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Welcome to the 4th Annual Simple as Black & White Bull Sale
Another trip around the sun and here we are again, presenting you some of the strongest breeding stock in the countryside. It’s hard to believe that we’re going on four years now building what the Simple as Black & White Bull Sale has come to be. Seems like yesterday it was just a couple young cattlemen dreaming of putting on such an offering over a couple beers.
In conversation with fellow breeders the analogue came up of “Do you purchase “no name” ketchup to save a couple cents, or do you purchase the go-to brand name?” It is easy to say that is exactly what we are trying to do, is build the “Simple as Black & White” brand name. A product that is the GO-TO, NEVER MISS, ALWAYS WORTH THE DOLLAR type. With likeminded operations, providing bulls that will go out and work as trouble free as possible. We are not selling you just the product but building a reputation that we are all proud to stand behind. With that being said, it is a pleasure in welcoming and thanking our guest consigners Snake Valley Farms and Cash Cattle Co. for another and plenty more years to come.
With the constant battle of rising costs in the beef industry, one thing remains the same: the resilience of fellow producers. It is no longer, or maybe never was, a job that everyone longed for. Only the strong hearted and strong willed will prevail. You have to enjoy what you are doing to be in this industry, and we love it! Fall calf prices have kept the wind in our sails. We pray for everyone to have green grass, healthy cattle, and plentiful feed stacks moving forward.
If you have any questions or need a hand in selecting your next herdsire, do not hesitate to get in touch with any of the consigners or sales management. We always welcome anyone to our operations to look beforehand. Once again, we are teamed with the good folks of DLMS and will be online for your convenience. We hope to see you on sale day to view the tremendous line up of industry leading genetics at the SIMPLE AS BLACK & WHITE BULL SALE.
We look forward to doing business with you.
Jamie & Kody
Kody & Rachel Traxel 7515 Twp Rd 111, Cypress County, AB T0K 1Z0 403-502-1915
K Lazy T Cattle Co.
Helge By 306-536-4261
Candace By 306-536-3374
124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 charolaisbanner@gmail.com
By Livestock
Mark Holowaychuk
Kurt Pedersen
Jamie & Amy Ehret & family Box 2, Hilda, AB T0J 1R0 403-504-6265 Flat Valley Cattle Co Ltd
Sale Day Phones
Jamie Ehret, Flat Valley Cattle Co.
Kody Traxel, K Lazy T Cattle Co.
Justin Vaage, Snake Valley Farm.
Nolan Cash, Cash Cattle Co.
Helge By, By Livestock 306-536-4261
Candace By, By Livestock 306-536-3374
Danny Skeels, Auctioneer 403-783-1217
JayLee Syverson, Ringman ......................... 403-548-1883
Andrew Releeder, Ringman .........................
Medicine Hat Feeding Company
Mark Holowaychuk, OBI Livestock Ltd.
Kurt Pedersen, OBI Livestock Ltd. ..................
Bob Toner, Angus Field Rep ........................
Viewing the Bulls
All of the bulls will be available for viewing at the sale site the day before the sale, or at the farms anytime prior to the sale.
Larry Toner 306-834-7652 (talk or text), with Stockmans Insurance will be at the sale offering insurance for purchases.
Please join us for coffee and bull viewing at 10:00 a.m. sale day, followed by lunch before the sale.
Buyer’s Draw
Thank you to our Buyer’s Draw Sponsor, Cargill Animal Nutrition, Shane Pender.
Hospitality Sponsors
Thank you to these sponsors: CW Livestock Supply, Brian Palichuk; Palliser Sales, Justin Derzaph and Ag-Plus Mechanical.
We will deliver your bulls free of charge within 200 km. Beyond the 200 km, we will work with you on delivery to centrally located points. Leave delivery instructions and contact information at time of settlement.
Wintering of Bulls
We will winter your bulls. We ask that two-year olds are delivered by April 1st. Yearling bulls to be delivered by May 1st. Anything not delivered/picked up by deadline will be charged a board fee on a daily basis unless prior arrangements have been made. All bulls being wintered must be insured.
Sight Unseen Purchase Program
If you are unable to attend on sale day but are interested in any of the bulls offered in the sale, give any one of the consignors a call. We will go over the bulls and your program, and recommend the bull that would best suit your needs. Then we will put you in touch with a member of the sale staff to assist you in a professional manner. You have the option of leaving an order or bidding over the phone.
DLMS will also broadcast the sale online for your viewing and bidding convenience.
Credit Card Purchases
Visa and Mastercard may be used for payment of purchases. A 4% surcharge will be applied.
Terms & Conditions
The sale will be conducted under the terms of the Canadian Charolais Association and the Canadian Angus Association. Copies will be available sale day.
Semen Rights
Flat Valley Cattle Company, K Lazy T Cattle Co., Cash Cattle Company and Snake Valley Farm Charolais retain the right to draw semen for inherd use on any bull in the offering.