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Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM
The 48th Saskatchewan Charolais Association Annual Meeting was held at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon, July 22nd. This year it was held in conjunction with the CCYA Conference and Show with 25 members in attendance.
The executive of the SCA for the upcoming year remains the same with Orland Walker, Hudson Bay taking his 4th year as president; Donna Ross, Coronach taking her 4th year as 1st vice-president; Greg Gilliland, Carievale sitting for his second year as 2nd Vice-President and Dave Blechinger, Rosetown going into his 4th year as SecretaryTreasurer. Donna Ross; Carey Weinbender, Canora and Mike McAvoy, Arelee were re-elected for 3 year terms while Glen Mangels, Arborfield, was elected for a two year term replacing the retiring Donna McMorris of Balcarres.
The 2010 financial statement showed a $10,236 profit on expenditures of $22,412. Members’ equity is just over $46,000 with $24,000 in term deposit.
The SCA’s largest expenditure was again the Advertising and Promotion category. Radio advertising along with print advertising in various magazines covered the budget in 2010. Show expense was the next biggest expense with prize money at the Canadian Western Agribition commercial show taking a large part of this. The secretary wages rounded out the top three and largest costs to the Association.
In 2010 four embroidered jackets were awarded to 4-H winners showing a Grand or Reserve Grand Champion steer or female at the Regional Show level. Also 4-H members showing Charolais influence animals at their Acheivement Days were receiving stainless steel water bottles.
Discussion was held on distributing the last of the SCA maps made in 2006 and then looking at doing a new Breeder Directory in 2012 with a mobile app from the CCA and SCA websites.
Wade Beck and Neil Gillies gave a report from the Canadian Charolais Association and talked about office and association happenings along with a report of the CCA AGM in the Maritimes in June.
Layne Evans gave a youth report and invited everyone to attend the conference show the next day and show support for the youth.
Donna McMorris gave a progress report on the policy, procedures and areas that were identified to be improved upon over the last few years. Donna showed great determination to have things organized and worked very hard to achieve the tasks at hand. I hope that the SCA board will continue with this work.
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SCA Breeder of the Year Award presented by last year’s recipient John Wilgenbusch to Layne, Paula, Shae-Lynn, Shelby & Calina Evans of Horseshoe E Charolais
2011 SCA Board of Directors: Front row (l-r) Mike McAvoy, Arelee; Donna Ross, Coronach (1st Vice-President); Orland Walker, Hudson Bay (President); Greg Gilliland, Carievale (2nd Vice President) Back row (l-r)Layne Evans, Kenaston; Dave Blechinger, Rosetown (Secretary-Treasurer); Carey Weinbender, Canora & Dennis Metz, Lumsden. Missing is Glen Mangels, Arborfield.
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2011 SCA Booster of the Year Award was presented by Layne Evans to Delbert & Margaret Schmidt of Tugaske Orland Walker presents Donna McMorris with a token of appreciation as she retires from the Board of Directors
Darlene Voegeli is working on the SCA history book and needs direction from the membership to proceed. Please contact her with feedback.
Gerry Bowes, the Charolais fieldman for Saskatchewan and Manitoba, gave a report on his activities including attending 23 sales in Saskatchewan the past year. He feels he needs to redistribute his time as Auction Markets don’t have enough people at times. He will be attending more beef events such as the Beef Industry Conference, Redvers Ag Show, Edam Fall Fair, etc. He also requested more funding to cover more events.
Garner Deobald also gave an update on the Russian market and spoke of a recent delegation here from Kazakhstan. “There will be cattle moving to both countries in the next year or two,” he explained.
Garner also gave a report on the Saskatchewan Stockgrowers of which he is the SCA Liason. He explained the different committees and their responsibilities within the organization.
The meeting was followed by joining the CCYA conference out at Floral Hall for a great roast beef supper sponsored and cooked by Harder Farms and T Bar C Cattle Co. The evening concluded with presentation of the SCA Breeder of the Year award to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston and the SCA Booster of the year award to Delbert and Margaret Schmidt, Tugaske.