
On behalf of myself, the executive of the Beaver District 4-H council along with club leaders, members and parents I’d like to personally take this opportunity to invite you to our annual 4-H show and sale.
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The Beaver District 4-H market sheep project was developed to educate the 4-H members about raising, fitting, showing and the sale of their animal. The member presents a high-quality finished product for sale. It is the responsibility of the member to search for buyers and to promote their animal. We encourage our members to select quality lambs born after December 15. When choosing a finished market lamb you want one to be heavy boned and be strong on its pasterns. Open-shouldered, weak-topped, weak pasterned, steep rumped lambs should be avoided. Generally, a lamb that walks and stands wide is going to be heavier muscled. The lamb should have a deep, heavily muscled leg and rump. The two lambs presented to you today are 4.5 months of age. The estimated yield is 30-35 pounds of edible, lean cuts.
Rack of Lamb
Lamb Shanks
Lamb Shoulder
Lamb Chops
Leg of Lamb
Stew Meat
Ground Lamb
Know your cuts:
$42.99/ half rack
$9.99 (2-3 chops)
$64.99 (3-4 lb)
When it comes to lamb, you have many choices as to the type of cut you can get. Here are some examples of popular lamb cuts:
Shoulder: This fatty cut can be left on the bone and roasted until it falls apart. Shoulder cuts can also be diced for stews or cut into shoulder chops.
Rack of Lamb: This trimmed rack can be roasted whole, carved, or cut into chops for quick-cooking. Loin: Also known as cannon or fillet of lamb, the loin is the eye of the meat from the rack and is similar to beef T-Bone. It’s a lean meat that can be quick-cooked.
Shank: The shank is a part of the lamb’s leg and can be slow-roasted and braised.
Leg: The leg is the most versatile of all lamb cuts! It’s lean yet fatty enough to remain succulent and can be slow roasted for an amazing medium rare treat!
You can save $225.00 by purchasing a 4-H market lamb instead of buying it at a grocery store. Best of all you, know that it is home grown and you are supporting local youth.
The Beaver District 4-H market poultry project is organized to provide experience for young people in the selection, feeding, husbandry, selling poultry & eggs and exhibiting of poultry. Handling a live animal, watching it grow for several months and exhibiting the animal has value far beyond the monetary gain which is possible from the project. Our goal is to have matched trio weight and carcass with a minimum weight of three pounds and maximum weight of six - eight pounds. Our poultry members aren’t necessarily choosing the biggest birds but rather the best matched trio with the "right" meat proportion. The members are marketing a pen of three broilers.
Chicken Breast $13.00/lb
Drumsticks $4.50/lb
Thighs $7.00/lb
Wings $7.00/lb
Ground Chicken $11.00/lb
Processing Fee $8.50 per bird
Meat chickens, or broiler chickens, are rapidly growing in popularity as many Americans decide to live more self-sufficient lifestyles. Meat birds are a straight forward, undemanding animal to raise for nutritious and healthy meat. Cornish Rocks (commercial broiler chickens) will reach market weight in 42 days. https://www.purinamills.com/
You can save $30.00 by purchasing 4-H market poultry instead of buying it at a grocery store. Best of all, you know that it is home grown and you are supporting local youth.
Tofield Packers
Spruyt Farms
Maxwell Simmentals
Waskwei Creek Ranch
S3 Cattle Co.
Heiberg Farms
Brent & Susan Christensen
Stockyard Veterinary Services
Northstar Agriculture
Vision Credit Union
Labreche Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Garth & Ashton Dinwoodie
Dee Jay Plumbing & Heating
Hilltop Corral Cleaning
Lorne & Lisa Hogstead
Holden Crop Management
Arnold & Mary Hanson
Haugen Farms Ltd.
Viking Veterinary Clinic
Beaver County
CEL Electrical Contractors
Tofield Eyecare
4-H is a youth leadership development organization which fosters the growth of communication skills, life skills, building youth leaders and bringing famili d communities together. In our district we strive t by the 4-H motto “Learn to do by doing!”
Learn to do by doing
Loves Custom Meats
Vision Credit Union
Halco Construction
Central Agencies x 2
K3 Corn Maze
Tofield Guardian Drugs
Dee-Jay Plumbing & Heating
Viking Auction Mart x 3
K-Cow Ranch x 2
Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd
Country Bottle Depot
Danny Hooper Edibles
OK Tire
JCR Farms
2. You could group together family, friends, business partners &/or neighbors to purchase a half of a steer each.
3. Your business or family can make a donation directly to our district for any denomination. All donations go directly towards activities, events or items to enhance our district for our members.
4. Can't make it to the sale? We have you covered with our purchasing committee. Please contact:
Phil- 780-385-0833
Matt - 780-878-8460
They will be happy to hear from you!
Learn to do by doing
This is my 3rd year in 4-H, but my first year as a junior and getting to show a steer! The steer I picked is from my own cow and he's a Charolais and Red Angus cross. His name is Moose. Moose has lots of hair and likes to be brushed. We hope to see you at our Beaver District 4-H Achievement Day Show & Sale!
I am an intermediate in Viking Beef Club and have been a member since my cleaver days. This year I am Vice President of our club. My steer is a home grown Speckle Park cross. I help my dad with our smaller mixed herd. I enjoy all the different 4- H activities. Enjoy our show and sale!
I am a senior member of the Holden 4-H Beef Club. This year I have a Charolais cross steer again. I would like to thank all our previous buyers. I would like to also thank all my leaders I have had over the years and wish my fellow 4-Hers a successful show & sale. Please come out and buy some Alberta Beef. Kyle will be sure to fill your freezer.
LINCOLN HOLLAR LINCOLN HOLLARI am a senior member from the Viking Beef Club and this is my steer Sir Charles. I have been in 4-H for 12 years with this being my last before I move away for school. I look forward to seeing everyone at the sale!
I am 10 years old and this is my first year of 4-H When I’m not playing hockey, you can find me playing with my sister and animals on our farm
My steer is named Flash and he’s a Charolais cross. He’s been lots of fun to look after but has also been a stinker. I can’t wait to show him at Achievement Day!
I am 16 years old and am currently in grade 11. After doing sheep projects the last 4 years, I’m excited to have my first market steer project this year. My steers name Knox. Outside of 4-H, I’m busy with wool and sheepskins, and working with the animals. This year I’m the Vice President of our club.
I am an intermediate member and this is my first year in 4-H. I enjoy road trips, studying Spanish, hunting, and life on my family’s hobby farm by Ryley. My steer is named Whiskey and is quite the character. He has been grass fed and grain finished, on locally sourced grain, free of soy, corn, antibiotics, and added hormones.
This will be my last year as a junior member of the Holden 4-H Beef Club. I will be an intermediate next year. My steer’s name is Kruz and he is a Shorthorn x Red Angus. He is a strong muscled and a correct steer and he is my highlight animal of my show string this year. I hope you can come to Beaver District Show and Sale to see me and Kruz in the ring.
I am an intermediate member of the Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi-Club. This year my steer's name is Leo, he is an Angus, Simmental cross, I chose him for his large frame and thick body. I hope to see you at this year’s district show and sale.
I am a senior member who has been in the Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi Club for 8 years. I have several projects this year. A heifer named Dolly, a 3 yr old cow/calf pair named Dixie & Daisy and also a steer project. My steer's name is Jett and he is a Simmental/Angus cross. He's a larger framed steer who is wide topped and long loined. He will yield lots of great cuts of meat for those summer barbecue's that you're planning!
I am an intermediate member of the Viking 4-H Club. In my sixth year of market steer projects, I present “Copperhead,” an Angus/Simmental cross born January 10, 2023. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Beaver District Show and Sale April 29!
I am 11 years old. This is my last year as a junior member. I am from Viking and this is my fourth year in 4-H, and I have loved every minute of it. This year I have a steer and first year cow calf pair. Mexico was born April 13, he is out of a full blooded Herford cow. Mexico’s sire is a purebred Red Angus. Mexico is a very efficient eater, he has never been off his feed, he is filling out and growing very nicely. Mexico is a quiet steer. I am looking very forward showing my steer and cow calf pair at our 4-H District Show and Sale.
I am in my third year of 4-H. I am one of the district reps for the Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi Club. My steer’s name this year is Ringo, he is a Simmental Angus cross. My favorite thing about my steer is how he carries his thickness throughout his body. Another reason I choose Ringo is because of his flashiness and his eye appeal.
This is my fourth year in 4-H, my first year as an intermediate. I am a member of the Holden 4-H Beef Club. My steer this year is named Snickers and is a Charolais & Red Angus cross. He loves his food and his scratches! He is already packing on the pounds and I'm looking forward to showing him. Snickers and I hope to see you at our Beaver District 4-H Achievement Day Show & Sale!
This is my first year in Viking 4-H and first year in Beef! I have had the opportunity to be around cattle and now I am hooked! I enjoy learning the process and I look forward to learning as much as I can about nutrition for steers.
LAURA LARSON LAURA LARSONThis is George. George is a tame and quiet steer. He is putting on lots of healthy meat. I have known that he would be my 4-H steer since he was born. I think whoever purchases my steer this year will be happy with him.
I am 11 years old and a junior member of the Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi Club. I have a steer project as well as a 2 & 3 year old cow/calf pair. My steer's name is Reggi and he is a Shorthorn Simmental cross. He is a nice big steer and will taste great!
I am a senior member of the Viking 4-H Beef Club, in my eighth year of the 4-H program My steer is a Charolais/ Angus cross, “Michelangelo” born March 28, 2023 will be finished and ready to go on sale day!
This is my first year in 4-H and I am an intermediate member of the Tofield Beef & Multi Club. My steer's name is Moonshine. He is a Black Gelbvieh/Angus cross. He's grassfed and grain finished, which has been locally sourced and free of corn, soy, antibiotics and added hormones. He has taught me a lot over the last few months, and I'm proud of how far we have come.
I am 10 years old and from Viking. This is my fourth year in 4-H but my first year as a junior. This year I am so excited to be showing my very first steer. Cash was born April 7. He is out of a Simmental Angus long horn cow. Cash’s sire is a purebred Red Angus. Cash is a very efficient eater and has never been off his feed. He is filling out and growing very nice. Cash is a very attractive steer and very quiet. I am looking very forward to showing my steer at our 4-H District Show and Sale.
This is my first year in Viking 4-H and first year in beef. I have a soft spot for my steer and I have given him a lot of love over the past few months. I have enjoyed the process and have to admit it’s cultivated a desire to continue a future in cattle. Although I admit, I chose this animal based off hair color, I feel I have chosen the best one.
Meet Shadow! This is my second year doing 4-H. Last year I only did a heifer project. This year I have a steer and my heifer from last year showing as a cow calf pair. I enjoy being outside riding my horses and playing sports.
This is my first year in 4-H and I am a junior member of the Tofield Beef and Multi Club. My steer's name is Ginger and I knew he was special from the time he was born. He is a very sweet and gentle steer and has been a great first project for me. He is a Black Angus/Simmental cross He's grass-fed and grain finished, which has been locally sourced and free of corn, soy, antibiotics and added hormones I've had so much fun with him and he has taught me a lot over the last several months!
This is my fourth year in 4-H I am an intermediate member I also have a heifer named Lacey My steers name is Levi He is a Maine Anjou
This is my steer project, Chewy. He is 50% Shorthorn, 25% Angus and 25% Hereford. I am a senior member of the Holden 4-H Beef Club and have been a part of 4-H since I was 6 years old. Come check out "Chewy" at the Beaver District Show and Sale
I am 13 years old and an intermediate member of the Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi Club. I have been in the 4-H club for 4 years and this is my second steer. I also have a heifer called Missy and a 3 yr old Cow named Callie and her calf. My steer's name is Diesel and he is a Simmental cross Diesel has an amazing frame, depth, length and muscling. He will have spectacular cuts of meat. He is a great looking steer but will look even better in your freezer!
I am 10 years old, and I am in grade 4. I’ve been in 4-H for four years and this is my first year doing a market steer project. My steers name is Garson. Outside of 4-H you’ll find me playing hockey or baseball.
GREYSON BARTMAN GREYSON BARTMANI am in first year of 4-H and am really enjoying meeting new people in my community and learning more about animals and caring for them. I love dirt biking, hockey, hunting, and rodeo. My steer is named Brisket, after my favorite food. He has been grass fed and grain finished on locally sourced grain, free of soy, corn, antibiotics, and added hormones.
This is my steer Turbo. I have been in 4-H for two years. He is a Maine Anjou.
I would like to thank all my previous steer buyers and also the future ones. Whomever purchases Glen my Charolais cross steer will not be disappointed in the quality of meat they receive. A big shout out to all our sponsors and organizers, we wouldn't be able to enjoy 4-H without you. Thanks again, see you on April 29 in Holden.
This is my first year in 4-H and I'm a junior member. I joined 4-H because I love raising chickens and hatching out eggs in my incubator. I put a lot of love and care into my birds, they will make a delicious Sunday dinner for your family.
This is my first year in 4-H. I am a junior. I joined 4-H because I wanted to try an activity. I wanted to have a reason to leave the house because I came from a town in Quebec so I joined 4-H. I think I like 4-H more than school. I am doing a market egg and market poultry project this year.
I am 9 years old and homeschooled. This is my second year of 4-H and I am a junior member. I am doing a market poultry project and a ewe lamb project. I enjoy playing pond hockey and playing with my sisters and brothers.
This is my first year in 4-H. I am an intermediate. I like 4-H because I like the way they let us plan the dates of the activities and the amount of money we have to plan with. I like 4-H because of the fact that it lets us take care of our chickens. I engage myself at 4-H because it is fun and interesting. I am doing a market egg and market poultry project this year.
I am 15 years old, and am in grade 9. I’ve been in 4-H for four years and after doing sheep projects, goat projects, and laying hens, this is my first year doing market chickens. If you’re looking to add chickens to your freezer, come check out our sale!
I am 17 years old and in grade 12. This is my first year of 4-H. I’m doing a market lamb project. My lambs name is Rippy, some of my other interests are playing hockey, working on my car and snowboarding.
I am 16 years old and am currently in grade 11. After being in 4-H for four years, this is my first year doing a market lamb. My lamb‘s name is Maverick. He’s a Rideau Arcott lamb. Outside of 4-H, you can find me working on anything wool and sheepskins and working with the animals. This year I’m the Vice President of the club.
Seirre Spruyt
Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi Club.
Learn to do by doing
BeaverDistrict4-HheldaDistrictLearningDayonMarch23,2024atthe Bruce Community Centre. Twenty-one members aged 6-16 years attended.Memberslearnedselfdefensetechniques,skilledthemselves with leather making and challenged each other to several rounds of dodge ball. Members shared they enjoyed the array of activities and wouldlovetohavemechanicalbulllessonsnextyear.
The second annual District fundraiser will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2024 at the Holden Complex. The fundraiser this year is for the whole familytoattend. Theeventwillincludedancing,learntodance,aburger bar,ducttapeandpotentiallySumosuits. Moredetailstocomesoon.
Our Beaver County Multi Club hosts their achievement day on June 8, 2024 in Holden. Plan to visit the members & learn a variety of skillsonwoodworking,mechanics,poultry,sewing,etc.
Lastly, the Beaver District hosts North East Regional Communications event in 2025. If you are passionate about being a judge, love to learn newthingsandbeahave adesiretomentor agrarians. WewantYOU!
We invite you to volunteer & support events in our District.
Thank you for coming and supporting 4-H in our District