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Manitoba Ag-Ex & Additional Highlights
Manitoba Ag-Ex Charolais Show October 28, 2022 • Brandon, MB Judge: Katie Songer, Sylvan Lake, AB 40 Entries (A BOSS Show) Females Born in 2022 Split 1 1. JMB KRISSY 211K (RPJ Diesel 802F), JMB Charolais, Brookdale; 2. JMB KIRSTEN 212K (RPJ Diesel 802F), JMB Charolais; 3. KCH SUGAR N’ SPICE 288K (SRK Solid 12U), KCH Cattle Co., Rapid City; 4. HIDDEN LAKE ANNA 39K (Cedarlea Gangster 10G), Hidden Lake Stock Farms, Carberry; 5. RAMMER BUTTER TART 242K (HC Game Boy 9126G), Rammer Charolais, Hamiota. Females Born in 2022 Split 2 1. HC CINDY 289K (LT Ransom 8644), Hunter Charolais, Roblin; 2. HC ZELMA 279K (TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630 ET), Hunter Charolais; 3. STEPPLER MISS STARS 188K (WC Whiplash 8298F), Steppler Farms Ltd., Miami; 4. RAMMER STAR 233K (HC Game Boy 9126G), Rammer Charolais. Junior Heifer Calf Champion JMB KRISSY 211K, JMB Charolais Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion JMB KIRSTEN 212K, JMB Charolais Females Born in 2022 Split 3 1. C2 WHITE NEXUS 27K (BRCHE White Bear 8505), C2 Charolais, La Riviere; 2. HTA ICICLE 259K (HTA Dutton 14H), HTA Charolais, Rivers; 3. STEPPLER MISS JOLENE 55K (Elder’s Houlio 4H), Steppler Farms Ltd.; 4. NOF KELLY 10K (Brimner Bull 188G), North of 50 Charolais, McCreary. Females Born in 2022 Split 4 1. HIDDEN LAKE ELSA 3K (Cedarlea Gangster 10G), Hidden Lake Stock Farms; 2. HIDDEN LAKE BETH 8K (JWX Guinness 787G), Hidden Lake Stock Farms; 3. NOR KANDY 7K (LT Affinity 6221 Pld), North of 50 Charolais; 4. RAMMER LADYBUG 206K (Sparrows Flatliner 971G), Rammer Charolais. Senior Heifer Calf Champion C2 WHITE NEXUS 27K (BRCHE White Bear 8505), C2 Charolais Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion HTA ICICLE 259K, HTA Charolais Females Born in 2021 1. ELDER’S DESIGN 117J (TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET), Elder Charolais Inc., Coronach, SK; 2. MISS PRAIRIE COVE CAYS 159J (PCC Brewitt 929G), Longview Cattle Co., Grenfell, SK; 3. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 1227J (M&M Outsider 4003 Pld), C2 Charolais; 4. BECK’S DANCER 60J (DC/KCM Marksman E1145 PET), Beck Farms, Milestone, SK; 5. JMB ROSE 102J (RPJ Diesel 802F), JMB Charolais & Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa. Junior Champion Female ELDER’S DESIGN 117J, Elder Charolais Inc. Reserve Junior Champion Female MISS PRAIRIE COVE CAYS 159J, Longview Cattle Co. Females Born in 2020 with Calf 1. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 44H (CCC WC Resource 417 P, calf - BRCHE
Grand & Supreme Champion Female — MISS PRAIRIE COVE 44H, Longview Cattle Co.
Reserve Grand Champion Female — ELDER’S DESIGN 117J, Elder Charolais Inc.
Manitoba Ag-Ex
White Bear 8505 Pld ET), Longview Cattle Co.; 2. STEPPLER GABBY 546H (Steppler Jack Black 387F, calf - WC Whiplash 8298 P), Steppler Farms Ltd. Females Born Prior to 2020 with Calf 1. BLACKBERN FAITH 17F (Rosso Double Down 8Z, calf - Val-End Wellington 22H), Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw, SK. Senior Champion Female MISS PRAIRIE COVE 44H, Longview Cattle Co. Reserve Senior Champion Female STEPPLER GABBY 546H, Steppler Farms Ltd. Grand Champion Female MISS PRAIRIE COVE 44H, Longview Cattle Co. Reserve Grand Champion Female ELDER’S DESIGN 117J, Elder Charolais Inc. Bulls Born in 2022 Split 1 1. C2 KONG 12K (LT Ledger 0332 P), C2 Charolais; 2. HC KINGSMAN 288K (HC High Country 2H), Hunter Charolais; 3. ROSSO YOUNG GUN 5K (Val-End Wellington 22H), Rosso Charolais; 4. JMB KLONDIKE 209K
Grand Champion Bull — BECK’S THREAD 2176J, Beck Farms & Steppler Farms Ltd.
Reserve Grand Champion Bull C2 KONG 12K, C2 Charolais
(JWX Guinness 787G), JMB Charolais. Bulls Born in 2022 Split 2 1. HTA GALAXY 286K (HTA ASTROID 603D), HTA Charolais; 2. HTA KAYCE 274K (HTA Dutton 14H), HTA Charolais; 3. JMB KRIPTO 207K (RPJ Diesel 802F), JMB Charolais. Bulls Born in 2022 Split 3 1. STEPPLER TIMBER 62K (WC Whiplash 8298 P), Steppler Farms Ltd.; 2. HC KENWORTH 242K (LT Ransom 8644), Hunter Charolais; 3. HIDDEN LAKE RIP 9K (Cedarlea Gangster 10G), Hidden Lake Stock Farms. Bull Calf Champion C2 KONG 12K, C2 Charolais Reserve Bull Calf Champion STEPPLER TIMBER 62K, Steppler Farms Ltd.
Manitoba Ag-Ex Junior Show Charolais youth were a strong representation for the breed as twenty youth participated in showmanship out of 90 all-breed entries. The Charolais youth were very recognizable wearing MCYA jackets donated by JMB Charolais, Brookdale. Charolais Junior Show There were sixteen entries in the show judged by Naomi Best, of Harding. Champion Heifer Calf JMB KRISTEN 212K, Madisyn Bulls Born in 2022 1. BECK’S THREAD 2176J (SOS Apex Pld 139F), Beck Farms and Steppler Farms Ltd.; 2. JMB FLASH 115J (RPJ Diesel 802F), JMB Charolais; 3. LEGL PONCHO 100J (PROK Patriot), Big Sky Charolais, Consort, AB. Junior Champion Bull BECK’S THREAD 2176J, Beck Farms & Steppler Farms Ltd. Reserve Junior Champion Bull JMB FLASH 115J, JMB Charolais Bulls Born in 2020 1. C2 HEROSHIMA 42H (JMB Fisher 604D), Rosso Charolais. Senior Champion Bull C2 HEROSHIMA 42H, Rosso Charolais Grand Champion Bull BECK’S THREAD 2176J, Beck Farms & Steppler Farms Ltd. Reserve Grand Champion Bull C2 KONG 12K, C2 Charolais Progeny of Dam 1. JMB Charolais (JMB Luann 739E). Breeder’s Herd 1. JMB Charolais; 2. Hidden Lake Stock Farms. Get of Sire 1. JMB Charolais (RPJ Diesel 802F); 2. Hidden Lake Stock Farms (Cedarlea Gangster 10G). Premier Breeder JMB Charolais Premier Exhibitor JMB Charolais
Additional Ag-Ex Highlights
Robertson, Neepawa Reserve Champion Heifer Calf C2 WHITE NEXUS 27K, Lukas Cavers, La Riviere Champion Bred Heifer MISS PRAIRIE COVE CAYS 159J, Rayel Kaczmar, Longview Cattle Co. Reserve Champion Bred Heifer MISS PRAIRIE COVE 1227J, Fischer Cavers, La Riviere Charolais Win Reserve in Little Lady Classic LONGVIEW FAITH 1K, sired by BRCHE White Bear 8505 Pld ET, exhibited by Longview Cattle Co., Grenfell, SK was selected Reserve Overall Champion of the All Breeds Little Lady Classic.
department officials.
Representatives from CCA have also been on the ground and active participants in conversations happening globally about the environment, food insecurity, climate change, and biodiversity. CCA was pleased to represent the Canadian beef industry at COP27 in Egypt in both our own delegation and joining the Government of Canada’s delegation.
Bob Lowe, CCA’s Past President and Mitchell Zoratti, CCA’s Environment and Climate Change Coordinator, highlighted our leadership and experience in sustainable cattle production as speakers at the conference. We are also proud that our short film, Guardians of the Grasslands, was featured at the Government of Canada’s pavilion.
We also had the opportunity to participate in the COP15 hosted by China in Montreal, which focused on biodiversity. It was a venue to highlight the role that working grazing landscapes in Canada play in carbon sequestration and biodiversity and our leadership on this issue.
You can count on us to be at the table representing your interests and ensuring the best outcome possible for cattle producers across Canada, whether it is at home or on the international stage. CCA needs to be a part of these conversations to ensure that an accurate perspective of sustainable beef production is considered in these important policy discussions.
From all of us at CCA, Merry Christmas! May you be surrounded by loved ones during this Christmas season!