THE DEANS September 2017
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Welcome to the September Edition For anyone who may have missed it, this month’s cover by Colette Langton captures the development of the offshore Rampion wind farm, scheduled to open next year, it is set to have a capacity of 400 megawatts generated by 116 turbines. Maintenance and administrative support for the 140 metre turbines will be from the port of Newhaven. Summer may be nearing its end but that doesn’t mean everything stops, indeed if you scan the articles and adverts in this edition you will see there is still plenty going on, there is Our Lady of Lourdes Summer Ball page 41, Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club Open day p60, events at the Grange gallery p63, and the Brighton Male Voice Choir Festival on page 62. Thanks to everyone who has submitted editorial for this edition, keep this coming in so that we can keep local people up to date about what is going on around the Deans area. Keith - Editor
Page 7 Dolphin Computer Tips Page 11 Clifden House Page 23 Saltdean Community Charity Page 25 Health Tips Page 37 Local History Page 41 Friends of Beacon Hill Page 43 Neighbourhood Watch Page 44 / 45 What’s On & Events Page 53 Saltdean Pilates Studio Page 57 Nomad Cafe Ovingdean Page 59 Cinema Saltdean Film Review Page 61 Rottingdean & Saltdean Lions Page 63 Rottingdean Preservation Soc. Page 65 Slimming World Page 66 Index of Advertisers Cover picture: Colette Langton Printing: Newnorth Distribution: M A Distribution Disclaimer: The Deans Magazine Ltd does not necessarily support or endorse any views put forward by contributors or advertisers. Any information or advice provided here should be used at the readers’ discretion
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Computer tips from Dolphin Computer Upgrades Computer Tips & Advice 96
Microsoft Scam
There are very few of us now who aren’t aware of the scam cold callers purporting to be Microsoft engineers telling you that you have a problem with your computer. In fact, because we’ve all wised up to this scam, they’ve had to move onto pastures new. The latest reported way in which they are tricking the unsuspecting marks an evolution in bogus tech support scams. Instead of the phone call, you’ll now get an email with links that lead to fraudulent tech support sites. The emails appear to be genuine correspondence from well-known brands such as LinkedIn and Amazon. The email pretends to be an invoice, cancelled order, or social media message that contains phishing links hidden in seemingly harmless text. By clicking the link, you will be lead to a compromised website that, as with existing tactics, automatically redirects you to the scam site. You may then encounter a scare-mongering pop up telling you about your urgent security issues which directs you to a tech support scam website. Once here there are more scare tactics employed to trick you into calling hotlines and paying for unnecessary 'technical support services' that supposedly fix your non-existent issues. Microsoft's research into these types of issues indicates that three million users each month are exposed to tech-support scams. The most widespread tech-support scam malware is known as TechBrolo, which uses a looping dialog box that effectively locks the browser, and an audio file that describes
the supposed problem and urges the user to call a support number. With the increasingly sophisticated nature of scam emails it becomes more difficult to spot the scam ones from genuine emails. For this type of tech scam, it is worth reminding you that Microsoft doesn't proactively reach out to users to offer unsolicited tech support.
Above: Screen shot of an actual phishing message
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Clifden House
Local School partners with Dementia Care Centre A successful partnership has developed between a leading Seaford dementia care centre and pupils at Northease Manor School, Lewes. Pupils from Northease Manor School, Lewes and the residents of Clifden House Dementia Care Centre have developed a special relationship over the past year that has included baking, fundraising and entertainment. Empathy Dolls Initially, the Year 10 Citizenship group invited speakers from Clifden House to explain to students what dementia feels like and following this the students became interested in doll therapy – as a way of helping dementia sufferers.
Links between the school and the home continue to grow; Northease students have campaigned to raise money to buy special empathy dolls. Cake sale and performance On another visit to Clifden House, the pupils helped residents bake a range of cup cakes. They also held a cake sale to raise money to buy the therapy dolls. At the end of term, Clifden House residents travelled over to watch the of year production of Beauty and the Beast. A sense of achievement Rowena Carr at Northease School said “It is such a great opportunity for our pupils to use their skills to help others. It is very evident that the residents at Clifden House enjoy the involvement of our pupils, and the pupils too feel a great sense of achievement in doing something very positive for the residents of the dementia care centre. It is a thoroughly mutually beneficial partnership and one we hope to continue. Our pupils will meet with the residents again to see how successful the doll therapy is. ”
Nial Joyce of Clifden House said: “The pupils from Northease School are such a pleasure to have. Our residents love having them here, their baking skills and general interaction with our residents is fantastic. The end of year production was the ‘icing on the cake’ with everyone in high spirits!” Ongoing support activities The partnership between Northease School and Clifden House is part of a comprehensive activity calendar at the home to create an active and vibrant environment for everyone. Involvement of local pupils and local groups is often credited with helping residents stay connected with the wider community. Clifden House is one of the leading dementia care homes in the South East. It has an overall ‘good’ rating from the CQC. 01323 896460
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Charity Begins at Home!
The Saltdean Community Charity Behind the scenes of The Saltdean Community Association (SCA) Registered Charity No. 270950 significant activity has been taking place. To make the charity more relevant and to extend some good ideas about community projects but its scope the old constitution has been no cash to support them, help may be at hand. overhauled, a new Board of Trustees elected and We will not know about your project or idea business plans agreed. The charity is now known unless you tell us! as The Saltdean Community Charity but still Let us know what you want to do - or are already retains the 1966 registration, name and number. doing - and how your group or idea benefits the The new Trustees have put on their thinking caps community. and now wish to go beyond their current role of The Charity already supports several initiatives managing Saltdean Community Hall and reach out and groups in Saltdean including the weekly Tea to other community groups who need support Club at St Nicholas Church and our new Co-op including financial support. This is where we supported project to collect and celebrate need help. memories of local seniors. If you are in the midst of attempting to do We look forward to hearing from you. something for the local community, are already Contact: Email running a group for the betterment of people’s or lives in Saltdean and its neighbours, or just have 01273 301502
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Osteopathy tips
Bridgeford’s Best Bites:
Piriformis Syndrome The term was introduced by Robinson in 1947, implies a group of signs and symptoms caused by piriformis muscle disorders, leading to irritation and compression of the anatomic structures passing under its belly, notably the sciatic nerve, causing sciatica that is not related to the spine or discs. There is no consensus regarding diagnosis, pathophysiology, investigation and management. Anatomy: There are 2 piriformis muscles located across the bottom, attaching at one end to the ball at the top of the hip bone (the greater trochanter of the femur) and at the other end to either side of the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine) where the utero-sacral ligament also attaches. Piriformis muscles pass over the sacro-iliac joints, having a strong relationship with sciatic nerve, which passes under or through piriformis muscle slightly differently in each individual, making some people more susceptible to related sciatic nerve irritation. Symptoms: Are mostly related to spasm of the muscle and irritation of the underlying sciatic nerve. Buttock tenderness in the muscle itself and deep seated gluteal pain, which can radiate to coccyx and back of the leg. Aggravated by prolonged sitting, hip flexion, abduction (taking the leg out to the side) and internal rotation. There may be different leg lengths, weak hip abductors and pain on resisted hip abduction in sitting position. Causes: Usually by a fall on the buttocks or direct trauma. Can also be from irritation of the sacro-iliac joint or a lump near the sciatic notch, lipoma (fat containing lump) in the muscle, chronic expanding hematoma across the gluteal muscles, fibrosis after a deep injection, one leg shorter than the other, pyomyositis (bacterial infection in skeletal muscle that can cause a pus-filled abscess), dystonia (neurological movement disorder causing contractions and spasms), possibly adverse effects of atorvastatin. The layer of fascia surrounding the abdominal cavity can provide a route for infection from pelvis to piriformis, involving it in urino-genital irritation. Piriformis syndrome after caesarean section spinal anaesthetic is attributed to the spinal procedure, though can be caused by prolonged upright sitting after delivery, compressing sciatic nerve at sacro-iliac joint, inflaming and irritating piriformis. Ballet dancers often need help with piriformis due to leg turn-out position.
Diagnosis: Neurological examination and imaging results are usually normal and used to rule out other causes of sciatica; each leg can be lifted up when laying on the back; symptoms are not be relieved by lumbar facet joint injections as lumbar nerve origin sciatica would be. Flexion, adduction and internal rotation movements of the hip cause pain. Pain can be reproduce by deep palpation in piriformis; contracting piriformis with Pace's manoeuvre: seated patient abducts the legs; stretching piriformis with Freiberg's manoeuvre: forceful internal rotation of the extended thigh and Side-laying: patient laying painful side up, upper leg bent, then lifting and holding upper knee several inches off the table. Treatment: Focuses on stretching (hip flexion, adduction, and external rotation), hip muscle strengthening, physical therapies, deep soft tissue work, acupuncture dry-needling, pain medication and ultrasound guided nerve blocks and injections, including corticosteroid and botulinum toxin; surgical management should be a last resort and can include arthroscopic release of the muscle. Osteopathic/Manual Management: Adjusting spinal and hip bones, soft tissue and myofascial techniques, stretching, dry needling, home rehabilitation exercises; attention to postural habits and ergonomics. We are happy to advise you on your health matters and offer a free 15 minute joint and spinal check, without obligation. Lin Bridgeford DO KFRP MICAK MICRA FSCCO MSc Registered Osteopath & Kinesiologist & Yoga Teacher Aether Bios Clinic Saltdean 01273 309557 07710 227038
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Local history - Part 64
Mike Laslett
Proposed film studios 1945/46 at Ovingdean
Last month I wrote about a film made in this area. Now by contrast here is some information about films that could have been made in our locality but never happened. In December 1945 The Land and Works Committee of Brighton Council considered a proposal to grant a 50 year lease of 36 acres of farmland to Bruton Films Ltd. for use as a film production studio. Later that month the full council agreed to enter into the lease. The site, north of the coast road, was opposite St Dunstan’s, near to Roedean School and would have rivalled Denham, Pinewood or Elstree. The Brighton and Hove Gazette reported on 15 December that there had been a lively debate at the full Council before the matter was approved. There were fears that there would be unsightly buildings on the cliff top as film studios required a large number of exterior sets which were most unsightly when viewed from the rear. Another Councillor drew attention to the proximity of Roedean School and the fact that the film industry attracted such persons as gigolos. The Council decided to proceed and at a Rottingdean village meeting on 28 January villagers were divided on the merits of the scheme. Some said that Brighton Council shouldn’t be antagonised, that the local economy needed the scheme or that it couldn’t look worse than St Dunstan’s (!) Those against the scheme said that we might suddenly find a full size Queen Mary or Titanic (how prophetic) which would require a huge unsightly building, while others anticipated danger from the high powered cars of film impresarios. However, The Rottingdean Preservation Society went into overdrive. Having had St Margaret’s flats imposed on them without consultation, the Society had been formed to prevent such further unilateral impositions by Brighton Council.
They wrote to The Editor in Chief of the Press Association and brief paragraphs outlining the objectionable proposal appeared in the Evening Standard, Evening News and The Star in June 1946. (I have copies but they are undated) The Society wrote to every government department whom they thought might lend their support: Planning, Food production, Housing, Transport and Trade, etc. Letters in support of the enterprise appeared in The Argus on 10��, 14�� and 15�� June. A year after it all started, the Council agenda dated 12 December noted the Land Works Committee minute 125 on 14�� November which stated that the proposals had been withdrawn by the proposers due to various delays. Of considerable interest is the fact that an earlier proposal of 1938 to build a Hydro was resurrected. It had been put into abeyance until the war was over. The proposer expected it to proceed now the war had ceased and the film company was no longer in the picture. The proposal was ambitious. The Roedean Hydro would have been the largest and finest in Europe, sleeping and dining one thousand people weekly. Although a draft agreement had been drawn up before the war it was never entered into. The Proposers were most aggrieved that the Council had considered allowing the film company use of the site. They now took it for granted that they could merrily proceed with their speculative venture. The Council decided not to proceed with the Hydro proposal. Below: Proposed film studio site
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Friends of Beacon Hill
Beacon Hill Nature Reserve We would like to say a massive Thank You to everybody that came and visited our stall at the Rottingdean Village Fair. We had a fantastic day and the total raised on the day exceeded our expectations by a long mark… We were also extremely happy to have been nominated by the Workdays are the 2ⁿ� Wednesday and 4�� Friday of the month. Fair Committee as one of their two local charitable groups, the Upcoming dates are 25�� August, 13��, 22ⁿ� and 23�� other being Roger’s Wildlife Rescue. September. If you need an added incentive, after our Friday workdays we wander down to the Beacon Hub Kiosk Café for a The funds will be used to buy much needed equipment. These cuppa and slice of cake. include tree poppers and lazy dogs. Unsure what they are ? Come up and join us and we will show you what and how to New volunteers are always welcome to join our regular use them. As summer draws to an end, and the ragwort has outings, meeting 10.00 at Longhill Road, Ovingdean, entrance been pulled, we turn our attention to the scrub. Brambles, to the Nature Reserve. hawthorn and sycamore are all unwanted woody plants that If you would like further information we can be found at :are slowly trying to creep across the hill. To give the more E-mail : delicate plants the best chance of survival we are continually Telephone : 01273 983000 pulling the dominant scrub, allowing daylight to reach the Facebook : ground and give life to the flowers. Our Autumn 2017 Great Scrub Bash is being held on Friday 22ⁿ� and Saturday 23�� September. On both days we will have a morning (10AM-noon) and afternoon (2-4PM) session in the hope that new (and old) volunteers can find a suitable slot. Come and join us, meeting at the Beacon Hub Café Kiosk which is located at the old golf course building – the car park will be open for ease of access. No specific skills are required on our volunteer days just a willingness to help out. Sturdy footwear, long trousers/sleeves and gardening gloves are recommended. Tools are provided but if you have a pair of secateurs please bring them.
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Neighbourhood Watch
Message from Denise Clark Chair of the Saltdean, Rottingdean, & Ovingdean Neighbourhood Watch This month we attended the last of the Summer Fairs where we always have a NHW stall‌ The final one for the Summer was the Village Fair in Rottingdean, where 23 residents decided to become NHW members. It was good to talk to so many existing members, and also the wider community giving help and advice when needed. We were all struck by the amount of resident of Saltdean, Rottingdean & Ovingdean who came and spoke to us about anti social driving and parking in our lovely area. The concerns ranged from speeding dangerously in 20 mile per hour zones, to parking on grass verges, blocking pavements, and dangerous parking around school and shops, and of course using mobile phones whilst driving. We are all aware that car ownership is on the rise, and parking is becoming more difficult for us all, but we were struck by the effect that this has on our communities, and how upset people were. We already run regular Speedwatch sessions in our three villages, and the more volunteers we have will enable us to do more. (Please contact us if you are interested in finding out more information).
Speedwatch is not about penalising people, but reminding them about keeping to the speed limit, which is set at 20 or 30 mph, so that pedestrians etc have more chance of survival if struck by a vehicle, and is there to keep residents safer. Perhaps we could all think twice when driving and parking about the impact we are having on our beautiful area, and how we would like it to stay that way. Any incidents of Anti-social driving can be reported at where there is a lot of information that is useful re other vehicle/parking issues. Another worry that surfaced is the worry of letting in utility workers and not being sure if they are genuine. Did you know you can create your own personal Password with the Companies, which their operative will have to tell you when they arrive? Check it out at and set one up. Enjoy the rest of the Summer safely and happily. For more information about Neighbourhood Watch or Speed Watch please contact secretary Linda Hood 01273 306441 or email
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What’s On
Mondays Civil Service Pensioners Alliance – Monday morning month‐ ly Evelyn George 308665. Saltdean Community Centre Weaning Clinic drop‐in at Hazel Co�age, Warren Road, Woodingdean. The first Monday of the month only (exc. Bank holidays) (FREE) Miss Fit Club 9.30 - 10.30am Saltdean Park Yoga ‐ 10am to Noon. Renata 01273 301245 or 07775537484 Ovingdean Village Hall Fun & Fit Pilates 8.30 - 9.25am, Cardio Blast - 9.30 -10am, Pilates 10.05-11am Gentle Aerobics 11.05 - 11.50am Saltdean Scout Hut - Karen 01273 585506 NCT Deans Bumps and Babies 1.30pm - 3.30pm Lido Community Room, Saltdean. Exercise to Music ‐ 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Church of the Holy Cross, Woodingdean. £3. Ella 737054 Womens Ins�tute ‐ Second Monday of the month. 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Ovingdean Village Hall Yoga – Monday and Wednesday evening and Thursday morning Breeda Duggan 233608. Sdean Community Centre Scouts (10.5 to 14 yrs) 7.30 – 9.30pm. Old Parish Ln, Wdean Mowgli Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm. Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Explorer Scouts (14 years – 18 years) Scout HQ, Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Brownies ‐ Term �mes 5.45pm to 7.00pm. Waiting list Samantha: 07870899832. Ovingdean Village Hall Nia Dance Class: 5-6PM Rottingdean Village Hall - Helena 01273 583299 Habakkuk Harriers running Club 7.00pm Running in and around Woodingdean. FREE. Phone 01273 705685 for details. Zumba 7-7.50pm Woodingdean Youth Centre, Warren Rd, £5, first class is FREE. 07795956793 Strong by Zumba (HIIT and bodyweight class) 7-8pm, 8-9pm Zumba fitness Telsc Cliffs Comm Church, Buckhurst Rd, BN10 7AH. FB: zumba with Lucie, drop in £6, £40 for 10 classes. 5 Rhythms Dance 7.30 to 9.30pm Rottingdean Village Hall. £10 or £8 students/over 65’s. Neda - 07779 033129 Pilates @ Saltdean Pilates 9.30 to 10.30am. lvl 2, 10.4511.45am lvl 1, 6.45 to 7.45pm lvl 3, 8.00 - 9.00pm lvl 2 private studio. Small classes of 4/5 people. £48 course - 6 classes. Tracy Armfield 07877 878532 Weight Watchers – Monday evenings 7.00pm – 8.30pm Sarah Evans 605749. S’dean Community Centre St Margaret’s Women’s Group 2nd Monday of the month, 7.30pm in the cottage, The Green, Rottingdean
Tuesdays Quiz night 1�� Tues of month, St Nicholas Hall, Sdean,7pm, £3, licensed. 01273 585059 Cinema - 4�� Tuesday St Nicholas Hall, Sdean, 7pm, £5.50, licensed. Morning meditation 7.30-8.30am Open Art Café, 6 Nevill Road Rottingdean Drop-in £3 info: Theresa Sundt 01273 303571 Saltdean & District Choir – Tuesday 9.45am Audrey Pickles 303596. Or Pamela Reynolds 583701 Saltdean Community Centre Church Service ‐ 10.00am.Holy Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Healing Clinic Drop in 10.00am - 1pm Saltdean for help with physical, mental, emotional conditions and animals Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551 607171 The Senior Tea Club 10.30am-12.30pm for tea & chat. Telscombe Civic Centre Open to Senior Deans residents, free - donations accepted Maria - 07584052837 or 01273 307435. Conversa�onal French 10.30am‐12pm, Our Lady Lourdes Church Hall, Steyning Road, Ro�ngdean. 01273 390179. All proceeds go to CAFOD Fun & Fit 8.55‐9.25am ‐ Strength Blast, 9.30 ‐ 10.30 ‐ Pilates, Ovingdean Village Hall. Karen 01273 585506 Baby and You 10.30am‐12 noon at Hazel Co�age Clinic, Warren Road, Woodingdean. (drop‐in for expectant parents and parent/carers with babies who are not yet walking) ‐ (FREE) Healthy Child Clinic 1.30pm – 3pm at the Saltdean Children’s Centre (Outreach) in Boomerang Kids Nursery, Saltdean Barn,Arundel Drive West, Saltdean. Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers.‐ (FREE) U3A Tai Chi 10am St Mar�ns Church Hall, Longridge Ave. Academy of Dancing 3.55 –7 pm. Charlene Benford 01323 899149 Saltdean Community Centre Over 50’s Keep Fit Classes – Tuesday 1.30 – 2.30 pm £3.00 per session. Tea and Coffee included. St Mar�ns Church Hall, Longridge Ave. Saltdean Parents/ Carers/ Babies/ Toddlers Tuesday 9‐12pm Pam Turner 01273 306553.Woodingdean Community Centre Zumba - Rottingdean Village Hall Tues 6.30 - 7.30PM, Helen Ford 07919 406917 Royal Sco�sh Country Dancing Society – Tuesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm during school �me. Saltdean Junior School. Pam & Ray Archer 01273 684417 Pilates 7.45 - 8.45pm Deans Leisure Centre, Falmer Road Contact Jan Davies - 07904 187257
Pilates @ Saltdean pilates 6.00 - 6.45pm Pregnancy Pilates, 7.15-8.15pm level 1 Private studio. Contact Tracy Armfield on 07877878532 / Small classes of 4/5 people. £48.00/course of 6 classes Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 6.30pm – 8.30pm Woodingdean - Old Parish Lane. Ro�ngdean Contact: Caroline: Scout HQ,Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Second Tuesday of the month Woodingdean Hor�culture Society ‐ 7.30pm Woodingdean Community Centre Slimming World ‐ Tues: 9.30am, 5.30pm, 7.30pm, St Patricks, Woodingdean. Natalie 07854 845876
Wednesdays Saltdean Crafters Craft group meet first Wednesday of the month Saltdean Community Centre (Lido) 7.30 -9.30pm, £7 all materials provided. 07506692178 Sea Swim Fitness ‐ 7.00am.Saltdean Beach. Miss Fit Club 9.30 - 10.30am Saltdean Park Yoga for Health & Wellbeing 9.30 - 10.45am, Saltdean Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551 607171 Dizzy Tilly Kids ‐ ac�vi�es 0 – 4 yrs – music, puppets, bubbles,stories and play. 9.30am & 11am ‐ Clare Derby 308706 . St Mar�ns Hall, Saltdean Dizzy Tilly party fun time! For children's parties age 2-6years taking bookings now! Crawlers and Toddlers Drop‐in (Free of charge) 9.15am ‐ 10.30am (confident crawlers to 2 years) at St Margaret’s Co�age Ro�ngdean (next to the church and opposite the pond) Preschooler Song & Dance Class 6 months - 6 years boys & girls Baby Ballet® Tinies 9.30am-10.05am Baby Ballet® Movers 10.15am 3 Week trial £15, Kelly 07799 603263 Funky Feet (modern dance) Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Classes for adults and children Ring Vanessa on 273227 Academy of Dancing 5.10 –7.20 pm. Charlene Benford 01323 899149 Saltdean Community Centre Fun & Fit Core & Arms Blast 1.15 -1.55PM S.dean Scout Hut Karen 01273 585506 Weight Watchers The Lady of Lourdes Church Hall,R.dean Stretch and Tone 10 am to 11am. Ovingdean Village Hall Baby and You 11am – 12.15pm Drop‐in (Babies from 6 weeks to Crawling) at St Margaret’s Co�age, Rtgdean Tai Chi – Wednesday mornings 10 – 11.15 Andrea 01273 304472 Scout Hut, Longridge Avenue. Play Group Lady of Lourdes Church Hall Rtgdean, 1.15 3pm 0-5 Year olds £2.00 per family. French for Fidgets Parent & Toddler Class, 1.30: 2.15pm Rtgdean Village Hall Liz Watson 07976 368052 The Ro�ngdean Wednesday Bridge Club 6.15pm The Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean Call June Hill 01273 307623 for details. Art & Cra� Club – Wednesday a�ernoon 1 -4pm Irene Beardwell 303745, St Nicholas Church - Taverner side room. Yoga ‐ 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Church of the Holy Cross, Wood‐ ingdean. £3. Ella 737054 Jane Salisbury School of Dance ‐ Ballet, Tap and Funky Freestyle, (from 3yrs upwards) 3.30pm‐5.30pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean 01273 275002, 07855955138 Seeonee Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Beaver Scouts (6 years to 8 years) 6.00pm – 7.00pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Serenity Yoga - Hatha Yoga (Beginners welcome) 7.00-8.15pm, & 8.30 - 9.45pm St Nicholas Church Hall Nikki Tuke 07813 125795 Zumba Fitness 7.00- 7.50pm Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Free 1�� class then £5 - Diane 07795 956793 Al-Anon Meeting 7.15 for 7.30pm start Telscombe Civic Ctr. Contact 0207 4030888 or Sue 07590675496 American Partner Dancing 7.30 - 9pm W’dean Community Centre, beginners welcome: Chester 07519 818112 Or Lesley 07885986857 Meditation/Self Healing Group 7.00 - 8pm, Saltdean. Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551607171 Strong by Zumba 7-8pm 8-9pm Zumba fitness St Martins Church Hall, Longridge Ave, Saltdean BN2 8LR FB: zumba with Lucie, drop in £6, £40 for 10 classes. Brighton Male Voice Choir 7.30-9.30pm. Woodingdean Methodist Church, Ridgway BN2 6PA Tom Ryan 07899 874969 Pilates – Weds eve‐ Danielle 584984. S’dean Comm Centre Slimming World 5.30 & 7.30PM Wdngdean Yth Centre, Warren Rd. Contact Ali - 01273 300680/07821 179343 Southover Badminton Club 8 - 10pm, Deans Leisure Centre, Contact Dan (07812 658834), Lesley (01444 233965)
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Zumba - 7.30pm. Contact Sundari 07907 185135 St Martins Church Hall Also Saturday 9.15am, £5 drop in. T.S.Valiant N.T.C. meets @ Woodingdean School 6.30-8.30pm on Weds. Age 7 upwards. Contact 01273 676784.
Thursdays Morning meditation 7.30-8.30am Open Art Café, 6 Nevill Road Rottingdean Drop-in £3 info: Theresa Sundt 01273 303571 Downs Baptist Church, Woodingdean Three youth clubs to suit age 8-16 at Rudyard Kipling Primary School, BN2 6RH. Contact: Sean Older 01273 232414 Gentle Yoga for over 60’s/ anyone with physical problems Simple exercises for stiffness,pain,lack of coordination, focus/concentration, Saltdean Emma(BRCP/NFSH) 07551607171 Church Service ‐ 10.00am.Holy Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Open House Friendship Club 1.30 to 4.00pm Woodingdean Community Centre Coffee Shop ‐ 10‐12 Woodingdean Methodist Church, The Ridgeway. 304812 Make some new friends. Healthy Child Clinic ‐ 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 11‐12 noon at Hazel Co�age, Warren Road, Woodingdean (FREE) .Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers. Healthy Child Clinic – 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 11‐12 noon at The Deans Gateway Children’s Centre, Rudyard Kipling School (FREE) Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers. Dance/Exercise Class St Nicholas Church Hall 1.30-2.30pm Territa 07931 930770 Weight Watchers 6.00pm Peacehaven Evangelical Church, Mayfield Avenue, Peacehaven Sue Ca�, 390652 for futher informa�on. Weight Watchers 6.45pm Woodingdean Community Centre. Habakkuk Harriers running Club 7.00pm Running in and around Woodingdean. FREE Phone 01273 705685 for details. Weight Watchers‐ 6.00pm The Church of the Holy Cross, Woodingdean Zumba 7.30-8.20pm Falmer Village Hall (Opp Pond) £5, First Class FREE. 07795 956793 Ro�ngdean Wine Club ‐ Second Thursday in the month, Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean, 7.30 Pm Further details, Mervyn Peatfield 01273 240164 Gardening Club‐ First Thursday of the month. 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Ovingdean Village Hall. Beaver Scouts (6 years to 8 years) 6.00pm – 7.00pm Ro�ngdean Contact Lindsey Delow: Seeonee Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Pilates @ Saltdean Pilates 7.00pm - 8.00pm level 1 Private studio. Contact Tracy Armfield on 07877878532 / Small classes of 4/5 people. £48.00/course of 6 classes Scouts (10.5 years to 14 years) 7.30pm – 9.00pm Ro�ngdean Contact Mar�n Carr: 07801 687172 Scout HQ, Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Tai Chi & Qigong 6.45pm‐8.45pm Ro�ngdean Public Hall, Park Road, Ro�ngdean Info from Evelyn Hills 01323 501634 1st Thursday in the month Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild ‐ 1.45PM at St Martins Church Hall, Saltdean, 01273 302373 U3A mee�ng 2.1 5 p m - 2 . 3 0 p m St . Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Last Thursday of the month Lunch Club ‐ W’dean Methodist Church ‐ 307496/ 887618
Fridays Sea Swim Fitness 7am, S’dean beach Children’s Art Club ‐ 3.30‐5.15pm Clair Ma�hews 07843275520. Saltdean Community Centre Fun & Fit Pilates - 9.15- 10.10am; Circuit Blast 10.15 - 10.45am, Pilates 10.50 - 11.45pm, Beginners Pilates 11.50 - 12.45pm Whiteway Centre Rottingdean. Karen - 01273 585506 Slimming world – morning – Mandy Crew 542827 Saltdean Community Centre. Stretch and Tone ‐ 10 am to 11am. Ovingdean Village Hall. The Ro�ngdean Bridge Club 1.20pm The Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean - Colin Campbell 01273 300386 or Monica Watts 01273 608881. Tots & toys 1.15pm ‐ 2.45pm. For carers with babies, toddlers and pre‐school children. Meet at St. Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean. (term �me only). Laura 07980 242283.
45 49 Social Dance Group‐ 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Lizzie 01273 300533. Ovingdean Village Hall Scouts (10.5 years to 14 years) 7.30pm – 9.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Line Dancing Beginners 11.30am - 1pm Intermediate 1.30 - 3.30pm W’dean Comm Centre - Steps Dance Club Chester 07519 818112 Lesley 07885 986857 Dizzy Tilly Kids! - activities 0-4yrs, puppets, stories, music, bubbles & play 10:30am St.Martins Hall, Saltdean - Clare 01273 308706 The Senior Tea Club Meet 2-4pm for tea & chat. St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Vale. Open to Senior Deans residents, free - donations accepted Maria - 07584052837 or 01273 307435.
Saturdays Fun & Fit Run, walk, stagger 8.15-9.15am Sdean Car park Karen 01273 585506 Zumba Fitness 9.15-10.15am The Hub, Big Park, Piddinghoe Ave, Peacehaven FB: zumba with Lucie, drop in £6, £40 for 10 classes.
Local Groups Brighton Male Voice Choir Tom Ryan‐ Secretary 01273 688005 07899 874969 Or G.Meeton 01273 241755 Four Deans Stroke Club 01273 272815 / 01273 303236 Ro�ngdean Preserva�on Society 01273 304752 The Grange Museum and Art Gallery Ro�ngdean 01273 301004 Mon/Tues 10am ‐4pm Closed Weds Thurs/Fri/Sat 10am‐4pm Sunday 2pm ‐ 4pm Ro�ngdean Drama Society� Ro�ngdean Writers Tim Davies 07814 987688 Ro�ngdean Camera Club Brian Knight 01273 302605 Ro�ngdean Cricket Club 01273 309325 Rottingdean Bowling Club Norman Watson 01273 301290 The Ro�ngdean Bridge Club Contact Colin Campbell - 01273 300386 or Monica Watts - 012373 608881 Ro�ngdean Wine Club Tony Woodhall 01273 309697 The Deans Orchestra Barry Mar�n 01323 895927 St Nicholas Church Hall Hire for parties, etc. 01273 301885 Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild 01273 302373 Saltdean Lido 01273 888308 WSLAT & Rottingdean LAT 01273 291011 S’dean Bowling Club Sec:T Hammond 01273 887618 S’dean Residents Association Sdean, Rdean & Odean NH Watch Linda Hood, Secretary 01273 306441 Saltdean Writing Bureau Group 1�� & 3�� Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm Volunteer Bureau, Longridge Ave. Roger Bluff 07932 458071 Woodingdean Swimming Pool 01273 673265 Woodingdean Rainbows and Brownies Elizabeth 01273 272670 Five Deans U3A Eileen 01273 300274
Saltdean Writing Bureau Group 1�� & 3�� Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm Volunteer Bureau, Longridge Ave. Roger Bluff 07932 458071 Zumba Fitness 10.00- 10.50am Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Free 1�� class then £5 Diane 07795 956793 Jane Salisbury School of Dance ‐ Ballet, Tap and Funky Freestyle, (from 3yrs upwards) 9.30am‐12.30pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean 01273 275002, 07855955138. janesalis‐ Sacrament of Penance ‐ 10.30am, 5.45‐ 6.15pm. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Ro�ngdean Saturday night dance 7.30pm – 10.30pm – Doug Hann 01273 691767 St Nicholas Church Hall
Church Service ‐ 10am. Woodingdean Methodist Church The Ridgeway Wdean. Church Service ‐ 8am.Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Church Service 10.00am Sung Eucharist - St Wulfrans Church Ovingdean Sunday Mass ‐ Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Ro�ngdean 6.30pm (Sat) 10.30am Sun also 9am St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Woodingdean. Info 01273 302903 Downs Baptist Church Family friendly Service & Sunday School 10.30am meet at Woodingdean Primary School. DBC Youth Church Service (age 11-21) 6pm at Rudyard Kipling Primary School. DBC Adult service 6pm Rudyard Kipling Primary School.
Church Service ‐ 10.15am. St Mar�ns URC Longridge Avenue Saltdean Biblical Dance, circle style for men, women and children ‐ Held occasional Sundays at St Mar�n’s Church Hall, Longridge Ave from 3‐4pm. Contact Judy Law 01273 307034 for next mee�ng
IMPORTANT: Please check with the event organiser before a�ending for the first �me. We try to keep these lis�ngs as up to date as possible but there may be some inaccuracies. Please let us know of any errors you discover.
Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club Denton Island, Newhaven, BN9 9BA 01273 514664 Woodingdean Bowls Club Elaine Vickers Secretary 01273 301445 David Billings Chairman 01273 692123 Neighbourhood Watch Linda Hood - 01273 306441 Local Community Centres Saltdean Community Hall hire: 07810560337 or 07900907305
Local Libraries LE = Libraries Extra Woodingdean Library Warren Road Brighton BN2 6BA (01273) 290800 Monday 9am‐5pm Tue/Wed 9am‐7pm LE Thu 9am‐5pm Fri 9am‐5pm LE Sat 9.30am‐5pm LE Sun 11am -5pm LE Ro�ngdean Library The Grange, Ro�ngdean BN2 7HA (01273) 290800 Monday 9am‐5pm Tue 9am‐7pm LE Wed 9am‐5pm Thu 9am‐7pm LE Fri 9am‐5pm LE Sat 9.30am‐5pm LE Sun 11am -5pm Saltdean Library Saltdean Lido, Saltdean BN2 8SP (01273) 290800 Mon 9am‐7pm LE Tue 9am‐5pm Wed 9am‐7pm LE Thu 9am‐7pm LE Fri 9am‐5pm Sat 9.30am‐5pm Sun 11am -5pm LE
Ro�ngdean Whiteway Centre Whiteway Lane Ro�ngdean, Brighton BN2 7HB 01273 307431 For Le�ng 07840 088 575 Ro�ngdean & Saltdean Lions Club info@ro�ngdeanand saltdeanlions. 08458 339617 Ro�ngdean Public Hall Park Lane Available for Hire 01273 302092 Woodingdean Community Centre Warren Road 01273 685940 Woodingdean Youth Centre Warren Road Brighton BN2 6BB 01273 600606 Southover Badminton Club Dan (07812 658834) Lesley (01444 233965) Beacon Hill Nature Reserve Meet 2ⁿ� Weds & 4�� Fri of month at 10am, Longhill Rd entrance to the reserve. Contact Louise 01273 983000 for details or to join Friends of Beacon Hill. Local Churches St Mar�ns URC Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Secretary: Rob Upward 01273 309097 St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Brighton ,BN2 8HE 01273 302192 Local Police Contacts Saltdean, Rottingdean & Ovingdean Police Community Support Officer Andrew McAllister 101 ext 27369, 07912 892658
Local Community Websites www.saltdeanresidentsassociatio� Local Venues Woodingdean Woodingdean Methodist Hall to r ent for par�es etc. 01273 304812 Beulah Fletcher Woodingdean St Patrick’s Church rooms to rent meetings & classes - Bernadette 309118 Ro�ngdean Scout HQ is available for private hire. Contact Kate on 01273 306383 for further informa�on If you are part of a local group and would like your info. to appear on this page send your details to the email address at the bottom of the page
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Pursuits 4U Singing & Dancing Every Wednesday 2 till 4pm at Rottingdean Village Hall Dementia Event Rottingdean Village Hall 2 till 4pm Contact: 07825 292995 Yoga in Saltdean, Introduction ALL LEVELS Wednesdays Pranayama class (breathing) 1212.30pm. Yoga 12:30-2:00pm Saltdean Lido Community Hall Saltdean Park Road BN2 8SP (at the side by the car park, Blue Door) 07710 227038 Lin Bridgeford
43 43 43
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Local Business Feature
Saltdean Pilates Studio "A truly fantastic place never fails to leave me with a terrific sense of general wellbeing" Pilates in Brighton, a thriving Pilates studio established in Kemptown in 2010 has now opened a studio in Saltdean offering Pilates Equipment Classes ( max 3 people) and 1:1 sessions with a highly experienced Physiotherapist and Pilates instructor. Working on the Pilates equipment takes Pilates to the next level but is also excellent for total beginners and those suffering from back or joint pain. Pilates will help you to achieve a stronger, more flexible, toned body and increases the connection between your mind and body. Using the Pilates equipment you will work through precise, flowing movements without any stress on joints while strengthening your deep core muscles. Clinical Pilates combines Physiotherapy with Pilates to create a specialised form of exercise tailored to individuals and is very beneficial for reducing back and joint pain, sciatica, pelvic floor problems and Neurological Conditions. Carolyn Bailey MCSP the founder of Saltdean Pilates Studio is a highly experienced Musculoskeletal and Clinical Pilates Physiotherapist with extensive experience in both London NHS teaching hospitals and private practice. She was also the Company Physiotherapist for Rambert Dance Company. Whether you are recovering from injury or back pain or looking for a new way to work out come and try the Pilates equipment at Saltdean Pilates studio. We are offering a introductory session for the readers of the Deans magazine for the month of September: 1:1 Pilates Equipment Session for ÂŁ30 ( normal price ÂŁ45 ) Please email
Carolyn working with a client in the Pilates Studio
Pilates Studio
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Local Café
The Nomad Café Nestled under the trees just inside the stone entrance of Ovingdean Hall School, you’ll find The Nomad Café – housed in two beautifully converted shipping containers and run by two coffee obsessives. Primarily coffee roasters, the Roasted Bean Company are relocating their roastery to this site in the coming months, the café however is already open to the public and you can visit to enjoy an extensive specialty coffee menu (all freshly roasted that week), breakfast, brunch and lunch and other delights.
homemade soups and their toasted sandwiches are quirky and delicious. Cakes and biscuits are all locally baked by JoCo and the menu is a mixture of nostalgic delights such as almond macaroons or the scrumptious Sussex tea loaf; and wonderful new creations like the banana, walnut and honey muffin.
The café’s setting is tranquil and relaxing; the outdoor decking area teems with colour from a variety of beautiful summer plants. Their coffee offering is extensive and exciting, changing seasonally to keep up to date with fresh harvests in the coffee calendar. Their house espresso blend is also seasonal, and regular customers (and coffee lovers alike) have a unique opportunity to really explore the world of coffee and sample the best varieties from the four corners of the world. They offer all of their beautifully roasted single origins through a French Press and coffees can be complimented with one of four varieties of Nomad Café homemade fine syrups – their warm spiced latte was one we particularly enjoyed!
It’s not just coffee, there’s also a selection of outstanding specialty teas and their signature hot chocolate - made with homemade organic cacao created by the owners according to a special recipe – there is something exciting for everyone.
For their alternative milk drinkers, they offer up to four alternatives; Soya, Almond, Oat and Hemp. The food is simple, hearty and healthy. Seasonal, high quality and local vegetables are used for their
The Nomad Supper Club features monthly, along with special and seasonal events throughout the year, so follow them on Facebook to keep up to date with what’s going on in the coming months @cafenomadbrighton They’re open Tuesday to Saturday 9.30a.m to 4.30p.m and Sundays 10am til 1pm all year round. You can find out more on their website and learn about their coffee Well behaved dogs are warmly welcomed and they have a handy convenience at the rear of the café. There is no parking at The Nomad, so please just wander through on foot.
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Cinema Saltdean Film Review
London Symphony
Cert. U
a special screening with the film’s Director: includes Q & A session The Cinema Saltdean volunteers are on hols now; we couldn’t get them to come off the beach and show a film for August. The projector is, however, cooling down and will be in fine fettle for September 26�� when we start our new season. What better way to start the season than with a special screening of the brand-new film ‘London Symphony’? Fresh from its première at the London Barbican Centre on 3�� September, Cinema Saltdean is one of the few venues where you can catch this film. We are thrilled to have director Alex Barrett with us to introduce and take questions on his new silent film ‘London Symphony’, which has a delightful orchestral score written especially for it, by James McWilliam. ‘London Symphony’ was nominated for the Michael Powell Award for Best British Film at the Edinburgh Film Festival. The film offers an artistic snapshot of the city as it stands today, and a celebration of its culture and diversity. It’s a contemporary take on the ‘city symphony’, a genre of creative non-fiction that flourished in the 1920s and consisted of works that attempted to build poetic portraits of city life. Barrett and McWilliam have worked hard to bring a similar sense of poetic playfulness to ‘London Symphony’, whilst also updating the form for the 21�� Century. There was never a London Symphony in the 1920s, although Berlin and Paris did have their own films.
modern buildings dominate the skyline, and signposts signal more construction work to come. We're swept through parks, streets and into cinemas, museums and places of religious congregation; people captured scuttling about their business, meeting for drinks and taking leisurely walks. These clash with tourists and those with more time on their hands, who are able to stop, take in and appreciate the sights. Animals, too, are captured, as much part of city life as people - from squirrels scuttling, to seagulls, which are more of a menace than they're shown to be here. The multicultural, diverse aspect of London is a particular focus of Barrett's. Mosques, Sikh temples and churches lie only metres away from one another; the different communities often shoehorned together into tight spaces. London Symphony is a loving ode to the heart of the United Kingdom, a city that's seen but not always truly appreciated. With acknowledgement to Jamie Neish for part of the above. Jon Screening on October 24��: “Lion”
This will be Alex’s second feature film. and his second feature. He states: ‘The aim of the film was to capture a city at a very specific point in its history, and the “story” is told over four chapters, intended to represent the movements of a symphony.’ Shot in over 200 locations, in and around the outskirts of London, the power of images shows us a bustling, diverse and ever-changing capital. It's a short slice of city life that nods to the past but places its emphasis on the kind of place London is today - multicultural, full of building works and stunning architecture, with the old existing alongside the new. Cranes are everywhere, while big,
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FSussex Community NHS Trust and Brighton & Hove City Council staff and volunteers sessions and activities.
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Rottingdean & Saltdean Lions
Lions News September For one of his last duties as our outgoing Lions President, Andy Wavell was very happy to make a presentation of a book for each student in the reception year at Our Lady of Lourdes School. . All the lucky children were thrilled they could take their books home with them to keep. We were very pleased to be part of the recent launch of the event of an accident or sudden illness at home. All the new defibrillator in Ovingdean with our incoming you have to do is to complete a form with your name, Lions President Ian Christie and several Lions members. medicines, allergies and relatives’ contact details and Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions, amongst others, made put the form in the bottle. (There is a space provided on a substantial donation towards this and the defibrillator the form to add a photo in cases where two or more is now in operation outside Ovingdean Stores in people use the scheme in the same household and Longhill Road . confusion could occur.) Then you put the bottle in your fridge. You will also be given two green stickers. Put Please don’t forget on 11�� November, the rhythm and one green sticker on the outside of the fridge door and blues group SlimShack will be returning to perform for the other green sticker on the inside of your house door us at Rottingdean Village Hall, monies raised will go to so the paramedics know there is a bottle in the fridge. If local charities and community/Lions projects. Tickets you would like more details please get in touch – see are £10 each and are available now, please ring details below. 07932458071 to get yours. There will be a licensed bar. It should be a lively evening with this well-known, much If you would like more information on any of our loved, local group returning by popular demand. We service or fundraising activities, or to book a team at hope you can join us with this fantastic rhythm and our Sponsored Swim, or you are interested in our blues band with Memphis soul. Doors open at 8.00pm SlimShack Concert and our Message in a Bottle scheme please contact Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions on Also, on 19�� November we have our popular Sponsored 08458 339617 or email at Swim at Roedean School Pool. The swim is held annually to raise money for local charities. Groups, Lion Roger Bluff through entered teams of any size, raise funds by obtaining sponsorship with the proceeds being split between their own choice of charity or good cause and Lions’ charities; once again this year the Lions’ principal beneficiary will be Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice. Teams swim for one hour with the aim of swimming as many lengths as possible. Please make contact soon if you would like to enter a team as we would like to see as many teams as possible enter to support the charities and your causes of choice. The deadline for entries is Friday 10�� November but we ask if you could notify us as soon as you can if it is your intention to enter. On the service front, the Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions supported Message in a Bottle initiative continues to be taken up widely. This scheme aims to provide easily found and vital information when it is needed most. A simple idea designed to encourage people to keep their basic personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common place – the fridge! This saves the emergency services valuable time if they need to enter a property in an emergency by both helping to establish your identity, and notify any special medication or allergies. While focused on more vulnerable people, the scheme can benefit anyone in To advertise call 01273 586527 or email
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Rottingdean Preservation Society
Grange Gallery events Holidays over, a season of mists and mellow fruitfulness approaches, so a moment perhaps to visit Rottingdean’s iconic house, The Grange, which provides the setting for some varied and thought-provoking art exhibitions. 24 August – 5 September. Still time to see Rottingdean Camera Club’s exhibition “In Focus.” Members’ photographs reflect their interests, including landscape, fauna, street and abstract. “The club is in its 42ⁿ� year. We are a small and friendly club,” says Alan Smallman “We hold competitions and have guest speakers to talk on various photographic subjects.” 7 – 20 September. “Visual Musings” is the title of Diane Avis’ painting exhibition. She lives outside Santa Fe in the foothills of New Mexico and has exhibited in New Mexico, California, Las Vegas and after her Grange exhibition, will have a solo show in Santa Fe. “I work primarily in oils on canvas and wood, though I also make prints and drawings. Art, like mythology, should act as a portal to the spiritual; a way to access the deeper meaning that is often missing in our day- to- day lives.” 21 September – 3 October. “Williams Nicholson was my greatgrandfather and I wanted the work for my show to be as a response to him in some way.” The words of the artist, Rafaele Wild Onshore Wind - R. Appleby Appleby. “It is wild places that inspire me – rock – seascapes – skyscapes and sometimes a flower.” Rafaele lives in Cumbria and having visited the Grange Gallery for the first time was “Delighted to be offered the chance to have an exhibition here.” During her exhibition, Rafaele will take part on 23 September in a Study Day at the Whiteway Centre, a joint event with the Rottingdean Preservation Society. “The Nicholson Family of Artists” will focus on the legendary artistic family and include the official opening of the re-furbished William Nicholson Studio by the Mayor of Brighton and Hove. There will be lectures on William Nicholson, Ben Nicholson; and one by Rafael about Ben Nicholson’s painter wife entitled “Winifred Nicholson and her family.” THE Grange Gallery, The Grange, The Green, Rottingdean. Opening times: 10.30 - 16.00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (closed Wednesday) and Sunday 14.00 - 16.00. After having visited the exhibitions, why not relax in the lovely Edwin Lutyens / Gertrude Jekyll tea garden? You can indulge yourself on the courtyard, on the lawn or in the newly renovated small barn which has been renamed the Gertrude Jekyll room. Membership of the Rottingdean Preservation Society: Should you not yet be a member of the RPS and would like to join us, please telephone 01273 301164 or email Trickster - Diane Avis
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Local Slimming World Group
Slimming World Rottingdean Last June Vicki King, 36, walked through the doors of the Rottingdean Slimming World group wanting to lose weight. She has gone on to lose 3 stone in just over a year! Over the past few years Vicki had gained weight and thought about what she could do. Watching a friend at work getting to her target with Slimming World made Vicki think about giving it a go, after trying other methods, so she searched for the group closest to home and found a very local one! Lis, the Rottingdean consultant, remembers how shy Vicki was when she first came to group. " Vicki would speak to very few people and would slide out of the door hoping that no one would speak to her." After a couple of months Lis noticed that Vicki was starting to make friends at group, was relaxing and starting to have fun. "At that time I noticed that Vicki was beginning to share more ideas for Food Optimising, at group. She really was coming out of her shell!" She then asked Vicki to join the social team, of which she has been a valuable member for some time, now. Vicki enjoys a variety of foods, one of her favourites is Spaghetti Bolognese. "Before Slimming World I
used to buy the jars of pasta sauce and add the meat, now I absolutely love making my own from scratch using a tin of chopped tomatoes, lots of veggies and lean mince. My fiance enjoys the flavours too!". When Vicki got to her target, at the beginning of August, she had a surprise for the whole group! Since starting her Slimming World journey Vicki has started to embrace exercise and has found that she loves it so much that she has joined a gym. Not only that but she told everyone that she has signed up to become a personal trainer! If you would like to lose weight please come along to our friendly group which is held on Wednesdays at 5.30 and 7.30 at Our Lady of Lourdes School, The Green, Rottingdean For more information please ring Lis on 07866 469402 or just come along!
Vicki King Before Slimming World (Left), and After (Right)
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Southern Window cleaning 40 Computers & Computer Services Dolphin Computers 7 Ocean PC’s 19 Southern PC Services 31 Dentists Saltdean Dental Health 56 Domestic Appliances Btn Domestic Appliances 14 Drain Cleaning Express Rod 31 Electricians MB Electrical 32 MP Property & Electrical Svcs 51 Peacehaven Electrical 4 Peacehaven Electrician 47 PJ Electrics 66 Terry Sharpe 48 Westview Electrical 42 Entertainment & Events Cinema Saltdean 59 Deans Activities 60 Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club 60 Brighton Male Voice Choir 62 Our Lady of Lourdes Ball 41 Estate Agents Carruthers & Luck 54 Comptons Sales & Lettings FC & 12 Michael Trower 16 Open House 2 Fencing & Gates GPD Fencing FC + 20 Local Saltdean Builder 22 RBW Fencing 45 Flooring Completely Carpets 40 Ocean Flooring 32 Station Road Carpets 36 Foot Clinic Acorn Chiropody 4 Achilles Foot Clinic 21 Garage Doors G & N Garage doors 16 Garage & Car Services Fairlight Garage Gardening Clean Cut Gardening Service EH Treecare Garden & Landscape Greensleeves Lawn Treatment Telscombe Lawn Care
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Hairdressers Head High FC Handyman GB Home Maintenance 13 JPM Local Handyman 33 The Handy Team 30 Kinesiology Aether Bios Clinic 24 Kitchens & Installation Paul Vincent 16 Landscaping Garden & Landscape 48 GPD Fencing FC+20 Green Bay 15 Letting Agents Carruthers & Luck 54 Comptons Sales & Lettings FC + 12 M. Trower 16 Lock Smiths Lee’s Locks 31 Mindfulness Mindful Living Skills 50 Optician The Deans Optician 38 Osteopathy Aether Bios 24 Painting & Decorating AH Gordon 45 Dave & Son 43 Richard’s Decorating & Maint 63 Steve Emery 43 Photography Colette Langton Photography 20 Stef Kerswell 23 Pilates Classes Jan Davies 28 Saltdean Pilates Studio 53 Plasterer A & A Plastering 45 Tony Lewis 13 Plumbers & Heating Engineers Abba Heat 34 Black Rock Plumbing 22 Btn Plumbing Direct 6 Expert Heating Engineers 5 Gaswise 20 LS Taylor Heating 59 Nigel Down 47 Paul Hallett 46 Pete Hill 63 Watertight Services 42
Property Maintenance Birch Home Improvements 24 Coastal Property Renovations 46 Hampton Home Improve 3 Local Saltdean Builder 22 ML Property Maintenance 3 MP Property & Electrical Svcs 51 Record & CD collector The Vinyl Vault 31 Removals & Deliveries Bob’s Transport 34 Restaurants, Cafe,Take Away Maloncho 67 Roofing Hine Roofing Ltd 18 Peake Roofing 16 Ridgeline Roofing 38 Saltdean Flat Roofing 50 Sam Davis Roofing 18 V&B Roofing 49 Room Hire Rottingdean Whiteway Ctr 66 Rubbish Clearance Greenacre Recycling 58 Jim Gustard House Clearance 43 Solicitors The Deans Legal Services 27 Gray Hooper Holt 35 Howlett Clarke 39 Walkers Solicitors 10 Sports Therapist Geoff Atkinson 38 Taxi Service South Coast Taxi FC & 19 Tiling Master Tiles BP Travel Agent Experience It Now Travel 64 Tree Care EH Treecare 48 Vets Coastway Veterinary Group 28 Weight Loss Rottingdean Slimming World 65 Window & door fitting & Replace Cloud free Windows 30 Cloudy 2 Clear 29 SRC Double Glazing 15 Window Repair Magician FC & 8 Yoga Yoga in Saltdean 25
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