1 minute read
Village to have say over future plan
By Phil Creighton news@wokingham.today
A CONSULTATION has been launched into the future of one of the northern parishes of Wokingham borough.
Residents of Ruscombe are being asked to have their say on a draft neighbourhood plan.
Once adopted, it will be help with decision making over planning matters. Other parts of the borough, including Arborfield and Shinfield have already gone through this process.
The six-week consultation is based on information prepared by Ruscombe Parish Council and responses to a first draft consultation. If adopted, the council will use it alongside its boroughwide local plan to help decide planning applications in the parish.
It includes a vision, specific objectives and policies for housing design and the natural and historic environment, community facilities, business and commercial development, local green space, and transport.
Residents can view it, and other supporting documents, on the council’s Engage Wokingham Borough page or by visiting its offices at Shute End or the library at