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Welcome to the 2023, 4th annual Simple as Black and White Bull sale!
Proud! We are very proud of our accomplishments; I will say we have surpassed my vision of success from my younger dreaming days, but we have only gained larger goals and metrics to hit! Last year’s sale was an overwhelming success, selling a large group of high selling bulls to reputable producers- repeat and new clients- and even getting a couple bulls into purebred herds brings us joy! To include the feeling of proud we are proud of you! This industry isn’t for everyone, economics is a tough one to start and some days just aren’t easy, my hats off to each and every one of you, thank you for your passionFEEDING THE WORLD!
Our place has seen great change over the last couple years getting us even more involved with beef cattle! Last year was the first year none of our farmland acres left the place without touching a cow’s mouth! Helping our K Lazy T clients by feeding their cattle as well other producers in the area offering forage and custom feeding! The connections we have gained from the purebred industry have been nothing but great for our newfound business venture! MORE COWS AROUND is always a good thing from our opinion! It is rewarding to be involved in another part of the process getting beef to the plate! K Lazy T is still our focus and passion! What we do is not work, we take great pride in being purebred producers and we are committed to weathering any storm that comes our way! This resilience is a testimonial to prove to you our product is quality, and our handshake is trustworthy!
I am also thrilled to mention the “Cow Boss” is still kicking around and taking charge! For the few of you that don’t know Rachel, she has become a true asset to filling a labour void as well as keeping the health of our livestock top notch with her RVT experience! If you have
If you are looking for cattle with a robust herd health program that optimizes longevity and production, look no further than K Lazy T Cattle Co. Starting with a solid foundation within the breeding herd, the females receive preventative 8-way clostridial, 5-way viral, and scour pathogen vaccination. This strategy not only protects the cow herd, but also lays crucial groundwork for their calves’ immune function. At birth, calves receive an intranasal pneumonia vaccination, in addition to coccidiosis prevention. At spring turnout and weaning, calves are processed again with a 5-way viral with Mannheimia hemolytica and a 7-way clostridial with Histophilus somni. This herd health program is combined with an excellent nutrition and mineral program, ensuring longevity in legs and feet. Take all of the above and add it to the genetics, conformation, and disposition carefully selected for by the K Lazy T Cattle team, and you’ve got a decision that’s as simple as black and white.
Dr. Krista Dayman, DVM Badlands Veterinary Services Ltd.
a question about anything in our program, she has the answers! Not only have I been blessed with a hard working and dedicated partner, I some how convinced her to say “YES” to forever cow chaos! We are very excited to announce our wedding coming in September this year!

The BOYS! Our focus remains on the momma cow, strong structure qualities, maternal strength and marketable cattle is our vision! You will see these strict requirements in the offering this year TOP to BOTTOM! In this year’s offering we present a very sound set of bulls! Some new sire groups that we have been putting on test as well the proven herd bulls in the mix! Again, we have our bulls on a responsible diet formulated by the experts at CVC and implementing a responsible mineral program from Bullseye Feeds. Our bulls do not get pushed, we develop them responsibly for longevity and fairness when you are selecting your next sire. No creep, these boys have nothing to hide, and you will find among the strongest footed bulls the industry has to offer in our pen! Buy with confidence knowing we stand behind our cattle!
If you need a bull or not, we welcome you to stop by the farm for a tour, I am always looking for a reason to get away from the neverending work and I love showing our cows! A discussion on cattle and visit of some industry challenges sounds like a good time to me! It is also a great pleasure to work along side my great friend Jamie and his family in this sale! Over the years, we have challenged the task at putting it together and some how made it work with very little stress, we may not agree on the colour of the cattle (yet) but the strong values are shared of bringing the best to the table in our own breeds and strengthening the industry! Again, we have guest consigners Cash Cattle Co and Snake Valley Farms in the sale bringing bulls that fit into our vision - QUALITY! Thank you for your help improving the offering as a whole each year!
“Our Vision is your Opportunity to grow your herd and profitability” On behalf of the K lazy T Team, Kody Traxel