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Canadian Charolais Youth Association News

CCYA National Board charolaisyouth@gmail.com

President: Michael Hunter 780-581-9005 mike_hunter40@hotmail.com Vice-President: Luke Marshall futureal@telusplanet.net Treasurer: Kirstin Sparrow kp.sparrow@hotmail.com Secretary: Sarah Weinbender sarahbarah_8@hotmail.com Director: Autumn Jackson a_jackson_22@hotmail.com Director: Travis Jozwiak jozwiak@telus.net Director: Candace Alexander candace641@hotmail.com Director: Michael Hogg topcharolais@hotmail.com


CCYA 2011 Conference Executive

President: Brandon Sparrow Vice-Pres: Sarah Weinbender Secretary: Kirstin Sparrow Treasurer: Katie MacMillan

CCYA Provincial Presidents

AB: Russell Gallelli 403-804-7442 MB: Haylan Jackson 204-564-2547 ON: Candace Alexander 519-353-5029 SK: Brandon Sparrow 306-292-9820

CCYA Provincial Advisors

SK: Darwin Rosso 306-693-2384 ON: Katrina Coughlin 613-897-0044 MB: Donna Jackson 204-564-2547 / Barb Airey 204-328-7103 AB: Loretta Paget 780-877-3985 Youth Coordinator: Katrina Coughlin katrina_coughlin@hotmail.com

Another Great Conference in Saskatoon!

Brandon Sparrow, Treasurer

The CCYA Conference and Show 2011 edition has come and gone and what a week it was! I would like to again thank all the families for coming to Saskatoon and participating in the conference organized by the Saskatchewan Juniors. From the insane opening mixer to the always anticipated banquet and dance, the show went off without a hitch and a great time was had by all. Stay tuned for all the pictures and stories in next month’s Charolais Banner!

Since CCYA 1999 in Saskatoon I have attended 12 Conferences, missing only one, and I can now say that I wish I had a couple more to look forward to. Not one summer was a disappointment and the memories and friends I have from CCYA are too numerous to count. Many great people have put on these events over the years and kept the youth movement strong within the Charolais breed, and for that I am grateful. The CCYA has had a huge impact on my life and planning a conference this past summer was a perfect way to end my CCYA “career”. I received an email shortly after the conference from a family who attended this year. After arriving back at home their kitchen became covered in old Banners and glue from end to end as the kids started practicing making magazine ads for next year’s conference! The kids just couldn’t get enough and were already looking forward to next year. I thought this was a perfect example of how much fun kids have at CCYA.

To all the juniors out there who will soon have the chance to plan a conference in your own province, give it a shot! If you have a great team, the conference will come together before you know it and it is a very rewarding experience. There is a multitude of ex-CCYAers at your disposal, should you ever need directions or advice, so don’t be afraid to give any one of us a call!

It was great to see so many new enthusiastic Juniors at this year’s show, and like I told many of their parents, once you bring them to their first conference they’ll be hooked for life! I hope the remainder of everyone’s summer goes great and I look forward to seeing many of you at the fall shows. In closing, I wish the Alberta planning committee the best of luck with their conference next summer, and I am sure many Juniors are already counting down the days until CCYA 2012!


producers as well as the purebred breeders, give us a call. If Craig Scott or I can be of any assistance with picturing, advertising or marketing please let us know. If you can’t get to some of the early females sales, we will also be able to represent your interests there. Always in the best


Aussi en cette revue il y a un rapport de l’assemblée générale annuelle d’association du charolais de Saskatchewan, qui a été tenue en même temps que le CCYA à Saskatoon. Un point de discussion est venu de Gerry Bowes, le « fieldman » en Saskatchewan. Il a demandé aux éleveurs d’encourager leurs clients commerciaux à venir aux expositions et vendre leurs veaux aux événements comme l’exposition commerciale d’Agribition. Créez vos propres motivations financières pour les 50 aider à apporter leurs veaux du charolais aux expositions pour donner une plus grands présence et profil au charolais dans l’industrie commerciale.

La conférence et l’exposition de CCYA étaient un grand succès. Le plein rapport de l’événement sera dans la revue d’octobre du Banner. Félicitations à tous les jeunes et parents qui ont organisé cet événement merveilleu. L’année prochaine la conférence est en Alberta ainsi planifier d’être présent.

La Connection d’automne est notre

Charolais Banner • August 2011 interest of Charolais.

Until next time,


prochaine revue. Contactez-nous si vous voulez annoncer à plus de 10.000 producteurs commerciaux plus les éleveurs de race. Si Craig Scott ou moi peut vous aider avec les photographes des animaux, la publicité ou la marché svp nous font savoir. Si vous ne pouvez pas assister aux ventes tôt de femelles, nous pouvons représenter vos intérêts là aussi bien. Toujours dans le meilleur intérêt du charolais.

À la prochaine,


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