Colette Langton of Colette Langton Photography has provided our front cover picture this month. They are Sunflowers taken in her parents garden in Telscombe Cliffs.
What a strange month September was. A new Prime Minister, the death of a queen and a new king, all within the space of a few days. I felt the front cover for this month is very appropriate as Sunflowers are a sign of life.
There is a very special something on page 45 from Peacehaven FC, don’t miss out on this great offer. I will post the fixtures on our Facebook page as soon as they are finalised. Looking forward, Christmas is approaching and if you have any special events please let me know in good time to avoid disappointment. If you are an advertiser, you may want to place a special message on your advert for your customers.
P41 MonthlyClubs&Activities,Saltdean Townswomen’sGuildarticle
P42 DownlandQuiltersarticle,PuzzleFun
P43 PeacehavenCatholicChurchMassTimes
P44 WalkingGroupInfo,AbcFund,Peacehaven CommunitySupermarket,SlimmingWorld
P45 HavensCars,PeacehavenFC,Chatsworth ParkVolunteers,Telsc.VillageClubHire
P46 PeacehavenTownCouncilEventsPage
P47 TelscombeCivicCentreEventsPage
P48 PEFC,AirAmbulanceInfo,HavensHappyClub
P53 AetherBios-BalancingtheBodywithBreathing
P57 BusinessSpotlight-AlexMurphy
P63 HavensCommunityHub-CommunityBank HelpPointLaunch
P65 ProclamationEventPhoto’s
P66 IndexofAdvertisers
Useful Numbers: Telscombe Civic Centre: 01273 589777
Peacehaven Town Council: 01273 585493
Peacehaven Library: Renewals: 0345 6080195
Enquiries: 0345 6080196
The above advert is from an advertiser called Colin. He has just moved into the area and is looking to build up his business locally. If you need his services why not give him a call and find out more. Have a lovely month - Anne, Editor
November’s edition deadline is: 15�� October 2022. The magazine can also be viewed on Facebook. www.peacehavendirectory.co.uk. E: info@peacehavendirectory.co.uk Tel: 01273 586 527
are not necessarily
expressed by
Police: Call 101 or 999 for emergency Doctors’ Surgeries: Havens Health 01273 588 200
Front cover picture by Anne Bickmore
Printed by Holbrooks Printers Ltd Distributed by Letterbox Logistics and J Gallagher
of the Editors. Whilst every care has been taken in completing this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to
hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertising in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors.
- repairs carried out at a very competitive price. From a broken cable to replacement springs and locks, no job is too big or small for us.
- Keep your door panel by replacing all moving parts and parts which are subject to availability for the door. These include where applicable, cables and cones, springs, spindles and if requested the lock and keys.
A full service includes a 3 year Guarantee
Automatic Openers - We can supply and fit a range of automatic garage door openers. Hormann Promatic from £499 fully installed Hormann Superatic from £699 fully installed
New Door Installations - We supply and install leading brand doors. We offer a flexible, professional and friendly service. We will make sure you get the right door for you.
At Total Travel Company, we pride ourselves on our professionalism and the quality of service we deliver. As well as our highly competitive , we offer an extensive range of chauffeured travel packages, from standard and executive cars to minibuses and coaches.
Whether travelling for business or pleasure, rank among our most common bookings here at Total Travel Company. Our fleet of stylish vehicles and our experienced drivers make our airport taxi service one not to be missed. Whether travelling for business or on holiday, taxis booked through Total Travel Company will get you there.
Gatwick Airport from
Heathrow Airport from
(South of the A
Are you short of space for
If so, could “Little Haven” be the
Floor, 1 Bedroom Flat (Sleeps 2)
further details contact Juliette Payne Tel. 01273 587365 or e-mail: juliette.payne@yahoo.co.uk
Yin Yoga in the Havens - 07816 154644 Jacqui.johnston@hotmail.co.uk Thurs 9:30 am - 10:45 am. In person or online. Small class, booking essential. St James Trust, Blatchington Road, Seaford.
Breathe with Movement - Tuesdays 10:00 am - 11.00 am. Small, in person class, booking essential. Rendevous, South Coast Road, Peacehaven.
Hatha yoga with Doug - 01273 048 452 Joff Centre Peacehaven, Thurs 10:00 am - 11:15 am. Come along with a matt. £3.50 per session, call to book. (This is a non profit making venture, every penny goes to animal charities)
Peacehaven Art Club - Evangelical Church Hall, Mayfield Ave. Meet Friday morning 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. £10.00 per year, £3.00 weekly sub. Call Ann on 07944 055029.
Southern Stomp - Line Dancing Club, various classes, Call Joy on 01273 587714 www.southernstomp.com
Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild ‐ Meet 2ⁿ� Wed of the month, 2:00 pm at St Martins Hall, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean. Call Audrey - 01273 303596, Elaine - 01273 302375 or Diane - 01273 640895 for more details.
Horticultural Society - Monthly meetings, Membership £6.00 per person, £10.00 for couples. £2.50 per meeting to cover refreshments. Contact Alison on 01273 589502 for details.
“Just Friends” Social meetings, Elim Church, Newhaven, BN9 9LB. Meetings or activities take place on Mondays. Call 01323 725885 for details or visit www.just-friends.uk
Peacehaven Netball Club Monday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
All abilities welcome, Ages 16+, £3 a week. Piddinghoe Sports Park (outdoor courts) Find us on Facebook.
Qi Gong & Tai Chi Class for over 50s. Classes are every Thursday at 10:00 am - 11:30 am In the Anzac Room, Community House Meridian Centre with Master Leon Chiu. Contact Cherie on 07850 252082 for more information.
Peacehaven Flower Club We meet every third Wednesday afternoon at the Telscombe Civic Centre, South Coast Road. For more information contact Christine Webb on 01273 586191.
Meridian Evening WI - Anzac Room, Meridian Centre. Meet 4�� Wednesday of the month. 7:15 for 7:30 pm. Contact: winsab4gmail.com
Care for the Carers Wellbeing Group We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month 10:30 am - 12:00 pm at the Rendevous Hall at the back of the House Project Charity shop on the South Coast Rd Tuesday Friendship Group for semi-retired/retired people, every Tues, 9:45 am - 11:45 am at Ascension Church Hall, Bramber Ave. £1 per meeting. More details - Lynda 07864 714 019
Downland Quilters We meet in the Anzac Room, Peacehaven Town Council from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and we are open to new members. email:downlandquilters@outlook.com Our meetings dates have changed for 2022 Saturday 22ⁿ� October, Saturday 5�� November, and Saturday 3�� December.
Kempton House Day Centre – 60 Years Young 1962- 2022 LUNCH - Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 10:30 am to 14:00 pm £5.00. BINGO - Friday 14:00 pm - 16:30 pm £3.00. Call Sue on 07821 515118. www.kemptonhousedaycentre.com
We were blessed with some lovely weather and cursed by the lack of rain. We are never satisfied when it comes to the climate! The parched ground was a reminder that we need to look after our earth better and though it’s now autumn and we have rain, its best not to forget.
From September 24�� to October 2ⁿ� there was the Great Big Green Week, which I am sure you will have heard about. The Townswomen's Guilds do a lot of campaigning and for this one, we all scoured our cupboards for unwanted but in-date items of food and bought extra at the supermarket to donate to the local food bank.
The TG Annual General Meeting was held in Scarborough this year and our representative had a busy and interesting time. This is a meeting of all the guilds around the country and part of the event is choosing our next campaign, the photograph is of our Sussex banner in the parade. So, this coming year we are calling on Banks to be more considerate and make things like changing treasurers or banks simpler. With the decreasing availability of local branches banking is now challenging for many people.
see the on-line magazine at www.peacehavendirectory.co.uk or
The Saltdean Guild is a group of women of various ages, we are welcoming and inclusive, and will welcome you. Apart from visiting speakers, we have social events, and guild activities such as the Lunch Club, Games and Canasta afternoons, and a Natural Health and Wellbeing Group and we are always open to new activities.
In late October we have a coach trip to Hassocks for lunch and a meeting with our other local Guilds and we are planning an outing to see spring bulbs in bloom, date and venue are yet to be arranged.
Please come and join us at our monthly meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at St. Martin’s Church Hall, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean at 2:00 pm and connect with local women!
Contact Audrey (01273 303596), Elaine (01273 302375) or Diane (01273 640895) for more details andbecomepartofthecamaraderie andfriendshipthatgoeswithbeinga member.Read more about TG on the internet at www.the-tg.com.
Well, where did that summer go? Written by Diane – on behalf of Saltdean Townswomen’s GuildDo you love quilts? We do. Have you ever wanted to make a quilt but were unsure how to begin? Come along and see us; we can get you started. Or you may be an experienced quilter; if you are, you would also be most welcome to come along. We are a friendly group of stitchers and quilters with varying degrees of experience and skills. We love to share our craft with each other and always come away inspired.
Our group started over 40 years ago in Patcham. Before Covid, we moved to Peacehaven Meridian Centre, where there are excellent facilities, ample free parking and shopping.
The history of quilting goes back many years. It has changed and adapted with the times, so much so that many online sites encourage and motivate us.
We meet on the 4th Saturday of the month in the Anzac room in the Meridian Centre Peacehaven from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. We are currently welcoming new members. (Check out the What’s On Page for 2022 dates) Our membership is £10.00 a year. For more information, feel free to email us at downlandquilters@outlook.com you can also message us on our Facebook page. Downland Quilters Peacehaven. We would love to hear from you.
Sunday 9
October at 6:00
October at 11:00 am
October at 6:00 pm
October at 11:00 am
October at 6:00
Tuesday 8:00 am
Thursday 10:00 am
Friday 8:00 am
Free To Join & Well Behaved Dogs Are Also Welcome. Meeting Points Vary: Peacehaven, Telscombe, Newhaven, Seaford etc. Most are accessible by bus. Only cancel if weather is severe.
Peacehaven Plodders – run in conjunction with SCDA charity
Wednesdays 10:30 am. Around 2 hours/3 miles, suitable for most fitness levels. Optional coffee afterwards. Walk Leader Dawn Paul has run the group for several years. View latest 12 week schedule on Facebook and just turn up, or contact Dawn for more info: Mobile 0796 684 2232 dawn.paul99@outlook.com www.facebook.com/peacehavenplodders
Tuesdays 10:30 am. Around 2 ½ hours, 4 miles, occasionally 5 or 6 miles - longer walks not suitable for beginners. Optional coffee afterwards or along the route. Walk Leader Chris Goodwin (who is also one of the Plodders) set up an additional smaller group of 6 Plodders (not linked to SCDA). Some longer walks are occasionally further afield, e.g. Eastbourne, Stanmer Park, Beachy Head, and may also include a lunch being arranged. Please contact Chris for info: 01273 587376 chrisgoodwin@sky.com
Get in touch with the Telscombe Civic Centre
Telscombe Civic Centre, 360 South Coast Road, Telscombe Cliffs, East Sussex, BN10 7ES Tel: 01273 589777, E-mail: enquiries@telscombetowncouncil.gov.uk
Civic Centre Opening Hours:- Reception: Every weekday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, excluding bank holidays. Town Clerk & RFO: Stella Newman, PSLCC Web: www.telscombetowncouncil.gov.uk
Thankful Flow Yoga on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. Email elly@thankfulflow.com
Citizens Advice: Drop in advice surgery. Advice can also be gained via their website www.citizensadvice.org.uk
The last Tuesday of each month, Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Contact: Adviceline 03444 111 444
Bereavement support Group Coffee Morning - Second Wednesday of every month, 10:00 - 12:00 pm. Contact Lesley on 08081 691922
Breast Cancer Support Group Meeting - First Wednesday of every month, 1:00 - 3:30 pm. Email bcsgroup@btinternet.com
Deans Senior Tea Club - Tuesdays from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.
Living Light Pilates - Mondays 10:30-11:30 am, Wednesdays 10:30 am - 11:30 am, Fridays 10:00 - 11:00 am. Contact Nicola on 07776 457752
Peacehaven & Telscombe Flower Club - Third Wednesday of every month 2:30 - 4:30 pm.
Contact Christine Webb on 01273 586191
Telscombe Residents Association - First Thursday of every month 7:00 pm. Contact Chris on 01273 583213
Women’s Institute - Second Wednesday of every month 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Contact P Winton on 01273 585205
Yoga with Jane - Mondays at 7:15 pm. Contact Jane on 07703 167895
Little Stars Pre-School Dancing – Tuesdays from 9:00 to 10:00 am. Contact Anneli Smith on 07930 490058
Keep Fit with Newhaven & Peacehaven U3A – Thursdays 10:45 to 11:45 am. Contact 01273 589953 or 01273 513707
see the on-line magazine at www.peacehavendirectory.co.uk or
Appointments are available as usual, following government and professional guidelines.
full sanitation is in operation at all times
Pranayama means ‘to stretch the breath.’ It is prudent to advance gradually in any form of stretching that we do with the physical body. When stretching the physical body, the ligaments act as elastic tissue and have a great capacity to stretch, provided the extent of flexibility is approached and accommodated gradually by the entire organism. At the same time, the muscle tissue needs to be strong enough to provide adequate support for the increased flexibility, maintaining a healthy balance. If ligaments are stretched too rapidly beyond their limit injury results, ranging from tearing a few fibres to a complete ligamentous tear, requiring an extended recovery period. When stretching the breath, it seems logical that the same caution should be applied to maintain balance in the system as a whole.
In the physical mechanics of breathing, we move many body tissues as we breathe air into the lungs. The lungs themselves, the pleural lining around the lungs and between the fissures, the fascial tissue between the lungs and all surrounding organs and structures – heart, oesophagus, diaphragm, ribs, sternum, spine – particularly the cervical spine from which the lungs are suspended. Not forgetting that all the nerves and blood vessels are housed in this elastic fascial tissue that surrounds just about every structure in the body. Also, the structures affected by these adjacent structures, in particular all the abdominal organs that are affected by the diaphragm as it moves with the breath.
Injury patterns and restrictions in any of these structures can become more apparent when the breath is stretched further than accustomed. A restricted rib or cervical vertebra, e.g., may start to move more freely in response to gently expanding the breath. Gradually, with the careful expansion of the breath, deeper tensions may start to release.
When deep fascial tissue tensions in and between organs are released therapeutically, they can release deep tensions that may have been held in the body for a long period of time, without the person being consciously aware of them. This requires a deep adjustment within the whole system to regain an equilibrium that is ultimately beneficial though perhaps at first a little disorientating. I feel that a similar release can be gained with careful Pranayama.
If the stretch of the breath and the tissues is gradual, the body can easily accommodate the micro changes whilst maintaining equilibrium.
Imagine the effect of tension in the pleural tissue. Suppose that this tension pulls through to the diaphragm, affecting the breathing generally and the entire abdominal system via the restricted diaphragmatic movement. It may also pull through to the psoas muscle affecting the kidneys, which normally travel 600 metres along the psoas every day. The tension in the psoas muscle may pull unevenly on the hip and the lumbar spine affecting the nerve distribution to surrounding muscles and organs. The body considers organs and blood vessels to be more important than joints for survival, so it is happy for the person to have an adapted posture creating tension in a joint to make space to minimise or avoid any effective tension in an organ.
Imagine now that the breath is suddenly stretched, releasing all the tension in the pleural tissue. The dynamics of the forces held throughout the body to help compensate for this tension are now no longer required. Suddenly, the accommodation and adaption around the stresses on the diaphragm, kidneys, lumbar spine, hip, and perhaps reflex nerve responses all need to change, yet the change is far too great for the body to accommodate, resulting in imbalance. I feel the principle is similar to overstretching a ligament by excessive physical stretching, just that the physical stretching is this time accomplished with the breath.
Gentle breathing techniques allow the person to develop control over the breathing mechanism and the rhythm of the breath; bonding with the lobes of the lungs and the breath whilst having a beneficial effect on the body structures and circulation. The use of physical postures with this breath further develops the strength of the breath. There is also a powerfully relaxing effect on our emotional brain's large Solar Plexus nerve centre, helping to keep it decongested. We are happy to advise you on your health matters.
I run a Breathing Class on Wednesday 12:00 - 12:30 pm for all levels at St Martin’s Church Hall, Saltdean. Please contact me for details.
LinBridgefordDOKFRPMICAKMICRAFSCCOMscRegisteredOsteopath&Kinesiologist&SeniorYogaTeacher. MasterHypnosisandNLPPractitioner. AetherBiosClinic,Saltdean,0127330955707710227038 www.osteo-info.co.uk.
YouTubesearchAetherBiosORLinBridgefordInstagramlinbridgeford https://linbridgeford.wordpress.com containsallmyarticlesasblogs
Thispositionisonanad-hocbasis. Wearelookingforsomeonewhocan encourageandsupportayoungmale toprogressintheirskillsofhome maintenance.
An understanding of autism would be an advantage. Being able to be kind and show patience is a must. Please contact Care Manager Rosemarie on: 07784 796748 rosemariemrodgers@gmail.com
Assisted sheltered housing for retired people Independent living with support COMMITTEE MEMBERS WANTED
Dorothy House is a sheltered housing scheme in Peacehaven providing housing for retired local people.
We presently have vacancies in our Management Committee. This is an interesting and varied voluntary role, which involves attending evening meetings every six weeks.
If you would like to get involved in our local organisation please contact Sandra Morris on 01273 587817, email info@ptha.co.uk
see the on-line magazine at www.peacehavendirectory.co.uk or
My name is Alex Murphy. I trained at Harlequin Studios at the Joff in Peacehaven from 3 years old and now teach there. It is lovely to have come full circle! I danced all my life; as a child, I competed all over Europe and America. I did my degree in dance and professional practice.
I completed my course in Zumba Fitness in September 2012 and began my classes a couple of weeks later! My dance background meant that I could choreograph all my own routines rather than using the official ones recommended by the Zumba company. I preferred to use pop music rather than strictly Latin music. It means everyone can sing along while they exercise, which makes it more fun! I use a mix of music genres from Snoop Dogg and Ed Sheeran to ABBA and Tina Turner. Also, instead of just Latin dance styles, I incorporate Street dance, Charleston, Bhangra, Commercial, as well as the usual cha cha, salsa, samba etc.
People are still attending classes 10 years on because it's really accessible. I have members aged 8 to ladies in their 90s! One of my members was very proud to tell me she had turned 92 and liked her title as my oldest member! She's absolutely amazing. With Zumba, you can jump around like a maniac for an hour and burn about 600 calories. You can do the same class but take out the jumps and the turns and just go at your own pace and enjoy the music. I never adapt my classes according to the age or ability of those attending - I let my amazing members decide the intensity at which they would like to do it.
One lovely thing about classes is that they're also really social. I've been lucky enough to witness many friendships form. Many members attending morning classes go for a coffee together afterwards, which is great to see.
In November 2021, Zumba Fitness Peacehaven ran our very first Zumbathon in aid of Cancer Research UK. I and my assistant instructors, Keri, Emma and Nicky and several of our members danced non-stop for 3 hours. We had around 50 people coming in and out over the duration doing one, two or even three hours of dancing. The atmosphere was terrific, with lots of tears at the end! We held a huge raffle in which dozens of local businesses donated prizes, and everyone who attended also made a donation. People also sponsored us and donated even if they couldn't make it on the day. Everyone's generosity was overwhelming, and we ended up raising £2,047. It was an absolutely incredible evening. I am looking forward to making it an annual event.
My classes run every week at the Joff Youth Centre in Peacehaven. Classes cost £6 per class or 5 classes for £25.
All classes are drop-in, so there is no need to book, and your first class is free! Come and improve not only your physical health but your mental health too!
I would love for you to join us
Mondays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesdays 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Thursdays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Fridays 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Please visit our website for further information and to meet our lovely boys. We have an introductory offer of £25 per person to be taken by 31�� Oct 2022.
Our walks take place from the farm and start with a talk and introduction to our lovely boys. After pairing you up with your alpaca we head off for an hours walk across farmland with stunning views of the surrounding Downs. Allow 1.5 hrs for the whole experience.
Please email studfarmalpacas@gmail.com and quote PHD-Intro www.studfarmalpacas.co.uk. Check out what the boys are up to on Instagram @studfarm_alpacas. Or visit us on Facebook @StudFarmAlpacas
see the on-line magazine at www.peacehavendirectory.co.uk or
We take great pride in the quality of our Dentistry and want to make your visit a pleasant experience. Our aim is good dental health for you and your family through Preventative dentistry. This means giving you regular advice and helping you to understand how to care for your teeth yourself, to reduce the need for dental treatment.
HSP scheme which stands for Healthcare Service Plans scheme is available at this surgery.
This is a yearly scheme with a membership fee. Fees for services are considerably less than average private fees and you get two FREE check-ups and pay for the treatment you require as and when necessary.
If a lot of treatment is needed you can spread the cost over time.
Working hours:
Day of the Week Working hours
Monday 09:00 to 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 to 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 to 17:00
Thursday 09:00 to 17:00
Friday 09:00 to 17:00
Saturday Closed Sunday Closed
As a new local resident of Peacehaven, Dr Suzen welcomes the local pet community with a special, local discount for all BN10 residents and new ‘neighbours’ when sadly faced with this heart-breaking last journey.
family members - and their families – have more quality time together without stressful travel to the vet.
Our calling is to give the most loving and peaceful goodbye in the comfort of a favourite spot, at home, using our gentle two-step, non-clinical method, with a sedation first, tailored to your pet’s unique personality and special ailments, ensuring a calm and gentle transition for your pet.
If you happen to see our colourful ‘Celebrating Life’ painted car (pictured here) around town, it will be Dr Suzen’s daughter, Amanda who is also her Practice Manager, on her weekly round to personally return beloved pets’ ashes to their families, while remembering everything these precious animals bring to our lives.
Wave Community Bank has launched a new Help Point within Havens Community Hub at 2a Thompson Road, Denton, BN9 0RS in an effort to help local residents access financial services and help with managing their money. The drop-in help point is open every Wednesday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.
The latest price-cap rise in energy costs is predicted to create even more users of the services of the Hub projects and one concern for the management team of the Hub was the thought of people turning to ‘loan sharks’ or disreputable lenders to cope with higher outgoings.
Wave Community Bank was formerly known as the East Sussex Credit Union. A credit union is a financial co-operative which provides savings, loans and a range of services to its members. It is owned and controlled by the members.
“I think Wave Community Bank approaching us at this time to have a session at the Hub offers so many positive opportunities to prevent people from being forced to take high-interest loans or loan shark
payments to make ends meet at this very difficult time for us all,” said Paula Woolven, founder of the Hub, “Community Banking from a Community Hub just makes sense. Wave Community Bank’s ethical, sustainable, successful savings and loan schemes match the ethos of the Hub – providing joint solutions for community members.”
Havens Community Hub helps meet unmet community needs and during the height of the pandemic launched three new projects. Havens Community Cars, a volunteer car driver scheme to help people unable to use public transport, Havens Food Cooperative, a waste reduction, and priority redistribution food pantry, and Havens Happy Clubs, activity and social clubs for older people with complex needs.
The Hub also offers support and guidance to other local charities and causes to help them remain sustainable and active.
see the on-line magazine at www.peacehavendirectory.co.uk or
Accounting Services
Shoreline 12
TaskerOsman 33
Aerial & Saltellite Installation
Andy’sAerials 7
FirstRateAerial 5
SeafordTV 25
Teleview 4
Alterations for Clothing
CorrinatheSeamstress 49
Assisted Living ChurchillRetirement 64
Blinds & Curtains
BNBlinds 4 SeahavenBlinds 27 SussexBlinds 58
Brickwork & Flintwork SteveMead 5
Building Services
MapleLeafContractors 32
Car Repair/Service Centre
CRAllen&Sons 13
FairlightGarage FC&54
Cash for Vehicles
BrightonVehicleSuppliesLtd 55
Chiropody/Podiatry Services
AcornChiropody 14
MobileFootPractitioner 20 RitaTanyous 40
Cleaning Services (interior)
CrossSpecialistCleaningCompany 30 Fibrecare 37
Computer Services SaltdeanTech 38 SouthernPCServices 10
Counselling Services GoodtoTalk 29
SeahavenTherapy 51
Dental Services DentalCare4U 60
Dog Walking K9Klub 4
Drainage Services IUnblockDrains 16
ASAnderson&SonElectrical 14
GeeringElectrical 22
JKirbyElectrical 24
Lights&Points 32
MRElectrical 36
MSElectricalInstallations 7
PeacehavenElectricalServicesLtd 54
WestviewElectrical 40
Estate Agents/Letting Agents
Barry Passmore & Associates 40
Carruthers & Luck FC, BP & 34
Eightfold Property Agency 50
Open House FC & 3
AetherBiosYoga 52
Exterior Cleaning/Repairs
AllGutters 32 CleanerWindows 33
Fencing Specialists
Colourfence 23 EHTreecare 20 GPDFencing FC&12 French Tutor TamaraCastro 37
Funeral Directors
CaringLadyFuneralCare 62
JWagstaffFuneralDirectors 10
Garage Doors
G&NGarageDoors 7
GarageDoorsServiced 15
GarollaRollerShutterDoors 49
Gardening/Landscaping Services
BarkersGardensMaint.&Landscaping 24
CleanCutGardeningServices 37
EHTreecare 20
GPDFencing FC&12
GavinGardenServices 14
KPLandscapes 55
TheGreenEscapeGardeningServices 16
Hairdresser (Mobile/unisex) Terri-forMature&Traditionalcuts 57
Heating Specialists
AbbaHeat 5
Brewsters&Sons 39 GregoryGas 16 ProGasServices 32
Hifi & Electronics bought and sold Hifi&ElectronicsBought&Sold 7
Holiday Lets
LittleHaven 33
Home Improvement Companies
Howdens 18&19 KitchensofSussex 49
PremierCarpets 2 VRFlowers&Son 21
Leisure Activities
AlpacaWalks,Tels.CliffsStudFarm 57 Locksmith
AndyAnderson&SonsLocksmith 31
SurelockSolutions 13
Opticians SussexEyecare 36
Osteopathy/Kinesiology AetherBios 52
Oven Cleaners
OvenCleaners4U 33
Painters & Decorators
AHGordon 32 Chris&TobyDecorating 27
JRossDecorating 66
Photography Services
ColetteLangtonPhotography 58
Plastering Services
A&APlastering 33
RobEvansPlastering 33
DMPlumbing 37
JennerProperty&Plumbing 29
PaulHallettPlumbing 6
Property Maintenance
Domino 32 GBHomeMaintenance 58 JDCHandyman 22
Removal & Storage Services
Bob’sTransport 26
Restaurants Maloncho 67
Roofing Services ARNRoofing 25 ASAnderson&SonRoofing 26 ClarkesofBrighton 27
MattSears&SonsRoofing 31
PeakeRoofing 38 RidgelineRoofing 16
Barwells 56
DeansLegalServices 17 WestminsterLaw 39 Takeaways
MalonchoIndianTakeaway 67 Taxi Services
JadeLongDistanceTravel FC TotalTravelCompany FC&29
Travel Consultants
ExperienceItNowTravel 59
Veterinary Services CoastwayVets 22 Vets2Home 61 Waste Disposal Greeenacre 28 TheRubbishMan 32 Weight Loss SlimmingWorld 44
Will Writing PenroseWills 11
Window Cleaning 555Cleaning 26 CleanerWindows 33 WindowWipe 31
Window Fitting/repairs SecureWindows 20
SRCDoubleGlazing 6 WindowRepairMagician FC&8/9
Maloncho has a unique talent for changing the way people perceive and experience Indian cuisine. We combine the finest quality, impeccably sourced best ingredients to create a unique and innovative modern Indian menu. Our reputation speaks for itself with an array of food hygiene Certificates including a current 5 star rating, in addition we have numerous awards of excellence.
New Chef Specialities Include: Chicken or Lamb Nashilee, Chicken or King Prawn Nowabi, Sizzler Juliet (Chicken or Lamb), Chicken or Lamb Naga, Paneer Maiai (mild), Paneer Chilli Massalla (Spicy) and Khazana Maloncho•etc.
also introduced
Indian Fish dishes which are already popular.
see the on-line magazine at www.peacehavendirectory.co.uk or
This outstandingly spacious 4 bedroom, 3 reception room, detached family home comes with a self-contained 1 bedroom annexe and is located in a favoured location close to local shops, doctors surgery, local parks, local schools, the Cliff Top Promenade and bus services to Brighton City Centre and Eastbourne Town Centre. The property offers a huge amount of living accommodation by the way of a west facing kitchen/breakfast/dining room, west facing lounge both with vaulted ceilings and a dual fuel log burner in the lounge, west facing reception/dining room, large entrance porch with its triple cloak cupboard, spacious and airy entrance hall, large utility room, four bedrooms, large family bath/shower room/wc, shower room/wc and an ensuite shower room/wc to bedroom one. The annexe benefits from its own private entrance but has the option to gain access to the main house via the entrance porch and utility room. It comprises of an open plan lounge/kitchen/dining room, large double bedroom with an en-suite shower room/wc. Outside the property you will discover a good size west facing rear garden that offers a huge amount of entertaining space which includes the heated swimming pool, hot tub and summer house that can be used as a home office, home gym or somewhere for the children to spend time with their friends.