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Our Services Are Moving

Beginning Sunday, May 21, we will be relocating our three Sunday morning worship services to the Summit, located on the second floor of the Lodge across the street. This move is essential as we prepare for construction. We anticipate construction taking 15 months and this timetable enables us to utilize two summer seasons, when attendance tends to decrease, so that we only disrupt one program year of ministry.

Service Schedule

Our service times will remain the same with traditional worship at 8:45am and 10am and contemporary worship at 11:15am.


When you arrive on campus, we will have greeters and signage across our campus to make sure you can find where you need to go. Please see PeachtreeChurch.com/Move for specific parking recommendations during this season.

Children’s Programming

Children will not be dismissed to programming during the 8:45am and 11:15am services. They can attend the entire worship service with parents or be dropped off directly in classrooms prior to the beginning of each service.

Learn more about our move at PeachtreeChurch.com/Move

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