Reading for all

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Reading for All c o m p l e t e r e a d i n g p ro g r a mmes m o d e l l e d a n d s h a r e d re a ding g u i d e d re a d i n g independent reading

products phonics Bug literacy evolve reading street pearson pYp readers and companions Jamboree rigby star shared literacy World rigby star guided lighthouse storyworlds sails literacy rapid reading rigby navigator rigby literacy heinemann english readers rigby star independent pocket reads interactive science pearson chapters heroes nitty, gritty novel chatterbox Four corners Fast tracks V-Kids penguin readers


3 3 3

ind e pe nd e n t Re Ad i n g

gu i d e d R eAd i n g

ShA Re d R eAd i n g

M o d e l l e d R eAd i n g

to find out which series is best suited for your classroom, simply choose your preferred reading type and find the catalogue page number next to each series.

compl e t e r e ad i ng p ro g r a mme s

choosing your literacy series is easy... with our Literacy Resource Planner!

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3 3 3 3

3 3

3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3



3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3

3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 6 7 8–9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 27 27 28

Your guide to the right reading strategy m odelled readi n g

i read – You watch • an expert reader models a love and passion for words, stories & ideas • teaches how to think – not what to think • demonstrates fluency, phrasing and voice • extends vocabulary and exposes students to rich language • encourages wondering about the text • supports listening comprehension • helps readers visualise and think critically about text

shared r eading

i read – You help • generates enthusiasm and confidence in reading • supports reading and thinking about increasingly difficult books • teaches vocabulary, word knowledge and word-attack skills • supports talk by inviting responses & predictions • leads readers to problem solve using prompts from the teacher from pictures, print and layout • builds story knowledge using plot, characterisation, setting and visual images • builds confidence in personalising and innovating on stories

guided reading

You read – i help • encourages reading, talking and thinking through the text • generates high levels of discussion about the text by asking and answering each others questions • supports the reader to think about what the author said and what the author meant • helps the reader to comprehend and think critically • develops insights into characters, settings, themes and styles • guides the reader to use meaning, structure and visual information • encourages summarising main idea and detail

independent re a d i n g

You read – i watch • reading the right text encourages more talking and thinking • daily independent practice builds fluency and confidence • high accuracy and easily comprehended reading provides opportunity to integrate reading, talking and thinking • reading a wide variety of text builds vocabulary and content knowledge • reading widely develops insights into different writing styles and forms • daily practice increases the use of meaning, structure and visual information • reading for pleasure builds a love for words and ideas


co mp let e r ea ding p ro gr a mmes

Print version

Bug Club

age 5–11

Electronic version

genre Fiction, non-Fiction and comics

Electronic version in context

teaching approach complete programme

Features and benefits • Bug club fiction books are built around character clusters so children can enjoy reading further adventures in a favourite series • each non-fiction story includes eye-catching design and fascinating facts to keep children entranced • Bug club books are finely leveled to give your children steps in reading progression and a sense of ongoing achievement. • the online reading world will transform the reading experience for today’s computer-confident children

“it’s great to see some of the boys, especially the reluctant readers, actually want to be the first to choose a book.”

A new and exciting reading programme that joins books with an online reading world

inspire a love of reading with exciting books, a diversity of characters and genres, and an online world that makes reading even more rewarding. reception

iction • lilac

Fiction • pink A

Fiction • pink B

Fiction • Red A

Fiction • Red C

non-Fiction • lilac

non-Fiction • pink A

non-Fiction • pink B

non-Fiction • Red B

non-Fiction • Red C

Fiction • Yellow A

Fiction • Yellow B

Fiction • Blue B

Fiction • Blue C

Fiction • green A

non-Fiction • Yellow C

non-Fiction • Blue A

non-Fiction • green B

non-Fiction • green C

Fiction • orange A

Fiction • turquoise B

Fiction • purple B

Fiction • gold A

Fiction • lime A

non-Fiction • orange B

non-Fiction • purple B

non-Fiction • gold B

non-Fiction • White B

non-Fiction • lime A

Year 1

Year 2

teACheR, uK


Phonics Bug

age 4–5 Electronic version

genre Fiction and non-Fiction

A firm foundation in Phonics Electronic version in context

teaching approach complete programme

Bug club begins with phonics Bug teaching software and decodable readers to help you teach the basics of reading and give your children the best start.

Features and benefits

co mp let e r ea ding p ro gr a mmes

Print version

• phonics Bug decodable readers get children reading after just a few phonemes have been learnt.

phase 2

• Children love applying their skills while reading about their favourite charaters Fiction


















• each of the phonics Bug eBooks can be accessed from school or from home

phase 3


phase 4

phase 5



co mp let e r ea ding p ro gr a mmes

Literacy Evolve

age 5–11 genre Fiction teaching approach complete programme

Features and benefits • Centres around real, whole books, not extracts. • Written by award-winning authors and poets

Where ‘real’ books inspire a love of reading

Created in association with the former uK Children’s laureate, Michael Rosen, literacy evolve brings wholeclass literature teaching back to the primary classroom, using real, whole books, films and poetry from the best children’s authors and poets. Year 1 • Kindergarten

• designed for use across the whole-school (lower and upper primary years) • picture books that will grab the attention of your youngest readers


Year 2 • grade 1

Year 3 • grade 2

helps learners develop important reading strategies, engages them using global themes to support comprehension and provides opportunities for language development. Year 4 • grade 3

“the benefits i have seen are that reluctant readers have really become enthused by the stories that we read and they are now excited about doing literacy. When i say its literacy next they actually get excited and say ‘Yes!’” 6

liteRACY teACheR, uK

Year 5 • grade 4

Year 6 • grade 5

age 5–12

Where the love of reading begins

genre Fiction and non-Fiction teaching approach complete programme

reading street’s leveled Readers Bookshelf Collections of readers are grouped into 3 levels and then by grade to develop and target the vocabulary and comprehension skills according to the needs of learners. grade K

listen to me

• develop and deepen the understanding of the unit Concept and Big Question • Allow for customization of vocabulary, and comprehension strategy and skill instruction to match each student’s reading level.

Student Reader

Concept literacy

Features and benefits

co mp let e r ea ding p ro gr a mmes

Reading Street

independent Reader

grade 1

ell Reader

Concept literacy




ell Reader

Concept literacy




ell Reader

Concept literacy




ell Reader

Concept literacy




ell Reader

Concept literacy




ell Reader

Concept literacy




grade 2

• the guided Reading approach supports small group instruction and individual teaching and learning styles, with differentiation for 3 levels, plus english language learners.

grade 3

grade 4

grade 5

grade 6


co mp let e r ea ding p ro gr a mmes

age 3–11 genre Fiction and non-Fiction teaching approach complete programme

Features and benefits • 120 high quality, inquirybased readers designed as a ready-made library of titles, with different styles and designs to ensure your children have access to the right book to develop their interest in reading. • 9 engaging companions exploring each level’s individual units with openended activities to support group and individual work. • A perfect starter programme of inquiry or for adding to existing resources.


Pearson Baccalaureate PYP Readers and Companions

using an international inquiry based approach, the pearson Baccalaureate pYp readers and companions programme motivate learners to develop important inquiry-based reading strategies

co mp let e r ea ding p ro gr a mmes

inspiring global Readers


mo delled a nd s h a r ed r ea ding


ory tim


age 3–5 genre Fiction teaching approach modelled and shared

Features and benefits • Big Books, with corresponding little Books, Cds and puppets encourage children to engage with language through role play.

Jamboree Storytime The fun way to introduce young learners to English

Jamboree storytime is an exciting, interactive and playbased series designed to help children aged 3-5 have fun whilst learning english. ages 3–4

• Stories, rhymes and chants read aloud on Cd help to improve pronunciation. • Children can enjoy learning through games and puzzles in the Activity Books.

Big Book • little Book

Big Book • little Book

Big Book • little Book

Big Book • little Book

Big Book • little Book

ELL Specifically developed for young learners of the english language

ages 4–5


Big Book • little Book

Big Book • little Book

Big Book • little Book

Big Book • little Book

Big Book • little Book

age 4–7

When only a big book will do

genre Fiction and non-Fiction teaching approach shared

rigby star shared brings a collection of fiction and nonfiction Big Books to captivate your children during wholeclass reading and writing sessions.

Features and benefits

mo delled a nd s h a r ed r ea ding

Rigby Star Shared

• Comprehensive teaching support providing guidance on word recognition and language comprehension.


• each Big Book has 10 lessons’ worth of resources, including ideas on how to deliver speaking and listening skills in your classroom.



• A strong writing focus helps develop writing skills.

Year 1

rigby star storytelling listen, learn and love to read with audio big books Fiction




Year 2

rigby star storytelling brings storytelling to life in the classroom with fantastic, new Audio Big Book versions of a selection of titles from the rigby star guided reading range.


mo delled a nd s h a r ed r ea ding

age 7–11 genre Fiction and non-Fiction teaching approach shared and guided

Features and benefits • Superb fiction and non-fiction readers with comprehensive genre coverage helping to deliver a full range of learning objectives • tried and tested in the classroom so you can be sure literacy World works • exceptional teaching support and complete differentiation provide you with flexible planning resources

Literacy World Tried and tested literacy programme for 7–11

literacy World provides all the support you need to deliver shared reading and writing, guided reading, iCt and speaking and listening. shared

Year 1 • Fiction

Year 2 • non-Fiction

Year 3 • Fiction

Year 4 • non-Fiction

literacY World – For core readers

Year 3 Fiction

Year 3 non-Fiction

Year 5 • Fiction

Year 4 Fiction

Year 5 • non-Fiction

Year 4 non-Fiction

Year 6 • Fiction

Year 6 • non-Fiction

comets – For more able readers

guided Reading handbooks support you with advice to help you save time and deliver highly effective literacy lessons.

Year 3 Fiction

Year 3 Fiction

Year 5 • Fiction

Year 5 • Fiction

Year 4 Fiction

Year 6 • Fiction

Year 6 • Fiction

satellites – For weaker readers

Year 3 Fiction

Year 3 non-Fiction

Year 5 • Fiction


Year 4 Fiction

Year 4 Fiction

Year 5 • non-Fiction

Year 4 non-Fiction

Year 6 • Fiction

Year 6 • non-Fiction

age 4–7

Specially built for success in Guided Reading

genre Fiction and non-Fiction

rigby star guided gives you everything you need for fantastic group reading sessions. the rich, multi-layered stories and non-fiction texts are specially developed for group reading at the right level to ensure reading success.

Features and benefits

teaching approach guided

reception • pre K

Fiction • lilac

phonic Fiction • lilac

Fiction • pink

Fiction • Red

phonic Fiction • Red

non-Fiction • Red

phonic Fiction • pink

non-Fiction • pink

phonic Fiction • Yellow non-Fiction • Yellow

non-Fiction • Blue

Fiction • green

phonic Fiction • green

• Broad range of titles and genres including plays, traditional tales and fantasy stories so you can be sure to find the right story at the right level for your guided reading groups. • non-fiction readers have been carefully levelled to ensure they match children’s reading abilities • unbeatable teaching support with every title with fully annotated teacher versions.

Year 1 • grade K

Fiction • Yellow

guided r ea ding

Rigby Star Guided

Fiction • Blue

phonic Fiction • Blue

Ideal for Reading Recovery these readers are ideal for Reading Recovery and include a suggested reading order at each Book Band level.

non-Fiction • green

Year 2 • grade 1

non-Fiction • orange

Fiction • orange

Fiction • gold

Fiction • purple

Fiction • turquoise

Fiction • White

non-Fiction • purple

non-Fiction • White

Fiction • lime

“Meeting the requirements of teacher and pupil in the context of specific and aligned learning, as well as being fun and interesting to use, made it a real success.” teACheR, uK


guided r ea ding

age 4–7


genre Fiction and non-Fiction

Light up your guided reading

teaching approach guided and independent

Features and benefits • Covering the full range of genres, each book gives you key information, including high frequency words, text types and a synopsis on the back. • each reader has a set of teaching notes and a program organizer for each year that provides comprehensive teaching and assessment support. • At-a-glance charts to show you how to use other books alongside lighthouse, to ensure your children have the widest guided reading experiences.

lighthouse brings you 98 colorful and carefully-levelled fiction and non-fiction Readers to ensure gradual progression for your children. reception

non-Fiction • pink A

Fiction • pink A

Fiction • pink A

Fiction • pink B

non-Fiction • pink B

Fiction • pink B

non-Fiction • Red

Fiction • Red

Fiction • Red

non-Fiction • Red

Fiction • Yellow

non-Fiction • Yellow

Fiction • Blue

Fiction • Blue

non-Fiction • Blue

Fiction • green

Fiction • green

non-Fiction • orange

Fiction • orange

Fiction • orange

Fiction • turquoise

Fiction • turquoise

non-Fiction • purple

Fiction • purple

Fiction • gold)

Fiction • gold

non-Fiction • White

Fiction • White)

Fiction • lime

Fiction • lime

Year 1

Year 2


age 4–7

The Structured Way to build learners’ confidence

genre Fiction and non-Fiction

storyworlds’s fantastic range of fiction and non-fiction for guided and independent reading is full of stories your children will love to read time and again.

Features and benefits

teaching approach guided and independent

• Controlled vocabulary and structured progression for your english language learners

reception • pre K

Fiction • pink

non-Fiction • Red

Fiction • pink

Fiction • Yellow

guided r ea ding


non-Fiction • pink

Fiction • Yellow

Fiction • Red

non-Fiction • Yellow

Fiction • Red

non-Fiction • Yellow

• ‘See-saw’ structure gradually gives learners more control and builds confidence • each story is finely levelled to ensure your children make steady, structured progression in their reading skills.

Year 1 • Kindergarten

Fiction • Blue

Fiction • Blue

non-Fiction • Blue

non-Fiction • Blue

Fiction • green

Fiction • green

non-Fiction • green

Fiction • orange

Fiction • orange

non-Fiction • orange

non-Fiction • turquoise

non-Fiction • turquoise

Fiction • purple

Year 2 • grade 1

Fiction • turquoise

Fiction • turquoise

“Reading confidence has definitely improved since we’ve been using storyworlds. the broad range of stories means that there’s a story that every child wants to read, and some of the stories are so well liked that the children want to read them again and again!” teACheR, uK

non-Fiction • purple

non-Fiction • pink A

Fiction • gold

Fiction • gold

non-Fiction • gold


guided r ea ding

age 5–9 genre Fiction teaching approach guided and independent

Features and benefits • every Sails guided reading book features guide notes on visual literacy, critical thinking, phonological patterns and language features. • Sails fluent levels will challenge your competent readers through the use of text types including fiction, persuasive texts, reports, reviews, explanations and written debates.

Sails Literacy The perfect resource for guided and independent reading

sails literacy is a comprehensive reading series for K-3 students. the engaging visuals and subject will motivate students to read for pleasure and for information. emergent

non-Fiction guided Reading RR 2

non-Fiction guided Reading RR 3

Fiction Shared Reading

Fiction Shared Reading

Fiction guided Reading RR11

non-Fiction guided Reading RR14

Fiction guided Reading RR13-14

Fiction Shared Reading

non-Fiction guided Reading RR20

Fiction guided Reading RR20

Fiction guided Reading RR21

non-Fiction guided Reading RR22

Fiction guided Reading RR19

non-Fiction guided Reading RR22

Fiction guided Reading RR28

Fiction Shared Reading

earlY leVel

Fiction guided Reading RR6

additional FluencY

Fiction guided Reading RR15


Fiction guided Reading RR17


age 7–11

The Rapid Route to reading success

genre Fiction teaching approach guided and independent

rapid reading is ideal for learning readers, and gives you an ‘extra pair of hands’ in the classroom – a great resource to use with your children who have english as an additional language. starter leVel

level 2 • Set A

level 1 • Set B

level 2 • Set A

level 1 • Set A

level 2 • Set A

level 2 • Set A

level 1 • Set B

level 1 • Set A

level 2 • Set B

level 2 • Set B

Stage 1 • Set A

Stage 2 • Set A

Stage 2 • Set B

Stage 3 • Set A

Stage 3 • Set B

Stage 4 • Set A

Stage 4 • Set B

Stage 5 • Set A

Stage 5 • Set B

Stage 6 • Set

stages 1-6

guided r ea ding

Rapid Reading

Features and benefits • integrated benchmark texts correctly place your readers within the Rapid programme, identifying when they’re ready to move on. • offers 112 finely-levelled and captivating fiction and non-fiction readers – perfect for encouraging reading fluency and comprehension, with controlled vocabulary that includes lots of repetition. • Fantastic teaching support containing lesson notes, speaking and listening ideas, follow-up work and planning support saves you valuable time.

“it’s ingenious: exactly the right level of non-threatening support and a level of patience that the very busy teacher or tA might at times find difficult.” tiMeS eduCAtionAl SuppleMent


guided r ea ding

age 7–11 genre Fiction and non-Fiction

Rigby Navigator Unlock the potential of guided reading

teaching approach guided

Features and benefits • Full genre coverage at the right length and level, with tailored support for your lower ability children and english language learners. • offers added breadth with rigby navigator poetry and plays, perfect for helping you deliver speaking, listening and drama objectives.

rigby navigator’s engaging fiction and non-fiction texts help you deliver creative, effective guided reading sessions for your children. Year 3








lower ability fiction

Year 4

• pick-up-and-go teaching guides and interactive Comprehension Software save hours of preparation time. Fiction

ELL rigby navigator introduces and reinforces new reading skills, whilst engaging and motivating with age appropriate subject matter.







lower ability fiction

Year 5








lower ability fiction

Year 6









lower ability fiction

age 8–12

The complete guided reading program for developing independent readers

genre Fiction and non-Fiction

rigby literacy a comprehension series, featuring leveled fiction, non-fiction and chapter books, that strongly engages K–2 students as they develop confidence in reading.

Features and benefits

teaching approach guided and independent

guided r ea ding

Rigby Literacy

• rigby literacy Big Books for interactive Whiteboard can be used at any time to develop listening and oral skills, and provide rich language experiences.


emergent 1 • RR 1

• Benchmark Books are fiction and non-fiction titles that make it easy for teachers to assess students’ reading development.

emergent 2 • RR 1

emergent 3 • RR 3

emergent 4 • RR 4


• Finely leveled guided reading books are sequentially organised to build on high frequency words, sight vocabulary and phonics. • Chapter Books make it easy to support readers as they move from picture books to chapter books.

early 2 • RR 7

early 1 • RR 4 early 4 • RR 13

early 3 • RR 10


Fluent 1 • RR 12

Fluent 2 • RR 16

Fluent 3 • RR 23

Fluent 4 • RR 26


guided r ea ding

age 7–14 genre Fiction and non-Fiction teaching approach guided and independent

Features and benefits • Modern fiction, exciting non-fiction and science readers to support the use of english across the curriculum • Activities and page by page language support develop the skills of language learners. • levelled into bands of elementary, intermediate and Advanced, the books enable teachers and parents to choose readers at the perfect level for their students.

Heinemann English Readers Raising achievement through reading in English heinemann english readers offers extensive reading opportunities for language learners aged 7 and above. the fascinating topics and stories makes this series ideal for english language learners. elementarY


































age 4–7 genre Fiction and non-Fiction

Add breadth and variety to independent reading

teaching approach independent

rigby star independent comprises 106 fiction and 24 non-fiction books. lively illustrations and familiar characters spark your children’s imaginations and make these books ideal for both class and home reading. reception • pre K

Features and benefits

indep endent r ea ding

Rigby Star Independent

• Stunning books carefully levelled to help build reading confidence and reinforce key reading skills. • the right level of support to encourage parental involvement.

Fiction • pink

non-Fiction • pink

Fiction • Red

non-Fiction • Red

Fiction • Blue

non-Fiction • Blue

Year 1 • Kindergarten

Fiction • Yellow

non-Fiction • Yellow

Fiction • green

non-Fiction • green

• explicit consolidation of the vocabulary and skills taught through rigby star guided.

Year 3 • grade 1

When only a big book will do See page 11 for details

Fiction • orange

non-Fiction • orange

Fiction • turquoise

Fiction • purple

Specially built for success in Guided Reading non-Fiction • gold

Fiction • White

non-Fiction • lime

Fiction • lime

See page 13 for details


indep endent r ea ding

age 7–11

Pocket Reads

genre Fiction and non-Fiction

Easy to pick up, impossible to put down

teaching approach independent

Features and benefits • Fantastic breadth and variety of genre, including pocket Worlds covering global themes. • Beautifully illustrated ‘real books’ to motivate your readers.

pocket reads is a superb collection of 105 pocket-sized fiction and non-fiction readers divided into four groups: 15 pocket Chillers, 30 pocket Facts, 15 pocket Worlds, 45 pocket tales. they are carefully levelled to ensure gradual progression, developing discrete language skills (phonological and grammatical knowledge) and opportunities for writing.

• Just the right amount of content builds confidence for better reading. • Specially tailored parent notes within each book to encourage reading at home.


Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

age 11–14

Three levels of support with content leveled readers

genre non-Fiction

interactive science’s below level, on-level and above-level Content leveled Readers provide valuable reading support.

Features and benefits • each reader features a My Reading Coach Fold-out that allows teachers to provide targeted before, during and after reading to students at every level in the classroom.

grade K

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

grade 1

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

grade 2

Set 1

teaching approach independent

indep endent r ea ding

Interactive Science

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Set 5

• interactive science’s innovative write-in student edition allows students to read about the science concepts and then interact with the page by completing an activity on the page. • Summative assessments, extension activities and cross-curricular connections provide opportunities for students to transfer their understanding after reading.

grade 3

Set 1

grade 4

Set 1

grade 5

Set 1


indep endent r ea ding

age 7–12

Pearson Chapters

genre Fiction

Engage and motivate your readers

teaching approach independent

Features and benefits • features a wide variety of narrative genres • a collection of visually outstanding books of high-interest, highquality literature to give all students a strong motivation and enthusiasm to read.

pearson chapters is a collection of 50 highly appealing chapter books that will engage and motivate readers in Years 2 and 6. the books are levelled (both Reading Recovery and broadband) and designed for on-level and above-level readers. Year 2

• engaging chapter books are appropriate as take-home readers or for independent and silent reading activities in the classroom. Year 3

Year 4

For Year 5 and 6 titles visit:


age 11–14

Epic stories of villains, crime, horror and adventure

genre Fiction, non-Fiction, plays

heroes is a new series of short, exciting novels, plays and non-fiction that teenage boys and girls will love – perfect for individual or whole-class teaching.

Features and benefits

teaching approach independent

indep endent r ea ding


• Short, accessible stories that can be read in class helping you to deliver the whole text in six weeks.

Year 7

• lesson ideas based on competition and other strategies known to get reluctant boys involved and focused. • each novel and play is supported by an Activeteach Cd-RoM with an invaluable bank of resources including images, quizzes, videos and activities.





Year 8

look out for the new heroes books coming in June 2012






indep endent r ea ding

age 11–13 genre Fiction teaching approach independent

Features and benefits • Cutting-edge design and text layout engages young adult readers • A range of genres: mystery, adventure, historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy and contemporary fiction • different social and cultural perspectives, strong themes and messages to spark discussion, and encourage the questioning

Nitty, Gritty Novel Contemporary stories for upper primary students

nitty gritty novel is a series of high-interest, rich texts with themes relevant and of interest to young adolescents, focusing on key critical literacy areas including author purpose, power of language, characterization, bias, point of view and more. series 2


Contemporary Fiction

Science Fiction


historical Fiction


historical Fiction


series 3



Contemporary Fiction


Science Fiction

age 4–12

genre Fiction

teaching approach modelled, shared, guided and independent

Chatterbox A whole school literacy program Chatterbox is a whole school literacy program that supports reading, writing, speaking, listening and ITCs for K – 6 students in the classroom.

age 4–12

genre non-Fiction

Helping children to understand and enjoy non-fiction texts Four Corners is a complete non-fiction program which presents all non-fiction text types, including their visual and textual features, in a spectacular way.

genre non-Fiction

• carefully levelled fiction and non-fiction books with engaging storylines and beautiful illustrations • contemporary fiction stories present students with opportunities to discuss issues such as friendship, relationships, behaviour, self-esteem, negotiation, expectations and different generations

teaching approach guided and independent

Four Corners

age 8–12

Features and benefits

Features and benefits • Suggested levels for all books at the emergent, early and Fluent stages • An information box for each book which outlines the stage, genre, key learning area, comprehension skills, and text features. • 3 teachers’ books with detailed guided reading and guided writing notes, cross-curricular links, and home reading notes.

teaching approach shared, guided and independent

Fast Tracks Challenging talented and independent readers Fast Tracks is an innovative writing and critical literacy series that turns middle and upper primary students into fluent writers and critical readers.

Features and benefits • Students learn about the different structure followed by a particular genre, how characters develop, and the importance of setting and plot in a genre. • topic books provide real examples of each genre for students to use, offering an authentic setting to develop writing skills. • the unique genre Focus Books explicitly teach students about the conventions of a particular genre, so they can critically evaluate the texts they read.

age 9–12

genre Fiction

teaching approach guided and independent

V-Kids A Values Education series for middle and upper primary V-Kids is a series that offer teachers and students the opportunity to explore Values Education in the classroom through comic-strip format, appealing illustration style, plot-driven storylines and likeable characters.

All of these reading programs are only available for orders over 500 copies

Features and benefits • easily adopted as a dedicated values program, or used incidentally as required • students explore values via activities that are goal-driven, achievable and fun • valuable teaching support for easy classroom implementation.


indep endent r ea ding

age 11–adult

Penguin Readers

genre Fiction and non-fiction teaching approach independent

Features and benefits

penguin readers are a carefully graded collection of Readers that enable english language learners to enjoy reading whatever their language level.

• 300+ titles over 7 reading levels • every title has its own activity worksheets, teacher’s notes and answer keys

leVel 1

• online support material to help with lesson planning leVel 2

leVel 3

leVel 4

leVel 5


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