2020 has been one of the most unique years of my life. Old or young, rich or poor, no matter our skin color or race, we have all been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, 2020 has been a year when racial tensions were excessively evident in the media. It almost felt like when it wasn't one thing, it was another. Because of everything that has transpired, for some people, Christmastime has lost its joy. This countdown to Christmas will hopefully serve as a reminder to the true meaning behind Christmas and why there is always a reason to celebrateour living hope through Christ Jesus.
Merry & Bright It's time to get into the Holiday Spirit! Each day, refer to the last page of this booklet for a daily holiday
shoutout on social media (if you choose to)! Enjoy and
Magazine Family to yours. Much love!
Scripture adapted from: New International Version & New Living Translation
Day 1 “ ...but the angel reassured them, ' Don’t be afraid!' he said. 'I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people." Luke 2:10
"Great joy to all people", I am totally here for it! Sometimes we get so caught up in the food, the music,
Christmas season, that we forget what Christmas is truly about. Not to say that those things are bad, but it's easy to experience joy and hope in this Christmas season when we remind ourselves that Christmas is all about celebrating the greatest gift ever- the gift of salvation. This gift of salvation carries with it the gift of peace, the gift of everlasting life, the gift of strength, the gift of hope and the gift of joy unspeakable. Bask in that truth today. Reflect on the fact that joy can be yours in this very moment, not because of how the world looks, but because of God giving His son as a sacrifice for your sins.
Day 2 “ The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.� Isaiah 9:2
Have you felt like 2020 was a year of deep darkness? I know I've personally felt that way on more
uncertainty made getting up to face a new day feel like a drag. This scripture gives me so much comfort. I am reminded that even in the darkest places God's light shines. Live in the light. Focus on the good. Count your blessings. Remember that the moment Jesus entered the world as a babe,
a great light came that has the power to
shine and illuminate the darkest of place.
Day 3 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him ,and He will make your paths straight.� Proverbs 3:5-6
This scripture is one that we read or hear often but how many of us truly live it? How many of us daily trust God with our entire hearts and refuse to lean on our own understanding (what we see, feel or hear)? For starters, not me. Each day I have to remind myself to trust God. Each day I have to remind myself to hold fast to His truth. Every day I have to make a conscious decision to lean on God's word and not my own understanding. What things are you afraid to trust God for because of how the present seems? What things are you afraid to trust God for because of how the past turned out? Will you commit to trusting God in the now? Will you commit to letting go of past failures? Will you commit to letting go of disappoints to trust God with unwavering faith?
Day 4 “ “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10
Take some time to be still today. Turn off all the noise- take a few moments away from people to sit and to hear God. Let go of the pressure of buying the perfect gift, having enough money to buy gifts and ticking things off of your "to-do" lists. Take a moment to sit at the feet of the Father. What is He saying to you today? Where is He leading you today? Do you long to know Him? Be still and in your stillness you will come to appreciate that He alone is God.
Day 5 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Emmanuel.� Isaiah 7:14
Emmanuel means "God with us". How comforting one word can be! When we reflect on the truth of that word, why should our hearts be sick with fear, anxiety and despair? God IS with us! In this very moment God is with you. He is so so near. He cares about you. He cares about your hurt, your pain, your loss and your frustrations- it all matters to Him. Today, receive the promise of Emmanuel. God IS with you- in this very moment and forever more.
Day 6
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.� Isaiah 9:6
Today we are back on the topic of peace. We know that we've been given peace, but what are we doing to protect that peace? Peace has to be protected. There are so many things on a daily basis vying for our peace- social media, the news, some friends, some family members, our own thoughts! We must work to protect our peace by controlling what we take in. What are you listening to this holiday season? What are you reading? Who are you listening to? What are you watching? Are you single but watching multiple romantic comedies that are making you feel lonely? Are you renting but watching social media influencers decorate their new houses? Have you lost your job, but you're watching other people do shopping hauls on YouTube? Protect your peace. Turn off the noise and focus on what's in front of you. You have so much to be grateful for.
Day 7 “ A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.� Proverbs 11:25
No better way to get into the Christmas Spirit than to give! Giving itself is ironically one of the greatest gifts in this life! To be able to help someone else is a blessing. Today, instead of focusing on your own needs why not take some time to pause on who around you has a need. You might not be able to make all of their problems go away, but in this Holiday season you might be able to put a smile on someone's face. Whether it might be a few bucks for gas, treating someone else to lunch or simply sending someone a word of encouragement, let us give generously from our hearts this day and throughout this season. Why not make it an everyday thing?
Day 8 “ Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom." Isaiah 40:28
God does not get tired. This year you might have gotten tired, but God does not get tired. This week or this very day you might think that you're at the end of your rope-but you are not. God's word assures us that in our weakness His strength is perfected. Similarly, the verse for today reminds us that God never gets tired. There is divine power that flows through you and enables you to continue moving forward. This power source does not run dry and it never grows weary. I challenge you today to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep taking things one day at a time. There is better ahead of you. Keep going.
Day 9 “ When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.� Matthew 2:10
The wise men knew! The verse for today tells us that when they saw the star in the sky they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. Not just regular joy, exceeding great joy. What was so different about this star that wise men rejoiced? Of course we know the answer to that question, but are you currently living like you know? Are you living like you have a living hope through Christ Jesus? Are you living like you know the greatest gift that could ever be given was given to you? Like the wise men, do you know?
Day 10 “ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God.� Luke 2:13
The first Christmas must have been the most remarkable day in human history. Wise men seeing this unique star in the sky. Shepherds being serenaded by heavenly hosts. A baby- who was sent by God Himself to save the world, being born in the stillness of night ? Sounds all too good to be true. But the same mystery and anticipation the wise men and the shepherd felt that night is available to us. God fulfilled His promise to mankind that night. He is still fulfilling promises today. Do you believe?
Day 11 “ For nothing will be impossible with God.� Luke 1:37
Impossible literally means not possible; not able to happen, not able to occur, can not be done, will never be done. Then, this scripture turns around and declares that yes, you have limits on what's possible, but God doesn't. Are you allowing scripture to dictate your faith or are you allowing what you see to dictate? Christmas alone is proof that what man declares not possible, God says it is possible. According to man, it is impossible for a virgin to conceive- but what did God do? Man says it is impossible to part the seas with a staff, but what did God do? Man says it is impossible to be placed into a den with hungry lions and not be eaten, but what did God do? Need I say more? Continue believing for this impossible. God is not confined by what our human minds deem possible. If he was, then He wouldn't be God.
Day 12 “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confidence by the power of the Holy Spirit.� Romans 15:13
Let's break this scripture down: The writer is praying that God (who is the source of hope) would fill the reader completely and entirely with joy and peace because of your trust in Him. The writer is saying after you are filled with the joy and peace from God (by faith) you will overflow with
Confidence in God maybe? Confidence in His promises? Confidence in His word. Confidence in the joy and hope that He gives? Pray that God will fill you, your family and your friends with joy and peace this holiday season today and every day of your life.
Day 13 “Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.� Romans 12:10
Christmas is a time of giving. It is a time where love and generosity are celebrated. However, it goes far beyond opening gifts, volunteering and gathering around the dinner table. This Holiday season let's honor one another- not just with deeds but with sincerity. How can you honor others? Honor means to hold in high esteem and to respect. Are there persons you might find it hard to forgive? Is there someone that annoys you and you find it hard to be around? Let's make an effort to honor everyone. Not just those who we find easy to love.
Day 14 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.� John 16:33
As the year comes to close and as we approach Christmas and the new year, remember that trouble is something that comes and goes. Pain is temporary. This verse reminds us that although we might experience hardships in this life, there is still hope. There is still so much to be grateful for. This Christmas Holiday, challenge yourself to focus on the good. Celebrate the life and health that you have. Celebrate the family and friends that God has blessed you with. Celebrate the gift of salvation. Rejoice and be filled with hope. God is on the throne, He has all power in His hands and He has your best interest at heart. Merry Christmas!
14 DayChallenge Post a photo of each daily challenge on your social media. Share your photo along with anyone of these hashtags: #becomingmagazine #becomingmagazinechristmaschallenge #hopefulchristmas #christmasisamiracle
Day 1: Post a photo with a view of your quiet time. This can include a photo of the scripture that spoke to you, the view from your location or even a photo of your favorite quiet time journal. Day 2: Your favorite holiday beverage e.g. tea, coffee, hot cocoa, eggnog Day 3: Your favorite holiday tradition e.g. a photo of a group of people singing carols, a photo of you decorating your place, a photo of you shopping with family Day 4: Your favorite Holiday movie Day 5: Your favorite Christmas scripture Day 6: Your wanderlust Christmas destination Day 7: A clip of your favorite Christmas carol (you can sing it or you can share a clip of someone else singing it) Day 8: A selfie of you showing Christmas-Spirit Day 9: Your favorite Christmas scent e.g. Christmas cookies, your favorite scented candle or even the scent of pine. Day 10: List 1 goal for 2021 Day 11: List 3 things you are grateful for Day 12: List 3 lessons you learned in 2020 Day 13: Share what Christmas means to you in 7 words! Day 14: Share how this devotional has helped you get into the Christmas-Spirit!