May 18 internet edition

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May 2018



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Welcome to the May Edition This month’s cover is not a picture showing my reaction to this year’s Council Tax bill, but a rather nice interpretation of ‘The Scream’ by local Artist Colin Rayne, see the full story and list of event dates on page 39. Thanks to someone who knows a lot more about Social media than I do there is now a Deans Magazine Facebook page (thank you Jess Briffett), as time goes by I might even learn what I’m supposed to do with it! Bear with me and do check occasionally for updates on the magazine and local information too. As it looks like Summer might at last be just around the corner everything is getting going again, and whether or not you are thinking of visiting the Lido when it reopens for the season please do have a look at their important update on page 35. Sam - Editor


Page 7 Dolphin Computer Tips Page 11 Clifden House Page 25 Health Tips Page 35 Lido Update Page 37 Friends of Beacon Hill Page 39 Local Artist - Colin Rayne Page 40/41 Local History Page 43 Neighbourhood Watch Page 44 / 45 What’s On & Events Page 51 Grange Financial Services Page 59 Cinema Saltdean Film Review Page 61 Rottingdean & Saltdean Lions Page 63 Walking Football Group Page 65 Rottingdean Preservation Soc. Page 67 New Local Book Page 71 Local Photographer Page 73 Befriending Service Page 74 Index of Advertisers Cover picture: Colin Rayne Printing: Bishops Printers Distribution: M A Distribution Social Media: Jess Briffett Disclaimer: The Deans Magazine Ltd does not necessarily support or endorse any views put forward by contributors or advertisers. Any information or advice provided here should be used at the readers’ discretion



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Computer tips from Dolphin Computer Upgrades 104


5 Questions to Ask Your IT Company When you reach the point where you cannot solve your computer issues on your own, it’s time to call in expert help. But how do you choose the right computer support company for you? 5 Things To Ask Your IT Company: Are They Human? OK, as of yet we’re unaware of any IT company that is completely run by robots (watch this space…) so yes, they will be human. But can your new IT company communicate with you in ways that don’t leave you bamboozled by technical jargon? Are They Experienced? Some computer companies specialise in certain areas, or with particular types of technology. For example, they may only repair Windows or only Macs. Can your computer company help you whatever your problem? Are They Affordable? You tend to get what you pay for; a computer company that only looks after businesses is going to charge more than one who

only looks after home users. Its worth checking hourly rates and if they offer any set prices. Are They Single? There are a great many really good computer support guys and gals out there who are sole traders but a company who has more than one person can provide cover for when your main contact is on holiday, or poorly, or otherwise unavailable. Are They Loved? The best way of finding help for any aspect of life is a first-hand recommendation. Do others speak highly of them? Have they got any testimonials from people similar to you? Ultimately, you need to hire someone you will enjoy working alongside so checking out how “loved” they are by other people should help you get a feel for the type of company they are. We hope these five pointers will help you to find the right IT support company for your needs.


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Clifden House News


Awareness Through Art A Celebration of Creativity As part of this year’s Dementia Awareness Week, residents at Clifden House Dementia Care Centre, Seaford, have collaborated with St Peter’s Church to open a week-long art exhibition at the Belgrave Road church on Sunday 20, May. The art exhibition is part of the residents’ efforts to raise awareness of dementia during this year’s Dementia Awareness Week. With the help of Clifden House’s activities coordinator, Deena, and Art Techniques director, Carol, residents of the dementia care centre have used their creative skills to create a range of visually stimulating art. Nial Joyce, of Clifden House Dementia Care Centre said: “This has been a joyful project to run and has had a life-affirming effect on the residents. Visual images are stimulating for dementia sufferers, so providing the opportunity to create these works of art has had a very therapeutic effect on everyone involved. “Creativity doesn’t vanish with the onset of dementia, and art is one of the many ways we help our residents to continue to live a creative and fulfilling life.” Deena McCormack, said: “Art is a regular activity at Clifden House, so arranging an exhibition to showcase the artwork of

our residents was an obvious next step. Please come along to the exhibition and admire the art the residents have worked so hard on to help raise awareness of the disease.” The exhibition launches Sunday 20, May during the 9:30 service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church on Belgrave Road in Seaford. The church exhibition will be open all week from 9:00 – 17:00. There will also be a prayer tree where the name of someone with dementia, or who has passed away from the disease can be added. Please share your photos and thoughts on the exhibition on Twitter or Facebook with the hashtags #DAW2018 #ClifdenHouse so we can find them! The collaboration between St Peter’s Church and Clifden House Dementia Care Centre is part of a comprehensive activity calendar at the home to create an active and vibrant environment where people stay connected to and involved in their local community. Clifden House is one of the leading dementia care homes in the South East. It has an overall ‘good’ rating from the CQC. 01323 896460

Art is a regular activity at Clifden House

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Osteopathy tips

Bridgeford’s Best Bites:

Cranial Bone Development in Babies Cranial bones begin to grow in the uterus and continue for several years to accommodate the growing brain. They form and grow inside the elastic membranes by a process called ossification.

From top left image: Front Side Top Inside View from underneath

In Utero · 7 – 8 months: Sphenoid (red) is made up of 4 bones; 2 bones in the middle section (pre and post sphenoid) join together to form 1 bone (sphenoid body) · 8 – 9 months: Temporal (brown) the tympanic (incomplete) ring forms joining the upper curved section (squama) in the bone around the ear · 8 – 9 months: Maxilla (purple) the front part (pre-maxilla) joins the back part (maxilla) in the palate Premature babies may have sensitivities in these areas as the bones may have not completely formed at birth. 1�� ‐ 2ⁿ� Year · 8 – 12 months: Sphenoid (red) - the middle section (body) joins the side parts (wings) at the side to form 1 bone · 8 – 12 months: Temporal (brown) - the back section (petro-mastoid) joins the upper curved section (squama) · 0 – 2 years: Ethmoid (yellow behind nose) - vertical (plate), lateral (masses) and top (crista galli) parts join together The membranes in the head (meninges) have strong attachments on the ethmoid (yellow), sphenoid (red), temporal (brown), parietal (green) and occiput (blue); membranous tension can potentially affect the position of these bones.

2ⁿ� – 5�� Year · 2 – 5 years: Occiput (blue) – is made up of 4 bones surrounding the spinal cord; the back (squama) parts join the side parts (condylar parts) to form 1 bone; the front (basilar) part is still separate · 2 – 4 years: Atlas (1�� neck vertebra) - the side and back parts join together · 4 – 7 years: Frontal (orange) – the less obvious vertical (metopic) suture in the middle forehead joins together 5�� – 8�� Year · 4 – 7 years: Frontal (orange) – the less obvious vertical (metopic) suture in the middle forehead joins together · 5 – 8 years: Atlas (1�� neck vertebra) - the side and front parts join together · 6 – 8 years: Occiput (blue) – the front (basilar) part joins the already joined the back (squama) and side (condylar) parts to form 1 bone · 6 – 8 years: Sacrum (triangular bone in pelvis at base of spine) – the top 2 joints (vertebrae) join together 15�� – 25�� Year the following are fully formed and joined · 15 – 25 years: Sternum (breast bone) · 19 – 25 years: Occiput (blue) and Sphenoid (red) join in the centre of the head (SBS) · 20 – 25 years: Acetabulum (hip socket) and Sacrum Osteopathic treatment encourages the body to adopt the best position of its structure to be able to perform its functions optimally. Osteopaths are trained to feel the movements and flows in the body structures and systems and to help guide them to better function. We are happy to advise you on your health matters and offer a free 15 minute joint and spinal check, without obligation. Lin Bridgeford DO KFRP MICAK MICRA FSCCO MSc Registered Osteopath & Kinesiologist & Senior Yoga Teacher Master Hypnosis and NLP Practitioner Aether Bios Clinic Saltdean 01273 309557 07710 227038

The sphenoid (red) connects to other bones in 26 places and has most of the cranial nerves passing through it; it also has the main glandular centres controlling sleep, appetite, behaviour, etc. sitting in the middle part (the body); it forms the back of the eye socket. The area at the base of the skull where the occiput (blue) joins the temporal (brown) forms a hole (jugular foramen) that is home to important cranial nerves to do with digestion (vagus), neck muscles and swallowing. Think about the many bangs and falls kids can tend to have on their heads and bottoms from this age onwards. It is also incredible to consider how long we continue to grow into our bodies.


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Local News


Lido update £104,000 Needed from Local Residents To Unlock £4 million from The Lottery Dear residents of the Deans, Saving Saltdean Lido’s pools and building has always been about preserving our heritage and providing much-needed leisure and community facilities in the area.

(If you are self-employed or own a business then you can offset your pledge against tax.) There’s never been a magic money tree for the lido and it’s down to people who care about it. This is it! Please send a cheque payable to Saltdean Lido Trust (Charity number 1173503) to Saltdean Lido Trust, Saltdean Lido, Park Road, Brighton BN2 8SP

Opening the marvellous new pools last summer was phase one of our project and cost some £3 million.

Or you can pledge online at

Phase two is the restoration of the building. The Lottery has set aside £4 million towards this. However, it has said that our community needs to contribute too.

Please feel free to call us direct to discuss or email

And so we now have to raise £104,000 from local residents and businesses by mid-June which is when the lottery committee next meets. If we don’t reach this target then the lottery money will go away forever and we won’t be able to proceed with phase two. This would be a real blow for the area and would see the building boarded up and continue to be an eyesore that blights rather than benefits our community. The library and community centre housed within the building will both close.

We can do it if we all contribute. Please please help us restore the lido building to its former glory. Come on we can do it! Bridget Fishleigh and Deryck Chester – lido volunteers. 07946 342 903

The future of the pools will also be in doubt as they cannot survive without revenue from a heritage café, rooms for hire and events in a revamped building So far, our crowdfunding campaign has raised some £20,000 (in online pledges and cheques), we have another eight weeks to reach our target. We are therefore asking local residents to please show their support by pledging money. This is a promise to pay. If we don’t reach the £104,000 target then the lottery money will go away and we won’t need to draw the money down from you.




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Friends of Beacon Hill

Beacon Hill Nature Reserve Finally Spring has sprung after a seemingly longer and colder winter than usual. The sheep are merrily munching their way across the Nature Reserve after a slightly weather-delayed start. Usually we move the sheep between adjoining sections but the transition from the north sector to the south meant ‘leap-frogging’ the middle section. This led to all sorts of high jinks, very reminiscent of the movie Blazing Saddles. Picture this, the high plains of Wyoming AKA Beacon Hill, a herd of cattle AKA sheep, 6 cowboys AKA our volunteers, Head Herdsman AKA Emma our Ranger and Chief Rancher AKA Shepherd Sam. As usual the sheep were corralled into a corner section of their original plot. The remaining electric fences were taken down then and re-assembled around the new section. After a nod from Head Herdsman the sheep were released with the aim of being guided along the bridleway to the new section. Easy enough I hear you say ….. think again … The fleeced beasts took one look at the fresh new grass on the mid-section and took it upon themselves to spread out and chew. Luckily for us the Chief Rancher on his quad bike along with his trusty sheep dog had done this many times before and the few errant sheep were quickly rounded up and guided into their new patch. After a rousing chorus of Home Home on the Range, the batteries were connected to the new fence and we left our herd to do what they do best, eat the thick grass and bramble shoots to enable the delicate wild flowers to flourish. Any new ragwort popping their heads above the parapet should also be nibbled away ensuring a lesser showing of this invasive weed. This was by far the most exciting sheep move we’ve seen but I think going forward we will be moving between adjoining sections rather than one end of the reserve to A very contented lamb at Beacon Hill

the other. A big thank you to Sam for controlling the flock. We are currently headed into the woods, a quarter of the steps at the Court Ord Road have now been replaced with sturdier ones and we are working on reinforcing the path edges that have been disturbed over the winter months. Ivy ringing will take place for those that want lighter work. Come along to join in the fun and experience the feel good factor of working outdoors. We meet 2ⁿ� Wednesday and 4�� Friday of each month at 10AM at the Beacon Hub Cafe Kiosk. Tools are provided but please wear sturdy shoes/boots/gloves and if you have secateurs bring them along. If you would like further information we can be found at :E-mail : Telephone : 01273 983000 Facebook :







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Local Artist


Colin Rayne Colin Rayne, Artist and Sculptor, will open the doors of 'The House of Rayne’, for a Retrospective Art Exhibition, as part of the forthcoming Brighton Festival Fringe in May. Rayne’s early training entailed the copying of Old Masters, and a spell as an apprentice in ‘Cinematograph precision engineering’ with design drawing, from which he developed the skills needed for Kinetic Art. On show will be more than 100 artefacts all created by himself. The collection comprises framed Landscape Painting in Oil and Acrylic, inspired by The Downs; - Glass Sculpture; - Kinetic Art; - and 'truly unbelievably amazing’ electronic Clocks, the most distinctive being Stonehenge 2000 (see image) this is to be exhibited at The British Horological Institute in the future. The front of the property has a view over Telscombe Tye, where visitors may relax on the patio with a cold drink. The House of Rayne will open its doors for all four of the weekends of May from 1300 hours until 17.30 hours (last visitor at 1700 hours) Dates: May 5 + 6 May 12 + 13 May 19 + 20 May 26 + 27 It is also ‘Open by Appointment’ throughout the year (please see website contact form at THE HOUSE OF RAYNE 68, Northwood Avenue, Saltdean, BN2 8RG

Tye Puddles

Colin Rayne with ‘The Scream’ (after Edvard Munc)

Stonehenge 2000 Horological Sculpture

The Walker

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Enlightenment on the Tye

Local history - Article 72

Mike Laslett


There’s Nothing Rotten about “Rotting”dean

In the summer of 1988 residents of Rottingdean were furious over a colour advertisement that ICI ‘s advertising agency placed in the Sunday Express Magazine to promote their wood preservative.

It showed a signpost, one beautifully preserved finger pointing to Goodwood and the other, rather shabby and untreated, pointing to Rottingdean. It was quite a clever pun on two Sussex place names but it caused a lot of angry correspondence from the piqued residents of Rottingdean.

However, by way of making amends, Dulux provided a gift of material to treat the mill exterior. Then in December, Lord March of Goodwood House joined in the spirit. He did not want to profit at the expense of another village so offered some “good wood”……...a tree which could be felled and sawn into planks at a saw mill at his own expense towards the mill’s restoration. By July 1989 Rottingdean Preservation Society were able to write and thank Lord March that the tree concerned had been cut by Lilleywhite’s sawmill and some massive pieces installed at the top of the mill after being sawn and shaped by hand. Another amusing event was in 1992 when a “For Sale” sign went up on the Mill, advertising it as suitable for conversion to living accommodation. It was an April Fool’s joke to promote the 10�� Windmill walk and marathon which was to raise funds for new scout HQ. An earlier event in 1967 was the unveiling of the Heinemann plaque at the windmill. Their colophon, or logo, is a woodcut by artist William Nicolson purporting to show Rottingdean windmill so they kindly offered to supply an informative plaque about the mill. The unveiling ceremony took place fifty years ago and was extremely well organised but today there is something of “Dad’s Army” about the detailed arrangements.

Goodwood House

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Plan of stage

A scale diagram with exact measurements of the top tables was produced showing : Microphone arrangements (£4 run from car battery) A platform, barriers, flag poles, rail and curtain. The seating positions of the Mayor and Mayoress, Town Clerk and Borough Surveyor and their wives together with Mr & Mrs Dwye Evans representing Heinemann. After the speeches there were bouquets of roses for the Lady Mayoress and Mrs Evans. They were to be presented by “Mr Leach’s little girl” and “Mr Sloggett’s little girl,” having been earlier delivered to the home of Mrs Jones (National Velvet writer, Enid Bagnold!) The Mill has been popular with many stars of stage and screen including Audrey Hepburn (pictured)

Rottingdean Windmill is maintained by Rottingdean Preservation Society and is open free of charge from 2 -4.30 pm on the following dates in 2018. Weekends 6th and 7th, 13th and 14th, 20th and 21st, 27th and 28th May Sun 18�� June


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Neighbourhood Watch

Paws on Watch Dog walkers we need your help! Paws on Watch is a scheme which was successfully introduced in the Lewes district about 18 months ago. The intention is that dog walkers, who are out and about in the community on a regular basis at different times of the day, provide extra eyes and ears and pass on any information to the Council or the Police about anti -social behaviour, dog fouling, fly tipping, abandoned cars and in fact anything suspicious or unusual they notice happening in their area. The people who sign up to the scheme are not expected to challenge groups or individuals but to pass on the information for action by the respective authorities or to NHW. We are seriously looking into the possibility of introducing this project in our area. As a dog walker, and there are many in Saltdean, Rottingdean & Ovingdean, your help could be invaluable. We are lucky to live in a low crime rate area but with extra

eyes and ears on the ground this could be reduced even more! There is still a lot of ground work to cover before we can officially set up this scheme and before starting the ball rolling we really need to know how many of our dog walkers would be interested in volunteering to find out more about the scheme. At our recent AGM the Police Inspector for Lewes was very positive about the initiative. We would love to have your thoughts and ideas so please contact us to register your possible interest and once we finalise details we will then be in a better position to give more information. For information about Neighbourhood Watch please contact Secretary Linda Hood 01273 306441 email: Web: Follow us on Twitter: @NhwSRO facebook: Saltdeannhw

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What’s On Mondays Weight Watchers Friendship Centre behind Peacehaven Evangelical Church 8.15 & 9.30am Nickie 07910 407102 Civil Service Pensioners Alliance – Monday morning month‐ ly Evelyn George 308665. Saltdean Community Centre Weaning Clinic drop‐in at Hazel Co�age, Warren Road, Woodingdean. The first Monday of the month only (exc. Bank holidays) (FREE) Miss Fit Club 9.30 - 10.30am Saltdean Park Yoga ‐ 10am to Noon. Renata 01273 301245 or 07775537484 Ovingdean Village Hall Fun & Fit Pilates 8.30 - 9.25am, Cardio HIIT - 9.30 -10am, Legs, bums & tums 10.05-11am Gentle Aerobics 11.05 - 11.50am Saltdean Scout Hut - Karen 01273 306171 NCT Deans Bumps and Babies 1.30pm - 3.30pm Lido Community Room, Saltdean. Exercise to Music ‐ 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Church of the Holy Cross, Woodingdean. £3. Ella 737054 Womens Ins�tute ‐ Second Monday of the month. 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Ovingdean Village Hall Yoga – Monday and Wednesday evening and Thursday morning Breeda Duggan 233608. Sdean Community Centre Scouts (10.5 to 14 yrs) 7.30 – 9.30pm. Old Parish Ln, Wdean Mowgli Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm. Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Explorer Scouts (14 years – 18 years) Scout HQ, Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Brownies ‐ Term �mes 5.45pm to 7.00pm. Waiting list Samantha: 07870899832. Ovingdean Village Hall Nia Dance Class: 5-6PM Rottingdean Village Hall - Helena 01273 583299 Habakkuk Harriers running Club 7.00pm Running in and around Woodingdean. FREE. Phone 01273 705685 for details. Zumba 7-7.50pm Woodingdean Youth Centre, Warren Rd, £5, first class is FREE. 07795956793 Strong by Zumba (HIIT and bodyweight class) 7-8pm, 8-9pm Zumba fitness Telsc Cliffs Comm Church, Buckhurst Rd, BN10 7AH. FB: zumba with Lucie, drop in £6, £40 for 10 classes. Hatha Flow Yoga 7.30 to 8.30pm St Martins Hall, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean 5 Rhythms Dance 7.30 to 9.30pm Rottingdean Village Hall. £10 or £8 students/over 65’s. Neda - 07779 033129 Pilates @ Saltdean Pilates 9.30 to 10.30am. lvl 2, 10.4511.45am lvl 1, 6.45 to 7.45pm lvl 3, 8.00 - 9.00pm lvl 2 private studio. Small classes of 4/5 people. £48 course - 6 classes. Tracy Armfield 07877 878532 Weight Watchers – Monday evenings 7.00pm – 8.30pm Sarah Evans 605749. S’dean Community Centre St Margaret’s Women’s Group 2nd Monday of the month, 7.30pm in the cottage, The Green, Rottingdean

Tuesdays Quiz night 1�� Tues of month, St Nicholas Hall, Sdean,7pm, £3, licensed. 01273 585059 Cinema - 4�� Tuesday St Nicholas Hall, Sdean, 7pm, £5.50, licensed. Morning meditation 7.30-8.30am Open Art Café, 6 Nevill Road Rottingdean Drop-in £3 info: Theresa Sundt 01273 303571 Saltdean & District Choir – Tuesday 9.45am Audrey Pickles 01273 303596. Saltdean Community Centre Church Service ‐ 10.00am.Holy Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Healing Clinic Drop in 10.00am - 1pm Saltdean for help with physical, mental, emotional conditions and animals Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551 607171 The Senior Tea Club 10.30am-12.30pm for tea & chat. Telscombe Civic Centre Open to Senior Deans residents, free - donations accepted Maria - 07584052837 or 01273 307435. Conversa�onal French 10.30am‐12pm, Our Lady Lourdes Church Hall, Steyning Road, Ro�ngdean. 01273 390179. All proceeds go to CAFOD Fun & Fit 8.55‐9.25am ‐ Strength Blast, 9.30 ‐ 10.30 ‐ Pilates, Ovingdean Village Hall. Karen 01273 306171 Baby and You 10.30am‐12 noon at Hazel Co�age Clinic, Warren Road, Woodingdean. (drop‐in for expectant parents and parent/carers with babies who are not yet walking) ‐ (FREE) Healthy Child Clinic 1.30pm – 3pm at the Saltdean Children’s Centre (Outreach) in Boomerang Kids Nursery, Saltdean Barn,Arundel Drive West, Saltdean. Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers.‐ (FREE) U3A Tai Chi 10am St Mar�ns Church Hall, Longridge Ave. Academy of Dancing 3.55 –7 pm. Charlene Benford 01323 899149 Saltdean Community Centre Over 50’s Keep Fit Classes – Tuesday 1.30 – 2.30 pm £3.00 per session. Tea and Coffee included. St Mar�ns Church Hall, Longridge Ave. Saltdean Parents/ Carers/ Babies/ Toddlers Tuesday 9‐12pm Pam Turner 01273 306553.Woodingdean Community Centre Zumba Fitness - Rottingdean Public Hall 6.00 - 7.00PM, Free 1�� session (discounts available) Helen Ford 07919 406917 FB Helen Ford Zumba Fitness

Royal Sco�sh Country Dancing Society – Tuesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm during school �me. Saltdean Junior School. Pam & Ray Archer 01273 684417 Pilates @ Saltdean pilates 6.00 - 6.45pm Pregnancy Pilates, 7.15-8.15pm level 1 Private studio. Contact Tracy Armfield on 07877878532 / Small classes of 4/5 people. £48.00/course of 6 classes Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 6.30pm – 8.30pm Woodingdean - Old Parish Lane. Ro�ngdean Contact: Caroline: Scout HQ,Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Second Tuesday of the month Woodingdean Hor�culture Society ‐ 7.30pm Woodingdean Community Centre The Group A club for unattached men & women age 50+, meet in Brighton 3�� Tuesday of every month, walks, dinners, theatre, etc Slimming World ‐ Tues: 9.30am, 5.30pm, 7.30pm, St Patricks, Woodingdean. Natalie 07854 845876

Wednesdays Saltdean Crafters Craft group meet first Wednesday of the month Saltdean Community Centre (Lido) 7.30 -9.30pm, £7 all materials provided. 07506692178 Miss Fit Club 9.30 - 10.30am Saltdean Park Yoga for Health & Wellbeing 9.30 - 10.45am, Saltdean Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551 607171 Dizzy Tilly Kids ‐ ac�vi�es 0 – 4 yrs – music, puppets, bubbles,stories and play. 9.30am & 11am ‐ Clare Derby 308706 . St Mar�ns Hall, Saltdean Dizzy Tilly party fun time! For children's parties age 2-6years taking bookings now! Crawlers and Toddlers Drop‐in (Free of charge) 9.15am ‐ 10.30am (confident crawlers to 2 years) at St Margaret’s Co�age Ro�ngdean (next to the church and opposite the pond) Preschooler Song & Dance Class 6 months - 6 years boys & girls Baby Ballet® Tinies 9.30am-10.05am Baby Ballet® Movers 10.15am 3 Week trial £15, Kelly 07799 603263 Funky Feet (modern dance) Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Classes for adults and children Ring Vanessa on 273227 Academy of Dancing 5.10 –7.20 pm. Charlene Benford 01323 899149 Saltdean Community Centre Fun & Fit Core & Arms Blast 1.15 -1.55PM S.dean Scout Hut Karen 01273 585506 Weight Watchers The Lady of Lourdes Church Hall,R.dean Stretch and Tone 10 am to 11am. Ovingdean Village Hall Tai Chi – Wednesday mornings 10 – 11.15 Andrea 01273 304472 Scout Hut, Longridge Avenue. Play Group Lady of Lourdes Church Hall Rtgdean, 1.15 3pm 0-5 Year olds £2.00 per family. French for Fidgets Parent & Toddler Class, 1.30: 2.15pm Rtgdean Village Hall Liz Watson 07976 368052 The Ro�ngdean Wednesday Bridge Club 6.15pm The Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean Call Derrick Stirling 01273 306261 for details. Art & Cra� Club – Wednesday a�ernoon 1 -4pm Irene Beardwell 303745, St Nicholas Church - Taverner side room. Yoga ‐ 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Church of the Holy Cross, Wood‐ ingdean. £3. Ella 737054 Jane Salisbury School of Dance ‐ Ballet, Tap and Funky Freestyle, (from 3yrs upwards) 3.30pm‐5.30pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean 01273 275002, 07855955138 Seeonee Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Beaver Scouts (6 years to 8 years) 6.00pm – 7.00pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Serenity Yoga - Hatha Yoga (Beginners welcome) 7.00-8.15pm, & 8.30 - 9.45pm St Nicholas Church Hall Nikki Tuke 07813 125795 Zumba Fitness 7.00- 7.50pm Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Free 1�� class then £5 - Diane 07795 956793 Al-Anon Meeting 7.15 for 7.30pm start Telscombe Civic Ctr. Contact 0207 4030888 or Sue 07590675496 American Partner Dancing 7.30 - 9pm W’dean Community Centre, beginners welcome: Chester 07519 818112 Or Lesley 07885986857 Meditation/Self Healing Group 7.00 - 8pm, Saltdean. Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551607171 Strong by Zumba 7-8pm 8-9pm Zumba fitness St Martins Church Hall, Longridge Ave, Saltdean BN2 8LR FB: zumba with Lucie, drop in £6, £40 for 10 classes. Brighton Male Voice Choir 7.30-9.30pm. Woodingdean Methodist Church, Ridgway BN2 6PA Tom Ryan 07899 874969 Pilates – Weds eve‐ Danielle 584984. S’dean Comm Centre Slimming World 5.30 & 7.30PM Wdngdean Yth Centre, Warren Rd. Contact Ali - 01273 300680/07821 179343

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Southover Badminton Club 8 - 10pm, Deans Leisure Centre, Contact Dan (07812 658834), Lesley (01444 233965) Zumba - 7.30pm. Contact Sundari 07907 185135 St Martins Church Hall Also Saturday 9.15am, £5 drop in. T.S.Valiant N.T.C. meets @ Woodingdean School 6.30-8.30pm on Weds. Age 7 upwards. Contact 01273 676784.

Thursdays Morning meditation 7.30-8.30am Open Art Café, 6 Nevill Road Rottingdean Drop-in £3 info: Theresa Sundt 01273 303571 Fun & Fit 8.00 - 8.40am Legs, bums, arms & Pilates, Saltdean Scout Hut Karen 01273 306171 Downs Baptist Church, Woodingdean Three youth clubs to suit age 8-16 at Rudyard Kipling Primary School, BN2 6RH. Contact: Sean Older 01273 232414 Gentle Yoga for over 60’s/ anyone with physical problems Simple exercises for stiffness,pain,lack of coordination, focus/concentration, Saltdean Emma(BRCP/NFSH) 07551607171 Church Service ‐ 10.00am.Holy Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Open House Friendship Club 1.30 to 4.00pm Woodingdean Community Centre Coffee Shop ‐ 10‐12 Woodingdean Methodist Church, The Ridgeway. 304812 Make some new friends. Healthy Child Clinic ‐ 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 11‐12 noon at Hazel Co�age, Warren Road, Woodingdean (FREE) .Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers. Healthy Child Clinic – 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 11‐12 noon at The Deans Gateway Children’s Centre, Rudyard Kipling School (FREE) Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers. Dance/Exercise Class St Nicholas Church Hall 1.30-2.30pm Territa 07931 930770 Weight Watchers 6.00pm Peacehaven Evangelical Church, Mayfield Avenue, Peacehaven Sue Ca�, 390652 for futher informa�on. Habakkuk Harriers running Club 7.00pm Running in and around Woodingdean. FREE Phone 01273 705685 for details. Zumba 7.30-8.20pm Falmer Village Hall (Opp Pond) £5, First Class FREE. 07795 956793 Ro�ngdean Wine Club ‐ Second Thursday in the month, Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean, 7.30 Pm Further details, Mervyn Peatfield 01273 240164 Gardening Club‐ First Thursday of the month. 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Ovingdean Village Hall. Beaver Scouts (6 years to 8 years) 6.00pm – 7.00pm Ro�ngdean Contact Lindsey Delow: Seeonee Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Pilates @ Saltdean Pilates 7.00pm - 8.00pm level 1 Private studio. Contact Tracy Armfield on 07877878532 / Small classes of 4/5 people. £48.00/course of 6 classes Scouts (10.5 years to 14 years) 7.30pm – 9.00pm Ro�ngdean Contact Mar�n Carr: 07801 687172 Scout HQ, Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Tai Chi & Qigong 6.45pm‐8.45pm Ro�ngdean Public Hall, Park Road, Ro�ngdean Info from Evelyn Hills 01323 501634 1st Thursday in the month Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild ‐ 1.45PM at St Martins Church Hall, Saltdean, 01273 302373 2nd Thursday in the month U3A mee�ng 2.1 5 p m - 2 . 3 0 p m St . Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Last Thursday of the month Lunch Club ‐ W’dean Methodist Church ‐ 307496/ 887618

Fridays Children’s Art Club ‐ 3.30‐5.15pm Clair Ma�hews 07843275520. Saltdean Community Centre Fun & Fit Pilates - 9.15- 10.10am; Circuit Fun 10.15 - 10.45am, Pilates 10.50 11.45pm, Beginners Pilates 11.50 - 12.45pm Whiteway Centre Rottingdean. Karen - 01273 306171 Slimming world – morning – Mandy Crew 542827 Saltdean Community Centre. Stretch and Tone ‐ 10 am to 11am. Ovingdean Village Hall. The Ro�ngdean Bridge Club 1.20pm The Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean - Colin Campbell 01273 300386 or Monica Watts 01273 608881. Tots & toys 1.15pm ‐ 2.45pm. For carers with babies, toddlers and pre‐school children. Meet at St. Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean. (term �me only). Laura 07980 242283.

45 Social Dance Group‐ 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Lizzie 01273 300533. Ovingdean Village Hall Scouts (10.5 years to 14 years) 7.30pm – 9.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Line Dancing Beginners 11.30am - 1pm Intermediate 1.30 - 3.30pm W’dean Comm Centre - Steps Dance Club Chester 07519 818112 Lesley 07885 986857 Dizzy Tilly Kids! - activities 0-4yrs, puppets, stories, music, bubbles & play 10:30am St.Martins Hall, Saltdean - Clare 01273 308706 The Senior Tea Club Meet 2-4pm for tea & chat. St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Vale. Open to Senior Deans residents, free - donations accepted Maria - 07584052837 or 01273 307435.

Saturdays Zumba Fitness 9.15-10.15am The Hub, Big Park, Piddinghoe Ave, Peacehaven FB: zumba with Lucie, drop in £6, £40 for 10 classes.

Local Groups Brighton Male Voice Choir Tom Ryan‐ Secretary 01273 688005 07899 874969 Or G.Meeton 01273 241755 Four Deans Stroke Club 01273 272815 / 01273 303236 Ro�ngdean Preserva�on Society 01273 304752 The Grange Museum and Art Gallery Ro�ngdean 01273 301004 Mon/Tues 10am ‐4pm Closed Weds Thurs/Fri/Sat 10am‐4pm Sunday 2pm ‐ 4pm Ro�ngdean Drama Society� Ro�ngdean Writers Tim Davies 07814 987688 Ro�ngdean Camera Club Brian Knight 01273 302605 Ro�ngdean Cricket Club 01273 309325 Rottingdean Bowling Club Norman Watson 01273 301290 The Ro�ngdean Bridge Club Contact Colin Campbell - 01273 300386 or Monica Watts - 012373 608881 Ro�ngdean Wine Club Tony Woodhall 01273 309697 The Deans Orchestra Barry Mar�n 01323 895927 St Nicholas Church Hall Hire for parties, etc. 01273 301885 Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild 01273 302373 Saltdean Lido 01273 888308 WSLAT & Rottingdean LAT 01273 291011 S’dean Bowling Club Sec:T Hammond 01273 887618 S’dean Residents Association Sdean, Rdean & Odean NH Watch Linda Hood, Secretary 01273 306441 Saltdean Writing Bureau Group 1�� & 3�� Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm Volunteer Bureau, Longridge Ave. Roger Bluff 07932 458071 Woodingdean Swimming Pool 01273 673265 Woodingdean Rainbows and Brownies Elizabeth 01273 272670 Five Deans U3A Eileen 01273 300274

Zumba Toning With Helen, 11am - 12pm. Rottingdean Public Hall. FREE 1�� session (discounts available) tel: 07919 406917 web: Saltdean Writing Bureau Group 1�� & 3�� Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm Volunteer Bureau, Longridge Ave. Roger Bluff 07932 458071 Zumba Fitness 10.00- 10.50am Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Free 1�� class then £5 Diane 07795 956793 Jane Salisbury School of Dance ‐ Ballet, Tap and Funky Freestyle, (from 3yrs upwards) 9.30am‐12.30pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean 01273 275002, 07855955138. janesalis‐ Sacrament of Penance ‐ 10.30am, 5.45‐ 6.15pm. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Ro�ngdean Saturday night dance 7.30pm – 10.30pm – Doug Hann 01273 691767 St Nicholas Church Hall

Sundays Church Service ‐ 10.15am. St Mar�ns URC Longridge Avenue Saltdean

Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club Denton Island, Newhaven, BN9 9BA 01273 514664 Woodingdean Bowls Club Elaine Vickers Secretary 01273 301445 David Billings Chairman 01273 692123 Neighbourhood Watch Linda Hood - 01273 306441 Local Community Centres Saltdean Community Hall hire: 07810560337 or 07900907305

Ro�ngdean Whiteway Centre Whiteway Lane Ro�ngdean, Brighton BN2 7HB 07913 753493 for Education 07840 088 575 for letting Ro�ngdean & Saltdean Lions Club info@ro�ngdeanand saltdeanlions. 08458 339617 Ro�ngdean Public Hall Park Lane Available for Hire 01273 302092 Woodingdean Community Centre Warren Road 01273 685940 Woodingdean Youth Centre Warren Road Brighton BN2 6BB 01273 600606 Southover Badminton Club Dan (07812 658834) Lesley (01444 233965) Beacon Hill Nature Reserve Meet 2ⁿ� Weds & 4�� Fri of month at 10am, Longhill Rd entrance to the reserve. Contact Louise 01273 983000 for details or to join Friends of Beacon Hill. Local Churches St Mar�ns URC Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Secretary: Rob Upward 01273 309097 bookings for private hire available online. St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Brighton ,BN2 8HE 01273 302192 Local Police Contacts Saltdean, Rottingdean & Ovingdean Police Community Support Officer Andrew McAllister 101 ext 27369, 07912 892658

Biblical Dance, circle style for men, women and children ‐ Held occasional Sundays at St Mar�n’s Church Hall, Longridge Ave from 3‐4pm. Contact Judy Law 01273 307034 for next mee�ng Church Service ‐ 10am. Woodingdean Methodist Church The Ridgeway Wdean. Church Service ‐ 8am.Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Church Service 10.00am Sung Eucharist - St Wulfrans Church Ovingdean Sunday Mass ‐ Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Ro�ngdean 6.30pm (Sat) 10.30am Sun also 9am St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Woodingdean. Info 01273 302903 Downs Baptist Church Family friendly Service & Sunday School 10.30am meet at Woodingdean Primary School. DBC Youth Church Service (age 11-21) 6pm at Rudyard Kipling Primary School. DBC Adult service 6pm Rudyard Kipling Primary School.

New Yoga Classes

IMPORTANT: Please check with the event organiser before a�ending. We try to keep these lis�ngs as up to date as possible but there may be some inaccuracies. Please let us know of any errors you discover.


Local Libraries LE = Libraries Extra Woodingdean Library Warren Road Brighton BN2 6BA (01273) 290800 Monday 9am‐5pm Tue/Wed 9am‐7pm LE Thu 9am‐5pm Fri 9am‐5pm LE Sat 9.30am‐5pm LE Sun 11am -5pm LE Ro�ngdean Library The Grange, Ro�ngdean BN2 7HA (01273) 290800 Monday 9am‐5pm Tue 9am‐7pm LE Wed 9am‐5pm Thu 9am‐7pm LE Fri 9am‐5pm LE Sat 9.30am‐5pm LE Sun 11am -5pm Saltdean Library Saltdean Lido, Saltdean BN2 8SP (01273) 290800 Mon 9am‐7pm LE Tue 9am‐5pm Wed 9am‐7pm LE Thu 9am‐7pm LE Fri 9am‐5pm Sat 9.30am‐5pm Sun 11am -5pm LE Local Community Websites www.saltdeanresidentsassociatio� Local Venues Woodingdean Woodingdean Methodist Hall to r ent for par�es etc. 01273 304812 Beulah Fletcher Woodingdean St Patrick’s Church rooms to rent meetings & classes - Bernadette 309118 Ro�ngdean Scout HQ is available for private hire. Contact Kate on 01273 306383 for further informa�on If you are part of a local group and would like your info. to appear on this page send your details to the email address at the bottom of the page

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Monday Yoga (all abilities welcome) 7.15-8.45pm Wednesday Yoga (all abilities welcome) 9.15-10.45am and 7-8.30pm Friday 9.15-10.45am Yoga (all abilities welcome) 9.15-10.45am and 7-8.30pm Private studio, small classes (max 8) Monthly booking Contact Ellie Mark (bwy/lyttc) on 07968 198503/

Brighton University student studying to be a primary school teacher. DBS checked. Available for babysitting evenings and weekends. Please call Izzy 07866 258495

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Local Article


What is Equity Release? Equity Release refers to a range of financial products that allow you to access the equity (cash) tied up in your home if you are over the age of 55 (although noting they are not normally recommended until 65+). You can normally have the money you release as a lump sum or in several smaller amounts, or as a combination of both, without having to make any monthly repayments and also whilst remaining in your home. There are two main Equity Release options: 1. Lifetime Mortgage: you take out a mortgage secured on your property provided it is your main residence, while retaining ownership. The loan amount and any accrued interest is paid back when you die or when you move into long-term care. 2. Home Reversion: you sell part, or all, of your home to a Home Reversion provider in return for a lump sum or regular payments. You have the right to continue living in the property until you die, or you move into long-term care, when your property is sold and the sale proceeds are shared according to the proportions of ownership. Things you need to know about Equity Release: Equity Release might seem like a good idea, however: ● It should normally be seen as a product of last resort. ● Can be expensive when compared to other forms of finance. ● You may have to pay upfront fees, depending on the plan being arranged. ● Although they have no fixed ‘term’, they must be cleared upon your death or earlier if you move into long-term care. ● They will only provide you with a percentage of the market value of your home. ● If you release equity from your home, you might not be able to rely on your property for money you may need later in life. For instance, to pay for longterm care or to supplement your ongoing retirement income. ● May stop you from moving in the future, without reducing or clearing your Equity Release. ● Might affect your entitlement to future state benefits. ● There will be less for you to pass onto your family as an inheritance. ● Schemes can be complicated and very difficult to unravel. For example; although may not be applicable if you die or move into long-term care, there

might be expensive early repayment charges if you change your mind and wish to clear your plan. Getting Advice: If you are thinking of taking out an Equity Release plan then you need to find out about your various options and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages before you decide to proceed. An Equity Release qualified Financial Adviser can help you understand the steps involved and talk you through your options and the effects this might have on state benefits. This article has been written by; Graham Cooper, DipPFS Grange Financial Services 01273 390951 This is a lifetime mortgage or home reversion plan. To understand the features and risks, please ask for a personalised illustration. Grange Financial Services are Appointed Representative of Best Practice IFA Group Limited Best Practice IFA Group Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Grange Financial Services is a Trading Name of Grange Financial (Sussex) Limited

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Sussex Community NHS Trust and Brighton & Hove City Council staff and volunteers sessions and activities.

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Cinema Saltdean Film Review


Cert. 12

Intelligent and Visceral Christopher Nolan is a film maker who doesn’t like CGI (Computer Generated Images). He does things oldschool, real, without visual trickery. This approach and his intelligent storytelling ability have brought doses of reality to films such as ‘Interstellar’, the ‘Batman’ trilogy and ‘Inception’, to name a few. In ‘Dunkirk’ water is water, Spitfires are real Spitfires (supplied by the Imperial War Museum in Duxford). Nolan’s insistence on the ‘real’ gives Dunkirk a visceral edge. To remind ourselves: It is May 1940. 400,000 men trapped on the beach at Dunkirk. The Expeditionary Force in retreat, beaten back by German troops. There were 350,000 British soldiers, the rest were allied troops from France and Belgium. The German tanks stopped firing because it was considered a waste of German resources. As a line from the film runs, ‘why use tanks, when they can pick us off from the air? The film is not about battle: the battle is over, a few minutes into the film. It is about the rescue. The sights and sounds of battle are, however, upon us at the outset. We see a squaddie Tommy (Fionn Whitehead ‘The Children Act’) scrambling through Dunkirk streets, under heavy fire. On making it to the beach, he is confronted by a panorama of hundreds of thousands of troops waiting on the sand. Corpses are being buried there. No ships to rescue them and no air cover to prevent them from being picked off. ‘Dunkirk’ tells the story from three perspectives: land, sea and air. Three connecting stories: one lasting a week, one lasting a day, and the third, one hour, which all interconnect to bring different layers of tension to the story.

across a channel under siege from both the enemy and unpredictable natural elements. Sailing in terrifying circumstances and demonstrating acts of compassion, duty and kindness, they exemplify the Dunkirk spirit. This is a story of bravery, terror and grim determination, in which, as the strapline of the film tells, ‘hope is a weapon’. The dogfight sequences are thrilling, the sea crossing in small boats is convincingly portrayed and the seemingly hopeless situation of the stranded men, brought vividly to life. It has a powerful cast, including Mark Rylance, (Bridge of Spies) Kenneth Branagh, (Murder on the Orient Express), Cillian Murphy (Peaky Blinders) and Tom Hardy (Taboo). The film scooped up three Oscars at this year’s ceremony. And Oscar treats continue next month, as we screen ‘3 Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’ – a must see! Jon

Films about Dunkirk have the same outcomes: a bit like films about the Titanic - the ship always sinks. This version of Dunkirk is, however, no run-of-the-mill affair, not just another blood and guts war movie, thanks to the director’s deft touch. Christopher Nolan also wrote the screenplay. Described by The Guardian as Christopher Nolan’s best film, it is set on a massive scale. The outcome of momentous events is determined by individuals. In response to the plight of the men beached, the UK Government did not order a rescue task force: instead, they ordered all small craft owners to set sail for Dunkirk to rescue our troops. Memories about those small ships, sailing from Newhaven and other ports, are acutely alive today. Most of the boat owners were ‘weekend sailors’, woefully equipped to deal with the perilous journey To advertise call 01273 586527 or email



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Rottingdean & Saltdean Lions


Lions Update May Scor awarded the Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions Sponsored Swim Trophy. Recently, our Lions President, Ian Christie, presented our sponsored swim trophy to the swimming team Scor for raising the most money at our annual sponsored swim held at Roedean School Pool. All of their money raised, £570, went to Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice while the Lions funds went to the major beneficiary also being Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice for whom we recently presented a cheque for the balance bringing the total to the value of £1,250. We congratulate them and all the other teams that took part. All are winners. The next swim is on 18�� November: to enter please contact us below. The winning team used a page on an online giving site this year, as a means of collecting their sponsorship, this proved to be a great way of fundraising for the event while still collecting the important gift aid. Lions Fayre - Rottingdean Village Green 16�� June / Saltdean Gala – The Oval 14�� July Our Lions Fayre in Rottingdean will be held on the Village Green on Saturday 16�� June and our Lions Saltdean Gala in Saltdean Oval will be held on 14�� July. For both of these events, any small trader or local community group that would like to have a stall is most welcome to contact us – please call 08458 339617 .

The barbeque uses locally sourced meat from our local butchers – the big sausages and meaty beef burgers with onions to our secret recipe will delight your taste buds – reason enough to be world famous. Please do not miss this barbeque if this is to your taste. There will be vegetarian options available and also ice cream and candy floss. Tombola tickets will be available for purchase during the day for instant prizes. Our Summer Draw tickets will also be available and this will be drawn at the end of the Saltdean Gala in July, first prize is £200! Arena events during the day will include dancing and various other activities demonstrated by local organisations. This year along with the Brighton School of Singing and the LW Dance Studios there will be the welcome return of SAMA Karate and the Brighton Boogie Man.. If you would like more information on any of the above activities, or to enter a team for our sponsored swim, please contact Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions on 08458 339617 or email at 2017 Lions Fayre

The traditional Lions Fayre has been running in Rottingdean for well over forty years, and as a regular event has grown significantly in stature with it becoming one of the highlights of the summer season in Rottingdean. It is held on The Green and, as has always been the case, entry is free. Walking round the Fayre you will come across a book stall, bouncy castles and a coconut shy. You will find many other games and stalls along with a bar and the world famous - in Rottingdean at least - Lions barbeque. Swimathon winning fund raisers ‘Scor’ trophy presentation


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Local Feature


Walking Football Enjoy being part of a warm friendly supportive group, no running allowed! ● Ladies most welcome: it's not just for us grumpy old guys. ● If you've not tried before, come and watch for free. ● If you already play elsewhere, we have players who go to several different venues. ● Tell your friends: the more the merrier. ● Drop-in sessions – no membership fees, no contracts. ● Played indoors: no rain, no mud, no dogdebris ● Expert instruction.

01273 588 858

● Absolute beginners needed.



7A Longridge Avenue, Saltdean BN2 8LG

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Rottingdean Preservation Society


The Grange Gallery The month of May is a good time to visit the Grange Gallery, not only to look at the new exhibitions, but also, the café having reopened for the summer season, to sample the lunches and teas at the café amongst the spring flowers in the Grange garden.

Should you not yet be a member of the Rottingdean Preservation Society and would like to join us, please telephone 01273 301164 or email

MAY 3 – 29. Artists Open Houses: Wear and Tear. As part of the Brighton Festival in May artists and craft workers offer art lovers the chance to browse and buy original artwork direct from the artists and makers. This event also takes place in the run up to Christmas in December. This year we are featuring Johnny Clash, Re-Threaded, Jan Mnich, Christine Lloyd Walker, Liza Mackintosh, Tim Gwyther, Julian Bond, Rafaele Appleby, Ophelia Appleby, Pauline Crook, Oriana Evans, Elizabeth Lamont. The Grange Gallery is excited to bring together these twelve artists, many showing here for the first time, who have created work especially for this show with their very personal response to the theme of 'wear & tear'. The show is a fascinating mix of media from moving image to dramatic glass, mosaic art, photography, colourful watercolours, oil and acrylic painting. The Re-threaded group of textile artists interprets the theme using ' Boro' the traditional Japanese way of extending life to garments with pattern & stitches. Oriana Jewellery redesign used old keep sake pieces that would have once been discarded but tell now a story in re-imagined contemporary jewellery. MAY 31 - JUNE 12. Rob Upward and Friends. In Rob’s own words, “As before, during my five one-man exhibitions at The Grange over the past 10 years, I will again be showing mainly my acrylic landscapes and figurative paintings. However, this year, I decided that at least two of my friends should have their chance and so, with no small persuasion, they are joining me in the exhibition which opens at The Grange on May 29th for two weeks. Jim Pearson produces wonderfully delicate landscapes in water colour, while Alan Rawlings, working in oils, creates vivid wild-life images. He also sculpts animals and birds. Peter Ind, world acclaimed jazz double bass player, writer and artist, will be showing his pastels which have a luminous, impressionist quality. Four artists, four media, four different themes. The Gallery is open daily from Tuesday to Sunday; the opening hours are Tuesday to Saturday 10.30 – 16.00 and Sunday 14.00 to 16.00

JOSIE'S DRAPES Curtains, Blinds,Soft Furnishings and any alterations. No Job too small.

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Local News


Just Published - Coastal Reflections A new book of memories of the Deans in the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s The Saltdean Community Charity is pleased to announce the publication of “Coastal Reflections” produced with the help of the Co-op Local Community Fund.

“”Coastal Reflections” is available at The Grange Gallery, The Open Art Cafe, The Saltdean Community Hall, and at The Laughing Dog in the Brighton Marina. Just £5, and all proceeds to Saltdean Community Association Registered Charity No. 270950

This entertaining collection of reminiscences and personal photos offers a delightful insight into growing up in Saltdean, Rottingdean and Ovingdean in the decades before, during and after World War II - decades of great challenge and changes that created and define the communities we enjoy today. Local writer Christine Foster, who complied the book from dozens of interviews calls it “a friendly community record of the daily lives of individuals who made amazing contributions and whose stories it has been a privilege to acknowledge, celebrate and share.”


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Local News


Myofascial Release Penny Koster, Holistic Pain Therapist Myofascial Release - the gentle release of connective tissue, I have a beautiful log cabin in my garden where I work from, it is an incredibly relaxing and gentle space. I have been a therapist for many years, I have a lot of different qualifications and training, but the therapy I am most passionate about and know first‐hand works completely is myofascial release, Myo‐fascial is the connective tissue which joins everything together, covers everything, fills all the gaps holds you together, it has the memory of your life, it relays messages to your brain faster than the nervous System, every single thing that happens to you in your life whether it be good or bad is stored in your subconscious and your fascial system, The fascia is like a giant web made up of collagen, elastin and ground substance it covers you from top to toe with no orifices unlike your skin, it moves constantly within your body, it penetrates, covers, protects every organ, muscle, ligament, tendon, bones everything- we are fascia, scar tissue is damaged fascia that has gone hard and dehydrated, that is why generally women get more lower back problems then men because they have hysterectomies, C-sections and end up with fascia that is damaged, dehydrated and hard (scar tissue) so no longer moves and consequently pulls on areas like the lower back, fascia can become hardened dehydrated and stop moving and therefore cause problems, discomfort, pain, disease for many many different reasons I generally call it life. Another example because we are one complete unit everything is connected you could have a pain in your shoulder and the

pain could possibly originate in your lower back, or maybe your neck or both. Myofascial release is being called the missing link and I passionately believe this to be true, I believe in the not too distant future everyone will be having these treatments, The cause of discomfort, pain is the collagen layer of the fascia, this is the layer that has to be released from its stuck, dehydrated, no longer moving position! An Analogy if you step on a hosepipe the flow is impaired. I am highly trained in myofascial release, I am trained to Body read to know where the problem is and then to un-stick it.. The whole world needs to know about this treatment! I feel very passionately that everyone should understand how it works, and as much as possible be able to do it to themselves and each other. There is no such thing as 'I have that pain because I'm getting old' No-one needs to have pain! Exceptions being if you break a leg or have an accident et cetera, I give these treatments which are extremely powerful but at the Same time very gentle, I also educate people so that they can self-care in the future and when they have a pain they understand why it's happening, and what they can do about it, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE HAS TO BE IN PAIN. Everyone is different sometimes it takes longer than others, IT IS WORTH THE WAIT! If you're interested in having a treatment and want to learn more about myofascial release and myself please go to: or phone me on 07951 117826


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Local Amateur Photographer


Melanie Straw Local photographer Melanie Straw has submitted some more pictures for this month’s magazine. She has Captured views of Rottingdean and some of it’s webfooted residents! Melanie enjoys taking her camera out in the Deans area and taking pictures of anything that takes her interest.

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Local Charity


Time to Talk Befriending Time to Talk Befriending is a local Charity that helps older people who feel lonely, invisible and forgotten to “feel like they are living again” and “no longer feel trapped inside their own home”. Here is what one of our scheme members has said about what we do and her befriender: "Meeting my befriender and her son has transformed my life... [I] am not sure where this poem came from but when [I] read this poem it immediately reminded me of all the kindness and care [I] have received from the befriending service; Thank you for loving, for giving and sharing, thank you for listening, helping and caring; for all the wonderful things that you do, but most of all thank you for just being you!” – Scheme Member And this is what one of our amazing volunteers has said: “It’s been a very pleasant surprise that, while I knew that I would feel good sharing my time with my befriending match, I have been astonished at how much I learn every time I see her. It’s completely changed my opinion of older people and has changed the way I behave with people in the street too… I always make time for a chat with someone in

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the supermarket queue, for example, as you’ve no idea how lonely the rest of their day might be.” – Volunteer Time to Talk Befriending are currently looking for volunteers in Brighton & Hove, If you can spare an hour of your time every fortnight and would like to make a positive difference in someone’s life through befriending, we would love to hear from you. To find out more please contact one of the Time to Talk Befriending team today on 01273 737710 or email Hannah at You can find further information here:

74 Index of advertisers Accountants & Book keepers Book Keeping Matters I Saw Book Keeping & Accounting Shoreline Accountants Aerial & Satellite installation A & S Aerials Andy’s Aerials 1�� Rate Aerials Teleview Alexander Technique Mindful Living Skills Alterations and Curtains Josie’s Drapes Architectural Services Richard Tetlow Architect Bathrooms Bathe In Safety Paul Vincent Beauticians Sarah Howell Blinds & Curtains BN Blinds Simply Blinding Sussex Blinds Brickwork & Building Work A Star Construction AJ Gordon Direct Construction Svcs Reliable Local Builder Steve Mead True Build Care Services Clifden House Personal Assistant - Andrew White Carpenters CP Carpentry Sam Rigden Carpentry & Joinery Carpets & Fitting Services Ocean Flooring Station Road Carpets Child Care Search Light Club Chiropody & Podiatry Acorn Chiropody Chiropodist/Podiatrist Cleaning Services 555 Window Cleaning 555 Driveway Cleaning Cleaner Windows Clean & Sweep Gutter Services Driveway Cleaning Sussex Infinity Cleaning Ltd Mark Bethall Cleaning Services Simply the Best Cleaning Svcs Southern Window Cleaning Coach Holidays Victoria Travel

43 48 26 33 48 37 47 50 65 61 26 16 14 32 17 14 53 33 4 15 38 5 11 74 46 52 32 34 66

Computers & Computer Services Dolphin Computers 7 Ocean PC’s 13 Saltdean Tech 23 Southern PC Services 31 Cycle Shops Mr Cycles 12 Disability Services Clearwell Mobility 70 Drain Cleaning Express Rod 31 Electricians MB Electrical 32 MP Property & Electrical Svcs 42 Peacehaven Electrical 4 Peacehaven Electrician 47 Power Electric Services 54 PJ Electrics 61 Westview Electrical 21 Entertainment & Events Cinema Saltdean 59 Deans Activities 54 Macmillan Garden Trail 60 Peacehaven Players 66 Estate Agents Carruthers & Luck 57 Michael Trower 16 Open House 72 Fencing & Gates GPD Fencing FC + 20 Local Saltdean Builder 22 RBW Fencing 45 Financial Services Grange Financial Services 50 Flooring Ocean Flooring 32 Station Road Carpets 34 Foot Clinic Acorn Chiropody 5 Funeral Services J. Wagstaff Funeral Directors 63 Garage Doors G & N Garage doors 60

5 46

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55 62 74 51 60 69 65 30 41

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FC + 6 69 33 48 66 48 22 62 67 66

Grocer & Produce S.A. Deveson 2 Hairdressers Head High FC The Hair Company 15 Handyman GB Home Maintenance 6 JPM Local Handyman 33 The Handy Team 30 Kinesiology Aether Bios Clinic 24 Kitchens & Installation Paul Vincent 16 Landscaping Garden & Landscape 48 GPD Fencing FC+20 Green Bay 67 KP Landscaping 64 Letting Agents Carruthers & Luck 57 M. Trower 16 Lock Smiths Lee’s Locks 56 Mindfulness Mindful Living Skills 50 Myofacial Therapy Penny Koster 69 Optician The Deans Optician FC + 38 Osteopathy Aether Bios 24 Painting & Decorating AH Gordon 45 J Ross Painting & Decorating 56 JS Country Decorating 16 Paintmaster 31 Richard’s Decorating & Maint 35 Steve Emery 16 Tudor Int & Ext Painting 15 Pet Services Dapper Dogs 13 Tidy Paws Dog Grooming 35 Photography Colette Langton Photography 20 Pilates Classes Fun & Fit 21 Jan Davies 47 Saltdean Pilates 6 Plasterer A & A Plastering 56 Plumbers & Heating Engineers Abba Heat 36 Black Rock Plumbing 22 Gaswise 20 F9 Plumbing & Heating 19 LS Taylor Heating 35

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