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Pedro Arnanz Coll Personal Projects Architectural Portfolio

Tf: +34 690 80 61 93 mail: pedro.acoll@gmail.com Madrid, Spain







dwelling in machine’s dreams



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the project is a collaboration between Íñigo esteban , Juan Crespo and Francisco Javier Rueda Research Project started at Saturdays.ai Status: Ongoing Software: Python, GANs, Houdini (VEX)

Se puede decir con bastante acierto que, desde que el hombre es capaz de abstraer los espacios en los que habita, la historia de la arquitectura va pareja con la historia de su representación. Así, desde los primeros planos abstractos en dos dimensiones, pasando por el descubrimiento de las leyes que rigen la perspectiva y el diseño, a las modernas técnicas de trabajo por ordenador, la representación arquitectónica, su diseño, es paso previo a la materialización arquitectónica. Esta afirmación demuestra las limitaciones que, por defecto, el diseño arquitectónico tiene: se basará en los conocimientos, la experiencia y los recursos de los que dispone el diseñador, ¿no se está perdiendo un gran campo de oportunidades con todo aquello que no está escrito, que no está de antemano pensado?¿Qué pasa con todos esos espacios que no han sido diseñados por los límites de la mente que los piensa? La pregunta a hacerse sería, ¿puede servir la Inteligencia Artificial de ayuda para salvar ese vacío? Claro que, antes de eso, tenemos que enseñar a la IA qué es arquitectura. El modelo que hemos desarrollado ha sido entrenado con un dataset

de modelos tridimensionales de obras “maestras” de la arquitectura, pertenecientes al arquitecto suizo Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, conocido como Le Corbusier, con la intención de comprobar si la AI es capaz de abstraer características como el estilo. Una vez tenemos el dataset, es decir, una vez la AI ha ‘recorrido’ todos esos edificios ¿será capaz de generar arquitectura? La elección lógica de una DCGAN (Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network), que enfrenta un generador a un discriminador de forma no supervisada, permite que sea la AI la que decida cuales son los patrones y relaciones importantes a la hora de la generación de esos espacios. Estos nuevos espacios, que aún se sitúan al borde de lo onírico, de la alucinación, ya nos permite intuir proporciones, huecos y una concatenación de diferentes escenarios. Es decir, la AI “imagina” y propone arquitectura a medida que avanza, pero estando siempre la persona, el humano, en el centro del proceso.

1. Process of 3D data extraction 2. 2D data conversion 3. Creation of the Dataset




Skeens avatars in the digital media

Artist: Elisa Cuesta Developer: Raquel Álvarez Flórez LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Gijón) Software: Python, Houdini (VEX) This video installation was commisioned as part of Elisa Cuesta’s project “Skeens” - an exercise of self-exploration of a private user’s digital footprint stored by one of the most popular social networks of the last decadeThe datification or transfomation of each user into a group of values becomes the starting point of the exercise: the social network creates the “digital me”, freed from any trace of sex, age, religion or race. This is made by means of a series of statistical models such as “The Big Five”. This model identifies five primary dimensions of the personality -sympathy, responsability, extraversion, neuroticism and openness- from which we can describe in a general way the behavior of a person in the digital world. Once the datification is done, the network is able to recognise us and even predict and shape our tastes and preferences, determining the results, ads and, in short, the contents that the user will see on their screen. The project takes into account the artist’s last 10 years of activity on Facebook, whose data is collected to perform an analysis of her digital

linguistic communications (messages, posts, searchs...). This data is later processed with the method “Watson Personality Insights”, developed by IBM, a parser which is believed to be able to infer the intrinsic personality characteristics of an individual. The main goal of the exercise is to recreate this datification by creating a digital avatar (“avatar: a picture of a person or an animal that represents a person on a computer screen [...]” Oxford Advanced American Dictionary) that allows the artist to show a physical representation of all this data.Thus, the avatar collects the values and shows them through a series of deformations on the display, which vary from one year to another. Through this exercise, we want to show the differences between the real user and the digital one interpreted by Watson’s algorithm, created through a series of tailored and biased analysis, with the objective of reducing the physical user to a massive amount of data. Skeens is a development produced within the framework of the LABjoven_Los Bragales Prize at LABoral

Exhibition as shown at La Laboral ‘Skeens’ videoinstallation screened on right wall Photo by Marcos Morillas

Avatar’s deformation through years


NEEDS PERCENTILE vs. RAW SCORES (from average 2009-2019) 1




[morality] [dutifulness] [assertiveness] [openess] 0
















[neuroticisim] [emotionality] [adventurousness]

[cautiousness] [activity_level]





AGR [trust] EE AB LE NE SS


[agreeableness] [assertiveness]




[trust] [depression]













[modesty] [self_consciousness]




[cooperation] [excitement_seeking] [self_consciousness] [self_efficacy]




















[emotionality] [intellect]

[imagination] [liberalism]


Entrance to the exhibition Photo by Marcos Morillas

‘Skeens’ videoinstallation display Photo by Marcos Morillas

Monterrey, México


Casa TEC 205


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Moneo Brock Studio Status: Built Position: Leading architect and construction manager Dimension: 600 sqm The Casa TEC 205 is located very close to the Chipinque ecological park, an urban landscape dominated by the Sierra Madre, omnipresent backdrop to the city of Monterrey. This house is the first prize in a raffle organized every year by the Technological University of Monterrey to raise funds for its students. The house design follows a number of complementary motives. The first was to preserve four large extant trees on the site. We decided to not just preserve these trees, but to make them part of the project, by making the house surround and frame them. Now embedded in the house, the trees definitively characterize the spaces they inhabit. The second motive was to open up the public spaces to the sky and the views, and to maximize the area of green space in those parts of the

site not occupied by the building’s footprint. Because the land slopes steeply down from the entry level we placed the bedroom floor below the entry floor instead of above. This way the bedrooms take advantage of the earth’s thermal mass, bringing natural freshness to the house and lowering cooling loads during the many months of high temperatures in Monterrey. This arrangement allows the more public floor to enjoy the better views that it’s higher position affords, and provides direct access to the garden for all the bedrooms. A final consequence of this arrangement is that the outdoor public areas, the pool and grill and outdoor entertaining space, is shifted off the ground plane and onto the roof. It is conceived as a large exterior room, delimited by walls and windows that frame the fantastic views. the Monterrey mountains.

1st floor

2nd floor

Section through cinema and salon

Section through rooms and kitchen

2nd floor courtyard with the pool

Kitchen courtyard with views over the mountain





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The creation of the meta-library

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Reading the Turmoil




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Postgraduate Program in Advanced Infographics Final Thesis Project tutor Ruxandra Iancu Status: Ongoing Software: Python, Audacity, Rhinoceros (grasshopper), Houdini (VEX) “Reading the Turmoil” is an immersive project that provides a new reading experience to the user as a narrator. It is based on the short story “The Library” by Jorge Luis Borges and intends to recreate that mythical library in which all the books are contained, but in the digital era, providing a visual representation of it. In other words, it engages the reader in a new experience of reading and relates in a graphical way different books. In order to create this environment or virtual library, the books are divided into their constituent words, the minimal units of significance. For this project, a selection of 13 classical books and audiobooks have been sourced from the platform www.gutenberg.org. The words are charged with a series of parameters, as defined by technical linguistic studies, such as the Type Token Ratio or Latent Semantic Analytics, as well as details from their definition and their intonation. These parameters will affect the future relationships within the Meta-library. After this process of indexation, the words become charged particles which float about in a virtual space, finding a position based on their

parameters. Then I introduce some dynamics create the base movement that exercises the Meta-Library while it waits for the user to read. Those are based in flocking dynamics as well as literate ones.. Once the narrator or reader is immersed in this environment, it will be necessary to work on a system that recognizes the literature being narrated. Once the program can locate the word, the rules of behaviour are set in order to initiate an interaction with other words. These rules are based on physical formulas, using the values of the indices instead. Therefore, when a word from a specific book is selected, the system initiates forces which act over it, and over matching words in other books, or over similar words which might develop a syntax... thus creating a turmoil. In this way, the experience produces literate terms, which allow for the narrator to experience a new form of reading the visual interaction of these floating words. The project is still ongoing, aiming to become more immersive, the main goal of the project.

Floking words Basic dynamics

Flocking words Complexes dynamics

The Turmoil Reading process

Santo Domingo, Dominican republic


Plaza de España


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Moneo Brock Studio / Rafael Moneo / Harari Landscape Status: Construction Project submitted Position: Moneo Brock’s Leading architect Dimension: 15500 sqm The Plaza de España is a large public square in Santo Domingo created just inside one of the principal entrances to the Colonial City, and sited against the ancient city walls, a Hisotrical Heritage that had to be preserved,and where the Citadel of Don Diego de León is located. We have to imagine this space in the past surrounded by a lively city, characterized mainly by its marketplace, given the high level of . Once this marketplace was transformed into a square, the citadel of Don Diego de Colón began to function as the main architectural element, inasmuch as the perimeter enclosing it unified the different activities.

The new configuration of the square allows for different events and proposes stage configurations. The green spaces have been reinforced throughout the intervention, creating shadows and microclimates with vegetation.

The aim of our proposal is to reclaim the continuity that once existed between the gate of Don Diego and the city within the walls, reinforcing the monumental quality of the gate by providing accessibility and better equipment.

In this project of planning and architecture the studio Moneo Brock has associated with Rafael Moneo Architect and Harari Landscape Architecture.

The Plaza de Espana is a place where children can play, adults enjoy music, tourists experience the city, and readers find a quiet place and history lovers find interest; a square for everyone that preserves the vibrant city’s history and make social mixing.

View from top of the square

Model view with connection to Cathedral

Square plan






What We Think a contemporanean palimpsest

Postgraduate Program in Advanced Infographics Workshop with Hyperstudio Status: Ongoing Software: librares three.js, cs, html Framed within the short-time workshop “Interactive Hypermaedias” developed with Hyperstudio, this web project presents an interactive and interactive environment that shows in an extreme way the contemporary ways of communication. Taking the relation between image and comunication held by the paintings of the surrealist painter Magritte as a starter point, the project uses the most used current application that combines boths words and images: Instagram and the “hashtags”. As the main goal of the workshop was to use the online 3d library “three.js”, all the development is in a tridimensional environment where the user can navigate. The operation of the web is quite simple:

The user writes a sentence on the left superior part of the screen and the web gets access to the Instagrama API, searching, for each word, for the last photo published that has it as a hashtag. on the front, it shows that image and locates it at a random point in the space. The following words will be located at the same point but with a difference in height, transforming the sentence in an image tower, until the it finish and the user presses enter. When another word is written, another torrer is created at another point. Thus, each sentence turns into a concatenation of images that floats about in the space and that has only significance at the moment it is written. Finally, the space will fill with this new sentences, a contemporanean palimpsest of ephemeral thoughts.

A contemporanean palimpsesto

Final workhop exhibition at ETSAM

Web overview




So much Uncanny Right Now exploring the narcissistic aesthetics

Postgraduate Program in Advanced Infographics Workshop with Ruxandra Iaescu Status: Finished Software: Scaneckt, MeshMixer, Grasshopper , Ultimaker 2+ “Process and strategies: project your alter - ego explore the unconscious by creating the opposite constantly travel from the real to the symbolic to the digital and back personal confrontation vs social statements” These were the guidelines that were given to us at the beginning of the digital fabrication and 3d sacnning-printing oriented workshop, which main goal was to rethink the self image shown to the exterior. To this end, we used the uncany theory, something “that is familiar but an alien at the same time”, using our own faces as a playgame. Thus, after a face 3d scanning, the final result of the workshop will the printing of an uncanny mask that represents our physical self as well as

the inner one: Quiet Inside -“though they drag me by a wire//through the storms cracks the sky//I am quiet inside”- Andy Tubman- Being the thorical one, it shows an exterior cracked surface held to an inner mask thet perfectly adjusts to my features, as an allegory of the multiplicity of us that we show to the othes, which have little to do with the real me. Refaced mesh- being more technical, it is a remesh work in which a series of black and white images are introduced in order to produce a series of natural veins and some piercing patrons on the face mask.

3D scanning outcome (2 different scans)

3D scanning process with Scaneckt

Quiet Inside

Result sent to the printer (ultimaker 2+)

All the parts were directly modelled on Mexmixer software

Refaced Mesh

Result sent to the printer (ultimaker 2+)

Process on Rhinoceros

On Grasshopper, two diffrents images were used to transform the face mesh




Computer Vison Learning to see

Postgraduate Program in Advanced Infographics Course with Iago Romero Libraries: cv2, haarcascades During the course we explored the new possibilities for interaction made possible by cameras. The main methods we studied were based on OpenCV libraries, and they are: Low-level per-pixel operations (image thresholding; image differencing: background subtraction, frame differencing and motion history images; brightest point tracking; color tracking), creating our own filters. Algorithms analyzing patches of an image: edge detection; optical flow, motion detection and feature tracking; connected components and blob detection Higher level algorithms :marker detection and tracking, object recog-

nition, that allow computers to make intelligent assertions about what’s going on in digital images and video, Face and features recognition: using haarcascade methods in orther to train the computer on finding those, allowing to design systems that detect and measure motion, detect the presence and location of people or and track objects and faces.

Gaussian edges and blurring

Real time face and features recognition capturing computer camera

Canny edge detection

Multi face recognition




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Emilio Pemjean Exhibition for “C Arte C” Collaboration “O wondrous thing! ye were naked in the sight of all, and were not ashamed; for truly ye bore the likeness of the first-formed Adam, who was naked in the garden, and was not ashamed.” (Cyril of Alexandria). ... but now, after having been whipped, full of scars caused by you or by others, after having shown your body and your worn out soul, to be observed by the Voyeur, it is impossible to return to the primitive innocence, to the state of Adam before the fall. The project is a journey through architectures which are today non-existent but yet recognizable and turned into references and collective myths in painting. The selected architectures are those represented in masterpieces of painting. They have been undressed and recreated, using scaled models, completing and representing spaces partially hidden by the objects used in the painting. The project reveals a temporary and dimensional transformation process through time that begins with the original and old construction of the space, its later use and decoration for the purpose of the painting, its decline and final destruction, its reconstruction through a model and its photographic process (and the model destruction). Reviving the room spaces and returning them to their third dimension with the construction of models (with a picture taken later) in a game of transmutation of languages that goes from architecture to painting,

sculpture to photography, and finally inviting us to a reinterpretation of these spaces as a symbol. This process of alchemy (a process deeply associated with the purpose of obtaining photographic images), of overwriting is referred to in the title of this series: palimpsest. The naked space that is photographed feels like a palimpsest, preserving traces of one or more overlapping and partially deleted writings and inviting a reading of multiple layers that communicate among themselves (and with other pictures) suggesting a new perception of the represented space, its value as a symbol and its ability to represent a particular socio-economic, cultural and political order. Palimpsest: a manuscript or piece of writing material on which later writing has been superimposed on effaced earlier writing. something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form.

Carmen Dalmau, 2013

32 Rue Hautefeuille, Paris, France, artist’s studio, destroyed aprox. 1820

2 Place Lamartine, Arles, France, artist’s studio, destroyed after a bombing in June, 1945

Oudezijs Voobugwal 320, Amsterdam, Holland, aprox. 1629, retailer’s residence, destroyed

Ouka Langendijk, Delft, Holland, aprox. 1600, artist’s residence, destroyed

View over the exposition

Pedro Arnanz Coll Architectural Portfolio Personal Projects

Tf: +34 690 80 61 93 mail: pedro.acoll@gmail.com Madrid, Spain

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