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E-waste recycling firm moves to Arborfield
By JAKE CLOTHIER jclothier@rdg.today
A COMPANY specialising in recycling electronic waste has relocated near to Reading to expand its operations.
Intelligent Waste Management Ltd, known as iWaste, has taken over a lease on a unit at Ducks Nest Farm, Arborfield Cross.
It follows a four-year search for new premises after its previous site in Eversley became too small.
Its new home features 15,000sq ft of space, secure access for heavy goods vehicles, a one-third-acre yard, and a separate, detached warehouse building, all on a gated estate with 24-hour security.
iWaste was established in 2013 by Sam Prentice and Sam Mountain when they spotted a gap in the market for an industry-wide service, and celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.
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Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) regulations mean that the 5.6 million businesses in the UK must dispose of their e-waste responsibly so as to reduce their environmental impact.
As well as collection services, secure data destruction, and recycling, iWaste also provides a WEEE-compliant disposal for businesses.
It is a licensed Approved Authorised Treatment Facility, the highest accreditation in the waste industry awarded by the Environment Agency.
As well as this, it is aiming to off-set more than 100 tonnes of its carbon footprint through the Forest Carbon initiative and is set to become completely paperless during the 2023/2024 financial year.
It also works with organisations such as the NHS and larger national waste companies, and was one of the first e-waste recycling facilities to achieve a B-Corp certification denoting a gold standard of sustainability as assesses by B Lab.
Director Sam Prentice said: “This move – which is not far from our previous home – enables iWaste to take that next step up as a business.
“We are investing heavily in new facilities and we have site potential for onward development as required.”
He explained: “We are very much a national business, thus securing a site with good vehicle access and excellent transportation links was crucial.
“We are within quick reach of both the M4 and the M3 so can easily reach the whole country.
“This site is all about growth and having the capacity to expand further–the next 12 months are really going to be about bedding in, refining our systems and ensuring that we are able to push forward.”
He continued: “Our mission is to divert waste from landfill and to reduce our client’s carbon footprint.
“For every 20 tonnes of waste we collect and recycle from our clients, we plant a tree in woodland near to them, on their behalf.”
As the company moves to Arborfield and expands operations, it is seeking more staff and is focusing on hiring from the Arborfield area for IT, warehouse, driving, and sales roles. n More information about iWaste and how to apply is available via: www.iwaste.co.uk
Changes at the top for Macbeth Insurance
THERE are changes at the top of Thames Valley business, Macbeth, as the company predicts a 15% revenue increase this year.
Millie Smith, Marketing Director, joins CEO Paul Macbeth and MD Ben Butler on the board. Tony Gibbs has stepped down but remains with the business in a senior role.
Ms.Smith will continue to lead the fully integrated marketing strategy for Macbeth, one of the region’s leading independent insurance brokers and financial services firms. Her portfolio of responsibilities includes corporate communications, client experience, digital marketing and community partnerships, an area of strategic importance for the firm.
Since joining Macbeth in March last year as head of marketing, she has been pivotal to consolidating the firm’s brand, overseeing the integration of the firm’s acquisition of Peter Lole.
She led Macbeth’s complete rebrand announced in February this year and has been instrumental in strengthening the firm’s reputation as an employer of choice.
“I’m thrilled to take on this newly created role and help build Macbeth’s brand momentum. To represent marketing at board level feels so rewarding. To take my career to this next level, as a working-mum, working flexibly is incredibly exciting. It’s not something I thought I could have achieved even five years ago and speaks completely to the culture here at Macbeth,” she said.
Paul Macbeth, CEO, added: “From the outset, Millie’s marketing expertise and strategic vision clicked with our energetic culture of entrepreneurialism, professionalism, and genuine client centricity. We know she’s only going to be more impactful for our business in this new role. It’s a real delight to welcome her to the board.”
Charity Golf Day in Wargrave will benefit young and old
TWO borough charities, one that supports youngsters, and the other the over 60s, have clubbed together to hold a joint charity golf competition.
Wokingham’s WADE Day Care Centre which supports older residents, and Home-Start Wokingham which helps families with very young children, are presenting a Charity Golf Day at a local golf course.
“There are some great prizes, “ said Philip Mirfin, chair of trustees at WADE.
“There is £10,000 for anyone who gets a hole in one on the 11th hole.”
Other hole in one prizes are a weekend golfing holiday in Portugal (fifth hole), a Forest Of Arden holiday (ninth hole) and a golf driver prize (seventh hole).
“There are also some great silent auction items to bid for,” added Mr Mirfin, “including a 45-minute trip in a Tiger Moth plane.”
Already 17 teams have signed up for the tournament, but there is room for three more teams of four people.
Tickets cost £65 per person, and include hot snacks at breakfast, a two course carvery lunch and a day of golfing with 18 holes.
The tournament takes place at Hennerton Golf Club, Wargrave on Friday, June 9.
Teams arrive at 8am, with the event ending at 2.30pm.
Anyone interested in joining the golfing day should call WADE on: 0118 978 7025 n For information about the two charities visit: www.wadecentre.org.uk and www.home-start.org. uk (search for Wokingham).