from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. on Friday and include a cash bar and heavy hors d’oeuvres.

Charitable Gala Come to Colonial Hall for an evening of horse racing and horsepower. The Charitable Gala begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday with a cocktail hour. The Kentucky Derby pre-race action will be shown on giant televisions throughout the room, and the cocktail hour will conclude with the race on the screens at 6:50 p.m. A buffet dinner, filled with favorites from The Greenbrier’s award-winning culinary team, will follow at 7 p.m. Special cars will be on display throughout the room, and entertainment will be provided to keep guests engaged throughout the evening, which will wrap up around 9 p.m.

Concours d’Elegance On Sunday, the iconic Front Entrance of The Greenbrier, which has been welcoming guests since 1913, provides the perfect backdrop for The International Car Show Greenbrier Concours d’Elegance, Made up of marquees from around the world, which features some of the finest the International Car Show invites automobile collector cars from around the world. clubs and individuals from across the country While visitors pick out their favorites to The Greenbrier to share their favorite cars and relive old memories, judges will put on Saturday, May 4, for a day full of fellowship, pen to paper in an effort to determine fun and fine automobiles. The vehicles are the winners of each category as well as staged on the world-renowned golf courses at the Best of Show. Cars will be on The Greenbrier, with amazing backdrops for display in and around the front circle, photos and videos. This Saturday appetizer is and inside the Ballrooms and Exhibit a fantastic leadup to the Concours on Sunday. Hall at The Greenbrier, part of the once top-secret Cold War fallout shelter for the United States Congress.


Chesapeake Region

Public Service Announcements Maryland Real ID—New Drivers License Requirements If you haven’t already visited the MVA to secure a Real ID, the clock is running to meet a federal law. “Please plan ahead,” said MVA administrator, Chrissy Nizer. “The deadline is October 2020 but we don’t want our customers to wait ’till then.” By 2020, older Maryland licenses will no longer exist. The new ones will look different but even if you have one now it won’t be a Real ID until conditions are met. “What that is, is four documents that you need to bring to your local MDOT MVA branch office,” said Nizer. “Those are proof of age and identity.” Meaning that, along with either a birth certificate or passport, you must also bring a social security card, a driver’s license, and proof of Maryland Residency, like a utility bill or a bank statement. http://www.mva.maryland.gov/realid/index.htm

**AVOID I-895** MAJOR ROADWORK ON I-895 IN BALTIMORE The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) warned motorists today to avoid I-895 and the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel due to major construction and traffic impacts beginning this month. Two-way traffic will operate on I-895 for two years starting Nov. 27. Motorists should use I-695/Key Bridge and I-95/Fort McHenry Tunnel as alternate routes. The work is part of the MDTA’s $189 million I-895 Bridge Project, announced on Dec. 21, 2017, to replace the 60-year-old bridge north of the Harbor Tunnel. “To avoid sitting in traffic, motorists should plan on using I-695 or I-95 as alternate routes,” said Maryland Department of Transportation Secretary and MDTA Chairman Pete K. Rahn. On Nov. 27, northbound I-895 will close completely for one year from the north side of the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel to the Boston/O’Donnell Street exit ramp (Exit 11).

• • • •

Two-way traffic – one lane in each direction – will operate on southbound I-895. The I-895/Holabird Avenue exit ramp (Exit 10) will close completely during this time. Additionally, the northbound bore of the Harbor Tunnel will close 24/7 for 60 days in spring 2019 with twoway traffic operating in the southbound bore. Northbound I-895 and the Holabird Avenue exit ramp will reopen to traffic in spring 2020.

If you know of information that you think our members would benefit from, please bring it to the attention of the Editors at editor@pcachs.org.


Chesapeake Region

Porsche of Annapolis


Chesapeake Region

FYI New Tech Library Online! Visit our new library at http://pcachs.org/tech-library/

Annual Advertising Rates: Personal/Classified Items—Free to PCA members Full page ad—$600 Half page ad—$450 Quarter page ad—$200 Business card—$200

Send to: editor@pcachs.org


Chesapeake Region

Name and Car Badges! Now you can obtain your Chesapeake Region Name Badge! Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page. The Name Badge cost is $25, inclusive of handling and shipping.

This is your opportunity to purchase a heavy “gold- plated” Chesapeake Region metal car badge. Each metal car badge comes complete with stainless steel slotted retaining plate, screws, washers and nuts to mount it through your car grille or separate mounting plate. You can order right now! The cost per metal car badge is $30 or two for $50, inclusive of handling and shipping. Here’s how you order your metal car badge: Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page and make your payment by check or Pay- Pal. 41

Chesapeake Region

PCA Jackets! If you want one of these killer jackets, please remit $80 to our Treasurer, Lynda Sobus via check or PayPal. If by check, send your check to Treasurer P.O. Box 767 Havre deGrace, MD 21078. If by PayPal, send it to: treasurer@pcachs.org from the PayPal.com website.

In addition to your payment, complete the online order form at www.pcachs.org and indicate: a.) Color, b.) Style (male or female), and c.) Size from the Sizing Chart on the following pages.


Chesapeake Region

Order your PCA Embroidered Jacket!


Chesapeake Region

PCA Jackets!


Chesapeake Region

PCA License Plates Chesapeake Region coordinates PCA Organizational Maryland License Plates issued through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). The license plate program promotes the visibility and camaraderie of PCA and serves as a fund raiser for Chesapeake Region events. The total cost for the PCA license plates is $35, which includes the $25 MVA fee and a $10 Chesapeake PCA fee. If you would like to obtain the PCA License Plate(s), complete the information sheet available on our website: http://pcachs.org/pca-maryland-license-plate Once we receive your Information Sheet, we will mail you the MVA ApplicationCertification form for Organizational License Plates. The MVA form is a two-part State form, which requires the owner and any co-owner’s signatures.

Please complete the MVA Application form and mail the form along with your checks to the address below. Make your $25 check payable to MVA. Please enclose a separate $10 check payable to Chesapeake RegionPCA to cover a one time fund raising fee. PCA License Plate Coordinators PO Box 8144 Elkridge, Maryland 21075-8144 Important: Do not mail the MVA form and checks directly to MVA. Requirements: You must be a PCA Member and the car must be registered in Maryland. The PCA Plates are not limited to Porsches. You can apply for PCA plates for all your cars registered in Maryland!


Chesapeake Region

PCA Juniors

What is the PCA Juniors program? ✓ PCA Juniors is a program for Porsche enthusiasts under age 18. ✓ Participants must be registered by an active PCA member. ✓ It’s not just the cars… and now it’s not just the grown-ups! ✓ With our new PCA Juniors program, PCA is about the kids too!

The PCA Juniors program has been created so kids can enjoy PCA events, learn about Porsches and build the enthusiasm that runs through all of the Porsche Club of America.

Who is eligible? Any child under age 18 who is registered by a current PCA member can participate in the program. (Note: This is not a PCA Membership.)

What will the child receive? PCA Juniors will receive a welcome package that includes an age-appropriate gift and PCA Juniors ID badge. We look forward to developing the program and its features over time.

What does it cost to register? It’s FREE! Participants must be registered by an active PCA member, and there is no cost to join!


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