Kid athletes 1

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Kid Athletes

A Book for Children and Adults


The manuscript KID ATHLETES that the author

lots of giggling. This wondrous sight made my eyes

intends to publish in four separate publications, has

water several times…

been written with the aim of introducing young readers

Especially well rendered is the representation of

to the wondrous world of sports. The text is simple and

sports in an easy manner. Top sports, records and

likeable, while historical interpretation is sound and

athletes have not been portrayed as a dif ficult ideal,

professional. The author achieved a marked humane

but in the manner of ‘you try too; it ’s important to

message of the text in an original manner. The text and

participate – and if there shall be results, so much

illustrations communicate in an exceptionally agreeable

better.’ When representing sports, the author is so

way. All sports stories are told by a physical education

successful that the target publication reader, a child,

teacher, while his pupils – Sparrow, Robert, Nina, Genius,

is dumbfounded as to which sport to choose out of

Simon, Worm, Morsel, Barbara and Wicked, should opt

the twenty.

for a particular sport according to their preferences. The

His knowledge of the general history of sports is

text by the author who is a physical education teacher

quite sound. The author tells us Greeks practiced

himself is captivating fast. This, first of all, because it is

sports from 7 c BC, so if they could – so can you today,

professional, and obviously written by a man in love with

dear children. If the messenger Theocritus and the

his vocation:

plowman Glanco could become Olympic winners,

My pupils out of all subjects like physical education

then you too can do it.


What can I say, darling kids. As soon as they

In the sparse sport library in Croatia, such editions

enter gym, they start wandering around, like ants.

would be a true refreshment. Finally, in the future

Some climb the gear or ladders, they hang from them

strategy for the development of Croatian sport, that

just like small monkeys, others hit the ball with all their

seems not able to ever commence, the introduction

might, so it bounces from walls in all directions. You

of as many youths should be incorporated. Books like

just have to be careful it does not land in your head.

this one would definitely help.

Still others play catch me if you can, or – what everyone finds best, they jump up and down fat and soft mats.

Prof Zdenko Jajcevic

And all this goes hand in hand with noise, screams and

Croatian Sports Museum Head 5

Kid Athletes




s c i t e Athl

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Kid Athletes Although I’m not really good at it, I have decided

And so, with my sports persistence and heav y ef fort,

to tell you a great stor y. Y’ know, I’m a gym teacher and

I decided to tell you my story, even if I have to eat a

if you want to learn how to play football, table tennis

pound of lemon and dance to African drums. In order

or say, swim, if you still don’t know the knacks of judo

to make things a bit easier on me, this will be a sports

or wrestling, rowing or sailing; maybe you would like to

story, and kids going to school where I teach will help

be def t and nimble like a gymnast – no problem, I can

me. This is a story of kid athletes.

teach you all this nice and slow. But, when a story needs to be told, my throat chokes, as if I’m eating lemon, and

So, let ’s start – hm, to start – how? – that is, I wanted to

my heart starts pounding like African drums – bam-

say – how does one say it!? Ah, it ’s really dif ficult, but I

bam-bam… the sound of which comes straight from

can do this, I can do this!

the jungle. And there is no way, simply no way for my stor y to go on.

So, these kids, my pupils, are like other kids – happy,

Just so you know, when I was young I did sports. Oh,

play ful and very curious. The want to know about

you should have seen me then, I was as strong as a

everything, and they want to know and try almost

bear, fast as the wind, and deft like, like… well, such

everything. I don’t think this applies to math too.

a def t thing don’t even exist. I still exercise regularly.

From all subjects, English, math, geography… they like

Sport makes me healthy, I feel good, it even gets me

physical education best. What can I say, darling kids.


As soon as they enter gym, they start wandering

Ah, there I go again, I did once this, I did once that…,

around, like ants. Some climb the gear or ladders, they

while actually I just wanted to say how sport made me

hang from them just like small monkeys, others hit the

become persistent. Only persistence and ef fort make

ball with all their might, so it bounces from walls in all

any wish come true.

directions. You just have to be careful it does not land 9

in your head. Still others play catch me if you can, or – what ever yone finds best, they jump up and down fat and sof t mats. And all this goes hand in hand with noise, screams and lots of giggling. This wondrous sight made my eyes water several times. Now






overdoing it or joking, but let me ask you: is there something more pleasing for the ear than the noise of kids laughing, something more pleasing for the eye than merr y children’s play, something warmer for the heart than happiness these kids spread around knowing no bounds? All of this you can experience and feel in my gym. My gym? Well, in any gym, at any sports field, in any club, during each training or competition, in any sport. I first don’t know how to start my stor y, and then I go on, bothering like a broken CD, blah, blah, blah! But, let ’s get back to my wonderful 10

Robert and Teat He’s a good boy – will always say a nice hello to everybody. Parents think him big and serious enough to be able to take good care of his younger brother Teat. Although he adores his younger brother, he would like to be able to play with the bunch on his own once in a while. Beacuse of these commitments he appears more serious and older than his friends. He will never go anywhere first or do something novel. It seems he is easily scared a bit; that is why he likes the bunch; it makes him feel stronger. Although he likes animals, he wouldn’t like a pet – his brother is enough for him. When he grows up, he would like to build skyscrapers or bridges; perhaps ships. Robert’s brother is still a baby. He does not part from his teat and the plush bear.

Nina She is a serious girl. She is very able and capable, likes to compete, with boys especially. They do not really appreciate this, for it is often that she wins. She has short hair – so it does not stand in the way while playing – and it suits her fine. She is full of ideas and demands the bunch to follow. It is always interesting with her – she is a true leader. She likes nice clothes, but these have to be practical, for she is constantly on the go. She often goes with her parents to nature outings to get some fresh air – she adores hiking. She has a small hamster and would like to own a horse that she would take good care of and ride frequently. She wants to be a teacher.

pupils. Let me introduce them – they are: Sparrow, Simon, Nina, Genius, Robert, Worm, Morsel, Barbara and Wicked. A real merr y bunch. I know, surely you have such friends too – for this is nothing special. But these are a bit out of the ordinar y – whenever and wherever they can, they are together. Yes, there was also teasing, petty quarrels, sometime a bit of anger, but all of this goes away quickly. They

dif fer





appearance, height, weight, way of dressing, interests, games they like, what they would like to be when they grow up, and lots of other stuf f. And most of all, they dif fer in their nature. Simon is, let ’s say, slow a bit, a real sleepy, while Wicked is restless as fire and always ready for pranks. Worm, skinny and tall, and Morsel, that is any thing but, are the merriest of all.

Morsel He is recognized easily and has a tough time hiding. He is a bit stout and likes to eat. He keeps offering candy around. He likes to go to the bakery, but out of all – he adores popcorn. Although he is peculiarly strong for a boy, his temperament is mild – he cannot get angry. He’s a bit clumsy, so it is no fun to be tread upon by his foot. He doesn’t like to move around, but is a faithful follower of the bunch and accepts all its ideas. He dislikes tight clothes, while he does not find colour particularly important.

He is a real little devil, restless even while asleep. He is ever ready for pranks, his spirit is restless, his imagination boundless. He is very able and fast, and is appreciated by the bunch on account of this. Because of all this, they call him Wicked – although he is really kind. He will always help his friends; he’s just a bit unruly. Out of pets, he likes black spiders – he keeps them in a special jar, and feeds them flies. If there is something in the saying that we tease the ones we love, although he would never admit it – not even were he tortured by tickling his feet with feathers – he has a fondness for Barbara. He wants to become a circus lion tamer.

He wants to be a chef when he grows up.



Sparrow was rushing to the classroom, while Simon, so it seems, had been watching TV late last night.

You’re cute..

Girl and boooy, Girl and boooy!

this is not healthy. Children are exposed to bad influences, and can start keeping bad company. In order to avoid this, they should do sports, that is the only protection


for children and the young. It is not in vain that there is a saying: ‘A healthy spirit in a healthy body! ’ My pupils know all of this, and that ’s why they want to do sports.

Come on, come on!

These boys are goofing around all the time..

And I have also contributed a little

He, he, he

to their decision. I often told them about sports, my experience and the Olympics, so they liked it.


The liked hearing best the stories of the beginnings of the Olympics, great athletes and their incredible feats. After all my stories, pop – I know!

I can do this, I can do this..

Children, you must remember this.

they come straight to me and say: ‘We want to do sports.’

Hm, hm... Ten, ten.

3?58? 100? me, me, me!

Now, I can see they mean it and that their decision is firm. I’m looking at them so decided and serious, and my eyes smile, and I say: ‘It ’s not as easy as that, sweet kids, I’ll be an athlete – and it ’s done. There are 15

We’ll try all sports.

Although we could have a bite first..

Let’s do judo first.


JUDO Once upon a time… long, long ago – and even

for a solution. Soon he realized that on account of his

longer ago – in times of old, approximately around…

low stature, fragile built and good soul – there was no

well, exactly in 1860, in the Land of the Rising Sun,

way he could resist bigger and stronger boys. Sad and

where the Sun rises first on Earth, in the land of the

miserable, Kano accidentally overheard in the street a

samurai, pretty geishas – where people use chopsticks

conversation between strangers regarding the ancient

instead of knife and fork, in the far East - actually in

martial skill of jiu-jitsu, using which a not-so-strong

Japan, more precisely in the village of Mikoge, a boy

person can defeat a very strong opponent. He doubted

named Jigoro Kano was born. As any boy, he was merry,

not for a second – the very next moment Kano’s light

play ful and ever ready for pranks. Anyone who knew

feet were going down the streets of Tokyo, looking for

him remembered him so. As time went by, Kano started

the gym of the Teshuro-Shinyo-Ryu school, where the

going to school, to a big city called Tokyo. Here he met

ancient martial skill of jiu-jitsu was practised under the

a lot of new friends, but as it happens, also those who

strict eye of the famous black belt master Ikuba.

didn’t really like him.

From that day on, Kano spent a lot of time indeed in that

As our Kano was no giant, more accurately – he was

gym, and spilled a lot of sweat practising. He practised

of low stature, but good and kind soul-wise, he was

how to overcome the opponent, he practised dif ferent

often bullied at school by stronger and bigger pupils.

throws, arm levers, chokings and various blows. He

He would get a bruise or two, a bump, he would get

was excelling by his great work, ef fort and every-day

tripped… but what hurt Kano the most was ridicule. All

practising. Sometimes he would practise so hard that

of this was witnessed with pity by tender girls’ eyes and

when he would get home in the evening, he would

this... this was something he could not endure. And as

outright collapse into his bed, still wearing clothes,

you guess by now, he wanted to become big and strong.

because he was tired. But first signs of success started

Yes, but how? Kano was thinking this over and looking

to show.



Ma-te!, yelled the small athlete in Japanese. The friends looked confused – none of them is called so, after all. But, this was only a call to end the fight. This is no judo, the small judo athlete said, Look..!

– already at 6 or 7. Judo consists of natural movements, loops, pushing, falling, jumping up and over, throwing – just what you can see when you watch two kittens rollicking. Such play kids rejoice in very much, but this also increases their def tness. The movements, or better

Judo athletes wear kimonos and belts round their

said – judo techniques, are performed using the whole

waists. Kimonos are either white or blue, while the belts

body, from all sides, to all directions, and judo fighters

are yellow, orange, blue, brown, and - of course - black

adjust to opponent ’s weight, height and strength.

- the master’s belt. Belt colour depends on the fighter’s


back landing USHIRO-TEAMI

- This is judo!

hand throw IPPON-SEOI-NAGE

side throw HARAI-GOSHI sacriямБcial throw TOMOE-NAGE 27

Athletic Athletics Since the moment children

they were deftly jumping over

start walking, and stop being

rivers and crevices in order

babies by doing this, they

to get to that cave, they

start with athletics. They are

threw rocks and lances to

constantly in a hurr y, they run or jump, hurdle, throw

catch game in order to feed or defend themselves.

something, hide, fall – they play. Now, if one puts




this into the right perspective,

important later. Troops have

this is genuine athletics.




for big battles by running There, athletes also run, try to overtake the other person, they jump





ancient Olympics, real athletics

into sand, leaving their marks in it,

competitions were held. On account

they jump over bars in the air falling

of the competing athletes, it got its

onto fat and sof t mats, they throw balls

name. Especially popular were the

and lances like Indians hunting buf falo.

disciplines of running, long jump

Quite fun – who wouldn’t want to play

with no running, and throwing

so? And when you add more of the

lances and disci. During the Middle

right perspective, people have always done

Age, people preferred riding horses.

athletics. They needed it in order to survive, for

They neglected athletics; who could

they have always had to run fast hunting deer,

run anyway in that armour? Only military


Because of the new sneakers, or perhaps because of Bobby’s sharp jaw, Wicked ran like the wind.

proper and graceful movement of the cheetah – and that he has the will of steel. Children at first just play training; they run and jump, in order to learn as many movements. As they want further success, they accomplish this fast and they progress. But, one needs not hurr y; results come with diligent training and practicing, when you are an adult athlete. In athletic disciplines, what ’s important is the running rush, the body position and the movements of arms and legs. One must be careful of small details too – this is maybe

Morsel too found a discipline for himself. He also attracted some cheerleaders with his strength. 37


Diving This looks crazy, let’s get down! – Sparrow chirped merrily.


Man has always wanted to fly, to view the world from above, to escape into mountains, to be free as a bird‌ This is why he envied birds, bumble-bees, ladybugs and similar flyers. He was jealous on their free air manoeuvring, heights they achieve and simply – on the feeling of the easiness of floating. In order to feel the beauty of flying, even for a short while, people dove from dif ferent heights whenever they could, into seas, rivers, lakes. During these short flights, they performed dif ferent movements and acrobatics, competing one another. The oldest records on diving were found in an Etruscan relief in Tarquinia. German Nicolaus Wynmann, who as early as 1538 wrote the first manual for non-swimmers, apart from swimming also described diving that boys did in Konstanz and Basel, from bridges. In 1789, Johann Cristoph Friedrich, described in his manual on the art of swimming dif ferent types of diving that were performed in the German townlet of Halle. These brave youths, divers from Halle, are considered as main contributors 43

Reinforced tower runways are 6 meters long and two meters wide, and are located at the heights of five, seven and a half and ten meters. At first, on boards and runways carpets made of cocoanut were placed so divers would not slip and hurt themselves. Today, more modern materials of superior quality serve the purpose. Tower runways or platforms are at higher levels and must be protected with fences on three sides, so that nobody would fall of f the wrong side, where there is no water. Divers climb these platforms using steps, and some of them, until they have reached the highest ten meter one, are already tired. Pools used for diving are mostly the same pools used for swimming and waterpolo, with the depth on the diving side of four and a half to five meters. At big competitions, divers jump into smaller pools, which are deeper – five and more meters.



Bunch, let’s go, this will be wild! – Worm invited his friends to basketball, in panic. This seems a sport for his kind.

Basketball developed as a sport right from the

students respected him very much and enjoyed keeping

start; it was created in America in the 19th century. It

his company. The reason for this was that Naismith

was invented by the Canadian James A. Naismith. The

was also their minister. He had great understanding

stor y goes something like this: James A. Naismith was

for his students, so they approached him with full

a physical education teacher at the Springfield College

trust; he helped them solve their problems. So, one

in the US, where he coached the school rugby team. His

rainy day, a whole rugby team knocked on Professor


Naismith’s door. He was surprised when he saw them dejected and sad like wet kittens. Himself a bit confused, he invited them in. As the of fice was not so huge, the rugby players, stout and big guys, somehow jostled against each other and started whimpering about their problem. Professor Naismith listened attentively, asked questions, until he was able to gather what this was about. These good boys and model students, liked and ver y popular among their colleagues, especially female ones, who were their most ardent cheerleaders, were very, very sad because they could not practice their favourite sport during rainy weather. When they said that was the end of it all, they started cr ying loudly like a cloud. The professor, who watched them amazed

Bouncing the ball Constant bouncing the ball onto the floor is referred to as directing the ball in basketball. Directing the ball can be done in a static place, and while moving – and using one hand only to boot, left or right – but never using both. One should take care the palm of the hand is always on the upper ball surface. Basketball player leads the ball in front of him, having a watchful eye on the game itself. But, as soon as the opponent approaches, he transfers the ball to the hand farther away from the opponent. This is done so the opponent does not get hold of it. A good basketball player must direct the ball equally skillfully both with his left and right hand, not looking at it at all, high above and close to the ground, and must be able to change the direction and speed easily. Some famous basketball players practiced directing by never separating from the ball – they used it instead of the pillow when going to bed.

until then, saw this was no longer a joke and started comforting them. He promised them he would think of something. He got to it right away, for – who will help these young people if not their teacher or their minister? He thought long into the night, wrote and drew – but could not find the right solution. The waste basket was




paper 53



Sailing The bunch was bewildered. What on Earth are these strange vessels with wings?

For the adventure of taming the wind and riding the waves, it takes a lot of endurance, deftness, skill and the knowledge of various sailing tricks. But, what is important most in sport sailing – this is a wonderful outing in nature, in fresh air – and you make friends of the elements as you find love for this sport. Out of all this knowledge, skill, fights with nature, instincts, mystery and play – an experience is born that you simply must try, at least a portion of it – while you’re young. Sailing is so much more than just sport. Sailing is a pleasure. Sailing is an adventure. How can one describe dif ferently the play of mischievous wind and the powerful, mighty water, the small boat rocking to and fro, and the man sailing it? The wind playing in our hair and the water merrily spraying our nose make this sport dif ferent from others. Thus, when you sail with the help of something you don’t even see, over something that cannot be tamed or predicted, your excitement grows and you are attracted to the mystery and adventure ahead. 62

Wicked wants to win no matter what.

Everyone can sail. Children can start already at the age of seven or eight and this love can last a lifetime. We sail the seas, lakes and larger rivers. Sailors who learned how to sail on smaller boats will be able to try their skill with other sailors at competitions around the world – even at the Olympics. Just like a real captain, without bigger problems, they will also steer larger cruisers, cruising from island to island, from port to port, from sea to sea, upon the path of the setting sun, and into the big blue... 71

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