Month Day Event
May 5th Family Picnic&Cinco de Mayo Poker Rally
Meeting Venue
Linthicum Heights, MD
11th Social Brunch: Inverness Brewery Monkton, MD
11th Tech Event-Monkton Trifecta Garages Monkton, MD
18th Autocross #1
Bowie, MD
19th Tour: Safeway to the Bay Annapolis, MD
22nd Social Dinner: Garten
June 1st Autocross #2
2nd Tour: Linganore Winery
Severna Park, MD
Bowie, MD
Ellicott City, MD
9th National: Porsche Parade 68 Birmingham, AL
18th Social Dinner: Bushel & a Peck Clarksville, MD
23rd Tour: Mason-Dixon Line Owing Mills, MD
29th New Member Party: PHV Hunt Valley, MD
Last weekend was the big Swap Meet in Carlisle and it included the typical cloudy, cool and then rain we’ve come to expect from this event. I did get to take some nice pictures of various cool Porsche’s, 20 of which were shared to our social media below. I’m definitely looking forward to next weekends Garage Crawl, though unfortunately we can’t publicly share photos.
We have 2 charitable events this month, Sunday’s Rally benefits BARCS, which is a fantastic organization for pet lovers. Then on the 19th, the tour is a food drive to benefit the LindaBen Foundation, which provides valuable nutrition to families throughout the local area.
Don’t miss the Save The Date flyer on page 7 for Chesapeake Challenge 55, should be some nice driving roads in the area of the event and the September date we hope is warmer than some of the more recent Chesapeake Challenges.
Have an article idea, member profile, for sale ad or business ad, shoot me an email editor@pcachs.org to get started.
Best Regards,
James B Beavan III
For the latest events and news follow us! Porsche Club of America - Chesapeake Region | Facebook Chesapeake Region PCA (@chesapeakepca) • Instagram photos and videos
Pg 2. Events Calendar: May 2024 - June 2024
Pg 2. Editors Message
Pg 4. Chesapeake Board Members
Pg 5. Advertisers Corner
Pg 8 & 9. Membership Figures & Anniversaries
Pg 10. Presidents Message
Pg 14. Tour & Rally Schedule
Pg 16. Socials in Review
Pg 22. Member Profile: Randy Bruscup & Stephanie Reuer
Pg 31. Tour: Rally School Wrap-Up
Pg 40. For Sale By Members
Pg 44. The DMV by Pedro Bonilla
Pg 50. Stuttgart Market Letter by David Whitlock
Pg 58. Tour: Eastern Shore Re-Cap
Front Cover photo:
Tour & Rally School by Aniano Arao
Rear Cover photo: 2023 Delmarva
Tour by Jim McKee
The Porsche Patter is the official newsletter of the Chesapeake Region PCA. Contributions to Porsche Patter should be sent by the 25th of the month preceding in Microsoft Word format to editor@pcachs.org. Please send high resolution images. Editor/Publisher: James B Beavan III; Contributing Photographers: James B Beavan III, Pedro Bonilla, Aniano Arao, Steve & Marsha Buss, Jim McKee. Contributing Writers: James B Beavan III, Steve & Marsha Buss, Aniano Arao, Pedro Bonilla, David Whitlock. Advertising: For questions about advertising rates and placement in the Porsche Patter, please contact editor@pcachs.org. Unless otherwise reserved, permission is granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the Porsche Patter and to the respective author. Subscriptions: join Porsche Club of America www.pca.org. The Porsche Patter is published monthly by the Chesapeake Region, PCA. Subscription is limited to members of the Chesapeake Region, PCA.
President Steve Buss
Vice President Mark Miller vicepresident@pcachs.org
Treasurer Andy Powell treasurer@pcachs.org
Secretary Ken Wilmers secretary@pcachs.org
Executive Vice President
Autocross Committee
Chesapeake Challenge Committee
Chief Driving Instructor
Community Service
Concours d’Elegance
Motorsportreg Registrar
Newsletter: Porsche Patter
PCA License
PCA Zone 2 Rep
Michael Murphy executivevicepresident@pcachs.org
Greg Hartke, Mark Hubley autocross@pcachs.org
Stacy Hawver, Tracey Jennings, Jen Kocsan chesapeakechallenge@pcachs.org
Ellen Beck instructor@pcachs.org
Dan McNally communityservice@pcachs.org
Paul Koenigsmark concours@pcachs.org
Bob Rassa historian@pcachs.org
Wayne Nelms insurance@pcachs.org
Rob Carter membership@pcachs.org
Marsha Buss msregistrar@pcachs.org
James B Beavan III editor@pcachs.org
Laurie & Bruce Tarsia pcalicenseplates@pcachs.org
Phil Grandfield zonerep@pcachs.org
Photography Committee Jim McKee, Ryan Boxler photography@pcachs.org
Publicity: Facebook/Instagram
Safety Chair
Social Committee
Sunshine Committee
Tech Committee
Tour/Rally Committee
James B Beavan III publicity@pcachs.org
John Jensen safetychair@pcachs.org
Thomas & Amanda Mason social@pcachs.org
Doug Ehmann sunshine@pcachs.org
Jim Earlbeck, Randy Richter, Rick Hawver tech@pcachs.org
Aniano Arao, Rich Ehrlich tour@pcachs.org; rally@pcachs.org
Webmaster Henry Becker webmaster@pcachs.org
Business Name & Address
Pedro's Garage
Contact Number & Website
954-385-0330 15245 Sevares Ct. Odessa, FL 33556 https://pedrosgarage.com/
Porsche Annapolis
20 Hudson Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Porsche Hunt Valley
10260 York Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030 https://www.porschehuntvalley.com/
Porsche Owings Mills
Porsche Silver Spring
3131 Automobile Blvd, Silver Spring, MD 20904 https://www.porschesilverspring.com/
PSA Insurance & Financial Services
11311 McCormick Rd., Suite 500, Hunt Valley, MD 21031 https://www.psafinancial.com/profiles/lee-rock-cpcucic/
Reflected Images
130 Industry Ln., Forest Hill, MD 21050 https://reflectedimages.net/
Rooftop Designs/Top Baths
11601 Edmonston Rd, Beltsville, MD 20705 https://rooftopdesigns.net/ https://topbaths.net
Westminster Speed and Sound
202 Pennsylvania Ave, Westminster, MD 21157 https://www.westminsterspeed.com/
Yanks Auto Detailing
Falls Rd, Hampstead, MD 21074
Conrey Construction (800) 640-0066
Fax: (410) 442-1444
Email: conreyconstruction@gmail.com
443-286-2225 Conrey Construction Company
Roofing, Siding, Replacement Window Contractor Maryland (conrey-construction.com)
Primary Members: 1232
Affiliate Members: 642
NewMembers (26)
David Borum
Solomon Brown
Bogdan Chitimus
Vishal & Tejal Desai
Michael Deutsch
Arsalan Ebadi
Steven Fine & Anna Burns
Jerry & Michele Focas
Patrick Gochar
Jackson Roussin
Jalil Jabaji
Mack Mcqueen
Brett Miller & Tiffany Ross
Parry Moore & Byron Smith
Thomas Neff
Kenneth Ng
David & Carol Palmer
Deborah Pattison
William Phelps
John Sodergreen
Bradley Vomocil
City, State
Life Members: 2
Total Members: 1876
Vehicle year and model
Arnold, MD 2022 911 GT3
Hyattsville, MD 2023 718 Cayman GT4
Columbia, MD 2013 911 Carrera S
Woodbine, MD 2024 911 Turbo S
Cockeysville, MD 2019 911 Turbo S
Baltimore, MD 1985 944
Glenelg, MD 2020 911 Carrera
Reisterstown, MD 2023 Macan S
Clarksville, MD 2017 911 Carrera 4S
Columbia, MD 2001 Boxster S
Lutherville, MD 1993 968
Cambridge, MD 2010 Panamera 4S
Rockville, MD 2023 911 Targa 4GTS
Ellicott City, MD 2010 911 Carrera S
Mount Airy, MD 2009 Boxster
Ellicott City, MD 2015 911 Carrera
Edgewater, MD 2002 911 Turbo
Annapolis, MD 2020 Macan S
Edgewater, MD 1997 Boxster
Crownsville, MD 1999 911 Carrera
Severn, MD 2016 Cayman GT4
Adam Ward Baldwin, MD 2001 911 Carrera 4
Christopher & Tanisha Washington Hanover, MD 2024 911 Carrera S
Skylar Worthington
Stewart Wright
Travis Yates
Transfer In: 3 (from Potomac)
Eldersburg, MD 2024 Cayenne
Lutherville, MD 2006 Cayman S
Monkton, MD 1986 911 Carrera
Transfer Out: 2 (1 Everglade and 1 to Arizona)
New Test Drive Participants: (3)
35 Years
Thomas Kuker
25 Years
Philip & Denise Andrews
Kevin & Brandon Portnoff
20 Years
David O’Brien
15 Years
Mark Jeschke
Michael & Arlene Murphy
10 Years
Anne Conaway & Sandy Gross
5 Years
Robert Johnson
P. Bruce Serinis
Tristan Hinkley
Nurbek Ismailov
John Linde
Chase Murdoch
1 Year
Don Ledwig
Rob Payne
Rich Schwartz
Ggree & Caroline Behling
Johnny Farmand & Angela Brown
Kevin Bohlayer
Rob Carter
Jason Hikel
Philip Barnes
Jorge Fleming & Kelli Anderson
William Kerr
By: Rob CarterChristopher Faeth
Kimberly Praay
Mary Anne Rochfort
David Wells
Amit Uttamsingh & Shalini Gidwani
Eileen Coates
Chris Kepplinger
Matthew & George Ganim
’s Message May 2024
By: Steve BussWe certainly have enthusiastic members!
Over 100 members registered for the recent Eastern Shore Tour. Thanks to Tom Divilio for being the Guest Tour Master and finding the best roads across the Chesapeake Bay area. The drive was outstanding and we finished with lunch at RAR Brewing in Cambridge.
The upcoming Tech Committee Garage Crawl sold out in under 2 minutes, 35 cars and more than 70 people. The associated Social Event at Inverness Brewing afterwards has over 100 members registered.
I’m proud to have this excellent participation, yet I also feel the frustration from those who were waitlisted and unable to attend. It is a growing trend that these events are selling out very quickly so please check our calendar of events at pcachs.org for the latest information on registration dates and be prepared to register when the event opens.
PCA Chesapeake is very fortunate to have four Porsche dealerships in our Region. Each of these dealerships support our club through sponsorships. There are two levels – the Winner’s Circle ($5,000 level) and the Champion’s Circle ($3,500 level). We have Sponsorship Agreements in place describing the services we will deliver in 2024. We support the dealerships by providing focused advertising via our Website, Facebook, Instagram, and here in the Porsche Patter magazine. We provide collaborative involvement with their charitable events and announce them to our members. We agree to host a New Member Party and a Tech Event at their facilities. The goals are to create a win-win relationship, which I can state is very successful. Here are a few testimonials from Porsche dealers. “Growing our relationship with PCA is a priority. We consistently see increases in service and sales. A recent survey shows 61% of Porsche owners use the dealership for service”. “We enjoy a mutually beneficial partnership from co-hosting new member events, tech sessions, charitable social events and cars and coffees.”
In order to have ongoing collaboration and to keep open and honest dialog with one another, the Chesapeake Region has Liaisons for each dealership. These volunteers keep in touch with their counterparts and are our single point of contact contributing to our successes.
I would like to thank all our volunteers for their efforts and energy that makes our region so successful. Thank you to my wife, Marsha, as she transitions from Social Chair to full-time club Registrar. Together we co-chaired this role for two years and thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many of our members and making new friends. Thomas and Amanda Mason seized the opportunity to become more active in the Club and stepped into the Social Committee Chair. Thank you, Thomas and Amanda, for volunteering for this important committee. And thank you to Marsha for stepping into the Registrar’s role.
I want to encourage all club members to consider getting more involved with our numerous committees. There are many opportunities to volunteer, make new friends and meet new members. Rumor has it the Porsche Patter has a volunteer opportunity.
I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events – the Cinco de Mayo Poker Rally/Family Picnic, an Autocross, one of several other tours, or the next New Member Party/Tech Event on June 29th at Porsche Hunt Valley. Check out the calendar at www.pcachs.org.
Thanks to all of you for making Chesapeake Region so much fun! It is the cars that bring us together, but it is the people that make it special.
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee is planning to hold 18 events in 2024, plus one joint event with PCA Potomac. The dates and events listed here are provisional and subject to change. Registration will open 2 to 3 weeks before the events’ scheduled dates. To sign up, PCA members have to log on to their MotorsportReg accounts at www.motorsportreg.com. (Ver. 12, 04/28/2024)
April 7 (1) Tour & Rally School by Steve Graham, Bob Rassa, Aniano Arao, 18 people, 12 cars
April 14 (2) Eastern Shore Tour, guest tour master Tom Divilio, 89 people, 49 cars
April 27 (3) Drive to Porsche Swap Meet in Carlisle, tour master Rich Ehrlich, 23 people, 15 cars
May 5 (4) Family Picnic and Cinco de Mayo Poker Rally, guest rally master Marsha Buss
May 19 (5) Safeway to the Bay Tour & Food Drive, Anne Arundel, guest tour master Hank Lucas
June 2 (6) Linganore Winecellars Tour, Howard/Frederick counties, guest tour master Ron Farb
June 23 (7) Mason-Dixon Line Tour, Baltimore/York counties, guest tour master Steve Graham
July 7 (8) Southern Maryland Tour, guest tour master Steve Wood
July 20 (9) Ice Cream Tour, guest tour master Mark Miller
Aug. 3 (10) Potomac Speed-Limit-Sign Rally Presented by Chesapeake, rally master Rich Ehrlich
Aug. 16-18(11) West Virginia Summer Tour, tour master Aniano Arao
Aug. 31 (12) Off-Road Tour, guest tour master Jim Hemig
Sept. 15 (13) Chesapeake Challenge 55 Gimmick Rally, rally master Rich Ehrlich
Sept. 22 (14) Baltimore County Horse Country Tour, tour master Aniano Arao
Oct. 13 (15) Tour of guest tour master Mark Miller
Oct. 27 (16) West Virginia Fall Colors Tour, tour master Aniano Arao
Nov. 3 (17) Barns & Bridges Gimmick Rally, guest rally masters Craig & Linda Davidson
Dec. 7 (18) Kindertime & Linda’s Legacy Tour, tour master Rich Ehrlich
Oct. 26 (00) Joint PCA Potomac-PCA Chesapeake TSD Rally
Check www.pcachs.org, Porsche Patter, www.motorsportreg.com and the events’ e-Blasts for details and updates. Send questions to tour@pcachs.org. – Aniano Arao & Rich Ehrlich, Co-Chairs, Tour & Rally Committee
Please mark your calendars for Wednesday night, May 22nd, at 6:30pm at Garten located in Severna Park, Anne Arundel County. The restaurant features an international menu, beers and wine. Check out their menu here.
All participants must register for the dinner on www.MotorsportReg.com by May 18th
Seating is limited to 32 people (you will be placed on the waitlist if the limit is met but may be contacted should anyone cancel and there is availability). There is no registration fee for this event.
When: May 22, 2024, Wednesday Meeting time: 6:30pm
Meeting point: Garten, 849 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard, Severna Park (443) 261-3905
Parking lot in rear of restaurant will be reserved for our group.
End of social: 8:30pm
Cost: Members are responsible for their own dinner. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons. While we are striving to make this event safe, with your Participation in and Registration for this social event, you recognize and acknowledge the hazards of COVID-19, and you assume the risk of illness or death arising from a COVID-19 infection at this event. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it.
Log onto your Motorsportreg account or create one at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will close at midnight on Saturday, May 18th . There is no fee for this event.
Steve and I just returned from PCA’s Treffen Wine Country national event in Sonoma County. What a wonderful trip! We drove 750 miles of twisty and hilly roads through the canyons and along the Pacific Coast during our week-long stay. PCA does an outstanding job selecting locations with beautiful scenery for touring and 5-star hotels with reduced rates. While we were at the final dinner, they discussed plans for the 2024 Fall Treffen at Mount Washington, New Hampshire and announced the 2025 Spring Treffen at the Omni Homestead in Virginia. Additional details of the Fall tour can be found on the Treffen North America website. Registration for Treffen Mount Washington is open at 3pm EST on May 29. As you may know, registration is very competitive. Many of our region’s members are excited about seeing the fall colors this year in New Hampshire September 29 – October 3.
We had a tremendous group lunch social at Guinness Open Gate Brewery on Saturday, April 6th immediately after the Tech event at At Speed Motors. 99 members registered for the event driving 65 cars to the Lunch Social.
On a beautiful spring evening we enjoyed outdoor dining at Hightopps Backstage Grille on April 16th. The restaurant has many dining areas and we were able to accommodate all 49 members who registered for dinner.
On Sunday, Cinco de Mayo, the poker rally will conclude at the Patapsco Valley State Park with lunch catered by Chipotle. Hope you’ll join us, bring your family, and support the Baltimore Animal Rescue and & Care Shelter (BARCS).
Saturday, May 11, we have a Lunch Social planned in Monkton, Baltimore County, at Inverness Brewery. The nearby roads are stunning! The brewery is along the state of Maryland’s Horses and Hounds Scenic Byway.
Garten in Severna Park on Wednesday, May 22nd has a short waiting list, even after we added a table in an adjacent dining room.
In June we are returning to the Bushel and A Peck Kitchen and Bar in Clarksville. Registration is open now for this Dinner Social on June 18th .
We hope to see you at our future events! Our Dinner Socials are generally on the third Tuesday every month. Breakfast Socials are the first Saturday of some months.
As Steve mentioned in his President’s message, I am focusing my volunteer efforts as club Registrar. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the club as social co-chair with Steve the
last two years. Our members are so friendly and welcoming. We are looking forward to working with Thomas and Amanda Mason during the transition of social committee duties.
This yearly tour takes us from Ellicott City on the most indirect path possible to Linganore Winecellars/ Red Shedman Brewery. On the way we will drive on some delightful country roads as well as see some amazing scenery around the huge farms of central MD. This Tour & Rally Committee event will conclude with a picnic lunch at Linganore Winecellars. This extravaganza is the brainchild of guest tour master Ron Farb.
● Where: The Ellicott City address will be sent to confirmed registrants via e-mail by May 30, 2024.
● When: June 2, Sunday.
● Drivers’ meeting: 9:30
● Departure: 9:45 am
● ETA at Linganore Winecellars: 12:00 PM
● Picnic on the lawn: Bring your own lunch or buy from a food truck or the snack bar. Everyone is encouraged to bring a picnic blanket and chairs since we might not be able to secure more than one or two picnic tables.
● Log on to your account at http://msreg.com/Linganore2024 and sign up before 1 PM May 31, Eastern time. Priority will be given to PCA Chesapeake members.
● $5 registration fee for each adult. Maximum fee $10 per car. No fee for minors (17 and younger).
● MotorsportReg charges a $2 service fee for registration (not for every person).
● Don’t forget to complete the Speedwaiver: https://pcachesapeake.speedwaiver.com/bgzqb
● Tour documents, as well as a link to the Scenic navigation route, will be sent to confirmed registrants by June 1 via e-mail.
QUESTIONS: Please send questions to the Tour & Rally Committee at tour@pcachs.org.
Do you know a Porsche Club member that could use a little sunshine? Please let us know. TheClubhasestablishedanewSunshineposition. IfyouknowaClubmemberwhois ill,hasahospitalstay,afamilymemberhaspassed,orisfacingsomedifficultorchallengingtimes,wewouldlikesendacardtoletthemknowtheClubisthinkingabout them.
PleasecontactDougEhmannatSunshine@pcachs.org. Thanks!
Names & Join Date:
Randy Bruscup and Stephanie Reuer 2019
Current Cars, Previous Cars: 2014 Cayman – which Stephanie purchased in 2017. She does have a serious eye out for a 2023 or 2024 Macan T, though.
Have you served on any Regional or National committees: No.
What encouraged you to join the Porsche Club of America:
Randy became aware of PCA Chesapeake and we decided to attend a couple of Aniano’s wonderful tours. Both of us were so pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome we received and the terrific camaraderie experienced. Randy was interested in autocross and he encouraged Stephanie to give it a try. We were both immediately hooked!
When it came time to buy a vehicle, what made you choose your Porsche and is this your first Porsche (if not please detail prior Porsche's):
This is our first Porsche. Definitely not our last. Stephanie always loved small sports cars and enjoyed driving her TT in the early 2000s. Randy was much more of a “car guy,” however. We were discussing what sports car might be fun to have, but while Randy thought that was just a bit of daydreaming. Stephanie thought of it as marching orders.
Stephanie kept an eye out for a low mileage CPO Porsche and both of us were interested in the mid-
engine Cayman. One day, she showed up in the driveway while on a test drive of a Cayman S, but it wasn’t CPO and had a few more miles on it than she was comfortable with. Randy wasn’t excited about the red interior. Just 3-4 months later, we learned that a 2014 Cayman base model was available at Porsche Annapolis. So, unbeknownst to Randy, she looked at it, drove it, bought it and brought it home on a random day after work. Normally not impulsive, Stephanie says she was afraid if she brought it back to the house, Randy would find something wrong with it and back it would go. Thankfully, Randy loved the color and the two-tone interior and thought it was in terrific shape. He had a big smile on his face, which continues to this day whenever we drive the car.
What are your favorite Regional &/or National events:
Due to our work schedules (and locations), we haven’t had the opportunity to participate in these events. We are excited to join the Treffen at Sea cruise to Alaska in July. As our time becomes more our own, we look forward to things like Rennsport, the Porsche experience in Atlanta (or perhaps Germany!) and other events. We always know that we will have a fantastic time when we participate in anything that PCA Chesapeake and PCA National offers.
Both of us still wax a bit rhapsodic about that wonderful winding road, Rt. 26 in Pennsylvania, that Aniano scheduled as part of a rally in 2022. Such fun – we hope that the club will host a repeat of that event.
We have truly enjoyed absolutely everything about the autocross program that Greg Hartke, Mark Hubley, et al have crafted. As newbies to the sport, we have both participated in the autocross school twice (and we’ll do so again because it is such a terrific learning experience.) Stephanie’s fa-
vorite memory from the school is when Kevin Keaty bet her five bucks that she couldn’t hit a cone in a slalom with her left rear tire. And Kevin paid up when she did! Both of us really enjoy the cumulative, incremental skill building that happens every time we go out on one of Mark’s well-designed and challenging courses. And, above all else, every favorite memory of PCA Chesapeake includes the camaraderie of all of the terrific people who are members, as well as those who serve in leadership positions.
Frankly, we were stunned to learn that when we purchased our car, we also gained this huge, active, fun and terrific social group that is PCA Chesapeake.
What advice about PCA or Chesapeake would you give to new members: We would suggest that new members try everything on the PCA and Chesapeake menu: autocross, tours, HPDE, the charity events, social gatherings of every kind, garage crawls – all of it. You’ll undoubtedly find some kindred spirits almost immediately and you’ll have a ball exploring all sorts of ways to enjoy your Porsche even more.
If money was no object, what Porsche would you love to own and why: Randy: I guess I’d really like to stick with the mid-engine configuration – the handling characteristics are tremendous, and it feels to us like the car turns on a keel just like a racing sailboat. So, for me, the dream car would be a 718 Cayman GT4 RS. But, as Kevin Keaty says, those are made of “unobtanium.”
Anything additional you would like to share about yourself (Family/Work/Etc):
Well, our first date was sort of interesting. We met on a skiing trip to Austria and the first day there, Randy split his lip skiing under some ropes meant to keep all of the hotdoggers out. Because Stephanie had a little bit of German, she was tapped to accompany him to the urgent care in the little town of Mayerhofen so he could get some stiches. They fixed him up AND gave him some pretty effective pain killers. So Stephanie had a bit of a challenge dragging a loopy Randy back to the hotel.
We both like to stay as active as possible. Randy continues to mountain bike regularly and enjoys doing so with Duane Orth, a PCA Chesapeake friend. Sailboat racing has been a big part of our lives for many years and we owned and raced one design in Stephanie’s J/35 “Dakota Girl.” Randy trimmed the jib and the spinnaker – and was the “crew boss.” Stephanie was at the helm. Just like autocross, we loved the challenge of building our skills and those of our team. We have lots of sea stories to tell, including some that start with “it was a dark and stormy night,” of course. And another one design race boat is definitely in our future. Randy continues to enjoy downhill skiing and Stephanie continues to say she can’t wait to get back to skiing, three knee surgeries be damned.
Stephanie has a Master of Music Performance in voice and piano. She sang with companies such as the Washington National Opera at the Kennedy Center, Minnesota Opera and Northstar Opera. She continues to seriously study classical piano and practices a couple of hours most days. She hopes to return to a position as a Director of Music for a local church when she fully retires.
Randy has been an artisan in the marine canvas industry for over 50 years. He has handcrafted dodgers and biminis and custom fitted covers for powerboats, sailboats and even some secret military stuff he wasn’t really allowed to know anything about except the dimensions. Stephanie had to have a day job, so she “fell” into Global Trade Compliance, and has worked for several aerospace and defense companies for the last 30+ years. She’s had the opportunity to travel the world and even testified on export control reform to the Australian Senate.
We feel so fortunate to have found our home in Annapolis, where we live in a beautiful little post and beam home with our two pups (a mutt, Rocky (18) and a cream-colored golden retriever, Piper (just turned 1) and a toothless and grumpy Maine Coon cat, Gabby (8.) We love everything about our little city, from all of the history, the architecture, the Naval Academy (Blue Angels are May 21 and 22, so mark your calendars,) the Chesapeake Bay and the many special events held annually that make Annapolis unique. Where else can you burn your socks to celebrate saying goodbye to Winter?
This 2-hour driving tour will take participants through some of the most scenic and enjoyable roads in Anne Arundel and Calvert counties. As he has done privately and for PCA Chesapeake six times before, guest tour master Hank Lucas will again share his wonderful route with fellow PCA members. This drive is one of the best in PCA Chesapeake’s repertoire. (Version 4)
This event will also be a food drive for the LindaBen Foundation, a charity that aims to reduce childhood hunger in Howard County, among other goals. For the summer and coming school year, LindaBen is working with the county’s after-school program to provide healthy snacks for the students. Please scroll down for information on what food and other items you could donate.
Where: The Annapolis address will be sent via e-mail to confirmed registrants by May 18.
When: 1:00 PM, May 19, Sunday Drivers’ meeting: 1:15 PM
Departure: 1:45 PM
ETA at finish line: 3:45 PM, same location as the Annapolis starting point
By signing up for and joining any of our driving events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. PCA waiver forms must be completed and signed by all, online or on paper. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons.
Click on this link to register: msreg.com/24CHSPCATr5
Log on to your MotorsportReg account at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will open at 1 PM on April 29 and close at 1 PM on May 15. PCA members and their guests must be registered and confirmed to join this event. Drivers must be adult PCA members with a valid driver’s license.
Registration fee $5 per adult; maximum fee $10 per car; minors (17 and younger) free.
The $5 per person REGISTRATION FEE WILL BE WAIVED for those who promise to bring a donation. MotorsportReg charges a new $2 booking fee for every registration (not for every person).
Route instructions and other documents will be sent to confirmed registrants via e-mail by May 18. This tour has capacity limits for cars and people.
All interested PCA members should register ASAP. Remember: first-come, first-served. This event is a joint effort of the Tour & Rally Committee and the Community Service Committee.
Listed here are the healthy snacks for children and other items that you could donate. Other similar healthy snacks will also be welcome. Your choice.
Horizon Organic Shelf-Stable 1% Low-Fat Milk Boxes, Chocolate, 8 oz., preferably pack of 18. Packs of 6 and 12 are also available.
Original Mini Jerky Beef Sticks by Country Archer, 100% Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, High-Protein Snacks, 0.5 oz. Preferably pack of 28. Packs of 12 and 36 are also available.
Zee Zees Variety Pack Cruncherz Roasted Chickpeas, Sea Salt, Ranch, and Chili Lime, Nut-Free, Vegan, Plant Protein, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, 0.75 oz., 36-count variety pack.
Zee Zees Variety Pack Sunflower Kernels, Honey Roasted, Roasted Salted, and Spicy, Plant Protein, 1 oz., pack of 48.
Smartfood Popcorn, White Cheddar, 1 oz., pack of 64. Also available packs of 8, 18, 36, 40.
Sun-Maid Organic California Sun-Dried Raisins - 1 oz. Snack-Size Box - Organic Dried-Fruit Snack for Lunches, Snacks, Natural Sweeteners, pack of 72.
GoGo squeeZ Fruit on the Go, Apple Cinnamon, 3.2 oz, Unsweetened Fruit Snacks for Kids, Gluten-Free, Nut-Free and Dairy-Free, Recloseable Cap, BPA Free Pouches. pack of 48.
Popcorn Snack Pack - Skinny Pop, Pirate's Booty, Cracker Jack, Angie's. Niro Assortment, pack of 18.
If you want to see LindaBen Foundation’s wish list in Amazon, click on this link: https:// www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/23RYISS13G6K6?ref_=wl_share
In addition to food, there is a high demand for baby diapers and wipes, as well as for adult diapers, Anna Beavan of LindaBen says. The donated items will be collected at our assembly point by LindaBen staff and volunteers.
“The LindaBen Foundation is a public charity and community-based organization founded by Annabelle Beavan in 2020, amid the coronavirus pandemic. The foundation aims to uplift the conditions of the homeless, at-risk populations, and underserved communities by providing sustainable access to healthy food, housing support, and self-sufficiency programs. Recognized by GuideStar as a platinum-level rated nonprofit, LindaBen's strategic community partnerships and programs, including our Hunger Free Weekend (via Blessings in a Backpack), Food Recovery, and Community Pantry, aim to close the gap between community needs and available resources, working toward zero hunger, food security, and wellness equity. We are a 501c3 Tax -exempt organization (EIN: 85-2409722).”
For those who want to have an early lunch near our Annapolis assembly point before the tour, here are four restaurants that you might want to consider: Lures Bar & Grill, 1397 Generals Hwy, Crownsville, opens at 10 AM on Sunday, 410-923-1608 Eggcellence, 2625 Housley Rd, Annapolis, opens at 7 AM on Sunday, 410-5739503 Rams Head Roadhouse, 1773 Generals Hwy, Annapolis, opens at 10 AM Sunday, 410-849-8058 Cheesecake Factory, 1872 Annapolis Mall Rd, Annapolis, opens 10 AM Sunday, 410-224-0565
QUESTIONS: Send questions to Tour & Rally Committee Co-Chair Aniano Arao at tour@pcachs.org.
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee held its 2024 Tour & Rally School on April 7 at the Valhalla Farm of Skip Conrey. Eighteen club members took part and brought 12 cars, slightly more than the turnout in 2023.
Our instructors were longtime experts and veteran PCA members Steve Graham, left, for gimmick rallies and Bob Rassa for TSD rallies, both shown in the photo above. Tour & Rally Committee CoChair Aniano Arao served as the tour instructor.
The school, as usual, was designed for PCA members who want to learn about or bone up on gimmick and time-speed-distance (TSD) rallies, in preparation for the competitive rallies in this year’s Porsche Parade, as well as in our own region. It is also aimed at members who may be interested in learning to plan and create their own driving tours or in volunteering to be lead drivers.
The day began with breakfast at the party barn in Skip’s 90-acre farm in Marriottsville. Then 50-minute classroom sessions on tours, gimmick rallies and TSD rallies followed.
Everyone appeared to have enjoyed the exercise. It was won by Hansel Buckingham and Carolyn Bernota, left, in photo above. Bill Kearney and son Will came in second, while Rich and Kris Townsend, right, finished in third place.
Rich and Kris had previously won the 2019 “One-Lane-Bridge TSD Rally,” which was the sample event of that year’s TSD Rally School, conducted by Bob.
As a navigator, Carolyn came in second in last year’s Chesapeake Challenge Gimmick Rally, with driver Jonathan Silverman.
The TSD rally in last year’s Tour & Rally School was won by Steve and Marsha Buss. They did very well again this year. In fact, they would have won second-place honors had they been eligible for them – they were not because the TSD rally they had won in 2023 was identical to this year’s sample event. As the only repeat participants, they had a huge advantage. They kindly bowed out, but took part in the competition just for fun. The others were new to the rally and had to start from scratch.
Missing in the group photo above, in addition to myself, were Steve Graham and George Osenburg, as well as Chad and Gabriella Wasileski.. Unfortunately, all four had to leave early. Our host, Chip, is in the middle, wearing a red shirt under his black jacket.
Our thanks go to Skip of Conrey Construction for his unfailing kindness and hospitality.
Well no….that’s already been done so this one is Dreierwette! Its not three garages but rather a combination event for your enjoyment that will be held on July 27th .
A special Garage Crawl will happen before the tech session. Starting at 8:30 am you will get to visit an amazing garage with a cornucopia of fine automotive machinery. The garage crawl will end at 930am to be on our way to the next stop.
At 10:00am we will gather at Westminster Speed & Sound in Westminster, Maryland for one of our summer Tech Sessions. Mark Miller is the owner and an active participate in the Chesapeake Region. For over 30 years now, they have offered custom-installed radar detectors along with portable units. Escort has been the leader in this category for decades now, offering both portable and hidden solutions. Mark has made arrangements to have one of the factory reps from Escort fly in to join us for the session, so you don’t want to miss this one. WSS & Escort will also be giving something away at the event, and you can let your mind chew on that one for a little while.
Westminster Speed & Sound will also be unveiling their new division; Artistry by WSS, and will be giving tours of their new experience center. It is dedicated to designing, fabricating, and installing the finest products available in the automotive aftermarket. Come enjoy a morning with a business celebrating 55 years in the automotive aftermarket.
Join us after the tech session at Westminster Speed & Sound for an optional great lunch at Bullock’s Restaurant. We will gather there at 12:30pm. They have been in business for several decades now and have an on-site bakery and butcher shop. You go up to the counter and order everything from burgers, fresh cut steaks, fried chicken, and their famous soup and salad bar. Their address is
2020 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, MD 21157. You can see their menu by clicking here: https:// www.bullocksrestaurant.net/menu
You can also register for the lunch without attending the tech session. Bullock’s does have a capacity limit, so please register as soon as possible. We went to the same restaurant in 2019 after the last event at WSS and it was well received.
An announcement will be forthcoming for registration. There will be separate registrations for the garage crawl/tech session and the lunch. The tech session/garage crawl will be limited to 35 cars/60 people so pair up. Lunch registration will be limited to 120 people.
Soul catted stainless headers for sale
They fit 2020-2024 Boxster/Cayman GTS 4.0 and 20-24 GT4 and Spyder. They were on my 2023 Spyder for 6,000 miles. Retail on them is $5175. I am asking $3,000.
My email is mark@westminsterspeed.com and my cell is 443-970-0644
Mark Miller2021 FeatherLite Aluminum Car Hauler Trailer. Model 3110-0014
Lightweight, all aluminum construction. Weighs just 1350 lbs.
Bed length is 14.0’. Perfect for a smaller car, or sports car (ex: 911, Boxster, Cayman, race car).
Bed width is 8’ 6” between fenders.
Total length is 17’ 6”.
Skid resistant aluminum floor.
Two aluminum ‘Flex Foot’ ramps; storage underneath the trailer with locking access door.
Both fenders are removeable, for easy access in/out of a loaded car. Stainless steel fender latches.
Stainless steel tie-downs (4).
Tandem axles, with E-Z Lube hubs.
Four Goodyear Endurance 205/75-15 tires on 15” steel wheels.
Spare wheel and tire.
Bumper hitch.
Electric brakes, with electric break-away safety system. Brakes are applied with a separate brake controller mounted in your tow vehicle.
LED lights – brakes, turn signals, side lights.
Electric winch with wireless and wired controllers. Separate battery box.
Tongue jack with wheel and flat pad.
FeatherLite has an outstanding reputation as one of the very best trailer manufacturers on the market.
Gently used, and carefully maintained. No corrosion, no dings, or dents. You’d be hard pressed to find a car hauler trailer that is as nice as this one. Contact me for more details and photos, or a walk-around video.
This is a trailer you really need to see to appreciate. Buyers from away – I can do a FaceTime video call with you, and/or line up a pre-purchase inspection for you.
$8,000. Call Doug on cell: 410-917-3271, or DougEhmann@gmail.com.
Recently, checking my social media accounts, I came up on a question that got me thinking about the past and brought memories of times gone by.
The question was: “On which car did you pass your driver’s test?” Let me tell you a story. It’s completely true. I was truly excited that morning as I recall.
It was finally going to be official; I was getting my driver’s license if I passed the test. I had had my learner’s permit but now I had just turned 17 which allowed me to obtain my driver’s license if I passed the written and driving exams.
I knew how to drive, and the actual driving part didn’t worry me since I’d been driving with my Dad for some years now, competing in AXs, Gymkhanas and even piloting his rally car with him as co-pilot in the Dominican Republic (DR) where we were living at that time.
My worry was more about the written part with all of the specific laws and regulations, you know: At what minimum distance should you follow a car on the highway?, What’s the maximum speed on a two-lane highway?, etc.
My appointment was for 2:00 PM that day.
I don’t recall the exact circumstances, but I remember that when I asked my folks if one of them could drive me to the DMV in their car so that I could take the test, something had just happened and they were all stressed out about it. After some tense silence, my Dad just said: “Take the rally car … and be careful!”
Wow, the rally car… to the DMV … for my exam! … Gulp! This was a really cool and scary at the same time.
The rally car that Dad and I have competed in about half a dozen times was a white exterior with red interior, 3 year old Porsche 912 that was fully prepared as an off-road rally vehicle. A very light car, ultra competitive and with a powerful (modified) 1.6 liter engine and a 5 speed transmission, beefed up suspension, harnesses, and half a roll-cage. It was also very loud since it had a straight-tuned exhaust with no mufflers.
Right after lunch, I couldn’t wait any longer and took the car out to warm it up and after a few minutes, drove off to the DMV office. It wasn’t very far, probably less than 10 miles and I arrived quite early. I then went to the reception desk and signed myself in. The attendant told me that an instructor would be assigned to me and that I would be called when it was my turn, so I should just take a seat and wait.
It was just after 1:00 PM. The waiting area was hot and full of people waiting to be called for their test or other DMV-related issues. I decided to not sit. I was too anxious and just stood by one of the windows to catch a little refreshing breeze.
After just a few minutes of waiting, one of the solid-wood doors to the multiple little offices that surrounded the reception lobby burst open with a loud bang and a rather large guy who I immediately recognize as the older brother of my close friends, the twins, shouts out: “I need help!” … “Can anyone drive me to my house NOW? It’s a life-or-death emergency!”
I instinctively raise my hand so he can see me and say: “I can drive you home Tony”. Tony rushes over me. I remember that his face was really red and swollen and he said to me in a raspy voice: “I has just stung by several bees … and I’m very allergic … and I don’t have my adrenalin shot with me … please take me home as fast as you can!”
I said: “Sure, my car is right outside”. I run over, unlock it and we both jump in. Tony is looking worse by the minute. Also being allergic to bee stings and other stuff and having recently been through an anaphylactic shock myself, I know how he’s feeling and also know that time is of the essence, so I need to get him home as fast as humanly possible.
Some of you may be asking yourself: “Why did this idiot leave home without his EpiPen and why did he not call 911?”
This happened in 1969. Neither 9-1-1 nor EpiPen existed yet and we were in the DR where ambulances were a gamble if you could find a phone that worked and a phone book to search for the number because dialing zero would get you nowhere.
Luckily, Tony and the twins didn’t live too far away. Probably about 8 Km (5 miles) or so. We were also lucky that it wasn’t 2:00 PM yet, when traffic would pick up again.
I was driving inspired and on a sacred quest. I was sure that it had been destiny that put me there with the rally car at that precise moment when Tony needed a fast getaway car. Thinking about it now, it’s kind of blurry, trying to recall all of the details. I know there were a few red lights run, multiple STOP signs that flew by as if they were painted green and said GO, and lane changes galore. Maybe even a couple of blocks up the wrong way just because it was shorter and would save time. I do remember a street vendor throwing a tomato at me when I scared the bejesus out of him as I drifted around a corner, missing his cart by inches. The sudden loud roar of the racing engine as I appeared around the corner must have been nerve racking for him. He must have been a baseball pitcher at some time in his youth because he hit my rear window square in the center with the splattering tomato as I sped away.
The ride was over quickly, 6 or 7 minutes since we’d left the DMV but Tony was really struggling. I turned into his driveway honking the horn and revving the loud engine. Tony’s Mom and Dad both came out as I was helping him out of the car. They took him in right away. I hung around to see if Tony would be OK. About 10 minutes later Tony’s Mom came out and invited me in. Tony, who now was much better after taking an adrenaline shot and some other medication, had told her that I saved his life. She was in tears and couldn’t stop shaking. Tony’s Dad also came downstairs with To-
ny who now looked and talked fine. After a couple of minutes of thank you’s and hugs Tony said that we should get back. He assured us that he was fine and said he had a lot of work pending.
We got back in the car and made our way back to the DMV office at a much slower pace and taking another longer route so no one would recognize the car that had just made such a racket. I was also really concentrating on driving correctly and respecting the laws and signage as best as I could.
Sometime during our return to the DMV I mentioned to Tony that I had been at the DMV for my driver’s license tests and asked if he knew who my instructor would be and if he could help because I had probably lost my place in line. He said: “I was the instructor assigned to your test, and I seem to recall that you broke every single traffic law in the book … during a time when I must have been delirious, because I can see that you drive very well and you are very respectful of the laws and regulations. I am also very thankful that you were there, willing and able to help me. I’m pleased to tell you that as soon as we get back, I’ll fill out the paperwork and you’ll be an officially licensed driver”. That made me feel very happy.
Tony and I saw each other occasionally after that day but we never talked about our experience again. I had practically forgotten all about it until that question on social media brought it all back.
Well, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. As I said, the story is true, I just changed the names to protect the innocent.
Tony’s real name is not Tony and the rally car was not a ’66 white Porsche 912 with red interior, it was a ’66 white Alfa Romeo Giulia TI with red interior (there had to be Porsche content in the story, sorry).
For more information on Porsches and more, please visit my website: www PedrosGarage.com. Happy Porsche'ing,
All members are welcome to join us on Saturday, May 11th, noon, at Inverness Brewery for some for some brick oven pizza, burgers, sandwiches, and craft beer. The brewery is featured in the State of Mayland's House and Hounds Scenic Byway video at the 1:53 minute mark.
Check out the brewery’s food truck menu here.
All participants must register for the brunch on www.MotorsportReg.com by May 9th .
There is no seating limit. We hope to be outside if the weather is nice. There is no registration fee for this event.
When: May 11th, Saturday Meeting time: noon (or immediately following the Monkton Trifecta Garage Crawl)
Meeting point: Inverness Brewery, 16200 Markoe Rd, Monkton 21111 phone: 443-829-2142 End of social: 2:00pm
Cost: Members are responsible for their own meals and beverages. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons. While we are striving to make this event safe, with your Participation in and Registration for this social event, you recognize and acknowledge the hazards of COVID-19, and you assume the risk of illness or death arising from a COVID-19 infection at this event. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it. Log onto your Motorsportreg account or create one at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will close at midnight on Thursday, May 9th . There is no fee for this event.
Send social event related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org.
WHEN: SATURDAY, May 11th, 8:15 AM to 11:30 AM WHERE: Monkton, MD
• Will open 7:00 PM EST Friday April 5th on MotorsportReg.
CLICK HERE to register
• This event will be limited to 35 cars with 2 people per car maximum (i.e. 70 people)
• The cost is $5 per person
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions contact the Tech Chairs- Randy Richter, Rick Hawver and Jim Earlbeck, at tech@pcachs.org
DETAILS: We’ve visited large garages that contained more than 170 cars and none of them were driven, we’ve seen garages were the owners had several restoration efforts in process, we’ve seen garages that had 4 cars in them even thought they were only 2 car spaces and we’ve seen some garages that had massive art work while others had none.
Chesapeake’s Garage Crawls are extremely popular for many great reasons. Sure, the cars the fantastic, but more uniquely the Garage Crawls give us the chance to see what a person values in a car and to contemplate why it is important to them. Often it will make you reflect on what is meaningful to you. The Garage Crawls also allow us to see how others embrace the automotive lifestyle. The Monkton Trifecta promises to deliver on all fronts. We will visit three separate collections that total more than 100 cars! The first and third garage have many different marques- Porsche, Buick, Ferrari, Ford, Cobra, Maserati, Citroen, Mini, Chevrolet, Singer, RUF and others that you may not even be aware of. The second garage has nothing but Porsches. Sadly, that owner has the brains of a squirrel and is not very creative! All three collections are dynamic. Cars enter and exit these collections, so we are not going to guarantee anything. We can say that all the cars are worthy of your time and that you can learn from what you’ll see. The first collection has cars that pre-date the standard order of gas pedal on the right, brake in the middle and clutch on the left.
The distance from the first garage to the last is less than 7 miles. To preserve the privacy of the collections, neither the owner’s names nor the locations will be announced in advance. Only those that have registered through MotorsportReg will be provided with the addresses. Registrants will be given the address of the first garage. We will meet there to reduce the time spent going from one garage to another and maximize the time spent at the garages. We will meet at the first garage at 8:15 AM Saturday May 11th. At 8:20 AM there will be a launch meeting. This event will not include Tech’s usual coffee, donuts or gift certificate. The launch meeting will also review the rules of this event which include-
No public release of the address of the facility No public release of photos and/or videos. That includes not only the cars and boats, but the inside and outside of the facilities. Attendees are permitted to take photos, but only for their personal use.
No public release of the owner’s name- either first or last. No public release of the types of cars or memorabilia.
Our ability to have future Garage Crawls depends on our ability to treat each facility with the respect that it deserves. Please remember that you are visiting someone’s home. While this may not be where they live, it is their home, it is where their heart is. We are their guests. You may sign up for the lunch social at Inverness Brewery when you register for the garage crawl. If the garage crawl is sold out you are still welcome to come to the lunch social – see separate Inverness Brewery lunch social registration
The Bushel and a Peck Kitchen & Bar menu celebrates what grows, swims, and grazes in the Chesapeake watershed. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday night, June 18th at 6:30pm at the Bushel and a Peck Kitchen & Bar located in Clarksville. We will have a PCA selected menu including your choice of appetizers, entrees, and sandwiches with an intense focus on local ingredients. You can view the menu here.
All participants must register for the dinner on www.MotorsportReg.com by June 8th .
Seating is limited to 50 people (you will be placed on the waitlist if the limit is met but may be contacted should anyone cancel and there is availability). There is no registration fee for this event.
When: June 18, 2024, Tuesday Meeting time: 6:30pm End of social: 8:30pm
Meeting Point: Bushel and a Peck Kitchen & Bar, 12250 Clarksville Pike, Clarksville, 410-531-1868
Cost: Members are responsible for their own dinner. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation.
Log onto your Motorsportreg account or create one at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration is now open and will close at 1:00pm on Saturday, June 8th. If there are cancellations after this date, we will replace the spots with someone on the waitlist. There is no fee for this event.
Send social event related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org.
Even with sales from the Florida auctions being split between February and March this year, March 2024’s dollar volume topped 2023’s by nearly $10m with a total of $52,660,172 off of 608 Porsches on offer. March 2024’s sell-through rate (STR), on the other hand, was less than 2023’s 76% coming in at 71%. But even at 71%, I’d say the market is looking up as we haven’t had an STR over 70% in a while.
At the top of the market, we had a number of million-dollar sales with top honors going to a 959 Komfort modified by Canepa at $2.8m. Other notable $1m+ sales include another 959 Komfort, this one unmodified, at $1,795,000, a 2005 Carrera GT that sold for $1,560,000, and a 1966 906 Carrera 6 that hammered at $2,000,000, which was a nice surprise as many vintage race cars have struggled to sell over the last twelve months.
Unfortunately, the top end of the market had more no-sales than sales with two Spyders failing to sell at $3,100,000 and $3,200,000. We also saw a 911 reimagined by Singer go unsold at $1,225,000, a 2005 Carrera GT at $1,125,000, a 1957 356A 1500 Carrera Speedster GS/GT at $1,000,000, and my favorite car of the month, a 1971 914/6 GT with Monte Carlo rally history at $1,100,000. Had I won the lottery, that 914/6 would have been sold.
The other nice surprise from March was a number of 2023 911 Sport Classics coming to market, as prior to this month, the highly sought after Porsche had been fairly quiet on the auction circuit. The first car to sell was a Gentian Blue example with 52 miles that brought $472,500 followed by a launch-spec car at $445,000. The top-selling Sport Classic, though, was a Paint to Sample Underberg Green car with 10 miles hammering for $478,000.
Along with the GS/GT Carrera Speedster mentioned above, we saw several interesting 356s hit the market this month. We had a 1956 356A European Coupe distributed through Hoffman Motor Company sell for $239,000. Finished in a beautiful shade of Aquamarine Blue Metallic, this example sported a replacement 1.9-liter engine and bested its previous 2021 sale of $190,000 by quite the margin. Gooding & Co. sold a rare one-year-only 1955 Continental Coupe for $218,400 and a matching-numbers 1958 356A Speedster in Fjord Green sold for $380,000.
993s had a strong showing this month with 71% of the 24 cars on offer bringing in close to $4,000,000. At the top of the pack was a 1996 911 modified by Gunther Werks. This heavily modified 993 Coupe was the first of 25 “Sport Touring” examples commissioned by the company and sold for $1,022,500 at RM Sotheby’s Miami auction. We also saw an exceedingly rare 1995 911 Turbo Cabriolet at Broad Arrow’s Amelia sale which, unfortunately, went unsold at a final bid of $600,000. Other notable 993 sales include a 1998 911 Carrera 4S at $301,000, a 1998 911 Carrera S at $202,000, and a stunning 1997 911 Turbo S at $490,000.
By all means, March was an impressive month. To reach such a dollar volume with the Amelia sales being split between two months and to have such a high number of cars speaks volume to the state of the market. While the winter months were a little soft, I think it’s safe to say that Spring has sprung for the collector Porsche market. Next month we’ll see if this continues as we have another all-Porsche auction from Broad Arrow to look forward to at the end of April.
David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschephiles, delivered free to your inbox. To sign up, go to: www.stuttgartmarketletter.com
What Are PCA License Plates: Chesapeake Region PCA coordinates the purchase of PCA Organizational License Plates issued through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). The PCA License Plate Program promotes the visibility and camaraderie of PCA. PCA Maryland License Plates are pre-numbered Organizational Plates, not vanity plates. PCA License Plates are available for all cars, trucks and minivans, but not for motorcycles or trailers.
Cost: The one-time cost for the PCA License Plates is $40.00, which includes the $25.00 MVA fee and a $15 Chesapeake PCA fundraising fee to support the PCA License Plate Program and Chesapeake Region events.
How To Apply: The only way to apply for PCA Organizational License Plates is to complete the online PCA Maryland License Web Form at https://pcachs.org/pcamaryland-license-plate/ and submit it electronically. Please click on the above link to learn the details and requirements to apply for PCA License Plates.
If you have any questions regarding the purchase of PCA Maryland Organizational License Plates, please contact us at: pcaLicensePlates@pcachs.org. Safe and Happy Motoring.
Requirements: You must be a PCA Member and the car must be registered in Maryland. The PCA Plates are not limited to Porsches. You can apply for PCA plates for all your cars registered in Maryland!
Name and Car Badges!
Now you can obtain your Chesapeake Region Name Badge!
Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page. The Name Badge cost is $25, inclusive of handling and shipping.
This is your opportunity to purchase a heavy “gold- plated” Chesapeake Region metal car badge.
Each metal car badge comes complete with stainless steel slotted retaining plate, screws, washers and nuts to mount it through your car grille or separate mounting plate.
You can order right now! The cost per metal car badge is $30 or two for $50, inclusive of handling and shipping.
Here’s how you order your metal car badge: Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page and make your payment.
What is the PCA Juniors program?
✓PCA Juniors is a program for Porsche enthusiasts under age 18.
✓Participants must be registered by an active PCA member.
✓It’s not just the cars… and now it’s not just the grownups!
✓With our new PCA Juniors program, PCA is about the kids too!
The PCA Juniors program has been created so kids can enjoy PCA events, learn about Porsches and build the enthusiasm that runs through all of the Porsche Club of America.
Who is eligible?
Any child under age 18 who is registered by a current PCA member can participate in the program.
(Note: This is not a PCA Membership.)
What will the child receive?
PCA Juniors will receive a welcome package that includes an ageappropriate gift and PCA Juniors ID badge. We look forward to developing the program and its features over time.
What does it cost to register?
It’s FREE! Participants must be registered by an active PCA member, and there is no cost to join!
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee held its “Eastern Shore Tour” on April 14, our second event in 2024. Eighty-nine club members took part and brought 49 cars, one of our biggest tour turnouts since 2016, when I started creating and organizing driving tours and rallies for the club.
Easton resident Tom Divilio was the guest tour master of this year’s inaugural event. It was his fourth Eastern Shore Tour for PCA Chesapeake since 2016. The tour started from Easton. It went through the historic and charming downtown of Oxford, as well as the scenic country roads in that area and in neighboring Trappe.
About one hour and 45 minutes after starting out, each group of cars reached Cambridge, our lunch destination. About 70 attendees had lunch at RAR Brewing, while a few went to Ava’s Pizzeria.
The universal feedback was that practically everyone had a great time. The weather helped by
being perfect, especially for those who brought their Cabriolets, Targas and Spyders.
Our thanks go to tour creator Tom and his better half, Lisa, and to the other couples who each led a group of cars, namely, Rick and Patsy MacInnes, PCA Chesapeake’s First Couple Steve and Marsha Buss, as well as James and Anna Beavan. Myrna and I led the fifth and last group, after I had launched the first four. Our thanks also go to those who served as group sweepers.
Now, feast your eyes on some photos from the tour, all of which I took, unless credited to Jim McKee.
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee is pleased to offer as its 4th event of the year, a Poker Rally, on May 5th, Sunday. Our 36-mile scenic drive through historic roads of Elkridge, Ellicott City, and Catonsville will start from Linthicum Heights, MD, and end at the Family Picnic at Patapsco Valley State Park - Avalon Area, pavilion 104, where we will have an awards ceremony and a catered lunch from Chipotle. Guest tour master and Social Chair Marsha Buss designed this event and will host it.
Event proceeds will benefit the Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS), a 501(c) organization. Additional poker cards and poker hands may be purchased when you register. For those only attending the Family Picnic, hands of poker and additional poker cards may be purchased during registration.
When: May 5, 2024, Sunday
Assembly time: 9:00 AM; drivers’ meeting 9:15 AM; departure of first group of cars 9:30 AM. The drive is approximately one hour and 20 minutes.
Assembly point: Linthicum Heights, MD. Address to be sent via e-mail to registrants by May 4th.
End of Poker Rally, Awards and Family Picnic: Patapsco Valley State Park - Avalon Area, pavilion 104, 5120 South St, Halethorpe, MD
The Poker Rally is optional for those who only want to attend the Family Picnic. The picnic will start at 11:00am.
By signing up for and joining any of our driving events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. PCA waiver forms must be completed and signed by all Poker Rally drivers and passengers, online or on paper. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons.
Registration for this tour will open on March 27 at 1 pm and close on May 2nd at 1 pm.
$50 registration fee for the Poker Rally Driver (includes one poker hand, lunch, and park entrance fee).
$20 registration fee for other adults (navigator, passenger, or family picnic attendee) includes lunch and $3 park entrance fee.
No registration fee for minors (17 and younger).
This event has a poker rally car capacity limit of 30 and 100 people picnic limit, so sign up ASAP. We may add more cars based on picnic registration results.
All Poker Rally registrations must include a navigator.
Drivers must be licensed adults (18 and older) and PCA members. All PCA members and their family are welcome.
Event proceeds will benefit the Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS), a 501(c) organization.
Cancellations must be made before the closing of registration to obtain payment refunds. If you have already registered and need help to cancel your registration, refer to this link for detailed instructions.
Poker Rally documents will be sent to confirmed registrants via e-mail a day or two before the event.
QUESTIONS: Send rally-related questions to Rich Ehrlich of the Tour & Rally Committee at rally@pcachs.org.