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Myself, my family, my school
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Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas
Theme 1: Myself Introduction This revised edition of Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas has been developed and updated in association with The Ministry of Education, written by a team of experienced Bahamian teachers and teacher educators. Book 1 covers the theme of ‘me’, exploring individuals at home and at school. Book 2 progresses on to the communities in which we live. In Book 3, classes are encouraged to look at the island on which they live, as well as how the people in other Bahamian islands live. Book 4 deals with The Bahamas as a country – its past and present, along with the important industry of tourism. Book 5 covers The Bahamas’ historical connections with the rest of the Caribbean and the world, looks at development in The Bahamas through education and organisational links, and introduces the industries, culture and people of other countries. Book 6 explores the Bahamian system of government, profiles more people and cultures from countries far and wide, and introduces students to important environmental topics. Each book now offers coverage of contemporary and significant social themes such as the environment and the economy. A new, colorful and user-friendly design offers easy access to content.
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A ‘New words’ glossary at the end of the book provides definitions to key terminology highlighted throughout the book.
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Each theme ends with a ‘What have you learnt?’ section, which reinforces key concepts through additional activities.
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Theme Theme 12
Our Other system nations, of Government other cultures
A visit to Japan
11 A visit to Japan
earthquake but do not collapse as easily. In Japan, architects use concrete reinforced with steel to build tall structures.
Like The Bahamas, Japan is a nation made up of many islands, but the cultures and ways of life of the two nations are very different. Japan lies in the western part of the north Pacific Ocean, off the east coast of mainland Asia. Scenery in Japan is varied, with mountains, volcanoes and plains, all surrounded by the sea. Earthquakes are frequent in Japan. Earthquake tremors can shake buildings and houses, causing them to become damaged or destroyed. Despite this, there are many tall buildings in Japan. The highest building in Japan is the Tokyo Sky Tree (634 m). Architects and engineers make sure that the buildings can withstand earthquakes by being flexible. A building made out of concrete only is more likely to collapse when there is an earthquake because the concrete will crack under pressure. Metals such as steel are considered as better materials because they can easily bend and are flexible, they can sway when hit by an
A bullet train passes in front of Mt Fuji in Japan
Facts about Japan Area 378 000 km² Population >127 million Language Japanese Capital city Tokyo
An industrious nation Japan is one of the most developed and industrialised countries in the world.The standard of living in Japan is one of the highest in the world.The Bahamas has natural resources that have allowed it to develop a tourist industry, but Japan has few natural resources. So the people have learnt to manufacture goods that are exported all over the world.
H O K K A I D O Sapporo
However, there are also many Japanese homes that are made from wood and are no higher than two floors.This means when an earthquake strikes that there will be less falling debris.. In most Japanese homes, there is a mixture of traditional and modern furniture. For example, many people sleep on a futon, a type of mattress that is laid out on the floor at night, then rolled up during the day. Tokyo skyscrapers The floors are covered with straw matting called tatami.These are kept spotlessly clean, and everyone must take off their shoes as they enter the house. Rooms within a home can be separated by partitions called fusuma, which are sliding doors made from wood and paper. Fusuma are portable and easily removed, so you can change the shape of your room very easily!
We see many Japanese goods on sale in The Bahamas – cameras, music players, TVs, computers, cars. Other Japanese exports include ships, heavy machinery, lorries, steel, textiles, fish products and art objects. Most of the large-scale manufacturing companies are in the cities, but there are also many small factories scattered all over the country.
Sea of Japan H O N S H U Pacific Ocean Tokyo Mt Fuji 3776 m Kyoto Kawasaki Yokohama Kobe Osaka
Lots of our goods are manufactured in Japan. Do you or your family have any items made in Japan?
Key terminology is highlighted in bold colour throughout, with definitions in the ‘New words’ section at the back of the book.
500 km Land over 1500 metres
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Each book is filled with colourful, relevant photos, illustrations and maps.
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In-text activities are included in each chapter encouraging students to pause and revise key concepts, as well as extend their knowledge with projects or research.
Symbols are included next to relevant activities to assist with identification of the activity type and other resources that may be needed. Refers you to the School Atlas for the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. For activities where students need to create a list for sharing with the rest of the class. !
For activities that encourage whole class discussion to respond to an issue. Students may be asked to work together on a group or class project.
Accompanying student and teacher support is offered for each level on the companion website: www.pearson.com/caribbean/bahamassocialstudies
Theme 1
3 My country There are many islands in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
I live in The Bahamas. I am proud to be a Bahamian. Bahamians are friendly people. I have friends from other islands.
c What is the name of your island? c What is the name of your country? 6
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My community
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Primary PrimarySocial SocialStudies Studies and andTourism TourismEducation Educationfor for The TheBahamas Bahamas
Theme 1
Looking around us
9 Changes over time Primary Social Studies and Tourist Education for The Bahamas – developed in association with The Bahamas Ministry of Education.
People make changes all the time. Communities Written by a teamgrow. of experienced Bahamian teachers and teacher educators, this second edition retains popular style and New places are built. Newtheroads are made. approach to Social Studies from the highly successful first edition, The while trees and plants adding some great newgrow features. and die. What’s new? ●
Full curriculum coverage and the inclusion of new themes that have become part of the cultural and social awareness over recent years
An activity-based approach, along with a striking new design and artwork including national symbols and map of The Bahamas, ensures student enjoyment while learning
A key word glossary supports learning and helps develop new vocabulary
A brand new companion website offers interactive learning support for students, teachers and parents. Don’t miss it!
The series comprises six student books: Book 1 Myself, my family, my school Book 2 My community Book 3 My island home Book 4 The Bahamas, our country Book 5 Neighbouring lands Book 6 Bahamians, citizens of the world
978-1-405-86271-4 978-1-405-86272-1 978-1-405-86273-8 978-1-405-86274-5 978-1-405-86275-2 978-1-405-86276-9 www.pearsoncaribbean.com
Some places change quickly. Supported by a revised The School Atlas for Other places change slowly. The Commonwealth of The Bahamas: 978-1-408-2582-7 14
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My island home
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Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas
The symbols of our nation
11 The symbols of our nation The Bahamas has been an independent country since 1973. We have our own government and laws. We have our own national anthem, written by Timothy Gibson. Let’s sing it together: March On, Bahamaland Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland; March on to glory, your bright banners waving high; See how the world marks the manner of your bearing! Pledge to excel through love and unity. Pressing onward, march together to a common loftier goal; Steady sunward, though the weather hide the wide and treach’rous shoal, Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland; ’Til the road you’ve trod Lead unto your God, March on, Bahamaland!
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The Bahamas, our country
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Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas
Theme 1 Finding out about our country
Where is The Bahamas? Planet Earth The planet Earth is spherical in shape. The classroom globe is a model of the planet. Just as the globe rotates around an imaginary line that joins the North Pole to the South Pole, planet Earth rotates in the same way.
Eastern hemisphere and western hemisphere
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Written by a team of experienced Bahamian teachers and teacher educators, this second edition retains the popular style and approach to Social Studies from the highly successful first edition, while adding some great new features. What’s new? l
Full curriculum coverage and the inclusion of new themes that have become part of the cultural and social awareness over recent years
An activity-based approach, along with a striking new design and artwork including national symbols and map of The Bahamas, ensures student enjoyment while learning
A key word glossary supports learning and helps develop new vocabulary
A brand new companion website offers interactive learning support for students, teachers and parents. Don’t miss it!
The series comprises six student books: Book 1 Myself, my family, my school Book 2 My community Book 3 My island home Book 4 The Bahamas, our country Book 5 Neighbouring lands Book 6 Bahamians, citizens of the world
978-1-405-86271-4 978-1-405-86272-1 978-1-405-86273-8 978-1-405-86274-5 978-1-405-86275-2 978-1-405-86276-9
Supported by a revised The School Atlas for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas: 978-1-408-25827-9
Neighbouring lands
on iti Ed
Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas – developed in association with The Bahamas Ministry of Education.
Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas
Theme 1
Historical connections
4 Early connections with America The people in The Bahamas have always been closely associated with America. In 1629, King Charles I of England gave the lands of the American Carolinas and The Bahamas to his chief legal adviser, Attorney-General Sir Robert Heath. By this grant, these lands became British territories. King Charles I of England
In those early years, settlers in The Bahamas looked to settlers in North America for advice, help and trade. Settlers
Atlantic Ocean VIRGINIA N
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Written by a team of experienced Bahamian teachers and teacher educators, this second edition retains the popular style and approach to Social Studies from the highly successful first edition, while adding some great new features.
on iti Ed
Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas – developed in association with The Bahamas Ministry of Education.
Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas
What’s new? l
Full curriculum coverage and the inclusion of new themes that have become part of the cultural and social awareness over recent years
An activity-based approach, along with a striking new design and artwork including national symbols and map of The Bahamas, ensures student enjoyment while learning
A key word glossary supports learning and helps develop new vocabulary
A brand new companion website offers interactive learning support for students, teachers and parents. Don’t miss it!
The series comprises six student books: Book 1 Myself, my family, my school Book 2 My community Book 3 My island home Book 4 The Bahamas, our country Book 5 Neighbouring lands Book 6 Bahamians, citizens of the world
978-1-405-86271-4 978-1-405-86272-1 978-1-405-86273-8 978-1-405-86274-5 978-1-405-86275-2 978-1-405-86276-9
Supported by a revised The School Atlas for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas: 978-1-408-25827-9
Bahamians, citizens of the world
Theme 1
Our system of government
The Royal Bahamas Defence Force The Royal Bahamas Defence Force is another body that helps to enforce our laws. It was created in 1979 by an Act of Parliament. The two main aims of this force are: to protect our fishing grounds from foreign poachers to prevent drugs coming into or passing through the islands of The Bahamas.
1. Find out the telephone numbers you would need to dial to get help in the following situations. You come home after a short vacation to find that your house has been burgled. You see smoke rising from a shop that is closed for the day. You visit your grandmother and she is suddenly taken ill. You are in a car that collides with a bus. You are the only person who is not injured. Early in the morning, you see some men on a boat acting very suspiciously. 2. Make an illustrated classroom display of the things done by members of our police force to ensure that we are safe and secure.
Available now from all major bookstores
ISBN 9781408258279
School Atlas
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Available now from all major bookstores for The Commonwealth of The
Bahamas School Atlas for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas revised and updated in association with the Ministry of Education ●
Includes more full-colour images, current data from the Department of Statistics and up-to-date maps, including new physical maps for all continents.
Highlights social and environmental issues affecting The Bahamas, with supporting data and interpretation.
Provides resource material to support the schools’ textbook course, Primary Social Studies and Tourism for The Bahamas.
Don’t miss: ●
2010 census data providing updates on topics such as population and tourism.
New detail on maps specific to The Bahamas, including new major airports and roads.
More examples of national heroes, updated information on the solar systems and expanded material on time zones.
School Atlas for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas revised and updated in association with the Ministry of Education ●
Includes more full-colour images, current data from the Department of Statistics and up-to-date maps, including new physical maps for all continents.
Highlights social and environmental issues affecting The Bahamas, with supporting data and interpretation.
Provides resource material to support the schools’ textbook course, Primary Social Studies and Tourism for The Bahamas.
Don’t miss: ●
2010 census data providing updates on topics such as population and tourism.
New detail on maps specific to The Bahamas, including new major airports and roads.
More examples of national heroes, updated information on the solar systems and expanded material on time zones.
23/10/2012 12:06
Available in all major bookstores Primary Social Studies and Tourist Education for The Bahamas – developed in association with The Bahamas Ministry of Education. Written by a team of experienced Bahamian teachers and teacher educators, this second edition retains the popular style and approach to Social Studies from the highly successful first edition, while adding some great new features. What’s new? ●
Full curriculum coverage and the inclusion of new themes that have become part of the cultural and social awareness over recent years An activity-based approach, along with a striking new design and artwork including national symbols and map of The Bahamas, ensures student enjoyment while learning
A key word glossary supports learning and helps develop new vocabulary
A brand new companion website offers interactive learning support for students, teachers and parents. Don’t miss it!
www.pearsoncaribbean.com/bahamassocialstudies Contributors First edition team: Series Editor: Mike Morrissey Project Coordinator: John Burrows Author team: Lisa Bain, Jacqueline Burrows, Elma Garraway, Jenny Hutcheson, Gloria Miller, Angela Morley, Elvia Rolle, Mildred Pickstock, Karen Simms, Helen Simmons, Joan Sturrup and Francina Thurston Revision team: Project Coordinator: Lonice P. Hart Author team: Veronica Campbell, Annie Colebrook, Vernita Davis, Sandy Edwards, Fanette Francis, Valdarine Kemp, Florence McCoy,
Beatrice Moxey, Shantel Paul, Garnell Powell, Joan Patricia Rolle and Delores Storr-Bullard Ministry of Education Officials: Ministers of Education: The Hon. T. Desmond Bannister (2009-2012) and The Hon. Jerome Fitzgerald (current) Mrs. Elma Garraway, Mr. Lionel Sands, Mr. Ross Smith, Ms. Verona Seymour , Mr. Clarence Clare, Dr. Francina Thurston, Mr. Edgar Arnette and Communication Section, Department of Education, The Bahamas, Glenda Rolle and the Family Life and Health Unit, Department of Education, The Bahamas.
The series comprises six student books: Book 1 Myself, my family, my school Book 2 My community Book 3 My island home Book 4 The Bahamas, our country Book 5 Neighbouring lands Book 6 Bahamians, citizens of the world
978-1-405-86271-4 978-1-405-86272-1 978-1-405-86273-8 978-1-405-86274-5 978-1-405-86275-2 978-1-405-86276-9
Supported by a revised The School Atlas for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas: 978-1-408-2582-7