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New Member Recognition Day
Porsche Drive, Porsche Lunch, Porsche Gifts Saturday, July 17, 2021
Join us for a day on great California roads and a delicious country-club lunch as we honor new members, those who joined our club since June 1, 2019. Veteran members are invited as well to share their memories and experiences. The itinerary is one of our favorites.
The Santa Barbara Region’s Board of Directors has designated July 17, 2021, as New Member Recognition Day. This special day will start in Santa Barbara, includes a drive over some of the area’s best back roads, and ends at the Trilogy Monarch Club, set among rolling hills in the countryside near Nipomo and the Pacific coast. The buffet lunch includes prime rib, grilled salmon, and chicken marsala main entrees, along with side dishes and desserts. There will be door prizes exclusively for new members.
We’ll arrive at the meeting place in Santa Barbara (we’ll let you know where) at 9:00 a.m., check-in, and depart at 9:30. The price is $25 per person for those who have joined SBR since June 1, 2019, and $45 per person for others. Please fill out the form below and send with your check to Doreen Pankow (address below). Call Doreen if you have questions (805-428-3423). We look forward to seeing you on this special day!

NEW MEMBER RECOGNITION DAY Saturday, July 17, 2021
Please fill out this form and send it with your check payable to PCA/SBR to: Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063
Name(s): ________________________________________________________________ [ ] Check here if new member(s)
Email: _______________________________________________ Cell phone: ____________________________________
Number attending: ________ Amount enclosed : __________ ($45/person or $25/ person if joined after June 1, 2019. Note: no refunds after July 10, 2021.)