2 minute read
from Die Porsche Kassette
by Pcagcr
Roger Fabel, Editor

After meeting new members and discussing their Porsche or Porsches, I always ask, “What club activities do you like best?” The most popular events are the Drive and Dines. We love to drive our cars and socialize with our fellow PCA members. GCR has been ramping up the number of social events, and the attendance of 100 plus is becoming our new benchmark. You will also notice that our social team has recently hosted get-togethers at many new locations and events to meet the needs of our members. The Gold Coast region covers Key West to Delray Beach, and our goal is to offer activities in every area. If you have an idea for a new site or event, please get in touch with our social team. We constantly seek new ideas and additional volunteers to help.
There are some changes we need help with at the Kassette. Tom Goodmann, our copy editor, will retire this summer after serving as department head at the University of Miami. Tom is a member of GCR and has been providing professional oversight of the Kassette content for several years. In addition, Kirk Giannola, our graphics artist, will be retiring and starting an art company. The concept is very cool, but this means that Kirk will be spending most of his time on his new venture. Kirk has been helping the Kassette and GCR companies with their professional graphics for over 15 years.
We will dearly miss both Tom and Kirk, but to ensure we continue providing you with the outstanding Kassette issues monthly, we are at a point where we must fill these positions – and hopefully soon.
The copy editor reviews each Kassette article and provides corrections and suggestions before publication. In addition, as Tom did, the copy editor might be asked to write articles for our newsletter. Even if you have never held the position of an editor before, if you are proficient in English and grammar and have a keen eye for detail, you might already have the skills of a professional copy editor.
Though Kirk will continue to be involved with the Kassette, such as creating artwork for the 48 Hours at Sebring, there is much work for a graphic artist to do in helping produce the Kassette each month. If you are a professional, semi-professional, or even if you are still new to the graphic arts, if you are willing and able to provide your graphic skills, we can use your help.
In the past, letting our members know our needs has produced excellent results. Whether you can only provide 4 hours or 40 hours per month, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me about either of these positions or if there are other ways you can assist and be a part of the Kassette team. Thank you for being so supportive.