Edexcel International Primary Curriculum

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for international schools!

International Primary Curriculum The best possible foundation for a world-class education

Find out more


The best possible foundation

for a world-class education Designed specifically for international schools, the Edexcel International Primary Curriculum caters for pupils in Years 3 to 6 (ages 8-11) and is available for English, maths and science. Based on the UK National Curriculum for Key Stage 2, it provides pupils with a well-rounded education and a certificated benchmark of achievement, while giving teachers an easy-to-implement framework and an effective way to monitor pupil progress.

How is the curriculum structured? The Edexcel International Primary Curriculum has been designed so that you can plan, deliver and assess with ease and confidence – as well as motivate your pupils and easily keep parents informed of their progression. The comprehensive Teacher Programme Package that is provided when you sign up features unrivalled support materials and training.

Annual Progress Tests and End-of-Unit Tests enable pupils to check their knowledge ahead of the final examination, and help you ensure they are on track to achieve the best grades they can. Externally-assessed Edexcel Achievement Tests at the end of Year 6 allow you to benchmark pupils’ performance, facilitating pupil progression from one country to another.

Plan and implement with ease turn to page 4 for more information.

Why should I offer the Edexcel International Primary Curriculum? Written by experienced primary authors and teachers, the Edexcel International Primary Curriculum: pupils a solid foundation for lifelong ✔ gives learning and improved results, with a

The curriculum has been expertly matched to a range of market-leading published resources, allowing you to enhance your lessons with minimal hassle.

Deliver a range of assessments

turn to page 8 for more information.

Enhance your lessons

turn to page 6 for more information.

structured curriculum that provides excellent preparation for secondary education an international benchmark ✔ provides of achievement, with externally-marked Achievement Tests and certification at the end of Year 6 implement and administer, ✔ iswitheasyfreetotraining and a fully flexible structure that allows you to teach it alongside other curricula

Teacher Programme Package Curriculum Book for each of English, maths and science (covering Years 3-6) l Schemes of Work l Exemplar units (65 units in total) l End-of-unit Tests and Mark Schemes for exemplar units l Suggested teaching resources for each exemplar unit Training for new centres

and up to date, with ideas ✔ isforengaging lessons and a framework that allows you to embed knowledge creatively you to track pupils’ progress ✔ allows through a variety of year-specific Progress and Achievement Tests unrivalled and unique delivery ✔ offers support, with detailed suggestions of published resources embedded within each unit you and your pupils a seamless and ✔ gives cohesive teaching and learning experience,

Progress Tests for each of years 3-5 for annual assessment (Internally assessed)

Curriculum Components

Achievement Tests at the end of Year 6 for end-ofcurriculum assessment (Externally assessed)

especially when used alongside other Edexcel qualifications.

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Easy planning

and implementation

the best ng pupils a Giving you ndation for possible fou ss education world-cla

Scheme of W ork Year 3 – Overview

Schemes of Work are provided for each of years 3 to 6, across English, mathematics and science, allowing you to plan the year with ease and confidence.



Use mental re call of addition facts for num bers up to 20 Use mental re call of subtract ion facts for n ● Create umbers up to and describe 20 number patte rns ● Explore and record pa tterns related to addition and ● Add and subtraction subtract numb ers up to 10 to and from ● Use sub 1-digit numb traction as th ers e inverse of ad dition ● Know do ubles of numb ers to 10 and corresponding wo rk out the halves of numb ers to 10 ● Count in 2s, 5s and 10 s ● Explore patterns of mu ltiples of 2, 5 patterns and and 10, expla using them to ining the make predic tions ● Recogni se sequences, i ncluding odd a nd even numb ● Recogni ers to 30 se and ex from any numb tend number sequences fo rmed by coun er in steps of ting constant size ● Begin to generate term s of a numbe r sequence giv ● Begin to en a rule relate addition to combining objects two then thr ee groups of ● Underst and subtract ion as ‘taking a between’ way’, as ‘the d ifference ● Use a ra nge of mental addition strate gie s ● Read, w rite, order and compare who le numbers to ● Know ad 100 dition and sub traction facts to 10 ● Add mu ltiples of 10 ● Recogni se the use of symbols such unknown nu as £, r or ¯ mber to stand for an ● Know 2 and 10 tables and begin to use facts corresponding division ● Recogni se and use the relationship b etween halving ● Suggest and doublin non-standard g uniform measu measure res to estimate then ● Use ever yday language to describe th e positions of ● Begin to 2-D shapes use everyday standard units suitable meas to measure len uring equipme gth, suggest nt ● Estimate , measure and compare len gths using sta ● Use math nd ard units ematical name s for commo n 2-D shapes ●

Unit 2 (Num

ber 1)

Unit 3 (Geome

try and meas

ures 1)

Sample pages from Edexcel International Primary Curriculum: Mathematics Curriculum Book.


Year 3 Over

view © Pears

Outline objectives ensure your lessons are focused and meet specific learning criteria – whilst saving you valuable time.

Unit 1 Level Up Maths (Levels 1–2) 1.1 Pack t smen Asses and Teaching

c + c = 12 pupils are Pupil Book 1–2 y box with another symbol that If appropriate, replace the empt Book 3 Longman Active Maths Pupil more comfortable with. whole this activity as it stands using pt attem to able be may Some pupils . numbers, for example, 8 + 4 = 12 gle modified equation including a sin Present lower ability pupils with a 4 = 12. c + ple, exam for er, numb unknown ment. onds to 10, using counting equip Alternatively, adapt for number b a using 30, to up in 2s, from any number Count on and back in 1s, then hich number out one. Ask questions such as: W n with st, the at fir er line numb 30? What is the h number comes before 20, comes after 19, 29, 39? Whic …? 6 4, 2, …? 5 next number – 1, 3, than 7; 5 less ion and subtraction: 2 more Reinforce the language of addit 5 add 2; 7 take difference between 9 and 3; than 9; the total of 3 and 4; the sum of 9 and 4. the 1; s minu 15 4; plus 12 Unit 1 away 2; 17 subtract 5; Level Up Maths (Levels 1–2) three art number less than 10, and add 1 On a large number line, use a st 5 + 3. sment Pack 1.1 with Asses ction and for ing conne facts Teach f the dition pils o of ad nd pu Remi Use mental recall times. What is 5 + 1 + 1 + 1? numbers up to 20 Pupil Book 1–2 Pupils follow on the number line. nes or acts f tion f Book 3 ask pupils to use their number li then ples, Use mental recall of subtrac exam more Longman Active Maths Pupil a few Repeat for 2, add 2, add 2. have reached: Start at 4, add numbers up to 20 to tell you which number you les. related to Repeat for several more examp Explore and record patterns it is 5 more m thinking of a number, and er’. I’ addition and subtraction numb of a inking Play ‘I’m th 5 to my Include inverses, such as: If I add than 7. What is my number? my number is my number? If I take 5 from number the answer is 12. What er? numb my is What 15. the answer is 1 and 2 to ations for adding and subtracting Pupils write down all the calcul 5 to and from Then add and subtract 3, 4 and and from the numbers 1 to 10. all numbers from 1 to 10.

acts for Use mental recall of subtraction f numbers up to 20 related to Explore and record patterns addition and subtraction

Sample pages from Edexcel International Primary Curriculum: Mathematics Curriculum Book.

Suggestions of published resources are embedded within the sample units to help you enhance your lessons.

Detailed activities put learning in to action, and help embed learning in a fun and interesting way.

Service with a personal touch Training Programmes: as part of your Teacher Programme Package, you will receive a free one day (non-subject-specific) training course to help you quickly get to grips with the International Primary Curriculum. Plus! We also offer a variety of extra training, including online training for Exams Officers and subject-specific training for teachers. For more information, visit: www.edexcel.com/training. Subject Advisors: Covering nine subject areas, our Subject Advisors offer fast and reliable expert help and online forums for teachers. For more information, visit www.edexcel.com/subjectadvisor. Ask Edexcel: View answers to commonly asked questions or request a personal response from one of our experts. Find out more at: www.edexcel.com/ask.

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an to make this equation true

Pupils find as many ways as they c

ebra 1)

Term One

Giving young pupils the best possible foundation for a world-class education



Year 3 – Exemplar Unit 1 (Alg

As part of the Teacher Programme Package, you’ll receive a Curriculum Book with a range of support materials including Schemes of Work, 60 detailed sample units with end-of-unit tests and mark schemes, as well as free training and a set of specimen Achievement Tests.

Unit 1 (Algebra

Use m numbers up to 20

Pearson Education Ltd 2011 Mathematics Year 3 Unit 1 ©

International Primary Curriculum Science

Objectives ental recall of addition facts for

Giving you ng pup possible fou ils the best ndation for a world-cla ss educat ion

Comprehensive Teacher Programme Package


Internation a Primaryl Curric lum Mathemuati cs

Sixty detailed sample units (six per year for each of English and mathematics, and three per year for science) are provided to take the strain out of lesson planning.

Mathematics Scheme of Work

onal Internatiim Pr ary Curricuglulismh En

When creating the curriculum, we wanted to make sure we provided a first-rate support package for teachers, whilst also maintaining the flexibility for schools to adapt the curriculum to meet local needs. That’s why all the sample units provided are optional, giving you the freedom to choose which units are appropriate for your pupils and their local environment.


We understand that a clear, detailed and inspiring framework is only half the picture when you’re introducing a new course. That’s why we’ve developed an array of extra support services to help you plan and implement the Edexcel International Primary Curriculum with confidence.

Sample Units

View more sample units and Schemes of Work for English, mathematics and science – visit: www.edexcel.com/ IPrimaryCurriculum Samples.

Regional Development Offices will personally manage your school account – and will ensure you have everything you need for straightforward and successful delivery of the International Primary Curriculum.


Enhancing your lessons Resources Literacy World Stage 3 Essential Fiction Anthology: No Gun for Asmir, pp 72–75

purpose and format of a

family fortunately survived and move to Paris in 1993. Ask pupils if they know

English Year 5 Unit 11 © Pearson Education Ltd 2011

English Scheme of Work Year 5 – Exemplar Unit 11 (Fiction: Other cultures)

another child who lived through the horrors of war in Sarajevo. Ensure pupils Literacy World Interactive Stage 3 Fiction, understand what a diary is. (A diary is a recording of a writer’s reflections and Unit 9, Session 3: Zlata’s Diary ideas on a fairly regular basis. Often diaries describe journeys – sometimes l response to text, using physical, involving travel, or sometimes emotional, involving some important ext change in the writer’s life.) Zlata was an 11-year-old girl when she started Objectives Teaching Resources w adding prefixes and Read and explore stories from a variety of her diary in 1991. She wrote it over a period of two years, after which her Reading Literacy World Stage 3 Essential Fiction different places and times Anthology: No Gun for Asmir, pp 72–75 Tell pupils that they are now going to read a short extract from the diary of eaning and word classUnderstand the purpose and format of family fortunately survived and move to Paris in 1993. Ask pupils if they know a another child who lived through the horrors of war in Sarajevo. Ensure pupils Literacy World Interactive Stage 3 Fiction, diary understand what a diary is. (A diary is a recording of a writer’s reflections and Unit 9, Session 3: Zlata’s Diary of any other war diaries written by children. They may have heard of Anne ideas on a fairly regular basis. Often diaries describe journeys – sometimes Express personal response to text, using physical, involving travel, or sometimes emotional, involving some important evidence from text change in the writer’s life.) Zlata was an 11-year-old girl when she started Frank’s diary written during the Second World War. Understand how adding prefixes and her diary in 1991. She wrote it over a period of two years, after which her suffixes alters meaning and word class

of any other war diaries written by children. They may have heard of Anne Before reading, give pupils the following Listening Focus: How did Zlata feel? Frank’s diary written during the Second World War. Before reading, give pupils the following Listening Focus: How did Zlata feel? Now read the extract from Zlata’s Diary together, ensuring all pupils can see Now read the extract from Zlata’s Diary together, ensuring all pupils can see text. the text. the Discuss pupils’ responses to the Listening Focus question and to the content. Focus on Zlata’s use of capital letters. Why do pupils think she wrote so

many words in capitals? Discuss why and for whom Zlata wrote her diary. Discuss pupils’ responses to the Listening Focus question and to the content. Re-read the final conversation between Asmir and his father in No Gun for Asmir. Ask pupils: Focus on Zlata’s use of capital letters. Why do pupils think she wrote so What does Asmir find out here about who is fighting whom and why? (‘“We’re Muslim, Asmir. And they want to clean us out.”’) many words in capitals? Discuss why and for whom Zlata wrote her diary. Asmir is confused who they are: What does Muris tell him? (They are former friends and neighbours who are Serbs living in Bosnia.)

Re-read the final conversation between Asmir and his father in No Gun for What answer does Asmir get as to why the Serbs want to ‘clean out’ their Muslim friends and neighbours? (‘“War never does make sense.”’) Asmir. Ask Compare this conversation with Zlata’s comments in her diary. pupils: Grammar

What doesRevise how adding prefixes and suffixes to words change their meaning and Asmir find out here about who is fighting whom and why? word class. Look at these two words form Zlata’s Diary: horror, horrible. What word class is ‘horror’? (noun). And ‘horrible’? (adjective). What about (‘“We’re Muslim, Asmir. And they want to clean us out.”’) ‘unforgettable’? (adjective) And ‘forgettable’? (adjective) And ‘forget’? (verb) 237

Asmir is confused who they are: What does Muris tell him? (They are former friends and neighbours who are Serbs living in Bosnia.) What answer does Asmir get as to why the Serbs want to ‘clean out’ their

Sample pages from Edexcel International Primary Muslim friends and neighbours? (‘“War never does make sense.”’) Curriculum: English Curriculum Book.

Compare this conversation with Zlata’s comments in her diary. Grammar

Revise how adding prefixes and suffixes to words change their meaning and word class. Look at these two words form Zlata’s Diary: horror, horrible. What word class is ‘horror’? (noun). And ‘horrible’? (adjective). What about ‘unforgettable’? (adjective) And ‘forgettable’? (adjective) And ‘forget’? (verb)

Pupil Books

Sample pages from Literacy World Stage 3: Essential Fiction Teaching and Planning Guide.

Interactive Software As well as print materials, we have developed a range of innovative digital resources to engage your pupils and support your lesson planning and delivery. Packed with a bank of captivating videos, audio files, images, activities, and an electronic version of the Pupil Book that you can easily display on your interactive whiteboard, our whole-class interactive software will bring your lessons to life, engage children, embed key learning, and help you explain concepts that are difficult to demonstrate in the classroom.

Screenshot from Literacy World Stage 3: Essential Fiction Interactive Software.

To give you maximum flexibility and support in your delivery of the International Primary Curriculum, we’ve matched the following resources to the curriculum: l English: Heinemann Literacy World

Written in pupil-friendly language, these resources feature eye-catching photos, plenty of illustrations, an engaging format, and activities that will keep pupils engaged and motivated in their lessons.

l Mathematics: Heinemann Level Up Maths (levels 1-2) New Heinemann Maths l Science:

Longman Exploring Science (Primary edition) Heinemann Explore Science (International Edition) Sample pages from Literacy World Stage 3: Essential Fiction.


Featuring comprehensive lesson notes, flexible unit and lesson plans, and differentiated activities for use the classroom, our teacher resources are the essential companion to the Pupil Book – giving you the tools, time and freedom you need to create engaging lessons which motivate your pupils to achieve their best.

Flexible choice of resources

Produced by experienced subject experts, our Pupil Books provide indepth subject content that’s matched to the curriculum; enabling pupils to build a solid learning platform for later studies.


Teacher Resources

All sample lessons provide detailed links to the suggested teaching and learning resources.

English Scheme of Work Year 5 – Exemplar Unit 11 (Fiction: Other cultures)

We know that for you to get the best from your pupils, great resources can be as important as the curriculum itself. That’s why the Edexcel International Primary Curriculum features detailed suggestions of published resources embedded within each unit. Not only do these point you in the right direction as to which resources to use, but they also specify which units will help you achieve your Teaching - making it as straightforward learning objectives as possible for you to deliver a truly great re stories from a variety of Reading and times learning experience for pupils. Tell pupils that they are now going to read a short extract from the diary of

To find out more about these popular series, or to download matching charts, visit www.edexcel.com/IPrimaryCurriculumResources


A range of assessment

Annual assessment: Progress Tests

When it comes to pupils’ assessment, we know that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we’re providing a range of assessment opportunities that allow you to set the frequency and intensity of assessment at your school, so that you can best meet the desires of teachers, parents and pupils.

Please note: Progress Tests will be available to purchase from 2013.


Available as a one-off fee, our package of Progress Tests allows you to test pupils’ knowledge at the end of each of Years 3-5 of the curriculum – and because they’ve been designed to be internally marked by you, you can choose the time of year that’s most appropriate to your teaching schedule to carry them out.

The International Primary Curriculum offers three types of assessments: End-of-Unit Tests, Yearly Progress Tests, and Curriculum Achievement Tests.

End-of-Curriculum assessment: Achievement Tests

Continuous assessment: End-of-Unit Tests Each Teacher Programme Pack features Curriculum Books with a bank of End-of-Unit Tests and Mark Schemes for the sample units. Designed to allow you to identify strengths and weaknesses as pupils progress through the year, these tests are the ideal way to motivate pupils and help you easily keep parents informed of their progress.

Designed to be taken at the end of Year 6, the Edexcel International Primary Curriculum Achievement Tests provide pupils with a tangible record of achievement to use when progressing on to secondary education. Externally marked by us at Edexcel, these tests set rigorous global standards and provide international certification at the end of Year 6.

Mark Schemes are provided for each test to ensure teachers can easily carry out internal assessments.

Please note: Achievement Tests will be ready for first examination from May/June 2012.

End of Unit Test Teeth and eating

Mark Scheme for End of Unit Test Teeth and eating

(Year 3 Unit 1)

(Year 3 Unit 1)

Answer the questions below. 1. Raj is making a healthy lunch. Circle five foods he might include. (5 marks)

This test should be set as soon as possible after pupils have finished their work on the unit. They should work independently and should need about 30 minutes to complete the test. The aim of the test is to find out what pupils have learnt and understood as a result of their experience of studying the unit. The test is based on information and experiences they should have met during their work on the unit, so they should approach the test with confidence.

Teachers can use unit tests to track pupil performance and identify areas for improvement, or as a template for their own the following best describes a balanced diet? assessment design. 2. (1Raj is trying to eat a balanced diet to help keep him healthy. Which of mark)

Tick one box • Eating mostly fruit and vegetables • Taking vitamin pills • Eating food from different food groups • Not eating sweets

The teacher should be looking for marks in excess of 12 out of 18 from most pupils. More able pupils should be able to achieve 15+. The teacher should be looking in their marking to award marks, not withhold them. The purpose at this stage is to give pupils the confidence that they can recall and understand scientific knowledge and concepts.

Free results analysis

Marking Guide 1. Raj is making a healthy lunch. Circle five foods he might include. (5 marks)

Our ResultsPlus service is available free to centres that take the Achievement Tests. This popular online service provides detailed analysis on how your cohort have performed in the Achievement Tests, from broad level subjectby-subject results, right down to the results of each question. You can then compare results against the Edexcel average, other subject results, or your own results from previous years. This helps you to:

3. Class 3 did a survey on what different pet cats ate. Here are their results: What cats eat 7

Award one mark for each correct choice, eg apple, orange, celery, etc.

6 5

2. Raj is trying to eat a balanced diet to help keep him healthy. Which of the following best describes a balanced diet? (1 mark) The best (although not only) definition is eating foods from different food groups.

4 3

save time and effort gathering vital information

2 1

personalise learning and build revision plans

0 dry food

tinned food

fresh food

a) Which food is the most popular for cats? (1 mark)

enhance teaching and learning

b) How many cats were in the survey? (1 mark) Science Year 3 Unit 1 End of Unit Test © Pearson Education Ltd 2011


Science Year 3 Unit 1 Mark Scheme © Pearson Education Ltd 2011

Marks are awarded to each question, and to the test as a whole, to get pupils accustomed to formal examinations.



Sample pages from International Primary Curriculum: Science Curriculum Book.

plan the academic year ahead.

For more information about ResultsPlus, visit: www.edexcel.com/resultsplus.


A seamless and cohesive teaching and learning experience

Quality Assessment At Edexcel (a Pearson company), we place utmost importance on quality standards. In the United Kingdom we are an approved Awarding Organisation registered with the ‘Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation’ (Ofqual). We also work with the ‘Joint Council for Qualifications’ (JCQ) to implement standard procedures, regulations and guidance to ensure that our examinations are conducted rigorously regardless of location.

…especially when used alongside other Edexcel qualifications for ages 8-19

By providing pupils with qualifications that are quality benchmarked in this way, you can be confident that you are offering them appropriate education at the right standard.

We adopt a uniform approach to the examinations. This means that, no matter which country or school our exams are taken in, they are marked centrally in the UK to ensure consistency and reliability of marking and grading.

Our centralised marking process ensures that students who achieve high exam results can be assured their achievement is recognised at an international level.

In order to meet the high standards expected by Ofqual, our specifications are developed by carrying out research with a wide range of contributors:

We aim to help you make your pupils’ transition from childhood to adulthood as seamless as possible; helping you build strong, confident and skilled individuals. That’s why we’ve ensured that the Edexcel International Primary Curriculum provides that vital learning platform that pupils need to successfully progress on to lower secondary education – and beyond.

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Plus! As a provider of both academic and vocational qualifications, we are the only awarding organisation that can give you the opportunity to offer a learning pathway appropriate for the needs of all your pupils.

Seamless progression for ages 8-19 University/Employment


subject specialists inform the content of our specifications and are extremely experienced in their sector examiners write our papers and internal assessments, and are experts in devising questions at the right level.

Next steps


16 and over




Visit www.edexcel.com/ IPrimaryCurriculum to:

register your interest view sample units, schemes of work, and end-of-unit tests register for development updates find out more about the published resources matched to this curriculum.


Edexcel GCE AS and A Levels

Edexcel International Diploma

BTEC Nationals and Specialist

Edexcel GCSE

Edexcel International GCSE

BTEC Introductory, Firsts and Specialist

Edexcel International Lower Secondary Curriculum

KEY Academic Vocational



Edexcel International Primary Curriculum

Combination of Academic and Vocational

Contact us 10

If you have any questions regarding the Edexcel International Primary Curriculum, please contact our regional offices at the address provided overleaf.


International Primary Curriculum The best possible foundation for a world-class education

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Gives pupils a solid foundation for lifelong learning and equips them with the skills to improve their results. Provides an international benchmark of achievement with certification at the end of Year 6. Is easy to implement and administer. Is engaging and up to date. Allows you to track pupils’ progress and identify barriers to learning. Offers unrivalled and unique delivery support, with detailed suggestions of published resources embedded within each unit. Gives you and your pupils a seamless and cohesive teaching and learning experience.

Regional Offices

Contact us


Latin America

South Asia

Pearson Australia Group Unit4, 100 Station Street, Nunawading, 3131, Melbourne, Australia

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Edexcel International Asia Pacific and ASEAN 23 First Lok Yang Road, Jurong, Singapore 629733


Tel: +91 (0) 120 4190123 Fax: +603 2710 5713 edexcel.asia@edexcel.org.my

Tel: +61(0)3 98727783 Mob: +61(0)434 001807 anton.barnett-harris@pearson.com.au Europe Edexcel Europe Office One90 High Holborn London, WC1V 7BH Tel: +44 (0)20 7190 4196 Fax: +44 20 7190 5638 europe@edexcel.com Indian Subcontinent Edexcel International 7th Floor, Knowledge Boulevard A – 8(A), Sector – 62 Noida 201309 UP, India Tel: +91 (0) 120 419 0100 Fax: +91 (0) 120 419 0350 subcontinent@edexcel.com

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For general queries, please call our customer service team on +44 (0) 1204 770696 (lines are open between 8am and 6pm from Monday to Friday GMT), or ask a question via our online support service, Ask Edexcel, at www.edexcel.com/ask For subject-specific queries, please contact our Subject Advisor Service. Find out more at www.edexcel.com/subjectadvisors Edexcel, 190 High Holborn, London WC1V 7BH Tel: 0844 576 0027 Fax: 020 7190 5700 www.edexcel.com

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