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Sidan 1-2 Inledning Peder Bergqvist Sidan 2-3 Contemplation in Action Sr Johanna Sidan 4 Aktuellt

Nr 2 år 2013



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INLEDNING ”Den gudsupplevelse är inte äkta som inte blir ett väsentligt engagemang i den värld som Gud älskar, befriar och förlossar”. Detta skriver arbetarprästen Egied van Broeckhoven i en av sina dagboksanteckningar. Det skulle man också kunna säga om meditation, bön och kontemplation. Det är de som funnit en kontemplativ ro som också på ett särskilt sätt, med Guds hjälp, har kunnat vara aktiva i världen. Kraften är inte min egen, den kommer djupt inifrån och den är inandad av den Outsäglige. Jag blir ett med varje fotsteg, med varje andning, med den konkreta

värld jag lever i. Den kontemplativa livshållningen... ”Jag upplevde hur föga kontemplativt jag betraktar Guds vittnesbörd: blommorna, fåglarna, naturen, människornas vänskap, min vän. Det sista lät mig se hur jag gör mig pseudoproblem i brist på kontemplativ ro. När Gud vill vidröra mig mycket djupt kommer han nog att göra detta på ett sätt som medför ro; jag behöver därvid varken spänna mig övermåttan eller psykologiskt bekymra mig; jag gör helt enkelt vad jag kan och bör göra, rofyllt, av kärlek till honom” (Egied van Broeckhoven den 16 mars 1960).

Frid och allt gott!


The Initiative “Contemplation in Action” was set up 2009 by the coordination team, four catholic Christians, who have been following the contemplative path for some time. Over the last few years Christians of various denominations, having different personal and professional backgrounds, have joined us. We have discovered the richness and power of contemplative prayer for ourselves and derive our life energy from it. We are dedicated to spread and foster the practice of contemplative prayer and teach the “Gries Path” - a Jesus Prayer after Franz Jalics S.J. We feel connected with the “Retreat Center Gries” run by the German Province of Jesuits. It is located in the middle of Germany at a remote spot called “Gries”. Father Franz Jalics SJ established it in 1985.

Sr Johanna Schulenburger, ursprungligen från Tyskland, bor för närvarande med fyra systrar i Wien, Österrike. Hon tillhör Congregatio Jesu, en orden grundad av Mary Ward på 1600-talet och som hämtar stor del av sin spiritualitet hos Ignatius av Loyola. Hon är sedan 2012 fast medarbetare på Stille in Wien (Kardinal König Haus) där hon både leder kontemplativa retreater och ger enskild andlig vägledning. Sr Johanna är också, som hon skriver om i denna artikel, medgrundare till initiativet ”Contemplation in action”. Det är en glädje för oss att välkomna henne som ledare för höstens Kontemplativa retreat på Berget! (leds på engelska).

Our Initiative is supported by three circles of people in different ways: the coordination team – the retreat directors – the meditation group leaders. During the last four years 11 retreat directors and 100 meditation groups have joined the Initiative. We find this very encouraging to go on. In a broader sense, everyone practicing contemplative prayer and feeling connected with the initiative can consider themselves as being part of it.

Ann-Ida Fehn

Our offers are open to everyone, who wants to learn more about this Jesus Prayer - regardless of their religious denomination or spiritual background. In guiding our courses


the grain of mustard seed - becomes a tree full of life (Mt 13:31-32), a leaven that leavens everything around it (Mt 13:33).

we find it important to foster appreciative and complementary cooperation between women and men. To us, the Eucharist is an important part of the Contemplative Retreat, therefore we invite to participate in its celebration daily. We offer our courses as affordable as possible and thus close to the biblical principle: „You received without paying; give without pay.”(Mt 10:8). We want to familiarise people, who are trying to discover or revive the spiritual side of their lives and guide them along their path. Out of contemplation grows creativity and fertility. The connection with the vine allows the branches to bear fruit (Jn 15:5). The prayer - specifically the contemplative prayer - is a key factor for the transformation of the individual and for change in church and society, as it fine-tunes our consciousness and connects us with a deeper reality, which is capable of transforming things inside and around us. It transforms us and allows us to develop our sense for and dedication to the conservation of God’s creation, peace and justice.

We support the formation and sustainment of meditation groups, retreat centres and spiritual centres. Through our offers we add to their spiritual profile. Through the prayer in groups and Contemplative Spiritual Exercises, which last several days, the prayers of the individual are deepened. Collective contemplation strengthens the community internally but also gains momentum and vibrancy in the respective surroundings.

Meditation groups and offers of Contemplative Retreats are a contribution to spiritual regeneration and deepening of Christian life in parishes, congregations and our society. The collective prayer of Christians of various religious denominations strengthens the Ecumenical movement. We, as the Initiative „Contemplation in Action”, point to offers – national and international - in order The Initiative „Contemplation in Ac- to present an opportunity to all seekers to find a place for contemplation” has the vision, that: tive prayer, to learn and to practice. - more and more Christian parishes and congregations will open up for For more information visit our webpeople to meet, practice the Jesus site www.contemplation-in-action. Prayer and form open meditation org. groups. - there will be a growing number of retreat centers that also include Welcome! Contemplative Retreats which last several days, into their programs. We trust and hope, that our vision - Sr Johanna Schulenburger CJ



Meditationskurser att sprida till meditationsgruppernas deltagare Exempel på meditationstillfällen framöver: 8-11/7




-vila och återhämtning

Ledare: Ann-Ida Fehn och Ingrid Eriksson

Ledare: Eva Sköndahl leg sjukgymnast

14-16/10 MEDITATIONSLEDARUTBILDNING DEL 1 Ledare: Urban Nordqvist och Eva Sköndahl 18-24/11 KONTEMPLATIV RETREAT Ledare: Sr Johanna Schulenburg

info@berget.se Tel 0248-797170 LÄS MER OM KURSERNA PÅ:


Varmt välkomna till Berget! Hälsningar Ingrid STIFTELSEN BERGET Tempelvägen 10 795 91 RÄTTVIK

TELEFON: 0248-79 71 70 FAX: 0248-797171 E-POST: ingrid@berget.se


Bankgiro: 574-3323 www.berget.se

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