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Peachland Arts Council celebrates return of HeArts Fest
The Peachland Arts Council is happy to report just under 400 guests attended the weekend showcase of the 2023 HeARTS Festival. The community centre was filled with Hearts for the Arts! Students from our elementary school decorated the stage with hundreds of creative collage hearts. Ten of the arts council’s umbrella groups were represented and reported many visitors inquired about their groups’ activities and signed up to volunteer their help for
2023 Financial Plan Open House
Pursuant to Section 166 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given of public consultation regarding the proposed 2023 Financial Plan prior to adoption.

Director of Finance Garry Filafilo will be available at the Peachland Community Centre, 4450 – 6th Street, Peachland, B.C. on Thursday, February 23, 2023 from 3:00PM to 6:00PM for public consultation.

various events such as the fall fair, the little theatre’s April production, the upcoming rose show and many others. Workshops were offered in flower arranging, macrame and home and garden themes. Artists were on hand painting abstract portraits, demonstrating clay sculpture and watercolour techniques, and our ukulele players and Peachland Variety Singers entertained everyone during the fabulous lunch provided by the arts council.
On Saturday night, members of the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra and three students from the Kelowna Music School entertained an appreciative audience in the Art Gallery followed by dinner at Cibo & Vines and Basil Leaf. We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our wonderful volunteer members in our organization – the week was a huge success.
Well done everyone – so happy to be back!

The Peachland Wellness Centre’s (PWC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held March 18th, 2023 from 10:00 - 11:00 am at the Peachland Historic Building Boardroom.

All members are invited to attend and please be advised that only members can vote; all are invited! If you wish to become a member visit our website and click on the members button. It is easy to do.
Peachland Wellness Centre
4426 5th Street, Peachland BC 250-767-0141 wellnesscentre@shaw.ca www.peachlandwellnesscentre.ca