Tourism Administration Program
The Paracas National Reserve is located in Ica, 155 miles south of Lima. It encompasses around 335,000 hectares, which 65% are marine waters, and it is the oldest marine reserve in Peru. This reserve is a staging point for different kinds of migratory birds; it houses more than 300 species of fish, various marine species such as octopus, squids, marlins, dolphins, sea lions, gulls and Humbolt penguins, among others. This reserve is a RAMSAR site since 1992, and houses archaeological remains of the Paracas culture, a pre Inca civilization (600 BC – 200 EC). It also holds an Interpretation Center, which provides information on biodiversity, ecosystems and protected endangered species.
RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES Project: Evaluation of Sustainability Indicators Partners: USIL (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola) and SERNANP (National Service of Protected Natural Areas) Location: Paracas National Reserve The National Reserve and one of its main attractions, Ballestas Islands, have experienced a great increase in visitors in the last 10 years (89% and 124%, respectively), which makes sustainable development critical for this destination. Currently it’s managed by the Ministry of Environment through the National Service of Protected Natural Areas (SERNANP for its initials in Spanish), although there’s still room for improvement in the way planning and development is being approached, especially in terms of use of its buffer zone, which make it a great opportunity for research. Through the support of SERNANP field studies can be carried out in this protected area. Students will be able to meet with local stakeholders such as biologists, park rangers, fishermen, local business owners and local authorities.