for international schools!
International Lower Secondary Curriculum Preparing pupils for
international examination success
Find out more
Preparing pupils for
international examination success Designed specifically for international schools, the Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum caters for pupils in Years 7 to 9 (ages 12-14) and is available for English, maths and science. Based on the UK National Curriculum for Key Stage 3, it provides pupils with a well-rounded education and a certificated benchmark of achievement, while giving teachers an easy-to-implement framework and an effective way to monitor pupil progress.
Why should I offer the Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum? Written by experienced secondary authors and teachers, the Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum:
How is the curriculum structured? The Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum has been designed so that you can plan, deliver and assess with ease and confidence – as well as motivate your pupils and easily keep parents informed of their progression. The comprehensive Teacher Programme Package that is provided when you sign up features unrivalled support materials and training.
Externally-assessed Edexcel Achievement Tests at the end of Year 9 allow you to benchmark pupils’ performance, facilitating pupil progression from one country to another.
Plan and implement with ease turn to page 4 for more information.
The curriculum has been expertly matched to a range of market-leading published resources, allowing you to enhance your lessons with minimal hassle.
Deliver a range of assessments
turn to page 8 for more information.
Enhance your lessons
turn to page 6 for more information.
provides excellent preparation for International GCSE and GCE A Level or equivalent, through a structured curriculum for English, maths and science
an international benchmark of ✔ provides achievement, with externally-marked
Teacher Programme Package
Achievement Tests and certification at the end of Year 9
Annual Progress Tests and End-of-Unit Tests enable pupils to check their knowledge ahead of the final examination, and help you ensure they are on track to achieve the best grades they can.
allows you to track pupils’ progress through a variety of year-specific Progress and Achievement Tests
implement and administer, ✔ iswitheasyfreetotraining and a fully flexible
Curriculum Book for each of English, maths and science (covering Years 7-9) l Schemes of Work l Exemplar units (45 units in total) l End-of-unit Tests and Mark Schemes for exemplar units l Suggested teaching resources for each exemplar unit Training for new centres
structure that allows you to teach it alongside other curricula and up to date, with ideas ✔ isforengaging lessons and a framework that allows you to embed knowledge creatively unrivalled and unique delivery ✔ offers support, with detailed suggestions of published resources embedded within each unit
Progress Tests for each of Years 7-8 for annual assessment (Internally assessed)
Curriculum Components
Achievement Tests at the end of Year 9 for end-ofcurriculum assessment (Externally assessed)
you and your pupils a seamless and cohesive ✔ gives teaching and learning experience, especially when used alongside other Edexcel qualifications.
t tv
Easy planning
and implementation
Year 7 – Overv
Generate and de scribe simple int eger sequences Generate term s of a simple se quence, given a r term from the pr ule (eg finding a evious term, find ing a term given the sequence) its position in ● Generate t erms of a linear se quence definitions of the sequence, on pa using term-to-term per and using a s graphical calcul ator preadsheet or ● Generate s equences from practical conte general term in xts and describ simple cases e the ● Begin to use linear expression s to describe the arithmetic seque nth term of an nce ● Express sim ple functions in words, then usi ng symbols ● Represen t simple functio ns in mappings ● Use letter s ymbols to repres ent unknown nu mbers or varia ● Begin to dis bles tinguish the diff erent roles played equations, form by letter symbo ulae and function ls in s ● Know the m eanings of the w ords ‘term’, ‘ex ‘formula’ and ‘fu pre ssion’, ‘equation nction’ ’, ● Know tha t algebraic opera tio ns fol low the same co order as arithm etic operations nventions and ● Use index n otation for small positive powers ● Simplify line Unit 2 (Numbe ar algebraic ex r 1) pressions by co llecting like terms ● Understand and use decim al notation and place value ● Compare and order decim als in different contexts ● Know tha t when compari ng measurements same units they must be in the Sample pages from Edexcel International ● Underst and negative nu mbers (integers Lower Secondary Curriculum: Mathematics number line ) as positions on a Curriculum Book. ● Add and sub tract integers ● Order, add and subtract po sitive and negat ive integers in c ● Add, subtra ontext ct, multiply and divide integers ● Consolida te the rapid rec all of number fac integer complem ts, including po ents to 100 sitive ● Use standa rd column proc edures to add a numbers and de nd subtract who cimals up to tw le o decimal places ● Use standa rd column proc edures to add a and decimals of nd subtract intege any size, includ rs ing a mixture of numbers with a large and small differing number of decimal places ●
Mathematics Ye
ar 7 Overview ©
Pearson Educa
tion Ltd 2011
Schemes of Work are provided for each of years 7 to 9, across English, mathematics and science, allowing you to plan the year with ease and confidence.
Outline objectives ensure your lessons are focused and meet specific learning criteria – whilst saving you valuable time.
package How many boxes are needed to What is the answer to 328 ÷ 9? be How many nine-litre bottles will gifts? nine hold can box each if 328 gifts ? hole water of igit w litres wo-d 328 is t by t full if there Divide three-digi em is asise that the context of the probl numbers Why are the answers different? Emph must be read carefully. , stion vision h que ter di at eac wn af nd th or do d up vital a Roun He stores it in containers. Each depending on the context A cook has made 317 litres of soup. many containers will he fill? er container can hold 8 litres. How Consolidate the rapid recall of numb to 10 × plication fact can you make? facts, including multiplication facts Display 6 × 4 = 24. What other multi ivision e? 10, and quickly derive associated d What division fact can you deriv ion? plicat multi What is the inverse of facts ct? corre was 298 = 9 × 32 if How could you check etic 380, Know how to use the laws of arithm s by working backwards: 5 × 78 = Pupils check the following calculation and inverse operations . = 252 × 84 and check 47 × 6 = 329, 3 Consider if an answer is realistic, alculations. ards Finish by considering HTU ÷ TU c it by working the problem backw explaining teer to complete the calculation, volun a for Ask 12. 0 ÷ ay 42 Displ step. each Set ions: 468 ÷ 1, 555 ÷ 37, 504 ÷ 21. Pupils solve the following calculat ÷ 29. , this time with remainders, eg 495 more calculations for pupils to solve s as fractions. Encourage pupils to write remainder s are incorrect. How can you tell? The answers to these calculation re should be a remainder.) so the odd, 49 is • 249 ÷ 2 = 124 (2 should be about 400 ÷ 20 = 20.) • 435 ÷ 19 = 45 (The answer ible by 5, so there should not be a • 835 ÷ 5 = 170 R 6 (835 is divis ) remainder.
2 Level Up Maths (Levels 4–6) Unit 2.6 Pack t smen Asses and ing Teach Pupil Book 4–6 Longman Active Maths 7 Pupil Book
Suggestions of published resources are embedded within the sample units to help you enhance your lessons.
Unit 1 (Algebra
Preparing students for international examination success
© Pearson Education Ltd 2
Term One
International Lower Secondary Curriculum English
U Extend written methods to HTU ÷
Mathematics Year 7 Unit 2
heme of Work
Preparing students for intern ational examinat ion succes s
As part of the Teacher Programme Package, you’ll receive a Curriculum Book with a range of support materials including Schemes of Work, 45 detailed sample units with end-of-unit tests and mark schemes, as well as free training and a set of specimen Achievement Tests.
Mathematics Sc
students Preparing ational for intern cess ion suc examinat
Inte ation a Lower Sern con ryl Curricudluam Science
Forty-five detailed sample units (six per year for each of English and mathematics, and three per year for science) are provided to take the strain out of lesson planning. er 1) rk Year 7 – Unit 2 (Numb Mathematics Scheme of Wo
Comprehensive Teacher Programme Package
nal Internatino a d co ry Lower Suerr m C icualu cs ti m e th Ma
When creating the curriculum, we wanted to make sure we provided a first-rate support package for teachers, whilst also maintaining the flexibility for schools to adapt the curriculum to meet local needs. That’s why all the sample units provided are optional, giving you the freedom to choose which units are appropriate for your pupils and their local environment.
We understand that a clear, detailed and inspiring framework is only half the picture when you’re introducing a new course. That’s why we’ve developed an array of extra support services to help you plan and implement the Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum with confidence.
Sample Units
View more sample units and Schemes of Work for English, mathematics and science – visit: ILowerSecCurriculum Samples.
Sample pages from Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum: Mathematics Curriculum Book.
Detailed activities put learning in to action, and help embed learning in a fun and interesting way.
Service with a personal touch Training Programmes: as part of your Teacher Programme Package, you will receive a free one day (non-subject-specific) training course to help you quickly get to grips with the International Lower Secondary Curriculum. Plus! We also offer a variety of extra training, including online training for Exams Officers and subject-specific training for teachers. For more information, visit: Subject Advisors: Covering nine subject areas, our Subject Advisors offer fast and reliable expert help and online forums for teachers. For more information, visit Ask Edexcel: View answers to commonly asked questions or request a personal response from one of our experts. Find out more at: Regional Development Offices will personally manage your school account – and will ensure you have everything you need for straightforward and successful delivery of the International Lower Secondary Curriculum.
Enhancing your lessons
Pupil’s materials
is and what a fossil fuel
Explain what a fuel is and what a fossil fuel is
ParaŸn and ethanol/methanol each in a spirit burner; beaker; tripod; gauze; heatproof mat; thermometer; stop clock
Science Scheme of Work Year 7 – Exemplar Unit 9 (Energy and sustainable living)
$PNQBSF FUIBOPM BOE QBSBøO VTJOH TQJSJU CVSOFST UP IFBU B mYFE WPMVNF PG XBUFS GPS B mYFE UJNF 5IJT HJWFT B RVBOUJUBUJWF TFU PG SFTVMUT BT QVQJMT DBO Objectives Teaching BU FOFSHZ JT NFBTVSFE JO measure the mass of the burners before and afterResources use to determine how Exploring Science Pupil Book 7 Explain how our personal use of fossil fuels 5IJT JT UIF mSTU PDDBTJPO UIBU QVQJMT XJMM IBWF DPNF BDSPTT WBSJPVT XPSET affects others much fuel hasDPOOFDUFE XJUI FOFSHZ JO B TDJFOUJmD DPOUFYU *O :FBS FOFSHZ SFTPVSDFT BSF been used. A temperature rise perLongman gram fuel then be Activeof Science Class 8 can Pupil discussed rather than energy transfers. Brainstorm about energy by asking ransfer energy when Name some fuels used in homes and #PPL 6OJU A'VFMT BOE &OFSHZ RVFTUJPOT TVDI BT A%PFT JU UBLF FOFSHZ UP MJGU B CPPL POUP B TIFMG A%PFT JU industry XPSLFE PVU 5IF nBNFT TIPVME CF CMPXO PVU BGUFS NJOVUFT UBLF FOFSHZ UP MFBWF UIF CPPL SFTUJOH PO UIF TIFMG XBUFS GPS B mYFE UJNF 5IJT HJWFT B RVBOUJUBUJWF TFU PG SFTVMUT BT QVQJMT DBO Pupils calculate thethe mass actual energy transferred measure of the burners before and after use to determine how using the equation: energy ( J) = much fuel has been used. A temperature rise per gram of fuel can then be Explain that fuels transfer energy when XPSLFE PVU 5IF nBNFT TIPVME CF CMPXO PVU BGUFS NJOVUFT 4.2 × mass of water (g) × temperature rise (°C) they burn 3FDBMM UIF VOJUT UIBU FOFSHZ JT NFBTVSFE JO
Pupils calculate the actual energy transferred using the equation: energy (J) = 4.2 × mass of water (g) × temperature rise (°C)
Assorted fuels such as coal, coke, wood, charcoal, Ŝre lighters, hexamine blocks; Bunsen burner; boiling tube; old tin lid; heatproof mat; thermometer; clamp stand; tongs; stop clock; eye protection ParaŸn and ethanol/methanol each in a spirit burner; beaker; tripod; gauze; heatproof mat; thermometer; stop clock
Eye protection must be worn. Liquid fuels should be placed in the burners before the lesson, and the burners should not be opened during the Pupils work in small groups to produce a report/display explaining how fossil GVFMT GPSN 1VQJMT DPVME VTF SFGFSFODF CPPLT WJEFP NBUFSJBM $% 30.T PS lesson. Small capacity burners with large, stable bases are essential. the internet. Work could be presented on paper, as a presentation or a web Eye protection must be worn. Liquid fuels should be placed in the burners before the lesson, and the burners should not be opened during the lesson. Small capacity burners with large, stable bases are essential.
page. A target audience or word limit could also be attributed. Be aware
ParaŸn and ethanol/methanol each in a spirit burner; beaker; tripod; gauze; heatproof mat; thermometer; stop clock Assorted fuels such as coal, coke, wood, charcoal, Ŝre lighters, hexamine blocks; Bunsen burner; boiling tube; old tin lid; heatproof mat; thermometer; clamp stand; tongs; stop clock; eye protection ParaŸn and ethanol/methanol each in a spirit burner; beaker; tripod; gauze; heatproof mat; thermometer; stop clock
images downloaded from the internet may be under copyright. Explain Pupils work inthat small produce a their report/display explaining how fossil that there is nogroups one right way andto encourage pupils to develop own ways of making summaries as a bulleted list, owchart, etc. Tables could also be prepared to show the differences and similarities between coal and oil GVFMT GPSN 1VQJMT DPVME VTF SFGFSFODF CPPLT WJEFP NBUFSJBM $% 30.T PS formation, extraction and use. Ask pupils to construct to show ideas about on fuels and energy the internet. Work coulda concept be map presented paper, as a presentation or a web types. page. A target audience or word limit could also be attributed. Be aware that images downloaded from the internet may be under copyright. Explain that there is no one right way and encourage pupils to develop their own ways of making summaries as a bulleted list, owchart, etc. Tables could also be prepared to show the differences and similarities between coal and oil formation, extraction and use.
Ask pupils to construct a concept map to show ideas about fuels and energy
Sample pages from Edexcel International Lower types. Secondary Curriculum: Science Curriculum Book.
Pupil Books
Sport and forces
PB p149
Starter 5
The forces are with us
PB p150–151
Explaining 2
Quick Quiz
Starter 4
Quick Quiz Answer Sheet
Starter 4
Quick Check
Plenary 1
Word Sheet
The forces are with us
Explaining 2
Forces in action
Exploring 1
Ideas about forces
Exploring 4
Find the forces
Homework 1
Forces reverseword
Homework 2
Bathroom scales
Homework 3
Thinking Skills
Skills Sheet
Plenary 4
Teacher Resources Featuring comprehensive lesson notes, flexible unit and lesson plans, and differentiated activities for use the classroom, our teacher resources are the essential companion to the Pupil Book – giving you the tools, time and freedom you need to create engaging lessons which motivate your pupils to achieve their best.
Exemplar topic plans
All pupils must: (1) describe what a force is and describe contact and non-contact forces (2) explain that forces change the shape, speed and direction of an object (3) explain how a force can be measured, and recall the units (4) appreciate that mass and weight are different things, and recall the units for both (5) recall that ideas about forces have changed over time. Correctly use the words air resistance, contact force, force, force meter, friction, gram (g), gravity, kilogram (kg), mass, newton (N), newton meter, non-contact force, upthrust, water resistance, weight. Most pupils should: (6) recall that the size of a force can be represented by the size of an arrow on a diagram (7) explain the difference between mass and weight. Correctly use the words magnetism, static electricity. Some pupils could: (8) explain why the weight of an object would change if taken to the Moon (9) explain how bathroom scales work.
MUST PB pages 149–151
SHOULD Starter 1 Starter 5 Exploring 1 Exploring 2 Explaining 2 Plenary 1 Plenary 2 Homework 1
COULD PB pages 149–151
Starter 2 Starter 3 Starter 5 Exploring 3 Explaining 1 Explaining 2 Explaining 3 Plenary 1 Plenary 2 Homework 3
PB pages 149–151
Starter 2 Starter 5 Exploring 1 Exploring 3 Explaining 1 Explaining 2 Plenary 1 Plenary 2 Homework 2
2 Yr KS3*
PB pages 149–153
7Ka Starter 2 7Ka Starter 5 7Ka Exploring 3 7Ka Explaining 2 7Kb Plenary 2 7Kb Explaining 2 7Kb Explaining 5 7Kb Plenary 1
Sample pages from Exploring Science Year 7: Teacher and Technician7KbPlanning Guide. Starter 1 Topic notes • Targets for the lesson can be accessed via the ActiveBook or ActiveTeach from the link next to the initiator question. • Misconception: many pupils will think that mass and weight are the same thing.
7Kb Explaining 4 7Kb Exploring 1 7Kb Plenary 4 7Kb Homework 3
* This table is repeated in 7Kb.
Be prepared: 7Ka Explaining 1: ice cubes.
Exploring Science
Interactive Software edition
As well as print materials, we have developed a range of innovative digital resources to engage your pupils and support your lesson planning and delivery.
Š Pearson Education Limited 2008
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Packed with a bank of captivating videos, audio files, images, activities, and an electronic version of the Pupil Book that you can easily display on your interactive whiteboard, our whole-class interactive software will bring your lessons to life, engage children, embed key learning, and help you explain concepts that are difficult to demonstrate in the classroom.
Screenshot from Exploring Science Year 7: ActiveTeach Whiteboard Software.
To give you maximum flexibility and support in your delivery of the International Lower Secondary Curriculum, we’ve matched the following resources to the curriculum: l English: Text: Building Skills in English
Written in pupil-friendly language, these resources feature eye-catching photos, plenty of illustrations, an engaging format, and activities that will keep pupils engaged and motivated in their lessons.
l Mathematics: Heinemann Level Up Maths l Science: Longman Exploring Science: How Science Works Heinemann Go Science! Sample pages from Exploring Science Year 7: Pupil Book.
7 K a
Number and title
Flexible choice of resources
Produced by experienced subject experts, our Pupil Books provide in-depth subject content that’s matched to the curriculum; enabling pupils to build a solid learning platform for later studies.
Science Scheme of Work Year 7 – Exemplar Unit 9 (Energy and sustainable living)
We know that for you to get the best from your pupils, great All sample lessons resources can be as important as the curriculum itself. That’s provide detailed links to why the Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum the suggested teaching features detailed suggestions of published resources and learning resources. embedded within each unit. Not only do these point you in the right direction as to which resources to use, but they also specify which units will help you achieve your Teaching - making it as straightforward Resources learning objectives Exploring Science Pupil Book 7 ersonal use of fossil fuels 5IJT JT UIF mSTU PDDBTJPO UIBU QVQJMT XJMM IBWF DPNF BDSPTT WBSJPVT XPSET as possible for you to deliver a truly great DPOOFDUFE XJUI FOFSHZ JO B TDJFOUJmD DPOUFYU *O :FBS FOFSHZ SFTPVSDFT BSF Longman Active Science Class 8 Pupil learning experience for pupils. discussed rather than energy transfers. Brainstorm about energy by asking
used in homes and
Sport and forces
To find out more about these popular series, or to download matching charts, visit
A range of assessment opportunities
Annual assessment: Progress Tests Available as a one-off fee, our package of Progress Tests allows you to test pupils’ knowledge at the end of each of Years 7-8 of the curriculum – and because they’ve been designed to be internally marked by you, you can choose the time of year that’s most appropriate to your teaching schedule to carry them out.
When it comes to pupils’ assessment, we know that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we’re providing a range of assessment opportunities that allow you to set the frequency and intensity of assessment at your school, so that you can best meet the desires of teachers, parents and pupils.
Please note: Progress Tests will be available to purchase from 2013.
The International Lower Secondary Curriculum offers three types of assessments: End-of-Unit Tests, Yearly Progress Tests, and Curriculum Achievement Tests.
End-of-Curriculum assessment: Achievement Tests
Continuous assessment: End-of-Unit Tests Each Teacher Programme Pack features Curriculum Books with a bank of End-of-Unit Tests and Mark Schemes for the sample units. Designed to allow you to identify strengths and weaknesses as pupils progress through the year, these tests are the ideal way to motivate pupils and help you easily keep parents informed of their progress.
Mark Schemes are provided for each test to ensure teachers can easily carry out internal assessments.
END OF UNIT TEST: YEAR 9 UNIT 11 Some revision
MARK SCHEME: YEAR 9 UNIT 11 Some revision
Pupil Assessment Guide
The work is marked out of 20.
Reading Assessment Focus: AF1; AF2 Writing: AF2; AF3; AF6; AF7; AF8
A successful answer should:
Pupil Task: Some revision – Transactional writing
Teachers can use In this unit you have been revising some different styles of writing – practice makes perfect. Young people at school or university have different ways that they like to revise for examinations and tests and there is no right or wrong way, it is suits you best. You and your classmates are going to write a collaborative revision guide that can be used by future unit tests to track whatever pupils in your school. Below is some advice given to students by the exam board, Edexcel, from which you can select some However, your contribution, which is about the way you like to revise, should be written in your own words in clear, pupil performance ideas. numbered sentences. You have 30 minutes to read the passage and write your contribution to the guide. How to study and identify areas for a revision timetable with sensible work slots and breaks and then show it to your parents to get their agreement. improvement, or as1.aCreate Keep to this timetable! Then when your parent finds you ‘not working’, provided you are following your agreed timetable, no-one is going to hassle you. Parents only hassle and worry when they are not sure what you are doing, or if you do not template for their own seem to have a plan. Organise yourself well and it will help you to fulfil your potential. If you have not prepared a revision planner yet, it is not too late to start. where your exams are and when they start, how long they are, what equipment you are allowed to take in (for assessment design. 2. Know example calculators) and what you are not allowed to take in (mobiles, notes, etc). 3. Make sure you have one weekend day when you don’t do revision or think about exams – you’ll come back to it refreshed. 4. Tell your family about your revision time – and ask them for help if you need it – it may help make them feel useful to you! 5. Keep bullet points on crib cards highlighting main subject theories. Use these for quick revision and for reading during ‘dead’ times – eg when you’re waiting for a bus. Use mnemonics – using initials of a word helps your memory. 6. Some people revise well by listening, so you could try ‘talking’ your revision and recording it onto your iPod or onto tapes. Listen to these while lying in bed, while travelling in a car, or walking to the shops. This also takes the guilt out of being out and about rather than in front of your books! 7. Ensure you eat and sleep properly. Now is not the time to diet or stay up all night. Have an early night before each exam. 8. Prepare items needed for the exam the evening before. Make sure you have the correct equipment needed for your exam (calculators, rulers, etc). Your exam invigilator should remind you of what you are and aren’t allowed before the exam starts. Taking unauthorised equipment in can get you disqualified from the exam. 9. Look after yourself during the exam period (a good routine and healthy eating!). Be sure to cut down on your weekend/ evening past-times or jobs. Employers know that you need to commit time to the exams and revision, but often try to get you to do extra hours anyway! 10. On the morning of the exam, have a good breakfast, stay calm and allow plenty of time to get to the exam. Remember that you can only do your best and even if you don’t do as well as you’d hoped, your parents still love you just as much!
Designed to be taken at the end of Year 9, the Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum tests provide pupils with a tangible record of achievement to use when progressing on to secondary education. Externally marked by us at Edexcel, these tests set rigorous global standards and provide international certification at the end of Year 9.
be clear about the audience
be well planned
have a consistent tone
have an appropriate vocabulary.
The marker should use the ‘Best Fit’ approach and choose the mark that corresponds most closely to the overall quality of the response.
Band 1
The writing is precise, clear and authoritative. There is an excellent sense of audience and the work is sharply focused. The organisation of material is assured. Sentence structure is varied. Vocabulary shows flair. Paragraphing is fit for purpose. Grammatical accuracy cannot be faulted.
Band 2
The writing is effective and sustained. There is a sense of audience and a realisation of the purpose of writing. Vocabulary is well chosen and apt. There is a sense of overall structure. Sentences are varied. Writing is mainly accurate.
Band 3
The writing develops ideas in a clear, organised way. There is a consistently recognisable sense of audience. There is well chosen vocabulary. The writing is mostly accurate. Sentence structure is straightforward. There are minor errors of grammar.
Band 4
The writing expresses ideas that are broadly appropriate. The piece is written in an appropriate if sometimes inconsistent style. The sentence structure is repetitive Vocabulary is limited. The overall structure is basic. There are frequent minor errors.
Band 5
There is a basic grasp of the purpose of writing. There is evidence of some structure with broadly appropriate paragraphing. There are some serious errors in grammar and use of vocabulary.
Band 6
There is little awareness of the purpose of writing shown. Vocabulary choice is limited. The structure is very simple.
Despite many serious errors, the work can mainly be followed. Severe mistakes and problems with grammar debar the work from gaining marks.
Please note: Achievement Tests will be ready for first examination from May/June 2012.
Free results analysis Our ResultsPlus service is available free to centres that take the Achievement Tests. This popular online service provides detailed analysis on how your cohort have performed in the Achievement Tests, from broad level subject-by-subject results, right down to the results of each question. You can then compare results against the Edexcel average, other subject results, or your own results from previous years. This helps you to: save time and effort gathering vital information personalise learning and build revision plans enhance teaching and learning plan the academic year ahead.
English Year 9 Unit 11 End of Unit Test © Pearson Education Ltd 2011
English Year 9 Unit 11 Mark Scheme © Pearson Education Ltd 2011
Marks are awarded to each question, and to the test as a whole, to get pupils accustomed to formal examinations.
Sample pages from International Lower Secondary Curriculum: English Curriculum Book.
For more information about ResultsPlus, visit:
A seamless and cohesive teaching and learning experience
Quality Assessment At Edexcel (a Pearson company), we place utmost importance on quality standards. In the United Kingdom we are an approved Awarding Organisation registered with the ‘Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation’ (Ofqual). We also work with the ‘Joint Council for Qualifications’ (JCQ) to implement standard procedures, regulations and guidance to ensure that our examinations are conducted rigorously regardless of location.
…especially when used alongside other Edexcel qualifications for ages 8-19
By providing pupils with qualifications that are quality benchmarked in this way, you can be confident that you are offering them appropriate education at the right standard.
We adopt a uniform approach to the examinations. This means that, no matter which country or school our exams are taken in, they are marked centrally in the UK to ensure consistency and reliability of marking and grading.
Our centralised marking process ensures that students who achieve high exam results can be assured their achievement is recognised at an international level.
In order to meet the high standards expected by Ofqual, our specifications are developed by carrying out research with a wide range of contributors: subject specialists inform the content of our specifications and are extremely experienced in their sector examiners write our papers and internal assessments, and are experts in devising questions at the right level.
Next steps
We aim to help you make your pupils’ transition from childhood to adulthood as seamless as possible; helping you build strong, confident and skilled individuals. That’s why we’ve ensured that the Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum provides that vital learning platform that pupils need to successfully progress on to secondary education – and beyond.
Seamless progression for ages 8-19 University/Employment
16 and over
register your interest view sample units, schemes of work, and end-of-unit tests register for development updates find out more about the published resources matched to this curriculum.
curric e also u olds! F lum for 8- t have a o1 or m visit: w ore inform 1-yearww.ed a excel.c tion, IPrima o m ryCur riculum / .
Plus! As a provider of both academic and vocational qualifications, we are the only awarding organisation that can give you the opportunity to offer a learning pathway appropriate for the needs of all your pupils.
Visit ILowerSecCurriculum to:
Edex Intern cel atio Prima ry Cu nal rriculu Don’t forget m full w
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Edexcel International Diploma
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Edexcel GCSE
Edexcel International GCSE
BTEC Introductory, Firsts and Specialist
Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum
KEY Academic Vocational
Edexcel International Primary Curriculum
Combination of Academic and Vocational
Contact us 10
If you have any questions regarding the Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum, please contact our regional offices at the address provided overleaf.
International Lower Secondary Curriculum Preparing pupils for international examination success
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Provides excellent preparation for International GCSE and GCE A Level or equivalent. Provides an international benchmark of achievement with certification at the end of Year 9. Allows you to track pupils’ progress and identify barriers to learning. Is easy to implement and administer. Is engaging and up to date. Offers unrivalled and unique delivery support, with detailed suggestions of published resources embedded within each unit. Gives you and your pupils a seamless and cohesive teaching and learning experience.
Regional Offices
Contact us
Latin America
South Asia
Pearson Australia Group Unit4, 100 Station Street, Nunawading, 3131, Melbourne, Australia
Edexcel International 1 Lake Street Upper Saddle River NJ 07458 (USA)
Edexcel International Asia Pacific and ASEAN 23 First Lok Yang Road, Jurong, Singapore 629733
Tel: +91 (0) 120 4190123 Fax: +603 2710 5713
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