The Historic Rock Inn at Lake Hughes
By Doreen PankowLooking Back a Decade: 2014-2023
By David StoneLavaggio Cars & Coffee
By Dustin TroyanSBR Board and Appointees
SBR Calendar of Events
The President’s Column
Event Flyers
60th Anniversary Gala Celebration Announcement
60th Anniversary Raffle
Cars & Coffee
2024 Zone 8 AX, DE, & TT Membership Report
PCA Zone 8 Officers
Directory Classified Ads
President STEVE DOLL sdollres@outlook.com (805) 701-5511
Vice President
grayandassociates@me.com (805) 453-0618
JIM BROWN jimb968@gmail.com (805) 559-2004
Secretary DOREEN SHINN doreenshinn@gmail.com (805) 232-8565
DENNIS POWER editor.derauspuff@gmail.com (949) 468-8608
SUE KINSLING Sue_Kin@hotmail.com (805) 340-0634
Goodie Store
JOHN BARRISON JohnBarrison@gmail.com (820) 203-8079 cell
Text message preferred
Activities Co-chair LIONEL NEFF zuma13@msn.com (805) 890-0588
Activities Co-chair ART SHINN artshinn@gmail.com (505) 348-7813
Past President ROD HERSBERGER rodhersberger@gmail.com (805) 698-1659
Advertising BOB CLARKE bobshighwaygarage@gmail.com
Archives JAMES OLDHAM OldhamJames@msn.com
Concours TARA KONRATH tarabrundrett@gmail.com
ROBERT & LISA WATT robert@wattrealestategroup.com
Dealer Relations
DAVID STONE drs993@verizon.net
RANDY KINSLING randkin1@gmail.com
Motorsports GLENN CRAWFORD 1gunk@sbcglobal.net
Public Relations
DICK LANGE LRLange@pacbell.net
Safety JOE NIEDERST joejane91165@gmail.com
Social Media SAL REYES sreyes40119@yahoo.com
RANDY FISHWICK OurBoxster@outlook.com
Website www.pcasb.org
Facebook www.facebook.com/pcasbr
Der Auspuff Online www.issuu.com/pcasbr
Instagram www.instagram.com/pcasantabarbara
DENNIS POWER editor.derauspuff@gmail.com
Advertising Director BOB CLARKE bobshighwaygarage@gmail.com
SIR SPEEDY PRINTING 1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 484-7999
The deadline for submission of ad copy is the first of the month preceding the month of
Please support our advertisers: we welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Bob Clarke, (805) 200-6596 or bobshighwaygarage@gmail.com.
Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editor, or its staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff
Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America
M-F 5/20-24
Camarillo Cars & Coffee
Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee
Lake Tahoe Jamboree
Camarillo Cars & Coffee
Ladies Luncheon
Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee
Kernville Backroads Overnighter
Camarillo Cars & Coffee
Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee
SBR 60th Anniversary Drive, Banquet, and Celebration
Camarillo Cars & Coffee
Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee
Pine Mountain Club Drive via (newly opened) Hwy 33
Camarillo Cars & Coffee
Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee Gimmick Rally
Camarillo Cars & Coffee
Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee
SBR/LAR/GPX Driver Education at Steets of Willow
Camarillo Cars & Coffee
Post C&C Camarillo Airport Aircraft Museum
Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee
Hwy 229 Drive to Creston and Loading Chute Restaurant
Camarillo Cars & Coffee
Holiday Party Brunch
Barbara Cars & Coffee
* As of May 2024 and subject to change
We had some beautiful alternative cars at Cars & Coffees last April. In Camarillo, two yellow Ford GTs of different model years seemed to attract the most attention. Both are descendants of the original Ford GT40 race car developed to compete in the early 1960s at the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
Several fast looking Audis, a yellow 460 Ferrari, three Corvettes (my blue one among them), and a deep blue Bentley cabriolet were shown. In Santa Barbara, a striking blue BMW I8 and black Mercedes Benz SLS got a lot of attention. At both venues there were many other alternatives and, as usual, a lot of great looking Porsches.
I hope you have been able to join the club in some of the outings. The activities guru Lionel Neff and his committee are outdoing themselves this year. I was able to join in the Tour of Edwards Air Force Base last month. I had no idea! It was truly amazing!
You must join us for a once-in-alifetime opportunity: the Santa Barbara Region’s 60th anniversary Gala on July 20 at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The day begins with a continental breakfast at Porsche Santa Barbara and is followed by a drive
over some of our favorite roads. Lunch and a special program follows at the Hilton. See the flyer on page 6 in this issue of Der Auspuff. Register soon at msreg.com/sbranniversary.
Don’t miss the opportunity as well to participate in the 60th Anniversary Raffle. First Prize is Fast Lane’s Traditional Travel Fall Treffen for two that includes Stuttgart and Porsche Factory and Museum tours. See more details on page 7.
Our energetic Vice President Lorraine Gray has hit the ground running with ladies lunches, for which there has been good turnout. You won’t want to miss the June Porsche Ladies event, a very casual patio luncheon at a private residence at 12:00 on June 7 ($20.00 each). Only 15 guests can be accommodated, so RSVP as soon as possible to doreenshinn@gmail. com before May 10. Please reach out to Lorraine with ideas or to help for upcoming lunches and ladies events.
Many of us like to get together at times other than the Cars & Coffees on the first Saturdays each month. Save the date for the 4th Saturday, May 25, as we finalize a Gals and Guys Gather-
ing for breakfast at Aloha Steakhouse by the Pier in Ventura. Yes, they serve breakfast and open up just for us!
Several of the club members are driving down for the Air|Water event at the Orange County Fairgrounds April 27. We have a good showing of 718 Boxsters (Art Shinn, Rod Hersberger, and Dennis Power) and Steve Geldman will have his 911 GTS on display. We hope to check out a couple of private collections on the drive down Friday the 26th.
Patrick Long started Lüftgekuhlt about nine years ago for just air-cooled Porsches. The event has grown and evolved to now include both air- and water-cooled cars. (That change could have been suggested by Porsche since they don’t make air-cooled models any more.) Several of us went to Luft 9 on Mare Island in Vallejo last year: a stunning display of Porsches! Air|Water won’t disappoint either.
Thanks, as always, to the Board, the committees, and our members for making this a fantastic club. Come out and make some new friends.
Pres SteveSBR’s Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of every odd-numbered month beginning at 6:30 p.m. At this time, the meetings are held online via Zoom. Member attendance and participation are encouraged. Contact SBR president Steve Doll (sdollres@outlook.com) to receive the Zoom link for each meeting. Board
Five days and four nights in beautiful Lake Tahoe, with a scenic drive getting there and special tours in the area, is an SBR excursion not to be missed. We start in Castaic and travel up Hwy 395 along the eastern slope of the Sierras. Lodging for our stay is at The Landing Lake Tahoe Resort and Spa, South Lake Tahoe, a spectacular site at the water’s edge. On Day 2 we’ll enjoy a driving tour around the Lake, “the Jewel of the Sierra Nevada.” Reservations have been made that evening for a group dinner at the Chart House, a short drive from the hotel. On Day 3 we head to Reno for a visit to the National Automobile Museum and lunch at the “best Mexican restaurant in Reno.” While in Nevada, we can’t miss the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City. Dinner is on your own this evening. On Day 4 we are off to the famous gold and silver mining town of Virginia City, which is also where Samuel Clemens, editor of the local newspaper, penned the name Mark Twain: plenty of California history here. Day 5 is for the drive home, or extend your stay if you want more time in the area.
The cost is $30 per person for the club’s Activity Fee and tickets to the National Automobile Museum. You’ll book your own hotel arrangements at the special SBR price of $219 per night per room (for two, kingbed). Reservations for the trip open March 21 and close on April 15 and must be made through msreg.com/tahoe. Once registered and confirmed, you will be provided a private weblink to the Landing Hotel to make your reservation, which must be done by April 15. Questions?: contact Lionel Neff at (805) 890-0588.
We start in Castaic and head north on I-5 to the vast farming communities of the San Joaquin Valley. From here it is west on CA-223 and CA-58 to a road you have likely never been on, or even heard of: Caliente Bodfish. This is where the “Porsche perfect” driving part of our adventure begins as we head northwest and climb on a mountain road to 4,000 feet over the southern extent of the Sierra Nevada. We pass through 1860s gold country with names like Windy Point and Dead Horse Canyon and towns named Caliente and Bodfish. This may not be a drive for those who foster apprehensions for curvy roads, but it is epic in scope and variety.
A well-deserved lunch will be at Nelda’s Diner in Lake Isabella. After lunch it is a short drive to Kernville and the Kern River Inn, our destination for the evening. Dinner has been arranged for our group at Ewings on the Kern, an excellent restaurant a short walk from the hotel. A lavish “New American” menu and vibrant bar await, along with a commanding view of the surrounding mountains and Kern River
The cost to register is $13 per person: meals and lodging will be on own. Register at msreg.com/kernville. When you register you will be sent the phone number to call the Kern River Inn for the SBR rate of $129 per night (queen beds) or $139 (double queens and kings). Be sure to say you are with the Santa Barbara Porsche Club. The limit is 10 rooms and reservations must be made by April 30. Questions: call Lionel Neff at (805) 890-0588.
What has the Santa Barbara Region’s members jumping for Joy? The anticipated gala celebrating our 60th Year! How did we get here? Here are some of our achievements during the past 60 years:
• Our activities have graced the pages of PCA’s publication, Panorama, many times
• We were named a National Region of the Year multiple times
• We were named Zone 8 Region of the Year
• We hosted valuable driving education courses for young drivers
• Our membership blossomed to more than 800 primary members
• We conducted more than 300 one-day driving excursions to scenic and historic locations
• We participated in more than a dozen multi-day adventures in California and the Southwest
• We met more than 300 times for cars and coffee
• We’ve held 44 concours d’ excellence and many detail clinics for member instruction
• We produced an honored and awarded publication, Der Auspuff.
This milestone day will start off with a continental breakfast at Porsche Santa Barbara. After enthusiastic camaraderie with members, we’ll have a drive over some of our favorite roads. The day will end with a lunch, program, and announcement of our Anniversary Raffle winers, all at the beautiful Santa Barbara Hilton. Details will be sent to those registered.
Celebrate our 60 Years of success by joining your fellow Porschephiles on July 20, 2024. The cost is $100 per person, all inclusive. REGISTER AT msreg.com/sbranniversary
When signing up, be sure to indicate if you will attend the continental breakfast.
Complete the coupon below and submit payment ASAP. First come, first served! Proceeds benefit our 2024 designated charity: Ronald McDonald House, Ventura. ONLY 400 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD, SO THE CHANCES OF WINNING ARE EXCELLENT!
• 1st Prize: Fast Lane Travel Traditional Fall Treffen for two, September 22-28, 2024. The event includes Stuttgart, the Porsche Factory Tour, the Museum Tour, driving on the Autobahn at speed, an Alpine Pass Drive, an overnight stay at Lake Constance, a drive through the Black Forest, the extra daily rental of a current model Porsche, and round trip coach airfare. Value: $15,600. (Cash option: $10,000.)
• 2nd Prize: Set of four tires for your Porsche, OEM, available via California Tire Co. in Newbury Park, CA. Value: $2,500. (Cash option: $1,000.)
• 3rd Prize: A one day adventure at the Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles including track time, an instructor and lunch. Two prizes for two people each prize. Value $2,400. (No cash option.)
• 4th Prize. Ceramic coating coupon from Ghost Shield, Newbury Park. Value $1,200. (No cash option.)
Winners need not be present at the drawing to win. The date for the first prize (Traditional Fall Treffen) is set by Fast Lane Travel. The other prizes must be claimed and completed by December 31, 2024. Incidental expenses are not included in any prize. Winners of all prizes will be required to execute liability waivers to the benefit of PCA and SBR prior to travel or purchase. SBR reserves the right to cancel the raffle drawing
Please send a completed form with check or money order payable to PCA/SBR to:
Nicolas Liakas5910 Grey Rock Road
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
• Entry deadline: July 15, 2024
• Winner announced on July 20, 2024
• Maximum number of entries: 400
and refund all funds received in the event that at least 200 tickets are not sold by July 15, 2024. Checks will not be cashed until the minimum number of 200 tickets are sold.
Yes, I want to enter the SBR
I would like ______ entry(ies) at $100 each for a total of $_______
City/ State/Zip:
March 2, 2024 — 9 Porsches and 12 members and guests
April 6, 2024 — 47 Porsches, 22 alternate vehicles, and 91 members and guests
March 9, 2024 — 42 Porsches and 58 members and guests
April 13 — 10 Porsches, 13 alternate vehicles, and 26 members and guests
This fun drive started from Moorpark on March 13, a beautiful sunny morning with just a few clouds in the sky. Thirty-five participants met, all ready for another exciting drive to a unique destination. After the drivers meeting, 21 pristine Porsches followed our fearless leaders out of the parking lot onto Los Angeles Ave. Lionel Neff led the first group and Nicolas Liakas led the second.
We quickly turned onto Spring Rd. where the drivers were able to line up into a long stream of colorful Porsches following each other onto Walnut Canyon and Broadway Rd. to connect with Grimes Canyon Rd. The drivers (not so much the passengers, perhaps) enjoyed the tight, twisty turns heading down the steep hill towards Fillmore, where the challenge is to drive downhill through the sharp curves without braking by shifting to lower gears with your 5- or 6-speed
manual, or PDK if that is what you have. We did run into some road construction just before Fillmore, waited about five minutes while some rocks and debris were cleared away, and then continued on and turned east on CA-126.
CA-126 is heavily patrolled by our good friends in the CHP so we tried not to exceed the speed limit as we drove over to Newhall Ranch Rd. in Santa Clarita and then took Copper Hill Dr. to Bouquet Canyon Rd. The hills were spring-time green and we thoroughly enjoyed driving the mountain roads over to Spunky Canyon Rd. and along the way were delighted to see Bouquet Reservoir full of water. We tested our driving skills again going over Spunky Canyon Rd. to San Francisquito Rd. and then onto Elizabeth Lake Rd. where we enjoyed a quick view of Elizabeth Lake.
After a delightful two-hour drive, we arrived at the Historic Rock Inn ready for a cool beverage and lunch. The food and beverage service was fantastic and we all devoured our pre-selected lunches including choices of pulled pork, tri-tip, and grilled chicken sandwiches or their famous hamburgers and garden burgers. And when they say “limitless french fries and onion rings,” they truly mean it. Absolutely delicious! We all enjoyed the camaraderie of our fellow members talking about the drive and how fortunate we are to be able to have so many fun and challenging roads in Southern California, roads that are perfect for our favorite Porsches. Lionel Neff received well-deserved special thanks for organizing this fun drive on such a beautiful day!
Doreen Pankow has been a member of PCA since 1997. She is past president of SBR, past Activities Chair, and remains active in club events. Doreen drives a 2015 Boxster 6-speed in Guards Red.
As a preview to our 60th Anniversary celebration scheduled for July 20, we thought it appropriate to look back at the last decade of our region’s history to see how we’ve evolved over the past 10 years. All-in-all, it was a time of steady growth, national recognition, new and exciting changes, generous charitable giving, challenging interruptions, and a wide variety of enjoyable, well-attended events.
This article also serves to complete the review of all 60 years of our history. The first 50 years were well documented with text and photos in a special edition of the Der Auspuff that was distributed to the membership in June 2014. You can access the digital version by clicking the icon located in an email we intend to send to you via enews, on our SBR website (pcasb.org), or by entering the following link on your browser: https://issuu.com/pcasbr/docs/50thjournal.
This was a very special year indeed. We celebrated our 50th Anniversary on July 19 with a well planned event that included a continental breakfast at Santa Barbara Porsche, a backroads tour, and a banquet at the Fess Parker Double Tree Inn in Santa Barbara. It was truly a special day that brought local and national recognition to the region and the return of several past members who had moved out of the area.
The annual PCA Porsche Parade was held in Monterey and attended by many of our members. President Doreen Pankow was proud to accept the coveted Ferry Porsche Award as PCA Region of the Year.
Our Camarillo breakfast meeting moved to a new location at the Camarillo Premium Outlet Mall. Ample parking was available near the host restaurants of Johnny Rockets and Panera Bread. Average monthly attendance was 115 members. The Santa Barbara breakfast remained at Moby Dick’s restaurant for several years and brought an average monthly attendance of 39 members.
The Der Auspuff continued as a monthly publication and debuted in full color with John Alfenito as our editor. One of the more interesting stories highlighted member Michael Hohls, who took delivery of a 50th Anniversary Special Edition 911S he had won the previous year in the PCA Annual Raffle. He was one lucky guy.
Our board meetings were held at Ameci’s Restaurant and later at the Gold Coast Veterans’ Building, where a large meeting room was provided free of charge.
One of our favorite annual events was the Gimmick Rally, faithfully hosted by Jerry and Pam Lasnik. These fun and challenging drives alternated between north and south and conclud-
ed with barbecue lunches and cash prizes for the three participants who answered the most questions correctly. Gimmick Rallies were held nine out of ten years, with COVID-19 causing the only cancellation.
Multiple-day trips were also popular, generally held over the Martin Luther King and Memorial Day weekends. This year, the destination was Carlsbad and the Temecula wine country. The Retired and Unemployed Folks (RUF) group was led by John and Jean McNair and became very active. This year, the group toured the Descanso Gardens.
Members continued to volunteer and participate at the popular Zone 8 Festival of Speed at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana. Many volunteers also helped make the 3rd Annual Tire Rack Street Survival School, organized by member Ted Lighthizer, a popular and successful event for teen drivers of our members and those in the community at large.
Jim and Terry Middlebrook again hosted our annual Chili Cook-off and would continue to do so throughout the decade. It brought out some excellent cooks and was a consistently sold-out event.
New events this year included a Movie Night at Rusnak Westlake Porsche featuring Stanley Gold’s “Peking to Paris” race; a visit to Curt Pindler’s exotic car collection; our first participation in the Santa Barbara July 4th Parade; a Gene Autry Museum tour; and a Halloween Party hosted at the home of Randy and Sue Kinsling. Pre-concours Detail Clinics were held throughout the decade at Lavaggio Auto Detailing. Practical demonstrations and lunch were provided by their staff. Classroom instruction was handled by Concours Co-chair Tara Brundrett-Konrath. Rusnak Westlake Porsche offered free Saturday Service Clinics for region members at the dealership. They would continue for several years to come. Our 38th Concours d’Elegance was hosted by Rusnak Westlake Porsche and held in the
This year brought new leadership as Mike Hodson became our president. He would serve in that capacity for the next three years. With board support, the club continued to prosper during his tenure.
Monthly breakfast meetings continued to be popular, with Camarillo averaging 114 and Santa Barbara 54. The Martin Luther King
backyard of the Four Seasons Hotel in Westlake Village.
The Holiday Brunch was enjoyed at the very popular La Cumbre Country Club in Santa Barbara. At the business meeting, John Alfenito and Doreen Pankow were named Man and
Woman of the Year, and Nicolas Liakas was given a Lifetime Achievement Award. A large array of new toys was collected and distributed to the Santa Barbara Unity Shoppe, a tradition that would continue throughout the decade.
weekend event took the region to Rancho Mirage, while the Memorial Day weekend tour had participants exploring Zion and Bryce National Parks and the north rim of the Grand Canyon.
The RUF Group now offered monthly drives that included visits to Caltech, the Santa Paula Oil Museum, Union Station, and Emory Motorsports. Other driving events included a Poker Run, a Getty Villa Tour, a Santa Barbara Wine Tour, a Progressive Dinner, a Nethercutt Museum tour, and a visit to three historic missions on the Central Coast.
Members also enjoyed an Autocross at the Camarillo Airport, followed by another Street Survival School.
Der Auspuff Editor John Alfenito added to our region’s successes by winning the National Newsletter Award competition for Division IV.
Our region remained very active throughout the year. Breakfast meetings continued to be well-attended with Camarillo averaging 111 and Santa Barbara averaging 47 members. In April, the Camarillo breakfast set an all-time attendance record of 145 members and guests. Alternate Vehicle breakfast meetings were popular in April and August and continued throughout the decade.
The RUF Group visited the Commemorative Air Force Base, Mission Produce, and Port Hueneme. The McNairs led a group to San Francisco over the Martin Luther King weekend, while Nicolas Liakas hosted several independent, multiple-day tours to places of interest for smaller groups. Our biannual New Member Picnic was held this year at Dos Vientos Park. Members gathered together to meet and wel-
Our 39th Concours d’Elegance was held at the beautiful Lake Sherwood Country Club and was well-attended by our members and those of other Zone 8 regions. Many of our members participated in the annual Motor4Toys charity event held each December in the San Fernando Valley. It would become a favorite tradition that continues today.
The Annual Holiday Party was held at Spanish Hills Country Club in Camarillo where Mike Hodson and Doreen Pankow were honored as Man and Woman of the Year.
come those joining the region during the previous two years.
Another well-attended autocross was held at the Camarillo Airport, and many of our members again volunteered at the Festival of Speed.
Other popular events included a Peterson Automotive Museum Tour; a tour to the Guadalupe Dunes; a Wine Country Harvest Tour in Santa Barbara County; a meeting of Propellers and Porsches at the Camarillo Airport; and a Backroads Tour to BJ’s Restaurant. Several of our members enjoyed the four-day, PCA Treffen held in beautiful Lake Tahoe that offered a variety of interesting tours and attractions.
Our 40th Concours d’Elegance was held on the front lawn of the Fess Parker Resort Hotel in Santa Barbara. The event drew participants from throughout Zone 8 and a large public audience who were out enjoying the afternoon.
The Holiday Party was again held at the Spanish Hills Country Club. Mike Hodson and Doreen Pankow were named Man and Woman of the Year. Our Charity for the year was the Make-a-Wish Foundation and a generous donation was made to their cause.
Average monthly attendance at breakfast meetings stayed strong with Camarillo numbers coming in at 94 and Santa Barbara at 48. An autocross was again held at the Camarillo Airport as was another popular Tire Rack Street Survival School. And for the first time, the airport served as the venue for an SBR Driving School for our members.
Rusnak Westlake Porsche began offering No Substitute Saturdays, a Cars and Coffee event held on the third Saturday of every other month at the dealership. They were quite popular and well-attended. The dealership also hosted a Tech Session on the history of the 911.
The long-awaited opening of the Porsche Experience Center in Carson prompted a visit to this beautiful facility by a large group of SBR members. We enjoyed a spirited run on one of the tracks, time with the driving simulators, and a delicious lunch at the café.
Members Rem and Sally Laan became co-chairs of the RUF Group and led tours to the Adamson House in Malibu, the Solvang Vintage Motorcycle Museum, and the Ventura Humane Society in Ojai. Board meetings were now held at Lavaggio Detail Center and changed to every other month.
Popular events included a weekend adventure to Mammoth Mountain, and a day trip on the Scenic Silver Splendor vintage railcar from Santa Barbara to San Luis Obispo and back. Member John Barrison arranged for several interested members to accompany him to the Indianapolis 500 Race.
Rem Laan was named region president, and he continued as co-chair of the RUF Group. He led tours to the Gene Autry Museum of the West, the historical Pleasant Valley School in Buellton, and the U.S. Coast Guard Station at the Channel Islands Harbor.
The Porsche Parade was held in Spokane, Washington. President Mike Hodson attended by flying his private plane there. The region was named 2nd runner-up for Region of the Year and 3rd Place in the National Newsletter Award for Division IV.
Member Chris Andropoulos was honored when his tech articles appeared in both Panorama and Excellence magazines. As the service manager for Schneider Autohaus, Chris consistently provided his exceptional articles to the Der Auspuff for several years, and his contribution to the region was very much appreciated.
Der Auspuff Editor John Alfenito announced his intention to retire from the position after nine years of dedicated, award-winning service. His shoes would be difficult to fill.
Our Concours d’Elegance was held for the first and only time at Elings Park in Santa
Barbara. The Holiday Party was originally scheduled to be held at the Biltmore Hotel in Santa Barbara. Due to the Thomas Fire, which devastated the area, the venue was changed to the Four Seasons Resort. The December Santa Barbara breakfast meeting was also cancelled due to road closures.
John Alfenito and Doreen Pankow were named Man and Woman of the Year for their significant contributions to the region. A $5,000 charitable donation was made to the Gold Coast Veterans’ Foundation. A separate donation was provided to the Red Cross to assist the Thomas Fire victims.
Long-term member Suzi Sheller returned to the board as secretary and was instrumental in updating our by-laws, which included extending the tenure of executive board members from three to four years.
When John Alfenito stepped down as editor, it left a void which was briefly filled by Rusnak employee and region member Carl Bell and member Mike Kurreck. Publication of the Der Auspuff was reduced to quarterly distribution and augmented with monthly email newsletters. After publishing a few editions, Carl and Mike could no longer continue. Thankfully, Nicolas Liakas agreed to again become our editor beginning the following year.
We lost our autocross venue when new construction began at the lower area of the Camarillo Airport runway. In its place, a No Cone Autocross was held at the Jim Hill Raceway in Oxnard and was well-attended. Our breakfast meetings continued to be popular. A monthly average of 83 attended at Camarillo and 35 at Santa Barbara.
This year, members enjoyed the Festival of Speed, a poker run, a progressive dinner, a backroads drive to Boccali’s Restaurant in Ojai, and a new member reception at the home of Glenn and Lorraine Crawford. Multiple day events included a tour of Highway 49 Gold Country; a Kern River tour and visit to Sequoia National Park and the Trail of 100 Giants; and a Pacific Coast Wine Trail Tour of Cambria, Moonstone Beach, and Montana Del Oro State Park.
for the first time, electronic event registrations became available through MotorsportReg.
The region participated in the Unity Shoppe Telethon by providing a $1,500 donation in addition to the many toys donated at our Holiday Luncheon held at the La Cumbre Country Club. Nicolas Liakas and Doreen Pankow were named Man and Woman of the Year.
As a change of pace, Santa Barbara Porsche hosted one of the board meetings this year. And
This year marked the 55th Anniversary of our region. We received written recognition from both PCA and Porsche Cars North America.
The region played host for the annual Zone 8 board meeting, Concours d’Elegance, and banquet at the Four Seasons Hotel in Westlake Village. Jim Brown served as the Master of Ceremonies. The guest
speaker was Lori Schultz, daughter of the man credited for saving Porsche in the 1980s.
Breakfast meetings continued to be popular and brought new members to our region. Average monthly attendance was 70 at Camarillo and 36 at Santa Barbara. Der Auspuff publication returned to six editions a year. However, due to the late transition to new editor Nicolas Liakas, the January/February edition was not published. Board meetings were again held at the Gold Coast Veterans’ Foundation.
The region was also selected to host the PCA National Treffen held at the Hilton Inn and Resort in Santa Barbara. Seventy-five SBR volunteers assisted national staff with the planning and execution of this sold-out event. A welcome reception, six driving tours to local attractions, several lunches, and a formal banquet were enjoyed by attendees from all over the country. It was an extraordinary success.
Doreen Pankow was recognized at the Boca Raton, FL, Porsche Parade as the 2019 National Enthusiast of the Year. Her award was presented at the August breakfast meeting by the Zone 8 Representative on behalf of the national office.
Member Ron Williams received California State Senate recognition for developing the first state-wide electronic birth registration system. Special recognition was given to our team of dedicated photographers who capture those excellent, full-color photos that appear in the Der Auspuff and help document our many activities. They are Randy Fishwick, Steve Geldman, Bill Hallier, Gary Krueger, Rem Laan, Nicolas Liakas, Dennis Power, Robert Watt, and Ron Williams: well-deserved praise indeed.
The region hosted a sold-out Zone 8, multi-region autocross at the Jim Hill Raceway. Sadly, this would be the last event here as the raceway lost its lease and ultimately went out
of business.
Popular events this year included a progressive dinner with the main course hosted by the Kinslings; a tour of member Larry Markham’s incredible garage; tours and lunches at Jalama Beach and at the Monarch Trilogy Club in Nipomo; a Red, White and Blue tour and picnic honoring our veterans; a Santa Ynez wine tour and lunch at Vincent Winery; and an off-road tour of the Los Padres Forest for Macan and Cayenne owners with lunch at Cold Springs Tavern. An overnight Country Western Tour to Bakersfield and a four-day tour to Tucson over the MLK weekend were also well-attended.
RUF events this year included tours of the Ronald Reagan Library’s Pompeii Exhibit and the Historic Camarillo Ranch House. Our charity of the year was the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Conejo Valley, to which we donated $5,000. A donation of $3,500 was also given to the National Search Dog Foundation.
Our Holiday Brunch returned to the La Cumbre Country Club. Rem Laan and Doreen Pankow were named Man and Woman of the Year. This would mark the tenth time this decade that Doreen received this special award.
Several new faces became members of the board. They included president Barry Carson, vice president Rod Hersberger, secretary Tom Sutphen, and Der Auspuff editor Dennis Power.
Due to exigent circumstances, Barry’s tenure as president was a brief one. Rod took over as president and Steve Doll assumed the vice presidency. The full board served in their positions for the next four years.
Due to COVID-19, most of the year’s activities were completely curtailed from March to July, with certain open-air activities resuming in August. Der Auspuff could not be published for four months but was replaced with an email newsletter by Dennis Power that kept our members informed about future events. There was no Concours d’Elegance this year and the planned Porsche Parade to be held in Palm Springs was cancelled. Even our annual Holiday Brunch was removed from the calendar.
Breakfast meetings were held only five times this year. The average attendance was 59 at Camarillo and 40 at Santa Barbara. The board meetings were initially held at the Gold Coast Veterans’ Foundation and then suspended.
Before the lockdowns, members shared a three-day adventure to Rancho Mirage over
the Martin Luther King weekend, followed by a Valentine’s Day drive on back roads and
Most of our activities resumed by February. Our breakfast meetings morphed into Cars & Coffee events with no sit-down meal service due to COVID restrictions. Camarillo monthly attendance averaged 75. The Santa Barbara meeting place moved to the Shoreline Beach Café at Leadbetter Beach and brought an average attendance of 39.
There were many events of interest this year such as a visit to the Murphy Auto Museum followed by a picnic lunch at King Gillette Ranch; a tour to the Kern River; a visit to Mike
a picnic lunch at Dos Vientos Park. Later that month, 30 members visited the home of Singer Vehicle Design.
When things loosened up, members Motored to Malibu through the Santa Monica Mountains; enjoyed a Mystery Tour through Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties; and took a Wine Country Back Roads Drive and picnic at Los Alamos County Park, with test drives of new Porsche models supplied by PCNA. A few of our members participated in autocross events in Riverside and at the Auto Club Speedway in Fontana.
We were notified that our Der Auspuff newsletter previously edited by Nicolas Liakas received top national honors again as Newsletter of the Year for 2019. We resumed publishing a full magazine and after producing six email newsletters Dennis Power took over as editor: his first full issue was the November/December edition.
We supported three charities this year; Santa Barbara Food Bank, Ventura County Food Share, and the Boys and Girls Club of Conejo Valley were each given $1,000. The selection of the Man and Woman of the Year did not take place.
Malamut’s car collection; a look at the Angel Martinez car collection; a day at the Finish Line Exotic Car Condo Complex in Westlake Village; an Ocean to Pines tour to Frasier Park; a backroads tour to the Pine Mountain Club in Kern County; a 356-only tour to visit Coachcraft Restorations and Ellery Engels’ metal shop; and a New Member Recognition event held at the Trilogy Monarch Club in Nipomo for a record 44 new members.
The one multiple-day adventure occurred in September when Nicolas Liakas led members on a six-day tour of The Majesty of America’s Southwest. The trip began in Moorpark and proceeded through Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado to visit no less than eight national parks and monuments. The group ended the tour standing on the corner of Winslow Arizona for an appropriate photo.
Members Lionel Neff and Art Shinn became Activities Co-Chairs for the region and brought some new ideas for tours and gatherings. The use of MotorsportReg was adopted for webbased activity sign-ups.
Our Camarillo Cars & Coffee location remained at the Camarillo Outlet Mall but moved to Loru’s Café, offering a full menu for those wanting breakfast. The average monthly attendance was 76. The Santa Barbara Cars & Coffees averaged 44 attendees.
There was an abundance of events for our members to enjoy this year. Tours included a backroads drive to Sweetwater Bar & Grill; a Heartthrob Tour to the Trattoria Uliveto Restaurant in Orcutt; a California
As in the past, our members stepped up to provide personal interest stories for the Der Auspuff. Topics included Bob Clarke’s Highway Garage, the Evolution of the 911, the 500 shades of Porsche colors, the Scottsdale Treffen experience, the North Meets South 356 event in Cambria, and a tour of the Gmünd Porsche factory.
Nicolas Liakas was honored as the Zone 8 Enthusiast of the Year for 2020 and as past editor of the Der Auspuff. Members volunteered for the last Zone 8 Festival of Speed this year; it began in 2002 and was held annually with the exception of 2020.
Our charity this year was Many Mansions of Thousand Oaks, which received a $5,000 donation. For the first time, a supplemental breakfast meeting was held at the Aloha Restaurant in Ventura. It became a popular venue and was repeated in later years. Our Holiday Brunch returned to Spanish Hills Country Club. Dennis Power and Sue Kinsling were named Man and Woman of the Year.
Rancho History tour; a Wine Country Tour with lunch at Alisal River Grill in Solvang; and a visit to the Santa Paula Airport for a Porsches and Planes exhibit.
Our two multiple-day events were a threeday tour of the High Sierras and a three-day Monterey Spring Fling. Other fun events were a visit to the Mullin Automotive Museum; a return to the Finish Line Exotic Car Condos; an evening at the 1st Annual Santa Barbara Porsche Oktoberfest; an open house at the new Rusnak Westlake Porsche dealership; and a holiday brunch for the ladies hosted by Sue Kinsling.
The region co-sponsored the Day Away at the Streets of Willow with the Los Angeles and Grand Prix Regions, offered as a Drivers’ Education event. Members enjoyed a first time, well-attended Cars & Coffee hosted by Lavaggio Auto Detailing at their facility.
Joe Schneider was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his lengthy PCA membership, his knowledge of the marque and
willingness to share his expertise, and for his steadfast sponsorship and service to the region. This was an award well-deserved. Chet and Joan Yabitsu were honored for their 15 years of dedicated service as Der Auspuff Distribution Managers.
After a three-year absence, our 44th Concours d’Elegance was finally held at the Santa Barbara City College. Planned and organized by Concours Co-Chair Robert Watt, it was well attended by members from several Zone 8 regions.
A $5,000 donation was given to the Ventura County Health Care Foundation, our Charity of the Year. A donation of $860 was given to the Santa Paula Aviation Museum during our visit. A third donation of $2,500 was presented to the Unity Shoppe for their Telethon Fundraiser.
The annual Holiday Brunch was held at Spanish Hills Country Club. Member Matt Stone was on hand to sign his books, IROC Porsches and Porsche Special Editions. Robert Watt and Sue Kinsling were named Man and Woman of the Year.
Our Cars and Coffee events remained popular this year with average monthly attendance at Camarillo of 72 and 34 at Santa Barbara. Once again, a large variety of special events were enjoyed by the membership. Steve Geldman arranged a drive to the Peterson Museum to meet Magnus Walker, who had on display his eclectic Porsche collection, followed by lunch and a visit to the incredible collection of cars and memorabilia of Bruce Meyer. It was truly a day to remember.
The Petersen Museum also hosted the 30th Anniversary of the Boxster with a Cruise In. It was very well-attended with over 200 cars on display. Rod and Sue Hersberger and Art Shinn were among the guests.
And the events just kept coming with a Magical Mystery Tour through Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties; a Coastal Mountain Drive to BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse; a tour of the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum; a Rootin’ Tootin’ drive through the wine country to the Buckhorn Café in Cuyama; and the Wrong Way to Wrightwood drive with lunch at the Grizzly Café in Wrightwood. The multiple-day trip this year was a three-day adventure to Paso Robles for wine tasting, a tour of Hearst Castle, and a visit to the Estrella Warbirds Museum.
This year marked the 75th Anniversary of Porsche. On June 10, all the dealerships celebrated the special occasion. Many of our members gathered in at the Sandpiper Golf Course for Santa Barbara Porsche’s event and enjoyed a
catered lunch on the lawn. Others spent a pleasant afternoon at Rusnak Westlake Porsche’s beautiful new dealership for a pizza luncheon.
In July, several of our members attended the long-awaited 67th Porsche Parade in Palm Springs. We enjoyed the many events and meeting fellow PCA members from across the country.
Additional popular events we enjoyed included a 50-year celebration of the 911 RS at Finish Line exotic car condo complex; another New Member Recognition at the Monarch Club in Nipomo; a tour of the Nethercutt Museum in Sylmar; and the 2nd Annual Oktoberfest (and Cayenne Launch) at the Sandpiper Golf Course, sponsored by Santa Barbara Porsche. Several members attended Rennsport Reunion 7 in Monterey. Although a Detail Clinic was again hosted by Lavaggio Auto Detailing, no concours event was held this year.
With the leadership of Glenn Crawford, our region co-hosted a PCA National Driver Education Instructors’ event with Los Angeles and Grand Prix Regions at the Streets of Willow Springs.
Our charitable giving provided $2,350 to the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum. Also, recipients of $1,000 each were the Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara County and Conejo Valley; the Girls’ Club of Carpinteria; the Gold Coast Veterans’ Foundation; and the Blue Light Canine Foundation.
In December, several of our members enjoyed the PCA-sponsored Princess Cruise to the Western Caribbean. The PCA/Princess Cruise Line partnership is expected to continue providing annual voyages to various places of interest.
Our Holiday Brunch was once again held at the Spanish Hills Country Club where Rod Hersberger and Sue Kinsling were named Man and Woman of the Year.
With the help of this review, it becomes evident why SBR has been such a successful and award-winning region during the past decade and beyond. Our members are loyal enthusiasts who enjoy the camaraderie and the many events the region provides. Special thanks and recognition go to the many dedicated board members and others who have volunteered their time and effort over the years to ensure the region is the best that it can be.
We also offer special thanks to our many faithful sponsors and advertisers that have supported the region throughout the decade. Chief among them have been Rusnak Westlake Porsche, Santa Barbara Porsche, Milpas Motors, Premier Coach, Crawford Wealth Management, Schneider
Autohaus, Village Properties, Ghost Shield, Wheel Concept, Lavaggio Auto Detailing, and many others.
During the past decade, the region steadily grew from 719 to 817 members, placing us in the National standing of Division V for the first time. This requires us to compete with much larger regions such as Los Angeles and San Diego for national awards and recognition. I’m confident that we will continue to be a well-respected and competitive region of Zone 8 and PCA well into the future.
So, to the Santa Barbara Region and its members, we salute you for 60 years of fun, friendship, and a celebration of all things Porsche. May you continue this successful journey for many years to come.
Sadly, we said goodbye to more than a dozen of our members during the past ten years. We miss them all. Their names appear below.
Anita Banke
Michael Brovsky
Kenny Brundrett
Wayne Greko
Lynn Kuchera
Ted Lighthizer
Marge Misevic
Bob Rowe
Richard Shaw
Barry Weinstein
Robert Wulf
Chet Yabitsu
Ed Yates
It’s not just the cars, it’s the people!
Porsches at Lavaggio, why not.… As many of you know, I have been doing car events for over two decades. One of the first “Porsche People” I met years ago was your own John Alfenito. This was at the Village Coffee Roaster where I started both Supercar Sunday and Motor4Toys. John introduced me to the Santa Barbara Region Porsche group and its wonderful club members. SBR holds a special spot in my heart for always being so supportive and kind—for decades. I have known a lot of members over the years and when I met Steve Geldman I knew I had another wonderful friend. So, fast forward, I thought, hey, I (we) could do an all-Porsche event at Lavaggio, get friends together, awesome cars, and tell some lies. Sounded like a great idea. I knew that we would have a great showing of cars and members from the club and that indeed was the goal. Selfishly, I knew that SBR in particular is truly a class act and my day would be pretty easy. I wouldn’t have to work too hard as the club knows how these events go and I could actually enjoy the morning with great people. I really looked forward to our gathering.
The morning of the event, as the kaleidoscope of Porsches rolled into Lavaggio, was truly magical. From the early air-cooled cars to Ady’s 959, GT3s, and many more; we had representation of every Porsche model. But more important to me were the smiles, the hugs, the laughter, the friendship, and the camaraderie. I was grateful to the people who helped me put the event together—Lavaggio and their staff— and everyone who attended. I’ve said about Supercar Sunday and Motor4Toys that for those couple of hours on those mornings it is how the world should be: a diverse group of people, friends from all over with different backgrounds sharing time, space, and passion. It’s beautiful. And this is how I felt about the SBR event as well. Thank you for a great day!
Dustin Troyan is General Manager of Lavaggio, the President and Founder of the Motor4Toys Charitable Foundation, the President of the Topanga Area Police Foundation, and publisher of Driven World magazine. He also supports SBR and advertises in Der Auspuff.
RIGHT COLUMN TOP: by Steve Geldman
RIGHT COLUMN MIDDLE: by Randy Fishwick
Fri, May 3
Sat, May 11
Sat-Sun, May 4-5
Mon, May 13
Sat, May 25
Sat, Jun 15
Sat-Sun, Jun 15-16
Sun, Jun 16
Sat, Jun 22
Sun, Jun 30
Sun, Jul 21
Sat, Jul 27
Sat, Aug 10
Sat, Sep 14
Sat-Sun, Sep 14-15
Sun, Oct 6
Mon, Oct 14
Sat, Oct 19
CCCR DE at Buttonwillow
CCCR AX Santa Maria Airport
GGR DE at Buttonwillow
CCCR DE at Buttonwillow
SDR AX (see SDR website for location)
LAR AX, Port of L.A.
SDR TT Willow Springs
CCCR DE at Laguna Seca
CCCR AX at Santa Maria Airport
SDR AX (see SDR website for location)
SDR AX (see SDR website for location)
CCCR AX at Santa Maria Airport
LAR AX at Port of L.A.
CCCR AX at Santa Maria Airport
SDR DE/TT Willow Springs
SDR AX (see SDR website for location)
SBR/LAR/GPX DE at Streets of Willow
CCCR AX at Santa Maria Airport
AX = Autocross, DE = Driver’s Education, TT = Time Trials, and CR = Club Race
CCCR = California Central Coast Region, GEM = Golden Empire Region, GGR = Golden Gate Region, GPX = Grand Prix Region,
SDR = San Diego Region, LAR = Los Angeles Region, LVR = Las Vegas Region, and RR = Riverside Region.
Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is quick and easy online. Visit our website, pcasb.org. On the top banner, select Membership and click the link SBR Name Badges. Fill out the order form and follow the instructions as to what to pay and where to send the form. You can order up to two badges with one form.
Rod Aarons Westlake Village 2016 911
Peter Mccawley
Thousand Oaks 1974 911 Targa
Alan Hiscocks
Simi Valley 2018 911 Targa 4S
Meritess & Jeffery Mellinger Oxnard
Sue Kinsling
Christy Simas
Santa Barbara 2023 911S
Douglas Stupay
Santa Barbara 2024 911 GT3 RS
Jeff Rester
Santa Rosa Valley 2021 911 4S
Mark Gilliam
Newbury Park 2012 Cayman
Kathy & Ron Prechtl Oak Park
John Cervini Carpinteria 2022 911 4GTS
Valerie & Robert Valdez Camarillo
Knut Roder & Elizabeth Kantona
Simi Valley 2008 Cayman
Robert & Sharon Fischer Santa Barbara 2017 911
Lisa & Pete Weeger Malibu 2018 911 Targa GS 4S
Elizabeth Kantona & Knut Roder
We encourage all members to keep their individual profile updated on pca.org, especially your email address so you don’t miss important information from PCA and our own Santa Barbara Region. It is through PCA that we communicate with all of you.
John & Virginia Barrison
& Juliana Kayda
& Susan Grasso
& Jeanette Bassette
Steven Bernston & Julie Pickert
& Linda McCurdy
Years Stanley & Kathleen Monheit
Mark & Erin Kapczynski
Larry & Sue Stoops
Peter & Jeanine Hubbard
Courtney & Larry McBride
22 Years
Lea Anderson
Dan & Donna Joyce
Angel & Lucas Martinez
Joe & Carol Monteil
Gary & Phyllis Weaver
50 Years
James & Karen Degnan
Robert & Laura Brickley
& Susan Hughes
Jeffrey Parker & Micaela Parker
& Elena Samojen
Stanley Smith & Carla Bowman-Smith
Stephan & Jackie Hoofring 25 Years
Will & Judy Hoag
24 Years
Craig & Michele Adney
Richard & Bobbi Ditri
Henry Hinck & Paula Carolan-Hinck
Donald & Charlie Bennett
Neil & Stacy Mcauliffe
Richard & Carol Norman
Jeffry Waxman & Carmel Gold
Daniel & Bonnie Long
David & Mickey Hill
Ralph Teadwell & Kirston Powell
David Thompson
Fred & Mary Herr
Rem & Sally Laan
Christopher & Marilee Marter 13 Years
Stephen Haydon-Khan & Melissa Wilson
Stephen & Karen Keper
Bill & Maxine Lambuth
12 Years
Richard Jenkins
11 Years
Christian Marx & Linda Lacunza
Jeremiah Perry
Jim & Vicki Riley
John Vasi & Nancy Willstater
9 Year
Christian Gari
Emileo Sandoval & Mailin Ho
Tony & Leah Punches
Mark Sauer & Mark Sauer
Rane Von Seffe
Robert Skinner & Meghan
Sally Swift 7 Year
Michael & Renee Kurreck
Thomas Rimer
6 Year
Joel & Nina Adler
Kelly Ayer & Greg Fonteyne
5 Years
Walt Michajlenko & Ismael
Leo & Tina Pretti
Carl Waldman
4 Years
Edward Asdel
22 Years
William & Libby DeKorte
Dennis & Katharine Jorgensen
Angelo Secco
19 Years
Richard & Valerie Milianni
17 Years
Michael Benson & Judi Boscardin-Benson
Steve & Caroline Doll
Art Grimmitt
16 Years
Glenn Greff
Paul & Tina McEnroe
Dan & Lori Steuer
George & Joel Steward
15 Years
Phil & Lillian Skeen
13 Years
Randy Leffingwell
Thomas & Audi Marshall
12 Years
Bill T. & Christine Wilson
10 Years
Kathy & Bob Carey
9 Years
Ted & Roanna Prell
8 Years
John Devins
7 Years
Michael Hernadez & Kat Weaver
Jeff Kay
Mark & Vikki McCarter
Ed & Ashley Villanueva
6 Years
Raphael Napolitano
John & Kneshia Zimbaro
5 Years
Vince Loung
Jay Tingzon
4 Year
Ron & Lori Mulick
3 Years
Garry & Becky Jones
Glenn & Denise Kirtley
David & Anita Marotta
3 Years
John Kim
Tracy Mcgovern
Salvador Reyes
Adam Rothein
Arne Schmidt & Lois Linden
Victoria Shuken
2 Years
Ray Abel & Pilar Pacheco
Carlos Avelar
Dennis Carlson
Arthur Chirino
James Laski
Don & Ellen White
1 Year
Ben De Armond
Greg & Kerri Flores
Marshall Matheson
Sheila Millington
Stephen Waldman
2 Years
Ray & Cindy Arbuckle
Guy Browning
Brian Chudleigh & Chris Nicholson
Milagros Ebuen & Matthew Ebuen
Thomas & Susan Edwards
Jeremy Harnish
Collin Hill
Andrew Holt
Joe & Monica Nigro
James Rider
Lucca St. George & Ed St. George
Scott Shepley
1 Year
Stephen Hagy & John Hagy
Scott Jackson
Ryan Purkait
Michael Smith & Rhonda Niles
Steven Solomon
Steven & Negin Urry
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Helen Salaverria, Brand Manager 805-267-5963
Zone 8 Representative
Lori DeCristo
California Inland Region
Linda Cobarrubias Grand Prix Region
Monica Ashbury Orange Coast Region
Autocross Chair
Bill Thorp
San Diego Region
Chief Driving Instructor
Scott Mann
Las Vegas Region
Club Race Advisor
Skip Carter
Grand Prix Region
Concours Judge Admin.
David Witteried
California Inland Region
Event Information Chair
Jim Alton
San Gabriel Region
Rules Coordinator
Tom Brown
San Diego Region
Rules Technical Advisor
Russell Shon
San Diego Region
Social Media Chair
Vinita Khilani
Los Angeles Region
Time Trial/DE Chair
Russell Shon
San Diego Region
Rules Coordinator/ Webmaster
Tom Brown
San Diego Region
Porsche Club of America, Zone 8 is comprised of 15 club regions in the Southwestern United States, encompassing Southern California, Arizona and Southern Nevada. This dynamic PCA Zone has Club Racing, Concours d’Elegance, Rally, Driver’s Education, Autocross, Time Trial and special events scheduled throughout the year. Zone 8 is about the people and we have fun!
Fits 997 Carrera, Carrera S, Targa, others. Will fit most non-turbo
997s.Wheel Sizes:
Front:8Jx19 ET57 Offset 57
Rear 11Jx19 ET67 Offset 67
Tire Sizes:
Front: 235/35ZR19 87Y
Rear: 295/30ZR19 100Y
Excellent condition. One small road rash spot.
Will include center Porsche crests.
Conrad Van Hyning 2 cvanhyn2@roadrunner.com
Fully outfitted racing manikin 6’ manikin in full racing uniform with helmet, gloves, shoes, and nomex unnderwear.
Also has many patches: Riverside international raceway, Laguna Seca raceway, Willow Springs international raceway, Porsche Owners Club, Porsche Club of America, B.F.G, Goodyear, etc. Comes mounted on a steel and glass stand.
Bob Bassett 805-388-2195
In celebration of the one millionth 911 produced, Porsche Design developed the limited edition 1919 Datetimer setting the benchmark in the field of sporty and elegant time pieces. Better with time - excellent condition includes original box set and documentation. $4,500
Classified ads of 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items are free to PCA members in good standing and will run for a maximum of two months. Please notify the editor if sold. SBR is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items. Please submit ads directly to the editor at editor. derauspuff@gmail.com with text in a Word document and with photos as jpegs.
2006 Cayman S 70,000 miles
6-speed manual transmission. Guards red with tan interior. Original owner, always garaged and regularly maintained at Rusnak Porsche Westlake.
Asking $30,000 John McNair 805-340-4151 jjmcnair3@verizon.net
2005 911 Turbo Cab 62,000 Miles
Four-wheel drive, Slate Grey, black leather interior, carbon fiber seat backs, back up sensors, and camera. Additions: PSS10 suspension. HRE wheels, clear bra, updated stereo system, built in Valentine radar detector. Have records for all maintenance.
Asking $68,000
Gary Weaver 805-217-5354 gweaver25@yahoo.com
1989 911 3.2 Carrera Cabriolet 99,500 miles
Air conditioner with upgraded hoses and center outlet. 16” Fuchs wheels. Aftermarket CD stereo HiFi Sound. Alarm system. Short gear=shift lever. Cruise Control. G50 transmission. Sport seats with electric adjust. Electric top. Euro Turbo steering wheel. Original paint and top. Certificate of Authenticity
Asking $64,500 Jon Lutz jlutz1937@att.net