HOMEMAKERS: AGENTS, BUILDERS, DESIGNERS SHARE FAVORITE SPACES 16 WIPE OUT KIDS’ CANCER Peter Cancro of Jersey Mike’s Subs gives big to help 40th gala raise a $2record-breakingmillion. PAGE 31 AUGUST 2022 VOLUME 18 NO. 8 “THE BEST COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER IN TEXAS” PRESTONHOLLOWPEOPLE.COM I DANNY CAMPBELL PHOTOGRAPHY News 4 Crime 8 Community 10 Business 14 Contents Real Estate Quarterly 16 Schools 25 Sports 28 Society 30 Living 34 Engagement 35 Obituary 36 Classifieds 39 NEWS Dallas plans to trafficeliminatedeaths 4 SCHOOLS Wesley Prep’s ‘Miss leavesLinda’legacy 25 LIVING Need tryreasonssometoCafé43? 34

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HEREsizes and options.

2. SCHOOLS: Dallas ISD Requires Clear or Mesh Backpacks for Secondary Students
Middle and high school students will be limited to clear or mesh back packs for the upcoming year, but the district plans to provide each student with one before school starts.
2 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com Paige & Curt elliott@daveperrymiller.com214.478.9544Elliott *Represented the Buyer 6222 Revere Place* 11577 Cromwell Circle 7301 Hundley Boulevard 5411 Monticello Avenue* 1413 Pine Hurst Drive 3316 Galahad Drive* 6464 Northport Drive JUNE SOLDS2022 Preston Hollow People is published monthly by CITY NEWSPAPERS LP, an affiliate of D Magazine Partners LP, 750 N. Saint Paul St., Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75201. Copyright 2021. All rights reserved. No reproduction with out permission. Submissions to the ed itor may be sent via e-mail to editor@ peoplenewspapers.com. Correspon dence must include writer’s name and contact number. Main phone number, 214-739-2244 Publisher: Patricia Martin Preston Hollow People is printed on recycled paper. Help us show love for the earth by recycling this newspaper and any magazines from the D family to which you subscribe. Thank you to all of our readers for your support! We’re 2022 National Newspaper Association Contest winners EDITORIAL Editor William Taylor Deputy Editor Rachel Snyder Deputy Editor Maria Lawson Sports Editor Todd Jorgenson Art & DirectorProduction Melanie Thornton Digital & AssistantProduction Mia Carrera ADVERTISING Senior ExecutiveAccount Kim Hurmis Account Executives Tana EvelynQuitaHunterJohnsonWolff Client Relations & CoordinatorMarketing Maddie Spera OPERATIONS ManagerDistribution Mike Reinboldt ConsultantDistribution Don Hancock Interns Briar DillonMadelineCarolineCarlSamanthaEmileaBundyMcCutchanMolesMorgan,Jr.PetrikasStoutWyatt
1. COMMUNITY: Dallas City Council Approves New Redistricting Map The council has agreed on boundar ies using data from the 2020 Census that stick close to the existing
3. REAL ESTATE: Work on New High Rise at Former Site of Preston Place Condos Underway These days, the property that housed the former Preston Place condo building, which was the site of a dead ly fire in 2017, is a construction site.
4. NEWS: Dallas Rescinds Contract to Rebuild Fire Station No. 41 Construction work planned to be done on the fire station destroyed in the 2019 tornado is at a halt fol lowing the inability of Post L Group, the city’s contractor, to complete the project without cost elevation.
5. BUSINESS: Au Troisieme Opens in Preston Center A new restaurant in Preston Center is serving up what owner Bobby Pollete calls “new American (cuisine) with worldly influences.”COURTESY AU TROISIEME) SOURCE DALLAS CITY HALL) (FILE PHOTO) (PHOTO: FILE PHOTO/JOSHUA BAETHGE)

prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 3 EBBY’S LITTLE WHITE HOUSE | 214-210-1500 EBBY PRESTON CENTER | 214-692-0000 EBBY LAKEWOOD / LAKE HIGHLANDS | 214-826-0316 1201graybranch.ebby.com 7.66-Acre Gated Estate | $9,995,000 Cindy O’Gorman | 972-715-0190 The Ebby Halliday Companies are proud to be the luxury market leader in not just a single area, but in all of North Texas. A sound luxury marketing plan requires knowing your buyers, and we know them better than any other broker in North Texas. How may we assist you? The Luxury Market Leader Across All of North Texas ebby.com 5608banister.ebby.com 1.6-Acre Gated Estate | $6,750,000 Cindy O’Gorman 972-715-0190 13210dodds.ebby.com Long Cove at Cedar Creek Lake | $5,490,000 Harper Farris Group 214-697-4019 5501mahoganyrun.ebby.com Stunning Estate on Almost 3 Acres | $4,449,000 Cindy O’Gorman | 972-715-0190 6283forest.ebby.com 6283 Forest Lane | $3,500,000 Kelly Thompson - Thompson Bogda Team 214-558-2900 6035meadowcrest.ebby.com 6035 Meadowcrest Drive | $1,675,000 Sherri Courie | 469-867-6337 maryposs.ebby.com 3544 Whitehall Drive | SOLD Mary Poss | 214-738-0777 12010antler.ebby.com 12010 Antler Drive | $870,000 Grayce Bernard-Ellum Luxury Group | 202-793-0275 915knott.ebby.com 915 Knott Place | $799,000 Chris Hickman | 469-569-1106

Dallas’ new Vision Zero plan lays out 40 action items for the city to curb traf fic fatalities. The goal: no traffic deaths by 2030. Action items include: • Improving road and sidewalk infra structure.•Increasing traffic safety awareness pro gramming.•Elevating police traffic enforcement.
track record in the city of Dallas of being a city that doesn’t value our pedestrians and our cyclists as much as we do our vehicles,” council member Chad West said. “I think this is exciting to see this move forward. Obviously, I’m in full support of it.”
• New speed bumps and raised cross walks on at least four residential streets; • New or renovated pedestrian crossings at three spots; • Restriping one-third of road markings; • And implementing other road safety improvements at 15 intersections and five road corridors in high-crash areas.
The Dallas city council unanimously passed the plan June 8.
• Saving lives is expensive Information gathered from Dallas City Hall.
News SOLD | 5330 PALOMAR LANE | $7,295,000 SOLD | 5539 FALLS ROAD | $6,750,000 Searching & Selling Preston Hollow 4 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com
The plan also recommends the transpor tation department brings forward speed lim it changes and updates to policies regarding speed limit sign placement, pedestrian cross ings, construction zones, and streetlights by the end of next year. “This is our first time as a city saying that we will no longer be car-centric and that we are going to go forward and protect pedestri ans as well as cyclists, eventually scooter riders,” council member Omar Narvaez said. More than 50 cities across the country have Vision Zero plans, including Los Angeles and New York, and, here in Texas, Austin, Hous ton, and San Antonio. Vision Zero originat ed in Sweden and is a “collaborative, nonprofit campaign helping communities set and reach the goal of Vision Zero — eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries among all road us ers — while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility,” according to its website.
The city had the sixth most traffic deaths in the country in 2020: 222 fatalities. Also, in 2020, the city had 66 pedestrian deaths, ranking fifth in the country. Officials es timate it could take about $30 million through a bond program to make needed
• Tracking yearly progress on these ef forts to spot improvements. “I’m really happy to see this being a pri ority for the city, and this final draft is a result of over two years of planning, pub lic engagement, research on best practices, data analysis, and coordination between city departments and Vision Zero task force,” council member Jaime Resendez said. “Our goals are ambitious, but they’re necessary to address severe injuries and traffic fatalities while increasing safe and equitable mobility across our city.”
This is our first time as a city saying that we will no longer be car-centric and that we are going to go forward and protect pedestrians as well as cyclists, eventually scooter riders.
Recently passed Vision Zero Plan designed to halt deaths by 2030
By Maria Lawson
improvements. “Wehaveabad
The Vision Zero plan first came into dis cussion in December 2019 when the city council pledged to reach a goal of zero traffic fatalities and a 50% reduction in severe in juries by 2030. This plan recently resurfaced with an action plan compiled by city trans portation officials that calls for the following improvements each year:
• Individual responsibility
Vision Zero Traffic deaths are preventable Integrate human failure Prevent fatal and severe crashes Systems approach Saving lives isn’t expensive Approach Traffic deaths are inevitable Expect perfect behavior Prevent collisions

prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 5 Price and availability subject to change. Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. An Ebby Halliday Company SOLD, Represented 3904lovers.daveperrymiller.comSeller 3904 Lovers Lane 3 BEDROOMS | 1.1 BATHS | 90 X 140 LOT Offered for $1,700,000 Listed by SOLD, Represented Seller 7150 Baxtershire Drive 4 BEDROOMS | 4 BATHS | POOL | 3,591 SQ. FT. Offered for $1,275,000 Listed by Lori Kircher lori@dpmre.com214.789.4060 9720audubon.daveperrymiller.com 9720 Audubon Place 6 BEDROOMS | 6.3 BATHS | 10,194 SQ. FT. Offered for $8,299,000 Listed by 2300wolf09d.daveperrymiller.com Stoneleigh Residences #09D 2 BEDROOMS | 2.1 BATHS | STUDY | 3 CAR | 2,350 SQ. FT. Offered for $1,849,000 Listed by 4405colgate.daveperrymiller.com 4405 Colgate Avenue 4 BEDROOMS | 3 BATHS | 2,502 SQ. FT. Offered for $1,495,000 Listed by Megan Stern meganstern@dpmre.com214.912.0425 5230 Pebblebrook Drive 4 BEDROOMS | 4.1 BATHS | .53 ACRE | 4,452 SQ. FT. Offered for $1,850,000 Listed by Sharon S. Quist sharonquist@dpmre.com214.695.9595 Lori Kircher lori@dpmre.com214.789.4060Sharon Reddsharon@dpmre.com469.835.5363 Cindy Bruner cindybruner@dpmre.com214.675.0834 Bo Parker bo@dpmre.com214.924.6445 Sandra Bussey sandrabussey@dpmre.com214.225.4663 Ged Dippreyged@dpmre.com214.225.4663

Well, I have a submarine, but I’m using it — I thought a boat would be more useful, and it was something I had Victoravailable.Vescovo
6 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com
Victor Vescovo presented a Protector Targa 310 boat to the Dallas Police Department on Lake Ray Hubbard. (PHOTO: RACHEL SNYDER)
Keeping Up With The Perots?
Vescovo piloted a search that led to the discovery on June 22 of the USS Destroyer Escort Samuel B. Roberts (DE-413), known as the “Sammy B,” more than four miles below the Pacific Ocean — making it the world’s deepest shipwreck. The Sammy B sank during the Battle off Samar in October 1944 during which the U.S. Navy defeated the larger Japanese fleet east of the island of Samar in the Philippines. It fought three Japanese battleships, including the Yamato, which is said to be the largest ever constructed. The Sammy B carried 224 crew members, 89 of whom were killed.
Talk about pricey presents. Ross Perot Jr. donated a helicopter to the Dallas Po lice Department in December. Now the department has a 2019 Pro tector Targa 310 boat courtesy of another wealthy and com petitive Dallasite. In June, the Dal las City Council of ficially accepted the gift from St. Mark’s School of Tex as alumnus Victor Vescovo, co-founder of the private equity firm Insight Equity. “I was prompted to do that because there was a tonguein-cheek article by the editor of D Mag azine who called me out and said, ‘Hey, Ross Perot donated a helicopter, why don’t you donate a submarine?’” Vescovo said. “Well, I have a submarine, but I’m using it — I thought a boat would be more use ful, and it was something I had available.” Vescovo, a noted explorer and likely the first person to have descended to the bot tom of the ocean, climbed Mount Everest, and rocketed to space, was ready to replace theItboat.had served such purposes as pa trolling the ocean surface and errands back to shore during deep-sea exploration aboard a larger research vessel, Vesco vo said. “I decided since I didn’t have any other use for it, why not spend a little bit of money and refurbish the vessel and do nate it to the Dallas Police Department?” But giving such an extravagant gift isn’t so easy.When Vescovo initially reached out about donating the $250,000 boat, de partment leaders thought it may have been some sort of scam. “It took several efforts until they real ized that we were serious,” Vescovo said. The boat will now cruise Lake Ray Hubbard, which has a depth of about 40 feet.Police department spokeswoman Me linda Gutierrez described the gift as a generous one that would benefit offi cers assigned to the lake, which the de partment has pa trolled since 1972. “It will be used for service calls that come out on the lake,” she said. “The service calls could be enforcement re lated, water rescues, and water search es. It would also allow us to assist Dallas Fire-Rescue when they need assistance on theMaybelake.” the department should also thank D Magazine. Perhaps someone should ask Mark Cu ban, “What have you got that could help Dallas officers next?”
Vescovo responds to editor’s challenge by donating a boat to Dallas Police By Rachel Snyder rachel.snyder@peoplenewspapers.com

prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 7 Main Number: 214-871-2100 QSLWM.com Dallas (Primary) 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 1800 Dallas, Texas 75201 Plano (By Appointment Only) 6900 N. Dallas Pkwy, Suite 800 Plano, Texas 75024 DIVORCE CONFIDENTLY. Protect What You Value Most Especially during this uncertain time, there is no “one-size-fits-all” divorce. Approaching the divorce process with the guidance of Board Certified Family Law attorneys, Laura Caston and Derek Bragg positions you to achieve your best outcome. This duo understands the long-lasting financial impact of a divorce and can help you navigate the complex decisions in a manner that protects what you value most. Reach out today. Derek Bragg Board Certified – Family Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization Texas Super Lawyer, Rising Star 2016-2021 (Thomson Reuters) For a consultation DBragg@QSLWM.com 214-880-1842 Laura Caston Board Certified – Family Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization Texas Super Lawyer, Rising Star 2021-2022 (Thomson Reuters) For a consultation LCaston@QSLWM.com 214-880-1865

Some chicken cravers forced entry into the Chick-fil-A in the 12100 block of Inwood Road before 3:26 a.m. June 12. Chick-fil-A isn’t open in the middle of the night, and even if it was, it’s closed on
Notification is hereby given that Broadway National Bank, 1177 N.E. Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78209 has filed an applicationwiththeComptrolleroftheCurrencyonJuly22,2022, as specified in 12 CFR5 in the Comptroller’s Manual for National Banks, for permission to establish a domestic branch at 8201 Preston Road, Suite 715, Dallas, Texas 75225. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file comments in writing with the Licensing Manager, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Southern District Office, 500 N.Akard Street, Suite 1600, Dallas, Texas 75201-3323 or SO.Licensing@occ.treas.gov within 30 days of the date of this publication Momo’s Preston Hollow (NE Corner of Preston & Forest Lane) Italian Restaurant Authentic Italian Brunch & Lunch Open Daily 11 am-10 pm 11910 Preston Rd., Ste. 209 | Dallas, TX 75230 | 214.521.3009 www.momospasta.com salutes 2022 Student Art Contest winners See more at DART.org/ArtContest Clara W., 8th Grade Richardson ISD Bridgett F., 11th Grade Dallas, Private SKULDUGGERY of the MONTH: LATE NIGHT CHICKEN RUN For More Crimes Visitcom/category/crime/peoplenewspapers.
Someone broke into a wom an’s trunk without damaging it and stole her property before 2:11 p.m. in Preston Royal Village June 8
Someone broke into a store in NorthPark Center , stole merchandise, and damaged its roof before 9:26 a.m.
June 12
Someone kicked in a rear door, entered, and scattered property in a vacant home be fore 4:21 p.m. in the 5900 block of Averill Way June 7
June 21
July 4 Before 4:28 p.m., someone in a 9100 block of Devonshire Drive home asked police to confiscate pistols and put them in the Dallas Police property room.
June 13
An unknown thief stole a man’s property and tried to steal his vehicle before 6:18 p.m. from Preston Forest Village June 10 A white powder, believed to be cocaine, was found in the parking lot of The Entro at Midtown before 12:49 p.m.
June 23 A so-called artist graffitied the ATM with a permanent marker at the Bank of Ameri ca on Preston Road before 3:03 p.m. Looks like someone needs to get them a sketch book. June 24 A porch prowler picked a package from a woman’s porch in the 6500 block of Preston shire Lane before 11:45 a.m. June 27 An unknown thief stole wir ing from a construction site in the 4900 block of W. Lovers Lane before 11:22 a.m.
June 28
June 14 Before 8:07 a.m., a prowler entered a man’s garage and stole stuff in the 4200 block of Wil liamsburg Road June 17 Say no to gullibility. A charlatan tricked a woman in the 6000 block of Steamboat Drive into sending money be fore 9:13 p.m. June 18 Responded to at 7:43 p.m.: a hit-and-run to a man’s vehicle at Preston Forest Shopping Cen ter
Three catalytic converters were reported stolen within an hour of each other at North Park Center: a man’s at 2:42 p.m., another man’s at 3:07 p.m., and a woman’s at 3:32 p.m.
A woman’s front license plate was stolen off her vehicle before 5:12 p.m. in the 9900 block of Crestline Avenue Exactly an hour later, anoth er license plate was reported stolen from a woman’s car in the parking lot of NorthPark Center
July 9
July 8 A man’s vehicle was stolen from the parking lot of Bluffs at Midway Hollow before 9:09 a.m. Not too long after, a woman’s vehicle was stolen from the same parking lot be fore 9:48 a.m.
July 1
8 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com
Outside of Bugatti Ristoran te on W. Northwest Highway, someone pulled out an ax and tried to hurt a man with it before 8:59 p.m.
July 5 Before 4:56 p.m., a burglar broke a man’s car window and took his property in the park ing lot of NorthPark Center The thief also tried to steal the vehicle but broke the steering column. July 7 Burglarized before 6 p.m.: property from a man’s vehicle outside of Walgreens on West Northwest Highway
Bad Guest: Someone left the Embassy Suites on Northwest Highway without paying before 1:29 a.m. June 29 A woman lost her wallet at Preston Center, and someone found it. Instead of turning it in, the scoundrel attempted to make purchases with her card before 12:22 p.m.
July 2 A reckless driver damaged highway property then fled the scene before 5:19 a.m. in the 4800 block of LBJ Freeway
A charlatan tried to cash a forged check at the Vista Bank at Northwest Highway and Dallas North Tollway before 12:57 p.m. June 22 A robber hit a man with a handgun and stole his property before 12:40 a.m. in the 10200 block of Airline Road

5233 YOLANDA - LISTED FOR $8.995,000 RYAN STREIFF :: 469.371.3008 + LAURA MICHELLE :: 214.228.3854 17628 WOODS EDGE - LISTED FOR $1,999,000 KAREN FRY :: 214.288.1391 • LANCE HANCOCK :: 214.532.7331 4223 VALLEY RIDGE ROAD - LISTED FOR $2,950,000 JASON BATES :: 214.673.4268 6206 NORTHAVEN - LISTED FOR $1,490,000 KAREN FRY :: 214.288.1391 6210 RAINTREE - LISTED FOR $3,249,000 RYAN STREIFF :: 469.371.3008 10001 GAYWOOD - LISTED FOR $3,995,000 RYAN STREIFF :: 469.371.3008 6935 STONE MEADOW - LISTED FOR $2,595,000 LAURA MICHELLE :: 214.228.3854 DPMFineHomes.com • 214.799.1488 CONTRACTUNDER SOLD prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 9

AGE CATEGORY 2-4 WINNER: Chloe Giuliani (3 years old) CATEGORY 5-7 WINNER: Penelope Hammer (7 years old) AGE CATEGORY 8-10 WINNER: Erin Sullivan (8 years old) AGE CATEGORY 11-13 WINNER: Hollis Wrighton (11 years old) HOLLOW WITH PATRIOTIC PIZZAZZ
(PHOTOS: BILL NAIFEH/NAIFEH PHOTOGRAPHY) North Dallas residents know how to spend Independence Day with style. The Hillcrest Forest Neighbor hood Association celebrated the Fourth of July with a parade of vin tage cars, children on bikes, patriotic pets, a Dallas fire truck, and all things red, white, and blue the morning of theTheholiday.event, held at Kramer Elemen tary School, was put on with the help of many sponsors and volunteers. Staff report
10 August 2022 | Communityprestonhollowpeople.com Fourth of July Coloring Book Contest Winners

prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 11
ed our grown Rugrat would al ways stay close so we can see her Rugrats grow up. How could she trade the best grandparents ever and the flatlands of Texas for ma jestic mountains, dry heat, and endless outdoor activities? As we pined away for the pre cious pups, we were thrilled when our daughter asked us to tend the twins for three days while she moved into a new home. In a snap, we booked flights, rented an SUV, car seats, and a VRBO close to a park. We made grand plans to visit the zoo, the aquarium, play grounds, and waterparks. By the end of the visit, our diapered divas would be begging for Mimi and Papa to stay forever. On the plane to Salt Lake City, I browsed through Zillow listings for small condos in the area. Sure ly my husband, the pleaser, would gladly work a few more years so that we could buy a third home to share the same zip code with our 529 account beneficiaries. The visit, in a word, was ex hausting. We had never babysat this dynamic duo for more than one night, and three nights was two, too many. We were beat. Feeding, changing, playing, and entertaining were never ending. I began to pray for naptime so we could get a break. How did we survive raising our own kids and working full time so many years ago? I counted down the hours until we returned our bubbly ba bies. I was glad I hadn’t mentioned the Zillow search. Three days felt like a lifetime with our granddaughters. Yet, when it came time to drop them off, my emotions swung like a pendulum. I found myself miss ing them before we had even tak en them out of their car seats. Like a video, my mind replayed the scenes of them pointing at “shocks” (sharks) at the aquari um, squealing with laughter as we chased them through the park, and imitating the roar of the lions at theOnzoo.the flight home, I once again found myself searching Salt Lake City real estate on Zillow. Michele Valdez, a slightly com pulsive, mildly angry feminist, hasbeen attorney, and volunteer, has four demanding adult children and a patient husband.
Double Trouble MICHELE VALDEZ Not intended as solicitation of properties currently listed with another broker. Information contained herein is believed to be correct but not guaranteed. O ering made subject to errors, omissions, change of price, prior sale or withdrawal without notice. 4601 Lorraine Ave | 3 Bed | 3.1 Bath | 2,616 SqFt. O ered for $1,500,000 ANI NOSNIK 4240 Prescott #4A | 2 Bed | 2.1 Bath | 2,390 SqFt. O ered for $1,200,000 ANI NOSNIK & KYLE CREWS 5335 Meaders Lane | 6 Bed | 6.2 Bath | 12,612 SqFt. O ered for $9,135,000 KYLE CREWS & TERRI COX 9127 Cochran Blu Lane | 4 Bed | 2.1 Bath | 3,544 SqFt. O ered for $1,100,000 TREY BOUNDS FOR SALE PENDING FOR SALE FOR SALE The URBAN Team (L to R): Robin Brock Webster, Sanders Avrea, Moriah Lovett McRae, Ani Nosnik, Kyle Crews, Mary Alice Garrison, Ashley LaRocca, Trey Bounds and Carla Johnson. SELLING PREMIER URBAN NEIGHBORHOODS Meet the experts in Park Cities & Preston Hollow.
Recently, our daughter moved from Texas to Utah. We were crushed that she planned to take our grandonlychildren,2-year-oldtwinswithher.Outofappreciationforouryearsofdedicatedserviceasparents,weexpect

By Karen Chaney Special Contributor Sarah Simon, a 2017 Greenhill School graduate, has taken up the cause of the wrongfully convicted. To that end, the daughter of Old Preston Hollow residents Dr. Stuart and Stacy Simon partnered with University of Pennsylvania classmates Carson Eckhard and Natalia Rommen to establish Proj ect ProjectHOPE. HOPE supports the day-to-day casework of The Lib eration Foundation, a nonprofit founded by Philadelphia exoneree Terrance Lewis in 2020. The foundation connects incar cerated Pennsylvanians with inno cence, wrongful conviction, or dis proportionate sentence claims to pro bono appeals attorneys. “We provide the necessary high-level paralegal and investiga tive support to these cases, signifi cantly lowering the barrier to entry for attorneys who wish to become involved in this important work,” SimonProjectsaid. HOPE also offers a comprehensive, community-led re entry preparation program. “The program is 16 weeks long and comprises a range of expert speakers who discuss vital compo nents of the reentry process such as financial literacy, job searching, ed ucation, and finding mentors,” Si mon said. A press release from Penn pro vided a summary of the inaugural year:“In the year since it got under way and backed by support from Penn’s 2021 President’s Engagement Prize, the project has helped free Jehmar Gladden, who spent more than 20 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit and graduated the first cohort of inmates from an in novative reentry program piloted at a state correctional institution.” Simon said receiving the Pres ident’s Engagement Prize was in valuable.Simon credited her family, Greenhill teachers, Gary Udash en from The Innocence Project, and Harry Ingram from the Dal las County Public Defender’s of fice for influencing and molding her. Knowing she wanted to pursue a career in human rights law, she chose to attend Penn because of the Criminology and Political Science Departments.Shegraduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa in May 2021 with a double major in crim inology and political science-inter national relations. Her plans include law school. Then, hopefully in five years, she will be a practicing attorney and involved in the work of The Lib eration Foundation and Project HOPE.Heradvice to those interested in doing similar work: “Connect with those who have lived experience, take their lead, and embed yourself in the criminal justice communi ty and join the fight with so many others who are dedicated to a more just future for us all.”
12 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com Experience luxury living, exceptional hospitality and first-class care at Belmont Village. Through collaboration with top healthcare institutions and universities, our evidence-based health and wellness programs keep seniors thriving. A LIFE WELL LIVED. A LIFE WELL EARNED. BelmontVillage.com/TurtleCreek | 214-306-7687 ©2022 Belmont Village, L.P. ALF 105593
FROM LEFT: Carson Eckhard, Sarah Simon, and Natalie Rommen won the University of Pennsylvania’s 2021 President’s Engagement Prize for their Project HOPE. (PHOTO: ERIC SUCAR)
Greenhill Graduate Seeks Justice for the Wrongly Incarcerated

prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 13 JIM MUELLER Super Lawyers is a registered trademark of Thomas Reuters Highland Park 4311 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 450, Dallas, TX 214.526.523475219 Downtown McKinney 205 W. Louisiana, Suite 100, McKinney, TX 972.562.221275069 Rockwall 102 S. Goliad Street, Suite 109, Rockwall, TX 214.771.867275087 Meridian 113 N. Main Street Meridian, TX 254.229.531776665 MANAGING PARTNER

The newly opened eatery in the former Pei Wei lo cation at 8305 Westchester Drive serves up what own er Bobby Pollete calls “new American (cuisine) with worldly influences.”
NOW OPEN Au Troisieme Preston Center
Preston Hollow Village
Sandbox VR Mockingbird Station With the virtual reality experience recently opened across from the Angelika theater, players in groups of up to six choose between six free-roam virtual reality experiences for $45 to $50. Participants don 20 pounds of gear with technology that simulates physical contact, such as zombies or other virtual reality creatures running into you.
So, opening Rodman Steele Studio in 2018, a business devot ed to music education, felt natural. The studio, located in the Incu bator@SMU, has 50 students, ages 2 to 85. It offers lessons in various instruments, such as guitar, voice, and other performance-related topics, like music production.
Voice instructor and SMU graduate Griffin Camacho is in the jazz Camachoband. said the bands dif ferentiate Rodman Steele Studio from other music education busi nesses.“[Steele] encourages us to be performers,” Camacho said. Even with a degree in voice from SMU, Camacho said he’s constantly learning and brings what he gains in performances to his teaching. “The more you perform, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the more you can teach to your students,” Camacho added. Steele said he believes that the personalized curriculum makes Rodman Steel Studio unique. He spends the first lesson getting to know the student’s interests ––both musical and non-musical. Throughout the students’ time at the studio, he prioritizes instilling confidence.“Every great musician has a great musician or a family of great musicians that inspired them to do what they do,” Steele said. “My job is to be that for other people when it comes to my education and teaching.”
Steele, who graduated from SMU in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in music, got his start in mu sic education, teaching private les sons to choir students at Highland Park Middle School. Steele participated in choir while attending Highland Park High School, describing the expe rience as his “favorite thing in the world.”He founded Rodman Steele Studio to create a place where peo ple could “be nurtured in their en joyment of music” through men torship, he said. “I’m very devout in the belief that it is a part of a mu sician’s life to pass on the tradition and teach the tradition to others.”
AT A GLANCE Rodman Steel Studio SMU ExpresswayCampusTower, 6116 N. Central Expressway, Unit rodmansteele.com700 I’m very devout in the belief that it is a part of a musician’s life to pass on the tradition and teach the tradition to Rodmanothers.Steele
14 August 2022 | Businessprestonhollowpeople.com
The newest location for the Nashville hot chicken concept recently opened with the usual menu, which in cludes staples like chicken sandwiches and chicken ten ders offered in four levels of spice. Two other locations -- one in Richardson and one in Oak Lawn -- will also open this summer.
One memorable student for Steele was a high school senior who got his first guitar the Christ mas before graduation. He started lessons with Steele in January and bought himself an electric guitar six months later. At their next ses sion, the two spent the entire hour with the student improvising on the new guitar and Steele playing along with him. “I was so grateful that I could see in him the development from day one,” Steele said. Steele also founded the studio for the instructors, wanting to fos ter “an environment for fantastic musicians to make a living playing music, both performing and in structing.”Oneway Steele has accom plished this is by having bands, like the jazz and rock bands that in structors play in. Each instructor, Steele said, “is also a performing professional musician.”
Rodman Steele gives private guitar lesson. (PHOTO: COURTESY OF RODMAN STEELE STUDIO)
Summer Moon Coffee 4343 W. Northwest Highway The locally owned Midway Hollow shop is known for unique Oak Roasted Coffee and signature sweet cream Moon Milk.
SMU graduate uses campus incubator space to promote learning, performing By Caroline Neal Special Contributor F or Rodman Steele, music is in his HisDNA.mom is a pianist. His two uncles are musicians, and his great aunt was a fiddler, Steele said. “We would always play music together as a family.”
Lucky’s Hot Chicken 3106 Forest Lane
and Goings
Brentwood 5318 Belt Line Road Vandelay Hospitality Group’s sixth concept in the former location of the last Houston’s in Dallas-Fort Worth offers elevated twists on American classics, with a menu including burgers, slow-roasted prime rib, rib eye, Durango chicken, and more. Capelli Salon Preston Forest Square The salon, which offers everything from haircuts and color to keratin treatment and extensions, recently opened its fourth location. Hydrate IV Bar Mockingbird Station The collection of spas that recently opened provides registered nurse-administered services, ranging from IV Therapy, NAD+ IV Therapy, and injections.
The restaurant concept known for seasonal menus with local ingredients, extensive craft cocktails, and beer will open its fourth North Texas location in August.
Sushi Mocki Mockingbird Station The Japanese eatery recently opened between Pure Milk and Honey and Urban Taco. The menu features sushi and seafood as well as healthy Asian fusion dishes, including riceless sushi and vegan options in addition to classic and specialty rolls.

prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 15

16 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com Real Estate Quarterly How’s working from home working for you?
Find your new home office at daveperrymiller.com
WHAT MAKES A HOUSE A HOME? Agents, builders, interior design professionals talk favorite spaces
By Rachel Snyder rachel.snyder@peoplenewspapers.com
Javier Burkle Owner and principal designer, Burkle Creative Favorite Space: Dining Room “I love my whole home, but for me, noth ing compares to the dining room. We love to entertain friends and family, and we always set the table for a seated dinner in the dining room following cocktails. Our friends love our “golden egg” dinner parties — where the Christofle signature gold cutlery is the theme and centerpiece. I was inspired by intimate, cozy conversations, and evenings when I designed the room. From the mix of furniture, art, and vintage and antique piec es to my favorite Ralph Lauren chandelier, the room is very atmospheric — down to the hand-drawn ceiling by local artist Ash ley Braithwaite. The room is versatile, func tional, and above all, a beautiful, cozy spot to gather our favorite people for memorable meals and evenings together.”
Les Owens Founder, LRO Residential Favorite Spaces: Loggia “My favorite room in my house is not a room at all but open space. I love our log gia/pool and yard. We spend so much time outside year-round, and this area was a ma jor focus when designing the home. I want ed a very large living space; chairs and couch, with room for a large dining table and another space to cook and have dinner/drinks by the grill. We have heaters, (a) fireplace, and (air conditioner) on the loggia, so it’s truly a yearround space.” Lisa Henderson Founder, Lisa Henderson Interiors Favorite Space: Children’s Bathroom “This may not be a traditional or typical response, but my favorite space in my home is my kids’ bathroom. This space was real ly tricky to conceptualize because it is a jackand-jill bathroom that my son and daughter share, and I wanted it to be a unique space that they both loved. In the beginning stages of the design process, I knew I wanted a classic tile that would stand the test of time paired with a fun wallpaper. After tirelessly looking, I wasn’t finding the right print that jumped out at me, but once I found this wallpaper by artist Car ly Beck for the Wallshoppe, I didn’t hesitate to purchase it. Not only does it have endless character and detail throughout, but my kids are big animal lovers, and I knew it would add that special touch for the end result I was searching for.”
Nora Clark Agent, Allie Beth Allman and Associates Favorite Space: Kitchen “The kitchen will forever remain the an chor in any house. It is where people naturally gather. The space needs to be both functional and presentational. When looking at chang es to increase your home value, the kitchen will almost always have the largest return on investment. In my home, the kitchen island functions as our family dining table, home work desk, buffet, and even bar when guests come over. Different trending spaces may come and go, but the kitchen is the classic sta ple in any home.”
Personal touches make a house a home. We asked real estate agents, builders, and interior design professionals who live and work in the Park Cities and Preston Hollow neighborhoods about the details that make their favorite spaces in their homes.
CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Javier Burkle’s dining room is awash with details like gold centerpieces perfect for entertaining. (PHOTO: COSTA CHRIST) Les Owens’ backyard and loggia is an entertainer’s dream year round with a pool and outdoor living space complete with a fireplace. (PHOTO: COSTA CHRIST) Nora Clark’s kitchen is the heart of her home with a large, multipurpose island ideal for everything from family meals to working on homework. (PHOTO: JULIA NEWMAN) Lisa Henderson’s children’s bathroom is full of details like whimsical wallpaper to suit her children’s style. (PHOTO: DANNY PIASSICK)

Kips Bay Decorator House
This year’s Dallas rendition of Kips Bay Decorator Show House is chaired by Jean Liu, Chad Dorsey, and Jan Showers, along with vice chairs Laura Falconer and Trish Sheats. The honorary chairs include Jamie Drake and Steele Marcoux.
The Preston Hollow home was selected for its “wow factor” and ability to house the work of about 25 designers, said Na zira Handal, director of special events and corporate partnerships for the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club, Inc. “Kips Bay Dallas 2022 will no doubt impress everyone who enters the property,” Handal said. “The scale of the home and the property is much bigger than previous years. The spaces are generous and have amazing views to the property, which is sit uated on a creek with two rear gardens.”
As a leader in digestive healthcare, we’ve brought together physicians on the medical staff from highly specialized areas of digestive diseases. At the MDI care center, you can speak with a patient navigator about your specific case and get connected with the right care specialists for your individual needs. When it comes to digestive issues, the knowledgeable patient navigators are dedicated to helping guide our friends and neighbors on the journey to a healthier, happier tomorrow. That’s community, and why so many people Trust Methodist.
prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 17
The Kips Bay Decorator Show House is celebrating its third year in Dallas from Sept. 23 to Oct. 23.
The concept was started by supporters of the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club to raise money for after-school programs in New York City. Since its 1973 start, the New York house has remained an annual occur rence, with a Palm Beach home added in 2017 and a Dallas one in 2020. Along with the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club, this year’s Dallas show house will also benefit Dwell with Dignity (a non profit that creates soothing homes for fam ilies facing homelessness and poverty) and The Crystal Charity Ball (an organization that aims to support and contribute to Dal las County children’s charities). “This is such an important event for the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club and the de sign industry alike,” said Dan Quintero, the executive director of the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club. “We couldn’t be more excited to welcome the Dallas community to the Kips Bay Decorator Show House Dallas again this year and continue to raise critical funding for our kids and community.”
The space selected for Dallas’ show house boasts 12,470 square feet on a wooded, two-acre lot in Sunnybrook Es tates. The main home has five bedrooms, six full bathrooms, and two half baths. There are also sun-laden living spaces with glass walls, outdoor lounge areas, and a live creek that flows through the land scape. Also found on the property are a four-car garage, motor court, swimming pool, deck, and pool house.
This Preston Hollow home will open in September to celebrate design Maria Lawson maria.lawson@peoplenewspapers.com
Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Methodist Health System, or any of its a liated hospitals. Methodist Health System complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
The show house program, started 48 years ago in Manhattan, celebrates the art of interior design by turning a luxu ry home into an exhibition of furnishings, art, and technology.
Returns to Dallas
This Preston Hollow home was selected to be the Kips Bay Decorator House for its space and the owners’ willingness to welcome 25 designers and their creative carte blanche.
Kips Bay Dallas 2022 will no doubt impress anyone who enters the Naziraproperty.Handal A GLANCE When: Sept. 23-Oct. 23 Where: 9250 Meadowbrook Drive Tickets: $40 ($300 for the Sept. 22 opening day celebration) Online: kipsbaydecoratorshowhouse.org

18 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com YOUR 1200 ACRE BACKYARD FRIDAY TRAFFIC 469.489.4549 | LONGCOVETX.COM On Cedar Creek Lake, an hour-ish from Dallas 5:01 pm Marshall family pool. Passing lane wide open. Getting The Most Out of Outdoor Spaces Takes Proper Planning
When backyard
Sherry and Paul Zuch are part ners with Alair Homes Dallas|Zuch, a building, remodeling, and renovating company. Visit www.alairzuch.com.
thinking about turning your
A traditional bar with custom backlit Onyx table [above] and floor-to-ceiling retractable glass doors enhance these spaces. (PHOTOS: KEN VAUGHAN/VAUGHAN CREATIVE MEDIA)
into an outdoor oa sis, here are a few ideas to toyouclarifycontractors.startbeforeconsideryoucallingFirst,whatexpectaccomplish.
Are you looking to add a basic outdoor grilling center with a bev erage refrigerator and a beer tap? Or are you looking to create an outdoor living structure with a chef’s kitchen, alfresco dining space, cozy fireplace, well-appointed bar, resort-style pool, and new Addinglandscaping?agrilling center is rea sonably easy to plan and certainly more budget-friendly than an out door living space. If you envision creating an out door space as an extension of your house, you’ll need to engage a build er and architect with extensive knowledge and experience in these complex projects. If a new pool and landscape are part of the reimagined outdoor oasis, it’s critical for the pool builder and landscape designer to be part of the team early in the process. Having a realistic budget and timeline for designing and con structing your project is essential. Nobody wins when you invest significant time and money plan ning your new outdoor space only to discover the project cost is con siderably beyond your budget. A seasoned builder can provide you with expected budget ranges and timelines for your project. A trend we are seeing is the de sire to add features that extend the use and functionality of outdoor spaces in all seasons. Texas’ extreme summer heat can make entertaining outside unbear able without adequate air circulation and integrated cooling systems. Those pesky insects can also put a damper on outdoor enjoyment, so you might want to add automatic roller screens cleverly disguised into the new Winterstructure.months can be cold without ample heating systems to make your outdoor space warm andIncorporatingcozy. these features re quires a careful site evaluation of the existing utilities to ensure your home has the capacity to power and fuel the proposed equipment. Outdoor kitchens often include features similar to those found in side but with a caveat: Products used in outdoor spaces must be designed to perform in that environment. Cabinets are no exception to this rule and should be made of weath er-resistant materials like stainless steel, PVC, or masonry. Audio, video, and lighting au tomation — all controlled by your phone or tablet — also play a signif icant role in outdoor spaces. There’s nothing like watching a ball game or listening to favorite music while setting light levels for entertainment or relaxation. The key to a successful space is proper planning.

Room with a View 1918 Olive Street #1501 Offered for $7,000,000 2 Bed / 2.1 Bath / Private Elevator Alex Perry alex.perry@alliebeth.com214.926.0158 Dive In 9520 Hathaway Avenue Offered for $14,900,000 9 Bed / 12.1 Baths / 1.44 Acres Christine McKenny christine.mckenny@alliebeth.com214.300.5539 prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 19

SOLD Universityin Park 3005 Rosedale Avenue — SOLD Offered for $2,895,000 5 Bed / 6,034 Sq. Ft. / Pool Susan Bradley susan.bradley@alliebeth.com214.674.5518 UniversityCharming Park 4044 Hanover Street Offered for $1,979,000 4 Bed / 2.5 Bath / 2,936 Sq. Ft. / Pool Marc Ching marc.ching@alliebeth.com214.728.4069 20 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com

Light, Bright and Beautiful 15532 Bay Point — SOLD Offered for $939,000 4 Bed / 3 Baths / 3,261 Sq. Ft. Susan Baldwin susan.baldwin@alliebeth.com214.763.1591 Stunning Home, Boone Elementary 7214 Colgate Avenue Offered for $2,375,000 HPISD / 4 Bed / Playroom / Outdoor Living / Pool Lucinda Buford lucinda.buford@alliebeth.com214.728.4289 All listing information, either in print or electronic format, is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and listing broker is not responsible for any typographical errors or misinformation. Prospective buyers are instructed to independently verify all information furnished in connection with a listing. This information is current as of the distribution of this material, but is subject to revisions, price changes, or withdrawal without any further notice. Allie Beth Allman & Associates strictly adheres to all Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 21

3031 Oliver Street Penthouse — JUST LEASED 3 Bed / 3.5 Bath / 2,607 Sq. Ft. Kelley Winsor & Beth R. Gilbert beth.gilbert@alliebeth.com214.444.4176 5310 Castlewood Road — PENDING Offered for $1,575,000 4 Bed / 4.2 Bath / 4,229 Sq. Ft. Tim Schutze | tim.schutze@alliebeth.com214.507.6699 A RanchRefreshing 4455 San Gabriel Drive Offered for $1,600,000 4 Bed / 4.5 Bath / .56 Acres Kimberly Cocotos & Kristen Scott cocotosscott@alliebeth.com972.383.0915 All listing information, either in print or electronic format, is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and listing broker is not responsible for any typographical errors or misinformation. Prospective buyers are instructed to independently verify all information furnished in connection with a listing. This information is current as of the distribution of this material, but is subject to revisions, price changes, or withdrawal without any further notice. Allie Beth Allman & Associates strictly adheres to all Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. alliebethallmanalliebeth.com 22 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com

For years People Newspapers has run real estate market numbers quarterly, breaking out such details as sales, median price, and days on market for the Park Cities and Preston Hollow.Butthe report we got those numbers from is no more. David Blake, chief technol ogy officer for the North Texas Real Estate Information Systems Inc., said the area breakdowns the newspapers drew on before had been “phased out.” “So, any reports using area would not up to date,” he However,added.Blake directed us to other reports that could provide quality information to share in future issues – perhaps more detailed for the Park Cities and more general for Dallas. We’ll study those and devise a plan for revising real estate cov I appreciate your patience. – William Taylor Where, Oh Where Have My Market Numbers Gone?
FRIPTULEAC)PEXELS.COM/ROMAN(PHOTO: Real Talk: Erin Allen Erin Allen is the public re lations and communications manager for JPI, a multifam ily developer and builder that has completed or is in develop ment on more than 342 projects with more than 100,000 units in 141 cities spanning 27 states and Canada.JPI’sprimary markets are Dal las-Fort Worth, southern Califor nia, and Phoenix, Arizona. One of the ways JPI is giving back to the Dallas-Fort Worth community is by participating in Parade of Playhouses, which is open at NorthPark Center through July 31. During the signature fundrais er for Dallas CASA, shoppers can view and buy raffle tickets for a chance to win custom-built chil dren’s playhouses. Dallas CASA trains and supervises community volunteers who advocate for the best interests of children removed from unsafe homes. Tell us about the JPI team. Our team is comprised of peers and colleagues who hold a shared passion for community service. We are proud to repre sent a company who encourages and sponsors community service to improve the lives of our com munity members. Our team rep resents different skills and talents in the construction sector. Our combined 50+ years of construc tion experience will help us con struct a quality and safe treehouse for young kids to enjoy for years. Here’s who we are: Anish Joseph – senior design manager, Leny Navarrette – construction trainer, Mariana Abud – quality control director, Jennifer Wright – risk management coordinator, Edward Avila – preconstruction manager, Victoria Sum – preconstruction coordinator, and Duane Ford –assistant design manager.
How did you become involved with Dallas CASA and the Parade of Playhouses? To promote community service across the company, JPI sponsors a “Community Involvement” af finity group that includes employ ees from across the organization. Members of this affinity group are encouraged to seek out orga nizations, charities, and fundrais ers that resonate with their values and inspire them to get involved! Like Dallas CASA, JPI aims to provide a sense of safety, com fort, and belonging to communi ty members. The Parade of Play houses seemed like a fantastic cause paired with a fantastic op portunity to put our construction abilities to the test. A special thank you to Victoria Sum, Mariana Abud, Edward Avil la, Pani Sedighzadeh, Anish Joseph, Jennifer Wright, Leny Navar rette, and the rest of the Commu nity Involvement team for their pre-work in bringing this project to life. What is your outlook on the Dallas market? People from across the coun try are moving to Texas — DFW specifically, to take advantage of all the opportunities in this mar ket. We feel fortunate to be in the multifamily sector during this sea son and view it as an opportuni ty to provide quality homes for all members of the community. As the area continues to grow and expand, unique and vibrant sub-communi ties are born. JPI is committed to serving these communities as they exist today and hopefully making them better for the future. – Compiled by Rachel Snyder Team members from multifamily developer and builder JPI used their skills for Dallas CASA’s Parade of Playhouses. FROM LEFT: Anish Joseph, Leny Navarrette, Mariana Abud, Jennifer Wright, Edward Avila, and Victoria Sum. NOT PICTURED: Duane Ford. (PHOTOS: ROSANNE LEWIS/ DALLAS CASA AND COURTESY JPI)
prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 23 214.528.2266NOWAERATE|savatree.comTwo leading companies joining forces to serve the Dallas-Fort Worth and N. Central TX area. Advanced AERA-Vatro™ aeration services for lawns, and root-zone aeration for trees, rejuvenates stressed lawns and trees. Schedule now! Architects that live and work in the community. We are proud to have designed the new home of The Center for Integrative Counseling and Psychology. WWW.MMDARCHITECTS.COM 214.969.5440 office@mmdarchitects.com

F ind this classic Tudor estate with 101 feet of frontage in the prestigious French Streets section of Highland Park. Travis & Travis, Cy Barcus Jr., and landscape designer Robert Bellamy meticulously and tastefully rebuilt and expanded the stunning showplace with a robust indooroutdoor connection and abundant natural light. Enter and find magazine-worthy interiors by designer Cindy Nash Hughes. The vibe brings a sleek, modern aesthetic with a classic core. The white marble kitchen, equipped with commercialgrade appliances and solid wood inset cabinetry, opens to a breakfast, den, and family room — the perfect layout for entertaining. Upstairs, the spacious, elegant primary bedroom with sitting area, cast stone fireplace, a spa-like bath, and custom closet design overlooks a large, beautifully landscaped backyard with a pool, waterfall, fire pit, outdoor kitchen, and guest quarters with a full bath. The other bedrooms also are upstairs with ensuite baths, custom closets, and hardwoods. (PHOTOS: COURTESY ALLIE BETH ALLMAN AND ASSOCIATES)
24 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com
4209 Arcady Avenue HOUSE OF THE MONTH

Being only one of three Americans, Sampson hopes to calm his nerves before performing in front of millions. “I got pretty nervous the last time I did a competition,” he said. “But this time, I think I just got to go for it and hope for the best because I have been working so hard for this, so I’m looking forward to seeing all of my hard work pay off.” The competition is broken up into three sections and, with multiple elements totaling a contestant’s score, Sampson must impress the judges. “The scoring is subjective,” he said. “The judges grade us on Jeopardy-like questions that they’ll ask. Then I’ll recite my speech for them. And finally, I show off my talent using the Chinese yo-yo.”
The last two years have been the most difficult I’ve had in 45 years.” Her passion for the needs of the students is as palpable as it is infectious. “The whole reason I’m here is to be an ad vocate for the children, to be a voice for them,” Altick said. “Our motto is the yellow chair. The yellow chair always sat in my office as a reminder of — Is this decision right for the children? — because we only get one shot with them.”But 12-hour days didn’t leave much time for relationships outside of the work environ ment, Altick admitted. She hopes that changes with retirement. Her last day at Wesley Prep was May 31. “I’ll be cleaning my house,” she said, chuck ling, “reconnecting with friends, traveling, en joying our granddaughter, and finding a way to give back. I’m not sure what that will be, but I’m certain it will be something advocating for children — to be a voice for them still, just in a different place.” Her legacy at Wes ley Prep? She hopes that’s defined as “mak ing a difference in people’s lives” and “just doing right by folks.” “I feel very hon ored and blessed to have been a part of this great school for 45 years — amazing teachers, friends, and the most wonderfully engaged parents,” she said. Indeed, some teachers have worked along side her for more than 30 years. Pondering winsomely, she added, “I’ll miss the children — the hugs and the kisses.”
Through his hard work and dedication, Sampson is confident that he will per form well and represent his country. “I’m really excited to compete,” he said. “I hope that all the new things I have been learning and all the stuff I’ve already learned will help me give a good impression to the judges.”
By Josh Hickman Special Contributor W hen Linda Altick started teaching at Wesley Prep some 45 years ago, she could not have foreseen the story of educational success and expansion to come.
Requests from families in the late 1990s prompted the school to expand into ele mentary grades. “It was a contro versial move for the church at that time,” she recalled. In 1998 came the initial firstgrade class, and in 2007, “Miss Linda” became executive di rector. Today, the pre paratory school has expanded to sixth grade, averaging 450 students. Students are primar ily from Preston Hollow and the Park Cities, though some have come from as far away as Lakewood and Irving. “I had always thought I would work until 70, and we had plans for that,” Altick, now 71, said. COVID changed that. “I wasn’t going to abandon the school during COVID,” she said. “We closed for the required three months, but we knew, as educa tors, that children learn best in the classroom.
Lovers Lane United Methodist became her home church when she moved from Houston, joined in 1964, and eventually became a vol unteer.“My undergraduate degree was in educa tion, and my master’s degree was in special ed,” Altick said. “In 1977, they said they needed a teacher, and I said, ‘I can do that.’” In 1981, she agreed to become preschool di rector, as long as she could also be the Mother’s Day Out director and combine the programs.
NEW LEADERSHIP Meg Fahrenbrook, formerly assistant head of middle school at Episcopal School of Dallas, began serving as Wesley Prep executive director on June 1.
I hope that all the new things I have been learning and all the stuff I’ve already learned will help me give a good impression to the Hiltonjudges.Sampson
the Chinese language, so when I heard about the competitions, I decided to give them a try,” he said. “I practiced my speech by writing and memorizing it with the help of my teacher. She also helped me learn a skill called Chinese yo-yo.” Last fall, Sampson broke his patella and had to undergo surgery to repair it. While recovering, he decided to learn more about Chinese culture. “When I got knee surgery in the fall, I lost time to practice, but I was able to explore more about China,” he said. “It led me to discovering each tournament.”Afterpersevering through his injury, Sampson believed he could compete in a few tournaments on his road to world competition.“Idecided to compete in the National Chinese Speech Competition,” he said. “I thought this would help prepare me for the DFW bridge competition.”
Wesley Prep marks the retirement of longtime campus leader Linda Altick with a sculpture commissioned by Brad Oldham of the “little yellow chair” she used as a reminder to evaluate decisions based on how they would affect students. (PHOTOS: COURTESY WESLEY PREP)
The forherereasonwholeI’mistobeanadvocatethechildren, to be a voice for them. Linda Altick
While Sampson has competed in speech and bridge tournaments, he knows the magnitude of the world bridge com petition.“The competition is televised all over China,” he said. “The competition was cre ated to show how well the Chinese lan guage is circulating throughout the world.”
Sampson has been practicing as much as he can to perfect his skills. “I started preparing in November,” he added. “Once I won the DFW tour nament, I continued to practice as many times as I can each week.”
By Dillon Wyatt People Newspapers St. Mark’s School of Texas’ Hilton Sampson is headed to China this fall to show off his skills with a triple-bearing yo-yo and the Mandarin language. Sampson first learned Mandarin in the fifth grade at St. Mark’s, and, now a sophomore, was inspired to start compet ing after learning about the competitions and began practicing with his teacher, Dr. CJ Chiang.“Iliked
Hilton Sampson showcases his Chinese language knowledge to a panel of judges and earns first place at the DFW Bridge Competition. (PHOTO: COURTESY HILTON SAMPSON)
prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 25 Schools
Mandarin-speaking St. Mark’s Student Ready for China Hilton Sampson overcomes leg injury, prepares for competition

Educators Prepare for Upcoming Academic Year
By Emilea McCutchan People Newspapers
Pencil in Cistercian Preparatory for a Robotics Championship Students learn teamwork while navigating computer, mechanical mishaps
Learning from Dallas ISD veteran teachers and TFA corps members, the rookie teachers had the opportunity this summer to better understand the North Texas community, schools, and students as they look toward the upcoming year. “The training has allowed us to really have a good understanding of different ways to help out different students in the classroom, so I think that’s what we’re going to be able to bring to Dallas ISD,” ButnerDallassaid.ISD’s partnership with TFA allows future classroom leaders to de velop, gain inspiration, and prepare to empower the next generation, said Shar la Hudspeth, Dallas ISD’s executive di rector of extracurricular and extended learning opportunities. This summer program is part of TFA’s nationwide, multipart pre-service experi ence that began in May and will extend through the first 90 days of school for all 2,000 new TFA educators. “Teach for America really [plac es] an importance on making sure that we’re doing everything we can to help the community,” Butner said. “We’re not coming in with our own plans and say ing what we want; we’re listening to the community and doing exactly what it is that they need.”
After qualifying for the inter national competition, Cistercian’s team, named Fusion Corps, made its way through eight qualifica tion matches before being part nered with Up-A-Creek Robot ics from Colorado, The Cheesy Poofs from California, and Knight Vision from Michigan for an April match between the other divisions’ winning alliances. Through practicing good team work, Cistercian and its group members advanced through three championship matches, ultimate ly attaining victory for all by a score of 142 to 108. “It was so incredible being able to work with and learn from such world class teams like the Cheesy Poofs and Up-A-Creek Robotics,” said rising junior James Novins ki, the team’s driver. “As the main driver of Fusion Corps, it was such an exciting but really nerve-wrack ing experience being alongside those teams and helping them on and off the Cistercian’sfield.”win did not come without a few glitches, however. The robot, aptly named Resil ience, endured a parts failure at the qualification match that was quick ly remedied using some pencils. “Those pencils probably were the reason that we got picked,” said rising senior Ryan Jackson, engineering co-captain. Later at the world championship, one of the key computers used to navigate the robot ran out of battery power before a critical match. “It was a pretty tough moment for us because the power cable wouldn’t charge the computer,” said rising senior Matthew Nguy en, a team member. “But we found the solution to that by using an al ternative cable in a different port.” Celebrations after the big win consisted of a good night’s rest for most members. But seniors Blake Harris and Nathan Comeaux hurried home to catch the end of their prom night. “The team lived up to the ro bot’s name, Resilience, and perse vered when it looked like our sea son might end,” said Rev. Mark Ripperger, robotics school liai son and science teacher. “We were honored to be selected for such a strong playoff alliance and enjoyed the relationships built in pursuit of the world championship.”
By Maria Lawson maria.lawson@peoplenewspapers.com
WHAT IS TEACH FOR AMERICA? An organization founded in 1990 that works with 350 communities across the country to expand educational opportunities for children.
Teach for America has welcomed near ly 100 first-year teachers to Dallas ISD for the fall to train through the organization’s new hybrid instructional model. The program included virtual and in-person teaching components covering hot topics in education today following the pandemic’s effects: instruction, learn ing environments, leadership develop ment, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
26 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com
This year was Teach for America’s first summer training with in-person components since the pandemic hit. (PHOTO: COURTESY TEACH FOR AMERICA)
Teach for America helps newcomers tackle COVID-19 effects, other present-day challenges
1992 by Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers, the competition allows teams of stu dents worldwide to design and build a working robot. Teams are presented with game and engi neering specifications every Jan uary, consistent with the annual competition’s theme. This year’s theme, Rapid React by Boe ing, centered around alliances of teams’ robots working together to accomplish tasks like shoot ing balls into a tower and climb ing monkey bars that increased in height under automatic pilot or remote operator control. “This year was by far the most complex robot we have ever built with a swerve drive, a passive climb, and an auto-aiming shoot er,” said rising senior Andrew Ol iver, programming captain. “We showed ourselves what can be done when you put your heart and mind into something you enjoy.”
Those Ryanpicked.reasonprobablypencilswerethethatwegotJackson
The robots may get more com plicated, but the lessons remain classic.Cistercian Preparatory School’s robotics students learned about the importance of teamwork and resil ience as they overcame technical difficulties on their way to win the international 2022 FIRST Robot ics
The training has allowed us to really have a Raquelinoutdifferentunderstandinggoodofwaystohelpdifferentstudentstheclassroom.Butner
Raquel Butner, a corps member for TFA, said one of the anticipated chal lenges this year is the continuing effect of COVID-19, including returning to the classroom for teachers and students. Still, this training was designed to ease that transition.“Ithink it’s just going to be a matter of doing the best that we can with our resources,” Butner said. “And just making sure we have a differentiated classroom so that all students’ needs are being met, whether they are behind or up to speed or if they’re needing to be challenged.”
Cistercian Preparatory School students designed their robot to shoot balls into a tower and climb monkey bars so well they claimed a spot on a championship team of schools from across the country. (PHOTOS: NATHAN COMEAUX AND KRISTY NOVINSKI)

High School Pair Raise Funds and Awareness for Period Poverty
These Hockaday students donated $3,450 to the Dallas Life Homeless Recovery Center
Chemmalakuzhy is the executive director of the We R Love Foun dation, a Dallas-based nonprofit focused on health, homelessness, and education. Zhu is the found er and president of Hockaday’s Health Occupations Students of America chapter, so the two col laborated to raise money, starting with two bake sales. The bake sales raised $532. After that success, the team kept the momentum going by reaching out to companies (such as Poppy Flowers and the Dallas Garden School) and individual donors to round up more funds, resulting in the remaining $2,918. Before starting to fundraise, they reached out to the Dallas Life Homeless Recovery Center and found the nonprofit had 55 women in need of period products. Chemmalakuzhy and Zhu de cided that was the right nonprofit to support, and they were able to supply six months’ worth of pads and tampons for those women. “I just think it’s really inter esting because when we started, we really didn’t know where it was going to go,” Chemmalaku zhyComingsaid. from an all-girls school, Zhu said the partners are especially familiar with the ne cessity of affordable period prod ucts. She described it as a basic need like food, shelter, and water.
FROM LEFT: Ashley Chemmalakuzhy; Claire Zhu, Pamela Culbertson, director of volunteers for the Dallas Life Homeless Recovery Center, and Ashley Chemmalakuzhy. (PHOTOS: COURTESY ASHLEY CHEMMALAKUZHY) AT A GLANCE Money raised: $3,450 Women served: 55 Months of period products supplied: 6
Two Hockaday School stu dents — incoming junior Ashley Chemmalakuzhy and incoming senior Claire Zhu — joined forc es to raise $3,450 and awareness to help those facing period pov erty in Dallas. “A problem that we’ve no ticed is the stigma around talking about this issue in the first place, which contributes to the issue of not having these affordable prod ucts,” Zhu said. The pair took the issue of pe riod poverty and used the plat forms of organizations they’re involved in to make a difference.
prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 27 By Maria Lawson
The pair has also been raising awareness about period poverty by creating bookmarks and in fographics for social media and holding meetings with their or ganizations’ members to inform them of the issue. Although their fundraising efforts are conclud ed, they plan to continue raising awareness through social media. “We did our part in helping and donating these products, but the best impact out of this would be if we could get other people our age and other teenagers in terested in serving our commu nity in this way,” Chemmalaku zhy said.
A problem that we’ve noticed is the aboutaroundstigmatalkingthisissue in the first place. Claire Zhu

By Todd Jorgenson People Newspapers
senior has emerged as one of the top kickers in Texas, with a booming leg that gives the Panthers a special-teams weapon many of their opponents lack. Early in the 2020 season, after Hill crest had an opening for a kicker, Mal phurs secured the job by nailing a 38-yard field goal on his first try. Later that sea son, he added a 45-yarder during a playoff game against Aledo. As a junior, Malphurs improved both his range and his accuracy, culminating in a pivotal school-record 57-yard field goal as the first half expired during a win over Seagoville.“Iwasreally not comfortable at all. I was freaking out,” Malphurs said. “I took a deep breath, he snapped the ball, and the rest is his tory. As I kicked the ball, the buzzer went off.”
People Newspapers
New Challenge Awaits Rangers in Water Polo
6-foot-6 and
Unlike many schools in Texas this year, Jesuit Dallas isn’t start ing its water polo program from scratch. But for players and coach es, it almost feels that way. The Rangers have been a main stay in the sport for the past sev eral seasons. Still, as the Univer sity Interscholastic League begins sanctioning water polo this fall, Je suit will have a chance to grow its program further. “I have seen the excitement build over the past year,” said Jesuit head coach Jason Gall. “There’s definitely more interest on Thecampus.”Rangers finished with a 9-14 record during the 2022 spring season, which was the last sponsored by the Texas Inter scholastic Swim Coaches Asso ciation. The two years before that were cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next morning, he got a call from SMU, wanting him to visit. Malphurs sub sequently began training with local kicking guru Scott Blanton and linked up with some recruiting services. “He’s truly changed my entire kicking form,” Malphurs said. “I went from barely being able to make 60-yarders to having a [personal record] of 70 yards.” Malphurs still trains with Blanton mul tiple times each week, in addition to partic ipating in full offseason workouts with the rest of the football team, at his insistence. “A lot of it is natural ability, but Reed is one of the hardest workers on the team,” said Hillcrest head coach Jacob Ramon. “He’s a leader on this team because of that work ethic. We’re very blessed to have him.”
By Todd Jorgenson
Jesuit hopes more experienced roster will make a splash in first UIL campaign
During the first day of his freshman year at Hillcrest High School, Reed Malphurs caught the eye of football coaches.Never mind that his background was in soccer rather than football. As one of the tallest kids in his class, he could fit as a wide receiver or defensive end. Three years later, the coaches were right about Mal phurs’ star potential. They just had the po sition
28 August 2022 | Sportsprestonhollowpeople.com CMYCYMYCMYMCK PCP_Aug2022_Banner-FINAL.pdf 1 7/6/2022 4:15:34 PM
Gall, who came to Jesuit from California a year ago, sees the tran sition from TISCA to UIL and spring to fall as a great opportu nity to That’sreset.already been in the works. Jesuit had six freshmen on the roster last season, trying to build momentum and continuity in anticipation of the short turn around between campaigns. Gall estimates the program is already up to 25 participants — a mix of experienced club players and newcomers — compared to 21 in the“Wespring.created the buy-in last year,” he said. “The goal was to make them want to come to prac tice the next day and see improve ment. Going into this season, we’ve kind of kicked it up a notch.” Where the spring was about building the foundation for a young roster, the offseason has fea tured more advanced workouts to suggest steps forward. “We got to see what the best looks like, and even though we didn’t really have a chance to beat them, we saw that we could com pete,” Gall said. Now the Rangers hope their progress will include a playoff ap pearance in their first UIL season. However, that won’t be easy in a dis trict that includes traditional power houses like Southlake Carroll, Flow er Mound Marcus, and Keller. “As long as you keep the guys motivated and not discouraged, let’s see how we can play with the top teams in the state,” Gall said. “If we’re going to qualify for post season, we will have to beat teams who finished ahead of us last year.” HILLCREST KICKER PROVIDES A RARE SPECIAL TEAMS
This season, he hopes to have an oppor tunity to break the state record of 63 yards or perhaps even the national record of 68 yards, which has stood since 1985. College interest has increased too, with Malphurs taking visits to TCU, LSU, Ar kansas, Texas Tech, Mississippi State, and others. But he still must explain he’s not a defensive“There’send.not too many times you see a 6-foot-6 kicker walking into a college camp,” he said. “It’s just unheard of.”
At 205 pounds, Malphurs proves size isn’t just for defensive ends
There’s not too many times you see a 6-foot6 kicker walking into a college camp. Reed Malphurs With a career long of 57 yards, Hillcrest’s Reed Malphurs has emerged as one of the top kicker recruits in Texas. (PHOTOS: COURTESY AND CHRIS MCGATHEY) Going into this season, we’ve kind of kicked it up a Jasonnotch.Gall Jesuit with players like Dominic Arra and Tyler Wick will face tough competition in District 2 during its first UIL water polo season. (PHOTOS: FRANCIS CELII PHOTOGRAPHY)

CMYCYMYCMYMCK PCP_Aug2022-AnotherEra_Final-REVISED6.pdf 1 7/7/2022 8:23:27 AM

Megan Mattingly, Stephanie Brigger, and Lizzie Adsit
The Gala Brandon Danna and Samantha Avila
(PHOTOS: SHERYL LANZEL) After a two-year absence prompted by COVID-19, Ronald McDonald House of Dallas’ annual Under the Moonlight Gala returned on May 5 at Quadrant Investment Properties’ new development on 141 Manu facturing“EverythingStreet. was happy – the people, the clothes, the décor, the auction – Cinco de Mayo was the perfect way for us to bring it back,” said Diane Fullingim, chief develop ment officer for RMHD. Colorfully clad revelers turned out for the Bajo La Luz De La Luna-themed affair chaired by April and Chad Cook and Hol ly and Paul Wittorf, with Haylie and Bert Crouch as honorary chairs. The gala raised $3.5 million for RMHD from 2005-2020.
Suzanne Cook and Pamela Graham with Trisha and Carl Ewert
– Staff report
30 August 2022 | Societyprestonhollowpeople.com
Ronnie and Cecilie Holman with Barbara and Ralph Cox
Doug and Ann Smellage Nesta Murphy and Karra Hixon John and Kelly PoolSheldon Arora, Diane Fullingim, and Jenny Hanlon Jenifer Valentine, Natalie Dossett, and Caroline Gehan

prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 31 Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer Gala Raises Record-Breaking $2 Million
Cathey Brown, Nancy Ann Hunt, Cara Mendelsohn, and Tiffany Beaudine
The gala featured presentations, a live auction, and an acoustic perfor mance of Billy Dawson’s new song, Gold Ribbon , created with Rodney Clawson specifically for the gala. – Staff report Tom Jr. and Gina Landry with Karee and Greg Sampson
Pot of Gold Luncheon Introduces Rainbow Days Ring of Honor
Jackie Thornton and Jenice Dunayer Gabby Guillory and Jacob Brooks 40th Anniversary Logo
Mary Dowling and Elizabeth Gordon Don and Ana Carty Susan Sanford and John Dankovchik
Kyla and Kyle Koots Jason and Emily Hammons Caylin Moore
(PHOTOS: DANNY CAMPBELL AND ROB WYTHE) To celebrate Rainbow Days’ 40th anniver sary, CEO Tiffany Beaudine announced the Rainbow Days Ring of Honor of individuals and organizations who’ve shown longstanding support for the charity’s work to help children and youth in adversity build coping skills and resilience.The2022 honorees include Nancy Ann Hunt, Jill and Dale Hurd, Joy and Roger Be less, Karen Williams, Wade Brown, Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, Dallas ISD, Richardson ISD, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD, and Citi. More than 500 supporters and guests gathered on April 29 in the Omni Dallas Ho tel Dallas Ballroom for the 25th annual Pot of Gold Luncheon, helping raise $258,775. Jen nifer Bishop and Marisa O’Sullivan chaired the luncheon, with Melissa Griffith and Tif fany Westerman as auction chairs. The afternoon included a keynote address from celebrated author Caylin Moore, a per formance from the Rainbow Days children and local musician Tony Ballard, moving pro gram testimonials, and silent auction bidding. – Staff report
(PHOTOS: DANNY CAMPBELL, PRISCILLA DASILVA, AND NICHOLE MEYER) Over two years in the making, the 40th Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer (WOKC) Celebration Gala raised a record-breaking $2 million, including $1 million from honorary chair Peter Cancro, the founder and CEO of Jer sey Mike’s Subs. Jackie Thornton and Jenice Dunay er co-chaired the event on April 30 at the Arts District Mansion. Guests in cluded WOKC Warriors, their parents, supporters, sponsors, and underwriters.
Rosie Redden and Jill Hurd Rainbow Kids dancingMarisa O’Sullivan and Jennifer Bishop Butterflies décor

Diane, Celeste, and Todd Lay
Danielle WardConner Olson and Travis McRoberts
– Staff
(PHOTOS: GITTINGS) The Dallas Symphony Orchestra League has introduced its newest debutantes. After a mom’s meeting and a rehearsal, the announcement party was held on May 26 at Stanley Korshak. Britton Barcus, Margaret Bracken, Stephanie Ciarochi, Kate Clark, Sarah Crow, Elena Dewar, Gracie Dix, Natalie Duvall, Arden Eiland, Charlotte Esp ing, Kaitlin Ann Kelly, Celeste Lay, Ella Marks, Ellie Michaelson, Lydia Pigott, Morgan Potter, Sasha Schwimmer, El lie Steindorf, Catherine Stiles, Elizabeth Thompson, Lucy Tilden, CeCe Tribolet, Danielle Ward, and Paige Williams will be celebrated on Feb. 11, 2023, during the 37th Presentation Ball. First held in 1987, the Presentation Ball is DSOL’s largest fundraiser, bringing in over $13 million. This year’s ball chair is Karen Cox, and the DSOL President is Cynthia Beaird. report
32 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com
Jake, Ella, and Elizabeth Marks
Karen Cox and Cynthia Beaird
2023 Debutantes
Dallas Symphony Orchestra League Debuts 2022-23 Debutantes
David, Elizabeth, and Lee Thompson
Paige Williams and Courtney Slater

“I am a big believer in giving back to the community, and I was look ing for something that I wanted our office to be involved in,” Allie Beth said of a fateful dinner in 2000 with the pastor of People’s Missionary Baptist Church. “That November, my office went down and served his church meals and then again at Christmas time.” Her staff covered the pews with toys, beginning a tradition that would grow from 30 people served the first year, to 300 the next, to more than 40,000 people during the foun dation’s annual Christmas in the Park event at Fair Park. “S.M. has the strongest faith of any person I’ve ever met. When I panic if we are slow on donations, he says, “God will prevail,” and he does,” Allie Beth said. “What is so nice is you can truly see where the money is going.”TheAllmans’ involvement ex tends beyond the holidays. Pierce has served on the S.M. Wright Founda tion board for years, and Wright re cently honored them while reopen ing the foundation’s newly renovated South Dallas Community Clothing and Resource Center. The center, lo cated in a house next to his church, provides free clothing, small appli ances, hygiene products, and other essentials.TheAllmans bought and refur bished the house and supplied it with donations from their agents. The pastor presented the All mans with a hand-blown glass heartshaped Legacy Award, inscribed, “For your longtime faithfulness to God in providing support to the less fortunate families in South Dallas.”
Wright, in
For Allie Beth and Peirce All man, supporting the S.M. Wright Foundation comes about as naturally as, well, selling houses. The Dallas real estate moguls chose the Rev. S.M. Wright II’s in ner-city work as Allie Beth Allman and Associates’ official charity more than two decades ago – one of 50 nonprofits the company supports.
FROM LEFT: Debra Wright, Keith Conlon, Allie Beth Allman, Pierce Allman, the Rev. S.M. Wright II, Mary Jernigan, and Calvin Wright. WYTHE/WYTHE PORTRAIT STUDIO) smwright.org
Allmans Partner
prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 33 THE FORUM AT PARK LANE 7831 Park Lane • Dallas, TX 75225 214-369-9902 • www.TheForumAtParkLane.com INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING • RESPITE STAYS AL ©2022#000772FiveStar Senior Living Call 214-369-9902 today to learn more. PROUDLY OFFERING: • Celebrated chef • Lively activity schedule • Support tailored to your needs • Transportation 7 days a week Stress Free Senior Living Be Our Guest The Crowley Chamber Trio Concert Series MUSIC IN THE MUSEUM Monday, September 26, 2022 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 27, 2022 7:30 p.m. MUSEUM OF BIBLICAL ART 7500 Park Lane ↔ Dallas 75225 Free Admission • Free Valet Parking A reception will follow the program. Cocktail attire requested. Reservations necessary due to limited seating. RSVP at udallas.edu/music
By William Taylor
to learn more.
Allie Beth explained that she’s a “strong believer in giving back to our community. Dallas has been very good to us. We have so benefited. This is our way of thanking our com munity for all it has done for us.”

Detour Brings
20. You can enjoy cocktails, beer, and wine with your meal. 21. The restaurant is closed on Sunday.
34 August 2022 | Livingprestonhollowpeople.com
9. There is no broccoli on the menu, even though it was 43’s father, President George H.W. Bush, who despised it.
15. The summer menu includes a stun ning grilled peach, heirloom tomato, and burrata salad.
16. President Bush loves ice cream, so Café 43 has an ice cream maker.17. His favorite flavor is Banana Pe can, but he rarely or ders it anymore.
18. pulledernbrunch.Saturday19.TheSouthBenedictwithbarbecuepork, buttermilk biscuits, andouille gravy, and asparagus is delicious.
Coffee Discovery
10. The Bushes aren’t big fans of beets, raw onion, or garlic.
I relish in how easy it is to remember the directions to D Magazine’s office: left on Walnut Hill Lane, right on the tollway, and go straight until you see the tall office building with a big, red “D” on it. It’s become mus cle memory, so I was peeved when Wal nut Hill construc tion blocked my usu al route.Iturned onto Midway, mapped out my new route — left on Northwest High way, right on the tollway — and a familiar sign caught my eye. No lie, my jaw dropped, and I made a phone“Mom,call:there’s a Summer Moon opening!” Summer Moon Coffee’s first true Dallas location opened at 4343 Northwest High way by Suze and The Original Pancake House, where a Starbucks used to be. Unless you’ve been to its Frisco or Fort Worth locations, or you’re a Longhorn like me, you probably don’t understand theI’llhubbub.beblunt: It’s one of the best coffee shops I’ve visited. A family business born out of the Texas Hill Country, Summer Moon Coffee roasts its beans over seasoned Texas oak logs and uses Moon Milk, a seriously out-of-thisworld signature sweet cream comprised of seven secret ingredients. Friends introduced me to Summer Moon coffee my first year at the University of Tex as, and since then, we have made it a tra dition every Monday to study there for our hardestSippingclasses.onmy latte infused with Moon Milk made accounting less painful. It’s even become a tradition to stop at Summer Moon when Mom visits me in Austin.While the coffee shop offers the usu al staples like cold brew, espresso, and tea, the drinks that set Summer Moon apart are Moon Milk infused, including the popu lar Summermoon, a hot latte, and Winter moon, an iced latte. You can adjust the sweetness Moon Milk adds in quarters. For me, the sweet spot is three quarters, but friends who don’t like sweet coffee usually go for a quarter or aIfhalf.you find yourself in line and unsure what to try, I suggest my go-to order: a three-quarters Wintermoon.
Over the ‘Moon’
6. The former president and First Lady were involved in creating the menu inspired by some of Laura Bush’s favorite dishes.
11. You will not find menu items with those12.ingredients.TheBushes love asparagus, and they are frequently on the menu.
7. The menu is local first, then regional, and8.Texas-sourced.Thechef,John Maas, graduated from Dallas College at El Centro’s exceptional culinary program.
13. The menu changes seasonally.
Emilea McCutchan, an Ursuline Academy graduate attending the University of Texas in Austin, is wrapping up her fourth D Partners internship with People Newspapers.
14. The pecan-crusted chicken looks like a west Texas landscape, but it’s as moist as Houston in the summer and delicious.
23. Chef Maas says he doesn’t get ner vous cooking for world leaders. 24. There is no steak on the menu be cause the price would be more than $20. 25. Mrs. Bush wants approachable menu items and prices. 26. Most guests are from out of state and gravitate to “Texan” dishes such as chicken enchiladas and burgers. 27. This culinary team provides the cui sine for all events at the Bush Center. 28. That includes private parties, wed dings, and corporate events.
33. Café 43 is on OpenTable. 34. I highly recommend a visit to Café 43. Follow Kersten Rettig, a Park Cities-based writer with 30-plus years of experience in food and beverage marketing and public relations, on Instagram @KerstenEats.
2. There is an outside shaded patio where you might see little bunnies hopping around.3.Paintings from Texas artists hang on the4.walls.Many staff members have back grounds in luxury hospitality, including The Mansion on Turtle Creek. 5. Most hospitality and kitchen team members have been in place since opening day in 2013.
22. You might see international states men and women dining there, but the staff is discreet, and they don’t serve and tell.
Café 43 boasts a menu inspired by the tastes of the former president and First Lady, including pecan-crusted chicken; a grilled peach, heirloom tomato, and burrata salad; and ice cream. (PHOTOS: KERSTEN RETTIG AND COURTESY)
KERSTEN RETTIG You might don’tisthere,womenstatesmeninternationalseeanddiningbutthestaffdiscreet,andtheyserveandtell.
MCCUTCHANEMILEA Sipping on my latte infused with Moon Milk made accounting less painful. 34 REASONS TO VISIT CAFÉ 43 C afé 43 in the George W. Bush Pres idential Library and Museum is a wonderful restaurant. The space is spectacular, the service is friendly and pro fessional, and the food is HerereasonsNeeddelicious.moretogo?are34ofthem:1.Thespace is beautiful, airy, and bright, with floor-toceiling windows.
29. The restaurant closes at 3 p.m., so it is an excellent venue for hosting events. 30. You don’t need to buy a tick et to the museum to visit the café. 31. Dining at Café 43 is such a pleasant experience, it should slip into your regular rotation. 32. The library and museum are beautifully done and worth a visit.

3. Find a group to make it social. Groups help to keep us motivated.
By Dillon Wyatt People Newspapers
4. Take the time to take care of your body. Make sure you start a good program of stretching, foam rolling, and performing strength exercises before starting your program so you have a good routine.
SOURCE: Dr. Logan Sherman
The journey to winning the BMW Dallas Marathon Festival in 2015 began with a fa ther’sDr.example.LoganSherman remembers his father running the Dallas Marathon and then finding a similar passion in middle school. The sports chiropractor has since devel oped a training regimen that has allowed him to win three half-marathons in addition to that 2015 race. “It’s a transformative experience,” Sher man said. “The one thing that I believe puts the Dallas Marathon ahead of other races is that we aim to create a 100% satisfaction of our guest experience. We want everyone to walk away talking about how much fun they had during our race.” Before the fun comes hard work. “When I was training for a marathon, I would carry a base of 100 plus miles per week,” Sherman said. He recommends beginning training for a half-marathon 14 weeks prior and a full mara thon 16 weeks prior. With each grueling week, it is necessary to keep the body healthy. He’s a fan of using foam rollers, a perfor mance and recovery deep tissue massaging tool, before and after running. He also advocates strength training to avoid injuries. “As a sports chiropractor, I find that most of my clients who come in for an injury are not performing strength exercises outside of running,” he said. “When I was training, I would carve out three to five days for lifting weights. I credit strength training to my rela tively healthy career.”
Doctor’s Orders: Prepare Mentally, Physically for Dallas Marathon
prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 35 LANDSCAPE ILLUMINATION “The Magic of Moonlight” (214) WATSONLIGHTING.COM630-7751 WholeEarth Provision WholeEarthProvision.com Austin • Dallas • Houston • San Antonio Great Grades Guaranteed! Scan for 15% OFF
1. Get fitted for great equipment. Your shoes are the most important item you will purchase so find a store that will assess your gait and put you into the right one.
You should be very comfortable in the early stages of the race and your pace should be al most conversational.”
2. Start slow and build while allowing for recovery phases. My rule was to build mileage over the course of 2-3 weeks and take a recovery week. During that recovery week I would run approximately 75% of my average mileage.
Dr. Logan Sherman is looking forward to running the BMW Dallas Marathon again in December.
M r. and Mrs. Thomas L. Powell IV of Fort Worth, Texas, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Colleen Ellen Powell, to Ryan Patrick Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sean Patrick Brennan of Highland Park. The bride and groom are 2020 graduates of Texas Christian University. The bride is a 2016 graduate of Saint Thomas More Catholic High School in Lafayette, Louisiana. At TCU, Colleen received a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism. Colleen resides in Dallas, where she is a Senior Campus Recruiting Coordinator for Deloitte & Touche. The groom is a 2016 graduate of The Episcopal School of Dallas. While at TCU, Ryan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance with Real Estate Concentration. Ryan remains in Dallas as an Acquisitions Manager for Ferocity Assets LLC. Colleen and Ryan will marry on January 28, 2023, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Their ceremony will take place in the chapel of Hotel Peter and Paul, with a reception to follow at Brennan’s Restaurant.
While physical training is key to recording a good time, mentally preparing for a 26.6-milelong course is just as important. “The training in and of itself helps people mentally prepare for it,” Sherman said. “The excitement of the race day and the spectators cheering you on in the middle of the course re ally takes your mind off of what you might be going through at the moment.” Sherman still thinks back on a pro-tip he received when he first started. “My favorite piece of advice that I was giv en prior to my first marathon, the 2009 Dallas Marathon, was from the ‘96 Dallas Marathon champion, Dr. William Moore,” Sherman said. “He told me through an email the night before the race, ‘patience, patience, patience.’

36 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com
1. Furniture Walking: You may have seen people walking by touching furniture or walls as they walk. This is showing the legs are not being used like they should to balance the person. Us ing our hands to help us balance is not normal, and leads directly to falls.
of The
family requests that memorial gifts be made to the
Cookbook author and PBS chef Christy Rost is a longtime resident of the Park Cities and Pres ton Hollow. Find her Celebrating Home 4-minute cooking videos at youtube.com/ChristyRostCooks and christyrost.com.
Yield: 6 to 8 servings
As summer winds down and autumn’s busy schedules loom, gathering with friends always takes on greater urgency for me in August. Since we spend most of the summer in the mountains where the first signs of fall can be felt in mid-August, planning our get-togethers usual ly means dining al fres co on the front veranda or in the shade provided by nearby trees so we can enjoy cool breezes and beautiful sunsets. I love gatherings that feel relaxed and fun for guests but are easy for me — especially in the summer, so one of my go-to dining solutions is a charcuterie board. Charcuterie boards come in all shapes and sizes. Last summer, when many of us were maintaining 6 feet of distance, I created indi vidual charcuterie boards for each guest. They were such a success that I occasionally still use thisAapproach.setofsix oval wood boards intended to hold small, individual cast iron skillets were the perfect mini charcuterie boards. I turned them upside down and used the smooth surface of each board. On the other hand, a large char cuterie board always garners ooh’s and ah’s from my guests, whether served as a starter for a meal or as the meal itself. Recently, I created a charcuterie board on a grand scale while filming a pilot for a new na tional television cooking show. The board was 24 by 16 inches and was filled with assorted hard and soft cheese wedges, slices of Genoa salami and Soppressata arranged in overlapping pat terns, and paper-thin slices of Prosciutto di Par ma, which I draped loosely for an artistic effect. Assorted Greek olives, clusters of red grapes, a small ramekin of sweet cornichon pickles, a small bowl of Dijon mustard for the meats and another of fig spread for the cheeses, thin slic es of Cosmic Crisp apples that wound through the board without turning brown, and a selec tion of crackers and sliced baguette created an abundant, irresistible display big with wow fac tor. I designed this board as a starter for a crowd, but it could have served as a complete meal for a smaller group. For everyday entertaining, I suggest a sim ple charcuterie board with no more than three or four cheese wedges, assorted crackers or thin slices of artisan bread arranged in an overlapping pattern, clusters of dates, grapes, nuts, prosciutto or another favorite charcuterie meat, small bowls of condiments, and a selection of olives. Arrange the board an hour before guests arrive, cover it with plastic wrap, and set it aside to allow the cheese to soften without drying out.
Want To Add Wow to Your Gatherings? Make Charcuterie Boards
4. Feeling That The Legs Will Not Go Where You Want: I hear this ALL THE TIME. “My legs just won’t go where I tell them anymore.”This is a sign of a specific problem with the nervous system, but something that can be workedWantaround.moreinformation & solutions? My new special report provides Actionable Tips that will help you keep or regain your independence. And the best thing is it’s 100% FREE, and you’re un der no-obligation to buy anything when you call.
– Warning Signs
2. Walking More Slowly: Seeing a loved one walk slower is not a part of age. IT IS A WARNING! Walking slower shows there is something wrong with the person’s balance. Also, we are PHYSICALLY less balanced when we walk slower.
StanleyWrightMarcuswent to be with his Heavenly Father on May 22, 2022, after morousloving,gery.duecomplicationsenduringtoheartsurStanwasakind,huhusband, father, grandfather, brother, and uncle. Stan was born in Dallas, Texas, on May 23, 1947, to Blanche and Marcus Wright. Stan grew up with his brother, John, in Dallas, graduated from Hillcrest High School in 1965, and later went on to attend Texas Tech with a degree in Advertising. He met Laurie Teeple, and they were married less than a year later on Decem ber 11, 1971, and celebrated 50 “glorious” years of marriage this past December. After a career that started at Xerox and later in real estate and the mortgage business, he re tired over ten years ago and traveled the world with Laurie. Their love for travel and sharing stories with friends was one of Stan’s favorite activities. They are the proud parents of Sta cy Wright Becker (Mike) and Wendy Marie Wright. One of the joys of Stan’s life was be ing Papa to his granddaughter Emma Marie Becker. As a father and grandfather, Stan was very active by coaching both daughters’ White Ponies soccer teams, driving both carpools at the same time in the Caprice Classic convert ible, volunteering as an Indian Princess guide, and serving cafeteria duty at Hyer Elementary as a parent and later as a grandparent at Uni versity Park Elementary. He was active in the Hyer Dad’s club and helped get a yogurt ma chine for the school cafeteria. He never missed a soccer or volleyball game for his daughters or granddaughter. One of his great joys in life was seeing Emma perform on stage–singing, act ing, and dancing.
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Author Dr. Jeffrey Guild, Physical Therapist is own er of Optimove Physical Therapy & Wellness. You can contact him at (214) 712-8242 or email at J.Guild@ OptimoveDFW.com Advertisement
Stan was an active community servant. He raised money for the YMCA for over 30 years and was awarded the Charles E. Seay Out standing Leadership Award in 2005 for his distinguished service with the YMCA. He was the Rotary Club liaison for the North Texas Food Bank and helped coordinate activities for the Snider Plaza Tree Lighting and the Park Cities 4th of July Parade. He received three awards from the Rotary Club for Exemplary, Enthusiastic, and Outstanding service. Stan was an active member at Highland Park Pres byterian Church, ushering monthly, and was known for his quick wit and ever-present smile. He volunteered delivering food for Meals on Wheels and was a key contact to assist with last-minute deliveries. He loved to perform in the Junior League Ball, building many life-long friendships.Stanenjoyed the outdoors and loved teach ing his daughters and their friends how to wa ter ski. In addition, he helped his daughters remodel and renovate their numerous hous es over the years. He was known as one of the most outgoing, lovable people, always joking around with everyone. Stan loved to entertain, bartend, and organize get-togethers. Stan is loved by his family, friends, and the community within the Park Cities. The MD Anderson Cancer Center or the North Texas Food Bank in lieu of flowers. To Avoid Going To A Nursing Home In The Era Pandemic & Now What
To Do
Ingredients: 1 log chevre cheese, softened 1 wedge Humboldt Fog cheese, 1softenedwedge Irish cheddar cheese 1 wedge Roquefort or blue cheese 1 small round brie cheese, softened Pitted dates Greek or kalamata olives Red or green grapes, rinsed Salted or smoked almonds 4 ounces Prosciutto di Parma 1 small bowl fig spread or mango salsa Directions: One hour before serving, scatter the cheese selection on a large cutting board. Fill in spaces with clusters of dates, grapes, and almonds or other nuts. Lightly drape the prosciutto on the board, layering each slice to form an at tractive pattern. Add assorted crackers, thin slices of baguette, and a small bowl of fig spread or mango salsa. Provide knives and cheese spreaders for each cheese selection, small forks for the olives and prosciutto, and a demitasse spoon for the fig spread. Cover the board with plastic wrap and set it aside until ready to serve.
Charcuterie boards are becoming quite the rage, and they vary from savory to sweet, so if you haven’t tried this entertaining style, these final days of summer are an ideal time to experiment. It’s quick and easy for the host, and your guests will love every bite.
OBITUARY STANLEY MARCUS WRIGHT 05/23/1947- 05/22/2022 How
3. Not Being Able To Walk & Talk At The Same Time: Walking should not take much mental energy. If a person has to stop walking in order to talk to some-one, this is a sign that the brain cannot do either task well enough if done at the at the same time. Something is wrong!
Are you worried about having to go to a nurs ing home because of a fall? Are you seeing your friends falling and losing independence and you want to act proactively? Are you worried about someone you love falling? Here are some common WARNING SIGNS that falls may be creeping up and a SOLUTION to prevent it from happenings.

opportunity-10x7-bleeds.pdf 1 7/13/2022 12:10:58 PM
English style has been making a come back lately. I think it’s because English furniture is a little bit simpler than French or Italian-style furniture, so it mixes well with a modern home. If you’re drawn to English style but are worried that incorpo rating it will date your interior design, you’ll be glad to know that an English-inspired home can still look very current. In this article, I’ll give an overview of the key characteristics of English style and how I’ve successfully used English furniture and accessories in my projects. Traditional English homes, whether cot tages or manors, tend to be comfortable, warm, and inviting. The flooring is usually wood with rugs, especially oriental or si sal rugs. The window treatments could be drapes, curtains, or shades, but never blinds. Even a relatively modern or transitional English-style home should be layered with antiques or traditional art to give a sense of history. That said, most designers are not using as many antiques as we did 10 or 20 years ago. Nowadays, I use English an tiques as more of an accent, scattering them throughout the home. One way to help an English-inspired room feel more current is to choose contem porary colors and simple draperies. For ex ample, in one project with English antiques, I used an aqua paint color to make the room feelEnglishfresh. furniture is usually made with very dark wood, such as mahogany, and has less carving than French or Italian pieces. Another interesting thing to know is that the English liked as many reflective surfaces in their homes as possible to brighten things up. As a result, they used shiny finishes on both their wood furniture and their hard ware, with the hardware often finished in shiny brass. As far as accessories go, the English liked to use chinoiserie. Other accessories com monly seen in the traditional English home include needlepoint pillows, antique clocks, and oil paintings of family portraits, dogs, or Evenhorses.if some today consider full-blown English interiors outdated, I still love to work with English furnishings and antiques. Bal ancing them with a modern or contemporary interior is a fun and rewarding challenge.
Why Interior Designers Are Embracing English Style With Modern Design CHAMBERSMARGARET
VOCABULARY Chinoiserie, a French word for “Chineseesque,” refers to European decorative art inspired by objects and stories brought back from the Middle East and Asia. It was most popular during the 1600s and 1700s. Although chinoiserie sounds like it should be primarily based on Chinese design, the style also owes its look to Indian, Persian, Korean, and Japanese art.
prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 37
CLOCKWISE: Aqua paint helps this English antique-filled dining room seem light and airy instead of dark and dated. Traditional paintings featuring dogs and horses, especially in hunting scenes, are classic English style. English antiques are often made of dark woods with shiny finishes, like these in a University Park home. (PHOTOS: MICHAEL HUNTER. DESIGNS: MARGARET CHAMBERS)
Margaret Chambers, a registered interior designer (RID) and member of the Amer ican Society of Interior Designers (ASID), leads Chambers Interiors and Associates. Her colleague Caitlin Crowley helped edit this column. Visit chambersinteriors.com/blog for more design advice.

For more information about landscape lighting for your garden, contact Richard Lentz @ 972-241-4259 or visit lentzlighting.com.
All of Beacon Hill’s featured amenities including the Marina Club, stocked 9-acre Lake Ava Rosetta and Nature Trails are accessible to the community’s residents as well as homesite lot owners who are in the home building process. If you would like to tour your future lake home location, call 903-498-LAKE (5253) or visit www. liveatbeaconhill.com. Beacon Hill is located at 12900 US Highway 175 in Kemp, Texas just 45 minutes from Dallas!
• Use soft perimeter lights along the pathways to create ambiance and provide additional safety lighting
• Install dimmable down lights from inside the roof of an arbor, a gazebo, or a pavilion to set the mood for any event.
Over the past two decades, the Glen Abbey neighborhood has become one of Dallas’s best-kept secrets. This guarded and gated enclave, which borders on White Rock Creek and includes a nature preserve, features only a couple of dozen homes, each designed by awardwinningOwningarchitects.ahome here is a rare opportunity presented by some of the most experienced experts at Allie Beth Allman & Associates. Consider these currently available properties and remember that other exceptional listings can be found on a list of private offerings available only to the brokerage’s agents. Lillie Young is marketing a grand estate, designed by Anton Korn, who built impressive Highland Park homes a century ago. The six-bedroom mansion at 23 Ash Bluff Lane features an entry with a fountain and gardens comparable to those of old Europe. The updated interior offers rooms filled with natural light. Glen Abbey also presents an opportunity to build a masterpiece at 2 Abbey Woods Lane. Offered by Allie Beth Allman, the lot is near the clubhouse and Abbey Woods Park. An adjacent lot is also for sale, for a total of 1.2 Findacres.the right home with the help of an Allie Beth Allman & Associates https://www.alliebeth.com/associates/int.expert:
Life at Beacon Hill on Cedar Creek Lake is expanding as construction continues on phase 2 of our new 3-acre Aquatic Center. Residents and their guests will soon be relaxing at the pool, enjoying a state of the art spa, 2 large movie screens, an outdoor kitchen, pickle ball court, fire pit and more!
Rovinsky Offers Spacious Preston Hollow Home with Pool
As summer marches on, are you beginning to think of finding a new home before school starts? Lucky for you, the agents at Allie Beth Allman & Associates have announced beautiful new listings in Preston Hollow and the surrounding neighborhoods bordering some of the city’s premier private schools. If you want a sophisticated home with all the bells and whistles, a property listed with Erin Mathews is sure to impress. Sitting at 6530 Glendora Ave., this Preston Hollow paradise includes six bedrooms, a kitchen with sought-after appliances like refrigerator drawers, and an outdoor living space with pool, spa, and outdoor grill. A new construction at 6741 Prestonshire Lane is contemporary and move-in ready. The home’s façade welcomes you with a stylish mix of stone, wood and glass. Stepping inside, high ceilings and open spaces set the scene for displaying sizeable décor and artwork. Offered by Jill Long. The L.A.-inspired modern, marketed by Lauren Savariego and Julie Haymann, displays high-end designer finishes everywhere you look. Indoor/outdoor living is also effortless at 7027 Desco Drive. Find the right home with the help of an Allie Beth Allman & Associates real estate expert. Call an agent to see the luxury brokerage’s private list of homes on the market: https:// www.alliebeth.com/associates/int
Hummel & GreenbergList HP Home with Pool in Prime Location This contemporary Highland Park home on an active block near the Katy Trail and SMU, has 5 bedrooms and 4.1 baths in 4,576 sq. ft. Offered by Traci Hummel and Dana Greenberg for $2,895,000, 3109 Drexel Drive (3109drexel.daveperrymiller.com) boasts clean, crisp lines and reflects today’s lifestyle, inside and out. The two-story entry leads to a living space awash in natural light with a coffered ceiling. Minimalists will love the sleek, white kitchen with gas cooktop, double Sub-Zero, built-in coffee, steam oven, large island and huge walk-in pantry. The first floor owners’ retreat overlooks a heated pool and outdoor living area with kitchen. In the spa-like bath, enjoy the steam shower, jetted tub, long vanities and ample closet space. A large flex room upstairs with full bath is perfect for office, gaming, play or workout. Two bedrooms upstairs share a connecting bath, and the fourth bedroom is ensuite.To schedule a showing, contact Hummel at 214-403-1109 / tracihummel@ daveperrymiller.com or Greenberg at 214.226-0400 / danagreenberg@ daveperrymiller.com.DavePerry-Miller Real Estate (dpmre. com) is a division of the Ebby Halliday Companies, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, with four locations that specialize in Preston Hollow, Park Cities, North Dallas, Lakewood, East Dallas, Uptown, Kessler Park and Farm & Ranch properties.
This Mediterranean gem at 6622 Aberdeen Avenue (6622aberdeen.daveperrymiller.com) is listed by Kyle Rovinsky for $2,495,000. With 5 bedrooms and 6.2 baths in 6,715 sq. ft., it offers plenty of room to breathe, with easy overflow into the large backyard with heated pool. The timeless architecture boasts multiple balconies, stone and wood floors, with gorgeous tile roofing. The open floor plans, expansive oversized windows, and vaulted ceilings make for an unforgettable entrance. The home two primary suites, one upstairs and the main downstairs with wardrobe closet, a sitting area, Jacuzzi tub and fully glass enclosed double shower. Also featured is an exercise room, game room, study, open living areas and plenty of closet space. The gourmet kitchen is full of stainless steel Viking appliances, a large granite island, built-in refrigerator/freezer, large pantry, built-in warming drawer and microwave. The front entry drive leads to one- and two-car oversized garages with storage.Toschedule a showing, contact Rovinsky at 972-9898568 or kylerovinsky@daveperrymiller.com. Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate (dpmre.com) is a division of the Ebby Halliday Companies, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, with four locations that specialize in Preston Hollow, Park Cities, North Dallas, Lakewood, East Dallas, Uptown, Kessler Park and Farm & Ranch properties.
ALLIE BETH ALLMAN URBAN 5335 Meaders Lane 6 Bedrooms | 6.2 Baths | 12,612 SqFt Offered For $9,135,000 Designed by architect Elby Martin, a Tuscan- inspired stone-clad estate home with Italian barrel tile roof, mani cured 1.1-acre site with mature trees and landscape by Harold Leidner. Gourmet kitchen topped by a barrel brick ceiling is open to one of several family rooms. Custom Knotty Alderwood cabinetry with White Castle hardware provides storage. Two full-size SubZeros refriger ators, two Asko dishwashers, two gas Wolf ovens and warming drawer. Out door Kitchen equipped with a Wolfe out door grille and Subzero undercounter refrigerators, and electric screens. Re sort like pool, cabana, turfed back yard, private guest house. Home is equipped with Geothermal HVAC and natural gas generator.Formore information please contact Kyle Crews (214) 538-1310.
• Use a selection of warm accent lights throughout the garden to highlight artistic features like sculptures, bird baths, fountains, and special groupings of foliage
How Does Your Garden Glow?
ALLIE BETH ALLMAN Allman Agents Lead in Highland Park Home Sales
With the addition of strategic outdoor lighting, gardens transform into additional living spaces, moonlit walking paths, and alfresco dining options. Richard Lentz, president of Lentz Landscape Lighting, shares a few tips on enhancing your gardens with recre ated “moonlight” and other outdoor lighting options. “Many of our customers spend quite a bit of money landscaping their properties with beautiful gardens,” says Lentz. “The problem is that investment literally disappears after dark,” he adds. With the placement of strategic outdoor lighting, homeowners can enjoy the beauty of their garden day and night while adding the benefit of increased security to the entireHereproperty.areafew tips on night lighting your gardens from Richard Lentz:
Continuing to lead in the sale of homes in Highland Park and University Park, Allie Beth Allman & Associates agents have brought to market two of the most expensive homes for sale in the Park Cities. And one of them, 6915 Baltimore Drive, is currently the most expensive listing in Texas, according to the Multiple Listing Service.Far-reaching buzz is especially true of 6915 Baltimore Drive, the subject of articles in Texas Monthly, The Real Deal and The Dallas Morning News. Designed by Richard Drummond Davis, the almost 24,000-square-foot residence began taking shape in Volk Estates in 2018. Much of the construction is complete, and it paints a picture of the lavish life you can lead here. It all starts with the grand façade, looking like a fairytale manor from a faraway land, with its imported Bulgarian limestone and custom iron doors. Inside, the six-bedroom property’s wow factor multiplies – the oversized entry features dramatic panda marble, a sweeping double staircase, and a glamorous chandelier. Learn more directly from Diana Stewart and Allie Beth Allman, who are marketing theThishome.is just a taste of the estates Allie Beth Allman & Associates agent have to offer. Connect with an agent to learn https://www.alliebeth.com/associates/intmore:
ALLIE BETH ALLMAN Find Your New Home in Preston Hollow This Summer
• Hang strings of white lights or a weatherproof chan delier from a low bough of a large tree and set an outdoor dining table under it for entertaining alfresco-style.
38 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com SPECIAL ADVERTISING CONTENT
BEACON HILL AT CEDAR CREEK LAKE New Aquatic Center Grand ComingOpeningSoon!
More and more homeowners are finding their favorite time to spend summer in their gardens is after sundown.
• Likewise, use outdoor lighting around settings of garden furniture to create additional “rooms” within your garden
ALLIE BETH ALLMAN Allie Beth Allman & Associates Lists Most HomeExpensiveinTexas
EBBY HALLIDAY Ebby Offers Same Great Service in Oklahoma Ebby Halliday Realtors has long been a household name in Texas, but did you know that “Ebby” has expanded into Oklahoma? “We are so excited to be open for business in Oklahoma,” says President & CEO Chris Kelly. “Ebby clients benefit from knowledgeable, respected agents and a team of professionals dedicated to making buying or selling a home or property one convenient experience. While our skilled agents help them navigate the market, our core-services companies handle mortgage, insurance and title needs with the utmost care. We are thrilled to offer those looking to buy or sell in Oklahoma the same great service we are known for in Texas.” Adds Kelly, “Whether it’s city living, farm & ranch, or recreational properties in popular areas such as Broken Bow that interest you, Ebby Halliday agents offer exceptional representation of your Oklahoma real estate needs.” For more information about Ebby Halliday’s residential real estate services in Oklahoma and to search for your Oklahoma home, visit the award-winning ebby.com
Dreaming of owning a home in Highland Park? Want to live in a Highland Park estate where the schools rank consistently among the best in Texas? Entrust the search to an expert at Allie Beth Allman & Associates, which this year again is leading all other residential real estate firms in buying and selling Highland Park homes, according to the Multiple ListingTheService.classic, Tudor-style estate at 4209 Arcady Ave. on the prestigious French streets has been remodeled with magazineworthy interiors. Offered by Missy Kennedy Robinson, the four-bedroom home features a sleek, modern style inside its classic exterior.Watch your friends swoon when you show off your new, contemporary-style home at 3414 Lindenwood Ave. Listed by Mellie Cline, the five-bedroom residence features elegance throughout, from its heavy, frosted-glass and steel-pivot front door to the wood flooring. Carla Hollis is marketing a fourbedroom, Palladian-style home on a large lot at 3700 Normandy Ave. It has tall ceilings, hardwood flooring, spacious living areas and a three-car garage. Jason Pate has found you the perfect three-bedroom home in Highland Park. The contemporary-style home at 4337 Southern Ave., close to Highland Park Village and Bradfield Elementary School, has an open floor plan with a large downstairs primary suite.
ALLIE BETH ALLMAN Available in Exclusive Glen Abbey

THE PERRY-MILLER STREIFF GROUP Perry-Miller Streiff Group Ranks No. 1 in Dallas
prestonhollowpeople.com | August 2022 39 ADVERTISEHERE! To place your ad in People Newspapers, please call us at 214-523-5239, fax to 214-594-5779, or e-mail to classified@peoplenewspapers.com. All ads will run in Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People and online. Pre-payment is required on all ads. Deadline for our next edition is Tuesday, August 1. People Newspapers reserves the right to edit or reject ads. We assume no liability for errors or omissions in advertisements and no responsibility beyond the cost of the ad. We are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIEDS FIREWOOD DELIVERY SPLIT SEASONED 972-333-7444OAK power wash Picky People Pick ParkTMCities Home & Commercial Power Washing–Soft Washing Window Cleaning Call today to schedule your quote 214-390-3377 parkcitiespowerwash.com www.JBellServices.com 214-960-5692 Services • Sprinkler Repair & Installation • Landscape Lighting • Sod Installation • Serving DFW since 2008 Commercial & Residential HOME SERVICES HOMEFORSERVICESSALE Contact Laura at 214-686-5516 for pricing & package details! Check us out on Instagram & @hippityhopbounceandplayFacebook Mom-Owned Bounce House & Softpaly Rental Company Take Back Your Yard fromticksmosquitoes,andfleas 214.856.7979 MOSqUITOHUNTERS.COM JEWELRY & ESTATE BUYERS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (214) 802-6797 32 Years in Business Graduate Gemologist (GIA) IMMEDIATE CASH TO 24 HOUR PAYOUT CONSIGNMENT AVAILABLE BUY, SELL & TRADE • Fine Jewelry • Watches • Bullion • Diamonds CEMETERY LOT FOR SALE SPARKMAN/HILLCREST CEMETERY PREMIER LOCATION - LAKESIDE GARDENS 4 SPACES (2 DEEP) - $ 399,000. (214) 521-4903 BURIAL PROPERTIES CASH OFFERS 214-207-6000 We BUY: • Diamondsminimum3 ct • Watches • Fine Jewelry • Collectibles RENTAL PROPERTY 7403 Colgate Avenue 3 beds, 3 baths, formals, large den, large dining room. Marble & granite, hand-scraped hardwoods, high ceilings. Whole-house generator. Heated pool & spa. $8,000 month - includes pool care. Call Diane 214-212-7438 Cook/Chef Needed Hourly rate o ered for Personal Chef. Evening meals for 2 people plus minor chores 3 to 5 nights a week. Text drhamra@drhamra.com214.562.0004 2 Cemetery Plots For Sale at Hillcrest-Memorial Park, Garden of Prayer. $8,000 each. Call or text 214-601-2385 HOME SERVICES HELP WANTED RENTAL PROPERTY There’s something for everyone in the classifieds. Find what you need in the People Newspapers classifieds.
The superbly updated Midcentury home offers luxe details and amenities, including a Bulthaup kitchen, art lighting, a home office and a guesthouse. The primary suite here is special, too: a retreat with a balcony overlooking the infinity pool and, inside, a sybaritic bath with a soaking tub, a walk-in shower, dual vanities and double closets. The lush grounds feature a double security gate, a peagravel circular drive, an expansive backyard patio and a playhouse. Both eco-friendly (think rainwater-collection system and a metal-and-composite roof that is energyefficient and recyclable) and exquisite, this is the property of a lifetime.5221Walnut Hill Lane is represented by Shelle Carrig and Valerie Dillon of the Shelle Carrig Team for $4,500,000. Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty, founded in the Park Cities in 1960, represents luxury homes, high-rises, ranches, land and commercial properties. Its briggsfreeman. com website is a cutting-edge portal featuring properties, neighborhoods, schools, virtual tours, architecture guides and more.
BRIGGS FREEMAN SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY Midcentury Meets EcoFriendly Design 5221 Walnut Hill Lane, represented by Shelle Carrig and Valerie Dillon of the Shelle Carrig Team for $4,500,000. And then there was 5221 Walnut Hill Lane — a Modern estate in Preston Hollow that feels like a private world of its own. Sited on a 1.32-acre creek-side lot with majestic liveoak trees, the 4,946-square-foot residence boasts three bedrooms, three full baths and two half baths.
The pinnacle of success in Dallas luxury real estate is being named to the No. 1 spot by RealTrends + Tom Ferry The Thousand (as featured in The Wall Street Journal). The Perry-Miller Streiff Group of Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate reached that pinnacle last year, and with the release of 2022’s rankings, will stay there following their team-best sales volume of $310 million. They are also ranked the No. 2 medium-sized team in Texas and No. 27 in the entire country.Ryan Streiff, lead associate of the eight-person team, attributes the accomplishment to their collective experience and a deep understanding of the luxury lifestyle and mindset behind it. “Each of our members is highly knowledgeable, highly connected and highly effective,” Streiff said, “and that has proven to be what differentiates us from other local teams. We’re so grateful for our clients’ trust, which has helped us become the goto resource in Dallas’ most-established neighborhoods.”
The team, whose nine members include Ryan Streiff, Jason Bates, Karen Fry, Charles Gregory, Lance Hancock, Courtney Jubinsky, Jamie Kohlmann, Laura Michelle and Dave Perry-Miller, specializes in luxury homes in Preston Hollow, North Dallas, Park Cities, Lakewood, Lake Highlands and anywhere else their clients need them to be. Contact the Perry-Miller Streiff Group today to discuss getting your property prepared for market before the highly anticipated spring selling season, or to get connected to terrific listings. Visit DPMFineHomes.com to learn more or call 214.799.1488.

CARUTH HILLS 28 Saint Laurent Place / $ 1,625,000 ANN SHAW / 214-532-4824 ashaw@briggsfreeman.com POGIR / 214-244-3103 / pogir@briggsfreeman.com ALEX TRUSLER / 214-755-8180 / atrusler@briggsfreeman.com KARLA TRUSLER / 214-682-6511 / ktrusler@briggsfreeman.com PENNY COOK / 214-384-2847 / ptcook@briggsfreeman.comFAISAL HALUM / 214-240-2575 / fhalum@briggsfreeman.com PRESTON HOLLOW 6464 Northport Drive / Listed for $ 2,495,000 JL FORKE / 214-695-8255 / jforke@briggsfreeman.com JENNIFER SHINDLER / 214-215-5181 / jshindler@briggsfreeman.com MIDWAY HOLLOW 3937 Davila Drive / Off-market sale NORTH DALLAS / GATED COMMUNITY 19 Winding Lake Drive / $ 2,100,000 BLUFFVIEW 5006 Shadywood Lane / $ 5,995,000 BLUFFVIEW / GATED COMMUNITY 8 Bretton Woods Way / $ 2,775,000 NORTHWEST DALLAS 3230 Jubilee Trail / $ 545,000 LAKE FOREST / GATED COMMUNITY 7029 Hill Forest Drive / $ 3,500,000 SCOTT COOK / 214-534-1445 / scook@briggsfreeman.com Nothing compares. BRIGGSFREEMAN.COM • #BRIGGSFREEMAN • @BRIGGSFREEMAN • 214-350-0400 Sotheby’sbyoperatedthoseexceptoperated,andownedindependentlyisceoffiRealtyInternationalSotheby’sEachpermission.withusedandlicensedistrademarkRealtyInternationalSotheby’sTheReserved.RightsAllRealty.InternationalSotheby’s2022© notice.withoutwithdrawalorpriceincludingchangesomissions,errors,tosubjectareofferingsAllAct.OpportunityEqualtheandActHousingFairtheofprinciplesthesupportsfullynetworkRealtyInternationalSotheby’sTheInc.Realty,International VIDEO TOURS ON BRIGGSFREEMAN.COM/TOUR FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @BRIGGSFREEMAN AND #BRIGGSFREEMAN214-350-0400 MALINDA ARVESEN / 214-354-7029 / marvesen@briggsfreeman.com DAVID ARVESEN / 214-354-6142 / darvesen@briggsfreeman.com SOLD* BUYER*REPRESENTED SOLD 40 August 2022 | prestonhollowpeople.com