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Before They Fall film screening
Members of the community will have an opportunity to view a B.C. documentary, Before They Fall, at a special screening at the 50 Plus next week.
The documentary screening is sponsored by the Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance (PWPA), a local advocacy group dedicated to safeguarding Peachland’s watershed.
“This film is just to adver- tise that it has been over two years since the old growth deferrals have been promised and they’re going to save and protect old growth and nothing has happened,” PWPA director Taryn Skalbania told the View. “We in Peach-
Notice Of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 21 at 5:00 pm in Council Chambers at the Peachland Community Centre, 4450 – 6th Street, Peachland, BC to consider:
“Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2367” and “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2368”
Council will hear from persons who deem their interest in property to be affected by these bylaw amendments.
Location: 6785 Thorne Road, Peachland
Legal Description: (Lot A, District Lot 221, ODYD, Plan 19113) land do have old growth . . . a movie like this will just bring more attention to the cause and more information to taxpayers and recreation users and land users.”

Purpose: To amend the Subject Property Official Community Plan Future Land Use Map from “Rural” to “Low Density Residential”; AND, to amend the Zoning Bylaw Map zone from “Rural Residential (RR1)” to “Single Detached Residential (R1)”, to facilitate future subdivision.
The PWPA will host the first B.C. Interior screening of the documentary to help raise awareness in the region around various issues surrounding B.C.’s endangered old-growth.

“Before they Fall is hon- ouring those who fight to protect ancient old-growth forest and an urgent call for settlers to listen to and follow Indigenous leadership,”
Continued on Page 5
Copies of the proposed Bylaws and related material can be reviewed at Municipal Hall, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, BC between 8:00 to 3:30 pm Monday to Friday from February 10, 2023 to February 21, 2023 or online at www. peachland.ca/publichearings. Municipal Hall will be closed February 20, 2023.
To be considered by Council, concerns must be expressed in writing or presented in person at the Public Hearing. Written submissions may be delivered to the District of Peachland Municipal Hall or emailed to the Corporate Officer, at corporateservices@peachland.ca. All written and emailed submissions must be received by 4:00 pm on February 20, 2023 and will become part of the public record.