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Vigil held in churchyard to mark Conscientious Objectors’ Day
A vigil in a Wokingham garden of remembrance marked International Conscientious Objectors’ Day.
The churchyard of All Saints Church in Wiltshire Road provided the peaceful setting on Monday, May 15, for the vigil.
The event was to remember people who have resisted armed conflict and have faced persecution and imprisonment as a result.
David Chapman, who belongs to the Peace Pledge Union, read out the names of conscientious objectors around the world. Some have been imprisoned and others are in danger of persecution by their governments.
Those at the vigil took turns to remember each person by laying white chrysanthemums on a plaque bearing the words My peace I give to you. Two of those at the vigil read their own poems.
Others read prose or poetry or spoke a personal reflection.
Michael Freeman said: “The group discussed the need for peace in the world, but how difficult that is to attain when everything is so geared up for war, and there are men like Putin who care nothing for ordinary people in pursuit of his aggressive ambitions.
“This event at All Saints was quiet, thoughtful and beautifully presented by David Chapman.”
Among those present were Peace Pledge Union members and also people from the Society of Friends (Quakers).
Mr Chapman is planning another event on Armistice Day on Saturday, November 11.