Month Day Event Meeting Venue
March 16th New Member Party: Porsche Owings Mill Owings Mills, MD
19th Social Dinner: Kelsey’s Irish Restaurant Ellicott City, MD
23rd Potomac’s Speed Limit Gimmick Rally Cockeysville, MD
30th Autocross: Test & Tune Bowie, MD
April 6th Tech Event: At Speed Motors Elkridge, MD
6th Social Lunch: Guinness Brewery Halthorpe, MD
7th Tour & Rally School TBD, MD
13th Autocross: Intro to Autocross Bowie, MD
14th Tour: Eastern Shore Drive TBD, MD
16th Social Dinner: HighTopps Grille Timonium, MD
27th Tour: Drive to Porsche Swap Meet TBD, MD
Editors Message:
Only a few weeks until Spring Break and more car friendly weather we hope. Now is definitely the time to make sure your car is ready for spring. One of our 4 sponsoring dealerships is certainly near you and can get your Porsche maintenance or repairs done in time for the driving season. We have 3 sponsors who can help you with paint correction, paint protection, ceramic coating and tint work, all located North of Baltimore and well known for their quality work.
Lee Rock at PSA Insurance & Financial services is a longtime member and advertiser in the Patter. Conrey Construction is locally owned and another longtime supporter of our region, numerous events have been held at Skip’s farm and party barn. New to our advertising list is Rooftop Designs/Top Baths, locally owned by a PCA member with a service area ranging from West Virginia to Delaware plus of course the DMV and Southern PA.
Please mention you saw them in the Patter should you choose to support our sponsors.
Have an article idea, member profile, for sale ad or business ad, shoot me an email editor@pcachs.org to get started.
Best Regards,
James B Beavan IIIFor the latest events and news follow us! I’m always posting photos from our events on our socials that don’t make it in the Patter and there’s no delay to see what you missed or attended.
Porsche Club of America - Chesapeake Region | Facebook
Chesapeake Region PCA (@chesapeakepca) • Instagram photos and videos
Pg 2. Events Calendar: March 2024 - April 2024
Pg 2. Editors Message
Pg 4. Chesapeake Board Members
Pg 5. Advertisers Corner
Pg 6 & 7. Membership Figures & Anniversaries
Pg 8. Presidents Message
Pg 9. Tour & Rally Schedule
Pg 12. Socials in Review
Pg 18. Slot Car Racing & Chili Cook-Off
Pg 22. Member Profile: Blair & Elizabeth Jennings
Pg 26. Autocross 2024 Taking Off
Pg 30. Synthetic Fuel by Pedro Bonilla
Pg 36. Stuttgart Market Letter by David Whitlock
Pg 42. Happy 63rd Birthday Chesapeake by Laurie Tarsia
718 by Aniano Arao
The Porsche Patter is the official newsletter of the Chesapeake Region PCA. Contributions to Porsche Patter should be sent by the 25th of the month preceding in Microsoft Word format to editor@pcachs.org. Please send high resolution images. Editor/Publisher: James B Beavan III; Contributing Photographers: James B Beavan III, Pedro Bonilla, Aniano Arao, Steve & Marsha Buss, Ryan Boxler, Greg Hartke, Jim McKee. Contributing Writers: James B Beavan III, Steve & Marsha Buss, Aniano Arao, Pedro Bonilla, David Whitlock, Greg Hartke, Dan Zadra, Laurie Tarsia. Advertising: For questions about advertising rates and placement in the Porsche Patter, please contact editor@pcachs.org. Unless otherwise reserved, permission is granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the Porsche Patter and to the respective author. Subscriptions: join Porsche Club of America www.pca.org. The Porsche Patter is published monthly by the Chesapeake Region, PCA. Subscription is limited to members of the Chesapeake Region, PCA.
Steve Buss president@pcachs.org
Vice President Mark Miller vicepresident@pcachs.org
Treasurer Andy Powell treasurer@pcachs.org
Secretary Ken Wilmers secretary@pcachs.org
Executive Vice President Michael Murphy executivevicepresident@pcachs.org
Autocross Committee
Chesapeake Challenge Committee
Chief Driving Instructor
Community Service
Concours d’Elegance
Greg Hartke, Mark Hubley autocross@pcachs.org
Stacy Hawver, Tracey Jennings, Jen Kocsan chesapeakechallenge@pcachs.org
Ellen Beck instructor@pcachs.org
Dan McNally communityservice@pcachs.org
Paul Koenigsmark concours@pcachs.org
Bob Rassa historian@pcachs.org
Insurance Eric Saletel insurance@pcachs.org
Rob Carter membership@pcachs.org
Motorsportreg Registrar Meilyng Wigney-Burmaka msregistrar@pcachs.org
Newsletter: Porsche Patter
PCA License
PCA Zone 2 Rep
James B Beavan III editor@pcachs.org
Laurie & Bruce Tarsia pcalicenseplates@pcachs.org
Phil Grandfield zonerep@pcachs.org
Photography Committee Jim McKee, Ryan Boxler photography@pcachs.org
Publicity: Facebook/Instagram James B Beavan III publicity@pcachs.org
Safety Chair
Social Committee
Sunshine Committee
Tech Committee
Tour/Rally Committee
John Jensen safetychair@pcachs.org
Marsha Buss social@pcachs.org
Doug Ehmann sunshine@pcachs.org
Jim Earlbeck, Randy Richter, Rick Hawver tech@pcachs.org
Aniano Arao, Rich Ehrlich tour@pcachs.org; rally@pcachs.org
Webmaster Henry Becker webmaster@pcachs.org
Pedro's Garage
15245 Sevares Ct. Odessa, FL 33556
Porsche Annapolis
20 Hudson Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Porsche Hunt Valley
10260 York Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030
Porsche Owings Mills
11309 Reisterstown Rd, Owings Mills, MD 21117
Porsche Silver Spring
3131 Automobile Blvd, Silver Spring, MD 20904
PSA Insurance & Financial Services
11311 McCormick Rd., Suite 500, Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Reflected Images
130 Industry Ln., Forest Hill, MD 21050
Rooftop Designs/Top Baths
11601 Edmonston Rd, Beltsville, MD 20705
Westminster Speed and Sound
202 Pennsylvania Ave, Westminster, MD 21157
Yanks Auto Detailing
Falls Rd, Hampstead, MD 21074
Conrey Construction (800) 640-0066
Fax: (410) 442-1444
Email: conreyconstruction@gmail.com
https://rooftopdesigns.net/ https://topbaths.net
Conrey Construction Company
Roofing, Siding, Replacement Window Contractor Maryland (conrey-construction.com)
Primary Members: 1197
Affiliate Members: 626
NewMembers (16)
Life Members: 2
Total Members: 1825
By: Rob CarterCameron
George and Anne Bunting
Donna Brandt
Noel Hall
25 Years
Hayden and Rita Rudolf
Timothy and Beth Lavery
John and Carol Hampton
Bomani Ajamu
Charles Gittings
Matthew Kline
Laura Moffitt
Roger Lewis and Sheila Rhodes
Jacek Mostwin
Jeff Brookes
Corey Miller and Michelle Longobardi
Robert and Faye Bauman
Tony Leong
Mark Eller
Gregory and Gwyn Norman
Chase Mazzariello
Gabriel Concari
Marc Amick
Florencio Lictao
Benjamin Brown
James Schneider
Donald Greene
Lisa Wagner
Jennifer Brennan
By: Rob CarterNicholas Price & Aimee Alt
Brian and Tracy Lobuts
Joe Larivey
Joel Baker
Jimmie Jennings
Matt Luongo
Gene Ostendorf
Kyra Clark
Levi McCoy
Hello and Happy Spring (well almost)
It is time to get your cars ready for the season, and we have a very full calendar of events that should meet all your requirements and check all the boxes. Click the link to the PCA calendar to view the region’s events and plan your schedules. With the activities planned and the budget established, we are well prepared for an exciting year.
I mentioned to you my desire to become more engaged with other regions in our Zone, and currently we have two events on the schedule with the Potomac Region. Additionally, I met with Lisa Hatfield, the President of the Delaware Region, and she is excited about the opportunity to partner with us.
We have welcomed over 30 new members this year and our first New Member Party will be at Porsche Owings Mills (POM) on Saturday March 16th. The Tech Committee is adding additional fun with the reveal of the POM Alpine Restoration project. Although registration is full with 80 members (both new and old), please add your name to the waitlist and hopefully we can accommodate you. We have another new member party scheduled on June 29th at Porsche Hunt Valley.
A special thank you to all our volunteers, the lifeblood of PCA and our Chesapeake Region. I am looking for volunteers to support the Social and Concours Committees. We also need a Motorsport Reg Registrar. Please call me if you are interested in taking an expanded role in the Club.
There will be a board meeting on Thursday March 21 at 6:30 at the Green Turtle in Owings Mills. The board meetings are open to the membership. All we ask is to let us know if you plan to attend so we can make sure you have a seat at the table. Your suggestions and recommendations are always welcome and encouraged.
Thanks for your support. I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event.
Steve President, Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of AmericaPCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee is planning to hold 18 events in 2024, plus one joint event with PCA Potomac. The dates and events listed here are provisional and subject to change. Registration will open 2 to 3 weeks before the events’ scheduled dates. To sign up, PCA members have to log on to their accounts at www.motorsportreg.com. (Ver. 07, 03/02/2024)
April 7 (1) Tour & Rally School, Tours: Aniano Arao; Rallies: Steve Graham (G), Bob Rassa (TSD)
April 14 (2) Eastern Shore Tour, guest tour master Tom Divilio
April 27 (3) Drive to Porsche Swap Meet in Carlisle, tour master Rich Ehrlich
May 5 (4) Cinco de Mayo Poker Rally, guest rally master Marsha Buss
May 19 (5) Safeway to the Bay Tour, Arundel/Calvert counties, guest tour master Hank Lucas
June 2 (6) Linganore Winecellars Tour, Howard/Frederick counties, guest tour master Ron Farb
June 23 (7) Tour of guest tour master Steve Graham
July 7 (8) Tour of guest tour master Steve Wood
July 21 (9) Tour of tour master Rich Ehrlich
Aug. 4 (10) Ice Cream Tour, guest tour master Mark Miller
Aug. 16-18(11) West Virginia Summer Tour, tour master Aniano Arao
Aug. 31 (12) Off-Road Tour, guest tour master Jim Hemig
Sept. 14 (13) Baltimore County Horse Country Tour, tour master Aniano Arao
September (14) Chesapeake Challenge 55 Gimmick Rally, rally master Rich Ehrlich
Oct. 13 (15) Tour of guest tour master Mark Miller
Oct. 27 (16) West Virginia Fall Colors Tour, tour master Aniano Arao
Nov. 3 (17) Barns & Bridges Gimmick Rally, guest rally masters Craig & Linda Davidson
Dec. 7 (18) Kindertime & Linda’s Legacy Tour, tour master Rich Ehrlich
Oct. 26 (00) Joint PCA Potomac-PCA Chesapeake TSD Rally
Check www.pcachs.org, Patter, www.motorsportreg.com and the events’ eBlasts for details and updates. Send questions to tour@pcachs.org. – Aniano Arao and Rich Ehrlich, Co-Chairs, Tour & Rally Committee
I’m writing this article while driving to New Hampshire, working on a deadline from of our editor, James Beavan. It’s not Spring in New Hampshire – there is still snow on the ground and the temperature on this sunny day was in the low 30’s. We passed the Mount Washington Hotel which only added to our excitement for more PCA trips in 2024 (Fall Treffen). Of course, we stopped for a quick photo opp to share with our 1800+ Chesapeake members.
The February Breakfast Social was held at Eggcellence in Annapolis on February 3rd. We were thrilled to fill 2 long tables with 24 members plus one for our PCA Juniors. We welcomed four new members and had a fun morning.
We had a fantastic February Dinner Social at Victoria Gastro Pub in Columbia, Howard County. The dinner was capped at 30 members and since there was a such a long waitlist the restaurant moved us to a larger room. Happily, all registered members were able to attend, and we welcomed several new members at this event as well. Thanks to Rich and Kathy Ehrlich for suggesting this great restaurant. There were a few members (Bob
Rassa, James Beavan, and Scott & Brenda Johnson) who gave up their spots for our new members. You rock!
Upcoming events:
Our March Dinner Social will return to Kelsey’s Irish Pub on Tuesday, March 19th for our after St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Registration is open, and yes, at press time, there is a small waiting list. Please sign up if you would like to join us.
We are returning to Guinness Open Gate Brewery on April 6th immediately after the Tech event at At Speed Motors. Please register on Motorsportsreg.com.
We are tentatively planning Dinner Socials at High Topps Backstage Grille on Tuesday, April 16th in Timonium and The Garten in Severna Park on Wednesday, May 22nd. Both locations were sellouts in 2023.
We hope to see you at our future events! Our Dinner Socials are generally on the third Tuesday every month. Breakfast Socials are the first Saturday of some months.
Let’s have another After St. Patrick’s Day party! Please mark your calendars for Tuesday night, March 19th, at 6:30pm at Kelsey’s Restaurant located in Ellicott City, Howard County. The restaurant features Irish classics and American food. Check out their menu here.
All participants must register for the dinner on www.MotorsportReg.com by March 17th.
Seating is limited to 38 people (you will be placed on the waitlist if the limit is met but may be contacted should anyone cancel and there is availability). There is no registration fee for this event.
When: March 19, 2024, Tuesday Meeting time: 6:30pm End of social: 8:30pm
Meeting point: Kelsey’s Restaurant, 8480 Baltimore National Pike (Rt 40 West), Ellicott City 410-418 -9076
Cost: Members are responsible for their own dinner. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it. Log onto your Motorsportreg account or create one at www.MotorsportReg.com Registration will close at midnight on Sunday, March 17th. There is no fee for this event.
Send social event related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org.
Do you know a Porsche Club member that could use a little sunshine? Please let us know. TheClubhasestablishedanewSunshineposition. IfyouknowaClubmemberwhois ill,hasahospitalstay,afamilymemberhaspassed,orisfacingsomedifficultorchallengingtimes,wewouldlikesendacardtoletthemknowtheClubisthinkingabout them.
PleasecontactDougEhmannatSunshine@pcachs.org. Thanks!
The 2024 Slot Car/ Chili Cook off event was a great success. We had over 50 people registered for the event on February 10th. We had 48 adults and 10 kids. We even had a brand-new member join and attend the event. We had all kinds of good sides and chili. No one left hungry, even the kids were stuffed. The track layout came from the new Formula 1 Las Vegas circuit. It turned out to be a great layout.
the beginning with all 3 ladies. Ellen was out early, then it was down to the last lap with Stephanie and Suzzane. Stephanie was able to pull it off to take home 1st on the last lap. The kids really enjoyed themselves and all of them went home winners. We even had a donation by Steve Wood and raffled off an RC car to one lucky kid.
We had a great racing event. We had a lot of great heats that were neck and neck and some of them came down to the last lap. The Men’s came down to Terrell Williams and Tom Morton with Tom prevailing to take home 1st. The Women’s came down to Stephanie Ruckman, Suzzane Mattes and Ellen Beck. It was tight in
The Enduro Race was a blast. We ran 40 laps overall, each person ran 10 laps and had to hand it off to the next person. The Winning team’s car looked like it had magnets on it as it raced through the track lap after lap. They put on a clinic with racing and with the hand offs as well.
came home to make his chili and come to the event. This is truly amazing to be able to make the chili in such a short time and be the hit of the cook off with everyone.
A huge thank you goes out to Steve and Marsha Buss, Rob Carter, Ryan Boxler, and Danielle Zadra for volunteering to help to get things set up and torn down for the event.
Ryan was probably the busiest of all of us, he helped set up, tear down, and also took all the pictures for the event and still found time to race as well. Also, everyone else who volunteered for every round of racing to help count laps and reset cars. This is an event where everyone was able to lend a hand to help make it a success.
Be on the lookout for a potential 2nd Slot Car event this year towards the end of the year.
Member Profile: Blair & Elizabeth Jennings
By: James B Beavan IIIMember Names & Join Date: Blair & Elizabeth Jennings _ 1/29/2020
Current Cars, Previous Cars: Current: 1986 Carrera, 2016 Cayman, Previous: 2009 Carrera S, 2012 Cayman
Have you served on any Regional or National committees: No, but would potentially be interested.
What encouraged you to join the Porsche Club of America: I enjoy Panamera Magazine immensely and count Bob Rassa (Street Talk Section author) as a friend.
When it came time to buy a vehicle, what made you choose your Porsche and is this your first Porsche (if not please detail prior Porsche's): My parents had a 356 when they were first married. I had a chance to drive one before my first purchase and I knew then that Porsche cars were extra special. My first Porsche was a 2012 Cayman. I have since had three other Porsche models.
What are your favorite Regional &/or National events: If this question allows non-PCA events, I run the Ramshorn Rally every year in the western US and Canada. The last two years I ran my 86 Carrera, this year an Emory. A fellow Chesapeake PCA member and friend runs that Rally with us every year as well.
What is your favorite PCA memory: Working on making one. I haven’t been to one as yet.
What advice about PCA or Chesapeake would you give to new members: PCA is a great community
for Porsche events, information and advice.
If money was no object, what Porsche would you love to own and why: A Porsche reimagined by Singer.
Anything additional you would like to share about yourself (Family/Work/Etc): I live in Davidsonville, MD with my wife Elizabeth, our Bernese Mountain dog Sammie and our Great Dane Lola.
Racing season is almost upon us and I’m certainly getting revved up! Not too much to report this month because the off-season has been pretty smooth this year compared to last season when I had lot more to do. I’ve already taken care of all the hardware problems and have just about completed all the equipment updates and prep work. After fabricating a rain-proof cover for the power and ethernet connectors on the timing display, the only thing I really need to do is put together a plastic shroud for the entire display to (hopefully) keep us from having any problems in the rain this year. I’ll take care of that shortly and we’ll be good to go!
AX is such a blast! If you’re never done it before and are considering joining the fun, the Autocross School is the event for you. The CHS PCA Autocross School is scheduled for Saturday April 13th and as of now, the registration is filled. Even so, if you’ve been thinking about registering, do so immediately. There will probably be a few cancellations and I always give PCA Members priority over non-PCA Members. Note, too, that the Potomac Autocross School will be held on Saturday April 27th at Summit Point and they have plenty of openings. The POT AX School is similar to the CHS AX School, and I urge you to consider registering for that event (you’ll find it on Motorsportreg.com) if you’re seriously considering taking up AX and find yourself waitlisted for the CHS event. I’ll be instructing at the POT AX School, so you’ll find me there, too. Be sure to say hello!
Six weeks to go and registration for the AX School is already filled. Now, that’s enthusiasm! In fact, registration for the Test & Tune scheduled for Saturday March 30th is also filled. Amazingly, AX#1 on May 18th is already two-thirds filled, too, so don’t forget to register if you’re planning to race with us in that event this year. You certainly don’t want to wait too long and miss out on the fun!
I haven’t ordered tires for the new season yet, but I’m on top of it – I check regularly on the
availability of the tires I want for racing this year to make sure I don’t get caught by having them out of stock. That would certainly be a no-no! Like so many other experienced AXers, I’ll be going with Bridgestone RE-71RS’s again this year. These tires and the Yokohama ADVAN A052 are generally considered to be the top AX tires right now. You can’t go wrong with either choice.
This is my 6th year as AX Chair and ever since I’ve taken this position, I’ve come out to every New Member Party to talk about AX and chat with anyone interested in the sport. Until now. I must apologize because I won’t be able to make the New Member Party at Porsche Owings Mills on Saturday March 16th. Arrgh! POT is holding its AX Committee Day that day at Summit Point and as a member of the POT AX Committee, I’ll be there to race and attend the pre-season Committee meeting. Helping POT by serving on their AX Committee is important because it ensures that our Chapters stay in synch with their AX programs, which is important because with the Chapters so close together, there’s a lot of cross-participation. Never fear! CHS PCA VP (and fellow AXer) Mark Miller will be there to talk about AX and answer any questions.
Don’t forget about our Taste of Autocross program! If you’d like to see what AX is like, show up at one of our races (no registration necessary), pay a nominal $5 fee (mandated by PCA National), and we’ll arrange for you to go out on multiple rides with our instructors during their competitive laps. Those who have taken advantage of the opportunity tend to come away with big smiles. ;) Just look for me or one of the AX Team (Co-chair Mark Hubley, Pinto Soin, Phong Nguyen, John Cho, or Doug Slocum) and we’ll set you up. We’re happy to have you!
Can’t wait for the racing season to start! Needless to say, the AX Team is looking forward to seeing you out racing with us again soon!
Greg HartkeFrom Merriam-Webster’s
syn•thet•ic | \ sin-the-tik : devised, arranged, or fabricated for special situations to imitate or replace usual realities
noun : something resulting from synthesis rather than occurring naturally especially: a product (such as a fuel) of chemical synthesis
By: Pedro Bonilla,We have used for many years a great deal of synthetic products in our Porsches, from the plastic and composite parts in most areas of the vehicle, to the adhesives that keep them together, to the Mobil1 synthetic motor oil that comes from the factory to lubricate and cool our engines.
But, we may be using a brand new synthetic product soon: Synthetic Fuel.
Well, brand new may not be very precise. Audi, Bosch and McLaren, among others, have been talking about working on the technology for years. But further back, to be precise in the late 1930s, Nazi Germany had already developed and perfected the hydrogenation process to supply the Nazi War Machine its fuel needs by way of synthetic fuels made from it’s vast domestic supplies of coal.
What may be surprising is that technology is still in use today, in particular in South Africa. After apartheid was instituted, many oil-producing nations refused to sell oil to the apartheid regime and a local company (Sasol) was created to produce synthetic gas and oils for their domestic use. The plant is still productive, and since it’s inception, Sasol has produced over 1.5 billion gallons of gasoline, which is basically no different than the gasoline produced from Texas crude oil.
In the last year, Porsche has been talking up a storm regarding synthetic fuels. Even though, as a
company, Porsche is committed to going full electric across it’s platforms in a few short years, they also understand that older Porsches will be around for many years to come and their owners want to keep enjoying them as they have in the past. Porsche wants therefore to significantly and independently drive forward the development of synthetic fuels, also known as eFuels.
“This technology is particularly important because the combustion engine will continue to dominate the automotive world for many years to come,” says Michael Steiner, Member of Porsche’s Executive Board, Research and Development. "If you want to operate the existing fleet in a sustainable manner, eFuels are a fundamental component."
"We have a team that is looking for suitable partners who want to build pilot plants with us and prove that the entire process chain works and can be industrialized," says Steiner.
eFuels are produced from CO2 and hydrogen, using renewable energy. In terms of their basic properties they are no different from any other fuel produced from crude oil, however, they can ideally be a climate-neutral fuel.
Porsche believes in eFuels so much that they are considering entering Formula 1, if the series commits to going greener – specifically with synthetic fuels. Porsche believes that by using eFuel to power an internal combustion engine (ICE) car, emissions can be reduced by 85% and can be as clean as a battery-electric vehicle when wheel-to-well life cycles are taken into account.
The eFuels Porsche is talking about are completely man-made and do not contain unwanted elements, as fossil fuels do, that get converted into pollutants in the combustion process. These fuels could power existing ICE cars without any modifications.
A plant in southern Chile will implement a proprietary methanol-to-gasoline process under license by Exxon Mobil. Water will be split into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis and CO2 will be filtered out of the air and processed with the hydrogen to create synthetic methanol. Then the proprietary methanol-to-gasoline work comes into play.
Porsche says that the eFuel works on everything from the latest-generation GT3 to a classic 911 from many decades ago.
In 2022, Porsche will begin trials of the eFuel with production of some 34,000 gallons. By 2026 Porsche says that if everything goes according to plan, we could see a production of 145 million gallons.
I guess most of us will still be around to use eFuel in our beloved ICE Porsches. I can’t wait to fill my (300K plus miles) 1998 Boxster with eFuel. I can then drive it another 300,000 miles as guilt-free as if I was driving a Taycan.
For more information on Synthetic Fuel and more, please visit my website:
www PedrosGarage.com.
Let’s be honest. We’ve all had the thought of why I would spend big money to buy the restored car when there is another car at a far cheaper price and all it needs is a little bit of love? Surely, I’ll save a lot of money if I restore the car myself.
Bob Miller of At Speed Motors will help us understand the restoration process by highlighting a couple of cars that are in their shop undergoing restoration. One of which is a fabled 1973 2.7RS. Bob will take us down the path of “does it make sense” as we look at the kinds of restorations that are available.
Repaint the exterior. This is probably the most common level of “restoration” performed. It can be done without removing glass, etc., but also can be a “glass out” job where all seals are replaced, all exterior lights, badging, etc. are removed and reinstalled.
Sympathetic restoration is generally defined as various levels of “sprucing up” but is beyond just a paint job. Light paintwork, lots of paintwork, rebuild the suspension, refresh the engine/ transmission, and even possibly refreshing the interior. This overall category is more refresh than restore.
Nut/bolt restoration. This is where the rubber hits the pavement. The entire car is literally disassembled, restored, and re-assembled. What are the pitfalls here? How long does this take?
What do the various levels of “restoration” cost? What is the value of the car before/after these various levels? Is a restored car more valuable than an original car?
Let’s journey down this path and see what it takes on each level…
When: April 6th
Where: At Speed Motors, 7389 Washington Blvd., Unit 103, Elkridge, MD 21075
Time: 9:00am (Doors open at 8:30am, Coffee, Donuts provided)
Tech Event with At Speed (motorsportreg.com)
January always kicks off the year with a number of great auctions from most of the major auction houses and it generally gives us a barometer as to what to expect for the remainder of the year. As it appears, the overall Porsche market seems to have stabilized with January’s sell-through rate coming in at 68%, right in range of what we saw through the final quarter of 2023. We did, however, see a bump in dollar and unit volume as compared to last January with $44,026,566 sold from the 592 Porsches offered.
Of those 592 Porsche’s offered, collectors had the opportunity to complete the “holy trinity” of hypercars as we saw a number of 959 Komforts, Carrera GTs, and 918 Spyders throughout the month. Of the seven examples of Porsche’s hypercars offered, only three managed to find homes.
The 1987 959 Komfort offered at Mecum’s Kissimmee sale was a 15,000-mile example that hammered for $1,700,000, right on trend with other 959 sales we saw last year. On the other hand, the 2005 Carrera GT offered at Barrett-Jackson topped average sales prices selling for $1,700,000 as well. This was due to the car having just 3,500 miles and being finished in the rare, and much sought after, color combination of Fayence Yellow over Ascot Brown. The 918 Spyder, also auctioned by Barrett-Jackson, sold just below the market average at a final bid of $1,625,000. Failing to sell were two other Carrera GTs with high bids of $1,252,000 and $1,370,000 along with a 959 Komfort at $1,500,000 and a 918 Spyder at $1,650,000.
Also at the top end of the market, we saw another sale of Porsche’s track-only 935/19, this time setting a new record at a final bid of $1,626,000. We also saw a 911 Reimagined by Singer return to the million dollar club for the first time since August of last year, with a Namibia Yellow over Bone White leather example sporting an Ed Pink-built 4.0-liter hammering down at $1,025,000. But that wasn’t the most impressive modified Porsche on the market last month. That honor goes to a 1957 356A built by Rod Emory of Emory Motorsports. This Light Ivory over Green Vine leather “Emory Outlaw” features a 2.6-liter Emory-Rothsport “Outlaw-4” engine reported to produce 260 hp and sold at a final bid of $675,000.
The overall 356 market looked strong bringing in a total dollar volume just over $3m with a 75% sell-through rate. Aside from the Emory Outlaw, Speedsters and Cabriolets dominated the top 5 spots with a beautiful Black on Black matching-numbers 1958 356A Speedster selling for $315,000 followed by 1958 356A Cabriolet finished in Ruby Red with a Black hard top selling for $292,000. While the Speedster looked to be quite the deal, the Cabriolet sold well above comps thanks to its known history and great presentation at auction. Of the cars that failed to sell, I was surprised to see this 1962 356B Carrera 2 GS on the list. Having just been restored, it was in absolutely pristine condi-
tion and only showed a handful of miles on the odometer since restoration. It failed to sell at a final bid of $300,000, quite a ways off of what it would take to bring it home. The lack of interest was most likely due to the auction venue of choice and would most likely have brought all the money at a legacy auction or top online auction house.
Another surprise from January was the fact that 914/6s continued to struggle. Out of the five cars on offer, only two found new homes, both selling under the $100,000 mark at $90,000 and $80,000. Two other standard 914/6s failed to sell at final bids of $83,500 and $110,000, the latter of which should have taken the bid in this market. Also failing to sell was a 1971 914/6 built by Brumos racing in the ‘90s for a customer racing program in the HSR series. It failed to sell at a high bid of $110,000.
While 914/6s slid, one market that has been on fire over the last few months is the 993 Targa market with it’s pricing trend line almost pointing straight up. Prices have gone from an average of $90,000 at the beginning of last year to over $120,000 today with three examples selling for $115,000, $164,000, and an impressive $180,000, which set a new five-year record for the model. That 1996 993 Targa 6-speed was a special one though, as it was customized by Jason Castiota, famed automotive designer whose work includes the Ferrari 599, Maserati’s GranTurismo, and the one-off Ferrari P4/5 by Pininfarina. This one-of-a-king example was finished in a Dark Brown Metallic with a gold rear Targa badge, gold-colored brake calipers, a Turbo front bumper, and a split-grille rear decklid borrowed from a 993 Carrera 2S. On the inside, the car featured a custom handcrafted interior appointed with classic beige German square weave carpeting and a combination of chocolate brown and ivory leather upholstery. An absolutely stunning example for sure.
Based on January’s numbers, I’d say that the overall Porsche market has stabilized and expect to see it continue into the spring. Although some models appear to be softening, I think it's more a case of them coming back down to reality after the insanity we saw in 2022. Our next batch of major auctions aren’t until early March with the Amelia Island sales, so February will give us a good look at how the online auction houses are performing on their own. Until then.
David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschephiles, delivered free to your inbox. To sign up, go to: www.stuttgartmarketletter.com
What Are PCA License Plates: Chesapeake Region PCA coordinates the purchase of PCA Organizational License Plates issued through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). The PCA License Plate Program promotes the visibility and camaraderie of PCA. PCA Maryland License Plates are pre-numbered Organizational Plates, not vanity plates. PCA License Plates are available for all cars, trucks and minivans, but not for motorcycles or trailers.
Cost: The one-time cost for the PCA License Plates is $40.00, which includes the $25.00 MVA fee and a $15 Chesapeake PCA fundraising fee to support the PCA License Plate Program and Chesapeake Region events.
How To Apply: The only way to apply for PCA Organizational License Plates is to complete the online PCA Maryland License Web Form at https://pcachs.org/pcamaryland-license-plate/ and submit it electronically. Please click on the above link to learn the details and requirements to apply for PCA License Plates.
If you have any questions regarding the purchase of PCA Maryland Organizational License Plates, please contact us at: pcaLicensePlates@pcachs.org. Safe and Happy Motoring.
Requirements: You must be a PCA Member and the car must be registered in Maryland. The PCA Plates are not limited to Porsches. You can apply for PCA plates for all your cars registered in Maryland!
Now you can obtain your Chesapeake Region Name Badge!
Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page. The Name Badge cost is $25, inclusive of handling and shipping.
This is your opportunity to purchase a heavy “gold- plated” Chesapeake Region metal car badge.
Each metal car badge comes complete with stainless steel slotted retaining plate, screws, washers and nuts to mount it through your car grille or separate mounting plate.
You can order right now! The cost per metal car badge is $30 or two for $50, inclusive of handling and shipping. Here’s how you order your metal car badge: Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page and make your payment.
What is the PCA Juniors program?
✓PCA Juniors is a program for Porsche enthusiasts under age 18.
✓Participants must be registered by an active PCA member.
✓It’s not just the cars… and now it’s not just the grownups!
✓With our new PCA Juniors program, PCA is about the kids too!
The PCA Juniors program has been created so kids can enjoy PCA events, learn about Porsches and build the enthusiasm that runs through all of the Porsche Club of America.
Who is eligible?
Any child under age 18 who is registered by a current PCA member can participate in the program.
(Note: This is not a PCA Membership.)
What will the child receive?
PCA Juniors will receive a welcome package that includes an ageappropriate gift and PCA Juniors ID badge. We look forward to developing the program and its features over time.
What does it cost to register?
It’s FREE! Participants must be registered by an active PCA member, and there is no cost to join!
On March 20, 2024 Chesapeake Region will celebrate the 63rd Anniversary of its Charter with the Porsche Club of America. Happy 63rd Anniversary Chesapeake Region. Chesapeake Region was first Chartered on March 20, 1961 with Bob Fusselbaugh as the first President and Art Bartholomee as Vice President.
Over Chesapeake Region’s long history, some of the Region’s historical documents were misplaced.
In 2001, we planned a 40th year Anniversary Celebration, but could not locate Chesapeake Region’s Original Charter. We placed a poem written by then Historian Larry LeMoine in the Porsche Patter, trying to locate the missing Charter. The poem is entitled “Chesapeake Region History: Past, Present, and Future”.
“Another month has gone to the past And I will have to take our members to task.
Where or where can our Charter be Did someone drop it into the sea?
Does the person who has our Charter
Think that he is saving it to be a martyr?
Or, did I hear someone say
That they dropped it into Chesapeake Bay?
Someone told me that they had old “Patters”
I do hope that they are not in tatters.
No one has sent me any history to read I think that my job as Historian is going to seed.
We need some history, photos and documents as such I do not think that this is asking too much.
We need to start putting stuff in our scrap book
So that all our members can take a look.
And be proud of what our Region has done
In the beautiful days under the sun.
Please let me hear from you soon
Before we have the next full moon.”
Our search for the original Chesapeake Charter was unsuccessful, so early in 2001 we petitioned PCA National Headquarters for a replacement Charter. Former PCA National President Bob Miller and Zone 2 Representative Manny Alban presented Chesapeake Region with a replacement Charter on April 21, 2001 at our 40th Anniversary Celebration. We were honored to host all the PCA National Board members at our 40th Anniversary Celebration as well as many Past Presidents and Vice Presidents of Chesapeake Region.
The replacement Charter, as well as other Chesapeake Region historical documents, are in the custody of current Chesapeake Region Historian Bob Rassa.
Saturday March 16, 2024 9:00 am-11:00 am
Tech Event to begin at 10:00 am
What to expect: new member welcome and meeting, facility tour and discussions, and techlive event.
You’re Invited to our Official New Member Party
Are you ready to join the fun? As a member of the PCA Chesapeake Region, we have all kinds of events to help you enjoy the club and your Porsche. As a new or recently new member, it would be great if you could join us at our upcoming New Member Meeting on Saturday, March 16th.
You’ll get a chance to meet the officers and hear from and talk to Chesapeake’s many different Event Chairs and find out about all the activities that are being planned for the year. You’ll also get a swag bag full of Chesapeake goodies and participate in the raffles for additional door prizes. This party is not to be missed if you are new or fairly new to Chesapeake and want to find out what we are all about.
You’re Invited to a Porsche Owings Mills Facility Tour
After the New Member Party, Chesapeake will be treated to a guided tour of the Porsche Owings Mills facility. This tour is open to all Chesapeake members and is not to be missed. Everyone
must register.
We are thrilled to extend an exclusive invitation to you for an unforgettable experience at our upcoming tech event. Join us as Porsche Owings Mills unveils its much-anticipated entry into the Porsche Restoration Challenge.
This year, our spotlight shines on a truly exceptional vehicle: the 2004 Porsche 911 C4S. In our opinion, one of the most aesthetically pleasing 911’s to come out of Stuttgart (if not the best rear end). The C4S came equipped with all the Turbo model upgrades including wide body, stiffer suspension, bigger brakes, and aero body kit but in naturally aspirated form. Our team is very excited to transform this well preserved 996 into our ultimate winter sports car, the “Alpine C4S”.
During the event, we will meticulously evaluate our 20-year-old 996, both mechanically and cosmetically. Our agenda includes a comprehensive overview of planned upgrades for the C4S, transforming it into our visionary "Alpine" masterpiece, along with essential maintenance and repair considerations. Expect in-depth discussions covering wheel and tire fitment, suspension enhancements, brake systems, as well as essential maintenance and repair insights tailored specifically for the 996 model.
This event also presents a prime opportunity to connect with our dedicated team and delve into any technical inquiries you may have about Porsches. We eagerly anticipate your presence, as we embark on this exciting endeavor together.
All participants must register for the event on www.MotorsportReg.com by March 15, 2024
Everyone must register here for this event at www.MotorsportReg.com
Everyone MUST sign a waiver for this event - https://pcachesapeake.speedwaiver.com/mzeui
• Date: Saturday, March 16, 2024
• Location: Porsche Owings Mills; 11309 Reisterstown Road; Owings Mills, MD 21117
• Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am (doors open at 8:30 am)
• Cost: Free
If you have already registered and need help to cancel your registration, refer to this link for detailed instructions.
QUESTIONS Feel free to reach out Rob Carter, Membership Chair, at membership@pcachs.org