Agile Adoption Report 2021 CertiProf

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Agi le organiz ati ons i nc lude a net work of teams i nside of a huma n-focused cu ltu re, wit h ada pt ation abilitie s, conti nuous lea rnin g , and quick decisio n c yc le s. Tec hno log y ma kes t hese c ycles easier wi th a common purp ose: To c re ate va lue for a ll the con ce rned pa r Thets.year 2021 c ha lle nged orga ni zations to c han ge thei r dy namics and ada pt them to the digital revolution . I t t ra nsformed indu strie s, e co nomie s, a nd socie ty. T he e nvi ron ment dema nds quick evoluti on, speeds up digitali zation, and i nvo lves mu ltidi recti onal commu nic ati on. Ce r ti Prof ’s Agi le Ad opti on Repo r t is about agilit y app rop ri ation . It aims to k now and a na lyze the work inside the communit y of pa r tner s, trai ne rs, stude nts, a nd p rofe ssionals a ll ove r the glob e, based o n the f ram ewor ks, p racti ce s, discipline s, p roject s, and experien ces i n the agi le world . This rep or t is bei ng re leased wi th ou t comme rcial purpose s.


To encourage the broadest possible participation, CertiProf issued more than 10,000 contributor badges through Until October 2021, 8,380 survey contributors accepted that recognition, rewarding the agile community members who supported us in building this report.



This version of t he Agi le Ad opti on Repo r t was co nduc ted 100% on line bet ween May a nd Au gu st of 2021, a nd it was sponso red by 42 of our a cc redi ted pa r tne rs. They pl ayed a key pa r t in i ts c re atio n and di st ribution th roug h di verse communic ation c hannels th at reac hed indi vidua ls ac ro ss various i ndu strie s, includi ng global s oft wa re d evelop ment, techno lo g y, hea lthca re, social scien ce s, a r t, busine ss, a nd fi na nce s. This repo r t i ncludes 12,088 respo nses f ro m 100 coun tries a nd was co llec ted in 3 lan gua ges i n w hich 83% lef t their personal in form ati on . Only 17% we re a no nymou s—gi vi ng a di ve rse and globa l vi ew of t he agile commu nity world wid e.


The tec hn ol og y a nd s oftwa re d evelopme nt sec tor continue posi tioning itself as t he top a rea to app ly agile fram ewo rks, fo llowed by fina ncia l se r vi ce s. Scrum con tinues to be t he agile p rac ti ce t hat respo ndents a re m ost familiar with, fo ll owed by Ka nba n, Sc rumba n, a nd Lea n Sta r tu p. Co mpa red to t he p revi ous yea r, the pe rcen ta ge of people who h ave le ss than 2 yea rs of experien ce p rac ticing agile (42%) continues to be the g rowi ng tre nd of new people ado pting agi le p racti ce s. On t he othe r hand, 43% of o rganiz atio ns have experien ce ado pti ng agi le p rac ti ces for a round 1 to 5 yea rs. The mai n a reas ma naging agi le p rac ti ces in the o rgani zatio n a re IT, Engineeri ng , Project Ma na gemen t offi ce s, and S of twa re Develop men t. The mai n reaso ns for i mplemen ting agile p racti ces a re to a ccele rate p roduct or se r vi ce deli ve r y, imp rove busine ss, IT alig nme nt, a nd i nc rease p roduc ti vi ty. HERE ARE 3



A cco rding to t he resu lts, few companies (20%) h ave su cceeded in ado pting D evOps in thei r o rga niz atio n. H oweve r, 72% of the peop le su r veyed conside r that DevOps t ran sfo rm atio n in o rga niz atio ns is fu ndamen ta l . This yea r 's fi ndings i ndic ate a sig nificant g rowth in t he i mpleme nt ation of OKR. O n ave ra ge, 7 out of 10 of the respo nden ts' companies have imp le me nted O KR at dif fe rent l evels whe re the team l evel is the mo st commo nly used . 63% of orga ni zati ons have imp le men ted OKR at a ll OKR l evel s, and 51% co nsider th at their o rgani zatio n is inn ovati ve. The mai n cha lle nges of ad opti ng agi le p racti ces in o rganiz ations a re resi sta nce to cha nge, t raditional d evelopme nt method s, and the tea m's i nconsi ste nc y of p ro ce sses a nd p racti ce s. 72% of respo nden ts a re pa r t of di st ribu ted agile team s, and despi te the cur rent situ atio n, 34% of organi zations h ave inc reased thei r p roduc ti vi ty due to the pandemic, and 46% h ave remai ned the sam e. We wan t to th a nk t he en t i re co m mu n i ty for b e ing pa r t of this re po r t d eve lopm en t. Th e Agile Ado ption Re po r t is t h e result of a co ll abo ra t i ve work p hi loso p hy an d s e r ves to s h a re kn owl e dg e to i m p rove t h e lear n i n g p ro ce ss of our li fe lo n g lear n er s . Our g o a l i s to co n t in u e co n tr i buti ng to t h e p ro g re ss an d evo lvem en t of t he agile com m uni ty. 5 3


AGENDA AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 6 2221201918181717171615151414141312111098777RESPONDENT DEMOGRAPHICS • Age Group • Gender ROLESBACKGROUNDMEMBERSLOCATION • Developers AGILITYINDUSTRY • Agile Practices • Agile Transformation • Agile Areas and Tools • Agile Teams REASONS TO ADOPT AGILE PRACTICES DEVOPS • DevOps Initiative • DevOps Status • DevOps Transformation • IT Status • Continuous Deployment SUCCESS IMPLEMENTATIONPERCENTAGEMEASUREMENTOFINITIATIVESANDPLANNING 43-4440-4237-38363534333231313029282726252424242323232239• OKR • Planning • Innovation • Hierarchies COMPANY EXPERIENCE AND AGILE ADOPTION • Scrum Master/Agile Coach • Distributed Teams AGILECHALLENGESFRAMEWORKS • IT Environment DISCIPLINES/PRACTICES/FRAMEWORKS • Agile Practices/Tools/Artifacts/Techniques/Events • Technical Debt PERFORMANCESUCESSFRAMEWORKSMATURITYMEASUREMENT • Remote Work • Results IMPROVEMENTS AND CHANGES COMMUNITYEXPERIENCEPERIODICITYIN THE ORGANIZATION SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS

This par t of the sur vey collects informa tion from various professionals around the world such as age, gender, geographic loca tion, roles, and industries. RESPONDENT DEMOGRAPHICS AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 7 AGE GROUP 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 50 51 or Older 28% 43% 23% 5% 21 or under 1% 19%G79%ENDER FemaleMale2% Other


*Others include: Pakistan, Venezuela , Indonesia , Guatemala , Nigeria , Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia , El Salvador, Morocco, Nicaragua , Egypt, Panama , Sri Lanka , Por tugal , Honduras, Saudi Arabia , Singapore, United Kingdom, Canada , United Arab Emirates, South Africa , Malaysia , Germany, Tunisia , Bangladesh, France, Algeria , Cuba , Nepal , Italy, Thailand, Czech Republic, Australia , Netherlands, Japan, Jordan, Oman, Mozambique, Ghana , Poland, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Angola , Cameroon, Ethiopia , Ireland, Mauritius, Armenia , Belgium, Kenya , Uganda , Bahrain, Ivory Coast, Greece, Iraq, Jamaica , Romania , Sudan, Sweden, Antigua and Barbuda , Cambodia, Estonia , Fiji, Hong Kong , Qatar, Tanzania , Turkey, Ukraine, Benin, Brunei, Bulgaria , Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Macedonia , Nor way, Senegal , Slovakia , South Korea , Switzerland, Zambia , Zimbabwe, Albania , Andorra , Aruba , Austria , Bhutan, Botswana , Chad, China , Croatia , Cyprus, Haiti, Iran, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg , Maldives, Mali, Malta , New Zealand, Saint Vicent and the Granadines, Serbia , Sierra Leone and Trinidad and Tobago.

Which countr y do you work in? LOCATION

How many employees work for your company/organization? MEMBERS less than 50 50–250 251–1000 1001–5000 5001 or more 23% 18% 18% 18% 23% AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 9

Agilit y has been the grea test influence and guidance for academic fields of technolog y or sof tware development . However, it also has been fundamental in the grow th of many other areas of study as healthcare, social sciences, ar t , business, or finance. BACKGROUND AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 10 1%1%1%9%3% Social sciences Medicine or psychology 1% Art or design NOtheratural or mathematical sciences Business, finance, or economy 29% 55% Engineering Technology or software development Your academic background is associated with:

AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 11 ROLES Which role best describes the position you hold in your company? MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION 9% 6% 1% 5% 7% 10%12% 6%6% 16% 1% 4% TeamEngineerLeader Program or ProjectScrumManagerMaster Business Analyst Product Manager/Product Owner ExternalAgConsultantileCoachCLevelSalesDevOps VP/Director/ManagerOperations 17% The top 5 roles to which respondents belong are: Team Leader, Engineer, Program or Project Manager, Scrum Master, and Business Analyst.

What percentage of your developers belong to your organization? What percentage of your developers are full stack? AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 12

Developers are key digital talents in any organization— more than 50% of those surveyed say that more than half of the developers are part of the organization's staff, are full stack

however, 49%

programmers with a hybrid profile between the front end and back end developer. DEVELOPERSNoneLess than 50% 8% 37% 12% 42% 1% 50% Don’t know More than 50% Don’t2%knowNone Less than 50% 14% 49% 14% 21% 50% More than 50%

The industries tha t actively have a direct rela tionship with the agile methodologies are IT with 42% and financial ser vices with 14%. AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 13 IT Financial services TelecommunicationsEducation Manufacturing /Industrial Government TransportationEnergyInsuranceRetail Professional serHvicesealth 14% 3%3%5%5%6%7%4% Other 2%3%2%2%Non-profit Entertainment 1%1% Which of the options below best describes the industr y that you work for? 42% INDUSTRY


AGILITY How long has your company been using agile practices? 19% 22% 21% 9%12%17% 1 year or less 1–2 years More than 5 years I don’t know We don’t practice agile 3 5 years AGILE PRACTICES Have you par ticipated in the agile transformation of a company? AGILE TRANSFORMATION Y62%ES 38NO%

Compared to the Agile Adoption Repor t 2020, an additional 5% of the sur veyed par ticipants are currently par ticipating in the agile transformation process in their companies, which shows that more people are now involved in these processes.

AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 15 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Which area of your organization have adopted agile principles or practices? AGILE AREAS AND TOOLS Software DevelopmentInformation Technology Human Resources FinancesMarketing Sales 37% 33% 8% 6% 5% 5% I don’t know 6% Currently, the respondents show no varia tion on the depar tments in charge of managing agile methodologies compared to the Agile Adoption Repor t 2020. S till , it is impor tant to note the percentage increase in Product Management . It increased 4%, going from 7% to 11%. Which area is in charge of managing agile methodologies within your organization? AGILE TEAMS IT Engineorering C-Level ManaProductgementProject OManagementffice 45% 33% 11% 11%





or services Improve the alignment between business

projects Improve

priorities Better

REASONS TO ADOPT AGILE PRACTICES 14% 12% 10%10% 7%8%8%8%9% 4%4%6% Expedite

Respond en ts Hi ghli ght : As more organiza tions adopt agile practices, we can see how “improve the abilit y to change priorities ” reason is becoming more impor tant , positioning within the top 6. This reason obtained grea ter relevance this year compared to previous editions of the Agile Adoption Repor t , where the main reason for adopting agile practice was to improve sof tware qualit y.

teams Increase productivity Reduce

projects Improve software quality Improve

The three main reasons to adopt agile practices in the team or organiza tion are expediting the deliver y of products or ser vices, improving alignment between the business and IT depar tment , and increasing productivit y. the delivery of product and IT project the visibility of the ability to change management of distributed the cost of maintainasoftwarebility team morale is the most impor tant reason to adopt agile practices in your team or organization?


risk Improve delivery prediction Improve

Initial stage Adopted throughout the organization Adoption only at one project level or more It doesn’t exist 28% 20% 23% 29%


DevOps initiatives that are in progress show a 3% grow th compared to the repor t 's previous editions, suggesting that more organizations are interested in adopting DevOps to streamline their software deliver y lifecycle and to be able to deliver better software faster.

DevOps maintains a strong level of interest suppor ted by the advantages it brings to many organizations. 72% of respondents consider that a DevOps transformation is essential in their organization. At the same time, 26% are planning a DevOps initiative, and 28% of the companies are in an early stage of DevOps. This shows a great oppor tunit y for growth. 51% 49%



What is the current state of DevOps in your organization?

Do you have any DevOps initiatives in progress and/or planned in the next 12 months? DEVOPS INITIATIVE 29% 26% 21%24% I don’t have any DevOps initiatives Planning a DevOps initiative DevOps initiative underway I don’t know DevOps is a methodolog y tha t combines practices and tools to increase an organiza tion's abilit y to deliver applica tions and ser vices faster than the traditional sof tware development processes, by enabling the organiza tion to ser ve their customers better and be more competitive.

How would you describe the current state of your IT depar tment in regards to DevOps? IT STATUS 25% 19% 9% 6% 9% 5% 27% Implementing DevOps at a project level or multiple projects Starting the planning stage for the next 12 months Implementing DevOps throughout the organization Previously performed trial and errorN/A Consciously implementing DevOps Planning to implement DevOps in the next 12 months How impor tant is DevOps transformation in your organization? DEVOPS TRANSFORMATION Very important 40% 32% 17% 11% Important Somewhat importantIt’snot important AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 18

Continuous deployment focuses on implementing solutions in production environments, however, more than 50% of respondents say that less than half or no projects have a continuous deployment pipeline created. This opens up a possibility for organizations to understand and apply these activities associated with “operations” in DevOps, to lead higher quality products and ensure they can be effectively monitored and supported post-release.

CONTINUOUS DEPLOYMENT 2% None Less than 50% 17% 36% 14% 31% 50% Don’t know More than 50%

What percentage of your projects have a continuous deployment pipeline created?


The respondents' opinions remained the same, suggesting the agile transforma tion's success is measured under external measures. transformations?

Organiza tions measure the success of agile transforma tions through User/Customer sa tisfaction (35%) and Business value (20%).


How does your organization measure the success of agile

User/Customer satisfaction 35% On-time delivery 9% Process improvement 7% Productivity 7% Business objectives achieved 6% Quality 4% Product scope 2% Project visibility 2% Predictability 2% Organizational culture 1% I don’t know 5% Business value 20% AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 20


Less than 50% 50% 37% 16% 41% 6% Between 51% and 90% 100% 37% of our respondents admitted tha t less than 50% of their initia tives are using agile frameworks. 16% claimed tha t 50% of their initia tives were agile and only 6% claimed to be 100% agile. The responses to this question reveal an approach from companies to Gar tner ’s Bimodal IT premise, in which the organiza tion work in a hybrid model between traditional and agile.

PERCENTAGE OF INITIATIVES What percentage of your initiatives are agile?

“Bimodal IT is the practice of managing two separate, coherent modes of IT deliver y, one focuses on stability and the other on agility. Mode 1 is traditional and sequential , emphasizing safety and accuracy. Mode 2 is explorator y and nonlinear, emphasizing agility and speed. Bimodal IT is the only sustainable solution for businesses in an increasingly disruptive digital world.” Gartner


At knowledge center level Throughout the organization At business unit level At no level At team level In recent years OKRs have been adopted by many companies. For the Agile Adoption Repor t 2021, we included a question where we were able to quantif y said implementa tion in companies for the first time. We found tha t 32% of the par ticipants already have OKRs implemented a t the team level and 23% a t the business level . In addition to the repor t 's result , Cer tiProf presented a significant growth in its OKR Certified Professional (OKRCP) cer tifica tion program, placing it within the top 5 programs with most cer tified people.


Antônio Polo, OKR Co ac h an d Agile Spec iali st at Neon Ban k what level are

"It is a mistake to think that OKRs are just a goal system. OKR is a critical thinking model that ensures ever yone works together with high levels of engagement, alignment and communication. OKR is fundamentally an organizational culture reinforcement tool . They helped Google grow 10 times more and kept the company on track when it mattered most."


OKRs implemented in your organization?

25% 40% 24% 11% HIERARCHIES How many hierarchical levels does your organization have? AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 23 Today more than ever, organiza tions are reviewing their stra tegic plans more constantly. 63% of the respondents do so in terms of less than or equal to 1 year. The most common period is ever y year, with 34% of the responses. PLANNING Strategic planning is reviewed Every five years Every two years Every year Semi-annually Quarterly 5% 8% 34% 13% 16% I am not aware of these cycles 24% INNOVATION How innovative do you consider your organization? 24% 51% 25% Highly innovative Innovative Not very innovative

24AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 COMPANY EXPERIENCE AND AGILE ADOPTION T he COV ID -19 pandemic i n 2020 a ccele rated the g rowt h of the di st ribu ted agile tea mwo rk mode l . 72% of t he teams consider t hat th ey d o n ot work i n the same loc atio n. Does your organization have agile teams in which members do not work in the same location? DISTRIBUTED TEAMS 72% 28% How many Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, or equivalent roles does your organization have? SCRUM MASTER/AGILE COACH I am the only one 2 or more 5 or more 10 or more N/A 13% 26% 17% 23% 21%

AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 25 CHALLENGES What is the most significant challenge or barrier to adopting or scaling agile practices in your current organization? 5%6%7%7%8%9%10%11%12% 3%3% Resistance to change throughout the organization Presence of traditional development methods Organizational culture in disagreement with agile values Inadequate support management and sponsorship Inconsistent processes and practices throughout the team There is not enough participation and leadership Insufficient training and education Absence of business/Client/P.O. availabilty Collaboration and shared knowledge are minimal Regulatory compliance or government problem None of our agile projects would beunsuconsideredccessful 1%Other MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION

or scaling agile practices in an organiza


9%Absence of skill or experience with agile methods Fragmented tools and data related to projects 9%

The most common barrier to adopting tion continues to be resistance to change. However, in the 2020 repor t this reason obtained 34% of the responses, which has now dropped to 12%.

Agile frameworks and practices are a series of values and principles based on the Agile Manifesto. Agile principles are based on people and their relationships. They seek quick delivery of the highest quality products and services and create a lasting relationship with the client that will understand what is going on and can make changes that are feasible in terms of time and cost. Once again, the respondents highlighted Scrum as the most frequent framework used in organizations, with 45% identif ying it as the popular agile framework, followed closely by Kanban with 24% and Scrumban with 7%.

"Since the Scrum authors have kept Scrum as a lightweight and simple framework, it has allowed us to do things under the agile cloak and maintain a lean mindset without leaving aside our human and civilized ability of thinking and feeling."

AGILE FRAMEWORKS45%24% Don’t know 7% 6% 5% 4% 5% XP 3% Other 1% AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 26

Agile Culture: That Obscure Object of Desire


Lucho Salazar, Scrumdamentalism: or of the agile dogma. 2019.

Agile is positioned as the main approach or methodolog y used in the IT environment 16% of respondents use ISO S tandards, and only 6% DevOps, showing a grea t grow th oppor tunit y in tha t field.


CHOICE QUESTION What approaches or methodologies do you primarily apply in your IT environment today? 50 % 6 %28 % 16 % Agile DevOpsITIL ISO Standards IT ENVIRONMENT



AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 28 Besides Scrum, what practices or frameworks do you use? DISCIPLINES/PRACTICES/FRAMEWORKSDevOpsKanbanXPTDD43%41%6%10% MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION


Daily stand-up meetings


tion planning


The agile techniques or practices most used by tions are Kanban (14%) and (10%), followed by /Itera tion (9%), and /Itera (9%).


10%14% 9%9% 6%7%8%6% 5%5%5% 4%4%4%4% Kanban Daily stand-up meetings Sprint/Iteration review Sprint/Iteration planning Retrospectives Delivery planning SmallPlanniterationsingpokerIntegration of the development and testing teams Agile/Lean UX Agile portfolio planning Frequent releases Shared work area Team estimations Product route map AGILE PRACTICES/TOOLS/ARTIFACTS/TECHNIQUES/EVENTS What practices/tools/ar tifacts/techniques/events does your organization use? MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION


D oes you r orga niz ati on have a tec hnica l de bt moni toring syste m? YES NO AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 30 42% 55% KDON’T3%NOW TECHNICAL DEBT

What closely follow

to help scale agile in agile methodologies?

framework does your company most



Organiza tions

are using agile practices but still ma turing (34%), experimenting with agile practices (15%), and considering an agile initia tive (20%). The par ticipants agreed Scrum@Scale (33%) is the most used framework , followed by SAFe with 15%. AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 31 Using agile practices, but still maturing Considering an agile initiative High level of competency User/Customer satisfaction with agile practices throughout the organization Experimenting with agile practices No agile initiatives Agile practices are enabling great adaptability to market conditions 4% 20% 15% 15% 34%12% How would you rate your organization’s agile maturity? SAFe DAD Nexus Other LeSS 3% None 36% 15% Scrum@Scale 33%

Organiza tions measure the success of individual agile projects through user/customer sa tisfaction (15%) and the value of the business delivered (10%). AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 32 SUCCESS MEASUREMENT How does your oganization measure the success of individual agile projects? MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION 15% 9%10% 6%6%6% 5% 4%4%4%4%4%4% 2%3%3%3%3%2%2% User/Customer satisfaction Value of business delivered Budget vs. actual cost Earned value CycleSpetimeed Work in process Customer retention Burn up Chart Revenue/Sales Troubleshooting Planned vs. actual release dates Product utilization Estimation accuracy Production defects Hours/Weeks per iteration Successful testing /Failures over time Cumulative flow chart Planned vs. actual stories per iteration Scope change in a delivery 1%Defects in time


Which of the following areas of your organization remained same with agile?


the implementations of


Which of the following areas of organization

has improved with the implementations of agile?

31% of the respondents claimed tha the adoption of agile did have any impact on the organiza tion's general per formance.

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Business/IT Alignment Priority management Release speed/ Time to market Project visibility Project risk reduction Project prediction Team morale Software quality Team productivity Software maintenance Project cost reduction Engineering as a discipline Business/IT Alignment Priority management Release speed/ Time to market Project visibility Project risk reduction Project prediction Team morale Software quality Team productivity Software maintenance Project cost reduction Engineering as a discipline AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 33 15% 13%9%8%8%7%7%7%5%7%6%6% Do not know 10%7%10%11%7%10%9%6%7%6%7%7%5%



"Many people felt that agile and remote work were not compatible. Actually, they complement each other. Agile approaches emphasize awareness and reacting to the marketplace. Remote work allows for delivering value more flexibly. Flexibility is the common factor."

Mark Kilby, Remote Agile Leader and co-author of the book

AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 34 To w hat ex tent, do agi le p rac ti ces ma ke i t easier for you to work rem ote ly ? 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Select from one (1) to ten (10), where one (1) means it has not helped at all and ten (10) means it has helped considerably. 2% 2% 2% 7% 7% 14% 25% 17% 23% It has not helped at 14%all 86% It has helped considerably

From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams


How long does it take for your organization to have the ser vice available again to users after it has stopped at any of its levels?

Less than 1 day Less than a week 13% 34% 36% 17% Between 1 week to 1 month More than 1 month


Less than 3 months Between 3 and 6 months 28% 32% 20% 10% 4% 6% Between 6 months and 1 year More than 2 years

How long does it take for an idea to be born until it becomes a solution in the hands of the user?


How long does the removal of impediments take on average in your organization?

Between 1 week to 1 month Less than a week 40% 25% 25% 10% Less than a day Less than an hour

Between 1 and 2 years Less than 1 month

Regarding the improvements identified in the equipment These are carried out for the most part These are sometimes implemented These are not implemented 44% 30%26% IMPROVEMENTS AND CHANGES AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 36 Has your organization modified the hiring schemes to embrace the agile approach? Yes 26% Partially 28% Don’t know 21% No 25% MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION

IMPROVEMENTS AND CHANGES AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 37 Does you r o rga ni zati on have Desig n Thi nki ng p roce sses i n pla ce for p roduc t c re ati on? Yes 30% Partially 22% Don’t know 23% No 25%

How many value releases do you have in a year? 10 or less 43% 40% 11% 5% Between11-100 101Between-499 More than 500 per year 1% Ikdon’tnow AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 38 PERIODICITY How agile is your organization in making decisions and making changes? How often do your teams release solutions to end users? Several times a day Daily Weekly Bi-Weekly Monthly More 6% 11% 25% 18% 25% 15% Several times a day Daily Weekly Bi-Weekly Monthly Quarterly Yearly More 2% 3% 30% 4% 31% 16% 11% 3%

How many years of experience do you have practicing agile? EXPERIENCE 42% 25% 15% 4% 1% 13% Less than 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years More than 15 years L None This question refers to agile projects a t the team level , a t the business or organiza tional unit level . How many Agile projects have you worked on? 37% 29% 21% 13% AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 39 What are the big gest challenges facing the People area of your organization? 22% Attracting high performance talent 21% Developing leadership skills 20% Defining a competency development program 19% Connecting with the organizational culture 18% Performance management MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION

AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 40 COMMUNITY IN THE ORGANIZATION 15% 21%26% 38% Less than 3 months Between 3 and 6 months Between 6 months and 1 year More than 1 year How often can a person change roles in your organization? To what extent do you consider that people in your organization feel par t of a community? 5% 8% 32% 35% 20% 1 2 3 4 5 Choose a value on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being totally true and 1 not at all . Constantly Every 3 months or less 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months More than 12 monthsNever 28% 13% 15% 16% How often does your organization gather entrepreneurial ideas from all its members to innovate the business? 12% 16%

AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 41 Point out the characteristics that you perceive of the leaders of your organization EmpathyListening skills Inspires to ser ve FEmpoweringacilitatesthe formation of your team23%21%22%16%18%

"The pandemic has changed the way I see and do things.

Adapting to new life and work habits has been a challenge. After adjusting and getting more control over my workday, I can say that the pandemic didn't impact my work productivity. In fact, in many cases, I can strongly say that it increased instead."

AGILE ADOPTION REPORT 2021 42 How has the pandemic impacted productivity in your organization? 20% 46% 34%

Maribel Agredo, Operations Manager at CertiProf

Productivity has decreased Productivity has increased Productivity has remained the same



C E RTI P ROF ® is a r egi st e r ed t rademark of C e r t i Prof, L LC i n t he U n i t ed S ta t es and /o r o t he r coun tr ie s. w w w.ce r tip m @Cer tiprof@Cer tiProf @Cer tiprof_llc@Cer tiprof Cer tiProf LLC

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