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President’s Column
IT’S BEEN ABOUT SIX MONTHS SINCE THE PANDEMIC WAS DECLARED. I hope everyone has gotten vaccinated and returning to somewhat normal activities. After getting our jabs, my wife and I finally felt comfortable flying to our second home in Virginia Beach and seeing grandchildren in Northern Virginia. If travel is one of your passions, I hope some favorite destinations are reopening safely for you to visit.
The club resumed events in February and there has been a good turnout at our twice-monthly Cars & Coffee. If you are new, or have not been active for a while, C&Cs are a friendly and relaxed way to connect with fellow Porsche enthusiasts. April was one of the Club’s “alternate vehicle” months at C&C and there was a nice turnout of nonPorsche cars. We had a successful drive in February to the Murphy Auto Museum in Oxnard and King Gillette Ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains. In March, we ventured to the Central Valley and into the Kern River Valley. (See stories about both trips elsewhere in this issue.) In March, I emailed everyone our list of events for the remainder of 2021. Make frequent
visits to pcasb.org to know when to register. Most events have limits, so sign up early. The club will continue to follow State and PCA guidelines for staying healthy.
After our March C&C in Camarillo, our friend Bob Clarke graciously showed four of us his Highway Garage in Ventura that was featured in the March/April issue of Der Auspuff. Bob has some very interesting memorabilia from bygone eras of motoring, as well as a Targa restoration project underway.
I am told Porsche is still making sports cars, although you would wonder when dealer inventories are largely sedans and SUVs. Basically, customers have to order all 911s, but there may be some inventory of 718s. Apparently, 911s are selling very well and dealer allocations remain scarce.
The Board and I wish to thank you for your continuing commitment to the club during the pandemic. Although there is light ahead, the end of the threat may be some months off. Stay safe and enjoy spirited driving in your Porsche.
Board of Directors Meetings
SBR’s Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of every odd-numbered month at 6:30 p.m. At this time the meetings are held online via Zoom. Member attendance and participation are encouraged.
Board meeting minutes are posted on the SBR website: www.pcasb.org/#club_news