3 minute read
Recreation department to offer Film & Fun event for Family Day
The Peachland Recreation Department is launching a new Family Day event this year, a Film & Fun family-friendly movie screening with snacks and fun activities for kids.
In previous years the recreation department had offered a Family Day skate, but with Family Day being pushed a week later, the municipality hasn’t been able to get ice consistently, so the decision was made to try something different.
“We decided that rather than a wait and see approach with how the weather will be, let’s just plan something new,” said recreation manager Ben Stringer.
The municipality will be screening The Princess Bride on a large 20-foot screen that is suspended from the curtain of the stage and used in tandem with a projector borrowed from the fire department.
“Things are looking really quite crisp so we were happily surprised with the quality of this one,” said Stringer.
“We thought we’d go for a classic, something that maybe a lot of kids haven’t seen so it would be a movie they’ve never watched before so a full new experience to come into the centre and watch.”
The Peachland Ambassadors are partnering with the town for this event. They’ll be at the community centre with popcorn as well as their new cotton candy machine, and both treats will be available by donation to the Am- bassadors.
There will also be a hot chocolate bar with fancy toppings for people to make themselves some sweet beverages.
Other fun activities for kids will include face painting, light crafts, colouring and games.
“It’s all free. It’s being offered as something fun for our community,” said Stringer. “We are open for drop-ins for anybody who wants to come in. The doors will be open at 1 p.m. and the movie will start about 15 or 20 minutes after.”
The free Family Day Film & Fun event will take place on Feb. 20 from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. at the community centre. For more information call 250 767 2133.
Joanne Layh Publisher / Editor editor@peachlandview.com sales@peachlandview.com
Don Urquhart
Contributing Reporter

Melissa Morris Production designer@peachlandview.com
5878A Beach Avenue
Peachland, BC V0H 1X7
250 767 7771 published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc.
Robert W. Doull, pres rdoull@aberdeenpublishing.com
The Peachland View is a free community newspaper that is distributed each Friday to everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside of the distribution area but within Canada can purchase a subscription at $70 per year + GST. The Peachland View reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial submission at its discretion. Material submitted by columnists does not reflect the opinions of the Peachland View or its employees. The Peachland View retains complete and sole copyright of any content, including stories, photographs, and advertisements published in the Peachland View. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

HeArts Fest raised donations for Turkey/Syrian Relief Fund
The Peachland Variety Singers would like to thank everyone for attending our concert and luncheon on Monday, Feb. 13, which finished a very successful HeArts Festival.
We raised well over $300 in donations for the Turkey/Syrian Relief Fund, which will be tripled by the Red Cross.
A special thanks to the Peachland Community Arts Council, Val Macgillevray and her 50 Plus crew and Sigrid Orford for crocheting all the little red hearts to give to donors.
The next concert will be Sunday, April 16 at 2:00 in the 50 Plus Activity Centre. Phyllis Papineau, Peachland
P.S. Joanne, thank you for all your years of service to Peachland and we wish you success in this new chapter in your life.
Editor’s Note: Thank you, Phyllis. You are a true Peachland gem so I just had to put you on the front page one last time :)
Lilly St and Hwy observations
Upon reading the article about Lilly and the Hwy 97 intersection I have thoughts I’d like to share with MOTI and readers alike. Heading south on Hwy 97 and Princeton Ave with a boat attached is a very stressful area to be when one want to enter the parking and boat launch area. You simply cannot just turn into it as the one-way street won’t allow and you cannot enter from the north; one is forced to turn over the double solid line and wait for traffic from the south and holding up traffic behind is usually heard with a %$&_% or a horn blaring.
It needs rethinking in this area. Also, many times on Beach Avenue’s boat launch and its pedestrian infested area where we boaters are backing in and pulling out and trying effi- ciently to start or end our day...well it’s dangerous to put foot traffic in this area and I’ve seen three close calls of running over people that decide to creep around backing up vehicles. The foot traffic should be crossing there at the sidewalk and cross over again if they want at the washroom facility further south.
Erwin Jands, Peachland