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Charity Fashion Show, Walking Group Info, Peacehaven Community Supermarket
Charity Fashion Show
High street clothes! All prices bargains galore!!
Do you need a few new separates to liven up your wardrobe?
Would you like them at bargain prices? Look no further …. Don’t miss out – come along to this event and enjoy an afternoon of fashion and fun hosted by travelling trends. This is your chance to see, try on and buy this season’s fashions at greatly reduced Peacehaven Evangelical church prices and help to raise much needed funds for Guide Dogs UK DATE: Friendship centre, Mayfield Avenue
VENUE: Evangelical Church Peacehaven 132 South Coast Road, Peacehaven, BN10 8RD Wednesday 5:30 and 7:30 TICKET PRICE: in advance or with Michelle 07467 182971
For on the door including tea/coffee and cakedetails of how to get a ticket contact Claire mobile.: 07871493535 Thursday 8:45 and 10:15 amDOORS OPEN: START TIME: NO ORDERING BUY ON THE DAY – PAY BY CASH OR Email: peacehavencoastalguidedogs@gmail.comFor details of how to get a ticket contact Claire mobile.: 07871493535with Val 07761 020 509
For details of how to get a ticket contact Claire mobile.: 07871493535Email: peacehavencoastalguidedogs@gmail.com

Email: peacehavencoastalguidedogs@gmail.com
CHARITY No. for ENGLAND & WALES (209607)
CHARITY No. for ENGLAND & WALES (209607)
CHARITY No. for ENGLAND & WALES (209607)
Two Walking Groups Run By Peacehaven Residents
Free To Join & Well Behaved Dogs Are Also Welcome. Meeting Points Vary: Peacehaven, Telscombe, Newhaven, Seaford etc. Most are accessible by bus. Only cancel if weather is severe. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Peacehaven Plodders – run in conjunction with SCDA charity
Wednesdays 10:30 am. Around 2 hours/3 miles, suitable for most fitness levels. Optional coffee afterwards. Walk Leader Dawn Paul has run the group for several years. View latest 12 week schedule on Facebook and just turn up, or contact Dawn for more info: Mobile 0796 684 2232 dawn.paul99@outlook.com www.facebook.com/peacehavenplodders ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sussex Strollers

Tuesdays 10:30 am. Around 2 ½ hours, 4 miles, occasionally 5 or 6 miles - longer walks not suitable for beginners. Optional coffee afterwards or along the route. Walk Leader Chris Goodwin (who is also one of the Plodders) set up an additional smaller group of 6 Plodders (not linked to SCDA). Some longer walks are occasionally further afield, e.g. Eastbourne, Stanmer Park, Beachy Head, and may also include a lunch being arranged. Please contact Chris for info: 01273 587376 chrisgoodwin@sky.com