Charolais Life
This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.
It’s a Boy!
Lewis Presents Award in Australia Renita Lewis, of Char-Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek, Alberta, was honoured to present a rosette at Beef 2021, a large show held every three years in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. Renita sashed the Senior and eventual Grand Champion Bull, 4 Ways Quantum (P/S), exhibited by David Whitechurch. [23 months of age 1050 kg, 145 cm2 EMA, or REA]. 4 Ways Quantum (P/S) is a son of the Australian record priced Charolais bull, Moongool Lunar Rise (P), at $83,000.
Nash Thomas was born December 2, 2020, weighing 8 lb, and measuring 20.5” to Nigel and Lindsay Oram. Big Brothers Kaidon and Brooks were very excited to meet him! Nigel is a CCYA Alumni and proud grandparents are Mark and Deb Oram, Valley’s End Charolais, Central Butte, Saskatchewan.
By – Goddard Wed
Natassja By and Adam Goddard were married on July 10, on Gabriola Island, British Columbia. Following the wedding they moved to St. Albert, Alberta. Natassja is a music teacher in Edmonton, and Adam is a Captain in the Canadian Armed Forces. Natassja is a CCYA Alumni and daughter of Helge and Candace By, Regina, Saskatchewan.
It’s a Boy!
Maverick Michael was born June 5, weighing 8 lb 2 oz, a second baby boy, to Wade Sydorko and Staci Bukowski, of Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK. Big brother, Calder William (age 4), couldn’t have been more excited to welcome him. Proud grandparents are Richard and Helen Sydorko of Glenavon, Saskatchewan.
Roy – Oram Wed
Dane Oram, of Bridgeford, Sask., and Kirsten Roy, of Moosomin, Sask., were married on a beautiful Saturday, July 24, 2021, at Dane’s family farm, Valley’s End Charolais. Dane and Kirsten own and operate Ridge Creek Farms, an irrigated/dryland grain, Charolais, Highlands and commercial cattle operation. Dane works at John Deere Canada, as a Product Solution Specialist and is a CCYA Alumni. Kirsten Oram is a professional agrologist with her own business, Oram Ag Inc. Dane’s parents are Mark and Deb Oram, Central Butte, Saskatchewan. ..continued on page 24 22
Charolais Banner • October 2021