How to choose a good backup system ?
Backup system
Backup system
Online backup (also called Cloud), is a system that stores your files on network servers. This way you can access your data anywhere at any time and reduce IT costs for the company.
Of course, the online servers where your documents are stored are secure.
There are many online backup providers and whose offers often depend on storage size, type of use or multiplicity of channels used.
How to choose ?
How to choose ?
Every supplier is different !
Indeed many cloud providers initially offered services to private user only, so that the offers do not correspond to company needs.
There are some market standards, but many companies do not apply them.
The development of Clouds resulted in many similar offers that all look similar. The price is often perceived as a quality mark but this does not necessarily reflect the reality.
Advice Security
of your data must be ensured ! Choose a provider that offers only backup products.
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yourself about the company’s:
Activities Previous failures Assistance What insurance do they provide if a problem occurs? Credibilty
Personal Example
I use Mozy services as a professional and in private
Mozy is :
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An optimal and operational service since 2005 Simple and smart to use A product that applies the ISO 27001 standard (for data security) Described as military protection (double data encryption and personal password) Offering IT support Good value for money Used and recognized by renown companies like LVMH, Ford etc.