August 2012 Charolais Banner

Page 68

WHITECAP REVOLVER 69Y• DWK TILL'S ECHO 3N x WHITECAP SABRE'S LADY 71P OUR SENIOR HERDSIRES SPARROWS SEMINOLE 927W STEPPLERS DISTINCTION 38T OUR OUTCROSS JUNIOR HERD BULL FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY 80 Purebred Charolais Cows 60 Purebred Charolais Open Heifers STEPPLER FARMS 2ND ANNUAL BULL SALE March 26, 2013 Box 7, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 Dan & Pat 204.435.2021 Andre & Katie 204.435.2463 Cell 204.750.1951 6 miles west of Miami and 1.5 miles south Watch for our sale consignments at AGRIBITION and the NO BORDERS SALE Charolais Banner • August 2012 3

On the cover…

This scene was captured at Elgin Charolais, Scotland, during the World Charolais Congress tour. Full story starts on page 37.

Photo: Helge By Design: Susan Penner

124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 546-3940 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email:

ISSN 0824-1767

Helge By, Manager/Publisher

Candace By, Managing Editor email:

Susan Penner, Production/Design email:

Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 email:


Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 5107 Shannon Drive, Olds, AB T4H 1X3 Res. (403) 507-2258 Fax (403) 507-2268 Cell (403) 651-9441 email:

Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada Helge By 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Office (306) 546-3940 Office Fax (306) 546-3942 Res. (306) 584-7937 Cell (306) 536-4261 email: Web Co-ordinator Cynthia Beck (306) 436-4564

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Payable by credit card at

All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. $42.00 3 yrs. $105.00 USA

1 yr. - $75, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $115 3 yrs. - $200, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $320 Overseas 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $120 3 yrs. - $210, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $330

4 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Obituary – Cheryl Sim....................................................................34 Obituary – Doris Bargholz.............................................................34 Heart of Canada.............................................................................34 World Charolais Congress ............................................................37 Charolais International AGM........................................................60 CCA New Members........................................................................66 Australia 2012................................................................................68 Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM..................................76 From the Field..................................................................................8 Du champ........................................................................................10 Charolais Life.................................................................................12 Keeping Track.................................................................................18 Herd Health ....................................................................................26 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News..............................62 Calendar.........................................................................................85 Index...............................................................................................86 August
VOL. 46, NO. 3 Departments Features
Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher. The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810 Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada
Full brother to Raptor, the high seller in this year’s bull sale to Jorgensen Charolais, AB Watch for these on the fall show road and in our 3RD ANNUAL BULL SALE, MARCH 28th at the farm. Thanks to all our bull buyers this spring including these breeders: • Demerah Farms, AB • Charhead Ranch • Jorgensen Charolais, AB Michael, Judy & family 306-267-5655 Box 81, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 • Visitors Welcome Silverado x Tautus • Homozygous Polled CE 66 BW 1.5 WW 27 YW 73 M 27.5 TM 41 JDFJ Playboy x Mapleleaf Benchmark Homozygous Polled CE 64 BW 0.4 WW 33 YW 62 M 18 TM 35 Light birth weight but still performance These are out of two-year-old heifers KLR 45Z Hair, shape and eye appeal KLR 22Z The SIRES! Present and FUTURE… KLR 65Z 919W Playboy3X   Charolais Banner • August 2012 5
Thanks to all who supported our program in the last year ANNUAL BULL SALE 1st Saturday in March Jackie Sproule • Box 1180, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 Tel 403-627-2764 • Cell 403-627-6662 Fax 403-627-5445 Where Beef is #1 PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y Pleasant Dawn Spawn 765W x HEJ Magnum 26R Double Polled • BW 1.9 WW 54 YW 102 High Selling Bull at Pleasant Dawn Bull Sale 2012 JS STALLONE 17U DBAR Twister 404P x Merit’s Chiefton 226K Polled • BW 4.4 WW 45 YW 90 Thanks to Slack Farms, SD and KCH Charolais for selecting JS NAVAJO RED 15X, our high selling bull Double Polled • BW 2.7 WW 43 YW 78 HEJ MIDNIGHT SUN 48U HEJ Riptide 64R x HEJ Black Bandit 162K BW .1 WW 48 YW 86 6 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Doug & Marianne, Jim, Kristi & Michael Hunter Box 569, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 T: 204-937-2531 Doug cell 204-937-7737 Michael 204-247-0301 E: ElDER’S SPECiAl EDitiOn 835U Powerful Silverado son whose sons topped our first sale MXS CRAftSMAn 910W Alegro son off Vermillion’s dam • His calves will impress A sample of our Fire Water calves KCM Ultimate 144Y • Senator x Alliance who was the high seller in the Perrot-Martin bull sale this spring HC Yoda 105Y Diamond W Charolais purchased this powerful Elder’s Special Edition HC Yardstick 115Y Steppler Charolais selected this thick Elder’s Special Edition HC Yourman 137Y Sunrise Charolais bought this growthy Junction son Hunter CHarolais Thanks to our many valued commercial customers and also to these breeders: Voegeli Bros. Charolais (2) MBRHEO Cattle Co. Ross Charolais HUNTER CHAROLAIS... Part of the genetics available at our 2ND ANNUAL BULL SALE, APRIL 4, 2013 AT THE FARM Our 2012 Breeding Program also included: JWX Silver Bullet • SVY Northstar • CS Pld Junction Thank you to these breeders who purchased the high sellers in our first bull sale New in 2012 HC 213Z HC 242Z Charolais Banner • August 2012 7

Welcome to the 46th Annual Herdsire Edition and the 31st one I have been involved with. My how time flies when you are busy and having fun –and this year so far has been exceptionally fun with the best spring ever selling bulls.

Coming off the highest grossing spring, with the fewest breeders in decades, the fall sales should be an excellent opportunity for existing breeders to sell some quality breeding stock and for new breeders to start a purebred herd. We do need and want new young breeders to come into the breed and this is how it will happen.

We need to have female sales to attract new breeders as most start into the business by buying at a sale. Some breeders have said they can’t sell any females as they need them to produce bulls for their bull sales. If you have your quality and cow numbers where you want them, then I see no reason why you can’t part with some females. My math tells me that even if you replace 15% of your females every year and cull the bottom 60% you should still have 25% of your female production available to pick from for sales. I am not saying you need to sell this amount as breeding females, but unless your program isn’t very good 10% should not be out of line.

Having the wheels of commerce spinning creates excitement, which creates enthusiasm, which creates a stronger breed, and who doesn’t want that? There are some very good herds dispersing this year as well, which will spawn many new breeders, as these sales have in the past. Exciting times are ahead.

Everyone is trying to guess what the fall calf market will bring with the drought in the U.S.A. and Ontario and higher feed costs. My take is that the Charcross calves sell the best

when feed costs are higher. The feeders are looking for the fastest growing most efficient feeders to work with and fortunately we fill that bill. I also see more cows going to market in North America, prolonging the lower numbers and longer cycle before rebuilding begins. This should make the cattle market better for a longer period in the future. Only time will tell if I am reading this right, but sit in your local auction markets and visit with the commercial producers who may be looking for a change in their bull battery.

In this issue you will see that Candace and I were busy doing a tour in Australia in May. We have prepared an overview of what we saw there as well as the World Charolais Congress in the United Kingdom in June. Since then, we have been touring and working hard on this issue while attending the CCA AGM and CCYA Conference in Olds, Alberta. These were both very good events, although more breeders need to participate in the National and Provincial meetings. These are your associations and you need to be a part of them. The CCYA Conference and Show was a great event in conjunction with the Calgary Stampede Synergy youth show. Our appreciation goes to all who volunteered to organize and run this event. It is a big job and they don’t always get the credit they deserve. There will be a full report in the October Banner but the Charolais Youth did very well in the all breeds scholarship awards, with seven receiving educational awards.

I also attended the Manitoba Charolais picnic while on a Manitoba swing, hosted by Ernie and Al Bayduza and Hans and Mary Myhre. They did a lot of work and unfortunately again not enough breeders attended.

The National Show and Sale is being held the first weekend in October in Victoriaville, Quebec.

From the Field

Candace and I are willing to put a week long tour together if there is enough interest. We would start in Montreal for a couple of days, attend the show and sale for a couple of days and end in Quebec City for a couple of days. The fall colours should be excellent and the history and hospitality in Quebec is always exceptional. If you think you want to participate give us a call right away as we will need to have it planned by the first of September. If you can’t be away for that long, still plan to attend the National to show your support for the breeders from Eastern Canada. It will be a large show with many producers from Ontario also coming to show. And speaking of Ontario, there are some good sales in September and October in that province for you to participate in.

If you have questions about herd health, management or any other topics that you want to read about, please let us know and we will find the experts to write about them. I would also like to ask that we receive information on any winners of Regional 4-H shows. We always like to show the 4-H winners and the Supreme winners from right across the country in the fall and February Connections. Give the winners the recognition they deserve and show the successes of Charolais.

If you want to reach over 10,000 commercial producers as well as the Charolais members give Craig Scott or I a call as our next issue is the Fall Connection. Also, if you aren’t able to attend some of the fall sales we are available to represent your interests there. Always in the best interest of Charolais.

Until next time, Helge

8 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Pleasant Dawn Charolais Selects Herdbulls with Great Mothers Pleasant Dawn Charolais Box 40, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Tully & Arlene Hatch, Kevin HatchT/F 204-855-2402 Tully C 204-748-7595, Trent & Ashley Hatch 204-855-3078, C 204-721-3078, Pleasant Dawn Razor 14W • Heterozygous Polled BW .4 WW 48 YW 105 M 26.4 TM 51 Calving ease, explosive growth and maternal from our most prolific cow family Dam of Razor pictured at 11 years of age HBSF Extra 2X – Polled • 1/2 French BW 3.3 WW 55 YW 96 M 13.7 TM 41 Powerful outcross by Silverstream Performer x Hank His first calves are growthy and thick Dam of Extra Pleasant Dawn Max 70S • Homozygous Polled • Red Factor BW -1.7 WW 51 YW 94 M 18.8 TM 44 Thank you to Cougar Hill Ranch for purchasing the proven sire who did a great job here for 5 years. Dam of Max pictured at 8 years of age These are the sires of the bulls in our 11th Annual Bull Sale, March 16, 2013 in Virden. See more of our program at or on the show road Pleasant Dawn Magnum 56T • Homozygous Polled BW -.1 WW 50 YW 87 M 26.5 TM 52 We have another top set of calves out of this great producer Charolais Banner • August 2012 9

Bienvenue à la quarante-sixième édition annuelle de Herdsire et le 31iàme que j'ai été impliqué. Voilà comment le temps vole quand vous êtes occupé et ayant l'amusement. Cette année a été exceptionnellement amusement avec les meilleures ventes de taureau de printemps que jamais.

Les ventes d'automne devraient être une excellente occasion pour que les éleveurs existants vendent des animaux de reproduction de qualité et pour que les nouveaux éleveurs commencent un troupeau de race ; particulièrement après les ventes de taureau de printemps les plus élevées et avec le moins de sélectionneurs dans les décennies. Nous avons besoin et voulons que des nouveaux jeunes sélectionneurs héritent la race et c'est comment il se produira.

Nous devons avoir des ventes femelles pour attirer de nouveaux éleveurs en tant que la plupart commence dans les affaires en achetant à une vente. Quelques sélectionneurs ont dit qu'ils ne peuvent pas vendre les femelles parce qu’ils ont besoin d’elles à produire les taureaux pour leurs ventes de taureau. Si vous avez la qualité et le nombre de vache que vous voulez puis je ne vois aucune raison pour laquelle vous ne pouvez pas vendre quelques femelles. Mes calculs m'indiquent que même si vous remplacez 15% de vos femelles chaque année et cueillez le 60% inférieur, vous avez quand même 25% de vos femelles en production disponible à sélectionner de pour des ventes. Je ne vous dis pas le besoin de vendre cette quantité en tant que multiplication des femelles mais à moins que votre programme ne soit pas très bon, 10% ne devrait pas être hors de ligne.

Le commerce crée l'excitation, qui crée l'enthousiasme, qui crée une race plus forte et qui ne veut pas cela ? Il y

a quelques troupeaux très bons dispersant cette année, qui engendrera beaucoup de nouveaux sélectionneurs. Comme ces ventes ont fait dans le passé. Les temps passionnants sont en avant.

Tout le monde essaye de deviner ce que le marché de veau d'automne apportera avec la sécheresse aux Etats-Unis et Ontario, et coûts plus élevés d'alimentation. Mon avis est que le veau Charcross vente le meilleur quand les coûts d'alimentation sont plus hauts. Les parcs d’engraissements recherchent la croissance la plus rapide et la plus efficaces, et heureusement nous remplissons cette description. Je vois également plus de vaches aller lancer sur le marché en Amérique du Nord, prolongeant les nombres inférieurs et un plus long cycle avant la reconstruction commence. Ceci devrait rendre le marché aux bestiaux meilleur pendant une plus longue période à l'avenir. Nous verrons si je suis correct, mais assiérez-vous dans vos enchères locaux et faites la visite avec les producteurs commerciaux qui peuvent rechercher un changement de leur enclos de taureau à multiplier.

Dans cette revue vous verrez que Candace et moi avons voyagé en Australie en mai. Nous avons préparé une vue d'ensemble de ce que nous avons vu là aussi bien que le congrès mondial du charolais au RoyaumeUni en juin. Nous avions travaillé dur sur cette revue tout en suivant la conférence de l’ACC AGM et de CCYA en Olds, Alberta. Ils étaient des événements très bons, bien que plus de sélectionneurs doivent participer aux réunions nationales et provinciales. Ce sont vos associations et vous devez être une partie d’elles. La conférence et l'exposition de jeunesse « CCYA » étaient un grand événement en même temps que l'exposition de la jeunesse de synergie de ruée de Calgary. Notre appréciation va à tous ce qui ont organisé cet événement. C'est un

grand travail et ils n'obtiennent pas toujours le crédit qu'ils méritent. Il y aura un rapport circonstancié dans la Charolais Banner d'octobre. La jeunesse du charolais a fait très bien dans les bourses de toutes les races. Il y était sept jeunesse d'un fond du charolais ont reçu les récompenses éducatives.

J'ai également assisté au pique-nique du charolais de Manitoba, accueilli par Ernie et Al Bayduza et Hans et Mary Myhre. Ils ont effectué beaucoup de travail et malheureusement encore de pas assez de sélectionneurs occupés.

L'exposition et la vente nationale est tenue le premier fin de semaine en octobre dans Victoriaville, Québec. Candace et moi sont disposés à organiser une excursion d’une semaine s'il y a assez d'intérêt. Nous commencerions à Montréal pour quelque jours, s'occuper de l'exposition et de la vente puis traverser à la ville du Québec pour un couple des jours. Les couleurs d'automne devraient être excellentes et l'histoire et l'hospitalité au Québec est toujours exceptionnelle. Si vous pensez que vous voulez participer, donnez-nous un appel tout de suite car nous devrons le faire projeter par le premier septembre. Si vous ne pouvez pas être parti pour cette durée, servez svp le national pour montrer votre soutien des sélectionneurs de l’Est. Il sera une grande exposition avec beaucoup de producteurs d'Ontario venant également pour montrer. Et parler d'Ontario, là il y a quelques bonnes ventes en septembre et en octobre pour que vous pouvez participer.

Si vous avez des questions au sujet de santé de troupeau, la gestion ou des autres matières que vous voulez lire, svp faites-nous savoir et nous trouverons les experts à écrire au sujet. Je voudrais également demander que vous nous envoyez l'information concernant tous les gagnants des expositions 4-H régionales. Nous aimons toujours montrer les gagnants 4-H et les

10 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Du Champ
POINTS À RÉFLÉCHIR continued on page 28
Helge By
John & Cathie Chomiak & family • 163016 Twp Rd 520, Mundare, AB T0B 3H0 Res (780) 632-7108 • cell (780) 945-1504 email: Location: Mundare Junction on Yellowhead, 8 mi S on 855 and 2 mi E HERDSIRE HERDSIRE Charolais Banner • August 2012 11

Charolais Life

This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.

It’s a Boy!

Stephen, Kristin, Anna and Ava Wielgosz are very excited to announce the birth of Carter Stephen on May 21, 2012. Weighing 7 lbs, 8 oz., he is the perfect little addition to Creek's Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK.

Stewarts Wed in Mexico

Lorne and Tena Wagers, Double L Charolais, Innisfail, AB.

Kolton Wagers Convocates

Kolton Wagers, CCYA Alumni, received his Business Degree, from Red Deer College in May, while at the same time aquiring his pilot’s license in a combined degree from Sky Wings Aviation.

Kolton is the son of Lorne and Tena Wagers, Double L Charolais, Innisfail, AB.

John By Convocates

were among the recipients of scholarship money awarded to the top participants in the Summer Synergy program. The competitions took place at Olds, Alberta, and the final interviews and presentations took place at the Calgary Stampede. Luke Marshall, Innisfail, and Raymond Gallelli, Crossfield, were awarded $2,000 scholarships and Shae-Lynn Evans, Kenaston, SK; Courtney Black, Foresters Falls, ON; Jessica Sperber, Rimbey, and Rebecca Shuttleworth, Airdrie, were each presented with $1,000 scholarships.

John By, CCYA Alumni, son of Helge and Candace By, Regina, SK, convocated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics.

CCYA members who won divisions but did not qualify for scholarships were Calina Evans, Kenaston, SK; Kord Phillips, Waskatenau, and Amanda McLeod, Cochrane.

It's a Boy

Trevor and Tammy Stewart were married in the Mayan Riveria, Mexico, on the 21st of February, 2012. They live in Watrous, SK, with their children Cody and Cheyenne. Tammy runs a day care out of their home. Along with Trevor’s dad, Peter and brother, Shannon, they have June Rose Charolais as well as grain land.

Marina Wagers Convocates

Marina Wagers, CCYA Alumni, received her Bachelor of Arts majoring in Kinesiology, from the University of Lethbridge, in May. Marina is the daughter of

John is currentlyobtaining his Industrial Radiography certification and is working out of Edson, Alberta.

CCYA Participants Represent Charolais Well at Summer Synergy

Ridge Dalton Foot was born February 10th, 2012. He weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz., and the proud parents are Travis and Nichole Foot of Footprint Farms, Esther, Alberta.

On July 14, six Charolais members

12 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Back: Raymond Gallelli, Jessica Sperber, Shae-Lynn Evans, Luke Marshall Front: Courtney Black, Rebecca Shuttleworth
~ Polled Herd ~ Influences of Freedom, Polled Detonator, Sparrows Matador, Kojak and Silversmith 50 Cow/Calf Pairs or Bred Cows 10 Replacement Heifers 1 Herdsire Semen and Embryos Available Contact Ric Ross at 403-512-5364 GENESIS LIVESTOCK INTERNATIONAL/ WHITE HEATHER CHAROLAIS PUREBRED HERD DISPERSAL FOR SALE • • • FOR SALE • • • FOR SALE • • • FOR SALE FOR SALE • • • FOR SALE • • • FOR SALE • • • FOR SALE
Thank You to these leading breeders for purchasing herdsires this year HTA BRADACK 137Y Sandan Charolais, erskine, AB; Voegeli/Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SKandPayne Livestock, Lloydminister, SK HTA VegAS 134Y Palmer Charolais, Bladworth, SK and Saunders Charolais, Markdale, ON HTA BeTLeY 107Y Reese Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB HTA MANTRACKeR 139Y Neilsen Cattle Co., Willowbrook, SK We would also like to thank…  Van Buuren Charolais, Pipestone;  Rocking Bar A, Rivers;  Breezy Dawn Farms, Dauphin;  Laurel Creek Ranch, Abernethy, SK  Loren Anderson, New Rockford, ND and the many commercial producers for their confidence in our genetics Harry & Joan Airey Box 790, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7103 Ray, Barb, Terinda & Nikoda Airey Box 922, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.566.2134 C 204.724.3600 Charolais Banner • August 2012 13
Charolais Banner • August 2012


With Judy’s upcoming retirement I’ve been in training with the Registry system, DNA and daily operations of the CCA office. Each day provides a positive learning experience as I familiarize myself with my duties and the expectations of our membership.

The recent 2012 Annual General Meeting in Olds provided the opportunity for me to meet the Board of Directors and some of our breeders first hand, reacquaint myself with others and gain knowledge and ideas to put forth for 2013 AGM preparations. Looking ahead, I encourage our members and provincial associations to keep the lines of communication open. In the coming weeks I will be working to update and improve our CCA website. We also have a growingaudience on Facebook and welcome your current events to keep our followers engaged; don’t be shy, showyour Charolais Pride! Should anyone have any questions or comments please feel free to be in touch.


United Kingdom World Charolais Conference

Acknowledgment of the U.K. World Charolais Congress that was held from June 9th through the 24th, 2012, should start this edition of Keeping Track. Helge and Candace By of the Charolais Banner will be providing an in depth report on the event so my remarks will be brief.

Congratulations to David Benson Chief Executive Officer for the British Cattle Society and Carolyne Cree from Field Farm Tours and all of their team members, for treating the world Charolais fraternity to a fabulous event across four different


regions of the U.K. The exhibition of various cultures, the divergent countryside, the historical sites, the Charolais cattle and the hospitality was above and beyond. Collectively the event will be considered as the standard by which all other congresses will be judged. A job well done!

Highlights from the 2012 CCA AGM in Olds, AB, July 12th, 2012

President Wade Beck called the meeting to order at 3.45 p.m. and after the opening formalities the Association reports were presented to the assembly. The Consolidated Financial Statement was presented by Finance Chair Brent Saunders and he announced that revenues for 2011 totalled $722,537.00 which

2320 - 41st Avenue N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 T: (403) 250-9242 • F: (403) 291-9324 E: • 18 Charolais Banner • August 2012
2012/2013 Board of Directors (Le conseil d’administration de 2012/2013): L-R – Back: Bernard Begin, QC; Ricky Milton, PEI; Campbell Forsyth, MB; Dory Gerrard, AB; Brian Coughlin, ON. Front: Neil Gillies, General Manager; 1st Vice President, Brent Saunders, ON; President Wade Beck, SK; 2nd Vice President, John Wilgenbusch, SK; Past President, Lyle Bignell, AB. Absent: Ursula Corpataux, AB.

when compared to revenues in 2010 of $826,904.00 was a reduction of $104,367.00. Expenses for 2011 were $754,855.00 which when compared to expenses in 2010 of $761,206.00 was a reduction of $6,351.00. When the investment income from the CCA’s saving portfolio was brought back into the equation the Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses indicated a negative figure of $13,734.00 for 2011.

During the 2011 year the board of directors had provided a donation of $50,000.00 to the Youth Scholarship Fund as the CCA had a positive bottom line of $121,382.00 in 2010, as it was deemed a beneficial use of funds given the financial position. The only downfall was that as the donation occurred in 2011 it counted as an expense for 2011. A copy of the Review Engagement will be posted on the CCA website.

In the registry report: Judy Cummer reported on activities in the registry department as circulated. She reported that in 2011, 36 new members joined the Association. Currently in 2012 there are 675 members and 27 Associate members. Whole Herd Enrolments for 2012 are behind last year’s tally; however, the two year old females still have until December 31st to enter WHE for 2012.

There were three directors whose terms had expired on the board –Brent Saunders, ON, John Wilgenbusch, SK, and Dory Gerrard, AB. These directors all let their names stand once more and were elected for three year terms.

There was also a small change on the Executive Committee – Wade Beck was reaffirmed as President, Brent Saunders was reaffirmed as 1st Vice President, John Wilgenbusch moved up to 2nd Vice President when Campbell Forsyth stepped down and Lyle Bignell was reaffirmed as Past President.

There was also a full slate for

Twenty-five year members, Forty year members and Dams of Distinction awards and those that were in the crowd were acknowledged.

One other point of interest was the announcement by Breed Improvement Chair John Wilgenbusch that effective immediately the spring/summer EPD evaluation will be conducted by Angus Genetics International (AGI). All of the due diligence assessments had been carried out by RAK Genetic Consulting Limited – Dr. Bob Kemp and team who supply consulting services to the CCA, and utilizing the same data set that had been sent to Colorado State University (CSU) for the last winter evaluation, a pilot run was conducted and the correlations between the evaluations was considered high so any changes in bulls rankings would be minimal.

Two proposed by-laws came to the floor for discussion and were voted on.

MOTION:Moved by Dory Gerrard that the Canadian Charolais Association cancels the requirement that all E.T. calves are to be parentage verified through DNA. All donor dams are still required to have a DNA sample on file; second by Lyle Bignell.

The motion goes to the floor for a vote. YEA 8, NAY 22. MOTIONDEFEATED.

The second motion made reference to the term blood typing. As there are no longer any facilities in North America that conduct blood typing it was considered appropriate to delete any reference in the by-laws. Blood typing will remain in the by-laws in reference to imported animals that still provide blood typing analysis.

MOTION: Moved by Wade Beck the CCA accept the above bylaw

change; second by Lyle Bignell.

The motion goes to the floor for a vote. YEA 33, NAY 0. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Judy Cummer, head of the CCA’s Registry Department – who has been the friendly voice on the other end of the telephone that has assisted with literally thousands of producer’s problems over many years – is retiring at the end of December, 2012.

Judy started with the CCA as a receptionist over 28 years ago, predominantly under the tutelage and guidance of Joyce Stewart. Judy worked her way through the Association until she reached the position of Manager of the Registry Department some eight years ago. Judy knows the CCA’s registry system inside and out and could always be counted on to solve most of the members’ issues and ease their angst. Judy always approached the tasks at hand on an even keel and no matter what was going on in the office would deal with the new query as though she had been just waiting for the question.

All of us would like to thank Judy for her efforts over the years and wish her the best with the joys of retirement.

Charolais Banner • August 2012 19
Judy Cummer, Manager of the Canadian Charolais Association’s Registry Department, is honoured at the President’s dinner for 28 years service at the CCA. Directrice du département d'enregistrement de l’Association Canadienne du Charolais Judy Cummer est honoré au dîner du président pour ses 28 années de service à l’ACC.

The added good news is that Judy will still stay on in a part-time role starting in 2013.

The CCA AGM was held in conjunction with the CCYA Conference and Show. As regards the CCYA Youth Coordinator,

Katrina Coughlin has decided to move on to other pursuits and therefore has resigned her position. Brandon Sparrow has accepted the CCYA Youth Coordinator position and will take on the new duties immediately.

Katrina was a credit to her position and for a number of years had professionally managed the affairs of the CCYA with those of the participating conference venues. We wish her all the best in her new endeavors.

Le Congrès Mondial du Charolais

Les félicitations à David Benson, président-directeur général de la société britanniques du charolais et à Carolyne Cree de « Field Farm Tours » et tous leurs membres d'équipe pour un événement fabuleux à travers quatre régions différentes du R-U. L'exposition de diverses cultures, la campagne divergente, les emplacements historiques, les bétail du charolais et l'hospitalité étaient incroyable. Collectivement l'événement sera considéré la norme par laquelle tous autres congrès seront jugés. Un travail bien fait !

Les points culminants de l’assemblée générale annuelle « AGM » de 2012 de l’ACC en Olds, Alberta

Le 12 juillet 2012 président Wade Beck commencé la réunion à 15h45 et après les formalités d'ouverture, les rapports d'association ont été


présentés à l'assemblée. L'état des finances consolidé a été présenté par la chair de finances Brent Saunders.

Il a annoncé que les revenus pour 2011 se sont additionnés à 722.537,00$, une réduction de 104.367,00$ comparés aux revenus dans 2010 de 826.904,00$. Les dépenses pour 2011 étaient 754.855,00$, une réduction de 6.351,00$ comparés aux dépenses dans 2010 de 761.206,00$. Quand le revenu du capital de la brochure de l'économie de l’ACC a été apporté de nouveau dans l'équation, l'excès (insuffisance) des dépenses finies de revenus a indiqué un chiffre négatif de 13.734,00$ pour 2011.

Dans 2011 le conseil d'administration a approuvé une donation de 50.000,00$ aux fonds de bourse de la jeunesse car l’ACC a eu un résultat positif de 121.382,00$ de 2010. Cette donation comptée

comme dépenses dans le relevé de compte financier 2011. Une copie de l'enclenchement de revue sera signalée sur le site Web de l’ACC.

Judy Cummer a rendu compte des activités dans le département d'enregistrement. En 2011, 36 nouveaux membres ont joint l'association. Actuellement en 2012 il y a 675 membres et 27 membres d'associé. Les enrolments de troupeau « WHE » de 2012 sont moins que l'année dernière, toutefois les femelles de deux ans ont toujours jusqu'au 31 décembre à inscrire dans « WHE » pour 2012.

Il y avait trois directeurs dont les limites avaient expiré sur le panneau - Brent Saunders de l’Ontario, John Wilgenbusch de la Saskatchewan et Dory Gerrard en Alberta. Ces directeurs tous ont été re-élus pour une durée de trois ans.

Il y avait également un petit

Neil Gillies Dam of Distinction recipients Allan Marshall and Garner Deobald. Prix de Vaches de Distinction récipiendaires Allan Marshall et Garner Deobald. Twenty-Five year member’s Robbie & Ian Ross, White Heather Charolais, Crossfield, AB. Membres de vingt-cinq années Robbie & Ian Ross de White Heather Charolais, Crossfield, Alberta.
20 Charolais Banner • August 2012

changement sur le comité des directeurs exécutives – Wade Beck a été réaffirmé comme président, Brent Saunders a été réaffirmé en tant que 1er vice-président, John Wilgenbusch devient le 2ème vice-président quand Campbell Forsyth a démissionné et Lyle Bignell a été réaffirmé comme le président passé.

Il y avait beaucoup de reconnaissances pour les personnes qui ont été des membres pendant vingt-cinq années et quarante années. Il y avait également les prix pour les Vaches de Distinction.

Un autre point d'intérêt était l'annonce par la chair de comité d'amélioration de race, John Wilgenbusch. Commencer immédiatement l'évaluation « EPD » de printemps/été sera effectuée par la génétique d'Angus internationale (AGI). Toutes les évaluations de diligence avaient été effectuées par la consultation génétique de RAK limitée, le DR Bob Kemp et l'équipe, qui fournissent des services de conseil à l’ACC. En outre utilisant le même donnés qui avait été envoyé à l'université de Colorado State University pour la dernière évaluation d'hiver, une course de pilote a été conduite et les corrélations entre les évaluations ont été considérées haute ainsi tous les changements rangs de taureaux

seront minimaux.

Deux règlements ont proposé. Mouvement déplacé par Dory Gerrard: Que l’Association Canadienne du Charolais annule la condition que tout veaux greffe d'embryon sont être vérifié de leur parentage par un essaie de l'ADN. Toutes les vaches donneuses sont encore exigées d’avoir un échantillon d'ADN sur le dossier. Appuyer par Lyle Bignell.

Le mouvement va au plancher pour le vote. Oui 8 Non 22.


Le deuxième mouvement a fait la référence concernant l'analyse typologique de sang. Car il n'y a plus les facilités en Amérique du Nord qui conduisent le sang dactylographiant, il a été considéré approprié à supprimer les référence dans les règlements. Restes de dactylographie de sang dans les règlements dans la référence aux animaux importés des pays qui fournissent toujours l'analyse de dactylographie de sang.

Mouvement déplacé par Wade Beck, appuyer par Lyle Bignell. Le mouvement va au plancher pour le vote. Oui 33 Non 0.


Il y a 28 ans tant que Judy a commencé à travailler avec l’ACC


Avec la retraite de Judy je m'étais exercé sur le système d'enregistrement, l'ADN et les opérations quotidiennes du bureau de l’ACC. Chaque jour fournit une expérience d'étude positive pendant que je me familiarise avec mes fonctions et les espérances de notre adhésion.

L'assemblée annuelle générale de 2012 en Olds m’a présenté le moyen de rencontrer le conseil d'administration et certains de nos sélectionneurs tête à tête. Il m'a également aidé à gagner la connaissance et des idées en préparer pour l’AGM de 2013.

Penser à l'avenir, j'encourage nos membres et les associations provinciales pour garder les lignes de

comme réceptionniste, principalement sous la tutelle et les conseils de Joyce Stewart. Au cours des années Judy a travaillé dans différents travaux dans l'association jusqu'il y a à huit ans où elle est devenues directrice du département d'enregistrement. Judy connaît le système de l’ACC et elle a toujours aidé les éleveurs avec leurs questions et leurs problèmes. Nous remercions Judy de ses efforts au cours des années et lui souhaitons le meilleur dans sa retraite.

La bonne nouvelle est que Judy travaillera temps-partiel commençant en 2013.

L’ AGM de l’ACC a été tenu en même temps que la conférence et l'exposition de CCYA. Le coordonnateur de la jeunesse de CCYA, Katrina Coughlin passe à d'autres poursuites et démissionné. Le nouvel coordonnateur de CCYA est Brandon Sparrow. Il commence son nouveau travail immédiatement.

Katrina était un crédit dans sa position et pendant un certain nombre d'années avait professionnellement contrôlé les affaires du CCYA avec ceux des lieu de rendez-vous participants de conférence. Nous lui souhaitons tout meilleur dans ses nouveaux efforts.

communication s'ouvrent. En prochaines semaines je travaillerai pour mettre à jour et améliorer notre site Web de l’ACC. Nous également avons une assistance grandissante sur Facebook et faisons bon accueil à vos événements courants pour maintenir nos disciples engagés ; ne soyez pas timide et exposez votre fierté du charolais ! Veuillez me contacter si vous avez n'importe quelles questions ou suggestions.

Charolais Banner • August 2012 21
2320 - 41st Avenue N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 T: (403) 250-9242 • F: (403) 291-9324 E: •
22 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Banner • August 2012
The Sires of Next Spring’s Bull Pen… JWX SILVER BUCKLE 425U 3rd Gen Polled Bar J Silverado 14S x Montana Silver THE NEXT STEP… WHITECAP REVOLVER 69Y Polled, ½ French son of DWK Tills Echo 3N High Seller in this spring’s bull sale Co-owned with Steppler Farms HBC EVEREST914W • 3rd Gen Polled RPJ En-V 625S x HFCC Pld Bond 19L HC WELL FARGO943W • Double Polled CS Pld Junction 4J x SOS Polled Detonator 8M Mike Howe 306-691-5011, c 306-631-8779 • Dale Howe 306-693-2127, c 306-631-0690 Doug Howe 306-693-2163, c 306-631-1209 #183, 325 4th Avenue SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • • We invite you to view our program anytime 24 Charolais Banner • August 2012
SPARROW’S LANDMARK 963W A sample of his offspring • excellent performance • quiet temperament • super haircoat LAE JUICE BOX 190Y • owned by Wilgenbusch Charolais, Ferme Louber and Horseshoe E Charolais LAE STANDOUT 135Y • owned by Steppler Farms MERIT ROUNDUP 9508W LAE 245Z Roundup Bull Calf • light birth weights • homozygous polled • good haircoat • excellent feet Layne & Paula Evans Shae-Lynn, Shelby & Calina Box 390, Kenaston, SK S0G 2N0 T 306-252-2246 F 306-252-2009 ALSO USING THESE SIRES: • Sparrows Eldorado • WinnMan’s Saginaw (Homo Pld Ali-Trade son) • WinnMan’s Vistazo (Lanza Grandson) • LAE Textile (Homo Polled) • LAE Western Star A.I. TO: • CSS Sir Gridmaker • G. Bros Ultimate • LT Bluegrass • Key’s All State Thank you to these Sterling Collection & Agribition Buyers: Cornerview Charolais Ferme Palerme Wilgenbusch Charolais (2) Domes Charolais (2) XL Charolais Palmer Charolais (3) Mark Degurse Saunders Charolais Charla Moore Farms Norheim Ranching Steppler Farms Thank you to our Bull Sale Buyers: Future Farms Murphy Livestock Norheim Ranching McCaw Livestock Char-Lew Ranch HTA Charolais Farm Everview Charolais Diamond W Charolais Mutrie Farms Wilgenbusch Charolais Ferme Louber Poplar Bluff Charolais Tyler Bullick …and all our commercial customers! Exportable Roundup Embryos Available Charolais Banner • August 2012 25

Horn and Face Fly Control Methods

One factor that can drastically reduce weight gain for grazing cattle is irritation and feeding caused by horn and face flies. It has been shown that with protection from horn flies yearling steers gained at least five kg more weight than their counterparts and there was a 14% increase in weaning weight on calves because of an increase in milk production when their dams were treated. Protecting cattle against flies is another economic procedure of total herd management.

Horn flies are the most abundant and are very easy to see feeding head facing down over the back and shoulders of older livestock. I would advise all producers to pay close attention to their breeding bulls as 3-4,000 flies can be seen feeding if untreated. These flies only leave the animal long enough to lay their eggs and you will see them swarm if disturbed. They are also the ones to watch if implementing a fly control program since if effective a 95% plus level of control should be achieved. The economic threshold is considered to be 40 horn flies per beef cow and 20 per dairy cow. Any higher than these levels warrant initiating a fly control program or changing the existing one, as it is not effective. These flies consume five times their weight in blood each feeding and feed up to 38 times daily so damage is considerable. More than 50 face flies are considered significant and are linked to the spread of pinkeye. They are harder to see as only a few feed at one time on eye and nasal secretions. Fortunately most treatments work on both species.

Since the life cycle is short (14 days) there are about five generations produced in our northern season so continuous long-term control is a must. Back rubbers and dust bags will provide this control as long as they are strategically placed in walk

alleys by watering areas or in conjunction with mineral feeders. This greatly enhances usage but don't forget to move them when rotating pastures. They also do a good job on lice and mosquito control.

Keep a close eye on the family of insecticide used on any of your fly treatments. Organophosphates and pyrethroids are the main ones used. Pyrethroids have shown some resistance and should be rotated if control is becoming ineffective. Bison producers use these same insecticides and methods in their bison operations. Bison because of their thick hair coat are not bothered much until shedding occurs in the summer.

The insecticide ear tags revolutionized fly control when they came out in the early 1980s. They were formulated to release the particular chemical over three months by the bending action of the tag. The insecticide used had a very very low mammalian toxicity so are safe and since applied only externally no slaughter withdrawal is necessary. Well over 10 to 20 varieties have been marketed and again rotation is highly advised between the pyrethroid and organophosphate groups. To monitor resistance the tag methods should give 100% control for the first few weeks after application. Compare the weeks of protection, to last year’s by monitoring your bulls. This will tell you if resistance is developing. The biggest mistake producers make is applying the tags too early in the season. If applied for instance in mid April by the time the cattle hit the real fly season June the tag is half exhausted with no benefit yet achieved. They should be placed at the latest possible time ideally just on their way out to pasture to derive maximum benefit. One tag per cow calf unit is recommended and I believe it better placed on the cow, as the flies are attracted to mature stock. In the past a number of producers also used the insecticide tag as the calf's I.D. These, if put in in February, were all

exhausted by fly season, and also ink on the tag interferes with release, a practice that is NOT recommended.

Other products on the market include misters over groups of cattle. These are often used if cattle can easily be gathered in a calm time and the spray is air released to descend on the cattle. Please note if cattle are treated with a pour on endectocide that IVOMEC pour on (MERIAL), dectomax and most of the generic ivomecs have indication for horn flies control for about one month on their label. So if cattle are treated for lice and worms at turnout, the fly control for at least part of the season becomes an added benefit. Another product CYLENCE (BAYER) is a pour on specifically for horn flies as well as biting and sucking lice. Its added benefits is no milk withdrawal (one day slaughter withdrawal) so can be used in dairy cattle as well. Its effectiveness appears to last 45-60 days and cost is proportional to the tags. Any time cattle are going to pasture or you treat any in the summer, bull testing etc think of applying the cylence. If again you see resistance building up switch back and forth to the insecticide ear tags.

Biological control has gained popularity and the Alberta Government has developed a parasitic wasp, which can over winter. In the past parasitic wasps were quite effective by laying their eggs in the fly pupa. Wasps target all species of flies including house stable and horse flies. Colonies of wasps (recommended 2-3 colonies per 1000 head in a feedlot) are released just before peak fly season. The problem was next year you started the whole process over; now with over wintering colonies populations can simply be bolstered by new additions. This method is extremely effective in populated cattle areas such as feedlots, feed yards auction markets etc. Often fly bait traps, which remove adult flies, are used in conjunction.

26 Charolais Banner • August 2012 HERD HEALTH
continued on page 28
124 Shannon Rd, Regina, SK S4S 5B1 306-584-7937 Helge 306-536-3374 Candace 306-536-3374 Everview Charolais Complete Dispersal sale Saturday, November 17, 2012 Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB ON OFFER 65 Cow/Calf Pairs 10 Bred Cows 25 Bred Heifers Most are Polled, Some Red Factor 40 years of Performance Testing and Selecting for Strong Maternal Traits Producing calves like these Females like these With the get and service from these industry leading sires: • Rolling D Trademark 935W • HTA Red Connection 743T • Winn Mans Quigley 539X • Wat-Cha Nth Degree 50N • Belmont's Red Mist 27R • EVC Cronenberg 49X • LAE Youngstown 134Y For more information stop by the farm or give us a call. Box 29, Binscarth, MB R0J 0G0 204-532-2357 cell 204-821-5141 Everview Charolais Charolais Banner • August 2012 27

In today’s high production cattle business fly control is absolutely necessary. Several very cost effective methods are available to choose from. If used higher weight gains and happier cattle are the result. Unfortunately most of these products have limited control against mosquitoes but fly control over the summer will go along ways to promoting gains while minimizing the spread of pinkeye.

gagnants suprêmes de la droite à traversle pays des raccordements d’automne et de février. Donnez aux gagnants l'identification qu'ils méritent et montrez les succès des charolais.

Si vous voulez atteindre plus de 10.000 producteurs commerciaux aussi bien que les membres du charolais donnez Craig Scott ou moi un appel car notre prochaine revue est le « Fall Connection ». En outre, si vous ne pouvez pas s'occuper de certaines ventes d’automne, nous sommes disponibles pour représenter vos intérêts. Toujours dans le meilleur intérêt du charolais.

À la prochaine, Helge

28 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Retirement: EXCELLENT HERD FOR SALE Selected since 1973 30 good cows with March and April calves at side • Most are PoLLEd 2 goLd sTAR dams of dIsTINcTIoN 2 outstandingHERdsIREs: LOUB 10P (RIO BLANCO son) PALE 11 W (EC NO DOUBT son) Contact: AIMÉ JACOB • Cell 450-531-8854 Herd Health, cont. from page 26 Du Champ, cont. from page 10

Alberta Charolais Association



Nov. 7th SPECIAL EVENT: Heifer Calf Futurity – 6:00 p.m.

$1,000 guaranteed added prize moneyfor 2012 calendar year heifer calves Heifers returning to Farmfair in 2013 will be eligible for a $2,000 added bred heifer jackpot Contact: Tracee Vikse 403-883-2461 or

Nov. 8th4:00 p.m. Open Charolais Show


Dec. 6th & 7th, 2012 • Red Deer (AB) Westerner Grounds


5:30 p.m. Cocktails, Banquet, Guest Speaker and ACA AGM.

FRIDAY 10:00 a.m. Single Bull Show followed by $10,000 pick of the bulls. Tickets available for $100 each.


1:00 p.m. Pen of 3 Bull Show followed by $10,000 pick of the bulls.

Commercial producers from Alberta and B.C. who are in attendance and have purchased a registered Charolais bull in 2011 or 2012 are automatically entered for a chance to win a free bull of their choice worth $10,000.

5:00 p.m. Sale

Entry deadline for show is November 15th, 2012.

Commercial Producer Dale Johnson, Wetaskiwin had his name drawn and selected Circle Cee Fired Up 104Y. He received the bull and Circle Cee Charolais received $10,000

Alberta Charolais Association

c/o Don Grant

Box 4, Site 13, RR 1, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 403-556-2695

For sale entries contact:

Transcon Livestock Corp.

Box 300, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0

Street address: 101C, Main Ave. East 403-638-9377

For show entries contact: Don Grant 403-556-2695 Frank Cholak 780-796-2108

More info on rules & regulations at Remember to apply for the ACA Scholarships

Newsletter Charolais Banner • August 2012 29
MACK’S CHAROLAIS On Offer: 17 Cow/Heifer Calf Pairs • 5 Cow/Bull Calf Pairs 13 Bred Cows • 14 Bred Heifers 2 Bull Calves •1 Herdbull Proven Producing Females with Exciting Calves Fasttrack granddaughter bred to our proven herdsire Macks Trademark Herdsire Prospect by Trademark, our French influence AJ son WLM 6U WLM 28Z Outcross proven producer bred to our new Lanza son the end of April Great heifer calf sired by the multi-trait leader VCR Sir Duke 914 WLM 104P WLM 1Z Another outcross proven producer bred March 12 to Sudden Impact the 2010 National Champion Show prospect heifer calf off Trademark WLM 73N WLM 11Z 30 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012 •7:00 p.m. Hoards Station Sale Barn • Campbellford, ON Heart of the Herd Sale Future Brood Matron Bred Heifers Young Females Coming into Their Prime Outstanding Herdsire Prospect Compass x Banjo bred April 11 to Made Easy WLM 9Y KBK Rally bred April 17 to JWX Three Peet WLM 3Y SVY Pilgrim bred April 19 to Made Easy WLM 16Y Silver Value granddaughter bred Sudden Impact March 27 WLM 7U Another by our Fasttrack son, Lincoln, bred Blackbern Yardley April 1 WLM 10U Double Red, Polled, KBK Rally son WLM 3Z View catalogue on line at For more information, give us a call or email… 124 Shannon Rd, Regina, SK S4S 5B1 306-584-7937 Helge 306-536-4261 • Candace 306-536-3374 MACK’S CHAROLAIS 1690 11th Line West, RR 4, Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Wayne and Jacqui Mack 705-653-3221 • cell 705-768-0057 Sale Manager: Charolais Banner • August 2012 31
CHAROLAIS SALE Saturday, September 29th • 2:00 p.m. NEW LOCATION – Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON 50 Select Purebred Charolais Female Lots • Heifer Calf Show Prospects • Bred Yearlings • 3 in 1 cow/calf pairs JUNIOR INCENTIVE PROGRAM Cash incentive program for a project animal purchased from the Uppin’ the Ante Female Sale • $500 to the Grand Champion at the CCYA National Junior Show (in Ontario 2013) • $500 to the Supreme Champion at the Canadian Junior Beef Show (Royal Winter Fair) • $250 to the Reserve Grand Champion at the CCYA National Junior Show (in Ontario 2013) • $250 to the overall Grand Champion at the Junior Exhibitors Regional 4-H Show • $100 for the completion of the 4-H project SCHEDULE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27- the cattle will be available for viewing in the evening FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28- viewing of the cattle all day followed by a social in the evening SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29- viewing of the cattle all morning, lunch and refreshments available prior to 2:00 p.m. sale start CONSIGNORS Langstaff Charolais..................................................519-627-3464 Bridor Charolais........................................................519-323-2538 Rollin’ Acres Charolais..............................................705-627-0672 Medonte Charolais....................................................705-835-3310 Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co.........................................705-696-3567 Blackbern Farm........................................................613-646-2673 Cornerview Charolais................................................613-646-9741 Gold Bar Livestock....................................................519-546-3352 Saunders Charolais..................................................519-986-4165 GUEST CONSIGNORS B Bar D Charolais......................................................519-323-1270 Sunrise Charolais......................................................705-428-3205 CM Cattle Co.............................................................519-939-0561 Echo Spring Charolais..............................................705-487-5840 White Water Charolais..............................................613-732-6129 SALE STAFF Chester Tupling, Sale Chair, Blockman......................705-627-0672 Rod McLeod, Ring Service........................................403-540-7986 Helge By, Ring Service..............................................306-536-4261 Carl Wright, Auctioneer............................................519-369-7489 Andy McCulloch, Sales Barn Manager......................519-379-1370 ACCOMMODATIONS Travelers Inn, Hanover519-364-1911 Best Western, Walkerton855-436-3030 Video of the cattle is available at: Cattle in Motion Sarah Buchanan 519-546-3352 32 Charolais Banner • August 2012
XAL 4Z WHC 2Z KBF 7Z JSR 32X WKL 106Z BCN 3Z BMA 15Z Please contact any of the breeders or sale staff for a catalogue or view it online at or A SAMPLE OF THE BREED LEADING FEMALES SELLING Charolais Banner • August 2012 33

Cheryl met her future husband Gerald while attending school. She joined his stock car racing team as the Powder Puff driver and had many adventures with the crew for several years. They were married in 1967 and she began her first teaching job that fall.

In the late 70s, Cheryl was diagnosed with rheumtoid arthritis.


Doris Elizabeth Bargholz of Bentley, Alberta, passed away peacefully at the Red Deer General Hospital at the age of 86, with her family by her side. She was born at Kindersley, Saskatchewan, and resided there until 1964 at which time she moved to Bentley with her husband Ken and three children, for the green grass to raise their

Despite the progression of her condition, she was involved in a great number of activities including: McGee Ladies Club, 4-H, Canadian Charolettes (being president from 1990-93 and 1996) and author for many years of Simply Put articles in the Rosetown Eagle. Cheryl’s sense of humour was enjoyed by many and was always a highlight at Charolais functions. After being forced to use a wheelchair, she convinced doctors to give her knee replacements at a

Cheryl Sim

young age. She was able to walk again until she wore them out and had them replaced. They operated Sim and Sons Charolais from the late 60s and farmed until 2005 when they retired, spending the last few winters in Yuma, Arizona.

Cheryl is survived by her husband Gerald and children Trent (Jerilyn) Sim, Penny (Aubrey) Eaton and Lori (Darren) Gasper, six grandchildren and extended family.

Charolais cattle. Together they were founding members of the Canadian Charolais Association in 1959. They operated Ponder Over Charolais Ranch. Their interest in Charolais came from using Charolais semen in community pastures where they lived at the time. Ken’s involvement with cattle from France had included 13 buying trips selecting cattle for Canadian importers. Ken was a CCA director for many years and died in 1995. Doris never lost her love of the

Doris Bargholz

June 1926 – July 2012

prairies. Blessing us with her kindness and generosity, the door was always open and the home fires were always burning. She loved her donkeys, birds, musical shows, taking her grandchildren on excursions and was always the family historian. She is survived by her three children, Frances (Dean) Francis of Empress, Velvet (Ken) Morris of Wainwright, and Jesse (Kathy) Bargholz of Lacombe; 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

Heart of Canada Show

A B.O.S.S. Show

LEJ Charolais, Portage la Prairie, wonboth Grands at this year’s Heart of Canada Show, June 9th at Lundar, MB.

Judge Carman Jackson used LEJ Yaeger 109Y, sired by Merit 8676U, as Champion Bull and MRT York 101Y, sired by SVS Nobleman 25N, as Reserve.Grand Champion Female of this 12 head show was BDT Rio Yazman 9Y, sired by LT Rio Blanco 1234P.

34 Charolais Banner • August 2012
LEJ CHAROLAIS WINS Grand Champion Female – BDT RIO YAZMAN 9Y, LEJ Charolais Grand Champion Bull – LEJ YAEGER 109Y, LEJ Charolais
1947 – 2012 OBITUARY
Rollin’ Acres Quality to Uppin’ the Ante Sale ~ SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, HANOVER, ONTARIO ~ Rollin’ ACRes lizzie 7s A powerful French influenceddonor female Selling choice of two Lizzie x Sudden Impact heifer calves JsR JunipeR 32X 2011 Canadian Western Agribition Grand Champion Female Selling a flush in this outstanding female Also consigning this Full French bred heifer Rollin ACRes DYnAsTY 10Y PCFL Whisky-Jack 21T X Cave Genk Des Flash 82K A special big thanks to all commercial bull buyers for helping to make our 2012 Bull sale so successful. Also thanks to Wilkie Charolais, Alberta, Clear lake Charolais, Alberta and Ron ibbitson, new Brunswick, for adding top end French bulls to their programs. Rollin’ Acres Charolais Full FRenCh ChARolAis Chester Tupling RR 3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 T: 519-925-2938 • C: 705-627-0672 E: Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings Charolais Banner • August 2012 35
october 20, 2012 • 100 p.m. • lakedell Ag centre (from Hwy 2, take Hwy 13 29 km west to Lakedell School, then 1.5 kms south) feAturing the get And service of these young herdsires A sAmple of our offering  Maple leaf reward 11X Full French BW .7 WW 32 YW 57 M 18.9 TM 35 Rouky x MLR Willie Nelson 464P Maple leaf pinay 8136U  Full French BW -2.3 WW 36 YW 68 M 21.5 TM 40 Pinay x Till MLC 102Y • Purebred • Willie Nelson x Dragon Bred for mid January MLR 93X • Polled, Full French • Ufano x Benchmark Bred for early January Preview the cattle at our Open House on August 18th. We are barbecuing, so let us know by August 15 if you plan to attend. RR#1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0 Tom & Carey Stewart 780-352-5902 or 780-312-4245 George Stewart 780-352-4817 Breeding Full French since 1966 306-584-7937 Helge 306-536-4261 Candace 306-536-3374 Maple leaf Charolais Offering: 25 Bred Heifers 5 Cow/Calf Pairs 5 Open Heifers 36 Charolais Banner • August 2012

Charolais people from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland joined forces to plan one of the largest World Congresses hosted. It was definitely the Charolais event of the year on the world scene. Although the weather was cool and sometimes unco-operative, the hosts more than made up for it in warm hospitality that just didn’t stop.

The Congress started with a spirited welcome social and supper south of London that saw any non-Charolais guests wondering what was happening. The first night of getting re-acquainted or introduced to people from around the world went late into the early hours of the morning.

Most of the days consisted of one tourist stop and one herd visit, all carefully selected to give us an overview of the United Kingdom. Hever Castle was first on the list and gave us an opportunity to get some English history through the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, tragic queen of King Henry VIII. Many will remember the fate of his six wives through the line, “Divorced, died, beheaded, divorced, died, survived.”

Jan and Sarah Boomaar’s Vexour Charolais herd is located just miles south of London. It is a beautiful farm with some excellent new barns for wintering and calving. There is a lot of history in this area and some local historians had artifacts on

display that were of royalty back to the 1400s. This was the first of many rides on a hay rack to view the cattle, which were impressive in excellent grass paddocks.

Stratford upon Avon is famous as Shakespeare’s home and theatrical events it hosts. A free morning to walk off the long flight while taking in the attractions of the old city was enjoyed by all.

Peter and Sheelagh Donger’s Seawell herd, located a couple of hours north of London, is one of the long time quality operations in England. We first met Peter in Brazil in 2004 at the World Charolais

Charolais Banner • August 2012 37
Participants at the World Charolais Congress 2012 hosted by the United Kingdom Med and David Benson, England; Candace By, Canada; Kim and Ben Harmon, England; Jimmy Wilson, Scotland; Helena Lewis, Wales; Marton Bujdozo, Hungary; Betty Wilson, Scotland and Dai Lewis, Wales, share a palinka at the welcoming desk
Hever Castle Shakespeare’s birth place

Congress and he is great to visit with as he speaks his mind and is a very good stockman and excellent farmer, growing some fabulous crops.

Our first herd visit in Wales was to Arwel and Mandy Owen’s Trafaldwyn herd. In addition to their display, there were a number of other Welsh breeders who brought cattle to give us a better cross section of cattle in this country. There were some donor females and some A.I. sires paraded for us to see.

Lunch was served in a local school where we were entertained by the students in traditional Welsh dance, choir and harpists. We were graced with music by the director, a very accomplished Welsh folk singer whose cds now span across continents.

The accommodations for the next two nights were in the beautiful little coastal city of Llandudno. The old seaside promenade was walked and enjoyed by many.

The next day the beautiful coastal pastures of Wil Owen’s Deunawd herd were toured. Wil has been very competitive in the steer and heifer show competitions and just recently added a purebred herd to his operation. It was interesting to see the extreme muscle they are breeding for in the steer shows. His commercial cow herd is Limousin and Belgium Blue based and Charolais are used as the terminal sire.

Again a number of area breeders brought some cattle to display. Since there wasn’t a show in Wales at this time, they gave everyone a chance to participate at the farm visits.

The Llechwedd Slate Mine tour with a guided tramway ride into the caverns of a retired mine was educational. The underground lake was a solitary sight of beauty. The life of the miners was dramatized well and left everyone looking at slate

38 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Lunch at Vexour Charolais
Welsh dancers were part of our lunch entertainment
Everyone on the tour was welcomed at Seawell Charolais with a glass of Pimm’s, a traditional English drink Wine labeled for the Congress was served at our meals Seawell pasture

roofs with a different sense of respect for the workers who spent their lives in the mines. Today, slate mines are all done from the surface and the lifestyle of miners is much different.

A Welsh themed evening was a treat for the ears of the participants. A very talented harpist and Welsh choir entertained us after dinner. For those who had the fortitude to continue late into the evening, more songs were enjoyed in the lounge as the Welshpool Auction staff and friends broke into song throughout the evening. We didn’t realize how singing was such a part of their heritage and in the past the miners had a choir for each mine.

Our last stop on our way out of Wales was at the Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwillantysligogogo ch station. This is the longest town name in Wales and a two page explaination of what it means and how to pronounce it was distributed throughout the buses. Only the bravest attempted it out loud and a few took a lesson from our hosts.

The ferry ride across to Dublin was a little rough, but many used the day as a chance to rest and get some sleep. From Dublin the buses drove north giving everyone the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the Irish countryside and its many shades of green.

The first morning in Enniskillen was full of options. The famous Belleek Potteries was one, and exploring the town another, but we chose the boat cruise along Lough Erne. The narrator on the cruise was entertaining and had the ability to make us laugh while sharing historical, political and local bits of interest.

We were fortunate to be able to attend the Northern Ireland National Charolais Show. This was a great opportunity to see cattle from many

Charolais Banner • August 2012 39
Breeders took the opportunity to parade some animals in front of the crowd for better viewing
Cantorion Bro Gwerfyl – a very talented Welsh Choir
continued on page 42 
Very thick commercial steers and heifers on display at Deunawd Llandudno promenade along the Irish Sea in Wales


Beach Valley Farms, Eric Regier, 613-732-0726

Winters Charolais, Bob & Lorraine Winters, 613-433-3204

Cornerview Charolais, Brian & Heather Coughlin, 613-646-9741

Hicks Charolais, Bryan Hicks 519-766-2816

Dubuc Charolais Senc, 819-225-4298

Ferme Alain Larouche, Alain Larouche, 418-718-7305

Claude Lemay, 819-539-7616

Ferme Louber Enr, Bernard & Lousie Begin, 418-387-7514

Ranch Ostiguy Charolais, Pierre Ostiguy, 450-469-4472

PEE VEE Charolais, Phil Hardy, 450-243-0249

Ronos, Steeve Poulin, 418-464-4321

M & L Cattle Company, Roger Maloney, 705-295-6439

Patton Charolais, Chester Patton, 519-925-5243

Ferme A.R.F. Champagne, Andre Champagne, 418-596-2404


Gerrard Cattle Co., Dory & Janine Gerrard, 403-227-5632

Prairie Cove Charolais, Tim, Wanda & Tyler Bullick, 403-224-3341

Wilgenbusch Charolais, John & Brenda Wilgenbusch, 306-458-2688


Cornerstone Charolais, Ricky & Nancy Milton, 902-393-8699

LXL Charolais Farm, Louis & Benoite LeBlanc, 506-532-4028

by/parraine par


For Catalogues call/pour appeler Catalogues Sponsored
Helge and Candace By • 306-584-7937 H cell 306-536-4261 • C cell 306-536-3374
Sale manager/Gestionnaire de vente POST 41Y LOUB 18X LOUB 225Y
Quebec Charolais Association and Ferme Louber Enr. 1630 Rg St-Martin, Ste-Marie, PQ G6E 3A8 Ph 418-387-7514 • Cell 418-389-7181
Selling 23 Lots of Canada’s Best Charolais from these leading breeders: À vendre 23 Lots de ces principaux éleveurs: gerrard roxanne 18p Selling choice of 18 January and February ET heifer calves Vente choix du 18 Janvier et Février ET génisses 40 Charolais Banner • August 2012
 Fabulous Bred Heifers  Foundation Quality Females  Top Show prospect Heifer Calves  Two Herdsire prospects  Jetez un coup d’oeil génisses fantastique multipliés  Femelles fondatrices de la bonne qualité  génisses se démarquer en exposition  deux offre de taureau reproducteur View the catalogue online at le catalogue en ligne au site web BRT 19Y JWX 402Y POST 90Z PEVE 161Y MNS 32Y GGD 202Z LXL 3Y WR 214X A Sample of the Offering: Un échantillon de l’offre: Look for/Chercher… Sale broadcasting live with / Vente la diffusion en direct Contact/Contacter: Jesse Milne Smith 613-229-1073 Register for the National Show by September 9 Go to CMED 482Y Charolais Banner • August 2012 41

operations under one roof. No comments were given during the show by the judge, which was something the Canadians missed. The breeders in Northern Ireland are selecting for size and thickness, with their biggest animals the ones taken to the shows.

Visiting the Ulster-American Folk Park was an interesting historical stop. This museum featured a town and farms from the era of the potato famine, to a ship used for emmigration, to a new town in Pennsylvania where many of the people from this part of Ireland moved. The main building told the story through exhibits and life histories of actual people. The outdoor museum featured people in period costumes that were able to give us tidbits of information about the building and the lifestyle of the people who worked or lived there.

Stuart Bothwell’s Killadeas herd is where we were again treated to an excellent lunch and tour of a good herd of Charolais. The weather was nice and the lush pastures were a good backdrop to the quality purebred and commercial cows.

The Killyhevlin Hotel in Enniskillen was the site of an Irish themed night. Harpists entertained us during the

social and Celtic Storm Irish Dancers followed the dinner. Audience members had the opportunity to join in with the dancers before the Knotty Pine String Band began playing for the remainder of the evening. Dancing was enjoyed by many and as is often the case at these events, Canadians led the way.

Traveling in four coaches makes its own logistical problems for people planning trips. This group had to be accommodated in different hotels sometimes for lodging and meals. Tours also normally cannot accommodate a group this large, so on June 18th, we split up and some of us started our day at Bushmills Irish Whiskey Distillery, while the other half of the entourage went to the Giant’s Causeway.

The Bushmills tour offered an education that assisted us in learning the differences between brands and different approaches in distilling malt drinks. Of course this stop ended in some tasting that gave us the opportunity to appreciate all the great things we were told about Bushmills Award Winning Whiskeys. Even those on our bus that aren’t or weren’t whiskey drinkers,

appreciated the Hot Bushmills, and copies of the recipe were taken for future use. The gift shop was lighter after this stop as the bus got heavier with souvenirs.

The Giant’s Causeway is a special place on the earth and a trip to Northern Ireland would be incomplete without it. This natural pavement of huge rocks projecting into the Atlantic Ocean on Ireland’s north coast was formed about 60 million years ago. Volcanic eruptions followed by lava cooling formed a hard rock called basalt. When able to cool slowly and evenly, this type of lava forms columns with regular sides. Before this scientific explanation, a story about the legendary giant who built the Causeway was told for generations.

Legend tells of Finn MacCool wanting to do battle with a rival giant in Scotland, known as Benandonner. The two giants had never met, so Finn built enormous stepping stones across the sea so the Scottish giant could cross to Ireland to face the challenge. The story takes a humourous twist when Finn, seeing the great bulk of Benandonner approaching, flees home in fear and asks his wife, Oonagh, to hide him. Oonagh is said to have disguised Finn as a baby, and put him in a huge cradle. When Benandonner

42 Charolais Banner • August 2012
One of the slate mine cavern displays
Killadeas Blockford Dynamite Celtic Storm Irish Dancers
The longest town name in Wales is featured across the top of the storefront sign
continued on page 44
Rowana Rudiger and Steve Nesbitt as the Irish leprechaun



Arrive in Montreal. Or choose to fly to Toronto and take a scenic train to Montreal.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 –Tour begins. Montreal Biodome – Four ecosystems are explored through re-creations of their natural habitats: a tropical forest, a Laurentian forest, the St. Lawrence marine environment and the polar regions.

Olympic Park and Oympic Stadium – 165 metre high Montreal Tower with observatory at the top offers 80 km views of the Montreal region. A funicular cable system takes people to the top.

Boat Ride – tour with beautiful views of the Montreal Skyline.

Montreal Botanical Chinese and Japanese Gardens

NHL Hockey Game – Montreal Canadiens vs Carolina Hurricanes pre-season game.


Old Montreal – Gas lamps, cobblestone street and 18th and 19th century buildings repurposed as chic boutique hotels exude Old World charm. Stroll through the narrow streets on the island in the St. Lawrence River where explorer Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain landed in 1535 and 1611. Basilica of Notre-Dame is a Montreal landmark.

The Governors Feast – in an Old Montreal restaurant. Visitors are the nobles to whom maidens and vassals serve meals, while other minions entertain during the 2-hour, 17th century bilingual feast in New France. Old Montreal Bonsecours Market – an impressive domed neoclassical mid-19th-century edifice, built as a public market, still draws shoppers, who come now to scour its upscale boutiques for items handmade by Canadian craftspeople.

St. Catherine's Street comes alive at night with buskers, artists, sideshows and numerous nightclubs.


Leave Montreal to travel to Victoriaville to visit with Quebec breeders and tour the exhibition.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 Expo Boeuf National Charolais Show and Sale.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 Travel to Quebec City and spend the next two days exploring the history (Plains of Abraham, the Citadel, Place Royale…) and grandeur of this great city including a traditional French Canadian supper in the oldest restaurant in Canada.Wander the cobblestone streets, or climb aboard a horse-drawn carriage for a different perspective.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 – Depart. Minimum number required. Commitments must be made by August 30th For further information or a more detailed itinerary, contact:

Helge and Candace By

H 306-584-7937 • C 306-536-4261

Charolais Banner • August 2012 43

saw the size of the “infant”, he assumed the father must be gigantic indeed and fled home in terror, ripping up the Caseway in case he was followed. This is the reason the Giant’s Causeway exists in north Antrim, with similar columns at Fingal’s Cave on the Scottish island of Staffa to the north - the two surviving ends of the Causeway built by Finn MacCool.

Those of us going to the Giant’s Causeway later in the day were not blessed with good weather. Thank goodness for the rain ponchos in our registration packs! Fortunately, since the sun shining on us that day was quite damp, there were no tourists besides we brave and hardy Charolais people. We got a view and photos without hundreds of strangers in the background, and free rein to climb wherever we desired.

The warmth extended at Coolnaslee Charolais, Gilbert and Hazel Crawford and family was more than enough to remove the chill and charm our spirits. The cattle herd has been developed by buying the best sires they could, including the 55,000 gns ($90,000) Sportsman Columbo, and dominating the show ring with

some powerful, big cattle.

Every detail was first class: the picturesque farm signs, the ice sculptured bull head, the abundance of food, Gilbert’s secret recipe punch, the terrific band, the Irish dancers… not one detail escaped the planners and we were treated royally – it was definitely world class.

44 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Northern Ireland Show Ring
Giant’s Causeway
Canadians attending the World Charolais Congress
Northern Ireland Supreme Charolais Bull Ulster-American Museum street in the potato famine era
continued on page 46
Wendy & Lyle Bignell and Candace & Helge By doing some tasting at Bushmills
Charolais Banner • August 2012 45 Fantastic Female sale • 1:00 p.m. • December 19, 2012 Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK Selling our entire pen of bred heifers with most bred to CSS Sir Gridmaker2W (2011 rBC Beef Supreme Challenge Champion Bull) The Girls are Going to Town HMG 63Y HMG 94Y HMG 13Y Wood River Charolais Murray & Nicole Blake • Box 86, McCord, SK S0H 2T0 306.478.2520 • Sale Consultant: Doug Howe 306.631.1209 On offer: 37 Lots & 2 A Lots 10 Heifer Calves • 19 Bred Heifers • 3 Bred Cows • 2 Cow/Calf Pairs • 3 Bull Calves Sale Group: BAKER CHAROLAIS Kevin & Sherry Baker T: 613.473.2452 E: WINDYVIEW FARM The Ormistons T: 705.799.6357 E: LAND O'LAKES CHAROLAIS Bob Bateman T: 613.473.4743 Arlene & Barb Bateman T: 613.473.4190 E: AMABEC CHAROLAIS Ivan & Grace Hutchinson T: 705.924.2936 E: POTTER CHAROLAIS Barry & Liz Potter T: 705.563.2752 E: KIRLENE CATTLE Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt, Bryce & Dana Hakkesteegt T: 613.475.3532 E: Guest Consignors: COOPER CHAROLAIS Dylan Trotter T: 613.922.2240 ECHO SPRING CHAROLAIS Doug Briggs T: 705.487.5840 E: M AND L CATTLE COMPANY Roger Maloney & Helen Lynett T: 705.295.6439 E: SALE DAY PHONE: 705.328.3500

As the events progressed, we found ourselves wondering what more could possibly await our delights, but every stop was different, well done and offered something new.

On June 19th, we departed Belfast by ferry to the Scottish borders. Alnwick Castle’s owners have developed the site into a major

tourist attraction. Having parts of three Harry Potter movies filmed there doesn’t hurt the marketing plan, but they have invested in further development while honouring the history and artwork that goes along with such a historical property. Opening the State Rooms, their actual living quarters, to tourists is something not everyone would be

willing to do.

The catering facility for events, restaurant, gift shop, café, various special children’s and adult activites are all available, but the investment in the Alnwick Gardens goes beyond the castle walls. Complete with a maze, a water fountain show, rose garden, etc., it makes for an interesting tourist stop.

We crossed back into Northern England to tour the Campbell’s Thrunton Charolais herd. This is one of the premier herds in the United Kingdom proven by its record eight Perth Bull Sale Supreme Champions and 15 times winning the group of three. The herd is also the largest with 400 head of Charolais cattle. A good working farm with Charolais now being worked by the third generation.

The Royal Highland Show is a

46 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Coolnaslee welcome sign
Parade to the buses led by the leprechaun, piper, drummer and our host Gilbert Crawford
Alnwick Castle
Harry Potter’s Quidditch field at Alnwick Castle
An energetic, Irish band entertained us during dinner at Gilbert & Hazel Crawford’s place
continued on page 48
Roast lamb at Coolnaslee Charolais
TM 45
BOAT After two problem free calf crops, we are very pleased with Winner. His calves are long, correct and muscled. A sample of our Autumn Prestige Sale offering We welcome your call for more information, or to receive a catalogue. CE 66 BW 0 WW 42 YW 80 M 22 TM 43 October 13 2012 Charolais Banner • August 2012 47
BPL 15Y – This Winner daughter combines the performance of Rio Blanco with the style of Wyoming Wind. She is one of 3 Winner daughters consigned to Autumn Prestige. They are all bred Merit Roundup for early 2013 calving. CE 64 BW 1.5 WW 40 YW 83 M 23.1 TM 43 BPL 6Y is a long powerful daughter of Hicks Revolver bred to Land O’ Lakes Havana March 21. CE 56 BW 2.8 WW 41
82 M 24.1

major event in Scotland and one we have always wanted to attend. The show cattle again are the biggest from the breeders and there was lots of power and growth in the show strings. The biggest bull I think I have ever seen was a six year old that was reportedly weighing 1,900 kgs (4,180 lbs.) and one mature show cow had to be over 3,000 lbs. These did not win the show but were interesting to see. David Bondfield from Australia

was the judge of the female part of the show and a Scottish stockman sorted the males. There is also an all breeds Supreme class at the end of the week where each breed selects a bull and three females to compete. These are not necessarily the grand champions of each breed but animals that are uniform and represent the breed type.

While the men gathered around the showring in the rain, most of the

women walked through the exhibits in and out of the shelters provided. The grounds are extensive and the exhibits included all the sorts of things you would expect to see at a stock show in Canada, plus more. There were more entertainment stages and way more sheep. Many Canadians commented on the different kinds of sheep they never knew existed.

The Charolais Society had a huge

48 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Cattle in the pasture at Thrunton Charolais
Alnwick gardens
Royal Highland Show Yearling heifer class
Royal Highland Show Champion Bull
Royal Highland Show group of 4 Charolais compete in the Supreme
continued on page 50
Touring at Thurnton
Options… E ndless Possibilities Just a sample of our 8 offerings to the Autumn Prestige Sale
Haddock x Buds My Dad-Homozygous
Exciting 2 year old bull that performed extremely well in the show ring, placing
Bull in the 2011 Ontario Show Points season. He combines length, meat and fleshing ability with outstanding EPD’s.
WW 56 YW 103 M 25.7 TM 54
for Dockage again this fall, showing as a two year old. Winn Mans lanza 610s x sparrows Alliance 513g A real curve bender with a low BW epd and in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW and TM. BW 0.1 WW 60 YW 126 M 22.4 TM 53 Semen available, with the Canadian semen rights co-owned with Blackbern Farms. Kirlene DoCKAge 58X sPArroWs FArgo 811U WHC 9U Hercules daughter from the Miss Trim line BW 2.9 WW 43 YW 90 M 24.4 TM 46 HPF 9Z Fargo son with loads of potential BW 1.5 WW 52 YW 108 M 23.4 TM 49 HPF 13Y Patry Haddock daughter bred to Fargo BW 3.8 WW 57 YW 101 M 19.3 TM 48 Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt • Bryce & Dana Hakkesteegt 13 Lawson Settlement Road, RR 3, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 T 613.475.3532 • Fax 613.475.5128 Cell 613.848.6917 Charolais Banner • August 2012 49
Senior Yearling
BW 1.8

tent with a bar and food service. This tent was split in half and the Angus had the other half, but the food/bar ran between both. It was an efficient way of servicing the two groups.

The Balthayock Charolais herd of Major David Walters, Lady Sara and son Nick was one of two herd visits the next day. The Major is very EBV driven and gave a good introduction of his program and goals. His herd has many of the top number animals in the British Charolais Society herdsire prospect list. After a good tour of the herd a great barbeque lamb and pork lunch was served. Large tents were erected and the hospitality was again great.

Murray and Fiona Lyle, Loganbar Charolais, are not strangers to a lot of the World Congress participants as they have attended many previous events. The opportunity to share their hospitality and culture was a pleasure to all. The steak supper with more salads than one could possibly sample was scrumptious. The entertainment featured a celtic band with Scottish country dancers leading the way. This dancing is similar to the pattern dancing of square dancing, but has no caller. The locals

that knew the steps led the way and everyone else joined in and had some fun. The Lyles had done their homework and had bottles in the bar from the countries represented. Helge enjoyed toasting ‘Mid-summer’ with

Edinburgh and the castle is St. Margaret’s Chapel and dates from the 12th century. Parts of the castle were constructed as late as the 15th and early 16th centuries. The city has many touristy shops and a large shopping mall. After this trip, the bus contained more luggage purchased to accommodate all of the souvenirs the congress goers had purchased on the trip.

Others in the group went back to the Royal Highland Show to see what they missed the first day or to attend the Charolais International AGM. The annual general meeting will be covered in a separate article.

the Scandinavians in the crowd with Aquivit. It was a welcoming touch I hope all appreciated.

June 23rd was the final day of the official World Congress tour, but due to all of the rain we had experienced, one farm tour had to be cancelled. There were still two options to fill the day, but people seemed to be able to find three or four things to do. Some people toured Stirling Castle. I went on the bus to Edinbugh with many others and toured the Edinburgh Castle. The oldest building in

Many of the Australians could be found glued to a television screen watching the Royal Ascott races. An undefeated Australian horse named Black Caviar was running and the excitement was contagious. Four of the attendees actually left the Congress a day early to be at the race. Black Caviar was victorious, which added to the jovial celebrations of the final evening.

The closing gala dinner at Stirling Castle was spectacular. A piper

50 Charolais Banner • August 2012 
Balthayock Charolais in Scotland Balthayock tours
Scottish dancing that got everyone participating Loganbar Charolais
continued on page 54
 We were served this delish roast pig, along with roast lamb at Balthayock
We invite you to our 2ND ANNUAL BULL SALE, MARCH 4, at the farm, again featuring sons
Stop by anytime and let us show you our program. Bob & Monette Palmer 306.567.5460 Velon & Leah Herback 306.567.5545 Box 17, Bladworth, SK S0G 0J0 Thank you to all our buyers at our 1st Bull Sale. It was great to see many new and repeat customers supporting our program. Special thank you to these purebred breeders: MERIT 8789U (RHAPSODY) • HTA
390N son out of the great Carla cow family RGP REMINGTON 101Y High selling bull by Rhapsody to HTA Charolais,
MB HVA REFEREE 115Y 2nd high seller, also by Rhapsody, Leptin TT, to Miller Charolais, Milk River, AB Great feet & legs Powerful Top 2% for WW & YW
of Rhapsody.
• August 2012 51
Charolais Banner
52 Charolais Banner • August 2012 Merv, Joanne, Jesse & Brittni Nykoliation • Box 899, Lenore, MB 204-838-2107 • • “Success Depends on Quality” tri-n CHarolais FarMs PRO-CHAR CAPTAIN MORGAN 8U BW .6 WW 40 YW 79 M 3.7 TM 44 At Pro-Char 1st Annual Sale, 10 sons averaged $6,890 with high seller at $20,000. Noticably one of the deepest, most sound footed bulls in the industry. TRI-N TIDAL WAVE 960W SOS Crimson Tide 97S x TRI-N Easy Girl 95T (SDC Laredo) BW 1.1 WW 40 YW 103 M 23.3 TM 43 A perfect blend of our most predicable bloodlines. SILVERSTREAM PERFORMER P38 (Full French) Exclusif x Coat Lezard BW 2.9 WW 56 YW 90 M 10 TM 34 Total New Zealand outcross. Sire of Canada’s high selling bull in 2012. Watch for sons in 2013. TRI-N PREFIX PLD ET 54Y Silverstream Performer x KCH Malibu (Baldridge Fasttrack) BW 24 WW 54 YW 94 M 20.4 TM 47 The high selling bull in Canada this spring, selling to Vikse Family farm for $37,000. Watch for him this fall in their show string. Ask about a full brother available for the 2013 breeding season. A bull with incredible stride and ease of movement. Canada’s Hottest sires Canada’s Hottest sires Thank you CATTLELAC RANCH of Eddystone, MB, for purchasing a group of bred females. Good luck, Tyler. More bred and open females are for sale by private treaty. CATTLEMAN’S CLASSIC BULL SALE March 24, 2013 Virden, MB Stay informed on Canadian genetics 8 times per year with the 124 Shannon Road, Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Canada Tel: 1.306.546.3940 Fax: 1.306.546.3942 email: Name: _________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Tel: __________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ Please check the term you prefer & send payment by cheque, or choose to pay by faxing or phoning in your credit card information. CANADA q 1 Year - $42.00 q 3 Year - $105.00 (Canadian funds, 5% gst included, #R106126014) U.S.A. q 1 Year - $75.00 CDN q 1 Year 1st class - $115.00 CDN q 3 Year - $200.00 CDN q 3 Year 1st class - $320.00 CDN OVERSEAS q 1 Year - $80.00 CDN q 1 Year 1st class - $120.00 CDN q 3 Year - $210.00 CDN q 3 Year 1st class - $330.00 CDN MC or VISA#: _____________________________________________ Expiry: _______________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Subscription Order Form
Charolais Banner • August 2012

played as we arrived and were led into the reception area. Stirling Castle has been the site of many battles and the inside of the castle shows some war wounds. Some of the statues on the castle walls are missing heads from such events. This is also the castle where Braveheart was filmed.

Dinner started with the piping in of the head table guests, followed by the piping in of the haggis. This is a time honoured tradition that still occurs during Scottish celebrations even in this country. After the haggis is placed at the table, a designated person, in this case a sponsoring auctioneer from United Auctions, speaks to it telling a tale that is quite lengthy. Near the end, the haggis is stabbed and then cut. It was served as our appetizer with neeps (turnips) and tatties (mashed potatoes). The meal progressed while a Gaelic choir performed for us. There were many presentations from various delegations thanking the host countries. We were once again piped out to a courtyard in the castle where a pipe and drum band played for us, then escorted us back to the buses.

The lounge at the hotel was busy that evening as many people were leaving the next day and were saying their goodbyes.

Post Tour

From only offering the post tour if there would be 45 people interested, to actually hosting two plus coaches, the response was enthusiastic.

continued on page 56 54 Charolais Banner • August 2012
The decorative walls inside Stirling Castle  The stabbing and cutting of the Haggis We were paraded to our buses by the band
The closing gala attendees listen to a pipe and drum band in the Stirling Castle courtyard
Vikse Family Farm TrI-n PreFIx PLD eT 54Y • POLLeD • ½ FrenCh Silverstream Performer P38 x KCH Malibu 1M • High Selling Bull in Canada this spring Thanks to all who supported our program over the last year Thanks to Circle Cee Charolais and excel Charolais for selecting our high selling bull VFF TIme OuT 172Y SDC Time Out x LHD Mr Perfect Y416 Limited Semen Packs Available See our cattle at all the major Alberta events: • Fall Select Bull & Female Show and Sale • Lloydminster Fall Fair • Farmfair International AnnuAL BuLL SALe February Family Day Dave & Tracee Vikse and family RR 1, Donald, AB T0B 1H0 t 403-883-2461 c 780-608-4460 New OutcrOss Herdsire Thank you to these PROGRESSIVE BREEDERS for buying into the genetics of TIME OUT 172Y: Perrot-Martin Charolais • Cedarlea Farms • Blake Alton • Sunset Ridge Ranch • Stan & Vicki Skeels • Bill & Lydia Pawluk • Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle Limited Semen Packs Available Charolais Banner • August 2012 55

We started with a visit to Pitlochry, a small Scottish town with many little shops geared towards tourist traffic. The enjoyable morning of meandering through the shops and streets was a break from the pace.

We continued to the Scottish Highlands and a tour at Balmoral Castle Estate. The famous country home of the Queen was one of the reasons many people decided to attend the post tour. Queen Victoria purchased the Estate in 1848 and it has been the Scottish home of the British Royal family every since. It covers just over 50,000 acres of heather clad hills, ancient Caledonian woodland and the River Dee is nearby.

The guided audio tour took us through the stables where displays depicted Her Majesty’s enjoyment of and association with horses. Horses could be seen in pastures beside the castle.

The gardens featured vegetables for the Royals to enjoy, and of course

flowers for bouquets inside the castle and to remain in the garden.

The ballroom exhibited gowns belonging to Her Majesty the Queen as a special exhibition for the diamond jubilee. It also contained exhibits of a historical nature and video of the Royal family enjoying Balmoral.

The gift shop offered souvenirs from jigsaw puzzles to china and our luggage got heavier.

On Monday morning we made a quick visit to The Whisky Castle Shop and Highland Market. Tastings were poured by a proprietor that had a story to tell with every glass. It was entertaining and fun for even those who didn’t partake.

Roy and Kristy Milne & Sons’ Elgin herd was our first herd visit of the post tour. Elgin sponsors a young farmers group and they were on hand to welcome us with wine and open-faced smoked salmon appetizers as we got off the bus. A band of fiddlers had our toes tapping

during a steak barbecue lunch and a dancer treated us to a Highland Fling. After lunch we had the opportunity to view the cattle and go through some exhibits brought in by local artisans and sponsors.

This herd had just shown the Reserve Grand Champion Bull at the Royal Highland Show and he was a part of the Charolais Supreme entry. Dad and three sons manage this quality herd of purebred and commercial cows that has produced some top selling bulls and will continue to in the future.

John and Raymond Irvine’s Inverlochy herd has had a year making Stirling Bull sale history in February by winning the overall supreme champion, along with others and then securing a new record Charolais herd average of 14,595 pounds on five bulls. We finished here with a great supper including roast beef and red deer for those that wanted a try and a

56 Charolais Banner • August 2012
An exceptional
band from a local high school
at Elgin Charolais
A piper played a welcoming tune
The Queen’s ponies Balmoral Castle

fundraising weight guessing contest that involved the winners receiving some very nice Scotch.

The final tour morning started with pastries and coffee as we were welcomed to Blelack Farms by Neil Massie and his son Graeme. Neil has been to Canada many times in the past selecting genetics for both his Charolais and Angus herd. One of the most popular, easy calving A.I. sires in the U.K., Blelack Digger, was raised by the Massies and they had Grand Champion Angus bull at the Royal Highland show we had just attended.

Neil and Stuart Barclay’s Harestone herd was our second stop of the day, and we were greeted to lunch with a large display of John Deere equipmentas they have four major dealerships. A Scottish band also entertained us here at the conclusion of our herd tour. The Barclay’s have been successfully breeding Charolais for over 25 years and have spared no expense in improving their 100 head program.

They also produce bulls for their 700 head suckler herd of commercial cows.

Jimmy and Betty Wilson’s Ugie herd was the last stop of the tour. Jimmy and Betty have been on quite a few conferences and many were looking forward to visiting their home. We were greeted by a piper and Scotch liqueur. The Charolais herd is going to be dispersed this fall, so many of the British society members were looking with great interest. Jimmy is a great stockman and has produced many herdbulls and breeder rams over his breeding career.

Supper was roast lamb and all of the trimmings while we were entertained musically. As soon as we finished eating the Scottish country dancing began and Jimmy’s and Betty’s two granddaughters did some Highland dancing to give us a break between the dances. The evening ended with Jimmy and his daughter leading us in song. A great way to end this very memorable 17 day adventure.

The ride back to motels by the Aberdeen airport was one of saying our goodbyes and already looking forward to seeing many of our Charolais friends again someday in the future – wherever in the world it may be.

Charolais Banner • August 2012 57
Many enjoyed the tales of the Scotch, as well as the taste
Cows and calves in pasture at Elgin Charolais
Cows and calves at Inverlochy Charolais
Scottish Highlands
Lochnend Apache at Inverlochy Charolais Touring cows at Blelack Charolais
A Blelack female The Survivor’s that made it to the end of the tour at Ugie Charolais Appreciation gifts were presented to David and Caroline for a job well done! – Dai Lewis, World Congress Chairman; Hazel Craford, host and presenter; David Benson, British Charolais Society GM; Caroline Cree, Field Farm Tours Co-ordinator; Helena Lewis, presenter, Alasdair Houston, British Charolais Society Chairman A sample of the Harestone herd
Goldies Banker at work at Ugie Charolais
Unique ribbon display spells the farm name 58 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Scotch liqueur was our welcoming beverage  John Deere tractors toured us at Harestone Charolais
Sylvan & Karen Martens Box 85, Glenbush, SK S0M 0Z0 Tel: 306-342-2099 Stop by and see the program anytime or look for our offering at the Sterling Collection Sale in December and the Northern Alliance Bull Sale next March. Erixon’s Spitfire 127T In his 5th season here. Nice daughters and sons that are sought after. Sound with muscle and capacity. CE 35 BW 5.1 WW 45 YW 93 M 18.7 TM 41 CJC Big Sky X623 P An outcross to our program this CJC Trademark H 45 x SSR Mr Spur 3328 bull’s first calves look promising. Co-owned with Serhienko Cattle Co. and Gerrard Cattle Co. MXS Craftsman 910W We are also using: A home bred bull purchased by Hunter Charolais. He is sired by MXS Allegro and out of a great Whitehot daughter and maternal brother to MXS Vermillion 527R. CE 99 BW -.4 WW 35 YW 64 M 19.5 TM 37 Merit Crossroad 9747W This exciting young sire is by RC True 791 Pld and is co-owned with Serhienko Cattle Co. BW 1.8 WW 44 YW 92 M 18.9 TM 41 SVY Northstar 153Y Sparrows Landmark x SVY Starstruck 559R 2010 Agribition Supreme Champion What a predigree and what a bull Co-owned with Hunter Charolais & Serhienko Cattle Co. BW 1.7 WW 57 YW 100 M 23.5 TM 52 Sparrows Landmark 963W Co-owned with Horseshoe E Charolais & Serhienko Cattle Co. BW 1.5 WW 66 YW 119 M 19.7 TM 53 Charolais Banner • August 2012 59

Edinburgh, Scotland – June 23, 2012

Charolais International President Dai Lewis (Wales) opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Greetings were also given on behalf of The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland by Keith Brooke, Honorary Treasurer.

The minutes were read and adopted from the Charolais International Annual General Meeting in France in May, 2011. The financial report was presented and approved.

It was announced that Regis Gremion was resigning as SecretaryTreasurer of Charolais International after many years as he has left the Herdbook Charolais, and Cecilia Crapoulet from Herdbook Charolais was accepted as his replacement.

Discussion was held on Genomics which was the topic of the last World Technical Conference in France and will be the topic of discussion at the next World Technical Conference in Sweden being held next June. There are many things to get worked out as to how all Charolais member countries can work together to improve the quality of the Charolais genomics without duplication of bulls that are being mapped and SNPed.

The World Charolais Congress in 2014 is being held in France, probably at the end of August in conjunction with a major show, but no details were presented as they are not finalized.

The 2015 World Charolais Technical Confernce will be hosted by the Canadian Charolais Association.

An election of the new executive was

Charolais International Annual General Meeting

held, with the new President being Lennart Nilsson, Sweden; VicePresidents Michel Baudot (France) and Helge By (Canada). Past President is now Dai Lewis (Wales).

The meeting was adjourned.

60 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Anders Wiklert, Sweden and Lennart Nilsson, Swedish incoming President, present Dai Lewis with a gift of appreciation for his work as President of Charolais International 2012 World Charolais Association Voting Delegates: L-R: Front: Lars Bjornberg, Sweden; Michal Baudot, France (Vice-President); Dai Lewis, Wales (Past-President); Cecilia Crapoulet, France (Secretary-Treasurer); Lennart Nilsson, Sweden (President); Michael McGirl, Ireland; Nuala Hourihane, Ireland; Regis Gremion, France (retiring Secretary-Treasurer). Back: Ben Harmon, England; Terrance Farrell, Australia; Lee Eaton, USA; David Benson, England; Wilfried Zachert, Germany; Anders Wiklert, Sweden; Wayne Semenoff, New Zealand; Zoltan Domokos, Hungary; Neil Gillies, Canada; Wade Beck, Canada; Marilou Wagner, USA; Istvan Jansco, Hungary; Henri Vidal, France. New Secretary Cecelia Crapoulet, President Dai Lewis and outgoing Secretary Regis Gremion during the meeting
JUSTICE xDISTINCTION Meat, thickness & correct SILVERADO xMONTANA SILVER Makes them correct & moderates birth weight JWX SILVER BUCKLE 524U WHITECAP DOMINATION 63T LANZA xJD 2nd year on our heifers WINN MANS KANSAS 9135W COACH xLEVI 2011 Canadian National Reserve Champion Bull SOLID xRED SOLDIER High Seller at North of the 49th Bull Sale SRK CANYON 2Y CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X NAVIGATOR xFATHOM High Seller at North of the 53rd Bull Sale CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 20Y New Additions to our Pastures in 2012 The main sires of our bulls for our 2013 sale, March 30th in Ashern Special thanks to our great bull customers for another excellent sale and to these purebred breeders: BAR J CHAROLAISand BUFFALO LAKE CHAROLAIS(2) Stop by or give us a call and learn more about our program Campbell and Molly Forsyth, Jay Forsyth Box 3, Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0 204-739-2678 Charolais Banner • August 2012 61

The CCYA Experience


President: Kirstin Sparrow

Vice-President: Luke Marshall

Treasurer: Sarah Weinbender

Secretary: Tomina Jackson

Director: Michael Hunter

Director: Travis Jozwiak

Director: Holly Smith

Director: Courtney Black

CCYA 2013 Conference Executive Co-ordinator: Billie Jo Saunders

CCYA Provincial Presidents

AB: Russell Gallelli 403-804-7442

MB: Haylan Jackson 204-564-2547

ON: Candace Alexander 519-353-5029

SK: Brandon Sparrow 306-292-9820

CCYA Provincial Advisors

SK: Darwin Rosso 306-693-2384

ON: Brad Buchanan 705-534-0137

MB: Donna Jackson 204-564-2547

AB: Kasey & Arlana Phillips 780-358-2359

Youth Coordinator: Brandon Sparrow

I am your newly elected National Board President for the year 2012-13. I have been involved with CCYA for ten years. I live on our family farm at Vanscoy, Saskatchewan, as well as in Saskatoon during the school year. I am entering into my second year at SIAST in Saskatoon, where I am working towards a degree as a Registered Nurse. I am excited to have this opportunity to be President of the National Board, and look forward to the year to come.

This summer the National Board has welcomed some new faces to our team, as well as said goodbye to some great ones. Luke Marshall is our new Vice President, Sarah Weinbender is now Treasurer and Tomina Jackson is Secretary. We welcome Courtney Black and Holly Smith to the board, sitting as Ontario Directors. We are excited to announce that Brandon Sparrow will be our new Youth Coordinator, taking over the position from Katrina Coughlin.

I was not able to attend this summer’s CCYA Conference and Show in Olds, Alberta, but I have heard nothing but great things about it. As always, there were a lot of new friends and memories made! On behalf of the National Board I would like to thank and congratulate the 2012 Conference Executive for a job well done. Organizing a conference like ours is a huge, yet rewarding task. Thank you for all of your hard work! Watch for coverage

from the conference and show in the October Charolais Banner.

The reason I was not able to attend the conference in Olds this summer was becauseI won an International Agriculture Youth Exchange through Canadian 4-H to Jamaica. I travelled to Jamaica, along with five other delegates from across Canada, for four weeks. It was an opportunity of a lifetime and I am so thankful for the experience.

We travelled to different Parish’s throughout Jamaica, experiencing the culture and the way of life of Jamaicans. I stayed at host families and was involved directly with Agriculture across their country. Because of the climate and various other factors in Jamaica, agriculture is less apparent than in more developed countries.

I was fortunate enough to be in the region of Jamaica with the most sugar cane production, which was very interesting. Sugar is Jamaica’s largest agriculture export, also used for the production of molasses and rum. I tasted every fruit tree imaginable, and I am already missing the fresh fruit. My favorites were the mangos and pineapple. Jamaica exports coconuts, citrus fruits, ginger, yams and tobacco, to name a few. Jamaica is a major producer of marijuana, which, however, remains illegal.

As for animals, I was surprised to see goats wandering the roads and cows in

Kirstin Sparrow,
62 Charolais Banner • August 2012

short supply among the countryside. We visited many 4-H centers that own the animals for the 4-H members. Due to expense and limited facilities, 4-H members that are in projects with animals have to travel to the 4-H farms to work on their projects. Examples of the projects we saw are Apiculture, Pig Rearing, Poultry Care & Management, and Goat & Rabbit Revolving. Cattle are not found on every farm in Jamaica and are only found in herds of five to ten. Beef is mostly imported, and dairy cattle are more popular.

We also got to take in some tourist activities as well, such as resorts and beaches. I recommend any youth able to apply for an International Agriculture Exchange such as the one I had; it was an experience of a lifetime.

Stayed tuned for more updates from your National Board, and remember to check out our website at for information.

• August 2012 63
Charolais Banner

Put your

date and business card in the 2013

These Canadian Charolais Youth Association members and the Charolais Banner are currently working on the 2013 Calendar. They will be calling you soon. Be a part of this fundraising project by saying ‘Yes’. If they haven’t called and you want to be included, or for full page ads, call today...

AB Holly Smith, ON Office
Calina Evans,
Courtney Black,
Evan Jamieson,
Our Breed... Our Youth
Cassidi Elder, SK Cory Bremner, MB Jordynn Jamieson, AB Kayla Zamrykut, MB Laura Weinbender,
64 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Logan Jamieson,
Charolais Calendar!
PCC BALISTIK 441P Our Program Base… This Cougarhill Hank x Whitehot bull has been our main sire for many years. His sons are solid, correct, good-haired and what our customers demand. A sample of the Balistic daughters… great uddered, broody and fertile MVY 25U MVY 95W Thank you to all our customers this past year, especially these purebred breeders: • Sterling Sale – FERME PALERME, QC, high selling heifer calf out of a Balistik Daughter • Impact Bull Sale – PERROT-MARTIN CHAROLAIS, high selling Balistik son; BAR EW CHAROLAIS Introducing our next generation sire... SVY EPIC PLD 127Y by Sparrows Landmark Agribition class winner last fall Mike, Moira, Don & Ryan; Dean, Britney & Dallas Box 93, Arelee, SK S0K 0H0 306-237-4464 We invite you to stop and see our program anytime, just 45 minutes west of Saskatoon. Charolais Banner • August 2012 65

Homozygous Red • Polled

Langs Red Soldier 22S x Belmont’s Indiana 9J

CE 94 BW -.4 WW 50 YW 101 M 21.6 TM 46

This great disposition, solid made bull is in his 4th season here. Calves easy, they grow and the daughters are nice uddered.

lEJ yaEgER 109y

3rd Generation Polled 2012 Heart of Canada Grand Champion Bull Merit 8676U x Bar J Rupert 200R

CE 72 BW .5 WW 45 YW 93 M 17.7 TM 40

Watch for this bull this fall. His power, length and smoothness will impress you.

Jim, Rae, Kiernan & Erik Olson • Box 882, Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 Ph: 204-252-3115, 204-856-6357 (Jim), 204-871-1063 (Rae) • Feel free to give us a call anytime

Welcome New Members/Noveau Membres

Demarah Farm

Mark & Deborah Kendze, Bowden, AB Phillips Farms

Kurtis Phillips, Estevan, SK

Young Charolais Bob & Mike Young, Ennismore, ON Jennrhon Charolais Ron Clancy, Stirling, ON CMT Farms

Chad & Michelle Tuck, North Battleford, SK

Benjamin Hubert, Redcliff, AB

Golden Brook Farms

Ken Langille, Malagash, NS

Michael Stafford, Orillia, ON Swan Lake Farms Ltd.

Greg Goudy, Stoughton, SK

Jacoba Rondhuis, Newport, NS

Lakeview Livestock

Darrell & Charlene, Bud Prouse, Invermay, SK

Grant Craig, Rimbey, AB

Centre Hasting Joseph Preston, Madoc, ON

Silver Lake Farms

Clint James Marchant, Cartwright, MB

Kaiser Cattle Co.

Barry Kaiser, Hussar, AB

Rodney Hilltop Charolais

Allan & Inez Boss, Spring Hill, NS Jazlyn Beaudin, St. Paul, AB

Ross Charolais

Alistair Ross, Young, SK

Sunnivale Farms

Ed Pridham, Stayner, ON

Tim Davidson, Gull Lake, SK

Mbrheo Cattle Co., Clifford, ON

Hunter Acres Charolais Grant & Donnie McCaffrey, Hunter River, PE

Vossler Livestock

Craig Vossler, Irvine, AB

DMG Charolais

Dale & Melody Gaudrey, Birch River, MB

Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa, MB

Mournefield Farm Charolais R & V Edgar, Vernon River, PE

Twin Valley Ranch

Eric Thomson, Rockglen, SK

Bruce & Tina Klassen, Dewberry, AB

Conor Riley, Arras, BC

Austin Riley, Arras, BC

Clipper Cattle Co.

Dylan Grieve, Fillmore, SK

Sugar Loaf Charolais

Eric, Sheryle & Scott Anderson, Minburn, AB

Aidan & Jordynn Jamieson, Dalemead, AB

66 Charolais Banner • August 2012
JWX PRivatE Ryan 505U
JSR Trophy 88T x PH Cowtown PLD 13M • Leptin Tested TT • BW 4 WW 56 YW 103 M 24.2 TM 52 PH BANNER 107X • POLLED P & H RANCHING CO. LTD. NFAC Thanks to everyone who supported us at our 2nd Annual Bull Sale! 3RD ANNUAL BULL SALE February 9, 2013 Innisfail Auction Mart New Junior Herdsire: • Keys Wishbone 40Y (Leptin TT) Walking our pastures.... • PH Challenger 7X (Leptin TT) • PH Wyo Banner 44X (Leptin TT) • Gerrard Kid Rock 31X • LT Original 8310 • LT Persona 0328 • PH Wyoming Wind 33P (Leptin TT) • PH Wyoming Wind 16U (Leptin TT) • JSR Trophy 88T Duane & Corrine Parsonage T 403-227-2348 C 403-304-0661 RR 3 Site 18 Box 17 • Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8 Phillip Hofer • 403-597-6337 Where Cowmen Buy Bulls Charolais Banner • August 2012 67

In May, Candace and I traveled to Australia to re-visit the Charolais industry in that country. We focused our trip around the BEEF 2012 Show in Rockhampton, central Queensland. This very large show happens every three years; we attended it in 2006 and knew it was a place to reconnect with many breeders. The Australian Charolais Association held their AGM in conjunction with this show and we were able to attend it by invitation.

BEEF is a huge outdoor event with many equipment displays. Most of

the beef breeds have tent display areas. 85,000 people went through the gates during the six days of BEEF with almost 4,500 head of cattle from every state in Australia. Also, more than 600 registered international industry representatives from 37 countries attended. They have a Supreme Bull and Female show with all the champions shown and we found it interesting that 31 different breeds were displayed. There are a number of breeds that are Australian developed and mainly involve

crossing an established breed with a Brahman to have an animal that can go into the northern tropical parts of this vast country.

Of interest was the Brackle breed, which was on display for the first time at BEEF 2012. This is a cross between the Speckle Park from Canada and the Brahman. It has the colour of the Speckle Park and the body type of a thicker Brahman.

From BEEF, we struck off to tour a number of Queensland herds. Queensland is the northeast state of

INTERNATIONAL NEWS Helge By Champion Female Class at BEEF 2012
68 Charolais Banner • August 2012 continued on page 70
This class displays a high percentage of red factor cattle
YOUR SOURCE for SOLID GENETICS Supreme Champion Harding Fair and 2012 RBC Supreme Qualifier! KCH QUEEN LATIFAH 1T • PIERCE x POWER PLAY & her twin heifer calves sired by SRK SOLID 12U Co-owned with Slack Farms, Harrisburg, SD KCH MEDICINE MAN 7Z SOLID x SANDSTONE BW -1.2 WW 46 YW 90 M 21.6 TM 44 KCH KEROSENE 5Z SOLID x PIERCE BW 0.1 WW 50 YW 94 M 21.2 TM 46 KEN & KERRI HINSBURG (204) 826-2445 BOX 220, RAPID CITY, MB R0K 1W0 KCH CHAROLAIS See you at the fall shows & sales! Thank you! To all our buyers for another sold out bull pen! A special thank you to these Progressive Breeders: Burnside Charolais Graychar Charolais Kings Polled Charolais Slack Farms Wilgenbusch Charolais Charolais Banner • August 2012 69

ease, meat and performance. On our trip six years ago the Queensland breeders were breeding more power and birth weight than what we want here. This trip I found they have backed off the size a bit and are selecting sires with more calving ease. My analysis is that at this time we are as close as we have ever been in the type we are selecting to breed.

We have more polled and homozygous sires at this stage than they do, because of their increased use of French semen, but size and performance would be very similar. They on a whole have paid more attention to easy doing or fleshing ability, or as they say “softness” in their cattle, where as we have probably

Australia and home to some of the larger Charolais operations. In 2006 we toured a number of herds here and in New South Wales, which is the southeast state. We revisited some, but also found our way into some new ones. We wanted to tour the herds that have purchased Canadian semen interests in the past and see how these genetics have been working for them. We also wanted to investigate to see if we could find some outcross genetics that breeders here in Canada could use.

Many breeders in Australia utilize more French genetics on a whole than we do in Canada. Many will breed their polled females French, then breed those back to polled purebred. They are trying, as we are, to find the balance between calving

concentrated more on tighter sheaths, although I did see an improvement from six years ago here also.

At the show there was also a marked increase in the number of tan, red factor, Charolais being shown. In visiting with the breeders and asking questions there seems to be a perception that tan cattle are softer than the whites. There is also a desire from the commercial industry in red herds of Santa Gertrudis (5/8 Shorthorn & 3/8 Brahman developed in Texas) and Droughtmasters (3/8 Shorthorn & 5/8 Brahman developed in Queensland 50 years ago) to use a tan bull to keep the colour in the calves. In commercial bull sales in Queensland, there seems to be a

70 Charolais Banner • August 2012 continued on page 72
BEEF Grand Champion Female – Crathe’s Estella BEEF Grand Champion Bull – Palgrove Formula Females are lined up for inspection during the Special Sisters Show and Sale in the Charolais marquis
Banner • August 2012 71

marked premium for a tan bull and a marked premium for a polled bull, so until supply/demand changes, I would breed polled, red factor cattle in this area.

One bull in particular that I thought would be quite popular in Canada was tan and homozygous polled. The only catch was he was sired by a Canadian bull, out of a female sired by a Canadian bull.

We put nearly 5,000 kms on our rent car in Queensland, so we did get to see a bit of it and its breeders. Of course it goes without saying, the hospitality was great. It was Bill Dunlop who coined the phrase, “a Charolais membership is a passport to great hospitality around the world” and it held true.

This trip we also decided to go to the state of Victoria, which is on the southeast coast and is quite different. The climate of course is one of the differences, with more distinct seasons (although snow is not a regular occurance here). Melbourne is the capital of Victoria and very much a multicultural cosmopolitan city. George Crocombe, a breeder who was at the World Congress in Canada and who we have spent time with at other Congresses was our tour guide in Victoria and showed us around not only some purebred herds but his own 600 head commercial operation.

The cattle industry here is very similar to western Canada with black and black baldy cows being the most common. The Charolais bull being produced to service this market is also very similar to ours. There is a lot of North American influence in the pedigrees, although here they too try to blend in some of the easier calving French bulls to add some more meat and bone to their genetics. We only spent a few days here but went hard and got through some very good operations that have been doing a great job for decades. Here the red factor animals are not in demand, with the distinctive silver calf gladly being produced.

Australia is now going to host the 2016 World Charolais Congress. Start and see their cattle and their culture. If will be a trip you will never forget.

continued on page 74

72 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Beautiful coastal country in southern Queensland Brahman cows with Charbray calves in south central Queensland A typical commercial cow in Victoria

C2 Charolais Sires…

JWX Reality Red 73U • Homozygous Red

Sired by Crystal D Pierce out of the MSW Scarlet cow. Siring correct, performance calves with lots of eye appeal.

High Bluff Hank 41R

Sired by Cougarhill Hank out of the Holmsyde Hot on Top. Sons and daughters are doing well for us.

Watch for the get and service of these sires in shows and sales this fall and next spring. Thank you to all our bull buyers for a great spring. A special thanks to TEMPLE FARMSand JMB CHAROLAISfor their purchases.

Soder Rhapsody 501X

Sired by HTA Rhapsody 390N out of the Merit Smoothie 7211T daughter. High selling Charolais bull in Soderglen’s 2012 Bull Sale.

Jeff & Jackie Cavers Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 Res 204-242-3467 Cel 204-242-4448

Thank you to Silver Lake Farms, Cartwright, MB, for purchasing ½ interest in this great Relief son.

Thanks to Rollin' Acres Charolais, Shelburne, ON, for purchasing ½ interest in SCF You-Betcha 94Y.

Thanks to purebred breeders Valanjou Charolais Ranch and Wendt-Murray Farms for their purchases and to our many great, repeat, commercial customers.

Also thanks to our new customers: Vern Hall, Moosomin, SK Wirl Farms, Langenburg, SK Glen Hutton, Byemoor, AB


Kelly Stephen

Box 26, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 W 306-435-3548 H 306-435-2087 C 306-435-7383 email:

Charolais Banner • August 2012 73
SCF YUGONDA 100Y Shown here at 18 months in July after servicing two groups of cows Time to Muscle Up
Home of Full French Charolais

Above: Wild boars in a Queensland pasture

Far left: Wild red parrots fed by a restaurant owner for the amusement of his clientele

Middle right: A Short-beaked Echidna, one of Australia’s egg-laying, pouch-bearing mammals

Below: Big grey kangaroos in the shade in a pasture

Cattle country in Victoria
74 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Kangaroo and her joey
SHOW YOUR CUSTOMERS YOU APPRECIATE THEIR BUSINESS Thank them and raise the profile of your program in the Fall Connection CRAIG SCOTT 403-651-9441 HELGE BY 306-536-4261 The Charolais Connection is mailed to all Charolais bull buyers for the past six years. Deadline is September 12th Mailing September 26th Charolais Banner • August 2012 75

Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM

The 49th Saskatchewan Charolais Association Annual Meeting was held June 9 at Watrous. The meeting started with 26 people present.

The board of directors and executive remain the same for the upcoming year with Orland Walker, Hudson Bay, going into his 5th year as President; Donna Ross, Coronach taking her 5th year as 1st VicePresident; Greg Gilliland, Carievale, sitting for his 3rd year as 2nd VicePresident and Dave Blechinger, Rosetown, going into his 5th year as Secretary-Treasurer. Dave Blechinger, Orland Walker and Dennis Metz, Lumsden, were all re-elected by acclamation for new 3 year terms.

The 2011 financial statement showed a $3,600 loss on a budget of $25,000. Members equity is still over $42,000 with $39,000 in the bank.

Advertising and Promotion is the largest expenditure of the SCA. This year TV took the biggest piece with ads also running in the Stockgrowers Magazine and the newsletter in the Charolais Banner. Show expense was the next biggest expense again this year with prize money at the Canadian Western Agribition commercial show taking a large part of this. The secretary wages rounded out the top three and largest costs to the Association. Although not shown in the budget, the field man income and expense as it goes through the CCA books and is also one of the largest expenditures for the Saskatchewan membership’s benefit.

Carey Weinbender’s 4-H report told that 4-H programs are still very active in the province. Beef is the largest project with enrolment in 104 clubs, which include 1,587 members, who attend 19 Regional Shows. The SCA again worked with the Provincial 4-H office to award Stainless Steel Water Bottles sporting the SCA logo to 87 members showing Charolais influence animals at their achievement days.

Ten members representing eight regional shows were presented embroidered Stormtech jackets at Agribition for winning Grand or Res. Champion steer or female in 2011.

For 2012 the SCA will be distributing double walled tumblers with the SCA logo for members showing Charolais influence calves and they will continue to present the embroidered jackets at Canadian Western Agribition to regional winners across the province.

John Wilgenbusch gave a report from the Canadian Charolais Association and talked about office and association happenings.

Marisio Arcila from the BIXS Program gave an informative talk about this program. The purpose and format was discussed. Canada produces a superior quality beef product enabling it to compete anywhere in the world and this is due to genetics. This program can determine the value of this quality through CCIA tags. He described the forms and how to complete them and also answered questions.

The meeting was followed by supper and presentations to the 2012 SCA Commercial Booster of the Year Bill and Dorothy McQueen, of Tessier.

The McQueen Family –2012 Commercial Charolais Booster

Bill and Dorothy McQueen started their operation in 1973 by purchasing a 1/2 section just north of Hwy #7 east of Tessier. This parcel of land had a delapitated house and an old bin. The house was replaced and the bin is still used for storage.

From this meager start the operation has developed into a 6,000 head feedlot (up to half custom fed) and a large commercial cow herd.

Bill and Dorothy have two children, both are involved in the beef industry.

The McQueen’s involvement in the Charolais breed began in the seventies when their Herford and Angus cows were bred Charolais in the government pastures.

The resulting calves were all fed out in their feedlot. Now all the mature cow herd is bred Charolais. Bill estimates that they have purchased at least 75 Charolais bulls over the years. The cow herd consists mainly of black cows. In fact they were using white bulls on black cows for years, long before it was fashionable to do so.

In Bill’s words, “You just can’t beat the performance of the Charcross calves in the feedlot.”

76 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Last year's recipients Paula & Layne Evans present Mike McAvoy with the Breeder of the Year Award Nancy, David, Dorothy and Bill McQueen were presented the 2012 SCA Charolais Booster Award by Dave Blechinger
Dave & Alva Blechinger Box 6, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 306-882-4081 Charolais as Good as Gold See more on our website at Special thank you to our many bull customers for a great spring. We invite your inspection anytime. FERNANDO In his second season here, this full brother to Kingston (High Seller at Sparrows this spring) is correct, easy doing and good calving. Winn Mans Lanza x Sparrows Matador BW 1.8 WW 49 YW 114 M 27 TM 51 SB FERNANDO 33X • POLLED GMC TNT 5T • HOMOZYGOUS POLLED TNT Our designated heifer bull. This son of No Doubt has been very consistent for us. BW 1.6 WW 51 YW 105 M 22.4 TM 48 BATTALION Our newest addition by the Agribition Supreme Campion, CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W. He’s very correct, eye appealing with calving ease and milk bred in. BW .5 WW 45 YW 88 M 23.6 TM 46 CEDARLEA BATTALION 65Y • 3RD GEN PLD
2012 77
Charolais Banner
78 Charolais Banner • August 2012 Services Shouldn’t this be your ad? Call 306.546.3940 today!

Alberta Breeders

Charolais Banner • August 2012 79
80 Charolais Banner • August 2012
British Columbia
Charolais Banner • August 2012 81 Maritime Breeders Ontario Breeders Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt Bryce &Dana Hakkesteegt T:613.475.3532 F:613.475.5128 Cell:613.848.6917 13 Lawson Settlement Road,RR #3,Brighton,ON K0K 1H0 Caught you looking! 306.546.3940
82 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Quebec Breeders Saskatchewan Breeders
Charolais Banner • August 2012 83 John & Brenda, Colin, Conrad & Erica, Craig & Tricia Wilgenbusch Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 T 306-458-2688 • Cell 306-458-7873 • Craig’s cell 306-458-7482 • USA Breeders Be Wise... Advertise! 306.546.3940

• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25

• Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request

• 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt)

• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts

• $400 sale attendance fee, plus 2 pages in the Charolais Banner or 1 page in the Connection • Business Card in the Banner & Connection $350/yr

• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25

• Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt)

• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts

• Catalogue prices available on request

The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.

84 Charolais Banner • August 2012
Banner PUBLISHING DEADLINES ISSue AD DeADLINe MAILING ISSue AD DeADLINe MAILING Fall Connection Sep 12 Sep 26 Dec Banner Nov 28 Dec 12 Oct Banner Oct 3 Oct 17 Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050
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490 685
285 410
Page 190
Charolais Connection Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125
Page 690 945
Page 525 725
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n/a 1”x1
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140 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)


August 18

Maple Leaf Charolais Open House

September 9

Renfrew Fair Charolais Show, 12:30 p.m., Renfrew, ON (A BOSS Show)

September 21

Lindsay exhibition Charolais Show, 5:00 p.m., Lindsay, ON (A BOSS Show)

September 22

Mack’s Charolais Heart of the Herd Sale, 7:00 p.m., Hoards Station Sale Barn, Campbellville, ON September 29

7th Annual uppin' the Ante Female Sale, 2:00 pm, Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON

October 5 - 7

Alberta Designate Show at Olds Fall Classic, Olds, AB (A BOSS Show)

October 6

Canadian National Charolais Show, 8:00 a.m., at expo Boeuf, Victoriaville, QC (A BOSS Show)

October 6

Canadian National Charolais Sale, 6:00 p.m., at expo Boeuf, Victoriaville, QC

October 13

Autumn Prestige Sale, 6:30 p.m, Lowes Auction Services, Lindsay, ON October 20

Maple Leaf Charolais Production Sale,


President: Darwin Rosso

Secretary/Treasurer: Murray Blake

Calendar of Events

1:00 p.m., Lakedell (AB) Ag Centre

November 1-3

Manitoba Livestock expo, Brandon, MB (A BOSS Show)

November 2

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Charolais Show, Toronto, ON (A BOSS Show)

November 7

Farmfair International Heifer Calf Futurity, 6:00 p.m., edmonton, AB

November 8

Farmfair International Charolais Show, 4:00 p.m., edmonton, AB (A BOSS Show)

November 7 - 10

Saskatoon Fall Fair, Prairieland exhibition, Saskatoon, SK (A BOSS Show)

November 17

everview Charolais Dispersal Sale, 1:00 pm, Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB

November 22

Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Sale, 3:30 p.m., in the Auditorium, Regina, SK

November 23

Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show, 2:30 p.m., in the Stadium, Regina, SK

November 30

Sterling Collection Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales

December 1

Charhead Ranch & Dr. Melanie Roth Complete Herd Dispersal Sale, 1:00 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart

December 6

Alberta Charolais Assoiation Annual General Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Red Deer (AB) Westerner

December 7

Alberta Selet Bull and Female Show and Sale – 10:00 a.m. Single Bull Show; 1:00 p.m. Pen of 3 Bull Show; 5:00 p.m. Select Sale, Red Deer (AB) Westerner

December 8

Sandan Charolais Production Sale, 1:00 pm at the farm, erskine, AB

December 11

No Borders Select Sale, 1:00 pm, Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB

December 15

Perrot-Martin Charolais Complete Dispersal Sale, 11:00 a.m., at the farm, Naicam, SK

December 19

Fantastic Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK

Cedarlea Farms

Garner & Lori Deobald Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0 T/F: 677-2589 •

Wood River Charolais Murray & Nicole Blake Box 86, McCord, SK S0H 2T0 T: 478-2520 •

N3 Stock Farms Lyle & Lynn Wilson Box 37, Admiral, SK S0N 0B0 T: 297-6263

Rosso Charolais Darwin & Kevin Rosso #78, 325 4 Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2

Charolais Banner • August 2012

T: 693-2384 •

Char-Top Charolais

Glen & Lyn Sauder Box 569, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 T: 672-3979

Prairie Sky Farms Lloyd & Christina Daniels Box 185, Avonlea, SK S0H 0C0 T: 868-4429


Advertisers Index

Alberta Charolais Association......................29

Amabec Charolais....................................45,81

Anchor J Charolais........................................79

Arntzen, Dean...............................................78

B Bar D Charolais................................32-33,81

Baker Charolais.............................................45

Bar H Charolais..............................................82

Bar Punch Ranch...........................................79

Bar 7 Easy Charolais .....................................79

Beach Valley Farms..................................40-41

Beau Char Charolais......................................79

Beck Farms..............................................82,IBC

Be-Rich Farms................................................79

Blackbern Charolais............................32-33,81

Bo-Jan Enterprises.........................................82

Bow Valley Genetics Ltd...............................78

Bricney Stock Farms......................................82

Bridor Charolais..................................32-33,81

Brimner Cattle Company..............................82

Buffalo Lake Charolais .................................79

By Livestock................27,30-31,36,40-41,43,84

Canadian Charolais Association..............18-21

Carey, Brent...................................................78

Cattle In Motion..................................32,33,78

Cavandown Charolais...................................81

Cedardale Charolais......................................81

Cedarlea Farms (Cypress)..............................85

Charhead Ranch............................................82

Charla Moore Farms.....................................82

Char-Maine Ranching...................................79

Charolais Journal...........................................78

Char-Top Charolais (Cypress)........................85

Charworth Charolais Farms..........................79

Chomiak Charolais ..................................11,79

Circle Cee Charolais Farms............................79

Claude Lemay...........................................40-41

Clear Lake Charolais.....................................79

CM Cattle Co............................................32-33

Cooper Charolais...........................................45

Cornerstone Charolais........................40-41,81

Cornerview Charolais...............32-33,40-41,81

Cougar Hill Ranch.........................................82

Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co....................82

CSS Charolais.................................................82

C2 Charolais..............................................73,80


Diamond W Charolais...................................83

Dorran, Ryan.................................................78

Double L Ranch.............................................79

Dubuc Charolais..................................40-41,82

Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle...............81

Eaton Charolais.............................................83

Echo Spring Charolais.........................32-33,45

Elder Charolais Farms................................5,83

Ericson Livestock Services.............................78

Everview Charolais...................................27,80

Farmfair International..................................28

Fawcett Cattle Company Inc........................79

Ferme A.R.F. Champagne........................40-41

Ferme Alain Larouche.............................40-41

Ferme Louber Enr....................................40-41

Fischer Charolais............................................79

Fleury, Michael..............................................78

Foat Valley Stock Farm.................................79 Footprint Farms ............................................79

Forsyth Bros. Charolais ...........................61,80

4-G Charolais Ranch......................................83

Future Farms.................................................79

Genesis Livestock International...................12

Gerrard Cattle Co................................40-41,79 Gilliland Bros. Charolais................................83 Gold Bar Livestock...................................32-33 Grant Farms...................................................79

GRP Ltd..........................................................78

H.S. Knill Company Ltd.................................78 Happy Haven Charolais................................80 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co.........................80 Harvie Ranching ...........................................79

HEJ Charolais ................................................79

Hicks Charolais...............................22,40-41,81

High Bluff Stock Farm..............................53,80

Horseshoe E Charolais.............................25,83

Howe, Doug.............................................45,83

HTA Charolais Farm ................................13,80

Hunter Charolais .......................................7,80 Jacob, Aimé...................................................28

JMB Charolais ...............................................80

Johnstone Auction........................................78 Jordan River Charolais..................................83

Kaiser Charolais Farm...................................79 Kanewischer, Jerry........................................78

Kay-R Charolais ..................................14,15,79

KCH Charolais................................................69

Kirlene Cattle......................................45,49,81

Kruk Charolais...............................................80

La Ferme Patry de Weedon..........................82

Land O' Lakes Charolais...........................45,81

Langstaff Charolais.............................32-33,81

Lemay, Claude..........................................40,41

Leemar Charolais..........................................79

LEJ Charolais.............................................66,80

Lindskov-Thiel Charolais Ranch....................83


LXL Charolais............................................40-41

M & L Cattle Co..............................40-41,45,81

Mack's Charolais.................................30-31,82

Maple Leaf Charolais...............................36,79

Martens Cattle Co....................................59,83

Martens Charolais.........................................80

McAvoy Charolais Farm...........................65,83

McKay Charolais............................................81

McKeary Charolais........................................79

McLeod Livestock................................15-17,78

McTavish Charolais........................................83

Meadows Charolais.......................................81

Medonte Charolais.............................32-33,82

Miller Land & Livestock................................82

Murphy Livestock..........................................80

Mutrie Farms.................................................83

Myhre Land and Cattle.................................81

Nahachewsky Charolais................................83

Norheim Ranching........................................78

N3 Stock Farms (Cypress)..............................85

P & H Ranching Co...................................67,80

Packer Charolais............................................82

Palmer Charolais......................................51,83

Parklane Charolais........................................80

Patton Charolais..................................40-41,82

PEE VEE Charolais....................................40-41

Perrot-Martin Charolais...........................23,83

Pleasant Dawn Charolais...........................9,81

Poley, Chris....................................................78

Potter Charolais..................................45,47,82

Prairie Cove Consulting......................40-41,78

Prairie Gold Charolais..............................77,83

Prairie Sky Farms (Cypress)...........................85

Pro-Char Charolais........................................80

Qualman Charolais ......................................83

Quebec Charolais Association.................40-41

Rammer Charolais ........................................81

Ranch Ostiguy Charolais.....................40-41,82

Rawes Ranches..............................................80

Reykdal Farms Charolais...............................81

Ringuette Charolais......................................81

Rollin' Acres Charolais...................32-33,35,82


Rosso Charolais (Cypress)..............................85

RRTS Charolais...............................................80

Saddleridge Charolais...................................80

Sand Rose Charolais......................................83

Sandan Charolais Farms................................80

Saskatchewan Charolais Association...........76

Saunders Charolais........................................82

Scarth Cattle Co............................................81

Sharodon Farms............................................82

Skeels, Danny................................................78

Sliding Hills Charolais...................................83

A. Sparrow Farms.........................................IFC

Sproule Charolais.......................................6,80

Spruceview Charolais....................................80

Stephen Charolais Farm...........................73,83

Steppler Farms Ltd. ...................................3,81

Stock, Mark...................................................78

Stockmen's Insurance....................................78

Sunrise Charolais.................................32-33,82

T Bar C Cattle Co......................................23,71

Temple Farms................................................83

Transcon Livestock Corp...............................78

Tri-N Charolais..........................................52,81

Turnbull Charolais.........................................80

Vikse Family Farm.........................................55

Wawedash Farms Ltd....................................83

Whiskey Hollow Cattle Company......32-33,82

White Cap Charolais................................24,83

White Heather Charolais.........................12,80

White Water Charolais............................32-33

Wienk Charolais............................................83

Wilgenbusch Charolais...............40-41,83,OBC

Windyview Farm...........................................45

Winters Charolais.....................................40-41

Wood River Charolais (Cypress)..............45,85

Wrangler Charolais.......................................80

86 Charolais Banner • August 2012 LOOKING TO FIND SOMEONE?
The Power in our Pastures Producing Next Year’s Prospects PCC NAVIGATOR 403P CE 76 BW 1.9 WW 35 YW 62 M 27.1 TM 45 CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 37T • POLLED CE 54 BW 3.4 WW 34 YW 64 M 23 TM 40 SRK SOLID 12U • 3RD GEN RED, POLLED CE 57 BW -3 WW 45 YW 99 M 27 TM 50 CRYSTAL D PIERCE 40P • DBL RED, DBL PLD CE 24 BW 4.4 WW 66 YW 97 M 8.1 TM 41 JWX SILVER BULLET 524W • HOMOZYGOUS PLD CE 80 BW 2.3 WW 39 YW 95 M 20.2 TM 40 KAYR GRID GRID IRON 400S • DBL PLD CE 61 BW .1 WW 43 YW 86 M 23.1 TM 45 Plus… HTA THOR 92X • JWX MR REALITY 56X • RPJ CARRERA 53X New to the pastures in 2012 LAE JUICEBOX 190Y • DCR MR S143 PRO BLANCO Y231 • KCM ULTIMATE 144Y John & Brenda, T 306-458-2688 • C 306-458-7873 Craig & Tricia, C 306-458-7482 • Colin, Conrad & Erica Wilgenbusch Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 • Watch for us at the National, Agribition & Sterling Collection Sales, Manitoba Livestock Expo and Agribition Shows. Feel free to stop by anytime to view our program or check out our website at

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