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Rebecca Coppedge

Rebecca Coppedge and her husband, John, have been members of Peachtree since 2012. They are parents to three daughters, Evie (11), Eleanor (8), and Frances (4). At Peachtree, Rebecca has taught in her daughters’ Sunday school classrooms, co-chaired Feast and Flourish, a ministry for mothers of elementary students, and served on a mission trip to India. She participated in Peachtree’s Spiritual Formation Cohort in 2022 and is a member of WCBS. An Atlanta native, Rebecca attended The University of North Carolina and Georgia Tech’s Sam Nunn School of International Affairs. She and her family recently enjoyed serving together with Lighthouse Family Retreat, and she has participated in a women’s mission trip to serve a church in Guatemala. Rebecca and John enjoy regular time spent in community with their Peachtree small group. She is honored and excited to serve as a first-time elder.

Lee Cross

Lee Cross grew up in North Atlanta and attended Davidson College and Emory University School of Medicine. Additionally, Lee served in the Army as chief of orthopaedic surgery for the entire U.S. military in Korea and practiced for 25 years in Atlanta. Lee participated in multiple medical mission trips to Liberia and Morocco and is now a semi-retired orthopaedic surgeon. Joining Peachtree in 2010, Lee is an active member of the Credence Sunday school class, serving as Co-President of the class for the third time. He is also a Stephen Minister, facilitator for GriefShare, and IRONMEN table leader. In the past, Lee has served on the board for the Peachtree Trust and as a Greeter. Proudly married to Anne, they have two children, one deceased, and one granddaughter named for their late daughter.

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