David Magazine V7-i19 | Game On

Page 30

_SANTI_ Baby!

Charm, Game, Community!


+Photos & More


MAY 10, 2023


DAVID Magazine

Peach Media

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Russ Bowen-Youngblood

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Photos by: Russ Bowen-Youngblood MADONNA KITTY

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_SANTI_ Baby

Much of _SANTI_’s early life is reflected in his music today. Songs touch on his Latino culture and his experiences as an immigrant living in the USA, as well as being a flamboyant kid and misfit.

This month, he releases “PerreON,” the first single from his soon-to-be-released full-length album. It is a futuristic, fun, upbeat, and very sexy dance track that combines house music with reggaeton elements.

For the video, he sports some of today’s leading urban fashion design houses. He wears looks from Patrick Church, Lucas Stowe, Sho Konishi, and FBMT. “Fashion has always been important to me,” _SANTI_ says. “I love to sew and alter my clothing to express my individualism and to make statements. It’s a way for me to show the world that I can wear dresses, skirts, and heels and still be masculine. I can paint my nails and still be sexy as hell.”

We spoke with the Tik Tok star-turned-singer from his Miami home.

How many days a week do you work out?

I try to work out at least four times a week. Resting and eating well are big parts of the regimen. I’ve been working out since I was fourteen years old to build the muscle mass I have today.

Are you strict with your diet?

I try to be.

What part of your body are you most proud of today? My brain.

How long have you been recording music?

I’ve written songs for as long as I can remember. I used to dance in the mirror pretending to be a pop star. I’m proud of myself for chasing the dreams I had as a kid. I have been working really hard these past few months, making so much music and producing many music videos. I’m putting all my focus on music and coming hard for this, girlies.

Who are some of your musical inspirations?

Beyoncé, for obvious reasons, and Gaga, duh. I also love Rosalia. I think she’s such a unique artist who is pushing boundaries. SZA is one of my favorites, for sure. I’m also very inspired by the late Venezuelan rapper Canserbero. He was an incredible songwriter and storyteller, and he happened to be from my hometown of Maracay.

Growing up, were you obsessed with music videos?

I was definitely obsessed with music videos. Gaga’s especially. The way she captures culture and references art. It really inspires me. What

pushed me to love music so much and want to make it is the artistry of it all, the music videos, and the art direction behind it. I’m very inspired by cinematography and film as well. They all make me wanna create iconic visuals.

What do you hope fans take away from the PerreON music video?

The whole project is a love letter to Latin culture. I wanted to make something beautiful that represented me as a Latino in a futuristic and modern way.

Please tell us a little about PerreON and how the song came about.

I wrote PerreON in Los Angeles while I was there working with my music producer, Sam J Garfield. We completed the record in two days, which is insane. I happened to be in top creative form in Los Angeles because I had just found out that a modeling shoot I had done a few months before had made it into the pages of Vogue Magazine in Japan. I think my good mood from that day reflects in the song. I was feeling myself, and it’s all about getting it ON.

How old were you when you first came out? I was fifteen and in love, or so I thought.

How was it received by your family?

My mom wasn’t thrilled at first, but she and my family fully embrace me now.

Did you experience any discrimination coming out in a machismo country like Venezuela?

Oh yes, I was bullied all throughout high school. I remember cars passing by with groups of guys yelling “faggot” at me from their windows. It was

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traumatic, and I definitely carried that trauma into my adult life for some time.

Is there a piece of advice you wish you could have given to your young self?

I wish I could tell my young self not to pay any mind to other people’s nonsense opinions. I wish I could show him a mirror of what those losers were going to look like ten years later and what I look like. He needed to know that he was going to grow up to be a bad bitch and icon.

You sound pretty confident in yourself. These days I am so secure and proud of who I am. I am a strong independent gay man who gives no f***s about what people think about me. If they have a problem with how I present myself, that’s on them.

Sticky. Silky. Sweet. Salty. Which word best describes _SANTI_?

Definitely sweet. I’m a super loving and kind person at heart.

Now to the important questions. Growing up, what was your favorite cartoon? The Simpsons.

What was your first car?

I’ve never owned a car!

How do you get around?

I’ve had motorcycles since I was a teenager.

These days I ride a Ninja Kawasaki. What do you mean when you say you want to be treated like a slut?

Me and my girlies are taking the word slut and owning it as empowerment. A slut is a state of mind, a feeling. A slut is somebody who is in charge of their self. They are confident in how they conduct themselves and what they want out of life, and they do not care what others think or say.

What would be your idea of a perfect first date? Beach, blunt, sex.

What’s your worst habit? I sleep too much.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

Hosting at a restaurant. I hate greeting people, and I hate fake smiling. I was a stripper once, which was much more fun than hosting.

Who is your #1 fan? My mommy.

_SANTI_’s new single, “PerreON,” is available on Apple Music, Spotify, and all digital platforms. Follow on Instagram @ _SANTI_

Connecting People to Rocky Horror

Anyone who’s been to a Friday night viewing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Plaza Theatre recognizes the huge effort it takes to make this cult event happen week after week. One of the cast members is Candace Weslosky, who works as an ophthalmic technician by day and hosts the RHPS at night!

Besides being a cult phenomenon hostess, you’re also a part of the Outlantacon board. Tell us a little bit about that.

Outlantacon is the longest running LGBTQ+ board gaming and sci-fi convention in the Southeast. I was a con chair for several years, a track birector, but my real love is hosting the events and games and making sure that all of our attendees feel welcomed and included. In fact, we just got our dates for next year ,which are March 22-24, 2024, and we will also be hosting Gaylaxicon, which is a traveling countrywide LGBTQ+ convention.

Remind everyone: when can we experience you hosting the Rocky Horror Picture Show?

Candace, you have hosted the Rocky Horror Picture Show viewing for 20 years now – how did you even get to do that?

Saw the movie as a young kid on VH1 one on Halloween and heard in my early teens They were going to create a cast to come to The Plaza, so the minute they started there I joined the cast in fall of 2000, I was at the time the youngest member. I started off working backstage and look at me now.

What does it entail being the hostess?

Being the hostess is like being the connection, or the concierge between the audience and the actors. It allows another level of interaction with our show that you don’t get just from the movie. I definitely don’t dress up, and if you had asked what I wore weekly. It’s probably jeans and a T-shirt, so classy.

For those who haven’t been to a Rocky Horror Picture Show viewing at the Plaza yet; can you explain what it is all about?

We are a live, shadow cast, meaning the movie is playing on the screen behind us, but the show is happening in front on stage is completely mimicked scene for scene song for song sequin for sequin. It’s the original 4D.

You were recently awarded and honored received for your decadelong hosting duties. How does it feel to be recognized like this?

I was very honored to receive the Furleinger Cinema and Arts Award. This is the second year the award has been given out. The first recipient was awarded in Florida last year, and I am the first recipient in Georgia. I was honored to receive this. And while I like bringing the party, I don’t really like being the focus of it, so that was challenging to take the compliment.

Rocky horror can be seen at the plaza theater every Friday night at 11 pm. It’s always best to purchase your tickets online, as we often sell out especially in September and October. I host many Fridays, but not always as I’m not the only one hosting, we are making a concerted effort to help our younger members learn how to host, so that they, too, can grow their skills, and the confidence that comes with public speaking. Another thing to mention is the Cineprov show at the Plaza theater which is a live movie-riffing mystery science theater 3000 type of event. I am one of the regular comedians and we do our show once a month. Usually in the last Thursday of the month.

Anything you’d like to add?

My new hosting venture I’ve done over the last two years is geek-themed trivia on Monday nights at Felix‘s at 8:30pm. It’s been such a fun adventure and it really allows me to enjoy hanging out with the audience and spending time with them in a more intimate setting. I also want to give a shout out to the Atlanta Freedom Band. They are Atlanta’s pride band, and I’m in the concert and marching band –they are amazing people, and when I’m not hosting every event in town, I’m either playing the French horn or cymbals at it. It really is a labor of love and a testament to our community and how we all support each other and all these great events

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Charm, Game, Community!

The year 2020 was one of the most challenging years in recent memory. As the Covid-19 pandemic swept across the world, entire nations were brought to a standstill. For many, myself included, quarantine, social distancing, and the pervasive sense of isolation that accompanied them, led to unpredictable bouts of loneliness and a general sense of disorientation. However, amidst all of this, video games became a reliable source of comfort and escape.

Suddenly having what felt like an unlimited amount of time for gaming, I quickly downloaded Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a cozy game that offered a muchneeded escape from the bizarre reality that surrounded me. As a fan of cozy games, I quickly found myself immersed in the game’s charming world, spending hours upon hours decorating my virtual island, collecting items, and interacting with the game’s colorful characters.

Like many other gamers, I hopped on Twitter to share my excitement, posting a snapshot of my cute blue-haired avatar along with the caption, “I’m playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons! Who’s with playing? #ACNH” Little did I know that this one tweet would lead me to a community of queer gamers, all seeking connection and community during these difficult times.

Our shared love for Animal Crossing quickly became the foundation of a close-knit group of friends, who spent countless hours exploring each other’s islands, exchanging

gifts, and helping each other out when we got stuck in the game. It was like hanging out with friends when physical gatherings were impossible, and it was a welcome respite from the pervasive sense of loneliness that characterized the times.

As we continued to play together, our online connections deepened, and we began to build meaningful relationships that transcended the game. We started to share more about our personal lives, our struggles, our joys, and our triumphs. Despite never having met in person, we became a tight-knit community, bound together by our shared love of a video game and a desire for connection in a time of social isolation.

Over time, we moved beyond Twitter and created closer bonds through Discord chats. Here, we could share more intimately, support each other through difficult times, and build the kind of relationships that are often hard to find in the “real” world.

Looking back on that tweet and the friendships it brought into my life, I’m amazed at how one simple tweet led to such incredible connections outside of “the apps.” In a year defined by isolation and uncertainty, video games became a bridge to human connection and community, proving that even in the darkest of times, we can find light and hope through the simplest of pleasures.

DAVID Magazine pg| 20
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Photos by: Russ Bowen-Youngblood

Gaming Gone Queer

Hey there, fellow gamers, and fabulous folks! It’s your favorite local DJ and avid gamer, iCharlie, and today we’re talking about five LGBTQIA+ and queer video game characters that are absolutely killing it in the gaming world.

The Last of Us

Funny with a Punch

First up, we’ve got Gibraltar from Apex Legends. This beefy dude not only packs a mean punch, but he’s also an openly gay man. And let’s be real, who doesn’t love a man who can protect you and make you laugh at the same time? Plus, his shield is just...chef’s kiss.

Flaming Hot

Next on the list is none other than the sassy and stylish Axel. This flaming hot redhead not only rocks a killer outfit, but he’s also canonically gay. He’s got some serious snark and a heart of gold, making him the perfect balance of tough and tender.

Trans Badass

Have you met Krem from Dragon Age: Inquisition? This trans man is a total badass, fighting alongside the Iron Bull’s mercenary company. He’s got a sharp tongue and a sharper sword, trans folks are BADASS.

Moving on, we’ve got Ellie from The Last of Us series (the game). This tough-as-nails survivor is not only a lesbian, but she’s also immune to the zombie apocalypse. I mean, come on, how cool is that? Plus, she’s got a serious talent for playing the guitar and singing some seriously emo tunes.

Confirmed LGBT

Last but not least, Tracer from Overwatch. She is one of the most popular characters in Overwatch, a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Tracer is known for her upbeat personality, as well as her unique ability to manipulate time. In the game’s official comic, “Reflections,” it is revealed that Tracer has a girlfriend named Emily, making her the first confirmed LGBT character in the game.

So there you have it, folks. Five LGBTQIA+ and queer video game characters that are making waves in the gaming world. Who are some of your favorite LGBTQIA+ characters? Keep on gaming and being your fabulous selves.

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Photos by: Russ Bowen-Youngblood
DAVID Magazine pg| 28 2 16 14 13 8 9 7 10 15 17 19 1 3 6 4 P ie dmo n t Av e . N E Ju n ip e r St. N E E N . t S e e r t h c a e P PiedmontAve. NE 14th St NE Ponce De Leon Ave . NE Ponce De Leon Ave . NE 4th St NE Monroe Dr. NE Mon r o e D r . N E 10th St. NE E N . t S r e p i n u J E N . l P n o e L e D e c n o P S p r in g S t . N W Amsterdam Ave . E N . r D n e l l A s e l r a h C W N . t S e e r t h c a e P . W 12th St. NE Pie dmont Park M I DT OWN BARS BARS not on map 2 Blake's 227 10 th S t NE 1 FUTURE ATLANTA 50 Lower Alabama St. SW Suite 180 3 Bulldo g s 893 Peachtree S t NE 4 Fr iend s 736 Ponce De Leon Ave NE 6 My Sister’s Room66 12th S t NE 7 X Midtown 990 Piedmont Ave NE fitness 14 Urban Body Fitness 500 Amsterdam Ave NE spa /bath 15 F lex S p a 76 4th S t N W Dining 9 10th& P iedmon t 991 Piedmont Ave NE 10 Camp ag nolo 980 Piedmont Ave NE 16 G’s M id t o w n 219 10 th S t NE 17 Henr y ’s 132 10 th S t NE 19 L a H acienda 900 Monroe Dr NE


DAVID Magazine pg| 29 BAR
20 B J Roo s t er s 20 43 Cheshire Bridge Rd 22 Tr ipp s 1931 Piedmont Cir NE Dining 24 L a s M ar g ar i t a s Closed Temporarily 18 42 Cheshire Bridge Rd Retail 26 B ar k ing L e a t her 1510 Piedmont Ave Suite A 27 S ou t her n Nig h t s 2205 Cheshire Bridge Rd clu bs 28 Her e t ic 2069 Cheshire Bridge Rd 29 Tok yo Valen t ino 1739 Cheshire Bridge Rd Fitness 30 Gr avi t ee F i t ne s s 2201 Faulkner Rd NE BAR
32 Atlanta Eagle 1492 Piedmont Ave NE 33 Felix 's 1510 Piedmont Ave NE 34 T he Hidea w ay 15 4 4 Piedmont Ave NE 35 M i x x 1492 Piedmont Ave NE 36 O sc ar 's 1510 Piedmont Ave NE Retail 39 B oy Nex t Door 14 47 Piedmont Ave NE 40 Barking Leather 1510 Piedmont Ave NE Fitness 41 E quilibr ium F i t ne s s 1529 Piedmont Ave, Suite L M ar y 's 1287 Glenwood Ave SE S i s t er L oui s a’s Chur ch 466 Edgewood Ave SE L ip s A t lan t a 3011 Buford Hw y NE The T 465 Boulevard SE 494 Plasters Ave NE Woo f 's
User submitted . See page for details





I’m seeing this guy, but our sex life is starting to get a little challenged. He is the top in the relationship, and he has always been very clear that he wants everything to be squeaky clean ‘down there.’ He can’t deal with any kind of mess to the point of gagging, and if even the smallest mess occurs, he needs days before he will even approach me again. He is also giving me advice on what to eat, and he will question my choices if we are out to dinner if he thinks that may end up upsetting my stomach. I really like him, but this whole keeping-it-clean-at-all- times scheme is taking over my life. What should I do?

It sounds like you are taking a lot of steps to be a good bottom, but your boyfriend isn’t taking any steps towards being a good top! If you have anal sex, you are bound to get messy at some point regardless of how much you prepare. Yes, you can eat sensibly, and high-fiber, and douching and other cleaning remedies are great to alleviate the worst, but you can’t be that squeaky clean the whole time. You have to eat, and your body needs to function. And the fact that he will borderline shame you for not being all clean is just no not cool- clearly, he has some issues there. Talk to him about how all this makes you feel, and that his expectations are simply too high at the moment. If he’s that afraid of getting shit on his dick or if he can’t take even the slightest smell or sight of poop then maybe he shouldn’t be doing anal in the first place!

Photo: Norma Jean Roy


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HERETIC hereticatlanta.com

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A snapshot of Gay Atlanta’s favorite destinations. View their ads in DAVID & visit their websites for weekly event listings.




868 Joseph E. Boone Blvd NW


840 Joseph E. Boone Blvd NW


ATLANTA EAGLE 1492 Piedmont Ave NE

FELIX’S 1510 Piedmont Ave NE

THE HIDEAWAY 1544 Piedmont Ave NE

MIXX mixxatlanta.com 1492 Piedmont Ave NE

OSCAR’S oscarsatlanta.com 1510 Piedmont Ave NE

WOOFS woofsatlanta.com

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MARY’S marysatlanta.com

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466 Edgewood Ave SE




991 Piedmont Ave NE casa-almenara.com

HENRY’S henrysatl.com

132 10th St NE

LA HACIENDA lahaciendamidtown. com

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1745 Peachtree Rd NW


LIPS ATLANTA atldragshow.com

3011 Buford Hwy NE



1510 Piedmont Ave NE


2205 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE


BOY NEXT DOOR MENSWEAR boynextdoormenswear.com

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GCB & PLEASURES brushstrokesatlanta.com

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URBAN BODY FITNESS urbanbody tness.com

500 Amsterdam Ave N


GRAVITEE FITNESS graviteeatl.com

2201 Faulkner Rd NE



FLEX SPA exspas.com

76 4th St NW


We all have those moments of ‘wait, did they just say that?’ Lucky for you, we compile the best of the best right here on this page. Want to join in on the b*tch session? Submit your own nuggets to info@davidatlanta.com.

I’m anti rock-climbing – get down from there!

Why I’m obsessed with food? Need it to live. Next question.

Are you actually a switch? Or are you just so much a sub, so you’ll dom if that’s what yout partner wants?

I refuse to be controlled by a calendar. Happy Halloween, everybody!

e guy with the worst grades should give a graduation speech too. Let me hear both sides!

Not all gay people are all yassss and slaaayyyy. Some of us look forward to going home, so we can lay down.

It’s already tonight?? What’s next? Tomorrow??? F*ck this.

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