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free fun day


Your Wokingham Today
REGULAR readers will notice that this week’s Wokingham Today is slightly smaller than usual – 32 pages rather than 40.
We are an independent newspaper, known in the trade as a hyperlocal. That means everything we do is produced by a small, committed team of people who live and work in the borough. We launched as a successor to The Wokingham Times back in 2015, and since then your editor has not missed a single weekly deadline, with papers produced from cafes and chalets across the country. Later this summer, he will be spending a bit of time on a sun lounger, with a good book or two.

It won’t be all rest, of course. There will be some planning for the autumn –but that’s another story.
Because we are a small team preparing for that absence requires some logistical planning.
To help us, we have made a decision to temporarily reduce our pagination, and rest some regular features for the summer. Rest assured they will return in September.
You can also rest assured that the latest news from across Wokingham borough, along with the best roundup of political developments, the best commentaries, and the best analysis of what’s happening in our borough will be on our website, wokingham.today, which is updated daily.

We are always grateful for your support. Local news is a precious resource and we couldn’t exist with you. After all, your Wokingham is our Wokingham too.

Phil Creighton, editor
Kitchen fire in Woodley home
FIRE crews were called to a house in Woodley on Tuesday. The incident happened at 11.06am in the kitchen of a Howth Drive home.
Crews from Wokingham Road and Bracknell Fire Stations were sent to the scene, as well as one from Oxfordshire County Council Fire and Rescue Service.
The fire had been extinguished when they arrived, and two firefighters wearing breathing apparatus cleared smoke from the home with a large fan.
A casualty was treated for smoke inhalation and placed in the care of South Central Ambulance Service.
Summer tea party
A CHURCH is holding a summer tea party to raise funds to restore and improve its building.
Organised by The Friends Of St Andrew’s Church (FOStAC) the outdoor event will be held in a Sonning garden.
Money raised will be used for restoration, repair, maintenance and improvement of the historic church.
The event takes place on Sunday, July 9, from 3pm to 5pm. Tickets cost £20. n For more information and to reserve tickets,email: mustangsallywilson@gmail.com