We appreciate the time everyone took to tour the bull pen, attend the sale, bid online, and purchase bulls. Your continued support as Purebred and Commercial Breeders is truly valued.
DC/CRJ Tank E108 P x TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET to Allison Acres Charolais, KY
DC/CRJ Tank E108 P x Elder’s Emperor 8021F to Cay’s Cattle, SK
DC/CRJ Tank E108 P x Elder’s Platinum 906G to Legacy Charolais, AB
Elder’s Houlio 4H x Elder’s Blackjack 788B to Footprint Farms, AB
Thank You also to:
• John Kessler Charolais, ND
• Sunderland Charolais, SK
• Lazy S Cattle Co., AB
• Sunshine Oak Charolais, MB
• Parsons Cattle Co., AB
• Landaker Charolais, AB (2)
• DanG Charolais, ON
• Wendt & Murray Farms, AB
• Crawford Charolais & Cattle, ON
• Wheatheart Charolais, SK
Elder’s Houlio 4H x Grant’s Playboy 3X to Ferme Cardin Charolais & Francois Poirier, QC
Elder’s Houlio 4H x Grant’s Playboy 3X to Coyote Flats Charolais, AB
124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 T 306-584-7937 www.charolaisbanner.com charolaisbanner@gmail.com ISSN 0824-1767
Helge By, Manager/Publisher
Candace By, Managing Editor charolaisbanner@gmail.com 306-536-3374 @ByCandace
Tania Wolk, Third Wolf Studio, Production/Design
Dalyse Robertson, Web Design T/Fax 204-476-8856 pdmrobertson@gmail.com
FIELDMEN: Helge By Office Fax 306-546-3942 T 306-584-7937 • C 306-536-4261 charolaisbanner@gmail.com @CharolaisBanner
Robbie Chomik 780-336-6424 charolaisbanner3@gmail.com
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Payable by credit card at www.charolaisbanner.com
All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds
Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. – $52.50 3 yrs. – $136.50
USA 1 yr. – $80, 1st class (2 week
Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.
The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement.
Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, August, October and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK.
Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd.
Publication No. 40047726
Registration No. 9810
Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to:
Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada charolaisbanner@gmail.com
Wow, what a spring for bull sales. In many cases, crowds were back to pre-covid size and the enthusiasm in the cattle business was at an all time high. Most sale averages were up and some substantially, with the demand for Charolais bulls strong across the country. The fear that many cows went out of the system again last fall had breeders nervous that there would be less demand, but that didn’t come true for Charolais. Picking up market share and factoring in that many mature bulls went to town last fall because of feed costs, and this spring because of higher prices kept the demand and prices high. The fact that the calf market looks like it will be as good as it has ever been this fall also helped create enthusiasm and excitement in the cattle industry.
Near the back of this issue, you will find the bull sale trends for the past 43 years and it shows how strong the Charolais breed is today. Record number of bull sales, record averages and record gross. There were 70 bulls that brought $20,000 or more. We have also seen some prominent purebred breeders from other breeds adding a Charolais component to
their operation the last couple of years knowing that the breed is on the move.
This summer there are a lot of events for Charolais enthusiasts. The Friends of the Canadian Charolais Foundation is organizing a Breeder’s School in conjunction with the Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting and Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM & Sask Royal sale in early June at Moose Jaw, SK. This will be a great couple of days networking and learning that you won’t want to miss and will also include the third Foundation sale. The Friends of the Canadian Charolais Foundation are working on supporting many projects including a mentorship program, scholarships for both academic and applied programs and more. It is a great program to support as the committee works to fund programs that will benefit everyone in the Charolais business.
The World is coming to Canada the last week of June and first week of July. Delegates from 12 countries have registered with over 100 out of country breeders taking part as we travel across the country. Starting with three days in Ontario and then three days in both Manitoba
Helge By
and Saskatchewan and five days in Alberta. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the cattle events, just let us know in advance you plan to attend so we can make sure we give the caterers exact numbers.
Another annual event at the end of July is the Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show being held in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. If you don’t think that this program is beneficial to all youth, make sure you read the article in this issue written by CCYA Alumni Natalie Oram.
I hope seeding goes well for everyone and there are good moisture conditions for grass and hay everywhere this summer. Robbie Chomik and I will be touring the country in the next few months and now is a great time to get the herd sires pictured on grass and get some females pictured for websites or bull sale catalogues next spring. Give us a call early so we can plan our schedules and get into as many yards as possible. The next issue is the 58th Annual Herdsire edition which is a great place to showcase your program. Be a part of it.
Until next time,
Join us for our Annual Meetings June 7th, 2024 at 3pm! Meetings will be held at the Moose Jaw Convention Center.
June 6th, 2024
• SCA Annual Meeting
• Sask Royal Sale
June 7th, 2024
• FCCF Breeder School
• CCA Annual Meeting - 3:00pm @ Moose Jaw Convention Center
• FCCF annual meeting to follow.
• FCCF Fundraising Auction to follow meetings.
More details to come soon! All meeting notices are now sent via e-blast from the CCA Office.
The CCA will have a block of rooms on hold until May 15th at the Moose Jaw Holiday Inn Express & Suites. (195 Diefenbaker Drive, Moose Jaw, SK S6J 0C1)
Email: darleneymjmj@gmail.com Contact Front Desk: 1-306-983-2005
Registration fee for the breeders’ school is $75 payable to FCCF to Jeralyn Rasmussen
Email: charolaisfoundation@gmail.com
Registration deadline - May 25th, 2024
Please contact: cmatthews@charolais.com to be added to the e-blast contact list.
Wow, quel printemps pour les ventes de taureaux. Dans de nombreux cas, les foules étaient revenues à leur taille pré-Covid et l’enthousiasme pour le commerce du boeuf était à son plus haut niveau. La plupart des moyennes de ventes ont augmenté, voire substantiellement, avec une forte demande de taureaux Charolais dans tout le pays. La crainte que de nombreuses vaches soient à nouveau sorties du système l’automne dernier a rendu les éleveurs inquiets à l’idée d’une baisse de la demande, mais cela ne s’est pas concrétisé pour la race charolaise. En gagnant des parts de marché et en tenant compte du fait que de nombreux taureaux matures sont partis à l’encan l'automne dernier en raison des coûts d'alimentation, et ce printemps, en raison de la hausse des prix, la demande et les prix ont été maintenus à un niveau élevé. Le fait que le marché du veau semble être aussi bon qu'il ne l'a jamais été cet automne a également contribué à susciter l'enthousiasme et l'enthousiasme dans l'industrie bovine.
À la fin de ce numéro, vous trouverez les tendances des ventes de taureaux au cours des 43 dernières années qui témoignent de la force de la race charolaise aujourd'hui. Nombre record de ventes de taureaux, moyennes record et brut record. Il y avait 70 taureaux
Calvin James Hutchinson, of Priceville, Ontario, passed away with his loving family by his side at London Health Sciences Centre – University Hospital on Friday, March 15th, 2024, in his 65th year. Loving husband for 44 years and best friend of Denise (nee Hopkins).
qui ont rapporté 20 000 $ ou plus. Nous avons également vu certains éleveurs de race pure d'autres races ajouter une composante charolaise à leur exploitation ces dernières années, une preuve que la race est en mouvement. Cet été, de nombreuses animations sont proposées aux passionnés du Charolais. Les Amis de la Fondation Charolais Canadienne organisent une école d'élevage en conjonction avec l'assemblée générale annuelle de l'association Charolais canadienne et l’assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) et la vente Royale de l’association Charolais de la Saskatchewan au début de juin à Moose Jaw. Ce seront quelques jours formidables de réseautage et d’apprentissage que vous ne voudrez pas manquer et qui comprendront également la troisième vente de la fondation. Les Amis de la Fondation Charolais Canadienne travaillent à soutenir de nombreux projets, notamment un programme de mentorat, des bourses pour les programmes académiques et appliqués et plus encore. C’est un excellent programme à soutenir alors que le comité travaille à financer des programmes qui bénéficieront à tous les acteurs du secteur charolais.
Le monde arrive au Canada la dernière semaine de juin et la première semaine de juillet. Des délégués de 12 pays se sont inscrits et plus de 100 éleveurs étrangers participent à nos voyages à travers le pays. À commencer par trois jours en Ontario, puis trois
Helge By
jours au Manitoba et en Saskatchewan et cinq jours en Alberta. Tout le monde est invité à assister à l'un des événements liés à l’élevage bovin, il suffit de nous informer à l'avance de votre intention d'y assister afin que nous puissions nous assurer de donner les chiffres exacts aux traiteurs.
Un autre événement annuel à la fin du mois de juillet est la conférence et l’exposition de l'association canadienne de la jeunesse charolaise qui se tient à Swift Current, en Saskatchewan. Si vous ne pensez pas que ce programme profite à tous les jeunes, assurez-vous de lire l’article de ce numéro rédigé par Natalie Oram, ancienne participante du CCYA. J'espère que les semences se dérouleront bien pour tous le monde et que les conditions d'humidité seront bonnes pour les champs et le foin partout cet été. Robbie Chomik et moi allons visiter le pays dans les prochains mois et c'est le moment idéal pour photographier les taureaux de troupeau sur l'herbe et faire photographier quelques femelles pour des sites web ou des catalogues de vente de taureaux au printemps prochain. Appelez-nous tôt afin que nous puissions planifier nos horaires et accéder au plus grand nombre d’éleveurs possible. Le prochain numéro est la 58e édition annuelle de Herdsire, qui est un endroit idéal pour présenter votre programme. Faites-en partie.
À la prochaine fois, Helge
Supportive and loving father of Justin Hutchinson and his wife Michelle, Courtney and her husband Adam Hale, Brittany and her husband Troy Bonterre, Curtis Hutchinson and his wife Katlin, and Emily and her husband Braden McGregor. Proud grandpa of 20 grandchildren.
Jim was an Eastgen technician and Charolais breeder. He was experimenting with heritage Charolais semen and mostly
switching to Full French in recent years. His friend and Charolais breeder Kent Charlton said “There are breeders who are good salesmen but sometimes lack good character, and others who are quiet individuals of great integrity and stock, Jim was certainly the latter.
A funeral service celebrating Jim’s life was held at the Durham Community Centre, Durham, on Thursday, March 21st.
2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8
403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324
www.charolais.com @canCharolais www.facebook.com/cdncharolais
President: JAMIE EHRET, Hilda
Secretary: Justin Vaage, Champion SASKATCHEWAN
President: DALE WEINBENDER, Canora Secretary: Sarah Hordos, Raymore MANITOBA
President: MICHAEL HUNTER, Roblin
Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO
Presiden: JIM BAKER, Stayner Secretary: Ashley Baker, Madoc
President: MARK FROST, Kingsey Falls Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie
President: BRETT FRANCIS, Crapaud, PEI Secretary: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI
General Manager: CRAIG SCOTT
Registry: LOIS CHIVILO Registry/Member Services: CASSIDY MATTHEWS Registry/Member Services: KIMBERLY MEAGHER
French Membership: BERNARD DORE 514-910-4935 • bernarddore@videotron.ca
Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 htacharolais@hotmail.com
1ST VICE-PRESIDENT: RYAN NESBITT 17100 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905.242.2046 ryan@cedardalefarms.ca
2ND VICE-PRES: JOSH TAYLOR 1717 County Rd 36, Dunsford, ON K0M 1L0 705.793.2576 C 705.760.5054 joshua.r.taylor@hotmail.com
PAST PRESIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 kphillips@mcsnet.ca
78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 306.693.2384 rosso.c@sasktel.net
Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.7730 eldercharolais@icloud.com
98 Rang St-Andre, St-Bernard Lacolle, QC J0J 1V0 450.246.9799 C 514.895.0829 royalch@hotmail.com
Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 204.242.3467 C 204-242-4448 c2charolais@inethome.ca
293113 Twnshp Rd 263, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0N5 403.540.7986 rodmcl@telus.net
Box 414, Esther, AB T0J 1H0 403.664.3167 C 406.664.0961 footprintfarms1@gmail.com
5239 Hwy 14
Windsor NS B0N 2T0
902.670.5919 • jhredden@nsac.ca
Bull sales are a wrap for another year, and what a great spring it was. Commercial producers are being rewarded with the Charolais advantage which is driving the increase in market share. I have had many conversations with seed stock producers from other breeds and the common topic is that the Charolais breed is here for the long haul and will see success for the foreseeable future.
Now that sales are complete, please submit your transfers in a timely manner, we do get calls in the office from a large number of commercial producers wanting their papers, so please send them in or do the online transfer, we can’t transfer them if we haven’t received them.
We are preparing for a busy spring and summer, with many Charolais events. It all gets started on June 6th, with the SCA hosting their AGM as well as the Sask Royal sale. The CCA AGM will be held in conjunction on June 7th. The Friends of Canadian
Saskatchewan Charolais Association
AGM & Sask Royal Sale Moose Jaw, SK
Friends of Canadian Charolais Foundation Breeders School Moose Jaw, SK
Craig Scott, General Manager
Charolais Foundation will be hosting the second annual Breeders’ School and Foundation fund raising auction on June 7th as well. The world is coming to Canada from June 21 to July 5th, as we will be hosting the 2024 World Charolais Congress. There are many opportunities to be apart of this great event so please check when the Congress is in your area. The next event will be the Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, July 24th to the 27th in Swift Current, SK.
Please mark your calendar and be apart of as many of these events as possible.
At the CCA as expenses go up, we are constantly looking for ways to save money, one of the ways is to cut the cost of mailing and printing. When you are registering your bull calves there is a hold for transfer option, please check that out. For most of the bulls sold, we are printing their certificates twice in one year. If you do not need a physical copy of your female certificates, you have this option as well.
Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting Moose Jaw, SK
Friends of Canadian Charolais Association Fundraiser Auction Moose Jaw, SK
World Charolais Congress
June 21st-July 5th, Toronto, ON to Calgary, AB
World Charolais Congress
“Genetics for the World” Sale at McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB
Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference & Show
July 24th-27th, Swift Current, SK
2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8
403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324
@canCharolais www.facebook.com/cdncharolais
President: JAMIE EHRET, Hilda
Secretary: Justin Vaage, Champion SASKATCHEWAN
President: DALE WEINBENDER, Canora Secretary: Sarah Hordos, Raymore MANITOBA
President: MICHAEL HUNTER, Roblin Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO
Presiden: JIM BAKER, Stayner Secretary: Ashley Baker, Madoc QUEBEC
President: MARK FROST, Kingsey Falls Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES
President: BRETT FRANCIS, Crapaud, PEI
Secretary: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI PERSONNEL :
General Manager: CRAIG SCOTT
Registry/Member Services: CASSIDY MATTHEWS Registry/Member Services: KIMBERLY MEAGHER
French Membership: BERNARD DORE 514-910-4935 • bernarddore@videotron.ca
Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 htacharolais@hotmail.com
1ST VICE-PRÉSIDENT: RYAN NESBITT 17100 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905.242.2046 ryan@cedardalefarms.ca
2ND VICE-PRÉSIDENT: JOSH TAYLOR 1717 County Rd 36, Dunsford, ON K0M 1L0 705.793.2576 C 705.760.5054 joshua.r.taylor@hotmail.com
ANCIEN PRÉSIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 kphillips@mcsnet.ca
78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 306.693.2384 rosso.c@sasktel.net
Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.7730 eldercharolais@icloud.com
98 Rang St-Andre, St-Bernard Lacolle, QC J0J 1V0 450.246.9799 C 514.895.0829 royalch@hotmail.com
Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 204.242.3467 C 204-242-4448 c2charolais@inethome.ca
293113 Twnshp Rd 263, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0N5 403.540.7986 rodmcl@telus.net
Box 414, Esther, AB T0J 1H0 403.664.3167 C 406.664.0961 footprintfarms1@gmail.com
JOSH REDDEN 5239 Hwy 14 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 902.670.5919 • jhredden@nsac.ca
Les ventes de taureaux sont complétées pour une autre année, et quel grand printemps ce fut pour la race. Les producteurs bovins commerciaux sont récompensés par l’avantage Charolais qui stimule également l’augmentation de notre part de marché. J’ai eu de nombreuses conversations avec des éleveurs de race pure d’autres races et le sujet commun est que la race Charolais est là pour demeurer à long terme et qu'elle continuera de connaître du succès à l’avenir. Maintenant que les ventes sont terminées, veuillez soumettre promptement vos demandes de transferts. Nous recevons des appels au bureau d’un grand nombre de producteurs commerciaux qui veulent obtenir leurs certificats d'enregistrement. Veuillez donc les envoyer ou faire le transfert en ligne, nous ne pouvons pas les transférer si nous ne les avons pas reçus.
Nous nous préparons pour un printemps et un été occupés, avec de nombreux événements Charolais. Tout commence le 6 juin, alors que l’Association Charolais de la Saskatchewan organise son assemblée générale annuelle et la Vente Royale Saskatchewan. L’assemblée générale annuelle de l’Association Charolais du Canada aura lieu en même temps
6 JUIN 2024
Assemblée générale annuelle et Vente Royale Saskatchewan de l’Association Charolais de la Saskatchewan, Moose Jaw, SK
7 JUIN 2024
École d’élevage de la Fondation des amis des Charolais canadiens, Moose Jaw, SK
Craig Scott, General Manager
le 7 juin. La Fondation des amis des Charolais canadiens sera également l’hôte le 7 juin de la deuxième vente aux enchères annuelle de la Fondation et de l’école d’élevage.
Le monde viendra nous visiter au Canada du 21 juin au 5 juillet, alors que nous accueillerons le Congrès mondial Charolais 2024. Il y a de nombreuses occasions de faire partie de ce grand événement, veuillez alors vérifier le programme du Congrès pour votre région. Le prochain événement sera la Conférence et le Concours annuel de l’Association des jeunes éleveurs Charolais, du 24 au 27 juillet à Swift Current, en Saskatchewan. Veuillez inscrire le tout dans votre calendrier et participer au plus grand nombre possible de ces événements.
À l'Association Charolais canadienne, à mesure que les dépenses augmentent, nous cherchons constamment des moyens d’économiser de l’argent, l’un des moyens étant de réduire les coûts d’envoi et d’impression. Lorsque vous enregistrez vos veaux taureaux, il y a une option de retenue du certificat pour le transfert, veuillez vérifier attentivement car pour la plupart des taureaux vendus, nous imprimons leurs certificats deux fois en un an. Si vous n’avez pas besoin d’une copie physique des certificats d'enregistrement de vos femelles, vous avez également cette option.
7 JUIN 2024
Assemblée générale annuelle de l’Association Charolais du Canada, Moose Jaw, SK
7 JUIN 2024
Vente aux enchères de la Fondation des amis des Charolais canadiens, Moose Jaw, SK
21 JUIN 2024
Congrès mondial Charolais, 21 juin au 5 juillet, Toronto, ON jusqu’à Calgary, AB
3 JUILLET 2024
Vente du Congrès mondial Charolais “Génétique pour le monde entier”, chez McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB
24 AU 27 JUILLET 2024
Conférence et le Concours annuel de l’Association des jeunes éleveurs Charolais, Swift Current, SK
“United we stand, divided we fall” is a phrase that is often used to inspire collaborative efforts and one that is an important reminder for Canadian beef producers. With ever tightening budgets and limited resources, organizations look to every way possible to eliminate costs and as a result investment in collaborative and innovative projects are often hard to maintain. Is there really value in working together? Do we really need a unified organization to represent the seedstock sector? As we all look to advance the value of genetic data in the ongoing effort to produce sustainable and profitable beef, now more than ever the investment in membership in unified representation to advance beef cattle genetics is critical.
At CBBC, we believe our diversity is our biggest advantage in the beef
cattle industry but it is also our biggest challenge. If we lose our diversity, we lose our advantage. Within our member organizations there are many similarities and many differences. The key to maintaining strong members and driving value is to find efficiencies in managing those things that are similar amongst us all so that we can continue to thrive in our uniqueness. Operating in isolation and trying to independently manage our challenges will only result in fewer and fewer successful organizations within the sector.
The Canadian Beef Breeds Council’s (CBBC) mandate continues to be to:
• support the Canadian seedstock sector by developing partnerships that advance genetic improvement, research extension services, information dissemination and our role in Canada’s National Beef Strategy;
Sandy Russell, CEO
• promote Canadian beef cattle genetics both domestically and internationally by identifying market opportunities and facilitating market development; and
• advocate on behalf of the Canadian seedstock sector for effective policy, meaningful market access and enhanced competitiveness.
All of which are critically important for all our members, regardless of size and all of which require time and money to advance. When working collaboratively our efforts and resources go much further and all voices at the table are represented.
CBBC held another extremely successful Annual General Meeting in Regina, Saskatchewan during Canadian Western Agribition with over fifty members and industry stakeholders in attendance. During the meeting the CBBC membership elected new Directors Eddie
KURTIS PHILLIPS 306-421-6416
DOUG HARCOURT 306-383-7068
WAVEY MCCAW 306-471-0093
RAYMOND PASCHKE 306-276-7298
NIGEL ORAM 306-796-7725
DUNCAN SPENST 306-741-6935
DARWIN ROSSO 306-690-8916
MIKE ELDER 306-267-7730
The CCA will have a block of rooms on hold until MAY 15TH at the MOOSE JAW HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES
195 Diefenbaker Dr, Moose Jaw, SK S6J 0C1 EMAIL darleneymjmj@gmail.com CONTACT FRONT DESK 1-306-983-2005
Marsman, current President of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association and Andy Schuepbach, a current Director of the Canadian Hereford Association to the Board and reelected for another term Kevin Blair, Marlin Leblanc, Rod McLeod, Scott Severtson and Shawn Wilson. They join currently serving Directors Ken Friesen, Dennis Serhienko, David Sibbald and Brett Wildman to comprise the 2023/24 CBBC Board of Directors.
The awareness of the role that beef cattle genetics and CBBC’s members play in sustainable beef production has increased substantially in recent years. Throughout 2023 CBBC continued to focus on building collaborative partnerships both within the seedstock sector and across the entire beef production chain to advance our vision of being a world leader in developing profitable and sustainable beef cattle genetics. Driving these advancements is not an easy feat and has been met with
organization clearly saw value in a collective voice representing the seedstock sector. The leadership today believes more than ever that unified representation of the seedstock sector is critical for not only the sector to thrive but the entire beef industry in Canada to thrive. As we enter our 30th year of operations we will not only be celebrating our past achievements but working with our members and partners to leverage collaborative resources to capture the substantial opportunities that we believe the future holds for Canadian beef cattle genetics both domestically and internationally. More than ever CBBC is looked to as a leader in the Canadian beef industry and we will continue to work to represent our members and partners as effectively and efficiently as possible to assist in securing a sustainable future for Canadian beef cattle breeders and producers. 3
challenges as we push to move the needle on collaboration and increasing the value of genetic data within the beef production system. Change is hard within any industry and especially so in a traditionally independent industry such as beef cattle production. The disruption that the leadership and partners of CBBC have created has not always been met with a warm reception but that has not deterred the leadership from continuing to work to achieve tangible outcomes for Canadian beef cattle breeders and producers. CBBC membership and collaborative partnerships continue to increase and we will remain focused on working with those who believe in the importance of collaboration and the value of data-driven genetic advancements in beef production to capture increased value.
This year represents 30 years since the creation of the Canadian Beef Breeds Council and those past leaders responsible for the creation of our
Steppler Farms 13th Annual Bull Sale
February 14, 2024 • Miami, MB
Auctioneer: Chris Poley
Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
Gross Average
1 Mature Bull $14,000 $14,000
77 Two-Year Old Bulls 662,500 8,604
31 Yearling Bulls 186,250 6,008
109 Lots
$862,750 $7,915
This year’s sale saw more twoyear olds and fewer yearlings being offered. Along with the Charolais there were 17 Simmental two-year olds and yearlings averaging $7,426 and 14 Angus two-year olds and yearlings averaging $7,107.
High Selling Mature Bull Lot 1, PRO-CHAR DIAMONDBACK 113H, (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 948 lb 205 DW, 2,730, 46 cm), sired by Pro-Char Ronaldo 53E, out of a Pro-Char Cptn Morgan 8U daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK.
Production Bull &
Sale February 24, 2024 • Campbellford, ON
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
612K (Polled, 89 lb BW, -2.5 BW, 29 M, 964 lb 205 DW, 1,761 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by WC Whiplash 8298 P, out of a Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Saunders Charolais, Markham, ON.
Lot 33, STEPPLER HOULIO 264K (Polled, 99 lb BW, 938 lb 205 DW, 1,979 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of a Pro-Char Winchester 6D daughter. Sold for $17,500 to Clayton Teeple, Emo, ON.
Lot 7, STEPPLER NURSE 481K (Polled, 98 lb BW, 66 WW, 26 M, 2,029 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Beck’s Charm 867F, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin.
Lot 27, STEPPLER PITCHER 142K (Polled, 76 lb BW, -3.8 BW, 820 lb 205 DW, 29 M), sired by WC Whiplash 8298 P, out of an HBC Flagstaff 817F
daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Ferme Claude Lemay, Shawinigan, QC.
Lot 78, STEPPLER JR 605K (Polled, 92 lb BW, 886 lb 205 DW, 62 WW), sired by WC Whiplash 8298 P, out of a Stepplers Distinction 38T daughter. Sold for $14,000 to McKague Charolais, Wingham, ON.
Lot 81, STEPPLER VISTA 616K (Polled, 98 lb BW, 887 205 DW, 113 YW, 29 M), sired by WC Whiplash 8298 P, out of a Stepplers Distinction 38T daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Rick Neufeld, Stanley.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 91, STEPPLER CHARM 37L (Polled, 98 lb BW, 70 WW, 122 YW, 1,416 lb, 39 cm), sired by Beck’s Charm 867F, out of a Steppler Blue 83X daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Vince Fehr, Stanley.
Lot 98, STEPPLER CELLY 196L (Polled, 103 lb BW, 74 WW, 131 YW, 30 M, sired by WC Whiplash 8298 P, out of a Beck’s Charm 867F daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Clayton Teeple
Lot 96, STEPPLR WHIPLASH 36L (Polled, 84 lb BW, -3.8 BW, 32 M), sired by WC Whiplash 8298 P, out of a Brimner Bull 9F daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Harolyn Farms, Shawville, QC.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
Lot 1, Cockburn Kacey 52K, sired by LDVF Gilbert 2G. Sold for $9,000 to Chris Ferraro, Hanover. Consigned by Cockburn Farms Ltd, Tweed.
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 17, WFBS 16L, sired by HRJ Maverick 556C. Sold for $5,100. Consigned by Wagstaff Farms, Lindsay.
High Selling Bred Heifers
Lot 20, Over The Top June 477J, sired by M&L Magenta 74D, bred to
M&L Hannibal 428H. Sold for $5,000. Consigned by Over The Top Cattle Co., Pontypool.
Lot 21, Over The Top Janetville 476J, sired by M&L Magenta 74D, bred to M&L Hannibal 428H. Sold for $5,000. Consigned by Over The Top Cattle Co.
High Selling Open Heifer
Lot 23, Cockburn Kiwi 51K, sired by LDVF Gilbert 2G. Sold for $4,100 to Luc Cormier, St Antoine, NB. Consigned by Cockburn Farms Ltd.
Springside Cattle Co. Bulls for Every Budget
Annual Charolais Bull & Female Sale
February 16, 2024 • Stettler, AB Auctioneer: Chris Poley
Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Gross Average
11 ¾ Two-Year Old Bulls
60 ¼ Yearling Bulls
70 Lots
13 Open Heifers
$173,750 $14,787
633,250 10,510
$807,000 $11,208
$90,300 $6,946
The ‘’Bulls for Every Budget” rings true as everything from purebred Charolais genetics to French influence and Full French were offered and sold to many seed stock producers and commercial cow-calf operations across Canada. A sale highlight were the 25 commercial heifers consigned by KG Land & Cattle. The Simmental influence heifers averaged $4,712 with a high of $7,400.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 65, M&L KHAN 11K (Full French, Horned, 98 lb BW, 1940 lb, 46 cm), sired by Cyrano, out of a PCFL Maximilian 106G daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $51,000 to Wilkie Charolais & Don and Wanda Wilkie, Big Valley.
Lot 73, WRANGLER KING 199K (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 7.1 CE, 68 WW, 127 YW, 28 M, 2015 lb, 44 cm), sired by SKW Asteroid 114H, out of a WCR Commissioner 593 P daughter. Sold for $28,000 to Limestone Charolais, Clinton, BC, High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 33, SOS LUXOR Pld 358L (Homo Polled, 95 lb BW, 110 YW, 1605 lb, 42 cm), sired by PCC Bourbon 118J, out
March 23, 2024 • Rockglen, SK
2 Two-Year Old Bulls
21 Lots $96,000 $4,571
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 47, Borderland Lawful 63L, sired by DC/CJC Fair Play F1042. Sold for $5,600.
of an SDC King Ranch 70T daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $65,000 to Landaker Charolais Farm, Brownvale.
Lot 38, SOS KG JIM BEAN Pld 391L (Polled, 87 lb BW, 1610 lb, 44 cm), sired by PCC Bourbon 118J, out of an SDC King Ranch 70T daughter. Sold for $35,000 to GR Simmentals, Stettler.
Lot 4, SOS LUMBERJACK 42L Polled, 97 lb BW, 64 WW, 113 YW, 5 CE, 1570 lb, 40 cm), sired by SOS Timber Pld 88J, out of an SOS Chuckwagon 54C daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $25,000 to Bina Charolais, Lawton, ND.
Lot 1, SOS KG REVOLVER Pld 366L (Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, 61 WW, 115 YW, 1645, 44 cm), sired by WGD Ruger 8J, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $15,000 to Madge Farms, Hanna.
Lot 3, SOS LEGACY Pld 39L (Polled, Red Factor, 97 lb BW, 76 WW, 142 YW, 1620 lb, 40 cm), sired by Turnbulls DutyFree 358D, out of a
JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $14,000 to Nil-Ray-Farms Purebred, St. Albert.
High Selling Heifers
Lot 80, SOS HAT TRICK 127K (Full French, Horned, 92 lb BW, 1065 lb), sired by Cyrano, out of an M&L RPM 11F daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Don & Wanda Wilkie.
Lot 78, SOS EVETTA 95L (Polled, 82 lb BW, -2 BW, 7.5 CE, 59 WW, 114 YW, 32 M, 960 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an XAL Easy Does It 24E daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Madge Farms.
Lot 79, SOS Lucille 88L (Polled, 79 lb BW, -2.9 BW, 9.7 CE, 28 M, 950 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an XAL Easy Does It 24E daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Madge Farms.
Charolais Bull Sale
March 26, 2024 • Brooks, AB Gross Average
50 Two-Year Old Bulls $374,100 $7,482
High Selling Bull
Lot 44, FLM MR Charmark 173K, sired by FLM MR Charmark 57F. Sold for $14,000 to Bennett Charolais, Archer, NE.
March 26, 2024 • Mankota, SK
Gross Average
24 Yearling Bulls $129,500 $5,396
High Selling Bull
Lot 78L, Wood River Laramie 78L, sired by Diamond W Heatwave 7H. Sold for $6,250 to Nilson Ranch, Parkbeg. Charolais Banner • May 2024
41st Annual Rawes Ranches Charolais Bull Sale
February 20, 2024 • Strome, AB Auctioneers: Dean Edge & Jesse Lawes Gross Average 194 Two-Year Old Bulls
$1,821,750 $9,390
The largest offering of Charolais bulls in Canada is always a highlight in the sale season. Quality bulls sold to many repeat and volume buyers across Canada.
High Selling Bulls
(Polled, 99 lb BW, -1.4 BW, .72 REA, 1855 lb, 41 cm), sired by Rawes Emperor 583G, out of a Rawes Jamboree 85P daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Creek’s Edge Land and Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK.
Lot 292, RAWES PRESTIGE 292K (Polled, 98 lb BW, 63 WW, 118 YW, .10 MARB, 1885 lb, 40 cm), sired by Rawes Mason 83G, out of a Rawes Truman 507D daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Duncan Thompson, Mannville.
Lot 510, RAWES HUGO 510K (Polled, 112 lb BW, 79 WW, 137 YW, 54 TM, 108 REA, 2010 lb, 41 cm), sired by Rawes Harris 119D, out of a Rawes Dallas 44W daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Duncan Thompson.
Lot 394, RAWES ATTICUS 394K (Polled, 100 lb BW, 73 WW, 140 YW, 55 TM, 1960 lb, 44 cm), sired by Rawes Emperor 178G, out of a Rawes Dallas 396B daughter. Sold for $15,750 to
Nester Ranching, Cessford.
Lot 240, RAWES EMPEROR 240K (Polled, 88 lb BW, -1.4 BW, 61 WW, 122 YW, .90 REA, 1885 lb, 45 cm), sired by Rawes Maxim 54C, out of a Rawes Dividend 257X daughter. Sold for $14,750 to Matt & Shawna Elines, Big Valley.
Lot 24, RAWES HAVEN 24K (Horned, -1.3 BW, 62 WW, 119 YW, 59 TM, .82 REA, 0.08 MARB, 1955 lb, 40 cm), sired by AAA Sir Duke Ledger 606D ET, out of an AAA Sir Pauls Fire 508C daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Joe Cech, Stauffer.
Lot 306, RAWES GOLD BUTTE 306K (Horned, 102 lb BW, 61 WW, 110 YW, 1.05 REA, 1790 lb, 40 cm), sired by Rawes Sawyer 162E, out of a Rawes Ontrack 63W daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Davies Livestock, Medicine Hat.
Lot 20, RAWES ALLIANCE 20K (Polled, 101 lb BW, 65 WW, 127 YW, 58 TM, .10 MARB, 1995 lb, 44 cm), sired by Rawes Outlander 131F, out of an AAA Sir Dukes Ledger 606D ET daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Weller Enterprises, Daysland.
Lot 21, RAWES HAVEN 21K (Polled, 103 lb BW, 70 WW, 141 YW, 53 TM, .94 REA, .19 MARB, 1815 lb, 42 cm), sired by AAA Sir Dukes Ledger 606D ET, out of an AAA Sir Terrific 532C daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Shield Farms, Daysland.
Lot 242, RAWES MAVERICK 242K (Polled, 99 lb BW, 77 WW, 130 YW, 56 TM, 1.05 REA, 1975 lb, 44 cm), sired by Rawes Westerner 447G, out of a Rawes Dallas 44W. Sold for $13,500 to Davies Livestock.
Lot 490, RAWES MAVERICK 490K (Polled, 103 lb BW, 86 WW, 149 YW, 57 TM, 1.05 REA, 1885 lb, 43 cm), sired by Rawes Westerner 447G, out of a Rawes Titan 177A daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Crow Farms & Ranches Ltd., Throsby.
Lot 581, RAWES MAVERICK 581K (Polled, -.7 BW, 96 lb BW, 76 WW, 137 YW, 1.01 REA, 1860 lb, 42 cm), sired by Rawes Westerner 447G, out of a Rawes Dallas 46X daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Nester Ranching.
Lot 582, RAWES CARILLO 582K (Polled, 106 lb BW, 79 WW, 132 YW, 54 TM, 1910 lb, 41 cm), sired by Rawes Emperor 339F, out of an HTA Mojo 866U daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Matt & Shawna Elines.
February 9, 2024 • Rimbey, AB Gross
Saddleridge/Kaiser Charolais Bull Sale
February 28, 2024 • Brooks, AB
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 30, Kaiser Lone Ranger 13L, sired by Sparrows Chronicle 42H. Sold for $10,500 to Bar Diamond F, Ferintosh.
24 Yearling Bulls $197,750 $8,240
High Selling Bull
Lot 107, Anchor D Hank 875L, sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G. Sold for $14,500.
11th Annual McLeod Livestock & Triple M Farms Charolais Bull Sale
February 21, 2024 • Olds, AB Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran
6 ½ Two-Year Old Bulls
43 ½ Yearling Bulls
50 Lots
Gross Average
$97,250 $14,962
573,000 13,172
$670,250 $13,405
43 Commercial Cow/Calf Pairs
$259,600 $6,037
You could not have asked for a more beautiful day for a bull sale. The stands were packed, the hospitality was great and the offering was spectacular.
For the second time, the Scott Anderson family kicked the sale off with an excellent set of commercial cow/calf pairs with McLeod Livestock sired calves at side selling for a high of $6,500/pair and averaging $6,037.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
(Homo Polled, ET, 88 lb BW, 89 WW, 167 YW, 1765 lb, 42 cm), sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of a CML Distinction 318A daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Lowe Ranches, Nanton.
Consigned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane.
Lot 21, CML LEGACY 88K (Homo Polled, ET, 96 lb BW, 75 WW, 132 YW, 33 M, 1690 lb, 42 cm), sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of a CML Distinction 318A daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Lowe Ranches. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.
Lot 22, CML PRESTIGE 86K (Homo Polled, ET, 88 lb BW, -1 BW, 9.5 CE, 80 WW, 153 YW, 44 M, 1800 lb, 42 cm),
sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of a WINN MANS Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Lowe Ranches. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
(Homo Polled, ET, 89 lb BW, -2.2 BW, 10.6 CE, 76 WW, 130 YW, 36 M, 1620 lb, 40 cm), sired by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P, out of a BCA Monti Montana daughter. Sold ½ interest and full possession for $35,000 to White Lake Colony, Nobleford. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.
(Homo Polled, ET, -.3 BW, 9.1 CE, 74 WW, 137 YW, 26 M, 1440 lb, 38 cm), sired by CML Raindance 996G, out of a BCA Monti Montana daughter. Sold ½ interest and full possession for $34,000 to Scott Stock Farm, Crossfield. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.
(Scurred, ET, 90 lb BW, 78 WW, 166 YW, 25 M, 1615 lb, 41 cm), sired by SCX Jehu 233E, out of an MMM Bismark 950G daughter. Sold for $29,000 to High River Colony Farming Co., High River. Consigned by Triple M Farms, Claresholm.
(Homo Polled, ET, 94 lb BW, 7.5 CE, 78 WW, 164 YW, 1570 lb, 42 cm), sired by SCX Jehu 233E, out of a CML Raindance 996G daughter. Sold ½
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
Lot 60, Pro-Char Lacoste 148K, sired by Steppler Axel 320G. Sold for $21,500 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 20, Pro-Char Martel 125L, sired
interest and full possession for $25,000 to White Lake Colony. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.
Lot 46, MMM GLADIATOR 354L (Homo Polled, 84 lb BW, 6.1 CE, 79 WW, 133 YW, 1415 lb, 42 cm), sired by CML Reckoning 29J, out of a MMM Bismark 950G daughter. Sold for $18,000 to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock. Consigned by Triple M Farms.
Lot 45, MMM DOMINATOR 370L (Scurred, ET, 92 lb BW, 8.1 CE, 1405 lb, 41 cm), sired by RBM Fargo Y111, out of a CML Encore 4Y daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Hengerer Farms Ltd., Glenwood. Consigned by Triple M Farms.
by Sparrows Shooter 6H. Sold for $38,000 to Highway 21 Group, Acme. Lot 3, Pro-Char Anarchy 63L, sired by LT Badge 9184 Pld. Sold for $35,000 to Lakeview Charolais & RHM Ranching, Marwayne, AB.
P&H Ranching Co. & Gallelli
Charolais Bull Sale
February 17, 2024 • Innisfail, AB
Auctioneer: Don Raffan
39 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$399,000 $10,231
10 Yearling Bulls 75,750 7,575
49 Lots
$474,750 $9,689
This annual sale always attracts a large crowd to select from calving ease and performance bulls alike. New this year was an excellent offering of yearling bulls from P&H Ranching Co. and guest consignors Gallelli Charolais and S&M Charolais.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 5, PH BANK ON ME 17K
(Polled, 85 lb BW, -5.1 BW, 15.5 CE, 61 WW, 30 M, 60 TM, 4 MARB, 14.35 REA, 1940 lb, 42 cm), sired by JIL Bankroll 15H, out of an LT Liberty 8148 Pld daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Nester Ranching, Cessford.
Lot 9, PH SHADOW 83K (Scurred, 105 lb BW, 74 WW, 139 YW, 36 M, 73 TM, 4 MARB, 13.73 REA, 2075 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Shadow 508F, out of a PH Banner 107X daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Perry Tanaschyk, Veteran.
Lot 10, PH LIBERTY 22K (Polled, 102 lb BW, 59 WW, 115 YW, 27 M,
Beck/McCoy 15th Annual Bull Sale
February 21, 2024 • Milestone, SK
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels
As Beck Farms continues to transition to a two-year old program, there were more twos sold and fewer yearlings. A good crowd, with many pastures buying multiples, gave them a very active, steady sale. The quality of the bulls was solid top to bottom.
56 TM, 3.30 MARB, 2030 lb, 44 cm), sired by LT Liberty 8148 Pld, out of an Eatons General Lee 20015P daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Brian Quast, Hanna.
Lot 30, PH MAGNUM 99K (Scurred, 85 lb BW, -2.8 BW, 10.1 CE, 26 M, 4 MARB, 11.37 REA, 1885 lb, 42 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Presence 953F, out of a PH Wyoming Wind 15B daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Rey Creek Ranch, Logan Lake, BC.
Lot 1, PH SHADOW 88K (Polled, 7.3 CE, 110 YW, 30 M, 8.2 MCE, 59 TM, 1965 lb, 39 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Shadow 508F, out of a JSR Trophy 88T daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Nester Ranching.
BW, -.4 BW, 9.2 CE, 68 WW, 130 YW, 62 TM, 1200 lb, 37 cm), sired by HWY Granada 23J, out of a JDF Vista 9E daughter. Sold for $10,250 to Matt & Shawna Elines, Big Valley.
Lot 41, SMC LITTLE RASCAL 1L (Polled, 95 lb BW, 7.2 CE, 71 WW, 141 YW, 58 TM, 1350 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by Hopewell Strada 48H, out of a Cedarlea Tapadero 17G daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Highway 21 Group, Acme. Consigned by S&M Charolais, Innisfail.
Lot 48, RUSS LIMEWIRE 310L (Polled, 100 lb BW, 71 WW, 125 YW, 27 M, 63 TM, 4.2 MARB, 15.52 REA, 1350 lb, 32.5 cm), sired by SSF Whiplash 94J, out of a JDF Vista 9E daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Brian Johnstone, Carstairs. Consigned by Gallelli Charolais, Crossfield.
Lot 2, PH SHADOW 44K (Polled, 93 lb BW, 63 WW, 114 YW, 62 TM, 2030 lb, 44 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Shadow 508F, out of an Eatons General Lee 20015P daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Church Ranching, Balzac. High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 43, PH GRANADA 48L (Polled, 102 lb
The 42 yearling Hereford bulls from McCoy averaged $6,845 and 15 open crossbred replacement heifers averaged $2,460.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 15, BECK’S PARADIGM 271K (Polled, 94 lb BW, 838 lb 204 DW, 75 WW, 2,050 lb, 43 cm) sired by
Prairie Cove Charolais & Select
Female Sale
February 22, 2024 • Bashaw, AB Auctioneer: Chris Poley
Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
26 ⅔ Yearling Bulls
6 Heifers
32 ⅔ Lots
4 Semen Lots
Gross Average
$295,500 $11,081
46,000 7,667
$341,500 $10,454
$27,500 $324/straw
The quality of this sale is always well supported across North America and the first class hospitality is always appreciated by the large crowd that gathers year after year.
High Selling Bulls
Lot 3, PCC NEW ERA 322L (Homo Polled, 91 lb BW, 24 M, 52 TM, 1510 lb, 43 cm), sired by SVY Trust 6H, out of a TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET daughter. Sold ⅔ interest and full possession for $22,500 to Cap Rock Cattle Co., Muleshoe, TX.
Lot 7, PCC BAYMONT 361L (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 60 WW, 27 M, 57 TM, 1622 lb, 39 cm), sired by PCC Bourbon 118J, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z. Sold for $22,000 to Walsh Farms, Otonabee, ON.
Lot 6, PCC WOODFORD 348L (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, -1.8 BW, 28
Beck’s Charm 867F, out of a DC/ KCM Marksman E1145 PET daughter. Sold for $9,750 Debenham Cattle Co., Kennedy & Chris Roppel, Kipling.
Lot 13, BECK’S IMPACT 269K (Polled, 79 lb BW, -2.8 BW, 1,950 lb, 42 cm), sired by Beck’s Innovation 939G, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB.
Lot 22, BECK’S FORSIGHT 298K (Pollod, 99 lb BW, -1 BW, 1,950 lb, 44 cm), sired by DC/KCM Marksman E1145 PET, out of a Sparrows Braxton 519C daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Dwayne Gebhart, Mankota.
Lot 23, BECK’S REVELATION 238K (Polld, 99 lb BW, -.8 BW, 1,950 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by DC/KCM Marksman
M, 57 TM, 1605 lb, 40 cm), sired by PCC Bourbon 118J, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $17,500 to Herder Ranch, Sylvan Lake.
Lot 8, PCC BANDIDO 339L (Polled, -1 BW, 59 WW, 23 M, 52 TM, 1410 lb, 40 cm), sired by PCC Bourbon 118J, out of an M&M Outsider 4003 Pld daughter. Sold for $15,250 to Flat Valley Cattle Co., Hilda.
Lot 1, PCC HAWTHORNE 318L (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 64 WW, 116 YW, 1615 lb, 39 cm), sired by SVY Trust 6H, out of a TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Wirstuk Farming & Ranching Ltd., Cut Knife, SK.
Lot 10, PCC DIEGO 302L (Homo Polled, 101 lb BW, 63 WW, 130 YW, 27 M, 59 TM, 1760 lb, 42 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of a Grant’s Playboy 3X daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Veteran Colony, Veteran.
Lot 22, PCC TRUST 304L (Polled, 82 lb BW, 69 WW, 116 YW, 26 M, 60 TM, 1447 lb, 40 cm), sired by SVY Trust 6H, out of an M&M Outsider 4003 Pld daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Doug Nielsen, Hanna.
High Selling Heifers
Lot 31, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 324L (Polled, 94 lb BW, 53 TM), sired by PCC
E1145 PET, out of a Beck’s Citation 615D daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Lohse Farm & Ranch, Beaubier.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 11, BECK’S CONMAN 337L (Polled, 94 lb BW, 61 WW, 126 YW), sired by Sparrows Connelly 154J, out of a Sparrows Braxton 519C daughter.
Innovation 123J, out of a PCC Rome 437B daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Clear Water River Charolais, Blackie.
Lot 30, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 347L (Polled, 91 lb BW, 62 WW, 110 YW, 24 M, 55 TM), sired by BRCHE White Bear 8505 Pld ET, out of a CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Lee Kemp, Red Deer County.
Sold for $9,000 to Dwayne Gebhart, Mankota.
Lot 9, BECK’S ARCHIV 324L (Polled, 110 lb BW, 764 205 DW, 121 YW, 1,275 lb), sired by Sparrows Connelly 154J, out of a DC/KCM Marksman E1145 PET daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Gary Shaver, Bengough.
Kay-R Charolais 3rd Annual Bull Sale
February 24, 2024 • Waskatenau, AB Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Gross Average 47 Yearling Bulls $468,500 $9,968
The quality and consistency of the Kay-R program was proven with five different sire groups topping the sale. Bulls sold across North America to many new and repeat buyers.
High Selling Bull
Lot 13, KAYR FRONTIER 815L (Polled, 88 lb BW, -1.3 BW, 65 WW, 124 YW, 9.7 MCE, 1490 lb, 44 cm), sired by Cedarlea Tapadero 17G, out of a WCR Commissioner 593 P daughter. Sold for $40,000 to Zehnder Waage Partnership, Greenbush, MN.
Lot 3, KAYR ROCCO 810L (Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, 69 WW, 127 YW, 1450 lb, 44 cm), sired by Silverstream Padra P7, out of an Eatons General Lee 20015P daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Desertland Cattle Company, Sedalia.
133L (Homo Polled, 76 lb BW, 70 WW, 11.2 MCE, 1305 lb, 43 cm), sired by KAYR Harrison 814J, out of a KAYR Good Key 11G daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Thistle Ridge Ranch, Taber.
Lot 41, KAYR NASH 608L (Scurred, 94 lb BW, 109 YW, 26 M, 1430 lb, 45 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of a KAYR Patent 748B daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Northstar Cattle Co., Star.
Padra P7, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $12,000 to New Pine Colony, Boyle.
Lot 6, KAYR MCCOY 932L (Homo Polled, 108 lb BW, 77 WW, 138 YW, 1515 lb, 41 cm), sired by Silverstream Padra P7, out of an Eatons General Lee 20015P daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Keith Olson, Loon Lake, Sk.
Lot 8, KAYR ROOSTER 728L (Polled, 105 lb BW, 70 WW, 112 YW, 24 M, 10.4 MCE, 1335 lb, 42 cm), sired by Silverstream Padra P7, out of a JWX Domino 23Z daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Murray Ranches, Tilley.
Lot 1, KAYR TREMOR 7015L (Polled, 105 lb BW, 74 WW, 123 YW, 31 M, 8.5 MCE, 1405 lb, 40 cm), sired by RBM Keystone H41, out of a Rolling D Classic 878U daughter. Sold for $20,000 to KFC Farms Ltd., Didsbury.
Lot 5, KAYR WESTON 507L (Homo Polled, 106 lb BW, 65 WW, 123 YW, 1395 lb, 44 cm), sired by Silverstream
Lot 26, KAYR HARRISON 168L (Polled, 97 lb BW, 64 WW, 10.1 MCE, 1370 lb, 44 cm), sired by KAYR Harrison 814J, out of a KAYR Fleetwood 125F daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Bill Schmidt, Tofield.
Ferme Louber 20th Annual Bull Sale
March 2, 2024 • Ste. Marie de Beauce, QC
Auctioneer: Charles Menard
29 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average
$289,200 $9,972
A good crowd was on hand for this two breed sale. 18 Angus yearling bulls averaged $10,744.
High Selling Bulls
Lot 26, MR LOUBER LOTO 1632L
(Polled, 88 lb BW, .3 BW, 767 lb 205 DW, 1,466 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by Mr Louber Jake 1118J. Sold for $18,000 to
Ferme AGR, Saint-Marie.
Lot 1, MR LOUBER KING 1551K (Polled, Red Factor, 80 lb BW, 759 lb 205 DW, 73 WW, 124 YW, 1,500 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Mr Louber Proof 859G, out of a TRI-N Captain Morgan 340A daughter. Sold for $16,800 to Les Elevages Cantin, St-Henefine, QC.
1540K (Polled, 95 lb BW, 834 lb 205 DW, 1,636 lb, 36 cm), sired by MVY Gladiator 98G, out of a CML Heisman 413B daughter. Sold for $14,200 to Guillaume Normand.
1583K (Polled, 96 lb BW, 809 lb 205 DW, 1,466 lb), sired by MVY Gladiator 98G, out of a Hicks Remington 31U daughter. Sold for $13,200 to Joseph Gagne, St-Sylvestre.
Lot 24, MR LOUBER TRIUMPH 1554K (Polled, 92 lb BW, 64 WW, 128 YW, 1,504 lb), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for $12,200 to Ferme Resycor, St-Leon Standon.
HEJ Charolais 19th Annual Bull Sale
February 23, 2024 • Innisfail, AB
Auctioneer: Chris Poley
Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Gross Average 56 Yearling Bulls $387,750 $6,924
A good crowd of purebred and commercial producers filled the sale facility and logged in online to select from a very consistent offering with the calving ease bulls topping the sale. Many being repeat and volume buyers.
High Selling Bulls
(Polled, 84 lb BW, -4.1 BW, 15.5 CE, 76 WW, 141 YW, 27 M, 65 TM, 1505 lb, 41 cm), sired by MAIN White Lightning 1J, out of a MMM Garrison 951G daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB.
(Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, -0.3 BW, 5.3 CE, 27 M, 54
TM, 1280 lb, 38 cm), sired by MAIN Precision 45H, out of an LT Rushmore 4024 Pld daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Kaitlyn Kinsella & Warren Severtson, Red Deer County.
Lot 29, HEJ LEADER 21L (Homo Polled, 82, lb BW, -5.7 BW, -10.3 BW, 32 M, 61 TM, 1331 lb, 39 cm), sired by Turnbull’s Hard Core 545H, out of a Dogpatch Gillette 7E daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Lindsay Giles, Rocky View County.
Lot 35, HEJ LIMELIGHT 58L (Homo Polled, -3.3 BW, 6.3 CE, 64 WW, 110 YW, 33 M, 65 TM, 1292 lb, 41 cm), sired by Turnbull’s Hard Core 545H, out of an HEJ Data Bank 41D daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Maddox Ranch, Scoville.
Lot 3, HEJ LIMITLESS 12L (Homo
18th Annual Nish Charolais Bull Sale
March 1, 2024 • Lethbridge AB
Auctioneer: Bob Perlich
Sale Manager: Wright Livestock
The Nish family brought a very strong set of bulls to town with a new and exciting sire group that was appreciated by the many repeat and volume buyers.
Polled, 88 lb BW, -2.2 BW, 10 CE, 77 WW, 136 YW, 32 M, 70 TM, 1335 lb, 41 cm), sired by MAIN White Lightning 1J, out of a NINA Fire ‘N Ice 17F daughter. Sold for $9,000 to SanDan Charolais Farms, Erskine.
Lot 8, HEJ LAGER 52L (Polled, 94 BW, 5.4 CE, 65 WW, 125 YW, 61 TM, 1356 lb, 38 cm), sired by Beck’s Thread 2176J, out of a Steppler Blue Print 64C daughter. Sold for $9,000 to KLM Cattle Co., Hanna.
Lot 26, HEJ LIMITED EDITION 70L (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 90 lb BW, -1.5 BW, 5.6 CE, 76 WW, 134 YW, 33 M, 70 TM, 1335 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by HEJ Holy Smokes 13H, out of a Pleasantdawn Redzone 852Z daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Flying W Cattle Co., Longview.
High Selling Bulls
Lot 19, NISH CHIP 114L (Polled, 95 lb BW, 65 WW, 122 YW, 1410 lb, 42 cm), sired by HTA Billy The Kid 974G, out of an EC No Doubt 2022P daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Hengerer Farms Ltd., Glenwood.
Lot 12, NISH BLUFF 72L (Polled, 92 BW, 59 WW, 111 YW, 1440 lb, 41 cm), sired by HTA Billy The Kid 974G, out of a Gerrard Heritage 10U daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Hengerer Farms Ltd.
Lot 14, NISH SPEED 102L (Polled, 101 lb BW, 72 WW, 124 YW, 27 M, 63
TM, 1410 lb, 41 cm), sired by HTA Billy The Kid 974G, out of a CJC Maxtor W2002 PET daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Carmangay Colony, Carmangay.
Lot 28, NISH THUNDER 42L (Polled, 82 lb BW, -0.9 BW, 10.8 CE, 59 WW, 25 M, 55 TM, 1400 lb, 38 cm), sired by HTA Dutton 14H, out of an HC Wichita 981W daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Hengerer Farms Ltd.
Lot 1, NISH HANK 37L (Homo Polled, -.1 BW, 8.1 CE, 62 WW, 118 YW, 24 M, 55 TM, 1450 lb, 38 cm), sired
Parsons Cattle Company 1st Annual Bull Sale
February 26, 2024 • Ponoka, AB Auctioneer: Dan Skeels
Gross Average 23 Yearling Bulls
$253,750 $11,033
It may have been brutally cold outside but it sure was hot inside for this young family’s 1st annual sale. The auction barn was packed, the hospitality was excellent and the quality of bulls on offer was exceptional with strong buyer support from start to finish.
High Selling Bulls
19L (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, -1.3 BW, 66 WW, 26 M, 59 TM, 1570 lb, 41 cm), sired by TAC Jag 78J, out of a Cedardale Fairmount 33F daughter. Sold for $27,000 to Beechinor Bros. Simmental & Charolais, Bentley.
Lot 14, PARSONS LEX 43L (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.1 BW, 1330 lb, 42 cm), sired by FLC Wheat King 4G, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Brayshar Charolais, Hanna.
Lot 9, PARSONS LIMITLESS 20L (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, -4.7 BW, 12.9 CE, 67 WW, 115 YW, 29 M, 53 TM, 1455 lb, 39 cm), sired by TAC JAG 78J, out of a KAYR Ambassador 1812F
daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Twin Anchor Charolais, Castor.
Lot 1, PARSONS LAPUA 24L (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 64 WW, 116 YW, 54 TM, 1495 lb, 42 cm), sired by HVA High Roller 772H, out of an MXS Pontoon 205Z daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin.
Lot 8, PARSONS LEUPOLD 14L (Homo Polled, 75 lb BW, -6.6 BW, 15.3 CE, 60 WW, 109 YW, 29 M, 59 TM, 1405 lb, 43 cm), sired by TAC JAG 78J, out of a Parsons Genesis 16G daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Peter Hines & Sons Ltd., Diamond City.
by B3R Honcho F006, out of a MAIN Payday 122F daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Gruninger Farms, Del Bonita.
Lot 2, NISH BANGER 8L (Polled, 70 lb BW, -1.1 BW, 62 WW, 115 YW, 1390 lb, 40 cm), sired by B3R Honcho F006, out of a KAYR Proctor 910F daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Hengerer Farms Ltd.
Lot 13, NISH EMPEROR 78L (Homo Polled, 99 lb BW, 62 WW, 110 YW, 54 TM, 1360 lb, 41 cm), sired by HTA Billy The Kid 974G, out of a Gerrard Revive 14A daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Gruninger Farms.
Lot 20, NISH RANGER 115L
(Polled, 87 lb BW, 7.8 CE, 61 WW, 53 TM, 1330 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by HTA Billy The Kid 974G, out of a KAYR Citation 123D daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Alex Campbell, Cardston.
4th Annual Turnbull Charolais & Guests Bull Sale
March 1, 2024 • Pincher Creek, AB
Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins
Sale Manager: Wright Livestock
12 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$60,500 $5,042
70 Yearling Bulls 595,250 8,500
82 Lots
$655,750 $7,997
The Turnbull family offers an excellent set of yearling bulls year after year. The amount of purebred operations selecting new herd sires from this sale is a testament to the quality of genetics this family puts forth. Guest consignors were Char-Lew Ranch supplying the Charolais twoyear olds and A & L Robbins Ranching Ltd. averaged $5,870 on 25 Red & Black Angus two-year olds.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
334L (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 74 WW, 142 YW, 24 M, 61 TM, 1590 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of an EldersSpecialEdition835U
Southland Charolais & Angus Bull Sale
March 1, 2024 • Swift
daughter. Sold for $23,000 for 2/3 interest to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK & Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB.
Lot 23, TURNBULL’S LEE 558L (Homo Polled, 84 lb BW, -4.3 BW, 8 CE, 114 YW, 1425 lb, 40 cm), sired by Cedarlea Yellowstone 184H, out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y daughter. Sold for $23,000 to McCorriston Acres Ltd., Moosomin, SK.
Lot 8, TURNBULL’S LEADER 25L (Homo Polled, 76 lb BW, -1 BW, 8 CE, 83 WW, 153 YW, 24 M, 66 TM, 1500 lb, 40 cm), sired by Turnbull’s Duty-Free 358D, out of a Cedarlea Shoeless Joe 83C daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Wood River Charolais, McCord, SK.
Lot 16, TURNBULL’S LEGO 813L (Homo Polled, 81 lb BW, -.8 BW, 8.6 CE, 70 WW, 130 YW, 31 M, 66 TM, 1420 lb, 43 cm), sired by RGP Gold Coast 700H, out of a Pleasant Dawn Tracker 15A daughter. Sold for $16,500 to Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, Sk.
Lot 41, TURNBULLS LEVI 89L (Hetro Polled, 92 lb BW, 62 WW, 121 YW, 1560 lb, 38 cm), sired by High Bluff Head
Liner 147H, out of an MVY All Shook Up 18C daughter. Sold for $15,500 to McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, SK.
Lot 2, TURNBULL’S LADIES MAN (Homo Polled, 95 lb BW, -2.8 BW, 8.5 CE, 74 WW, 148 YW, 63 TM, 1610 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a Pleasant Dawn Maximum 138X daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Lippa Land & Cattle, Coutts.
Lot 42, TURNBULL’S LINEBACKER 43L (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 6.2 CE, 80 WW, 138 YW, 37 M, 77 TM, 1435 lb, 39 cm), sired by High Bluff Head Liner 147H, out of a Steppler Blue Print 64C daughter. Sold for $13,000 to J.D Ranch, Fort Steele, BC.
Lot 21, TURNBULL’S LETHAL 973L (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 71 WW, 141 YW, 27 M, 62 TM, 1420 lb, 43 cm), sired by Cedarlea Yellowstone 184H, out of a CTP Mr Arrow 156A daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Ernie Pighin, Cranbrook, BC.
Denbie Ranch & Guests
February 17, 2024 • Ste. Rose, MB
March 8, 2024 • Acadia Valley, AB
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
Lot 35, DH 45K, sold for $7,500 to Olson Farms, Faulkner. Consigned by Myhre Land & Cattle, Dauphin.
$3,875 13 Yearling Bulls
15 Lots
High Selling Bull
$80,750 $5,383
Lot 26, Southland Blast 30L, sired by TRI-N Artic Blast 2158J. Sold for $8,000.
18 Two-Year Old Bulls $97,500 $5,417
High Selling Bull
Lot 1, MRC Mammoth 304K, sired by Gerrard Mammoth 19D. Sold for $8,250 to Bar XW Ranch, Fort St. John, BC.
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 47, Bar J Project Power 373L, sired by Bar J Jaeger 262J. Sold for $11,750 to Curtis Zdan, Alonsa. Consigned by Bar J Charolais, Amaranth.
to our fellow commercial cattlemen and women and these purebred breeders for your tremendous support in choosing Turnbull Charolais females and herdbulls
Beechinor Bros. Simmental & Charolais, Bentley ~ HVA Fortune 5F daughter ~ Parsons Cattle Company, Tees ~ Cedarlea Yellowstone 184H daughter ~
~ Cedarlea Yellowstone 184H son ~ Sold to McCorriston Acres Ltd., Moosomin, SK
~ RGP Gold Coast 700H son ~ Sold to Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, SK
Curtis & Nanette Turnbull & family
Pincher Creek, Alberta
403-627-4535 C 403-627-6951
~ Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y son ~ Sold to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK & Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB
~ A Turnbull's Duty-Free 358D son ~ Sold to Wood River Charolais, McCord, SK
~ A High Bluff Head Liner 147H son ~ Sold to McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, SK
43rd Annual Select Charolais Bull Sale
March 1, 2024 • Innisfail, AB Auctioneer: Dean Edge
28 Two-Year Old Bulls
100 Yearling Bulls
128 Lots
Gross Average
$203,224 $7,258
762,800 7,628
$966,024 $7,547
A great crowd of people endured the bad roads and snow to fill the Innisfail Auction Market and make the sale go so well. Many of the bulls went to repeat buyers and generational customers.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 121, JIL BAXTER BLACK 311K (Polled, 92 lb BW, -3.1 BW, 1887 lb, 43 cm), sired by DYV Footprints
Tophand 25G, out of a JMB Dateline 104Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Rusty Ridge Cattle Co. Red Deer County. Consigned by Future Farms, Red
Deer County.
Lot 119, JIL BETTER HUSTLE 293K (Polled, 86 lb BW, -4.4 BW, 64 WW, 113 YW, 1736 lb, 46 cm), sired by DYV Footprints Tophand 25G, out of a Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Ken Steinke, Warburg. Consigned by Future Farms.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 79, JIL RANCHWATER 47L (Polled, 96 lb BW, -.2 BW, 70 WW, 123 YW, 1485 lb, 40cm), sired by SKW Weekender 112E, out of a Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A daughter. Sold for $14,000 to McKeary Charolais,
Compeer. Consigned by Future Farms. Lot 23, CHARWORTH LANCELOT 56L (Polled, 98 lb BW, 61 WW, 1305 lb, 38 cm), sired by PHS Gridmaker 42F, out of an Elder’s Bert 328B daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Acadia Farming Co. Ltd., Acadia Valley. Consigned by Charworth Charolais Farms, Airdrie.
Lot 12, CHARWORTH LARAMIE 28L (Polled, 98 lb BW, 68 WW, 123 YW, 1400 lb, 36 cm), sired by CML Raindance 996G, out of an Elder’s Bert 328B daughter. Sold for $11,250 to John Blomquist, Big Valley. Consigned by Charworth Charolais Farms.
Pine Bluff Charolais & Fern Creek
Simmentals Bull Sale
March 6, 2024 • Love, SK
DLMS Farmgate Timed Online
17 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average
$92,250 $5,603
This 3rd Annual Online sale saw more offered and all sold with some new customers taking advantage of these quality bulls at affordable prices. Three Simmental bulls averaged $4,083.
High Selling Bulls
49L (Homo Polled, 95 lb BW, -2.5 BW, 58 WW, 1,480 lb., 41 cm), sired by
HVA Gold Coast 636J, out of a WC Big Ben 9036 daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Devon & Jayelle Sales, Ardmore, AB.
16L (Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, 808 lb 205 DW, 72 WW, 24 M, 1,630 lb, 41 cm), sired by WIA Backwater
Jack 060 P, out of a Pleasant Dawn Bud 276C daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Fleming Livestock Corp., Winfield, AB.
Polled, 100 lb BW, 719 lb 205 DW, 1,500 lb, 39 cm), sired by WIA Backwater Jack 060 P, out of a Keys All State 149X daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Richard Nakonieczny, Bjorkdale.
Johnson Ranching 11th Annual Bull Sale
March 5, 2024 • Provost, AB Auctioneer: Jesse Lawes Sale Manager: Bohrson Marketing Services
27 ¼ Yearling Bulls
Gross Average
$348,500 $12,789
The Johnson family once again brought a tremendous set of Simmental and Charolais bulls to town with both breeds exceeding previous year’s sale averages. The Charolais portion of the sale saw strong and steady demand throughout the sale.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
18L Polled, 108 lb BW, 68 WW, 123 YW, 27 M, 8.7 MCE, 61 TM, 1670 lb, 40 cm), sired by WJS Fist Full of Dollars 41F, out of an SVY Rushmore Pld 145Y daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $26,000 to XXX Farms Ltd., Kitscoty.
2L (Polled, 101 lb BW, 62 WW, 110 YW, 27 M, 8.6 MCE, 58 TM, 1620 lb, 37 cm), sired CML Authentic 34H,
out of a WJS Mr Encore 81C daughter. Sold ½ interest and full possession for $22,000 to Beechinor Bros. Simmental & Charolais, Bentley and Doug & Jody Paulgaard, Provost.
Lot 63, WJS RICCARDO 26L (Polled, 101 lb BW, 79 WW, 151 YW, 58 TM, 1625 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by KAYR Rico 26F, out of an SOS Chuckwagon 54C daughter. Sold for $15,500 to TL Hawkins & Sons, Provost.
Lot 53, WJS TRIPLE NICKEL 10L (Homo Polled, 67 lb BW, -1.9 BW, 11 CE, 61 WW, 27 M, 13 MCE, 57 TM, 1605 lb, 39 cm), sired by HVA Triple Threat 112E, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Sunderland Hog Farms, Paradise Valley.
Lot 64, WJS CHIRICO 31L (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 69 WW, 132 YW, 6.9 MCE, 56 TM, 1620 lb, 41 cm), sired by KAYR Rico 26F, out of an SOS Chuckwagon 54C daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Grassy Flat Ranch, Dewberry.
Lot 59, WJS FEW DOLLARS MORE 24L (Homo Polled, 104 lb BW, 68 WW, 145 YW, 1535 lb, 37 cm), sired by SCX Jehu 233E, out of a WJS Fist
Full of Dollars 41F. Sold for $14,000 to Swanson Farms Ltd., Czar.
Lot 74, WJS MASTER PIECE 40L (Homo Polled, 104 lb BW, -.2 BW, 69 WW, 138 YW, 24 M, 58 TM, 1670 lb, 40 cm), sired by Legacys Grandmaster 63G, out of a KAYR Rico 26F daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Wayne Trennery, Provost.
Blackbern & WhiteWater 13th Annual Bull Sale
March 9, 2024 • Cobden, ON
Auctioneer: Stewart James Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $39,400 $7,880
22 Yearling Bulls 146,600 6,664
27 Lots $186,000 $6,889
A solid offering was presented in this 13th Annual sale. Bulls sold into Ontario and Quebec. Volume buyer was Ferme Mesange SENC, Deleage, QC, who selected three.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
56K (Polled/s, 95 lb BW, -.6 BW, 121
YW, 2,035 lb, 43 cm), sired by HTA Commander 64H, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Gary Donohue, Erinsville. Consigned by Blackbern Farm, Foresters Falls.
(Homo Polled, 75 lb BW, -5 BW, 1,595 lb, 39 cm), sired by C2 Galaleo 3G, out of a Rosso Double Down 8Z daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Ferme Mesange SENC. Consigned by Blackbern Farm.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 16, BLACKBERN LUCAS 27L (Homo Polled, 77 lb BW, -2.8 BW, 65 WW, 133 YW, 1,315 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by HTA Commander 64H, out of an
SCX Triumph 50B daughter. Sold for $8,600 to Scott McFaul, LangeGardien, QC. Consigned by Blackbern Farm.
Lot 24, WHITEWATER LINCOLN 7L (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, -1.6 BW, 60 WW, 1,305 lb, 38 cm), sired by DC/ BHD Warlord F2003 P, out of an SOS Chuckwagon 54C daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Ferme Mesange SENC. Consigned by WhiteWater Livestock. Lot 12, BLACKBERN LAST CALL 19L (Homo Polled, 89 lb BW, -.8 BW, 1,235 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by Turnbull’s Equipped 216E, out of an SOS Hooey Pld 127D daughter. Sold for $7,900 to Peter Neill, Arnprior.
7th Annual Legacy Charolais Bull Sale
March 3, 2024 • Botha, AB Auctioneer: Dean Edge
47 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average
$540,000 $11,489
From performance to calving ease bulls the quality was deep and consistent. The sale was strong and steady from start to finish. Bulls sold across Canada to many seed stock and commercial producers.
High Selling Bulls
(Polled, 101 lb BW, 63 WW, 131 YW, 29 M, 60 TM, 1565 lb, 41 cm), sired by Legacys Game Day 45G, out of an Elder’s Donaldson 73D daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $29,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK.
(Polled, 103 lb BW, 64 WW, 123 YW, 29 M, 61 TM, 1560 lb, 41 cm), sired by Legacys Game Day 45G, out of a WC Benelli 2134 P ET daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $26,000 to Nish Charolais, Aetna.
(Polled, 106 lb BW, 68 WW, 133 YW, 27 M, 61 TM, 1570 lb, 42 cm), sired by Legacys Game Day 45G, out of a High Bluff Diesel 25D daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $20,000
Bull & Female Sale
March 23, 2024 • Saskatoon, SK
Gross Average
35 Yearling Bulls $216,750 $6,193
10 Open Heifers $59,900 $5,990
High Selling Bull
Lot 2L, MVY Lorax 2L, sired by S0S Apex Pld 139F. Sold for $13,000.
High Selling Open Heifers
Lot 22L, MVY Precious 22L, sired by SVY Fortress 703E. Sold for $7,750.
Lot 100L, MVY Ginny 100L, sired by SVY Bojangles 829F. Sold for $7,750.
to Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin.
Lot 28, LEGACYS LEAGUER 112L (Polled, 81 lb BW, -2.4 BW, 9.9 CE, 74 WW, 140 YW, 29 M, 68 TM, 1435 lb, 38 cm), sired by LAE Johnny Walker 150J, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $18,250 to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock.
Lot 4, LEGACYS QUEST 19L (Polled, 108 lb BW, 67 WW, 136 YW, 26 M, 60 TM, 1580 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Legacys Game Day 45G, out of a CML Heisman 413B daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Twin Anchor Charolais, Castor.
Oakstone Land & Cattle Co. Charolais Bull Sale
March 9, 2024 • Bawlf, AB DLMS Timed Online
Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $31,250 $6,250
15 Yearling
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 9, Oakstone Lenny 21L, sired by SOS Easy Math Pld 67H. Sold for $15,650 to Darcy Romaniuk, Ryley.
Lot 11, LEGACYS LUMIER 29L (Polled, 101 lb BW, 69 WW, 133 YW, 26 M, 60 TM, 1490 lb, 40 cm), sired by Legacys Hulk Hogan 50J, out of a Cedarlea Joe Sakic 19D daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Brad Resch, Castor.
Lot 27, LEGACYS JACK DANIELS 80L (Polled, 92 lb BW, -0.5 BW, 110 YW, 29 M, 59 TM, 1435 lb, 40 cm), sired by LAE Johnny Walker 150J, out of a TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET daughter. Sold for $14,000 to R & K Hewitt Enterprises Ltd., Coronation.
County Bull Sale
March 9, 2024 • Innisfail, AB
Gross Average
8 Yearling Bulls $79,500 $9,938
High Selling Bull
Lot 76, EVF Estate 313L, sired by TR Mr Rhinestone 4658B. Sold for $15,000 to Future Farms, Red Deer County. Consigned by Eagle Valley Farms, Sundre.
CK Sparrow Farms Annual Bull Sale
March 8, 2024 • Vanscoy, SK
Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran
Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $47,750 $9,550
57 Yearling Bulls 761,500 13,360
62 Lots $809,250 $13,052
Interest from across the country saw a quarter of the bulls sell into purebred operations and the rest to many repeat commercial customers. This premier offering that is loaded with hairy, stout made bulls was active from start to finish and is one of, if not the high averaging sale year after year.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
314L (Polled, 92 lb BW, 898 205 DW, -1 BW, 64 WW, 132 YW, 35 M, 1,668 lb, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Aquarius 493B, out of an LT Rushmore 8060 Pld daughter. Sold for $40,000 to Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw, AB & Flat Valley Cattle Company, Hilda, AB. Lot 46, SPARROWS LOCKWORD
316L (Polled, 94 lb BW, 896 lb 205 DW, 71 WW, 29 M, 1,530 lb, 42 cm), sired by Sparrows Alvarez 620D, out of a Pro-Char Jamieson 68F daughter. Sold for $30,000 to Sugarloaf Charolais, Minburn, AB.
Lot 31, SPARROWS LARDER 372L (Polled, 108 lb BW, 858 205 DW, 71 WW, 129 YW, 1,508 lb, 43 cm), sired by Sparrows Alvarez 620D, out of a Pro-Char Jamieson 68F daughter. Sold for $29,000 to Steppler Charolais, Miami, MB.
Lot 9, SPARROWS LAIRD 306L (Polled, 86 lb BW, 859 lb 205 DW, -2.6 BW, 65 WW, 1,511 lb, 42 cm), sired by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld, out of a Pro-Char Jamieson 68F daughter. Sold for $29,000 to Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne, AB.
Lot 1, SPARROWS LAMPMAN 301L (Polled, 66 lb BW, -4.3 BW, 32 M, 1,355 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld, out of a Pro-Char Jamieson 68F daughter. Sold for $23,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB.
(94 lb BW, 60 WW, 114 YW, 9-year old dam, 1,465 lb, 40 cm), sired by ABC Latoro 263G, out of a Winn Mans Marquez 821U daughter. Sold for $22,000 to C2 Charolais, La Riviere, MB.
Lot 6, SPARROWS TETON 315L (Polled, 82 lb BW, 896 lb 205 DW, -1.9 BW, 69 WW, 1,538 lb, 42 cm), sired by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld, out of a High Bluff Guiness 162G daughter. Sold for $22,000 to Big Sky Cattle Company, Consort, AB.
Lot 24, SPARROWS CULBERTSON 325L (104 lb BW, 67 WW, 135 YW, 14year old dam, 1,670 lb, 44 cm), sired by Sparrows Liriano 660D, out of a Sparrows Chiapas 57R daughter. Sold for $20,500 to Cattle Lac Charolais, Eddystone, MB.
Lot 36, SPARROWS HACHTEL 373L (102 lb BW, 820 lb 205 DW, 68 WW, 28 M, 1,430 lb, 41 cm), sired by DC/ BHD Bozeman G3082 P, out of a Winn Mans Skaggs 663X daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Louber Farms, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC.
Horseshoe E Charolais 26th Annual Bull Sale
March 9, 2024 • Kenaston, SK Auctioneer: Ryan Hurlburt
18 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$137,500 $7,639
47 Yearling Bulls 413,500 8,798
65 Lots
17 Commercial
Charcross Open Heifers
$551,000 $8,477
$49,250 $2,897
A big crowd was on hand for their 26th Annual Sale. This video sale held in the Horseshoe E sale barn saw bulls sell across the country to many repeat commercial and purebred operations. Some volume buyers kept the sale solid.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
(Homo Polled, 106 lb BW, 819 lb 205 DW, 1,632 lb 3655 DW, 1,825 lb, 40 cm), sired by LAE Dirt Road 602D, out of a Winn Man Vistazo 740X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Anchor J Ranch, Hanna, AB.
Transcon’s Advantage
Bull Sale
March 30, 2024 • Saskatoon, SK
Gross Average
12 Two-Year Old Bulls $72,000 $6,000
High Selling Bull
Lot 6, TSS Crimson Tide 44K, sired by DYV Footprints Crimsontide 15G. Sold for $7,500. Consigned by June Rose Charolais, Simpson.
High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 5, LAE LUCKENBACH 314L (Double Polled, 104 lb BW, -1.1 BW, 793 205 DW, 1,553 lb 365 DW, 26 M, 1,710 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Beck’s Tower 720E, LAE Aggregate 327A daughter. Sold for $31,000 to Beck Farms, Milestone.
Lot 17, LAE LIVINGSTONE 329L (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 806 lb 205 DW, 1,496 lb 365 DW, 26 M), sired by Legacy’s Game Day 45G, out of a Rollin Acres Top Shelf 4Z daughter. Sold for $19,000 to MC Quantock Livestock Corp, Lloydminster, AB.
Lot 10, LAE LONG JOHN SILVER 317L (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, 65 WW, 122 YW, 1,565 lb, 42 cm), sired by Beck’s Tower 720E, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Aiken Farm and Ranch Ltd, Canwood.
Lot 40, LAE LEGACY 3102L (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 61 WW, 131 YW, 32 M, 1,495 lb, 39 cm), sired by Legacys Edge 59J, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Dave & Cindy Johnson, Fort Fraser, BC &
Scott Stock Farm Bull Sale
March 15, 2024 • Crossfield, AB
$7,136 High Selling Bull Lot 43L, SSF Distinct 43L, sired by Turnbulls Distinct 339D. Sold for $9,000.
Bar M Simmentals, Vanderhoof, BC.
Lot 16, LAE LINCOLN 337L (3rd Gen. Polled, 66 lb BW, -3.2 BW, 60 WW, 1,415 lb, 38 cm), sired by Cedarlea Firestone 145G, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $13,500 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB and Johnson Charolais, Barrhead, AB.
Lot 13, LAE LOCKER ROOM 325L (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 1,360 lb, 42 cm), sired by Legacy’s Game Day 45G, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Aiken Farm and Ranch Ltd, Canwood.
Lot 39, LAE LAWMAN 3101L (Homo Polled, 101 lb BW, -1.1 BW, 69 WW, 130 YW, 29 M, 1,505 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Badge 9184 Pld, out of a Cedarlea Winslow 89B daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Norm Smith, Bulyea.
Lot 37, LAE LIVESTREAM 397L (Homo Polled, 110 lb BW, 66 WW, 132 YW, 32 M, 1,445 lb, 39 cm), sired by Legacy’s Game Day 45G, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Crystal Hill Cattle Corp, Avonlea.
Lazy S Charolais & Limousin Bull Sale
March 23, 2024 • Rimbey, AB Gross Average 23 Two-Year Old Bulls $218,000 $9,478 High Selling Bull
Lot 46, Lazy S SSK 464K, sired by HC Global 9161G. Sold for $13,250.
Palmer Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale
March 11, 2024 • Bladworth, SK Auctioneer: Mike Fleury
7 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$62,000 $8,857
54 Yearling Bulls 578,500 10,713
61 Lots
$640,500 $10,500
Many repeat purebred and commercial producers were on hand to buy from this performance offering. Bulls sold to five provinces with Bar XW Ranch, Fort St John, BC, and Salty Lake Farms from Watrous being volume buyers.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 63, HVA WILD SIDE 92K (Homo Polled, 106 lb BW, 60 WW, 118 YW, 2,200 lb, 43 cm), sired by Elder’s Emperor 8021F, out of an HTA Michigan 306A daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Peacock Ranch, Cereal, AB.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 48, HVA LION 29L (Polled/s, 100 lb BW, 916 lb WW, 88 WW, 166 YW, 32 M, 1,610 lb, 40 cm), sired by TRI-N Go North 241H, out of a Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D daughter. Sold for $31,000 to Anchor D Ranch, Rimbey, AB.
Lot 31, HVA LOUISVILLE 28L (Hoo Polled, 102 lb BW, 69 WW, 144 YW, 1,540 lb, 44 cm), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $25,000 to Big Sky Charolais, Consort, AB.
Lot 28, HVA RIVER 873L (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 968 lb WW, 83 WW, 146 YW, 1,595 lb, 42 cm), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of an SVY Taurus 711E daughter. Sold for $20,000 to HTA Charolais, Rivers, MB.
Lot 1, HVA PROMISE LAND 20L (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 916 lb WW,
February 25, 2024 • Compeer, AB
High Selling Bull
Lot 2, McKearys Louis 2K, sired by Bobs Country T Mile 5H. Sold for $15,500 to Double F Farms, Kirriemuir, AB.
Farms Bull Sale
March 22, 2024 • Moosomin, SK Gross Average
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $22,000 $7,333 26 Yearling Bulls 152,200 5,854 29 Lots $174,200 $6,007
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
Lot 32, McTavish Helix 74K, sired by Elder’s Cracker Jack 13D. Sold for $8,250.
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 4, McTavish Equity 9L, sired by Pleasantdawn Connection 195G. Sold for $10,500 to Adrien Jacques, Carnduff.
81 WW, 161 YW, 1,560 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by SCX Jehu 233E, out of a Turnbulls Duty-Fre 358D daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Pratt Ranches, High Prairie, AB.
Lot 4, RGP LONGMIRE 334L (Homo Polled, 108 lb BW, 990 lb WW, 92 WW, 173 YW, 1,625 lb, 41 cm), sired by SCX Jehu 233E, out of an Elder’s Vexour 8042F daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Denis & Danielle Bouvier, Guy, AB.
Lot 53, HVA DUTTON 717L (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 1,020 lb WW, 85 WW, 142 YW, 29 M, 1,595 lb, 40 cm), sired by HVA Viper 905H, out of a Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Carmangay Colony, Carmangay, AB.
Lot 35, HVA PRO STAR 68L (Polled, 100 lb BW, 1,015 lb WW, 79 WW 148 YW, 1,555 lb, 38 cm), sired by Turnbulls DutyFree 358D, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Salty Lake Farms.
March 22, 2024 • Lethbridge, AB Gross Average
20 Two-Year Old Bulls $115,950
20 Yearling Bulls 132,000 6,600
40 Lots $247,950
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 38, THRR Atomic 19L, sired by Wrangler King Ranch 2G. Sold for $13,500.
HVA LOUISVILLE 28L • Homo Pld CTP Duty-Free to Big Sky Charolais, Consort, AB
HVA PROMISELAND 20L • Homo Pld Son of SCX Jehu to Pratt Ranches, High Prairie, AB
HVA LION 29L • Polled/s Son of TRI-N Go North 2411H to Anchor D Simmentals, Rimbey, AB
HVA RIVER 873L • Homo Pld Son of CTP Duty-Free to HTA Charolais, Rivers, MB
THANKS to these breeders who added Palmer Charolais herdbulls to their herd
ALSO THANKS TO: Denis & Danielle Bouvier, AB Wrangler Charolais, AB CSS Charolais, SK
Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Bull Sale
March 14, 2024 • Yellow Creek, SK
DLMS Farm Gate Timed Online
1 Two-Year Old Bull
Gross Average
$13,500 $13,500
49 Yearling Bulls 363,450 7,417
50 Lots
$376,950 $7,539
The Wielgosz’s 2nd online bull sale saw a solid sale with more bulls selling and the average moving higher. Blue Acre Farms, Stettler, Alberta, was the volume buyer taking four.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
(Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 832 lb WW, 78 WW, 131 YW, 32 M, 2,360 lb, 46 cm), sired by Rawes Marti 423E, out of a Sparrows Cascade 608D daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB.
High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 11, SKW MARKSMAN 95L
Harvie Ranching 15th Annual Bull Sale
March 12, 2024 • Olds, AB Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Gross Average 24 Yearling Bulls $210,250 $8,760
This two-breed sale is always a well anticipated and attended sale of the year, for anyone in the cattle industry, where you can select from quality Hereford and Charolais bulls.
High Selling Bulls
(Polled, 102 lb BW, 74 WW, 120 YW, 30 M, 1370 lb, 41 cm), sired by SOS Jackpot Pld 158J, out of a High Bluff Casanova 13C daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Ron Sperber, Rimbey.
Lot 26, HARVIE PAYDAY (Polled, 105 lb BW, -.3 BW, 6.9 CE, 75 WW, 124 YW, 28 CW, .91 REA, 1385 lb, 37 cm), sired by SOS Jackpot 158J, out of a JDJ Equity Z370 P daughter.
(Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 1,042 lb WW, 33 M, 1,680 lb, 40 cm), sired by KAYR Amigo 19J, out of an HRJ Maverick 556C daughter. Sold for $25,000 to Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd., Waskatenau, AB.
Lot 3, SKW HIGH COUNTRY 41L (Polled, 98 lb BW, 1060 lb WW, 1,656 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by KAYR Amigo 19J, out of a Winn Mans 780A daughter. Sold for $11,200 to FN Cattle Co., Melfort.
Lot 14, SKW CLUTCH 132L (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, 952 lb WW, 64 WW, 1,450 lb, 38 cm), sired by KAYR Amigo 19J, out of a Winn Mans 780A daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Brimner Cattle Co., Manor.
Lot 15, SW Packer 137L (Polled/s, 94 lb BW, 1,050 lb WW, 73 WW, 1,690 lb, 41 cm), sired by KAYR Amigo 19J, out of a Winn Mans 780A daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Cody Meyer, Prince Albert.
Lot 17, SKW SPEAK EASY 141L (Polled, 95 lb BW, 1,016 lb WW, 1,664 lb, 42 cm), sired by KAYR Amigo 19J, out of a Winn Mans 780A daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Craig Stochmanski, Shellbrook.
Sold for $14,500 to 6U Cattle Co. Ltd., Manning.
(Polled, 95 lb BW, -.7 BW, 7.8 CE, 66 WW, 122 YW, 25 M, 58 TM, 28 CW, 1270 lb, 38 cm), sired by Harvie Historic 227J, out of a Cedardale Zeal 125Z daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Miluch Cattle Co., Edson.
(Polled, 104 lb BW, 6.4 CE, 110 YW, 23 M, 1.1 SC, 28 CW, 1260 lb, 39 cm), sired by SCX Laredo 141F, out of a Harvie Duster 199D daughter. Sold for $11,000 to 6U Cattle Co Ltd.
(Polled, 90 lb BW, 5.8 CE, 69 WW, 118 YW, 29 M, 64
TM, 31 CW, .90 REA, 1180 lb, 37 cm), sired by SOS Jackpot Pld 158J, out of a Bob’s Gambino 12F daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Ferme Dubuc Charolais Inc. Ste-Eulalie, QC.
HUNTER 8L (Polled, 94 lb BW, 76 WW, 129 YW, 62 TM, 0.010 FAT, 1305 lb, 39 cm), sired by SOS Jackpot Pld 158J, out of a DCR Mr Cononail C94 ET daughter. Sold for $9,750 to 6U Cattle Co Ltd.
sired by KAYR Amigo 19J to Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd.
SKW OUTLANDER 215K sired by Rawes Marti 423E to Buffalo Lake Charolais
sired by KAYR Amigo 19J to FN Cattle Co.
SKW CLUTCH 132L sired by KAYR Amigo 19J to Brimner Cattle Co.
High Bluff Stock Farm Bull & Female
March 15, 2024 • Inglis, MB
Auctioneer: Ward Cutler
Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock
34 Yearling Bulls
14 Open Heifers
Gross Average
$346,000 $10,176
$90,000 $6,429
Higher prices pushed by 10 bulls selling to purebred breeders moved the bull average up a whopping $3,600. Combine that with more heifers selling for an increased average and you have a great sale.
23 Simmental bulls averaged $7,587, 2 Angus bulls averaged $6,125 and 8 Simmental heifers averaged $5,656.
High Selling Bulls
Lot 3, HIGH BLUFF LAW MAKER 56L (Homo Polled, 86 lb BW, 12.4 CE, 124 YW, 1,500 lb, 39 cm), sired by Keys Ballyhoo
Sliding Hills Charolais 18th Annual Bull Sale
March 18, 2024 • Canora, SK
Auctioneer: Mik Fleury
Gross Average
23 Yearling Bulls $160,750 $6,989
This 18th annual bull sale at the Weinbender farm saw the average rise $700 amid strong commercial support. 14 Hereford yearling bulls from Mission Ridge Herefords averaged $4,732. High Selling Bulls
Lot 16, SHSH EMBLEM 54L (Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, 12-year old dam, 1,445 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by LT Badge 9184 Pld, out of a Merit 9808W daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Paul & Dee Valstar, Springside.
104H, out of a CJC Symbol B1067P daughter. Sold for $31,000 to Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB.
Lot 1, HRJ LANDSLIDE 310L (Polled/s, 93 lb BW, 1018 lb 205 DW, 24 M, 1,800 lb, 41 cm), sired by PCC Innovation 123J, out of an HJR Dirty Harry 603D daughter. Sold for $27,500 to Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin, AB & Desertland Cattle Company, Sedalia, AB.
Lot 20, HIGH BLUFF LT EM TALK 1L (Polled, 104 lb BW, 914 lb 205 DW, 1,525 lb, 39 cm), sold for $17,000 to Ferme Coujo Charolais, Notre-Dame-Du-Bon-Conseil, QC.
Lot 29, HRJ LUXEMBOURG 371L (Homo Polled, 91 lb BW, 977 lb 205 DW, 1,575 lb, 40 cm), sired by HRJ Joaquin 133J, out of a Wrangler The Chosen One 50E. Sold for $15,000 to Parson Cattle Co., Tees, AB & Buccholz Farms, Galahad, AB.
31L (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 927 lb 205 DW, 1,578 lb 365 DW, 1,700 lb, 39 cm), sired by Keys Ballyhoo 104H, out of a Sparrows Escobar 429B daughter. Sold for $14,000 to K-Cow Cattle, Elk Point, AB.
Lot 8, HRJ LUCKENBACH 3134L (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 969 lb 205 DW, 1,590 lb 365 DW, 1,585 lb, 38 cm), sired by High Bluff Jack Daniels 124J, out of a Pro-Char Ronaldo 53E daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Leonard Zdan, Alonsa.
High Selling Open Heifers
Lot 46, HIGH BLUFF LADY 59L (-3.1 BW, 14.3 CE, 26 M, 1,155 lb), sired by TR Mr Rhinestone 4658B, out of a Cedarlea Ty Cobb 78C daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Maple Lake Stock Farm, Hartney.
Lot 45, HIGH BLUFF LADY BUG 131L (89 lb BW, 59 YW, 1,120 lb), sired by High Bluff Jennings 102J, out of a Crystal D Pierce 40 P daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Fourthlane Farms, Consecon, ON.
Lot 2, SHSH LANCASTER 3L (Homo Polled, 83 lb BW, -4.8 BW, 824 lb WW, 4.4 Marb, 1,405 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Authority 7229 Pld, out of an SHSH Bonafide 10F daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Borderland Cattle Company, Rockglen.
Lot 21, SHSH MASTERY 72L (Homo Polled, 106 lb BW, 834 lb WW, 128 YW, 1,495 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by LT Badge 9184 Pld, out of a Sparrows Aquarius 493B daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Hrebenik Farms, Yorkton.
Lot 20, SHSH TRUTEST 70L (Homo Polled, 112 lb BW, 75 WW, 126 YW, 1,530 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by LT Badge 9184 Pld, out of a Merit 9808W daughter. Sold $11,000 to Creekridge Farms, Willowbrook.
Pleasant Dawn Charolais 22nd
Annual Bull Sale
March 16, 2024 • Oak Lake, MB
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels
Sale Manager: By Livestock
58 ¼ Yearling Bulls
High Selling Bulls
Gross Average
$445,250 $7,644
BALDWIN 413L (Homo Polld, 93 lb
BW, 1,483 lb 365 DW, 64 WW, 131 YW, 33 M, 1,542 lb, 42 cm), sired by JWX Horizon 1114H, out of a MAIN Magico Lanzo 36D daughter. Sold or $21,500 to Colette Thurston, Irma, AB.
CAPTURE 105L (Homo Polled, 96
lb BW, 1,543 lb 365 DW, 78 WW, 144 YW, 1,570 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by White Meadow Hank 80H, out of a ZWB Pleasantdawnledger34B daughter.
Sold for $15,500 to Domek Charolais, Wibaux, MT.
143L (Homo Polled, 74 lb BW, 14.8 CE PD, -6 BW PD, 26 M), sired by Pleasant Dawn Impact 953J, out of a Pleasant Dawn Connection 195G daughter.
Sold for $15,000 to Wiese Agriculture Enterprises, Westlock, AB.
Lot 23, PLEASANT DAWN YUKON 721L (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 976 205 DW, 18.8 REA, 1,652 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Vessel 195H, out of a Raws Duke 401B daughter.
Balamore Farms Ltd “Thickness Sells
12th Annual Bull Sale
March 16, 2024 • Great Village, NS Auctioneer: Ryan Hurlburt Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Gross Average 21 Yearling Bulls $275,500 $13,119
This high quality offering saw bulls sell across Canada, to the USA and Australia.
High Selling Bulls
341L (Homo Polled, 89 lb BW, 922 lb 205 DW, 80 WW, 135 YW, 33 M, 18.3 REA, 68.1 LMY, 1,526 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Keys Powermax 57G, out
Sold for $13,000 to Heitkamp Farms, Wyndmere, ND.
Lot 32, PLEASANT DAWN SLEEPER 507L (Homo Polled, 84 lb BW, -2.3 BW, 68 WW, 125 YW, 29 M,1,458 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Razor 903H, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Brevig Charolais, Lewistown, MT.
Lot 28, PLEASANT DAWN TURBO 172L (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, 13.8 CE, -2.7 BW, 85 WW, 144 YW, 28 M), sired by White Meadow Gringo 20G, out of a TMJF Floyd 86F daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Dufayel Cattle Co. Ltd, St Claude.
of an HRJ Maverick 556C daughter. Sold for $40,000 to Johnson Livestock, Peebles, SK & Quicksilver Charolais, Lake Magenta, Western Australia.
Lot 5, BALAMORE LAKOTA 313L (Homo Polled, 91 lb BW, -.7 BW, 65 WW, 116 YW, 27 M, 17.1 REA, 67.7 LMY, 1,414 lb, 38 cm), sired by Keys Powermax 57G, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $36,500 to Stipe Charolais, Moiese, MT.
346L (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 826 lb 205 DW, 80 WW, 129 YW, 30 M, 17.2 REA, 1,508 lb, 38 cm), sired by Keys Powermax 57G, out of a Cedardale Winchester 70W daughter. Sold for
$18,500 to HEJ Charolais, Innisfail, AB.
Lot 14, BALAMORE LIBRA 332L (Homo Polled, 81 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 61 WW, 115 YW, 25 M, 1,468 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Chrome 9159 Pld, out of a JSR Estrada 52E daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Jamie & Heather Johnston, ON.
Desertland Cattle Company Bull Sale
March 12, 2024 • Sedalia, AB
Auctioneer: Kirk Goldsmith
9 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$92,750 $10,306
33 Yearling Bulls 334,000 10,121
42 Lots
$426,750 $10,162
Every year the crowd seems to get bigger and bigger to select from quality purebred and French influenced twoyear old and yearling bulls. Along with a select offering of two-year old Black Angus bulls and replacement heifers.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
(Polled, 91 lb BW, -.4 BW, 6.6 CE, 6.5 MCE, 1770 lb, 39 cm), sired by HRJ El Toro 721E, out of an ARL Sweet Sixteen 16B daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Twin R Ranching, Sibbald.
Lot 36, DESERTLAND HANK 36K (Polled, 96 lb BW, 1860 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Footprints Mr 14H, out of a Desertland Ambition 10A daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Danny & Anna Beier, Altario.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 28, DESERTLAND LD 12L (Horned, 83 lb BW, -2.9 BW, 13.7 CE,
8.2 MCE, 1535 lb, 41 cm), sired by ARL Long Distance 6E, out of an LAE Finale 8110F daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Blaine & Darlene Roth, Loyalist.
Lot 9, DESERTLAND HANK 22L (Horned, 92 lb BW, 1455 lb, 36 cm), sired by Footprints Mr 14H, out of a PCFL Dollor 4Y daughter. Sold for $14,000 to CJS Farms, Hanna.
Lot 4, DESERTLAND GAME DAY 24L (Polled, 93 lb BW, 122 YW, 25 M, 53 TM, 1345 lb, 39 cm), sired by Legacys Game Day 45G, out of an ARL Square Dance 1C daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Charworth Charolais Farms, Airdrie.
Lot 10, DESERTLAND HANK 4L (Polled, 90 lb BW, 1370 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Footprints Mr 14H, out of an
Simple as Black & White 5th Annual Bull Sale
March 18, 2024 • Medicine Hat, AB
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels
Sale Manager: By Livestock
ARL Sweet Sixteen 16B daughter. Sold for $12,500 to CJS Farms.
Lot 7, DESERTLAND SD 25L (Polled, 93 lb BW, 1395 lb, 41 cm), sired by ARL Square Dance 1C, out of an ARL Sweet 16B daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Leonard & Jody Olsen, Cereal.
Lot 8, DESERTLAND HANK 1L (Polled, 94 lb BW, 6.2 CE, 1345 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Footprints Mr 14H, out of an HRJ El Toro 721E daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Steven & Sandra Rude, Sedalia.
Lot 20, DESERTLAND FINALE 29L (Polled, 102 lb BW, 1345 lb, 39 cm), sired by LAE Finale 8110F, out of a Whitecap Carnage 40C daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Garnet & Kim Jefferies, Major, SK.
sold out. The Charolais average was up $1,400 pushed by the two-year olds which saw over a $3,000 increase. Repeat and volume buyers were the order of the day. The 19 two-year old Angus bulls averaged $6,713.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
This 5th Annual sale featuring a quality offering of Charolais and Angus bulls saw a change in the Angus consignor, as the original one
Lot 31, SVC VORTEX 12K (Polled, 99 lb BW, 63 WW, 131 YW, 1,930 lb, 41 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $13,250 to B.T. Grazing, Hilda. Consigned by Snake Valley Farm Ltd, Champion.
Lot 30, SVC BRAGGS 11K (3rd Gen. Polled, 95 lb, LMY 67.18, 2,125 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $13,000 to B.T. Grazing. Consigned by Snake Valley Farm Ltd. Lot 32, SVC TAHO 14K (3rd Gen. Polled, 93 lb BW, 75 WW, 143 YW, 2,090 lb, 43 cm), sired by SCX Triumph 50B, out of an SKW Pardner 78Y daughter. Sold for $12,000 to B.T. Grazing. Consigned by Snake Valley Farm Ltd.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Highway 21 Group Bull Sale
March 18, 2024 • Hanna, AB
Auctioneer: Chris Poley
Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Gross Average
10 ½ Two-Year Old Bulls
$133,500 $12,714
34 ⅓ Yearling Bulls 302,750 8,818
44 ⅔ Lots
1 Flush
$436,250 $9,767
You will not attend a sale that provides the buyer with as much data to aid in your purchasing process as the Highway 21 Group does. The research and development this operation is doing to help the producer is revolutionary.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 234K, HWY KOBE 234K (Polled, 100 lb BW, -.7 BW, 6.9 CE, 62 WW, 25 M, 56 TM, .1 MARB, 2101 lb, 47 cm), sired by Brimner Bull 130E, out of an SHSH Billings 33Z daughter. Sold ½ interest and ½ possession for $50,000 to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston & HEJ Charolais, Innisfail.
Lot 151K, HWY KALE 151K (Polled, 88 lb BW, -2.6 BW, 13 CE, 90 WW, 122 YW, 63 TM, 35 CW, 1.03 REA, 2049 lb, 38 cm), sired by SCX Jehu 2 236G, out of an SCX Thriller 89B daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Blue Moon Cattle Corp, Irricana.
Lot 219K, HWY KAIRO 219K (98 lb BW, 75 WW, 121 YW, 30 M, 67 TM, 34 CW, 67 TM, 0.95 REA, 2042 lb, 40 cm), sired by Wrangler Henry 77H, out of an RHH Whitehot Morocco 73X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Herder Ranch Ltd., Sylvan Lake.
(Homo Polled, 83 lb BW, -1.8 BW, 10.8 CE, .16 MARB, 1462 lb, 39 cm), sired by PCC Bourbon 118J, out of a PVF Ridge 7142 daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Barry Osterndorff Farms, Elmwood, ON. High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 23L, HWY LEGEND 23L (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, -3.3 BW, 14.2 CE, 68 WW, 142 YW, 29 M, 63 TM, 1390 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pro-Char Wilson 2J, out of an Elder’s Chancellor 8019F daughter. Sold for $30,000 to Landaker
(3rd Gen. Polled, 86 lb BW, 888 lb WW, 1,525 lb, 41 cm), sired by HRJ Holy Water 55H, out of a PCC Kentucky Rain 836F daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Mitchell Cattle Co. Ltd., Cypress County. Consigned by Flat Valley Cattle Company, Hilda.
(3rd Gen. Polled, 84 lb BW, -1.1 BW, 1,450 lb, 35.5 cm), sired by Cedarlea Hendricks 40H, out of a PCC
Kentucky Rain 836F daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Wilfred & David Jans, Medicine Hat. Consigned by Flat Valley Cattle Company.
Lot 11, FVC LETHAL LAD 28L (Double Polled, 80 lb BW, -2.8 BW, 1,305 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Cedarlea Hendricks 40H, out of a PCC Kentucky Rain 836F daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Geigle Farm & Ranch, Medicine Hat.
Charolais, Brownvale.
Lot 2L, WRIGHTS LINEMAN 2L (Polled, 91 lb BW, -2.8 BW, 10.8 CE, 59 WW, 120 YW, 26 CW, 0.27 MARB, 40.5 cm), sired by Balamore Justice 126J, out of a JSR Estrada 52E daughter. Sold ⅔ interest and full possession for $14,250 to Bar L E Land & Cattle, Hanna. Consigned with CJL Livestock, Pangman, SK, and CharMaine Ranching.
Lot 83 L, HWY LYNX 83L (Polled, 102 lb BW, 84 WW, 140 YW, 37 M, 78 TM, 32 CW, 1355 lb, 40 cm), sired by Balamore Justice 126J, out of a Pleasantdawn Prada 604B daughter. Sold for $12,500 to JG Larson Livestock, Enchant.
Lot 22L, HWY LIFE MAKER 22L Homo Polled, 101 lb BW, -2.8 BW, 11.2 CE, 64 WW, 140 YW, 30 M, 62 TM, .13 MARB, 1481 lb, 35 cm), sired by Pro-Char Wilson 2J, out of a MAIN Ledger’s Shadow 26D daughter. Sold for $11,500 to TF Cattle Company, Kamloops, BC.
TRI-N Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale
March 18, 2024 • Lenore, MB
Auctioneer: Ryan Hurlburt
11 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$93,750 $8,522
45 Yearling Bulls 425,000 9,444
3 Yearling Hybrid Bulls 47,250 15,750
59 Lots
$565,000 $9,576
1 Pick of Open Heifers 34,000 34,000
A good selection of white and red factor bulls were on offer and again the coloured bulls were the high sellers in the sale. 22 dark non diluter bulls averaged $12,375. Bulls sold to five provinces, 11 states and to Australia. Bar XW Ranch, Fort St. John, BC was the volume buyer taking five.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
CALVARY 229K (Homo Polled, RedNon-diluter, 94 lb BW, 64 WW, 2,025 lb, 40.5 M), sired by Jack Foundation 7F, out of a TRI-N Captain Morgan 340A daughter. Sold for $22,000 to Wild Indian Acres, De Soto, MO, USA.
Lot 1, TRI-N BOBCAYGEON 3136K (Homo Polled, 91 lb BW, 134 YW, 2,105 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by SCX Jehu 233E, out of an HRJ Bulletproof 411B daughter. Sold for $13,250 to HB0
The 2024 Federal Budget came down on April 16 and it’s clear our advocacy efforts are making a difference.
In late March, the government announced the Advanced Payment Program (APP) will have a $250,000 interest-free limit for the 2024 program year. We are also glad to see that the government will continue to review APP to improve program delivery and
Farms, Saffell, AR.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
4174L (Homo Polled, Black, 87 lb BW, 883 lb 205 DW, 4.6 Marb, 1,525 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by TRI-N Stegall 104J, out of a purebred Angus dam. Sold for $25,000 to Bluestone Beef, NSW, Australia & Margiana Beef Composites, Victoria, Australia.
4159L (Homo Polled, Red-Non diluter, 85 lb BW, 862 205 DW, 87 WW, 136 YW, 25 M), sired by TRI-N Red Baron 765E, out of a TRI-N Prefix Pld ET 54Y daughter. Sold for $22,000 to Roy Farms Charolais, Stockton, KS.
Lot 24, TRI-N BILLY SMITH 4152L (Homo Polled, Red-Non-diluter, 84 lb BW, -3.2 BW, 84 WW,25 M, 67.5 LMY, 1,520 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by TRI-N Red
Baron 765E, out of an MVY Xplorer 21X. Sold for $19,500 to David Sparks, Rosetown, SK.
Lot 34, TRI-N OFF THE WALL 518L (Homo Polled, Red-Non diluter, 93 lb BW, 16.57 REA, 68.76 LMY, 1,465 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by JACK Foundation 7F, out of a TRI-N Captain Morgan 340A daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Pennington Farm, Be Branch, AR.
Lot 26, TRI-N BOBBY CLARK 4165L (Homo Polled, Red-Non diluter, 860 lb WW, 80 WW, 25 M, 1,467 lb, 38 cm), sired by TRI-N Red Baron 765E, out of a HRJ Bulletproof 411B daughter. Sold for $13,750 to David Sparks.
High Selling Open Heifer
Lot 65, Pick of the 2023 Open Heifers. Sold for $34,000 to Aristo Farms, Topeka, KS.
reduce the administrative burden for producers. We have farms and ranches to tend to and the less paperwork, the better. Without this push, the amount would have reverted back to $100,000.
We will keep pursuing multi-year interest-free commitments moving forward rather than year to year changes.
We are also cautiously optimistic that the Government recognized the Livestock Tax Deferral’s effectiveness
in providing relief for producers in the Budget and recognized it as a crucial tool for producers in times of natural disasters such as drought or floods. The CCA has also requested a change to the Income Tax Act to include all classes of cattle and to allow producers to self-elect when they need to use the deferral.
After years of advocacy, we are cautiously optimistic that the Government will work quickly in
..continued on page 44
TRI-N Black Factor 4174L
TRI-N Stegall (PB Red Char) x Black Meadows Lass (PB Angus)
Thanks to Bluestone Beef (NSW Australia) and Morgiana Beef Composites (Vic Australia).
Thanks to Aristo Farms (KS USA).
TRI-N Gordie Howe 4159L
TRI-N Red Baron x TRI-N Mocha Lady (TRI-N Prefix) Thanks to Roy Farms (KS USA).
TRI-N Mick Jones 466L • SCX Jehu 2 x TRI-N Creamsicle (MVY Xplorer) Thanks to Saunders Charolais (ON).
Thanks to all our bidders and buyers for making our 2024 Bull Sale the best yet!!
Bluestone Beef (NSW Australia)
Morgiana Beef Composites (Vic Australia)
HBO Farms (AR USA)
Pennington Farm Charolais (AR USA)
IGD Cattle (IA USA)
Pfeifer Farms (IA USA)
Aristo Farms (KS USA)
Raile Charolais (KS USA)
Roy Farms Charolais (KS USA)
Peder Gerde (MN USA)
Carroll Family Farms (MO USA)
Wild Indian Acres (MO USA)
Jody Hansen Farm (MT USA)
MR Ranch (MT USA)
UL Ranch (MT USA) (3)
Duchsherer Land and Livestock (ND USA)
Honeyman Charolais (ND USA)
Van Daele Ranch (ND USA)
Justin Miller (NE USA)
Odden Charolais (SD USA) (2)
Zemlicka Farms (SD USA) (3)
Attoe Acres II Charolais (WI USA)
Wyoming Country Outfitters (WY USA)
Art Tupper (AB)
Bill Hodgkinson (AB)
Bar XW Ranch (BC) (5)
Chad Esau (BC) (3)
Darcy Watson (MB)
Horace Sholdice (MB)
Ron+Jason Turetsky (MB)
S+K Buchanan Ltd (MB)
Saunders Charolais (ON)
Trinal Farms (ON)
Bob+Melanie Meredith (SK)
Brian Czerwonka (SK) (3)
CJ Meredith Farms (SK)
Curtis Longman (SK)
Dave Kotylak (SK)
Dennis Kress (SK)
Hilltop View Farms (SK) (2)
Robert Byers Trucking LTD (SK)
Tim Schiestel (SK) (2)
David Sparks (SK) (2)
Vickie Wilkinson (SK)
Poplar Bluff Stock Farm & Guest Hopewell Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale
March 19, 2024 • Chauvin, AB Auctioneer: Danny Skeels
30 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$227,750 $7,592
11 ⅓ Yearling Bulls 121,500 10,211
41 ⅓ Lots
$349,250 $8,450
This annual sale looked a little different this year with the addition of yearling bulls from Hopewell Charolais. The quality on offer from both operations was exceptional. Bulls sold across Canada and into the US.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 3, THJ KONK 24K Polled, 97 lb BW, 68 WW, 135 YW, 27 M, 61 TM, 1890 lb, 39 cm), sired by Legacys Game Day 45G, out of an LAE FloRida 1111Y daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Les Cook, Compeer. Consigned by Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin.
(Polled, 89 lb BW, 65 WW, 118 YW, 54 TM, 2030 lb, 40 cm), sired by JWX Gallagher 804G, out of a JWX Encore 576E daughter. Sold for $12,500 to George Poruchnek, Wainwright. Consigned by Poplar Bluff Stock Farm. Lot 4, THJ KADEN 53K (Polled, 95 lb BW, 60 WW, 120 YW, 25 M, 55 TM, 1805 lb, 42 cm), sired by Legacys Game Day 45G, out of an MVY Awesome 1A daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Eldon Roesler, Compeer. Consigned by Poplar Bluff Stock Farm.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
15L Homo Polled, 95 lb BW, 78 WW, 126 YW, 28 M, 67 TM, 1600 lb, 42 cm), sired by HRJ Fan Favourite 804F, out of an LT Authority 7229 Pld daughter. Sold ⅔ interest and full possession for $23,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Hopewell Charolais, Kerrobert, SK.
Lot 33, HOPEWELL HARDGRASS 5L (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 95 lb BW, 66 WW, 119 YW, 24 M, 57 TM, 1660 lb, 39 cm), sired by Pro-Char Diamondback 113H, out of an LAE Textile 734T daughter. Sold ⅔ interest and full possession for $15,000 to V-A-L Charolais Ranch, Nyssa, OR. Consigned by Hopewell Charolais.
Lot 43, HOPEWELL OZZIE 49L (Polled, 104 lb BW, 114 YW, 1480 lb, 38 cm), sired by DYV Footprints Crimsontide 15G, out of a Mr Louber Mantracker 830B daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Balamore Farm Ltd., Great Village, NS and J&J McAffee, NB. Consigned by Hopewell Charolais.
Lot 35, HOPEWELL BOSA 13L (Polled, 96 lb BW, 66 WW, 114 YW, 28 M, 61 TM, 1620 lb, 43 cm), sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of a D R Revelation 467 daughter. Sold for $11,000 to G-Plus Farms, Spiritwood, SK.
partnership with the beef sector to design a framework that addresses the weather-related challenges beef producers are facing. This can’t happen quickly enough.
Changes to capital gains in the Budget have the potential to be negative for producers and time will tell how exactly the proposed changes will impact us. The fuel tax credit proposed for 2019 to 2024 also could be promising for ranchers and farmers, but the amount of red tape required to qualify has not yet been laid out. Our staff team will
be further assessing these potential opportunities and will continue to advocate for relief and positive supports as they are brought forward for official Government approval.
More positive news is the Government’s supporting efforts to amend the Copyright Act to help achieve interoperability between devices and equipment. We look forward to taking part in consultations in June and to seeing more details announced shortly.
South of the border, we’re keeping the communication lines wide open
with our US counterparts on all fronts including anything that is affecting beef herds down south. The Voluntary Product of USA labelling announcement happened in April but doesn’t go into effect until 2026 so we won’t be able to assess any effects it may have on Canadian beef until at least some time after that. We are also working with CFIA and keeping a very close eye on what’s happening in the dairy industry with the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus. It hasn’t been reported in any cattle (dairy or beef) in Canada but
..continued on page 46
Turnbull Charolais
V-A-L Charolais Ranch
Balamore Farms
J&J McAffee Charolais
Letniak Charolais
Clarke Charolais
Les Cook
George Poruchek
Mathieu Farms Ltd. (4)
Range 45 Ranch (2)
Myron Fawcett Holdings (2)
Colton Ukrainetz (2)
Lanco Land & Cattle (2)
Eldon Roesler
Chesterman Farms
Jackson Bros.
Mark Headrick
Fred Schooler
Howg Farms
Thacker Ranches
Frank Hudec
Blake Walde (2)
Greg Eddinfield
Tanya Kratchner
Craig Torpe
Bar Over AJ
Ostrowski Farms
Mitchell Farms
Brian Beatty
Brent Varty
Chris Whittleton
Brian Gibb
OK Ranch
We appreciate everyone who bid, bought and believes in our programs
John & Kirsten Taylor & Family
T 780-858-2435 • C 780-806-3395
Box 55, Chauvin, AB T0B 0V0 jktaylor@telusplanet.net
Poplar Bluff Stock Farm
Kody & Alex Meier
C 306-834-7557
Box 486, Kerrobert, SK S0L 1R0
Hopewell Charolais
HTA Charolais Bull Sale
March 20, 2024 • Rivers, MB
Auctioneer: Chris Poley
Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
DW, 4.95 lb ADG, 43 cm), sired by SHSH High Class 43D, out of an HTA Conrad 248Z daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Rammer Charolais.
1105J, out of an HTA Astroid 603D daughter. Sold for $12,750 to McKague Charolais, Wingham.
Gross Average 38 Yearling Bulls
$370,750 $9,757
For the second time in two years the average was up $1,700. Volume buyer was Rammer Charolais, Hamiota, who purchased five bulls including a high seller.
High Selling Bull
(Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.6 BW, 1,562 lb 365 DW, 134 YW, 1,660 lb, 41 cm), sired by HTA Spiderman 9103G, out of an SHSH High Class 43D daughter. Sold for $23,000 to Louber Farms, SteMarie de Beauce, QC & Valley’s End Charolais, Central Butte, SK.
Lot 28, HTA PRO CHOICE 3100L (Homo Polled, 97 lb BW, 5.6% of dam, 839 lb 205 DW, 1,680 lb, 41 cm), sired by HTA Spiderman 9103G, out of an HTA Reliable 4101B daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Crocus Valley Farms Ltd., Killarney.
Lot 11, HTA COYOTE CREEK 3133L (Homo Polled, 101 lb BW, 1,598 lb 365
Lot 27, HTA STIFLD 394L (Homo Polled, 99 lb BW, 847 205 DW, 1,642 lb 365 DW, 1,740 lb, 41 cm), sired by HTA Spiderman 9103G, out of an HTA Contender 605D daughter. Sold for $16,000 to R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney.
Lot 34, HTA DISTILLRY 369L (Homo Polled, 87 lb BW, 852 lb 205 DW, 1,605 365 DW, twoyear-old dam), sired by Mr Louber Jaguar
Lot 24, HTA COBALT 315L (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 802 lb 205 DW, twoyear-old dam, 1,565 lb, 40 cm), sired by HTA Spiderman 9103G, out of an HTA Tundra 572C daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Soura-Horan Farms Ltd, Bowsman.
rest assured that our CCA team is on top of the latest scientific developments on this issue.
In April, we travel to South Korea and in May we’ll spend some time in the Indo Pacific to cultivate trade relationships and pave the way for increased trade opportunities.
It’s shaping up to be a better spring than last year and strong market signals indicate growth potential for producers.
We hope you’ve had a successful calving season and encourage herd growth so we can try to keep up with demand for our quality Canadian beef at home and abroad. We’ll pave the way for more markets, and we hope conditions are supportive for increased production to meet these
Lastly, on behalf of the entire CCA Board, I would like to thank our outgoing representatives and welcome our new Board representatives for 2024-25. Your contributions are valued and appreciated, and we are thankful for your time served.
2024-2025 CCA Board of Director
Nathan Phinney (President) – NB
Tyler Fulton (Vice President) – MB
Bob Lowe (Past President) – AB
Jack Chaffe (Officer) – ON
Kirk Jackson (Officer) – QC
Renee Ardill – BC
Larry Rast – BC
Jim Bowhay – AB
Jake Bueckert – AB
Sheila Hillmer – AB
Graham Overguard – AB
Doug Roxburgh – AB
Curtis Vander Heyden – AB
Miles Wowk – AB
Karla Hicks – SK
Philip Lynn – SK
Lynn Grant – SK
Ryan Beierback – SK
Matthew Atkinson – MB
Mike Duguid – MB
Arvid Nottveit – MB
Craig McLaughlin – ON
Matt Bowman – ON
Jason LeBlond – ON
Philippe Alain – QC
John Schuttenbeld – NB
Victor Oulton – NS
Kevin Simmons – PEI
Diamond W Charolais, Red & Black
Angus 22nd Annual Bull Sale
March 19, 2024 • Minitonas, MB
Auctioneer: Randy Hart
Sale Manager: By Livestock
4 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$20,750 $5,188
Lot 25, DIAMOND W AUTHORITIVE 22L (4th Gen. Polled, 102 lb BW, -2.7 BW, 1,505 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by LT Authority 7229 Pld, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $7,500 to K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB. BULLS TO THREE PROVINCES & ONE STATE
30 Yearling Bulls 204,500 6,817
34 Lots
$224,250 $6,625
This long running sale in the Swan Valley area of Manitoba has seen many loyal customers from this area. Spreading out from there, some volume buyers also helped push the average higher. 25 Angus bulls averaged $5,293.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
7L (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -1 BW, 72 WW, 30 M, 1,575 lb, 39 cm), sired by Diamond W Heatwave 7H, out of a Sparrows Chitek 930W daughter. Sold for $16,000 for 1/2 interest and full possession to Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salem, ND.
27L (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, -2.5 BW, 1,380 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Sparrows
Carter 106J, out of a Sparrows Oldenburg 636D daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Balamore Farms, Great Village, NS.
5L (Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, 870 lb WW, 26 M, 1,600 lb, 41 cm), sired by Diamond W Jackpot 23H, out of a Sparrows Kinston 139L daughter. Sold for $10,500 for ½ interest and full possession to Soura-Horan Farms Ltd, Bowsman.
79L (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -2.4 BW, 63 WW, 1,450 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by K-Cow Harlem 3E, out of a Sparrows Oldenburg 636D daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Marvin Lychuk, Kenville.
K-Cow Ranch 13th Annual Bull Sale
March 23, 2024 • Elk Point, AB Auctioneer: Darcy Sheets
It was a packed house for this annual multi-breed sale. Quality Charolais, Hereford and Red & Black Angus bulls sold to many repeat and volume buyers.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot C-53K, K-COW 53K (Polled, 80 lb BW, -.3 BW, 7.6 CE, 90 WW, 131 YW, 67 TM, 2075 lb, 42 cm), sired by High Bluff Gallagher 21G, out of a K-Cow Blue Jeans 3D daughter. Sold for $10,250 to Trent Wakulchyk, Bonnyville.
Lot C-218K, K-COW KIDNAPPER 218K (Polled, 83 lb BW, 67 WW, 26 M, 59 TM, 2105 lb, 43 cm), sired by HTA Copperhead 59H, out of a McTavish Excel 20B daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Peter Burdek, Lac La Biche.
Lot C-37K, K-COW KNOXSVILLE 37K (Polled, 84 lb BW, -0.8 BW, 8.2 CE, 27 M, 54 TM, 1595 lb, 38 cm), sired by Oakstone Rosco 95H, out of a GLM Crockett 17C daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Clint Jacula, Derwent.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot C-36L, K-COW LAKER 36L (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 82 lb BW, 7.3 CE, 55 WW, 1180 lb, 38 cm), sired by Oakstone Rosco 95H, out of a GLM Crockett 17C daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Kevin Komarnisky, Holden.
Cedarlea Farms Bull Sale
March 20, 2024 • Hodgeville, SK
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels
Sale Manager: By Livestock
Gross Average
50 Yearling Bulls $398,500 $7,970
This consistent offering saw many repeat customers buy multiples and seven bulls go to purebred breeders. Bulls sold to six provinces and one state with a nice move up in the average.
High Selling Bulls
25L (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, -4.9 BW, 68 WW, 129 YW, 32 M, 15.23 REA, 1,495 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Brimner Bull 44J, out of an RBM Fargo Y111 daughter. Sold for $30,000 to Valleys End Charolais, Central Butte and Louber Farms, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC.
Lot 20L, CEDARLEA DRRINGR 20L (Homo Polled, 95 lb BW, 76WW, 136 YW, 66.48 LMY, 1,465 lb, 43 cm), sired by Cedarlea Howitzer 49H, out of an RBM Fargo Y111 daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek.
86L (3rd Gen. Polled, 102 lb BW, 79 WW, 139 YW, 37M, 1,510 lb, 40 cm), sired by Cedarlea Howitzer 49H, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for 15,000 to Kattle Kountry Mortlach Inc., Mortlach.
Lot 3L, CEDARLEA CROSSFIRE 3L (Homo Polled, 84 lb BW, -2.1 BW, 271 Gest., 149 YW, 4.7 Marb, 1,490 lb,
37.5 cm), sired by Cedarlea Firestone 145G, out of a Sparrows Architect 725E daughter. Sold for $13,750 to LZ Farms, Kyle.
Lot 245L, CEDARLEA PALE ALE 245L (Homo Polled, 104 lb BW, 856 lb 205 DW, 83 WW, 30 M, 16.07 REA, 67.91 LMY), sired by Cedarlea The Count 175F, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls, ON.
Lot 142L,
CEDARLEA EL CAPITAN 142L (Homo Polled, 76 lb BW, -4.1 BW, 68 WW, 1,445 lb, 40 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of an LT Authority 7229 Pld daughter. Sold for $12,250 to Stolson Farms, Hodgeville.
101L (Polled, 86 lb BW, -.4 BW, 7.5 CE, 156 YW, 31 M, 75 TM, 1440 lb, 41 cm), sired by Mr Louber Jaguar 1105J, out of an HTA Astroid 603D daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Clint Jacula.
Lot C-18L, K-COW LANDMINE 18L (Polled, 95 lb BW, -.4 BW, 6.6 CE, 71 WW, 123 YW, 1445 lb, 38 cm), sired by
TRI-N Cow-Town
136J, out of a WCR Prime Cut 764 Pld daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Peter Burdek.
Footprint Farms Charolais Power Bull Sale
March 21, 2024 • Esther, AB
Auctioneer: Cliff Pahl
A very impressive offering of yearling and two-year old bulls sold across western Canada to many volume and repeat buyers from seed stock producers to commercial cattlemen, with the average up $1000. 48 Commercial replacement heifers averaged $3,117.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
(Polled, 96 lb BW, -.6 BW, 8.9 CE, 114 YW, 52 TM, 1940 lb, 45.5 cm), sired by DC/BHD Warlord F2003 P, out of an LT Signature 6136 Pld daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd., Waskatenau.
(Polled, 90 lb BW, -2.6 BW, 13.1 CE, 50 TM, 23 M, 1992 lb, 45 cm), sired by Eatons Fueled Up 91610 P, out of a DC/ BHD Warlord F2003 P daughter. Sold for $16,250 to Twin R Ranching, Sibbald.
Lot 50, FOOTPRINTS SIR 2130K (Polled, 102 lb BW, 6.1 CE, 61 WW, 113 YW, 53 TM, 2038 lb, 43 cm), sired by DC/BHD Warlord F2003 P, out of an LT Signature 6136 Pld daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Oakstone Land & Cattle Co., Bawlf.
Lot 71, FOOTPRINTS SIR (Polled, Red Factor, 93 lb BW, 5.8 CE, 27 M, 1962 lb, 41 cm), sired by HRJ Here I Stand 30H, out of a MAIN Lone Ranger 13D daughter. Sold for $14,250 to Charlite Charolais, Amisk.
Lot 61, FOOTPRINTS SIR 2163K (Polled, 98 lb BW, 5 CE, 1952 lb, 44 cm), sired by High Bluff El Paso 15E, out of an SVY Marksman 436B daughter. Sold for $13,500 to X-X Ranch, Coronation.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 1, FOOTPRINTS SIR 13L (Polled, 98 lb BW, 71 WW, 137 YW, 55 TM, 1634 lb, 39 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of an HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Clarbyrn Farms, Sibbald.
Lot 3, FOOTRPINTS SIR 10L (Polled, 92 lb BW, -1.6 BW, 13.6 CE, 1573 lb, 41 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $12,750 to Glen & Sandra Schuetzle, Kirriemuir.
Lot 25, FOOTPRINTS SIR 329L (Polled, 104 lb BW, 66 WW, 128 YW, 58 TM, 24 M, 1570 lb, 45 cm), sired by DC Triton H 1791 P, out of an SVY Marksman 436B daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Nelson Farms, Coronation.
Lot 5, FOOTPRINTS SIR 17L (Polled, 100 lb BW, 67 WW, 129 YW, 1604 lb, 41 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $12,200 to Norris Ranch, Oyen.
coming two-year olds were purhased by repeat buyers and many new customers as well.
High Selling Bulls
This 4th annual sale saw bulls sell to four provinces lead by nearly twothirds being sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum. These late spring and fall
Lot 20, WHITE MEADOW BOSSMAN 144K (Homo Polled, 86 lb BW, 69 WW, 129 YW, 1,900 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an LT Sundance 2251 Pld daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Wood River Charolais, McCord, SK.
Lot 8, WHITE MEADOW NITRO 48K (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, -1.8 BW, 904 lb 205 DW, 2,060 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an WC Big Ben 9036 daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Art Denbow, Oak Lake.
Lot 15, WHITE MEADOW STATESMAN 66K (3rd Gen. Polled, 104 lb BW, 916 lb 205 DW, 2,170 lb, 43 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an LT Sundance 2251 Pld
Elder Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale
March 28, 2024 • Coronach, SK
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels
Sale Manager: By Livestock
Gross Average 52 ⅓ Yearling Bulls $576,000 $11,006
Traffic in the bull pen leading up to and sale day was strong with this quality offering creating a lot of interest. Lead by 10 sons of DC/CRJ Tank E108 P out of first calf heifers, they were impressive. Averaging 1,632 lb they averaged $16,700. The other large sire group by Elder’s Houlio with tremendous length and performance had 26 on offer and found strong demand from purebred and commercial customers alike.
High Selling Bulls
Lot 1, ELDER’S LAZARO 305L (3rd Gen. Polled, 91 lb BW, 11.6 CE, 155 YW, 26 M, 1,665 lb), sired by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P, out of a TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630 ET. Sold for $38,000 for ⅔ interest & full possession to Allison Acres Charolais, New Castle, KY.
Lot 4, ELDER’S LATIN 311L (Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, 11.2 CE, 30 M, 1,590 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P, out of an Elder’s Platinum 906G daughter. Sold for $28,000 to Legacy Charolais, Botha, AB.
Lot 11, ELDER’S LAGR 325L (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 32 M, 1,780 lb., 41.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of a Grant’s Playboy 3X daughter. Sold for $28,000 to Ferme Cardin Charolais Inc, St. Bonaventure, QC & Francois
daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Pollock Charolais, Virden.
Lot 11, WHITE MEADOW HIGH CALIBER 61K (3rd Gen. Polled, 107 lb BW, 868 lb 205 DW, 69 WW, 2,040 lb, 41 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an LT Sundance 2251 Pld daughter. Sold for $9,250 to SKE Charolais, Hartney.
Lot 1, WHITE MEADOW RING0 23K (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, 62 WW,
Poirier, Ste-Agathe-De-Lotviniere, QC.
Lot 3, ELDER’S LINCOLN 307L (Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, 145 YW, 31 M, 1,685 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by DC/ CRJ Tank E108 P, out of an Elder’s Emperor 8021F daughter. Sold for $27,000 for ⅔ interest & full possession to Cay’s Cattle, Kinistino.
Lot 25, ELDER’S LUNAR 378L (Double Polled, 94 lb BW, 67 WW, 128 YW, 30 M, 1,550 lb, 40 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of an Elder’s Blackjack 788B daughter. Sold for $25,000 to Footprint Farms, Esther, AB.
Lot 12, ELDER’S LORENZO 3101L (Double Polled, ET, 842 lb 205 DW, 1,670 lb, 43.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of Elder’s Dalyce Rayel 80C. Sold for $22,000 to Coyote Flats Charolais, Coaldale, AB.
Lot 2, ELDER’S LITTLE ROCK 334L (3rd Gen. Polled, 84 lb BW, 845 lb 205 DW, 1,651 lb 365 DW,
-2.3 BW, 74 WW, 148 YW, 34 M, 1,825 lb, 39 cm), sired by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P, out of a JWX Downhome 6D daughter. Sold for $18,000 for ⅔ interest & full possession to Sunshine Oak Charolais, Holland, MB.
Lot 14, ELDER’S PHOENIX 386L (4th Gen. Polled, 95 lb BW, -.9 BW, 64 WW, 30 M, 1,665 lb, 41 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of an HVA Baron 483D daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Lazy S Cattle Co., Rimbey, AB.
Lot 17, ELDER’S LOUISIANA 365L (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 114 YW EPD, 1,540 lb, 38 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of a Sharodon Double Vision 1D daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Vee R Bar Charolais, Ceylon.
1,775 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an WC Big Ben 9036 daughter. Sold for $9,000 to SKE Charolais.
Prairie Distinction 10th Annual Bull Sale
March 26, 2024 • Neepawa, MB
Auctioneer: Ward Cutler
Sale Manager: By Livestock
8 ¾ Two-Year Old Bulls
30 Yearling Bulls
38 ¾ Bulls
Gross Average
$64,750 $7,400
221,750 7,392
$286,500 $7,394
The six consignors to this 10th annual sale put forth a solid set of bulls that produced a steady sale to both repeat and new customers of purebred and commercial producers across the prairies and into the USA.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
Lot 34, JFC KIRK 254K (Double Polled, Red Factor, 96 lb BW, -.5 BW EPD, 2,035 lb, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Parker 806F, out of an HRJ Bulletproof 411B daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Glenn Denbow, Souris. Consigned by Johnston Charolais, Treherne.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 15, CVF LOGIC 8L (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb BW, 826 lb 205 DW, 76 WW, 138 YW, 1,680 lb, 40 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135,
Best of the Breeds 20th Annual Sale
March 24, 2024 • Yorkton, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Gross Average
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $17,750 $5,917
34 ¾ Yearling Bulls 229,500 6,604
37 ¾ Lots $247,250 $6,550
This five breed, long running sale saw a full house come to select from the quality offering. After the traditional perogy and sausage lunch, 107 ¾ bulls averaged $6,443. Dogpatch Acres, Leroy, and Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake, once again provided the Charolais portion of the sale.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
40L (Polled, 93 lb BW, 72 WW, 138 YW, 1,530 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT
out of a Campbells Bombshell 15B daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Nielson Bros Charolais, Finley, OK. Consigned by Crocus Valley Charolais, Killarney.
Lot 12, RAMM LOUISIANA 87L (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 98 lb BW, 842 lb 205 DW, 73 WW, 127 YW, 1,610 lb, 43 cm), sired by MAIN Amarillo 9J, out of a TRI-N Yangster 64B daughter. Sold for $10,750 to Kruk Charolais, Virden. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney.
Lot 31, JMB LINCOLN 301L (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 916 lb 205 DW, 1,675 lb, 39 cm), sired by CS Mango 256M, out of a MB Fisher 604D daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Evenson Farms,
McCreary. Consigned by JMB Charolais, Brookdale.
Lot 13, RAMM LINCOLN 62L (Homo Polled, 106 lb BW, 126 YW, 1,600 lb, 44 cm), sired by MAIN Amarillo 9J, out of an HRJ Bulletproof 411B daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Bernie Dueck, Austin. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock.
Lot 7, RAMM LANDER 76L (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 96 lb BW, 820 lb 205 DW, 72 WW, 137 YW, 26 M, 1,630 lb, 41 cm), sired by MAIN Amarillo 9J, out of an SRK Canyon 2Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Colin & Tina Baber, Balcarres, SK. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock.
Nationwide 8455 Pld ET, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $14,500 for ¾ interest and full possession to Keldea Acres, Delisle. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres.
Lot 7, HBC TERRITORY 307L (3rd Gen. Polled, 99 lb BW, 68 WW, 123 YW, 1,700 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of a Winn Mans Vistazo 740X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Rod McLean, Foam Lake. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais.
Lot 4, HBC
(Homo Polled, 81 lb BW, -1.3 BW, 24 M, 1,380 lb), sired by LT Badge 9184 Pld, out of an HBC
G2 430B daughter. Sold for $8,750 to La Ferme Patry de Weedon, Weedon, QC. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais.
Lot 14, DOGPATCH LUMBRJACK 44L (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, -1.2 BW, 1,550 lb, 41 cm), sired by Cedarlea Houston 119H, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Monte Frick, Neudorf. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres.
This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email charolaisbanner@gmail.com for print in upcoming issues.
Blakely Ruth Kuske was born July 27th, 2023, to Josie and Matt Kuske, and big brother Macklen, in Minot, North Dakota. Proud grandparents are Murray and Nicole Blake, of Wood River Charolais, McCord, Saskatchewan. Josie is a CCYA Alumni.
Congratulations to Don and Mindy Good, Acadia Ranching Ltd., Acadia Valley, Alberta, who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in February.
Heidi Yvonne Hordos was born January 31, at 12:58 AM weighing 8 lb 13 oz, and measured 21.25 inches. Proud parents are Sarah and James Hordos and big siblings Troy and Natalie, of Raymore. Sarah is a CCYA Alumni and daughter of Carey and LeeAnn Weinbender, Sliding Hill Charolais, Canora, Saskatchewan.
The Hunter Charolais crew welcomed their newest member, Jett Leo Hunter, on January 4. Proud parents are Michael and Candace and even prouder big brother Sterling. Grandparents are Doug and Marianne Hunter, Roblin, Manitoba. Michael is a CCYA Alumni.
Lachlyn Audrey Oram was born on March 18th in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. She weighed 7 lb 1 oz. Proud parents are Dane and Kirsten Oram. Dane is a CCYA alumni. Grandparents are Deb and Mark Oram, Valley’s End Charolais, Central Butte.
Candace By, Regina, Saskatchewan, received a 30-Year pin at the Canadian Western Agribition Volunteer Appreciation Night. She serves on the International Committee and the Scholarship Fund. Travis Keisig, Saskatchewan MLA from Last Mountain-Touchwood congratulated her. Keisig is the son of Fred and Dianne Keisig, who were Fireside Charolais, Ituna.
North of the 49th 21st Annual
Bull Sale
April 1, 2024 • Halbrite, SK Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Gross Average 76 Yearling Bulls
$701,000 $9,224
A good crowd was on hand or online for this reputation sale and quality offering. More bulls sold this year with the average moving up another $200 from last year. Eight bulls sold to breeders, with bulls selling to four provinces. Many buyers bought multiples including Douglas Lake Cattle Co., Douglas Lake, BC, who purchased 12 and WC Ranching, Lundbreck, AB, who bought nine.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 1, JWX LEGEND 903L (Homo Polled, 97 lb BW, 800 lb 205 DW, 130 YW, 27 M, 1,520 lb, 38 cm), sired by Elder’s Jaguar 181J, out of a Cedarlea Epic 14E daughter. Sold for $36,000 to Beechinor Bros. Charolais, Bentley, AB.
(Homo Polled, 852 lb 205 DW, 16.42 REA, 32 M, 1,550 lb, 42 cm), sired by Elder’s Jaguar 181J, out of an ONL Chara 4B daughter. Sold for $28,000 to Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock, Red Deer County, AB.
Lot 25, JWX LONGMIRE 2L (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, 869 lb 205 DW, 76 WW, 136 YW, 1,700 lb, 43 cm), sired by JWX Guiness 787G, out of a WCR Commissioner 593 P daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin, AB.
Lot 30, JWX LAWMAKER 7223L (Polled, 90 lb BW, 64 WW, 37 M, 1,590 lb, 39 cm), sired by JWX Honky Tonk 5005H, out of a DCR Mr Commissioner C49 daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Dry Valley Ranch, Qu’Appelle.
Lot 45, JWX LINCOLN 3103L (Homo Polled, 74 lb BW, -3.8 BW, 13.2 CE, 28 M, 4.5 Marb.), sired by JWX Halifax 59H, out of an LT Ransom 8644 daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Circle 7 Charolais, Shaunavon.
Lot 55, JWX LONESOME DOVE 396L (Homo Polled, 70 lb BW, 864 lb
Springtime Alliance Bull
April 8, 2024 • Candiac, SK
Gross Average
6 Two-Year Old Bulls
16 Yearling Bulls
22 Lots
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 1, SWR Legacy 1L, sired by High Bluff El Dorado 74E. Sold for $9,250 to C. Doud, Weyburn. Consigned by Mutrie Farms, Glenavon.
Daines Cattle & O’Neill
Livestock Bull Sale
April 4, 2024 • Innisfail, AB
Gross Average
17 ⅓ Yearling Bulls $162,750 $9,389
High Selling Bull
Lot 1, ONL Back Road 35L, sired by WIA Backwater Jack 060 P. Sold ⅔ interest and full possession for $26,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK.
205 DW, -2.6 BW, 14 CE, 41 cm), sired by LT Ransom 8644, out of a JWX Downhome 6D daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB.
Lot 15, JWX LUKE COMBS 915L (Homo Polld, 94 lb BW, 69 WW, 134 YW, 15.97 REA, 1,430 lb), sired by Cedarlea Epic 14E, out of a JWX Springsteen 421Z daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Scott Stock Farm, Crossfield, AB.
Lot 56, JWX LEADER 3823L (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 81 lb BW, -1.8 BW, 12.4 CE, 25 M, 1,390 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by LT Ransom 8644, out of a Cedarlea Epic 14E daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB.
Natalie Oram
When I think back to growing up on the farm – Valley’s End Ranch, near Central Butte, Saskatchewan – summers were filled with good things: crops in the field, cattle out to pastures, and 4-H, but none compared to attending CCYA. The week in the summer that brought together young people from around the country, creating a vibrant community that I looked forward to every year. Before I attended, I knew of CCYA from my cousins (perhaps also the epic party that Ryan mentioned in his article last year) and had high expectations of my first CCYA in Dauphin, Manitoba. It did not disappoint – I met a great group of people, learned a lot of skills that I would continue to build in subsequent CCYA conferences, and most importantly – it was just a lot of fun. I was hooked, and CCYA became a highlight that I looked forward to every summer.
Looking back, it strikes me that CCYA is unique: an event organized for youth by youth. While similar in some respects to 4-H, rather than focusing on a specific project, the emphasis of CCYA on teamwork with a group of youth from all over the country sets it apart. CCYA was a chance to learn from and mentor other young people, giving us the chance to become both students and teachers.
As a young person, most of the things I was learning were being taught by adults: in school, on the farm, in extra-curriculars. The youth-centred philosophy at CCYA was a refreshing take on education: we all brought our strengths and experiences to the table and learned from
each other. Everyone had something to learn, and everyone had something to teach, and with this philosophy we could accomplish the task at hand. Parents were on the sidelines, which I think they also found very enjoyable – as much as we were having fun with our friends, I think they were enjoying time with theirs.
The skills that I gained at CCYA have shaped my career journey, and I still carry with me. Most importantly is teamwork, which is a big part of CCYA. No matter where we end up, being an effective and supportive team player is the basis of success in any career choice – whether it be in the cattle industry or outside of it.
Team marketing calls on you to get creative, think of what your audience needs and how they will receive the message. What’s the best way to get an idea across?
Team judging gives us the chance to hone our observation, critical thinking, and reasoning skills, learning how to critically evaluate and formulate opinions and give constructive feedback – what are we looking for and how can we back up the decisions we make? CCYA gave me the chance to develop these skills in a youthcentred and fun environment.
While my career path diverged from livestock and the Charolais industry, I use the skills I gained in CCYA all the time in my work. I left home with aspirations to become a large-animal vet. However, after being introduced to soil science (and perhaps because of a bit too much fun in my first year…) my career plans changed. I was hooked on the wild and diverse world belowground. Soil biota – the microbes and tiny animals that live in the soil –
are so important to our lives. They drive nutrient and carbon cycling, breaking down organic compounds and liberating nutrients which can then be taken up by plants. Soil microbes are constantly interacting with plants via their roots, indirectly and directly affecting nutrient and water uptake, and playing a key role in plant health and stress tolerance. Almost everything we eat begins with the interactions between plants and microbes. It’s thanks to soil biota that plants can take up nutrients and grow, that animals can eat the plants, and we can eat both. This fascination with plant-soil interactions led me to pursue a career in research. I finished my BSc. in Agriculture Science at the University of Guelph, and then decided to go abroad for a MSc. in Agroecology at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, which led to a PhD in Ecology at the same university.
Throughout my education, another skill honed at CCYA helped: to go with the flow and when problems pop up,
know that with a supportive group of people around, they are all solvable.
My education cemented my love for ecology (the study of the interactions between living things, and how they respond to their environment). I continued to build my research line in my postdoctoral research, studying how grassland plants and soil microbes respond to extreme weather (floods and droughts) and what characteristics are responsible for improving their ability to tolerate stress. Essentially asking, how can we make grasslands more resilient?
I’ve been fortunate to be able to work at some great places with wonderful groups of people: at the University of Innsbruck in Austria, Teagasc (the Agriculture and Land Development Authority) in Ireland, and the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands (where I currently work).
Throughout this journey, the skills I learned at CCYA have played a big part developing my career path. While
the stereotype is that scientists are solitary people in white coats going about their business in laboratories, the reality is that research is built on teamwork. The most successful research projects are when groups of people with different backgrounds come together with a common goal, bringing their different strengths and experiences to the table. In research, beyond being a strong and supportive team player, you need to be able to sell an idea – sound familiar? This is what we did in team marketing. Why should a funding organization support this specific project?
Creativity, understanding what is important to the audience (be it a funding organization or a potential customer), and expressing that idea in a clear and attractive manner are key to success.
Team judging gives another set of important skills. In my job, one of the big decisions is what research questions we should address – what is most important and meaningful research to focus on in the long run? The same is true for selecting cattle – which characteristics do we want to have in our herds, and what will make our herd resilient and successful in the long run? Being able to think critically about our selections and clearly expressing these ideas is important in both.
Finally, one of the great things about CCYA is travelling to new places and meeting new people. This instilled in me the knowledge that although leaving your comfort zone may be scary, what you will gain by doing so is completely worth it. Going abroad for my education was scary – to a new country where I knew no one, but it has been an incredible experience. Tied into this is the knowledge that everyone has something to teach. We all come from different backgrounds and by being open to each other’s experiences, we have so much to learn – whether it be
grooming and clipping tricks or new perspectives on a research question.
Becoming part of the CCYA community was a highlight of my youth. Every summer it was an anticipated reunion, a chance to re-connect with old friends and to meet new people. I think it is a unique experience, and I’d highly recommend it. You never know where life will take you, but do know that wherever you go, you’ll draw on the skills you develop at CCYA. So, go to Swift Current, SK, this summer to make friends, develop skills, and (as my granny always said) have a ball.
White Cap/Rosso Charolais 34th
Annual Bull Sale
April 3, 2024 • Moose Jaw, SK
43 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$287,750 $6,692
10 Yearling Bulls 54,250 5,425
53 Lots
$342,000 $6,453
The biggest crowd in since Covid was on hand to select from the twoyear old and yearling offering of Charolais and Angus from Howe Red Angus. This long running sale saw many repeat customers who have supported the programs for years and some volume buyers helped. The 45 Angus averaged $8,017.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 84, ROSSO YOUNG GUN 5K (Homo Polled, 835 lb WW, .1 BW, 2,140 lb, 49 cm), sired by Val-End Wellington 22H, out of a Rosso Double Down 8Z daughter. Sold
for $15,000 to Kevin Turner/Becky Newhouse, Shamrock. Consigned by Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw.
Lot 109, ROSSO KENZO 17K (Polled, 63 WW, 119YW, 1,864 lb, 44 cm), sired by JMB Rosso 817F, out of a Rosso Double Down 8Z daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Last Chance Ranch, Maple Creek. Consigned by Rosso Charolais.
Lot 108, ROSSO KAPITAL 1K (Homo Polled, 870 lb WW, -5.1 BW, 26 Milk, 1,950 lb, 38 cm), sired by LT Del Rey 6161 P, out of an SCX Triumph 50B daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Valiant Farms, Beechy. Consigned by Rosso Charolais.
Lot 94, ROSSO KELLEN 55K (Homo Polled, 63 WW, 117 YW, 1,935 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Rosso Second Down 19H, out of an LT Sundance 2251 daughter. Sold for 9,250 to Nolan Thackery, Goodwater. Consigned by
White Lake Colony Bull Sale
March 26, 2024 • Lethbridge, AB Auctioneer: Bob Balog
A huge crowd was on hand to participate in one of the steadiest sales from start to finish all spring. The White Lake Colony continually
Rosso Charolais.
Lot 105, ROSSO KOLBY 44K (Homo Polled, 63 WW, 118 YW, 9-year-old dam), sired by Rosso 41H, out of a Rosso Sandhurst 4Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Garth Brown, Big Beaver. Consigned by Rosso Charolais.
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 51, WHITE CAP LAUNCH 228L (Polled, 95 lb BW, 968 lb 205 DW, 87 WW, 149 YW, 29 M, 1,397 lb, 39 cm), sired by OCR Fatboy J89, out of a Whitecap Embargo 7E daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Dwayne Gebhart, Mankota. Consigned by White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw.
Lot 56, WHITECAP LANDSLIDE 102L (Polled/s, 95 lb BW, 25 M, 1,492 lb, 37 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of a Whitecap Brindle 57B daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Jerrad Schollar, Moose Jaw. Consigned by White Cap Charolais.
brings an exceptional set of two-year old bulls for their many volume and repeat buyers.
High Selling Bulls
Lot 1, KRW TIMELESS 1K (Polled, 80 lb BW, -2.2 BW, 10 CE, 1935 lb, 40 cm), sired by CML Timeless 974G, out of an LT Authority 7229 Pld. Sold for $16,500 to Andrew Eberl, Claresholm.
Lot 3, KRW TIMELESS 6K (Polled,
80 lb BW, -1.9 BW, 11.3 CE, 69 WW, 138 YW, 24 M, 1905 lb, 44 cm), sired by CML Timeless 974G, out of CML Rawhide 883F daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Andrew Eberl.
Lot 35, KRW AVIATOR 183K (Polled, 80 lb BW, -1.2 BW, 12.2 CE, 32 M, 1535 lb, 41 cm), sired by CML Aviator 947G, out of a Cedarlea Joe Sakic 19D daughter. Sold for $15,000
Hunter Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale
April 4, 2024 • Roblin, MB
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels
Sale Manager: By Livestock
Gross Average 40 Yearling Bulls $336,000 $8,400
With over 45 years raising Charolais, the Hunters have built a very solid, repeat commercial customer base. Combine that with some front-end breeder bulls and you have a full house and a move up in the sale average. Bulls sold to four provinces.
High Selling Bulls
Lot 16, HC LUMER JACK 387L (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 1,475 lb, 39 cm), sired by HC High Country 2H, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Thistle Ridge & Sweet Water Ranch, Taber, AB.
Lot 3, HC LINCOLN 373L (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, -.3 BW, 1,505 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by HC Johnstown 113J, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK.
Lot 28, HC LABEL 3103L (3rd Gen. Polled, 88 lb BW, 70 WW, 141 YW, 29 M, 1,630 lb, 39 cm), sired by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Double P Stock Farm, Ste Rose du Lac.
Lot 8, HC LIBRATOR 364L (3rd Gen. Polled, 754 lb 205 DW, 69 WW, 124 YW, 25 M, 1,570 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by SVY Trust 6H, out of a DC/CRJ Tank E108 P daughter. Sold for 11,000 to TD Saquet Farms Ltd, Ste Rose du Lac.
Lot 10, HC
LANDMARK 363L (Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, 64 WW, 1,500 lb, 40 cm), sired by SVY Trust 6H, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $11,000 to TD Saquet Farms Ltd.
Lot 1, HC LEGO 3120L (Homo Polled, 109 lb BW, 69 WW, 124 YW, 1,510 lb, 39 cm), sired by HC Johnstown 113J, out of an Elder’s Zeus 22Z daughter. Sold for $10,750 to Bar M 7 Farms, Eriksdale.
Lot 27, HC LOCAL 316L (Horned, 78 lb BW, -2.9 BW, 67 WW, 134 YW, 30 M, 1,620 lb, 38 cm), sired by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P, out of an LT Ransom 8644 daughter. Sold for $10,750 to Rudy Friesen, Roblin.
to Anderson Bred Heifers, Bowden.
Lot 44, KRW BISMARK 143K (Polled, 95 lb BW, 84 WW, 154 WW, 24 M, 2330 lb, 44 cm), sired by MMM Bismark 950G, out of a Vikse Outer Limits 130A daughter. Sold for $14,750 to SHB Angus, Reardan, WA.
Lot 19, KRW AFFINITY 14K (Polled, 75 lb BW, -1.9 BW, 13.7 CE, 25 M, 1775 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Affinity 6221 Pld, out of a KRW MR Touchdown 71D daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Andrew Eberl.
(Polled, 80 lb BW, 86 WW, 160 YW, 1900 lb, 43 cm), sired by CML Timeless 974G, out of SCX Triumph 50B daughter. Sold for $14,000 to New Pine Colony, Boyle.
With the World Charolais Congress being held in Canada this year, most of the delegates will have direct access to this copy of the Charolais Banner. I thought as a review for the western breeders I would outline common management health practices we do in the west. Most things are pretty similar in eastern Canada but many things may be quite different in other countries and could create discussion. All these vaccinations, treatments, or other management procedures have evolved over time depending on what cattle may become afflicted with and also what is currently licensed to use in the country. Animal welfare is always a top concern and Canada has the “Beef Code of Practice” that we follow. If some of the terminology or products seem foreign to you, ask any Canadian breeders that are your hosts. I know Craig Scott (Canadian Charolais General Manager) and Candace and Helge By have attended other World Congresses and would be great reference sources if you have any questions about any of this. First off, vaccination is the key contributor to biosecurity by vaccinating your cattle for what they could potentially become exposed to. All this is done in Canada in co-operation with your herd veterinarian and vaccine protocols are sometimes very specific to a farm or ranch. Vaccinations for the many clostridial diseases, such as blackleg or malignant edema, the respiratory viruses IBR, PI3, BRSV, BVD types 1 & 2 are given as well as the bacterial causes of pneumonia. Histophilus, Mannheimia and sometimes pasteurella is included in the mix. The cows get all of the above vaccines with the exception of the bacterial
causes of pneumonia and the calves get the bacterial causes added in. This can generally fit with two shots in calves and often cows get the abortion causing viruses IBR and BVD either before breeding or veterinarians may recommend killed products during gestation.
There are four main pharmaceutical companies that supply vaccines in Canada. There has also been a big uptake on intranasal vaccines in very young calves for the respiratory pathogens and these avoid maternal antibody interference so young calves get protection. This is really an addon vaccination.
I would say most herds, especially purebreds, get scour vaccines before calving. For commercial herds, especially ones over 100 head, scour vaccination is very common. There are three good scours vaccines in Canada and often one looks at timing of the vaccine before calving to determine which one to use. I’ll mention the three so anyone can look them up: Guardian, Scour Bos, and Scour Guard in no particular order. These are all good vaccines and usage is more based on timing of vaccination as anything. Compliance to most herds to vaccination for all the core vaccines is about 80%. Producers watch and keep biosecurity high, have creep areas for calves and make sure colostrum management is high. We are fortunate in Western Canada that SCCL (Saskatoon Colostrum Company) makes some of the best air dried quality colostrum in the world using first milking colostrum from dairies in Western Canada. The product is headstart. Many producers now have a decent supply of headstart around so any calf where there is any doubt about adequate colostrum they either have them suck or are tube fed with headstart in 1.5-2 liters of water. Many producers
Roy Lewis DVM
disinfect tube feeders very well and often have one for sick calves and another is marked for newborns to minimize spread of anything. Check out the SCCL website for colostrum feeding strategies.
Regarding flies and parasites internal or external, we have in Canada the beauty of winter where everything is frozen and in suspended animation. This stops flies, freezes worm eggs and reduces the spread of everything from coccidia, cryptosporiosis, clostridial or anthrax spores are frozen in the ground. Winters in the west will kill about 95% of the parasitic larvae thus slowing down the spread. Summer for fly control, internal worms picked up on grass and fall for lice is what producers focus on.
Lice are an issue in Canada in the late fall and over the winter and are treated with things like either the macrocyclic lactones (ivermectin) or the pymethrin related group 3 insecticides with names like Ctlence Saber Boss or Clean Up II. We have seen reduced availability of some insecticides in Canada so flies are treated for midsummer with some products that are left in either the pour on form or in ear tags or cattle oilers. The most recent recommendation is to pulse treat only when you have 200 flies and over per animal evident. This cuts down usage and prevents resistance from developing.
Most non-breeding calves will be implanted with a few different implants and again three companies supply growth implants in Canada. They are extremely safe and there are specific uses for each. This would only be done once bull calves are castrated or the heifer replacements have been removed. It takes some practice to implant properly so ..continued on page 64
The short documentary ‘Reduce, Reuse, Ruminate’ will publicly premiere on YouTube on April 24th, 2024, also known as “Stop Food Waste Day.” This film is the third in a series of short documentaries that showcase the environmental benefits of raising beef cattle on the Canadian landscape, following ‘Guardians of the Grasslands’ and ‘Too Close to Home’. Pre-screening events of Reduce, Reuse, Ruminate were held in major urban centres and at universities across Canada in advance of the public launch of the film with media, content creators and producers in attendance.
Combined, the events drew nearly 250 people(??) who watched the film, enjoyed dishes featuring beef, potatoes and beer and listened to an expert panel. Panelists at each event included a feedlot operator, an expert in circular food systems, and a sustainability lead from the potato company Cavendish Farms, which partnered with Public and Stakeholder Engagement (PSE) on this project.
The film Reduce, Reuse, Ruminate highlights the amazing upcycling ability of cattle and their important role in diverting food loss and waste from landfills. Transforming beer byproducts and French fries into beef are two are of the incredible sustainability stories featured in the short documentary, so beef, potatoes and beer were a natural fit for the menu at each event!
Events were held in Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary. Eastbound Brewing Company in Toronto was the location of the successful Toronto event, which took place the
Lynsay Beavers, Stakeholder Engagement Specialist
same week as the Beef Farmers of Ontario annual general meeting. Panelists here included seventh generation producer Allison de Vos from Brown Farms in Kawartha Lakes, John MacQuarrie, Director of Sustainability with Cavendish Farms and Tara Lee, Head Chef and owner of Eastbound Brewing Company. The panel was moderated by Perth County producer and Director of Communications for the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks.
The second event was held at Howe Sound Brewing in East Vancouver. Here, Ryan Scorgie moderated a panel that included feedlot owner Andrea van Iterson, Jamie White from Loop Resources, which sources and diverts food from grocery stores to local farms, and again, John McQuarrie
from Cavendish. One of the content creators in attendance, Tyler Heppell, showcases potato production on his British Columbia farm across his social channels. You can watch his Instagram Reel from the event by visiting @potatoty and TikTok by visiting @heppellspotato.
Calgary was the final leg of the tour of urban centres. The event was held at Last Best Brewing & Distilling, which diverts their spent grains to cattle. Here, the panel was moderated by producer Melissa Downing of Alberta Cattle Feeders Association. In addition to the representative from Cavendish, panelists were Ryan Kasko of Kasko Cattle Co. who is featured in the short documentary, as well as Victoria Ross of aGRO Systems, a waste upcycling and ..continued on page 64
be patient if learning. Implants, depending on the type and length of activity, will add from twenty-three pounds up above 60 lb to live weight. They are a huge return in the cattle industry and add to its efficiency adding more pounds with less water, feed and time. You will find 98 percent of cattle in Canadian and American feedlots are implanted.
Respiratory disease and lameness are our two most economical conditions. We use more and more NSAID’s (Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs) for certain conditions to minimize antibiotic usage, make recovery quicker and address in many cases the animal welfare (pain) in the case. There are multiple NSAIDs on the market in Canada as prescription products and they come in injectable, oral and pour on forms. Speaking of oral forms, there are now mineral/vitamin supplements such as Selenium and Vit A, D and E we once injected to newborn calves which we can now give orally. There has generally been an increase in oral or pour-on medications over injectable which increases convenience minimizing needles injections.
At birth, most calves also get a CCIA tag which is our national identification system. Some purebred breeds have gone with a different coloured backing but the Canadian Charolais Association stayed with the traditional yellow as one can always tell a Charolais or Charolais cross by
the colour. They don’t need a tag to differentiate.
With reproduction being such an important part to profitability genetic progress, virtually all purebred bulls sold by breeders are semen tested if over a year of age. This eliminates any infertile or subfertile bulls.
Commercial producers, especially the larger ones, generally test every bull every year. The veterinarians do a combination of scrotal circumference, semen motility, semen morphology as well as examine for the ability to breed, such as structure abnormalities to the penis and other reproductive organs. It is comprehensive and I would say very well accepted across the industry. Heifers in some cases are palpated for reproductive soundness ahead of breeding or it is incorporated when they are pregnancy checked. Virtually all cattle are pregnancy checked yearly either by manual palpation or with the use of an ultrasound.
As far as breeding goes, all aspects are employed to varying degrees in Canada - natural breeding, to artifical insemination, to synchronized breeding using AI. One has to watch these days in the cattle industry A.I. or artifical insemination to be differentiated to the A.I. or artificial intelligence that is out in the rest of the world. They kind of stole our acronym!
I wanted to end by saying in Canada, which is the country I know best, there are very good information
livestock feeding service provider. Content and media from this event are still rolling out. Campus screenings were held at University of Saskatchewan, University of Manitoba and Dalhousie, broadening the reach and excitement surrounding the short documentary. Representatives from DINE magazine were in attendance at
the event in Toronto and covered the story online and in their print magazine. Foodism Toronto also covered the short documentary and event in their most recent issue. Other earned media and social content from these events is expected to be released in coming weeks. Reduce, Reuse, Ruminate was produced by Public and Stakeholder Engagement, a national check-
sources for producers. The breed association sites are excellent for especially genomic information and contacts lists of breeders. The Charolais Banner magazine is also a great source of information and if you are reading this you know all about that. It comes out eight times a year, three of which go to commercial cattlemen that have purchased bulls. Helping all the cattle breeds is the Canadian Beef Breeds Council.
Canadian Cattlemens Association and its off shoot, the BCRC (Beef Cattle Research Council) which has a myriad of printed materials linked to YouTube videos and there are webinars put on that are linked in an archive list. Great information for all cattlemen. They have just done a series of calf care videos. Easist is google “Calf 911” and see what comes up. They are really a series on ways we can save more calves whether purebred or commercial on our farms and ranches in many ways.
I want to personally welcome all visiting delegates and their families to the World Charolais Congress. This article was to review for you what we more or less do in cattle production in Canada. If have questions talk to the purebred Charolais breeders, they are great people and have taught me a lot over the years and we have all progressed together. Enjoy the Congress, the networking and your time in Canada. You are always welcome.
off program jointly delivered by Canadian Cattle Association and Canada Beef. Join us for the online launch event on April 24th and be sure to share the film far and wide after its public release. It will appear on the YouTube channel @ RaisingCDNBeef, where you can also see the trailer.
Saunders Charolais 19th Annual Bull Sale
April 6, 2024 • Keady, ON
Auctioneer: Scott Kuhl
Gross Average 29 Yearling Bulls $214,000 $7,379
This is a long running sale in the heart of cattle country in Ontario with the Saunders and guest consignors, Blue Mountain Charolais and Destiny Simmentals. The Charolais average moved up $500 with bulls selling across Ontario and Quebec. High Selling Bulls
(Polled, 97 lb BW, 80 WW, 163 YW, 1,675 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by JSR
Bull Sale
March 30, 2024 • Ashern, MB
19 Yearling Bulls
7 Open Heifers
High Selling Bull
Gross Average
$105,700 $5,564
$27,800 3,971
Lot 7, CSJF Lyon 236L, sired by Pleasant Dawn Portal 865J. Sold for $9,250 to Rawluk Farms, Gypsumville. Consigned by Silver Bay Charolais, Ashern.
High Selling Open Heifer
Lot 21A, TMJF Lana 136L, sired by Pleasant Dawn Prada 604B. Sold for $4,600 to Momotiuk Farms, Winnipegosis. Consigned by Tee M Jay Charolais, Ashern.
The Prairie Lands Bull Sale
April 1, 2024 • Innisfail, AB
5 Yearling Bulls
High Selling Bull
Estrada 52E, out of a Rawes Duke 401D daughter. Sold for $18,000 for ⅔ interest and full possession to Sandy Ridge Ranch Co. Ltd., Elmwood, ON.
Lot 2, JSR LIGHTNING 7L (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 76 WW, 138 YW, 1,710 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of Cedardale Zeal 125Z daughter. Sold for $11,000 for ⅔ interest and full possession to Derek O’Neill, Priceville.
Lot 3, JSR LEXINGTON 13L (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 748 205 DW, 1,650 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $10,500 for ⅔ interest and full possession to Allan Krauter, Elmwood.
April 1, 2024 • Spiritwood, SK
Gross Average
20 Two-Year Old Bulls $154,000 $7,700
13 Yearling Bulls 113,500 8,731
33 Lots $267,500 $8,106
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 61, CBF Power Pack 276K, sired by CBF Power Play 11H. Sold for $9,750. Consigned by Casbar Farms, Blaine Lake.
Lot 57, CBF Butter Fashion 218K, sired by CBF Old Fashioned 911G. Sold for $9,750.
High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 52, CBF Cracker Jack 375L, sired by HRJ Jamestown 118J. Sold for $14,500 to Colin & Tina Baber, Balcarres.
Lot 31, JSR LUCIANO 136L (Polled, 813 lb 205 DW, 1,477 365 DW, 75 WW, 27 M, 1,600 lb, 39 cm), sired by Cedardale Hamilton 4H, out of a Silverstream Geddes G103 daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Carl Spencer, Tara. Lot 17, JSR LEOPOLD 70L (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 756 205 DW, 1,525 lb, 39 cm), sired by CBF Old Fashioned 911G, out of a Sparrows Alvarez 620D daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Angus Martin, Wallenstein.
April 6, 2024 • Marwayne, AB
Gross Average
65 Two-Year Old Bulls $688,500 $10,592
11 Yearling Bulls
77 Lots
High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls
Lot 58, Lakeview Legend 19K, sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A. Sold for $21,500 to XXX Farms, Kitscoty. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais, Marwayne.
Lot 62, Lakeview Legend 28K, sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A. Sold for $20,000 to Beechinor Bros. Simmental & Charolais, Bentley. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais.
Lot 83, MXS Apollo 209K, sired by SCR Triumph 2135. Sold for $19,000 to Beechinor Bros. Simmental & Charolais. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais.
Gross Average
$35,500 $7,100
Lot 35, WGC Leon 11L, sired by HTA Smackdown 945G. Sold for $8,000 to Ranahan Ranch, Whitewood, SK. Consigned by Eureka Valley Charolais, Wainwright.
March 28, 2024 • La Riviere, MB
Gross Average
37 Yearling Bulls $290,000 $7,838
High Selling Bull
Lot 18, C2 Lars 37L, sired by Sparrows Jensen 76H. Sold for $18,000 to North of 50 Charolais, McCreary, MB.
Lindskov’s LT Ranch 43rd Bull Sale
April 20, 2024 • Isabel, SD Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar
Gross Average
38 Two-Year Old Bulls
$429,000 $11,289
160 ⅓ Yearling Bulls 2,027,000 12,643
198 ⅓ Lots
$2,456,000 $12,383
What a sale! A big crowd from across the US and Canada were on hand to select from this reputation offering over four decades in the making. Besides many bulls selling into purebred operations, strong commercial support with many buying in volume pushed the average up over $1,200 from last year. The Angus portion of the sale saw a top of $150,000 with 173 ⅓ bulls selling to average $14,697. Total sale gross for both breeds was just over 5 million USD.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
Lot 218, LT EXPRESS 2743 Pld ET
(Polled, ET, 82 lb BW, 69 WW, 150 YW, Top 10% Marb, 1,900 lb, 39 cm), sired by PVF Ridge 7142, out of an LT Sundance 2251 Pld daughter. Sold for $23,000 to Hubert Charolais, Monument, KS.
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 83, LT GLOBAL 3322 PLD ET
(Polled, ET, 97 lb BW, 15.4 CE, -3.9 BW, 73 WW, 124 YW, 27 M, 17.65 REA, 1,610 lb, 42 cm), sired by LT Atlas 0251 Pld, out of an LT Blue Value 7903 ET daughter. Sold for $300,000 for ⅔ interest and full possession to Kay-R Land & Cattle Co. Ltd., Waskatenau, AB; Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK; Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK; W2 Farms, Lanigan, SK; J & J Trust
Charolais Cattle, Parkston, SD and Full Circle Cattle Co., Lakin, KS.
(Homo Polled, ET, 93 lb BW, 15.1 CE, -3.2 BW, 71 WW, 118 YW, 16.52 REA, 1,545 lb, 44 cm), sired by LT Badge 9184 Pld, out of an LT Blue Value 7903 ET daughter. Sold for $150,000 for ⅔ interest and full possession to Kenmere Charolais, Holbrook, NSW, Australia.
Lot 9, LT TOKEN 3436 PLD (Homo Polled, -1.6 BW, 752 205 DW, 71 WW, 129 YW, 16.85 REA, 1,480 lb), sired by LT Badge 9184 Pld, out of an LT Next Stage 3179 Pld. Sold for $50,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK; Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB; MJT Cattle Co., Edgerton, AB and Alton Century Farms, Lucknow, ON.
Lot 45, LT SENATOR 3372
PLD (Polled, 86 lb BW, -1.1 BW, 85 WW, 139 YW, 26 M, 16.64 REA, 1,500 lb, 38 cm), sired by LT Governor 1560 Pld, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $39,000
for ⅔ interest and full possession to Footprint Farms, Esther, AB.
Lot 70, LT AMIGO 3450 PLD (Homo Polled, 108 lb BW, 0 BW EPD, 61 WW, 125 YW, 34 M, 1,475 lb, 41 cm), sired by Elder’s Houlio 4H, out of an LT Tioga 6281 Pld daughter. Sold for $32,000 for ⅔ interest and full possession to Sturgess Double S Cattle, San Antonio, TX and LG Herndon JR Farms Inc, Lyons, GA.
Lot 47, LT GOVERNOR 3305 PLD (Polled, 88 lb BW, -1.2 BW, 110 WW Ratio, 112 YW Ratio, 16.27 REA, 85 WW, 144 YW, 1,555 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Governor 1560 Pld, out of an LT Afffinity 6221 Pld daughter. Sold for $28,000 for ⅔ interest and full possession to R Lazy B Ranch, Nome, ND.
M.C. Quantock Bull Sale
January 27, 2024 • Lloydminster, SK
Gross Average
43 Two-Year Old Bulls
$356,250 $8,285
Wirstuk Farming & Ranching Bull Sale
February 2, 2024 • Cutknife, SK
32 Two-Year Old Bulls
Gross Average
$250,750 $7,836
Hill 70 Quantock Bull Sale
February 3, 2024 • Lloydminster, AB
44 Two-Year Old Bulls
Triple C Charolais Bull Sale
February 24, 2024 •Ashern, MB
Gross Average
47 ⅔ Two-Year Old Bulls
$418,100 $8,771
Quebec Select Bull Sale
February 24, 2024 • Danville, QC
22 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average
$334,300 $7,598
30 Yearling Bulls 194,500 6,483
74 Lots
$528,800 $7,146
MJT Cattle Co. 30th Annual Bull Sale
February 10, 2024 • Edgerton, AB
Gross Average
22 Two-Year Old Bulls
$222,000 $10,091
4 Yearling Bulls 36,500 9,125
26 Lots
Prouse Ranch Bull Sale
$258,500 $9,942
February 17, 2024 • Invermay, SK
20 Yearling Bulls
St. Martin Test Sale
Gross Average
$167,450 $8,373
February 17, 2024 • St. Martin, QC
Gross Average
14 Yearling Bulls
$86,200 $6,157
McLeod Livestock Online Frozen Genetics Sale
February 21, 2024 • Cochrane, AB
DLMS Farmgate Timed Auction
Gross Average
29 Semen Lots
$24,625 $170/straw
2 Embryo Lots $8,100 $1,350/egg
Springside Farms Spring Storm
Online Frozen Genetics Sale
March 3, 2024 • DLMS Live Closeout
Gross Average
108 Embryo Matings
$114,000 $1,056/embryo
Northern Classic Bull Sale
Gross Average
$107,900 $4,904
Beechinor Bros Bull Sale
February 26, 2024 • Bentley, AB
Gross Average
17 Yearling Bulls
KSL Bull Sale
$101,745 $5,985
February 26, 2024 • Beaverlodge, AB
Gross Average
2 Two-Year Old Bulls
$21,250 $10,625
7 Yearling Bulls 46,250 6,608
9 Lots
$67,500 $7,500
Acadia Farming Co. Charolais Bull Sale
February 27, 2024 • Veteran, AB
Gross Average
33 Yearling Bulls
$266,850 $8,086
Twin Anchor Charolais Bull Sale
March 1, 2024 • Veteran, AB
Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls
$44,000 $8,800
27 Yearling Bulls 170,750 6,324
32 Lots
$214,750 $6,711
DanG & Friends Charolais Bull Sale
March 1, 2024 • Colborne, ON
Gross Average
8 Two-Year Old Bulls
$44,200 $5,525
13 Yearling Bulls 69,000 5,308
21 Lots
$113,200 $5,390
Rebel Livestock/Soderglen Bull Sale
March 2, 2024 • Strathmore, AB
Gross Average
21 Two-Year Old Bulls
$200,250 $9,536
March 8, 2024 • Grand Prairie, AB Gross Average 22 Yearling Bulls
JG Larson Charolais Bull Sale
March 9, 2024 • Jenner, AB Team Online Auction
Gross Average 12 Two-Year Old Bulls $85,750 $7,146
Nahachewsky Bull Sale
March 10, 2024 • Norquay, SK
DLMS Timed Online
Gross Average
6 Two-Year Old Bulls $100,000 $6,250
Lazy S Charolais/Schweitzer Ranch Bull Sale
March 16, 2024 • Dawson Creek, BC
Gross Average
32 Two-Year Old Bulls $251,250 $7,852
23 Yearling Bulls 158,750 6,902
55 Lots $410,000 $7,455
Rollin’ Acres/Whiskey Hollow Bull Sale
March 16, 2024 • Hanover, ON
Gross Average
26 Yearling Bulls $240,250 $11,440
Select Genetics Bull Sale
March 16, 2024 • Herbert, SK
Gross Average
8 Yearling Bulls $68,250 $8,531
Cornerview Charolais Bull Sale
March 23, 2024 • Cobden, ON
Gross Average
23 Yearling Bulls $195,000 $8,478
Limestone Charolais Bull Sale
March 23, 2024 • Clinton, BC
Gross Average
10 ¾ Yearling Bulls $87,000 $8,093
Dry Creek Ranch Bull Power Sale
March 23, 2024 • Dawson Creek, BC
Gross Average
9 Two-Year Old Bulls $49,250 $5,472
Ice Breaker Frozen Genetics Sale
Supporting ACA Youth
March 29, 2024 • DLMS Timed Online
Gross Average
13 Semen Lots $22,100 $303/straw
3 Embryo Lots $7,650 $850/egg
2 Stall Picks $925
16 Lots $30,675
Bar H Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale
April 5, 2024 • Grenfell, SK DLMS Farmgate Timed Online Sale Manager: By Livestock
Gross Average
14 Yearling Bulls $66,125 $4,723
There were some great buys being made on this calving ease, mainly AI sired set of bulls. In their working clothes, these bulls should go out, go ahead and last a long time for their new owners.
Maritime Beef Testing Bull Sale
April 6, 2024 • Nappan, NS
Gross Average
9 Yearling Bulls $48,500 $5,389
Acadia Ranching Bull Sale
April 11, 2024 • Brooks, AB Gross Average
21 Two-Year Old Bulls $169,900 $8,090
Power Up Your Pasture Bull Sale
April 12, 2024 • Stavely, AB
Gross Average
6 Yearling Bulls $37,200 $6,200
Vanderhoof All Breeds Bull Sale
April 13, 2024 • Vanderhoof, BC Gross Average
Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale
April 13, 2024 • Campbellford, ON
High Selling Bulls
Lot 6, BAR H CHARMING 9L (3rd
Gen. Polled, 103 lb BW, 70 WW, 132 YW, 1,420 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $6,100 to ABK Livestock, Grenfell. Lot 17, BAR H MONUMNT 5L (4th Gen. Polled, 93 lb BW, 790 lb WW, 1,400 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by CCC WC Redemption 7143 PLD ET, out of a JWX Silver Norm 434X daughter. Sold for $5,775 to ABK Livestock.
(Polled/s, 78 lb BW, -5.7 BW, 15.6 CE), sired by LT Authority 7229 Pld, out of an LT Affinity 6221 Pld daughter. Sold for $5,750 to McCaffrey Cattle Co., Edam.
Brimner Cattle Co. Bull & Female
High Selling Bulls
Lot 5, Brimners Legion 35L, sired by Cedarlea Hilton 204H. Sold for $11,000 to Taylor Farms, Dunsford, ON.
Lot 16, Brimners Lucid 12L, sired by HVA Harco 11H. Sold for $11,000 to Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville.
Lot 13, Brimners Liberator 36L, sired by HVA Harco 11H. Sold for $11,000 to Triple K Farms, Montmartre.
Lot 18, Brimners Leader 16L, sired by HVA Harco 11H. Sold for $11,000. Sold to Ryan Hanreider, Lampman. High Selling Open Heifer
Lot 40B, GBR Lady 101L, sired by Cedarlea Hilton 204H. Sold for $8,500 to Prouse Ranch, Invermay.
According to statistics, the 2024 Spring Bull Sales had the highest overall gross in the 43 years the Charolais Banner has been compiling bull sale results. The 2024 spring bull saw the most bulls sold, with the highest sales reporting and overall average.
There were 110 sales reported in 2024, two (2) more than in 2023. The overall numbers were up 79 5/12 lots, with the average up $1,115 and gross dollars up $5,022,294.
A quick overview shows that of the ninety-five (95) sales reporting in both
2023 and 2024, 81% of those sales had an increase in overall average, with 46% having an increase over $1000. Sixty-four (64) sales grossed more than $200,000, and one grossed over $1,000,000. Twenty-eight (28) sales sold more than 50 lots.
Mature bulls were up $618 on average, with 3 fewer bulls selling in 2024.
There were 12 7/12 more two-year old bull lots selling in 2024, averaging $1,157 more than in 2023.
78% of the sales with two-year olds selling had a two-year old average
above $6000. 68 ¼ more yearling lots were sold in 2024, with the average up $1,098. 77% of all sales with yearlings selling had a yearling average above $6000.
Bull Sale Chart Notes:
• Statistics are from fall 2023 sales with more than five (5) bulls and spring 2024 bull sales.
• No U.S. bull sales are included in the chart.
• The sales with fall long-yearlings were treated as two-year old bulls.
Breeders must submit a sale summary to the Charolais Banner office (by e-mail or phone) to ensure their sale is included in the chart and further statistics. Unless the Charolais Banner office receives a report, no information will be shown for that sale.
Rawes Ranches
Select Charolais Bull Sale
Steppler Farms
CK Sparrow Farms
Springside Cattle Co.
Vermilion Charolais Group
Footprint Farms Charolais Power
Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th)
McLeod Livestock & Triple M Farms
Pro-Char Charolais
Turnbull Charolais & Guests
Char-Maine / Brayshar
Palmer Charolais
Coyote Flats
Elder Charolais
Horseshoe E Charolais
Legacy Charolais
Hill 70 Quantock
Tri-N Charolais
White Lake Colony
P & H Ranching & Galelli Charolais
Kay-R Land & Cattle
Pleasant Dawn Charolais
Highway 21 Group $436,250 Desertland Cattle Co.
426,750 Triple C Charolais $418,100
Lazy S Charolais/Schweitzer Ranch
410,000 Cedarlea Farms $398,500
CK Sparrow Farms
McLeod Livestock & Triple M Farms
Balamore Farms Thickness Sells
Johnson Ranching
Legacy Charolais
Rollin Acres/Whiskey Hollow
Prairie Cove Charolais
Parsons Cattle Co.
Elder Charolais
Palmer Charolais
Springside Cattle Co.
Pro-Char Charolais
Poplar Bluff & Hopewell
High Bluff Stock Farm
Desertland Cattle Co.
Ferme Louber
Kay-R Land & Cattle
Transcon’s Red Deer (Eagle Valley)
HTA Charolais
Tri-N Charolais
Daines/O’Neill Livestock
King Ranch Full French
Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th)
Footprint Farms Charolais Power
MJT Cattle Co.
Northern Classic
Legacy Charolais
Rollin Acres/Whiskey Hollow $4,463
Johnson Ranching
Transcon’s Red Deer County Eagle Valley)
High Bluff Stock Farm
Select Genetics
Daines/O’Neill Livestock $3,280 Springside Cattle Co.
Acadia Farming (Colony) $2,512
Brimner Charolais
Limestone Charolais (The Buckskin)
Char-Maine / Brayshar
McLeod Livestock & Triple M Farms
Springside Cattle Co.
Creek’s Edge
Highway 21 Group
White Lake Colony
Pro-Char Charolais
Simple as Black & White
KSL Bull Sale
Vermilion Charolais Group
Desertland Cattle Co.
P & H Ranching & Galelli Charolais
Coyote Flats
MJT Cattle Co.
Footprint Farms Charolais Power
CK Sparrow Farms
Rebel Livestock (Soderglen)
Lazy S Cattle Co.
Rawes Ranches
Palmer Charolais
McKeary Charolais Tradition Sale
M.C. Quantock
Acadia Ranching Co.
SOS Luxor Pld 358L PCC Bourbon 118J
MAIN Estrada 115K JSR Estrada 52E
PCC Charge On 317L CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET
M&L Khan 11K Cyrano
HWY Kobe 234K Brimner Bull 130E
MAIN Estrada 110K JSR Estrada 52E
MAIN Estrada 106K JSR Estrada 52E
Balamore Lionheart 341L Keys Powermax 57G
Sparrows McClelland 314L Sparrows Aquarius 493B
Kay-R Frontier 815L Cedarlea Tapadero 17G
Elder’s Lazaro 305L DC/CRJ Tank E108 P
Pro-Char Martel 125L Sparrows Shooter 6H
Balamore Lakota 313L Keys Powermax 57G
JWX Legend 903L Elder’s Jaguar 181J
CML Aftershock 30L DC/CRJ Tank E108 P
Pro-Char Anarchy 63L LT Badge 9184 Pld
SOS KG Jim Bean Pld 391L PCC Bourbon 118J
CML Cloud Nine 70L CML Raindance 996G
$65,000 Landaker Charolais Springside Cattle Co. ¾ interest, full possession
$60,000 Prouse Ranch
$55,000 Palmer Charolais
Char-Maine Ranching
Prairie Cove Charolais
$51,000 Wilkie Charolais & Don/Wanda Wilkie Springside Cattle Co. ¾ interest, full possession
$50,000 Char-Maine Ranching & HEJ Charolais Highway 21 Group
$45,000 Hansen Ranches
$43,000 Hansen Ranches
Char-Maine Ranching
Char-Maine Ranching
$40,000 Johnson Livestock & Quicksilver Charolais Balamore Farms
$40,000 Prairie Cove Charolais & Flat Valley Cattle Co. CK Sparrow Farms
$40,000 Zehnder Waage Partnership Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd.
$38,000 Allison Acres Charolais Elder Charolais ⅔ interest, full possession
$38,000 Highway 21 Group
Pro-Char Charolais
$36,500 Stipe Charolais Balamore Farms
$36,000 Beechinor Bros.
$35,000 White Lake Colony
$35,000 Lakeview Charolais & RHM Ranching
Wilgenbusch Charolais
McLeod Livestock ½ interest, full possession
Pro-Char Charolais
$35,000 GR Simmentals Springside Cattle Co.
$34,000 Scott Stock Farm
High Bluff Law Maker 56L Keys Ballyhoo 104H $31,000 Harvie Ranching
LAE Luckenbach 314L Beck’s Tower 720E
HVA Lion 29L TRI-N Go North 241H
Cedarlea Badlands 25L Brimner Bull 44J
$31,000 Beck Farms
$31,000 Anchor D Ranch
$30,000 Valley’s End Charolais & Louber Farms
Sparrrows Lockword 316L Sparrows Alvarez 620D $30,000 Sugarloaf Charolais
HWY Legend 23L Pro-Char Wilson 2J
$30,000 Landaker Charolais
Sparrows Larder 372L Sparrows Alvarez 620D $29,000 Steppler Charolais
Sparrows Laird 306L LT Rushmore 8060 Pld $29,000 Lakeview Ranch
Legacys Rockstar 25L Legacys Game Day 45G
MMM Heavy Hitter 356L SCX Jehu 233E
Elder’s Latin 311L DC/CRJ Tank E108 P
Elder’s Lagr 325L Elder’s Houlio 4H
Wrangler King 199K SKW Asteroid 114H
JWX Lunatic Party 123L Elder’s Jaguar 181J
HRJ Landslide 310L PCC Innovation 123J
Elder’s Lincoln 307L
DC/CRJ Tank E108 P
Parsons Landmark 19L TAC Jag 78J
CFC Headlights 273K JSR Estrada 52E
WJS Few Dollars More 18L WJS Fist Full Of Dollars 41F
Legacys Thriller 5L Legacys Game Day 45G
ONL Back Road 35L WIA Backwater Jack 060 P
SKW Marksman 95L KAYR Amigo 19J
Elder’s Lunar 378L Elder’s Houlio 4H
CML Hustle 73L SCX Jehu 233E
HVA Louisville 28L Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D
SOS Lumberjack 42L SOS Timber Pld 88J
TRI-N Black Factor 4174L TRI-N Black Factor 4174L
Sparrows Lampman LT Rushmore 8060 Pld
Hopewell Mahomes 15L HRJ Fan Favourite 804F
McLeod Livestock ½ interest, full possession
High Bluff Stock Farm
Horseshoe E Charolais
Palmer Charolais
Cedarlea Charolais
CK Sparrow Farms
Highway 21 Group
CK Sparrow Farms
CK Sparrow Farms
$29,000 Wilgenbusch Charolais Legacy Charolais ¾ interest, full possession
$29,000 High River Colony Farming Triple M Farms
$28,000 Legacy Charolais
Elder Charolais
$28,000 Ferme Cardin Charolais & Francois Poirier Elder Charolais
$28,000 Limestone Charolais Springside Cattle Co.
$28,000 Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock Wilgenbusch Charolais
$27,500 Poplar Bluff & Desertland
$27,000 Cay’s Cattle
High Bluff Stock Farm
Elder Charolais 2/3 interest, full possession
$27,000 Beechinor Bros Parsons Cattle Co.
$26,000 Doll Charolais Coyote Flats Charolais
$26,000 XXX Farms
$26,000 Nish Charolais
Johnson Ranching ¾ interest, full possession
Legacy Charolais ¾ interest, full possession
$26,000 Wilgenbusch Charolais O’Neill Livestock ⅔ interest, full possession
$25,000 Kay-R Charolais Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle
$25,000 Footprint Farms
$25,000 White Lake Colony
Elder Charolais
McLeod Livestock ½ interest, full possession
$25,000 Big Sky Charolais Palmer Charolais
$25,000 Bina Charolais Springside Cattle Co.
$25,000 Bluestone Beef & Margiana Beef Composites Tri-N Charolais
$23,000 Turnbull Charolais CK Sparrow Farms
$23,000 Turnbull Charolais
Hopewell Charolais ⅔ interest, full possession
HTA Ranchero 332L HTA Spiderman 9103G $23,000 Louber Farms & Valleys End Charolais HTA Charolais
Turnbull’s Landslide 334L Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y
$23,000 Wilgenbusch Charolais & Hunter Charolais Turnbull Charolais ⅔ interest & full possession
Turnbull’s Lee 558L Cedarlea Yellowstone 184H $23,000 McCorriston Acres Ltd.
Turnbull Charolais
Business Card in Banner & Connection
• Pictures used in ads - $10
• Overruns are $1.25 each
• Catalogue prices available on request
• 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt)
• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts
• Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection.
• Pictures used in ads - $10
• Overruns are $1.25 each
• Yearly contract - buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt)
• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts
• Catalogue prices available on request Connection.
August Banner July 18 July 25August 12 Fall Connection September 4September 11September 26 October Banner September 25October 1October 17
The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.
Scott and Krista Sherwood & family Vermilion, Alberta 780-853-1025 (Krista) 780-853-7895 (Scott) sherwoodfarms1904@gmail.com Scott and Krista Sherwood & Family Vermillion, AB 780-853-1025 Krista 780-853-7895 Scott kristab021@yahoo.ca
June 6
Saskatchewan Charolais Association
AGM & Sask Royal Sale, 3 pm, Moose Jaw (SK) Exhibition Convention Centre
June 7
Friends of Canadian Charolais Foundation Breeders’ School, 8 am, BoviGen Genetics, Moose Jaw, SK
June 7
Canadian Charolais Association
Annual General Meeting. 3 pm, Moose Jaw (SK) Exhibition Convention Centre
June 7
Friends of Canadian Charolais Association Fundraiser Auction, 7 pm, Moose Jaw (SK) Exhibition Convention Centre
June 21-July 5
World Charolais Congress, Toronto, ON to Calgary, AB
July 3
World Charolais Congress “Genetics for the World” Sale, at McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB
July 24-27
Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference & Show, Swift Current, SK
September 7
Renfrew (ON) Fair Charolais Show, A BOSS Show
September 20
Lindsay (ON) Exhibition Charolais Show, A BOSS Show
September 20
Classic Heritage Beef Show, Windsor, NS
October 5
Select Bull Sale of Females, Shawinigan, QC
October 18
Uppin’ the Ante Charolais Sale, 7 pm, Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON
October 19
Fall Feature Female Sale, 2:30 pm, Hoards Station, Campbellford, ON
October 26
Platinum Picks Female Sale, at DanG Charolais, Colborne, ON
November 1
Lloydminster (SK) Stockade Roundup Show, A BOSS Show
November 1
Toronto Royal Charolais Show, Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto, ON A BOSS Show
November 8
Canadian National Charolais Show Farmfair International, Edmonton (AB) Ag Expo Centre, A BOSS Show
November 29
Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show, 1:30 pm, Regina, SK A BOSS Show
Let us help make
happen. Call today.
MOOSE JAW, SK • JUNE 6, 2024
Contact us to book selection for the following prestigious events...
Thank you to Circle 7 Charolais for selecting these two powerful bulls Thank you to Beechinor
Thank you to Scott Stock Farm Thank you to Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock Thank you to Poplar Bluff Charolais
ThankYou also to these seedstock producers for selecting WC geneticsHarvie Ranching, Lazy S Charolais & McCaffrey Cattle Co.