A very special place – Castelfalfi When thinking of Tuscany, the mind of people fills with thoughts about sunshine, vineyards and the smell of lavender and sage. And this is only the start, as Tuscany’s marveling cities and towns go beyond imagination. One of these marvelous towns is the hidden pearl named Castelfalfi, which is located in the Tuscan countryside. Its combination of beauty, elegance and 800-year history make it a welcoming place for those seeking the Tuscan lifestyle. Its authentic Tuscan villas, ancient city centre and fertile soil have recently been reactivated and put to use. As more and more Italians moved to the cities in the past century, this sleepy town went into hibernation due to declining numbers of inhabitants. However, recent rediscovery of this amazing town has awakened it from its slumber, leading to an increasing number of visitors and residents. The town’s ancient centre, focused around the church has undergone renovation and now is home to several bistros and cafes, which prepare the most magnificent Tuscan dishes. These bistros use local produce, providing you with an astonishing gastronomic experience. The town has become a true luxury resort, surrounded by roling Tuscan hills, which are spotted by vineyards and beautiful woodlands. These picturesque surrounding landscapes have been used as inspiration for many painters and poets, who try to express its beauty through poem and paintings. It is no wonder that some of the world’s best painters come from such an inspiring environment. Tuscan luxury resort Castelfalfi with its hilly landscapes, green forests and recently opened golf courses, provide amazing daytime activities, followed by pleasant and romantic nights in the resort’s restaurants and luxury villas. Every day brings new opportunities for relaxation, beautiful works or rounds of golf. The world reknown sentence ‘La Dolce Vita’ originates from the beautiful Italian country, and Castelfalfi is no exception. Quality of life is high, which results from a combination of sunshine, great food, beautiful scenery and good wines.
The woodlands surrounding Castelfalfi resort are home to deer, wild boards, porcupines and rabbits, which can be admired during long walks along the farms and forests. For those seeking culture, the churches and castle in town will provide amazing art and architecture which originates from the Medici family, which were very prominent in Tuscany. Their villas in the area are still frequently visited by people all over the world. The family’s wealth can be seen in Florence’s museums and villas, which has amazing Renaissance art and sculptures. A dream to live the Tuscan lifestyle has now become reality for some. The possibility to purchase a holiday home in the Tuscan countryside should be on the wish list for all who are looking to retire and live in this area blessed by sunshine and fertile soil.