July 1st Social Breakfast: Eggcellence Annapolis, MD
8th Autocross #4 PGS-Bowie, MD
9th Children’s Hospital at Sinai and Oregon Ridge Tour Hunt Valley, MD
12th Board Meeting: Greene Turtle Owings Mills, MD
16th Tour: Air & Space Ice Cream Tour (#2), Mount Airy, MD
18th Social Dinner: La Posta Severna Park, MD
5th Social Breakfast: Eggcellence Annapolis, MD
5th Concours Judging School TBD, MD
6th Ice Cream Tour 3 @ Bonkey’s Upperco, MD
12th Autocross #5 PGS-Bowie, MD
12th Allegheny Mountain Tour in PA TBD, MD
15th Social Dinner: The Turn House Columbia, MD
19th Porsches & Pasteries C&C Ellicott City, MD
26th Crabfeast & Car Show Kemptown Park, MD
Well, we’ve gotten that rain I complained about last month, it definitely feels like Summer now.
If you missed all the June 10th festivities, no worry we have 19-pages of coverage. At 90 total pages this is the biggest issue of Patter ever...my goal was 75-pages for the 75th!_!
I decided to clean up the links to articles vs events, event announcements are now tied to the calendar above.
We started using Flickr this year and have hundreds of event photos uploaded for you to enjoy Chesapeake Region PCA’s albums | Flickr
Have an article idea or want to do a member profile, shoot me an email editor@pcachs.org
James B Beavan IIIFor the latest events and news follow us! I’m always posting photos from our events here that don’t make it in the Patter and there’s no delay to see what you missed or attended.
Porsche Club of America - Chesapeake Region | Facebook
Chesapeake Region PCA (@chesapeakepca) • Instagram photos and videos
The PorschePatteris the official newsletter of the Chesapeake Region of the Porsche Club of America. Contributions to the PorschePattershould be sent by the 25th of the month preceding the month of publication in Microsoft Word format to editor@pcachs.org. Please send images high resolution. Editor/
Publisher: James B Beavan III; Contributing Photographers: James B Beavan III, Mark Miller, Greg Hartke, Pedro Bonilla, Aniano Arao, Ryan Boxler, Jim McKee, Ron Farb; Contributing Writers: James B Beavan III, Mark Miller, Ron Farb, Ken Wilmers, Steve & Marsha Buss, Aniano Arao, Pedro Bonilla, Greg Hartke, David Whitlock, Tech Committee. Advertising: For questions about advertising rates and placement in the PorschePatter, please contact Editors at editor@pcachs.org Unless otherwise reserved, permission is granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the PorschePatter and to the respective author. Subscriptions: join the Porsche Club of America www.pca.org. The PorschePatter is published
RonFarb president@pcachs.org
SteveWood vicepresident@pcachs.org
Treasurer AndyPowell treasurer@pcachs.org
Secretary WayneNelms secretary@pcachs.org
ExecutiveVicePresident MichaelMurphy executivevicepresident@pcachs.org
AutocrossCommittee GregHartke autocross@pcachs.org
MarkHubley autocross@pcachs.org
JamesBBeavanIII editor@pcachs.org
JamesBBeavanIII publicity@pcachs.org
JimEarlbeck tech@pcachs.org
RandyRichter tech@pcachs.org
RickHawver tech@pcachs.org
DanZadra simracing@pcachs.org
MeilyngWigney-Burmaka msregistrar@pcachs.org
JimMcKee photography@pcachs.org
RyanBoxler photography@pcachs.org
AnianoArao tour@pcachs.org
RichEhrlich rally@pcachs.org
JohnJensen safetychair@pcachs.org
ChiefDrivingInstructor EllenBeck instructor@pcachs.org
PaulKoenigsmark concours@pcachs.org
DavidDukehart concours@pcachs.org
StacyHawver chesapeakechallenge@pcachs.org
TraceyJennings chesapeakechallenge@pcachs.org
JenKocsan chesapeakechallenge@pcachs.org
DanMcNally communityservice@pcachs.org
Historian BobRassa historian@pcachs.org
Membership KenWilmers membership@pcachs.org
Webmaster HenryBecker webmaster@pcachs.org
Insurance EricSaletel insurance@pcachs.org
PCALicense Laurie&BruceTarsia pcalicenseplates@pcachs.org
PhilGrandfield zonerep@pcachs.org
Primary Members: 1149
Affiliate Members: 607
NewMembers (17)
Life Members: 2
Total Members: 1758
Dillman-Butler and Wayne Butler Ellicott City, MD 2021 Cayenne Christopher Good Annapolis, MD 2007 Cayman S Laurent Heller Baltimore, MD 2015 911 Carrera Peter Kallman Owings Mills, MD 2014 911 Carrera Kelvin Liu Cockeysville, MD 2018 911 Carrera 4 Sean Melotti Chestertown, MD 2016 Cayman S David Nolletti Baldwin, MD 2023 911 Carrera GTS
Rayfield Severn, MD 2019 718 Boxster
Transfers Out (3)
Lee Caplan Transfer To: Hurricane (HUR)
Fernando Pino Transfer To: Peachstate (PST)
Tom Terrell Transfer To: Suncoast Florida (SFL)
Transfers In (2)
Benjamin Brown Transfer From: Golden Gate (GG)
Transfer From: Unknown
Full Membership Committee Reports can be found on our website: https://pcachs.org/ Please excuse us for any inconsistencies in reports as PCA HQ continues to improve our system
40 Years
Ron and Linda Gordon
Joseph and Tricia Brusco
30 Years
Martin and Susan Buckleu
20 Years
Tara Knoll
Michael Buck
Kelly Bjornerud
15 Years
Michael Bracken
Michael Meisel
10 Years
Alfred Randall
5 Years
James Morris
Jeremy Snow
Temple Moore
1 Year
Gregory Whitehead
Patty Mihaly
Stephanie Reuer
Casey Wallace
Brian and Carin Lazarus
Jonathon Mester
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee has 16 events on its 2023 calendar. The dates and events listed here are subject to change. Registration for most events will open 2 to 3 weeks before their scheduled dates. Log on to your account at www.motorsportreg.com to sign up. (Ver. 14, 06/30/2023)
April 15 (1) Delmarva Tour, DE, MD and VA, tour master Aniano Arao (45 people, 26 cars)
April 29 (2) Drive to Porsche Swap Meet in Carlisle, tour master Rich Ehrlich (canceled; weather)
May 6 (3) Tour & TSD Rally School, guest rally master Bob Rassa, (11 people, 8 cars)
May 20 (4) Safeway to the Bay Tour, guest tour master Hank Lucas (60 people, 32 cars)
June 4 (5) Linganore Winecellars Tour, guest tour master Ron Farb (62 people, 35 cars)
June 25 (6) Ice Cream Tour (#1) & Charity, guest tour master Steve Graham (58 people, 29 cars)
July 9 (7) Children’s Hospital at Sinai and Oregon Ridge Tour, tour master Aniano Arao
July 16 (8) Air & Space Ice Cream Tour (#2), Maryland to Virginia, tour master Rich Ehrlich
Aug. 6 (9) Ice Cream Tour (#3) in Carroll and Harford counties, guest tour master Mark Miller
Aug. 12 (10) Allegheny Mountain Tour in PA, guest tour master Ron Farb
Sept. 23 (11) Chesapeake Challenge Gimmick Rally, rally master Aniano Arao
Oct. 8 (12) Off-Road Tour, guest tour master Jim Hemig
Oct. 21 (13) West Virginia Fall Colors Tour (#1), tour master Aniano Arao
Oct. 29 (14) Catoctin Mountain Fall Colors Tour (#2), tour master Aniano Arao
Nov. 5 (15) Baltimore County Fall Colors Tour (#3), tour master Aniano Arao
Dec. 3 (16) “Kindertime & Linda’s Legacy” Tour, Baltimore County, tour master Rich Ehrlich
Check www.pcachs.org, Patter, www.motorsportreg.com and the events’ eBlasts for details and updates. Send questions to tour@pcachs.org. Aniano Arao & Rich Ehrlich, Co-Chairs, Tour & Rally Committee
The June Breakfast Social was held at the Eggcellence Brunchery in Annapolis on June 3rd. We filled two tables and had a delicious breakfast and a fun time.
On Tuesday, June 20th, our monthly Dinner Social was held at Manor Tavern in Monkton, Baltimore County. This was our most popular Dinner Social with 50 attendees and we were able to accommodate the long wait list. The Manor Tavern graciously provided appetizers while we ordered pre-dinner cocktails and enjoyed the beautiful evening outdoors on their patio. The food was delicious and everyone had a terrific social evening.
Prior to our Dinner Social, Jim Earlbeck, invited those registered to his home for an hour of Barns, Cars, and Beverages. What a beautiful venue to mingle and set the stage for a fantastic night. We hope to continue offering a pre-social gathering when there is a member located near our social events.
The July Dinner Social will be at La Posta in Severna Park, Anne Arundel County, beginning at 6:30pm. The Manager invited us to use the private dining room for our event. We already have 30 members registered for this event. The dinner will be capped at 40 members, so please sign up Motorsportreg.com now if you are interested in attending.
The August Breakfast Social will be at Eggcellence in Annapolis on August 5th at 8am. Register at MotorsportReg.com.
We are returning to The Turn House for our August Dinner Social on August 15th at 6:30pm located in Columbia, Howard County. The Turn House was the venue for our After Holiday Party this past January. Registration is open on MotorsportReg.com. Registration closes on Thursday, August 10th
Please remember you need to register on MotorsportReg.com. If after you have registered, you decide to not attend, please go back into MotorsportReg.com and cancel your reservation. As these events have been selling out, this will allow members on the waitlist to be confirmed.
Do you have restaurant recommendations or interesting ideas for Socials? Send us an email social@pcachs.org. We’d love to hear from you!
Steve & MarshaDo you know a Porsche Club member that could use a little sunshine? Please let us know. TheClubhasestablishedanewSunshineposition. IfyouknowaClubmemberwhois ill,hasahospitalstay,afamilymemberhaspassed,orisfacingsomedifficultorchallengingtimes,wewouldlikesendacardtoletthemknowtheClubisthinkingabout them.
PleasecontactDougEhmannatSunshine@pcachs.org. Thanks!
Window tint is a product category with lots of technical innovations and benefits, but when most folks think of adding window film to their Porsche, “dark glass” is the first thing that comes to mind. So, follow along as we explore all the benefits of adding a performance film on your beloved vehicle.
Every year, we hear of more and more people that have gotten skin cancer. It has affected our membership as well. And every time you get in your Porsche, if it is daylight, your skin and eyes are seeing damaging effects from it. High performance films block 99.9% of the sun’s UV, effectively putting you inside of a bubble of protection. If you do a quick Google search, you will find images of folks in left hand drive countries where their arm and left side of the face has seen skin aging at a faster rate than their right side.
3M offers a film called Crystalline that is made up of over 200 layers, yet is thinner than a Post-It Note. Each layer blocks a small amount of infra-red heat. When you add up all the layers, this incredible film reduces heat by 97%. And while other films can’t do what Crystalline does, they can still reduce heat by well over 75%. Have you ever spent hours in a car with the windows up and the A/C running, yet you still felt hot? That is what the film significantly reduces, making your road trip a lot more enjoyable.
Another benefit is glare reduction. Some films can reduce it by as much as 60%. Imagine driving on a dark, rainy night on a two-lane road and here comes a car from the other direction. Imagine reducing that glare, so now you can see better? Or how about during dusk or dawn? Or when being followed by someone with outrageously bright headlights?
Darken Glass at Your Discretion
When it comes to darkening glass on a vehicle with window film, people are all over the map. Some folks don’t want “tinted” or darkened glass at all. There are solutions for that. My new Spyder has a clear film as I didn’t want to darken the glass. Chad Wasileski’s Carmine Red Cayman also has this clear film. So, both cars still get all the benefits listed above, but look untouched. In all fairness, if you put them beside an untinted car during the daytime, the interior will look a smidge darker inside as the glare reduction reflects some of the sun that would otherwise get inside the car.
Maybe you have a Cayman or Cayenne and would like the front windows darkened to help it better match the privacy glass on the rear doors and cargo area? Or you would love that privacy glass to be even darker, giving you more privacy. Or finally, maybe you want a light tint as you like the cos-
metics. The vehicles in the article all have a light tint that is completely legal, but gave the occupants a little more privacy, while still being able to see well at night.
The elephant in the room is the front windshield. It is technically illegal to put any window film on the front windshield. It is also illegal to drive 56 in a 55 zone. Our company, along with others, will install a clear film on your windshield. I have personally sent 5 vehicles through Maryland State Inspection when selling it and the inspector never knew it was there as it is clear. When you add in the benefits of reduced heat, glare, and UV, I think it is a wise thing to have it installed. The government stays away from it as some shops will install a darker film on your windshield which surely impedes your vision at night. In short, they don’t know how to police it. In my 23 years of doing window tint, we have never come across a person that had an issue when using our clear film. And we have literally done thousands of them.
In closing, if you have decided that you want to explore getting your windows tinted, be sure to choose a well-respected shop that uses a high-quality film. Since you are a PCA member, you probably go to better places automatically. If I can be of assistance in choosing a window film, feel free to email me at mark@westminsterspeed.com or simply call our shop at 410-857-5300. You will speak to either my son Daniel or Luke, and both of them are well versed in this category.
Come out and join your fellow PCAers for a morning of fun in Annapolis. We’ll meet Saturday morning, August 5th at 8am in Annapolis.
Eggcellence Brunchery features comfort food for breakfast including waffles, pancakes, build your own omelettes, benedicts and more. Check out their menu here.
All participants must register for the breakfast on www.MotorsportReg.com by August 3rd .
Seating is limited to 30 people. There is no registration fee for this event.
When: August 5, 2023, Saturday Meeting time: 8:00am End of social: 9:30am
Meeting point: Eggcellence Brunchery restaurant, Gateway Shopping Plaza, 2625 Housley Road, Annapolis 410-573-9503
Cost: Members are responsible for their own breakfast. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. While we are striving to make this event safe, with your Participation in and Registration for this social event, you recognize and acknowledge the hazards of COVID-19, and you assume the risk of illness or death arising from a COVID-19 infection at this event. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it.
Log onto your Motorsportreg account at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will close at midnight on August 3rd.
There is no fee for this event.
Send social related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org .
Member Names & Join Date: Rob Carter; April 2023
Current Cars, Previous Cars: 2020 Macan; 1981 Mercedes 240D
Have you served on any Regional or National committees: Not yet; but looking forward to becoming more involved.
What encouraged you to join the Porsche Club of America: Word of mouth from both the dealership and a friend.
When it came time to buy a vehicle, what made you choose your Porsche and is this your first Porsche (if not please detail prior Porsche's): To me, growing up in the ’80, the iconic red 911 convertible, with the whale tail, was the ultimate car and has left a lasting impression on me.
Above photo taken from https://www.excellence-mag.com/classifieds/66547
Then, in the early ‘90s, a coworker let me drive her Targa and I was hooked immediately.
This Macan purchase was mainly due to opportunity and availability of the color combination that I was casually looking for in a daily driver. Despite the Macan being the base model, I was pleasantly surprised by its smooth ride and power / torque. It more than met my expectations for a daily driver and allowed me to save some money in the process.
Although this is my first Porsche; it’ll definitely not my last. Once I’m finished paying my daughter’s private high school tuition payments, my plan is to transition that monthly payment into the purchase of a 911 convertible of some sort. Being part of PCA will allow me the opportunity to better understand the model and variations from owners
and subject matter experts so that I’m not feeling “I wish I would have known …” later (although I’m betting I’ll still be saying that).
What are your favorite Regional &/or National events: I’ve only participated in regional events so far but enjoy the tours, social, and charity events. I particularly enjoy the mix of models and trims, and friendliness of those participating.
What is your favorite PCA memory On my first tour, I was behind a red 911 with sport exhaust. Listening to (and feeling) the sounds throughout the drive was the highlight of the trip.
What advice about PCA or Chesapeake would you give to new members: Be active and engaged by attending events, regardless of size and location. Learning the terminology also helps with holding conversations, especially with the generations and variations.
If money was no object, what Porsche would you love to own and why: Going back to my high school years in the ‘80s, it would likely be a red 1986 911 Carrera Cabriolet…but I’d have trouble saying no to a new model year 911 GT3 RS for sharp looks and speed. Since money would be no object, I’ll have both lol.
Anything additional you would like to share about yourself (Family/Work/Etc): I was born and raised in Baltimore City and currently live in Catonsville, MD. I’m married with two girls- a senior in high school and a junior at Penn State (both of whom love to drive the Porsche). I’m dashingly handsome and easy to talk to. I do like pina coladas but not getting caught in the rain!
I’m the senior director of emergency management and disaster preparedness for Johns Hopkins Medicine, teach at Johns Hopkins University and FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, and an active helicopter flight nurse.
I’m a former paramedic and law enforcement instructor with the Secret Service and started collecting US paper currency (yes, actual $ bills) after touring the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, C. And, Jimmy Carter is my cousin; but I’ll save that conversation for when someone asks.
Fun facts: large size bills were standard in the US from the 1860s until 1929 when the US transitioned to the smaller size bills we carry today. And the * at the end of the serial number means that bill is a replacement note for one that was misprinted and destroyed since a serial number cannot be printed more than once.
POWER With DEEP TONE SOUND [OEM exhaust Included]
V12 EVO2
$52,997 OBO FOR MORE
1971 410-812-6363 or Jan Gunzelman 410-812
Rare Sapphire Blue Metallic
911 Turbo S cabriolet with Black interior. Bought 2.5 years ago from McLaren Orlando and have put 7,000 miles on it in that time, with 2 oil changes at Porsche of Bethesda including one in May 2023. 2nd owner and the car is in great condition with no accident history or track days on it. There are several nearby Porsche dealerships if you would like a PPI done prior to purchase. No Trades, downsizing my collection. $131,000 OBO
100% stock, 28,500 miles
VIN: WP0CD2A90FS178482
Contact my broker: James Beavan 301-535-7380 to schedule a visit.
2001 Porsche Boxster S parts for sale as shown in photo...car was sold to a gentlemen who drove it all the way home to California before laying it to eternal rest...
Includes wheels with tires, sway bars, test pipes, side scoop, oil filter, etc.
$750 Lot
Contact Dave Arnold @ 443-608-8555 or email kdarnold329@gmail.com
Located in Pasadena MD.
Bonkey’s is a small family-run business with several locations in Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. It offers a wide assortment of homemade flavors, as well as a large selection of toppings, so you can create your perfect ice cream treat. More information can be found here: https://www.bonkeys.com/.
We will have an optional pre-tour lunch at Cinco De Mayo-Hampstead, 721 Hanover Pike, Hampstead, MD,
21074. They are a family run restaurant that has grown so popular that they now have eight locations. Their food is reasonably priced and is yummy. More information on Cinco De Mayo can be found here; https:// www.cincodemayorest.com/.
Please be aware that the capacity limit for this lunch is smaller than that for the tour. There are also other nearby restaurants in the same shopping center, including C&R Pub and Genova's.
Assembly Point: The Upperco, MD, address will be sent to confirmed registrants by August 6th
When: August 6th, Sunday, at 1:00 PM
Driver’s Meeting: 1:15 PM
Departure: First cars off at 1:30 PM
Destination: Bonkey’s Ice Cream, 1502 Main Street, Whiteford, MD 21160
Distance: 60 miles
ETA: Approximately 90 minutes
By signing up for and joining any of our driving events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. PCA waiver forms must be completed and signed by all, online or on paper. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons.
Log on to your MotorsportReg account at www.MotorsportReg.com.
Registration will open at 1 PM on July 6th and close at 1 PM on August 3rd .
PCA members and their guests must be registered and confirmed to join this event.
Drivers must be adult PCA members with a valid driver’s license.
Fee $5 per adult; maximum fee $10 per car; minors (17 and younger) free.
MotorsportReg charges a new $2 booking fee for every registration (not for every person).
Route instructions and other documents will be sent to confirmed registrants via e-mail on either August 4th or August 5th. If you have not received the documents by 6 PM on August 5th, please email tour@pcachs.org
This event has capacity limits for cars and people.
When you register, please indicate whether you and your passenger(s) will attend the pre-tour lunch.
QUESTIONS: Send tour-related questions to Rich Ehrlich, Co-Chair, Tour &Rally Committee, at tour@pcachs.org.
A week before Autocross #3 on Saturday June 24th, I was nervous because the weather forecast was not auspicious. I kept a careful eye on it, though, and was certainly relieved to see the forecast improve as the week progressed. We had showers at the end of the week, but the likelihood of showers in the forecast was dropping and while it rained the night before the race, Saturday morning was damp and maybe a little drizzly as I drove down to Bowie, but no precip once I arrived. It was humid and damp at Prince George’s Stadium (PGS) when I arrived, but that was easy to deal with compared to rain!
The AX team is a well-oiled machine now. Pinto Soin, John Cho, and Phong Nguyen were all there early along with (of course) AX Co-chair Mark Hubley delivering the trailer. Doug Slocum was also kind enough to show up early to lend a hand, so we were well organized and ready to rock and roll. Mark and John went out to drop cones on the lot, after which Mark went off to retrieve his car and we got down to the serious work.
As usual, John and Phong (along with Doug) went out to build the course while the Amazing Pinto and I got everything else set up. There’s a lot of work to do, but we all know what we’re doing by now and it went smoothly. Mark was back pretty quickly from retrieving his car and (as course designer) went out to finalize the cone placement and finish the course build. Jeff Dwyer also showed up early to help Pinto and me get everything set up.
Mark and I were ready to do the safety runs (used to check safety and ensure that the course was drivable) in no time. Interestingly, we didn’t have to do much – less than usual tweaking, I would say. We had actually prepared two course maps for the day, with the “A” course to be used if there was no rain and a simpler “B” course for rainy conditions. I made the call for the “A” course immediately after arriving and that was certainly the right choice.
The course design was so good and the build done so well that we didn’t have to do many safety runs. Course tweaking can take quite a while, so this really saved time and we were able to get participants out to walk the course well ahead of schedule. I must say that it was fun sliding the car around in the damp conditions during the safety runs, though. The downside was that my car got all spoogy from the damp conditions and everyone knows how I hate it when that happens. ;)
The one minor problem we had that morning was that we could connect to the hotspot, but it wouldn’t give us internet access. I fiddled with that for quite a while and even got Phong to look at it, but it never did work. Since I joined the 20th century and now have a cell phone of my own (someday I may even make it to the 21st century ;) ), I used my cell phone as a hotspot and texted Marilyn to ask her to bring my charge cord with her so that my phone wouldn’t run out of juice. We were in business!
Marilyn (an unsung hero of the AX team) arrived around 7:30 or so with her Subaru Forester filled to the gills with AX needs. Four cases of water, ice in a cooler, snacks, etc., plus (a new addition) a water chiller. For the five years I’ve been CHS PCA AX Chair, there’s been a water chiller in the trailer, but I could never get the stupid thing to work. Since Marilyn and I both hate all those single-use plastic bottles of water (so wasteful!), we took the chiller home after the last race to see if I could get it working. I downloaded the manual for the bloody thing and quickly discovered that it works fine if you (are you ready for this?) turn it on. Yup, that was it. There are three unmarked switches on the back of the unit (where you can’t see them) and if you turn on the proper switch, it chills the water very nicely. The switches are now marked. ;)
In my emailed instructions to participants, I told everyone we wanted to reduce our use of bottled water and asked them to bring their own water bottles and fill them from the chiller. Yes, we’d continue to have bottled water available, but I wanted to minimize the waste and asked folks to refill their bottles from the chiller if they wanted more water. I was incredibly impressed with the positive response we received – many folks told me they were very happy we did this and I think we wound up with about half the number of plastic bottles to recycle compared to normal. We’ll continue to use the chiller going forward.
As we were setting up, I received a phone call from my buddy Mark Miller (who was racing that day) asking where everyone was. OK, that was a little confusing, so I told him we were right here (naturally). ;) Turns out Mark didn’t read his email carefully and had gone to Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen for the event because that’s where we’d raced for AX#1. (He couldn’t attend AX#2, which was at PGS.) He figured he was done for the day after that little faux pas, but I told him no worries, I’d move things around so we could accommodate him if he couldn’t get to PGS in time for Heat 1. As it turns out, he did make it in time for Heat 1 and I don’t even want to think about how he did that. ;)
I had a full registration (65) for AX#3 almost three weeks before the race and also had a modest Waitlist. As race date approached, I received a fair number of cancellations and there was also a flurry of last-minute cancellations. That was a bit odd and
I’m guessing it was because of the weather forecast, which to my knowledgeable eye didn’t look bad at all. We also had several noshows (one for a medical emergency) and for that reason, we only had 56 drivers at AX#3.
Tell you what Those who cancelled missed a fun event. Mark’s course design was spectacular, right up there among the best I’ve ever driven. That opening sequence was blisteringly fast, with many of us bumping up against the rev limiter as we roared down the course to tap the brakes and slither down to the first corner. There were many opportunities to go full-throttle and pick up speed before hammering the brakes for the next corner and how often do you get a slalom with increasing spacing? What fun! The Chicago box on the closing sequence was quite an interesting challenge (it was actually tilted CCW relative to what you see on the map) and did a perfect job of slowing the cars down for the turn into the stop box. Very tricky. If you did it wrong, you lost a lot
As if that wasn’t enough fun, we had a little race-within-a-race that day. Jeff Braun and Chris “Crash” Nolan (long-time, highly experienced POT AXers and DE drivers) decided to have a little match to determine the fastest driver. To do this, they borrowed an underpowered economy car that they’d both drive to determine the champion once and for all. Watching Jeff and Crash race that car was a hoot! Let me tell you, the tires on that car were in agony and you could hear them screaming for mercy whenever those guys were on the course. ;)
Unfortunately, Phong’s car was broken, so he wasn’t racing in this one, which was really a shame. (It’s tough when you come to an event like this, work all day, and not race.) In addition, Scott Borden’s car was in the shop for some work, so Scott brought his Kia EV6, which was certainly interesting for him. His biggest complaint was that there was no way to turn off the nannies and that really limited what he could do. He still had a good time, though. It was also disappointing that Dave Critcher was absent that day, having a prior commitment that kept him from racing. Dave was mightily disappointed, too (I still think Dave is the best driver among all the CHS AXers), and we certainly missed him, but there are priorities!
Racing started at 9:32 AM, almost right on schedule. The track dried out pretty quickly for the Heat 1 drivers, so they had no complaints, especially since we moved along very well and everyone got 7 runs. We had a shower at the beginning of Heat 2, but again the track dried out quickly and it was of virtually no consequence to everyone getting good times. We finished racing at 2:02 PM and because everyone was so helpful, we were packed up and ready to leave shortly after 2:30 PM. What a great day it was! I wasn’t the only one who loved the course – there were a lot of very positive comments about the design. Mark is really killing it with his course designs so far this season, which is his first in this role.
Kudos to Michael Tavenner, who was 1st overall and first in S5 with his 2017 Cayman S at 47.675 sec. As I mentioned last month, S5 now has a wealth of great drivers and that Class was very hotly contested. 2nd overall and 2nd in S5 was newcomer Mark Eller at 48.989 sec in his 2023 GT4, who continues to be fantastic even though he’s just starting out in AX. What a driver he is! Wow! Good buddy and POT AXer Bill Schwinn had his best AX finish ever at 49.548 sec for 3rd in S5 and 3rd overall. Bill is like me and likes to keep his 2018 Sapphire Blue 911 GTS clean and beautiful. It may not showcase Racing Yellow like my Cayman S, but I don’t hold that against him. ;)
ing because he only just started racing last year and is already highly competitive in his beast of a Turbo.
POT AXer Kevin Keaty was 5th among the Porsches, 7th overall, and 1st in S4 in his 2014 Cayman S at 50.005 sec. Andrew Keffalas was 8th overall, 6th among the Porsches, and 5th in S5 with his beautiful 2023 Boxster GTS 4.0. Mark Hubley was 9th overall, 7th among the Porsches, and 2nd in S4 at 50.373 sec in his 2015 (properly-colored) Racing Yellow Cayman GTS. Dan Ruddick was 11th overall, 8th among the Porsches, and 2nd in S4 with his 2015 Cayman GTS. The Cayman GTS is new to Dan – he was racing a Mazda Miata last year and decided pull the trigger and join the Porsche-racing fun for 2023. Having a blast, too. Do you think that was a good choice? ;)
Ah, yes. There’s one other major award to make – remember I mentioned that we had that little contest (grudge match?) between Jeff Braun and Crash Nolan. After the dust settled, the winner was… Chris “Crash” Nolan! Ol’ Crash came in at 59.435 sec in 50th place overall in the feisty Yaris. Jeff Braun finished 52nd at 60.962 sec. Crash was awarded a painstakingly constructed trophy for his efforts while poor Jeff just shook his head, amazed that Crash was able to best him by a little better than 1.5 sec. These guys
are both fabulous drivers, but Crash certainly had the better of it that day. One thing I can say for certain is that that poor Yaris was awfully happy when they were done. Jeff said the tires were rolling over halfway up the sidewalls. I’m sure that remark was a bit hyperbolic, but it was entertaining watching them tear it up in a car that was as unsuited to AX as they come. ;)
As usual, everyone had a great time at another CHS PCA AX. We also had another seven folks come out for Taste of Autocross (ToA) for competitive rides as passengers with our Instructors and had a blast. Thanks to the Instructors for taking them out and showing how much fun AX can be. It’s a great recruitment tool – after a bunch of rides, several ToA participants are now all psyched up to come out and try it for themselves.
Gridmeister Lisa Gritti was there and provided those of us working in the trailer with a variety of her perfectly cooked chocolate chip cookies. Lisa’s chocolate chips certainly raise the spirits of those of us in the high-intensity jobs in the trailer. Thanks so much, Lisa!
As I write this, AX#4 at PGS on Saturday July 8th is less than a week away, so we’ll be out there tearing it up again soon on another of Mark’s courses. If you haven’t seen AX before, stop by and say hello while watching us blast around the course. You can even do ToA to see what it’s like – I doubt you’d be disappointed. ;)
Looking forward to seeing everyone again at the races!
August 26 @ 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
For the 17th consecutive year, the Chesapeake Region Crab Feast will be held at Kemptown Park in Monrovia, MD on Saturday, August 26th- rain or shine! Bring your appetite and your Porsche for a wonderful, relaxing outing with friends and family.
There will be tons of crab, shrimp, burgers, dogs and drinks that the Region will provide – not to mention tables of side dishes and desserts that you will provide. Lighthouse Seafood of New Market will once again be steaming our crabs and jumbo shrimp. We’ll have two pavilions at Kemptown Park, with reserved parking, and we have been assured the lovely breezes that have graced the event in the past will be returning for the 17th repeat of this event! A large playground will keep your young Porsche enthusiasts occupied and a real, honest-to-goodness bathroom with running water will appeal to the most persnickety of crab feast clean freaks.
One of the fun traditions of the Crab Feast is our non-competitive car show where cleanliness and condition have never mattered for cars to receive the attention of the judges. It’s all tongue and cheek- the awards are always fun and unpredictable and will be based on your Porsche’s unique curb appeal.
This year’s event is once again scheduled on its traditional date the weekend before Labor Day. And the time is moved back as well to allow us to enjoy the cooler early evening air and breezes. We’ll start at 3:00 PM and end at 7:00 PM.
Registration opens August 1st and closes on August 22th. Registration is $40 for adults, $20 for teens, and as always, the Crab Feast is free for children 12 and under. Please be sure to specify what salad, dessert, or side dish you will bring to the event. Dust off your Crabby Name Badge from prior events or let us know if you need a new one! Look for an eblast with the registration link, reminders, and details. For crabby questions ☺, email Ellen at ebeck944@comcast.net See everyone at Kemptown Park on Saturday, 26 August!
On June 10th Porsche chose to celebrate their 75th Anniversary worldwide. Porsche Hunt Valley and PCA Chesapeake Region collaborated for more than four months to make this the largest and most amazing event in the near-term memory of the region.
The day started out with a gathering of approximately 180 Porsches at Hunt Valley Horsepower. The gathering included everything from a 1957 356 Speedster to the latest 2023 911 Sport Classic.
The fifty carefully curated display cars, selected to illustrated various colors and models from the 75-year history of the brand were perfectly parked in a row allowing spectators to view and understand the brands heritage and contribution to automotive development.
The other approximately 130 cars were just as noteworthy and illustrated the depth and breadth of the brand. The very large Hunt Valley Horsepower crowd circulated among the many Porsche’s, admiring and discussing each model as it garnered their attention.
Thanks to Porsche Hunt Valley, all the registered Porsche participants were treated to a delicious breakfast sandwich on the private back patio of the Iron Rooster.
Soon the Police arrived to provide an escort from Hunt Valley Horsepower to Porsche Hunt Valley. As an impressively long line of Porsches ambled their way towards Porsche Hunt Valley many admiring glances were seen being made by observers along the way.
Upon arriving at Porsche Hunt Valley, the curated display vehicles were carefully lined up to again portray the history and development of the brand.
As the crowd of over 400 attendees entered the Porsche Hunt Valley showroom, they allowed their eyes to feast on a silver Canepa enhanced 959SC, a black Carrera GT, and an amazing Guards red 964 air cooled Turbo S flat nose that is one of only 76 ever produced. A slight glance to the right showed a beautiful white GT3RS with green graphics in the PHV delivery area. Walking around the reception desk yielded more eye candy. A beautiful ice green metallic 930 turbo Carrera was a feast for the eyes as was the guards red cabriolet. If you thought that was the end of the magnificent machinery you were mistaken. A quick walk to the upstairs showroom brought into view a beautiful white 356, a Brumos #59 race car, and yellow and blue 944 Cup car and the amaz-
ing TPC Rolex 24 winner.
Porsche Hunt Valley supplied amazing eats to all who attended. Wonderfully delicious cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, pigs in a blanket and cheese snacks were enjoyed by all. Additionally, a great assortment of cookies and baklava were presented to ameliorate your sweet tooth. Of course, there was also sparkling water, a great assortment of sodas, various beers, and an assortment of wines to help quench your thirst on this warm and sunny Saturday.
The team at PHV led by Steve Postol and PCA CHS Tech leads of Jim Earlbeck and Rick Hawver put together an amazing event that will not soon be forgotten. PCA CHS members turned out to display their cars and volunteers including Steve & Joan Wood, Jim & Hunter Orrell, Johnathan Silverman and Jerry Wassel pulled together to make this an unforgettable event. We can now look forward to the next big event, the 80th anniversary in 2028!
Member Names & Join Date:
Juan Padilla & Jaquelyn Reid
Current Cars, Previous Cars:
2015 Porsche Cayman S (981) Black with the following options/upgrades:
- RR Carrera S Alloy
- Black Interiors with a combination of Leather & Alcantara with Red Stitching
- Seat Ventilation Package (Disconnected as Seats were switched for Sport Seats)
- Sport Seats
- Sport Design Steering Wheel
- Convenience Package
- Red Seat Belts
- Red GT4 Door Handles
- GT4 Front Bumper
Coming Soon:
- GT4 Manifolds
- Fabspeed
Valvetronic Exhaust System
- Dyno Tune
Other Owned Vehicles in the past: Cars:
2020 Jaguar F-Pace SVR (V8 Supercharged)
2015 BMW X5 (M Sport Package)
2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 (V8 Supercharged)
2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS (V8 Twin Turbo)
2006 Chrysler 300 SRT8 (V8 Stage 2 Chip Tuned)
By:JamesB.BeavanIII2015 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14R 30th Anniversary 88/300 (currently owned)
2007 Ducati 1098S (Full Racing Setup)
2007 Ducati 1098 Tricolor
2005 Ducati 999R
2004 Ducati 748
What encouraged you to join the Porsche Club of America: Being a Porsche enthusiast and getting to meet new people.
When it came time to buy a vehicle, what made you choose your Porsche and is this your first Porsche (if not please detail prior Porsche's):
This is my first Porsche. I would like to be able to afford a 911 Turbo S, but prices are insane at this time.
What are your favorite Regional &/or National events:
Just about everything we have done so far. Haven’t done many yet though. So far since we joined we did the Grand Opening at
Hunt Valley Porsche, the Patapsco Picnic, the Lingonore Tour, and the 75th Porsche Anniversary Hunt Valley.
What is your favorite PCA memory: So far the 75th Anniversary at Hunt Valley, so many awesome Porsche’s.
What advice about PCA or Chesapeake would you give to new members: To register for events, they are fun and everyone makes you feel welcome.
If money was no object, what Porsche would you love to own and why: Either a 911 GT2RS or a GT4RS.
We are both car and motorcycle enthusiasts and enjoy going to car and motorcycle meets, shows and runs. Jacky rides her own 2004 Suzuki GSXR750, while I ride a 2015 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14R Anniversary Edition 88/300.
I’m a former MLB player for the (2004 NY Yankees, 2004 Cincinnati Reds, 2005-06 NY Mets) . I do private baseball lessons and live in Westminster. I'm also a NRA/Maryland Certify Firearm Instructor.
Juan Padilla (pitcher) - Wikipedia
Since I bought my Porsche I have been back to Puerto Rico twice to visit family. Maybe the next time I go I'll take a trip out there to the Porsche Sales Center, I heard it’s one of the fastest growing PCA regions.
On June 10th I attended the Porsche 75th Anniversary Celebration at Porsche Annapolis (PA). As anyone who attended any of the 75th celebrations can imagine, it truly was a great morning. I got there about an hour before the event started to set up a Chesapeake Membership table inside. The setup went very quickly so I ended up helping PA folks set up tables and chairs in their facility and moving extras out of the way. During this time, the eight Chesapeake folks, that our own Tech Chairs had recruited, started arriving to display their cars in the back of the dealership.
Once the celebration was underway, PA had a nice crowd to enjoy a catered breakfast bar and premium coffee. I’m not a coffee guy but the breakfast bar was delicious. Surprisingly, most of my time was not spent eating but actually standing around the Chesapeake Membership table and talking to Chesapeake and non-Chesapeake folks alike. I would like to think I got a few new folks to join up. Perhaps the funniest part of the day, at least to me, was how the cheap swag I had on the table would disappear every time I turned my back to the table to talk to someone. I could literally feel people sneaking behind me to grab stuff from the table who obviously did not want to talk about PCA. I guess folks everywhere, even those who own Porsches, just want their free stuff and they don’t care what it is.
One of the nice parts of the morning was it gave me a chance to talk to Mr Farmand (the PA GM) and Angela Brown (the PA Client Care Coordinator). Both have been very supportive of Chesapeake PCA and I believe want to become even more involved with us. I also got the chance to talk with Katelyn Paul, the Johnson Automotive (they own PA) Marketing Communications Manager. She had nothing but praise for Jim, Randy, and Rick for arranging the show cars and for Chesapeake PCA in general.
I would like to thank the following Chesapeake members who brought their cars to the event:
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee offered as its third event of the year a “Tour & TSD Rally School.” It was held on May 6 at the lovely Valhalla estate of PCA member Skip Conrey, in Marriottsville, MD.
The instructors were guest rally master Bob Rassa and Tour & Rally Co-Chairs Aniano Arao and Rich Ehrlich. This event usually draws a small number of attendees, but they tend to be very serious enthusiasts. Our eight students this year were a particularly keen group. Altogether, 11 of us showed up in 8 Porsches, not counting our host and his Macan.
In the photo above, we have Bob Rassa, James Beavan III, Daniel Mattes, Rich Ehrlich, Suzanne Mattes, Jennifer Morris, Adam McDonald, Marsha Buss, Steve Buss and Jonathan Mester.
We couldn’t have held our Tour and TSD Rally School at a more wonderful venue, as you will see in the photos here of the 90-acre Valhalla estate.
Our classroom sessions were held at Skip’s well-equipped party barn.
Bob, a longtime PCA veteran, gave a thorough explanation of what a TSD rally is all about and how to successfully compete in one. Aniano offered a bird’s-eye-view of how to plan, design, organize and run a driving tour. And he presented the criteria and standards that need to be met to come up with a fun-to-drive PCA tour. Rich explained PCA’s safety guidelines, as well as how to use walkie-talkies in a driving event.
The auto industry is changing at an incredible pace and actually mirroring trends in other industries.
It used to be that automobile manufacturers were mammoth conglomerates that dictated their own paths and controlled their own future.
The traditional business model of designing, manufacturing, selling, servicing and financing vehicles still continues, but the industry is speeding towards a new frontier mainly guided by sustainability, and changing consumer behavior.
Because of this, manufacturers now collaborate with tech giants, they work closely with audio moguls and augmented reality experts and we can see how these collaborations with advanced technologies are making their way into our cars and our car culture.
This trend, which actually started in 2018, together with the ever-decreasing emission standards have made vehicle production costs increase.
This higher cost produced a reduction in car sales in 2019, which was worsened by the global pandemic and its aftermath in 2020.
Now, in 2021 but with 2022 models ready to go into production, manufacturers are embracing these technologies more and more in order to increase sales.
Lets take a look at some of the industry trends in more detail:
Probably, the biggest trend for the last 20 years, and this is just the beginning. Toyota started the trend in 2000 with the successful introduction of the hybrid Prius, then Tesla with it’s full electric line of vehicles changed the way people view electric cars.
Porsche was quick to realize the trend and started working on its strategy for 2025 and along them, Audi, Mercedes Benz, and most other manufacturers which are introducing or working on new electric platforms, even Ferrari.
When we were kids we followed with keen interest the displacement in liters of our Porsches, which slowly grew from the 1.1L flat-4 of the early 356s to the latest 4.0L flat-6 powerhouses of the new GTs (GT3, GT4, GTS). But nowadays buyers are more concerned with how big the infotainment screen is and whether it has Apple CarPlay or not and whether they can access their Pandora account from their car.
Automated or assisted driving is another of the rising trends in the industry.
Car buyers cautiously embrace safety-focused semiautonomous driver aids but have been slow to accept the prospect of handing the steering wheel and all controls completely to the car’s computer(s).
This one is not without controversy. Some believe that the age of fully automated, self-driving taxis is just around the corner, while others believe that in order for cars to drive by themselves safely it will take many, many more years.
Insurance companies which now have access to incredible amounts of data from our vehicles, have been able to re-assess their risk and have started introducing new policies based on distance travelled by the vehicle, the car’s category, and the driver’s background (including health, habits and
age) even attaching data acquisition devices to the customer’s vehicle in order to customize their coverage.
All of theses trends are reshaping our ever-changing way of life. They will transform the car into a platform, where drivers evolve to riders, reframing “driving” as the synonym of well-being and convenience.
In doing research for this article I came across the flowing quote:
To the question of whether the Porsche brand faces conflict between innovation and tradition, Knuth Walczak, Porsche’s head of the Innovation and Preliminary Development Management said:
“We don’t define the Porsche brand of the future – instead, It is the Porsche brand that has defined our focus. We have the fascinating job of continuing to build authentic sports cars. I’m certain that the technologies of the future will not cool down the hot, fascinating core of the Porsche brand but instead will heat it up even more”.
Most of the articles and news releases relating to the future of the auto industry and future of the sports car that I read were about the above mentioned trends and how cars and the auto industry would evolve and modernize as it embraced the future. Only Porsche, referring to the probability of introducing a 911 Hybrid, promised that “it will be extremely powerful but still a fantastic driver’s car as it has always been”.
I hope and believe that Porsche will keep those promises of maintaining tradition and heritage very present in their near-future, electric, self-driving, connected sports cars.
A few of us (fewer and fewer every year) still perceive pure enjoyment from driving our old, analog, disconnected Porsche.
Heck, some of us still like to shift our own gears using heel/toe. For more information about the future of the auto industry and Porsche, please visit my website: www.PedrosGarage.com
Published in the August 2021 issue of “Die Porsche Kassette”
What Are PCA License Plates: Chesapeake Region PCA coordinates the purchase of PCA Organizational License Plates issued through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). The PCA License Plate Program promotes the visibility and camaraderie of PCA. PCA Maryland License Plates are pre-numbered Organizational Plates, not vanity plates. PCA License Plates are available for all cars, trucks and minivans, but not for motorcycles or trailers.
Cost: The one-time cost for the PCA License Plates is $40.00, which includes the $25.00 MVA fee and a $15 Chesapeake PCA fundraising fee to support the PCA License Plate Program and Chesapeake Region events.
How To Apply: The only way to apply for PCA Organizational License Plates is to complete the online PCA Maryland License Web Form at https://pcachs.org/pcamaryland-license-plate/ and submit it electronically. Please click on the above link to learn the details and requirements to apply for PCA License Plates.
If you have any questions regarding the purchase of PCA Maryland Organizational License Plates, please contact us at: pcaLicensePlates@pcachs.org. Safe and Happy Motoring.
Requirements: You must be a PCA Member and the car must be registered in Maryland. The PCA Plates are not limited to Porsches. You can apply for PCA plates for all your cars registered in Maryland!
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May” - William Shakespeare
And we had rough winds in the Porsche market for the month of May. Despite offering the most cars we’ve seen all year, there were 585 Porsches offered on the various online and legacy auctions throughout the month. However, the lowest sell-through rate year to date was 70% and the second lowest dollar volume was just over $31 million. But not all markets were shaken by the winds of May as some, like the 356 markets, fared well while others, like the 992 GT market fell apart.
The 356 markets remained strong with an 88% sell-through rate off of 8 sales with an average price paid of just over $112,000. Now that might seem low for an average price, however, it should be noted that the offerings consisted of run-of-the-mill coupes and cabriolets, not a special car in sight. But that’s ok considering we didn’t have any legacy auctions taking place this month. The top 356 for the month was a 1958 356A Cabriolet finished in a lovely shade of Meissen Blue and coming off a recent, extensive restoration. Had the car had its original engine the price would have been much higher, but this sale for me is an indication of the strength and interest still held for Porsche’s original.
Classic 911s (1976 & earlier) on the other hand had a difficult time finding new homes with only 59% of cars on offer selling. No one series of 911 stood out as sales were hit or miss but the top end of the market seemed to suffer the most with two notable no sales; one being a 1967 911 SoftWindow Targa 5-speed that was bid to $226,000 and the other an original 1970 911 S/T bid to $385,000. The S/T was a surprise as one would think that with Porsche’s imminent announcement of the new 992 911 S/T, at least a collector or two would want to bag one of the only 33 cars produced to complete the set in their garage.
But it wasn’t just the top end of the classic 911 market that suffered from wind burn either as three
cars capable of topping the $1m sales mark failed to sell leaving a highly optioned Chromaflair 2019 GT2 RS as this month's top sale at $585,000. The first was a very rare 1996 993 GT2 Clubsport that remained unsold at $1,605,000 against a probable $2m reserve price. The other two were models we’ve seen trade hands earlier this year, a 1988 959 Komfort and a 2005 Carrera GT which failed to sell at $1,450,000 and $1,060,000 respectively.
.At the top end of the modern 911 market, we saw the 997.1 GT3s start to dip a little bit with an average sales price of $134,000 and two out of the five cars on offer failing to sell. 992 GT3s also continued their slide with new market lows at $224,000 and $235,000 and not a single 6-speed GT3 Touring selling for over $300,000 as that ship has sailed. GT3 RS variants on the other hand climbed with the sale of a 2010 RS at a strong $242,000 and three 991 GT3 RS’ selling for an average price of $211,000.
Cayman GT4s were a hard sell this month with a 10,000-mile 2016 GT4 selling for below $100k at $94,000, which is a trend I’d love to see for personal reasons, and a 2020 GT4 selling about $5,000 light at $122,000. And then there is the GT4 RS market… Two more cars failed to sell at bids of $266,000 and $245,000 proving that huge overs for the GT4 RS aren’t in the cards as they were for their 911 brethren.
As I stated at the beginning though, it wasn’t all gloom for May. We had several record sales such as $123,000 for a 120,000-mile 1994 911 Coupe finished in Amazon Green Metallic, and $81,000 for the lowest mileage 2002 996 Carrera 4S we’ve seen in five years. We also saw a 928S sell for a record price of $108,000, about 4x the average for these cars, and a “normal” 987 Boxster S achieved $52,000.
But while May might have been a bit of a disappointment, I am looking forward to June’s auctions with the 75th Anniversary Porsche sale hosted by Broad Arrow Auctions at the Porsche Experience Center in Atlanta and the sale of the Gruppe P Collection on Bring a Trailer that includes a 1967 Porsche 910. Will we finally see an important Porsche race car sold next month? Stay tuned.
What is the PCA Juniors program?
✓PCA Juniors is a program for Porsche enthusiasts under age 18.
✓Participants must be registered by an active PCA member.
✓It’s not just the cars… and now it’s not just the grownups!
✓With our new PCA Juniors program, PCA is about the kids too!
The PCA Juniors program has been created so kids can enjoy PCA events, learn about Porsches and build the enthusiasm that runs through all of the Porsche Club of America.
Who is eligible?
Any child under age 18 who is registered by a current PCA member can participate in the program.
(Note: This is not a PCA Membership.)
What will the child receive?
PCA Juniors will receive a welcome package that includes an ageappropriate gift and PCA Juniors ID badge. We look forward to developing the program and its features over time.
What does it cost to register?
It’s FREE! Participants must be registered by an active PCA member, and there is no cost to join!
Personal/Classified Items Free to PCA members
Full page ad—$600
Half page ad $450
Quarter page ad $250
Business card $200
Send to:
Please mark your calendars for Tuesday night, August 15th, at 6:30pm at The Turn House located in Columbia, Howard County. The Turn House was the venue for our After Holiday Party this past January. The Turn House is a premier fine dining restaurant offering contemporary American cuisine with a touch of French flair. Check out their menu here. We will have a private dining room for our event and a cash bar in the room.
All participants must register for the dinner on www.MotorsportReg.com by August 10th
Seating is limited to 40 people (you will be placed on the waitlist if the limit is met but may be contacted should anyone cancel and there is availability). There is no registration fee for this event.
When: August 15, 2023, Tuesday
Meeting time: 6:30pm
Meeting point: The Turn House, 11130 Willow Bottom Drive, Columbia (410) 740-2096
End of social: 8:30pm
Cost: Members are responsible for their own dinner. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons. While we are striving to make this event safe, with your Participation in and Registration for this social event, you recognize and acknowledge the hazards of COVID-19, and you assume the risk of illness or death arising from a COVID-19 infection at this event. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it.
Log onto your Motorsportreg account or create one at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will close at midnight on Thursday, August 10th .
There is no fee for this event.
Send social event related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org.
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee offered as its fourth event of the year the “Safeway to the Bay Tour.” It was held on May 20 in Maryland’s Anne Arundel and Calvert counties. It began and ended at a Safeway parking lot in Annapolis.
This afternoon tour was conceived, designed and led by guest tour master Hank Lucas (with blue cap). Hank had previously offered it to fellow PCA members as a PCA event in 2021 as well as several
private ones in 2020, during the worst period of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the first photo above shows, we had a strong turnout, with 60 people and one dog taking part in 32 Porsches.
This two-hour driving event took us to some of the most delightful scenic and twisty back roads southwest of Annapolis. About halfway through, at Fairhaven, we caught glimpses of the Chesapeake Bay, as the name of the tour promised.
The photos here show some of the 32 Porsches that took part in the tour. I divided them into four groups. The first led by Hank and Ellen. I led the second group. Mark and Dawn Miller led the third, my fellow Tour & Rally Co-Chair lich and wife Kathy led the fourth, while Steve and Marsha Buss led the fifth group.
At the end of the tour, a number of us stayed at the parking lot for a while to chat.
New friendships are formed before and after each tour, while old ones are renewed.
Now you can obtain your Chesapeake Region Name Badge!
Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page. The Name Badge cost is $25, inclusive of handling and shipping.
This is your opportunity to purchase a heavy “gold- plated” Chesapeake Region metal car badge.
Each metal car badge comes complete with stainless steel slotted retaining plate, screws, washers and nuts to mount it through your car grille or separate mounting plate.
You can order right now! The cost per metal car badge is $30 or two for $50, inclusive of handling and shipping.
Here’s how you order your metal car badge: Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page and make your payment.
As had been frequently said around the PCA world “It’s not just the cars - it is the people”. In order to run a successful club the region relies on a robust group of volunteers to steer it along. Part of that active group of volun- teers is the Executive Board that over- sees the club activities, works with the various committees and in- terfaces with Zone and National lev- el leadership teams.
Chesapeake’s Executive Board serves a 2-year term and the next round of elections is due to take place this fall with the new Board taking over in January 2024. If you have an interest in becoming a member of the Board and influencing the future direction then now is the time to let your voice be heard.
Anyone interested in possibly putting their name into the ring and running for one of the Board positions; President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary, or just interested in more information can reach out to me at racerj3@gmail.com. Alternately you can always discuss the positions with the current or past Board members to get a feel for what the roles entail.
The club is growing and the number of activities and members is at an all-time high, but volunteers are the key to keeping things on track.
Thanks for considering this opportunity.
John Jensen Chairman, Nominating CommitteePlease mark your calendars for Tuesday night, July 18th, at 6:30pm at La Posta located in Severna Park, Anne Arundel County. The restaurant features woodfire pizza and Italian cuisine in a comfortable and relaxed setting. Check out their menu here.
All participants must register for the dinner on www.MotorsportReg.com by July 14th .
Seating is limited to 40 people (you will be placed on the waitlist if the limit is met but may be contacted should anyone cancel and there is availability). There is no registration fee for this event.
When: July 18, 2023, Tuesday
Meeting time: 6:30pm
Meeting point: La Posta, 513 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard, Severna Park (443) 906-2840
End of social: 8:30pm
Cost: Members are responsible for their own dinner. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons. While we are striving to make this event safe, with your Participation in and Registration for this social event, you recognize and acknowledge the hazards of COVID-19, and you assume the risk of illness or death arising from a COVID-19 infection at this event. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it.
Log onto your Motorsportreg account or create one at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will close at midnight on Friday, July 14th
There is no fee for this event.
Send social event related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org
For the eighth event of 2023, PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee is pleased to offer a tour to the National Air and Space Museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center located in Chantilly, VA. In order to celebrate National Ice Cream Day at the Udvar-Hazy Center, we can choose between either astronaut ice cream or Shake Shack.
The Udvar-Hazy Center features the display of many significant aircraft, including the Space Shuttle Discovery, the B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay, a Concorde and a Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird. There are also numerous other aircraft and aviation artifacts on display. In addition to crossing both the Monocacy and Potomac rivers, we will drive some of the better roads in Maryland and Virginia. So REGISTER for this tour ASAP!
When: July 16, 2022, Sunday, weather permitting
Assembly time 10:00 AM; drivers’ meeting 10:15; departure of first group 10:30
Assembly point: The Mount Airy, MD, address will be sent to confirmed registrants by July 14th
Driving time and distance: Approximately 90 minutes, 65 miles
Destination: Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Chantilly, VA
Log on to your MotorsportReg account at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will open at 1 PM on July 2nd and close at 1 PM on July 13th .
PCA members and their guests must be registered and confirmed to join this event. Drivers must be adult PCA members with a valid driver’s license.
Fee $5 per adult; maximum fee $10 per car; minors (17 and younger) free.
MotorsportReg charges a new $2 booking fee for every registration (not for every person). Route instructions and other documents will be sent to confirmed registrants via e-mail on either July 14th or July 15th. If you have not received the documents by 6 PM on July 15th, please email tour@pcachs.org.
While admission to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center is free, there is a parking fee of $15 per vehicle. The fee is waived if the vehicle leaves after 30 minutes or less.
QUESTIONS: Send tour-related questions to Rich Ehrlich, Co-Chair, Tour & Rally Committee, at tour@pcachs.org.
PCA Chesapeake helped celebrate Porsche’s 75th Anniversary at three of the Porsche dealerships in Maryland on June 10, 2023. Featured here are significant Porsche models curated for Porsche Hunt Valley by Jim Earbeck and his fellow Tech Committee co-chairs, Randy Richter and Rick Hawver.
The celebration started early in the morning at the Horsepower cars and coffee in the Hunt Valley Towne Centre. Porsche Hunt Valley kindly provided the PCA members present with free breakfast from Iron Rooster.
Then at about 11:00 AM, the curated cars proceeded to the nearby Porsche dealership, accompanied by hundreds of PCA members in their Porsches. The dealership, led by General Manager Steve Postol, again generously provided free food and beverages to the hundreds of anniversary attendees.
The U.S.-only 2023 911 GT3 RS Tribute to Carrera RS shown above was not among the curated models but was on display in the showroom at that time.