01 2012
Issue 140
Editor’s Note
Our Readers
Say Cheese!
What’s On
Monthly Notepad
Global Eye
Our Picks
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No Fear 2012: Parents’ Blessings for the Better 不信有末日:許願2012
Pregnancy Incredible Birth Stories 最激分娩事
Baby Zone 5 “S” to Stop Baby Colic 5個「S」搞掂BB吵百蘿
Behaviour Steering the Boat 做個乘風破浪小領袖
Playground The Flaming Dragon Adventure 龍年紅運
Learning Aim for As with these Parenting Ways! 高分來自好習慣
Health Don’t Spare the Soap 趕走常見疾病
Healthy Recipe
Stir-fried Chinese Celery and Southern Poplar Mushrooms with Smoked Bacon 茶樹菇芹菜炒煙肉
Out & About Stockholm: A Picturesque Archipelago 斯德哥爾摩:難忘 油畫般的美
Event Highlight
What’s Hot
Peegaboo Red Packet 2012 百家寶 龍年特別版利是封 送抵日期:18/1/2012或以前
Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope (valued at HK$3) to Peegaboo office, and you get a FREE pack (10 pcs) of Peegaboo Red Packet 2012. 將一個貼有HK$3本地郵票的回郵信封寄回百家寶, 即可免費換領「百家寶龍年特別版利是封」一包(共10個)。 Peegaboo office address: 10/F., Jonsim Place, 228 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Please indicate “CNY Red Packet Redemption” on the envelope. And on the self-addressed stamped envelope placed inside, pencil your name, contact number and email. 百家寶親子集團地址:香港灣仔皇后大道東228號中華大廈10樓,請於信 封上註明「換領百家寶新年利是封」。同時於內附的回郵信封上,以鉛筆 註明你的姓名、聯絡電話及電郵。
Terms & Conditions 條款及細則
1. CNY Red Packet Redemption is on a first come, first-served basis, available while stocks last. Redemption deadline: 13/1/2012 (subject to postmark date). Delivery date: 18/1/2012 禮品數量有限,換完即止。截止日期:13/1/2012(以郵截為準)。送抵日期:18/1/2012 2. Each person is entitled to a one-time redemption only. 每人只可換領一次。 3. The organiser reserves the right to decline a redemption at anytime if the information on the self-addressed stamped envelope was found incomplete. And that envelope will not be returned to the sender. 若回郵信封上的資料不完整,主辦機構有權不寄出禮品,而回郵信封將不獲退回。 4. CNY Red Packet Redemption is only applicable to lcoal addresses. 換領只限本地地址。 5. CNY Red Packets will not be replaced or exchanged under any circumstances, including in damaged or misplaced conditions. They cannot be exchanged/ resold for cash. 主辦機構不對禮品於運送中所導致的損壞及遺失負責。禮品不能補領、更換、兌換現 金或轉售。 6. The organiser reserves the right to make final decisions in case of any disputes. 如有任何爭議,主辦機構將作最後決定。
Publisher Michelle Liu
Chief Editor Emily Choi
Editor Ealon Li
Reporter Angie Lee
Senior Sales & Marketing Manager Villy Leung
Sales and Marketing Manager Desmond Lam, Teresa Ng
Senior Sales & Marketing Executive Selina Choi
Event & Marketing Executive Ryan Hui
Web Master Daniel Tse
Senior Designer Chow Kwok Wang
Designer Natalie Wong
Photography Art Direction Chow Kwok Wang
Photography Baby da Vinci Photography
Administration & Subscriptions
App Wanted Stepping into 2012, as a mum of two, I particularly feel that time fades away without my noticing it. Yet the scenes in the delivery room with my first baby boy two and a half years ago, the feelings I had with my tummy when I bore my second baby girl one and a half years ago…all still flash vividly before my eyes. Looking at my two little darlings running around, I appreciate what I have and look forward to a happy future; meanwhile I also enjoy looking back on some points. Assessing what I’ve achieved on my 2011 parenting agenda, there are loopholes to be plugged, and outstanding tasks to be completed. Hopefully, I shall greet 2012 with some breakthroughs. In this month’s feature story, we spoke with six mums and dads about their wishes for 2012. One of the questions is my favourite, though not all parents chose to answer it: “If you were asked to design an app, what would it be?” Let me first start with what I want: “Turning Back the Clock app” – I always want to replay scenes during my parenthood, finding lost or mislaid items, particularly baby clothes and necessities. “Turning Back the Clock app” can also help me go back to the past to right the wrong steps I took. For example, going back to the day before my kids caught a cold, thus giving me a chance to put more layers on them before stepping out. “Turning Back the Clock app” can also enable me to recapture every little milestone my babies reached. My busy daily schedule makes me miss too much: The first small smile of my baby boy, his first time calling out: “Mummy”; the first time my baby girl rolled over, having her first mouthful of congee… This wonderful app – this is what I have been dreaming of.
Ariel Ng
Advertising Department (852) 3741 1720 sales@peegaboo.com
呢個app,幾時有? 踏入2012年,身為兩B之母的我,感覺時間過得特別快……囝囝兩年多前出世時的一幕 幕,年多前我陀住囡囡時的大肚感覺,通通還歷歷在目。看著眼前跑來跑去的兩個小傢 伙,我很珍惜現在,亦很寄望將來,但偶爾亦會懷緬過去。我為人母的2011政綱,當中 有不少漏洞,而所履行到的不夠多,也做得不夠好,展望新一年會有突破。 今期的Feature,我們訪問了共6位爸媽,問問他們2012年的願望。其中一題未必個個
Published by: Peegaboo Corporation Limited 10/F, Jonsim Place 228 Queen’s Road East Wai Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3741 1720 Fax: (852) 3741 1725 Email: info@peegaboo.com Printed by: Asia One Printing Limited 13/F, Asia One Tower, 8 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2889 2320 www.asiaone.com.hk
會揀答,但對我來說那是頗好玩的一題:「如果讓你設計一個app,你希望它會有怎樣 的功能?」 先分享我的答案吧:「逆轉時光app」——我希望能重播過去的一些畫面,找出我忘記 擺位的物件、失去的東西,尤其是囝囝囡囡的衫衭用品。「逆轉時光app」亦可幫我回 到過去,將出錯的步驟一一修正,就如返到囝囡「冷親」前的一日,給我機會替寶寶外 出前多穿一件衣服。「逆轉時光app」更可幫我再次捕捉囝囝囡囡不同的小里程,生活 的繁忙令我錯過了太多:囝囝的第一個微笑、第一次叫媽媽,囡囡的第一個翻身,第一 次食粥粥……
All rights reserved. No part of The Parents’ Journal may be reproduced or used in any form – graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopied – without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher, editors and authors accept no responsibility in respect to any products, goods or services which may be advertised or referred to in this issue, or for any errors, omissions or mistakes in any such advertisements or references.
Emily Choi Chief Editor
本刊保留一切版權。未經出版人同意,不能複印或以任何形 式(包括圖像、電子、技術和影印)使用《育兒天地》任何部 份。出版人、編輯和作者對本刊廣告或相關文字的任何錯 漏,及所介紹之產品、貨物或服務一概毋須負上法律責任。 www.facebook.com/Peegaboo
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What’s up
Sally Hui
I’m a full time mama carrying a one year old boy named Cheuk Ki. Cheuk Ki, “My little tiger” is an energetic boy. I do not have private time anymore after he was born! In fact, we have busy schedules everyday: The tiger wakes me up early at 8 a.m., and calls me out for a morning walk. After that, we have breakfast, and then we go buy some food from supermarket. After home, I prepare our lunch in a hurry while the tiger is taking a nap. In the afternoon, we sometimes go to playground or shopping around nearby. In the evening, I bathe my little tiger. It is only at night time that I can relax a little bit because daddy will be home soon and that he will take turn to be the chief care-taker. But I can’t take a break yet as I still have to prepare dinner as well as to do some housework. And...my tiger does not go to bed until 11 p.m.!! Isn’t it exhausted? Never mind. I’m so glad to have Cheuk Ki with me; he is always an angel bringing lots of happiness and sweet memories to me and my family.
What is the funniest/cutest/most embarrassing thing your child ever did or said? My son is very polite and he greets everyone loud with the word “Aiya!” To him, “Aiya” means “hi”, “hello” ,“how are you”, and “goodbye”….! Though there were quite embarrassing moments, it makes us laugh every time! A quality in your child which you admire a lot: My son can eat a tiger! He can finish a full bottle of milk / a bowl of congee in 3 minutes – much faster than making an instant noodle!
Your Voice
沒想到親子雜誌也會見到「那些年」! - Eunice Yu
這兩版勾起我好多回憶! - 80後爸爸
抗生素的題目對家長有了 很大的刺激,豐富了藥物 的知識,我也主動找了不 少文章閱讀呢。 - Esther
Give us your voice at: editor@peegaboo.com
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Send an email to editor@peegaboo.com with the subject ‘What’s Up’. Then we will send out the questions for you to answer. If your sharing is published, you will receive a HK$1,000 voucher from Moments Child & Baby Portraiture. Sponsor: 你只需以「What’s Up」為主旨,電郵至editor@ peegaboo.com,我們即會寄出問題供你回答。 你的分享一經刊登,即可獲得由兒童凝像攝影送 出價值港幣1,000元禮券。
Fashion Shoot We called it the Hong Kong Next Top Model fashion shoot, as the kids looked strikingly like professionals! We were totally impressed by Hailey’s multi-talents – she had a blast drum-jamming with our designer Wang at one time, and then made a sketch as a gift to him right after! Want to register your child for our fashion shoot? You are welcome to send your child’s front photo along with information below to: model@peegaboo.com. 今期參加Fashion Shoot的小朋友個個都是top model! 其中Hailey尤其多才多藝,這頭要designer 哥哥阿Wang 跟她一起打鼓,轉頭又畫了一張畫送給Wang哥哥。 想你孩子也參與我們的Fashion Shoot嗎?請將正面近 照連同以下資料電郵至model@peegaboo.com。 (1) Child’s Name 孩子姓名 (2) Sex 性別 ( 3) Date of Birth 出生日期 (4) Contact No. 聯絡電話 (5) Preferred Time 首選時間
Annice Tong 5 mths Yuen Long
Aidan Lee 4 yrs Kennedy Town
Arion Miu 14 mths Tsuen Wan
噹 ed 噹 紅 in R
s d i K
Anjaylia Yau 13 mths Tsuen Wan
Wan Ho Laam 7 mths Sha Tin Zoe Ong 9 mths Tai Kok Tsui
Gift of the Month Babies Only Kiss It Better Balm (Valued at HK$199)
Special thanks: nest beauty
Theme for February: Flower Power (Closed)
Theme for March: Baby, Don’t Cry! (Recruiting) 2月主題:「花花」世界(經已截止上載)
Want to upload your kid’s photos and receive the update on the monthly theme in time? Go to Peegaboo.com and join the “Say Cheese” group now! 想上載孩子照片並即時知道每月主題更新,並了解參加辦法,請即上 Peegaboo.com,加入「Say Cheese」群組!
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Wan Ho Laam 7 mths Sha Tin
Kayden Yu 4 mths Wong Tai Sin
Ashton Tan Zheng Yu 4 mths Wanchai Jonas Chau 1.5 yrs Kowloon
Hui Kiu 4 mths Tseung Kwan O
Justin 15 mths Tuen Mun
Bonus gift for Star of the Month 「每月之星」額外獎賞 All these winning photos would be uploaded to facebook.com/peegaboo. Don’t forget to click “Like” to spread the joy! 得獎照片將會上載至 facebook.com/peegaboo,記得上嚟
《眼到心到學字詞》 初階篇 + 進階篇 各一本 (Total valued at HK$96) Special thanks: 商務印書館
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Harry And The Wolf Harry哥哥與狼
Enlightening Moments Photography Exhibition 2011 啟迪相片展覽
This is a popular family series bringing the world of classical music suitable for all ages. In the children’s classic Peter and the Wolf, Peter ignores his grandfather’s warnings and venture out into the forest and eventually spots
E n l i g h te n -A c t i o n
the wolf! How will Peter get out of trouble?
for Epilepsy is
launching this
exhibition showcase
響童話《彼得與狼》中,主角彼得不理 爺爺平日
images of primary
students captured
that illustrates social harmony and
When: Jan 13–14 Enquiries: www.hkpo.com
touching moments. 由香港啟 迪會舉 辦
World of Wearable Art (WOW) 藝裳奇幻世界
的相片展覽,展出由 小學生拍攝的照片,當中顯露社會的和諧和感動時刻。
Selected especially from thousands of stunning wearable
When: Jan 6-17 Where: A-Link Plus, Wan Chai Website: www.enlightenhk.org
TOYS PARADISE – of Creativity & Toy Culture Hong Kong 創意 玩具天堂-香港玩具文化與 re n on toy cultu Hong Kong’s largest exhibitio g’s 60 years of Kon g Hon tells the vivid stor y of nd 1,00 0 toys arou of ction colle A toy history. ng different eras made in/by Hong Kong duri e very rare toys. will be displayed, including som 期至196 0年 朝初 玩具博物 館展 覽追 索遠從清 年齡由14歲 作者 代約1,00 0件玩 具的演變,創 術家,以 外藝 及海 至40多歲,匯聚了12位本地 大眾能 ,讓 創造 及本地超過20 0位學生的精心 更 培育 同時 史, 回顧香港 玩具發展的珍 貴歷
art pieces for the Hong Kong performances, it is a breath taking journe y and a jaw-dr opping theatrical experi ence for mardi gras fans and all the family. 超過百件來自世界各地,創意爆棚、巧奪天工的 藝裳, 由模特兒及舞者精采演繹。爭妍鬥麗的活動雕塑 品, 穿梭於燈光、舞蹈和音樂構成的舞台幻境中。 When: Jan 29 – Feb 5 Where: Star Hall, Kowloon Bay International Trade &
Exhibition Centre 九龍灣國際展貿中心 Enquiries: www.hk.artsfestival.org
Meeting the Young Writers 與小作者見面 ted by
多新一代的本地玩具人才。 When: until March 19 g Kong Design Where: HKDI Gallery, Hon Institute 香港知專設計學院 Enquiries: www.toyshk.org
Journey to the Fairyla nd 展覽:童遊記
This is Hong Kong loca
exhibition. He yearns to
l artist TikKa’s third solo recreate something with
the eyes of children to evoke viewers’ childho od memories and fantasie s towards the world. 本地藝術家廸嘉舉辦個 人展覽,希望透過這些人 們在孩童時代所聽的故 事,喚起觀者童年時的 回 憶和對世界美好的幻想 ,讓大人和小孩一起探 索 迪嘉的童話世界。 When: until Feb 4 Where: New Gallery on 中環奧卑利街17號地下
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Old Bailey
Cau se” hos This year’s “Wr iting for a with 5 pub lishe d ed plet com Kids 4Kid s was petition. Star ting com the from cted books sele nge book-signing Februar y, Kids4kids will arra writ ers with the ng ses sion s for thes e you Kids4Kids charity the efit ben proceeds going to partners.
2012年度為善寫作圖 由K ids4Kids主辦的2011至 優勝作品亦已出版。 書創作比賽已圓滿結束,5本 作家分別舉行5場 由2月起,Kids 4Kid s將為5位小 將撥捐K ids4Kids 簽名會分享活動。圖書義賣善款 的夥伴慈善機構。 Enquiries: www.kids4kids.or
ipad app
Toontastic Free
• A couple in Boston established a
• 波 士頓的一對夫婦成立了一個
toy rental online store. For a monthly
package charge, customers can
receive a box of toys each month.
They then return the box a month later
for another new box of toys.
• In Middlesex, UK, a mother of 4 boys
• 一位英國媽媽一直想生一個女
was so desperate to give birth to a
daughter that she kept trying and has
experienced 10 miscarriages, before she finally delivered a baby girl. • The ministry of education in Spain instructs school to cut back
• 西 班牙教育部要求學校減少衛 生紙使用量,每個學生每月使用 衛生紙不得超過25米。
consumptions of toilet paper. A quota
• 美 國兩名分別8歲和10歲的男
This app has been nominated by Apple’s App Store
was set limiting each student to use
Rewind as one of the best educational apps of 2011!
no more than 25 metres per month.
Your kids will become a screenwriter in making a clip using their favourite cartoon characters. Original price is USD 4.99. It was even a free app earlier! 蘋果自選年度最佳教育類iPad app之一,讓小朋友用他們 的卡通角色自導一台戲,自編一條片,自創出一個自己天馬 行空想出來的故事。原價要4.99美金,早前竟然免費,抵!
• Two American boys aged 8 and 10
was robbing classmates’ candies and french fries using a toy gun. Police authorities are still deciding whether or not to prosecute the boys with armed robbery.
Micro Blog @小弟王晶 : 知道我生命中聽到最令我心疼難受的那句話是什麼嗎?不 是敵人的抹黑,不是女友說分手,也不是手上股票跌成了紙。而是大女兒 十來歲時跟我說:小時候很想見到你,但永遠見不著……那一刻,我覺得 心裂成了兩半,四十歲前,給她的時間實在太少。而原來過後是無法補償
Great Quotes 「小龍包」啦!因為唔想佢叫燒賣,同埋佢龍 年出世,叫「小龍包」算! 愛為孩子改花名的Kelly已想好肚中「龍B」的 花名。
的。多給點時間陪陪孩子吧,別讓自己後悔。 @李克勤:晶哥,這道理,我早懂,但……有時候會因此得罪朋 友,得罪唱片公司,得罪經理人公司等等等等,代價不少,不過 看完你這篇微博,我想……值得的。
佢好鍾意執樹葉同石頭,最近又學識同人分 享,每朝六點幾就會叫醒我,一聽到佢叫我就 會即刻起身唔想瞓,嗰種滿足感係從未試過! 林嘉欣出席慈善義賣日時分享湊女喜悅,她透 露囡囡現已13個月大。
@區永權Albert:這位小弟弟超頑皮,在媽咪肚裡已 相當活躍,連出生時間也要自己作主,選擇比預產 期早了5星期(只有34週)出生,順產過程中曾經出現 一些令我們擔心極了的狀況,感謝天主,現在母子平 安!此外,要感激太太的付出,讓我親眼見證當媽媽 的偉大!對了,尚未介紹,他是Aidan的弟弟,我跟@ ClaraSo 的第二個孩子! @胡諾言jack:個Apps very good……將我哋個頭 變大。 走呀…… @黃日華:倆父女笑容好一致呀!溫馨!
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
希望藉着同囡囡行街市,可以為佢地做個榜 樣,等佢地知道事事要親力親為,並可以獲得 課本以外嘅知識。 張燊悅就帶同大女Lucy和細女Lily走進街市拍 廣告時說。 這是很難忘的經驗,這首歌本來是清唱,後來 公司的人知道我女兒學鋼琴,便問我是否讓她 彈。女兒很害羞,但還是投入去做,其中有一 些跑調,我都不太介意。 陳奕迅分享專輯中歌曲《Baby Song》是與女 兒合作。
Portraits Without Cheers?﹗ 不微笑的證件相?﹗
In Director Nick Scott’s video clip, there shows a photographer who aims to snap some proper passport-size children photos. He tries to keep the kids’ mouth zipped by repeatedly telling them negative things. But this doesn’t work with one girl who always puts her smile. Her positive attitude brings along hopes and power. 導演Nick Scott的短片中,一位證件照攝影師不斷講 出一些負面的東西,為求孩子們不笑,他便可成功拍 下「標準」的證件照。但這招對某個女孩失效了,她 永遠都微笑著。女孩樂觀地面對各樣悲觀的事情,只 是短短兩分鐘,便令人感覺到力量與希望。 www.nickdavidscott.com/nds/School.html
Microwave Art 微波爐藝術
Pin Pressing Shelves 隨意變身櫃
Have you ever been curious about microwaving anything less ordinary? The creator of “microwhat” takes the microwave test to the next level, in seeing the “before and after” images of gummy bears, lipsticks, cranberries under the microwave. It is interesting to see some came out like a form of contemporary painting.
Push the pins in and a shelf is done! This Pin Pres is made full of notice board looking pins where you play press in and out as you like to create a bookshelf or a storage or any useful design as you please. This playful creation has won the Josep Ros furniture design competition. Parents must be anticipating that it will be launched for sale soon!
牙獲得Josep Ros傢具設計大獎,真希望它快些能生產出來。
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PJ Promotion
Kung Hei Fat Choi! The Chinese New Year is just around the corner! Let’s put the new clothes on and celebrate the Year of the Dragon!
Give Me a Cheer, My Little Dragon!
The beginning of the Year always gives us a feeling of a fresh start. Tidying and decorating our homes, we are all set to welcome the New Year. Apart from the Chinese New Year scrolls and Mandarin orange kumquat, have you ever thought of putting up your family photos on the walls to share the festive joy when your friends visit? What about sending a nicely done family photo album to the grandparents as a gift? These can be something they cherish in the the New Year.
恭喜發財,新年就要到了,讓我們穿上新裝,一起迎接龍年吧! 新年伊始總會給人一個新開始的感覺,我們會大掃除,執拾一番,準 備迎接新的一年。除了揮春和盆桔外,你有沒有想過在新年期間把家 庭的照片掛到牆上,讓你的朋友來拜年時可以欣賞?或者集結成精 美的相簿作為禮物送給爺爺嫲嫲,新年時節他們收到一定會很喜歡。
With the right costumes and props, our professional photographers here at Mosaic can bring the season atmosphere alive. We will capture the natural beauty of your love ones while your kids are beating the drums, playing the lion and dragon dance.
Mosaic offers different products in different sizes to go with your stunning images. From the popular Canvas print to the modern Minimal collection, there will always be something for everyone.
日氣氛。當孩子在醒獅打鼓、在玩舞龍舞獅時,我們會在旁悄悄地拍 下照片, 攝下孩子最自然流露的一刻。
油畫到時尚的minimal collection,你在這裡總能夠找到適合的一款。 在此祝你及家人龍年更豐盛,恭喜,恭喜!
Kung Hei, Kung Hei! wishing you all a prosperous Year of the Dragon! MOSAIC STUDIO Mosaic Studio is creative and full of passion. Call 2890 5588 to make an appointment now or visit www.mosaic-studio.com for our special autumn package. Mosaic Studio是一間充滿創意和熱情的studio。立即致電2890 5588預約或瀏 覽www.mosaic-studio.com了解秋季package的詳情。 Add: 10/F, China Taiping Tower, 8 Sunning Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 地址:香港銅鑼灣新寧道8號中國太平大廈10樓
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Hello Kitty Dress Up Kit 整「飾」整水Hello Kitty
Your girl at home must love to dress like a princess. These Hello Kitty dress up kits which comes with Beau Bow Creation Kit and Fashion Charm Maker Kit are a great starting tool for her to create DYI delicate headbands, necklaces and bracelets. The different choices and types of beads allow your little princess to play mix-and-match!
Hello Kitty自製服裝飾物套裝
現 在 的 小 女 孩 越 來 越 早 知 道 要 「 貪 靚 」 。 睇 睇 這 幾 個 Hello Kitty自製飾物系列,Hello Kitty和粉紅色一定會讓他們 大叫kawai吧。重點是這些頭飾和衣服飾品都是可以讓女孩 們自己一手一腳配搭製作的,戴上身一定更加吸引目光! Hello Kitty自製頭飾套裝
Hong Kong in a Box 香港風景禮物盒 What are the things that best represents Hong Kong? Egg tarts, The Buddha…all these Hong Kong signatures now come nicely packed in a box! This “Hong Kong Memory” kit comes with 40 photos of Hong Kong’s historical and cultural sites. It is a great memorable kit for your children to learn more about their historical roots. 常常有親友從外地來香港探望你嗎?送他們這盒「香港記 憶」吧,他們一定會更加記住你和這個城市。搜集40道最 地道、最著名的香港歷史、自然、人文景觀,將 他們化為一張張照片,並附上到位的註釋, 再打包入盒,讓「香港記憶」保鮮。
Subscribe PJ now to get a box of Hong Kong Memory (refer to p.78) 訂閱《育兒天地》,有機會獲得Hong Kong Memory一份(見p.78)。
Children’s Picture Book Receives Double Recognition 原創童書再獲獎
Originally written in Chinese, A New Year’s Reunion in English has been selected as one of the The New York Times 10 Best Illustrated Children’s Books of 2011. In fact, the original Chinese version of the book was the inaugural Feng Zikai Chinese Children’s Picture Book Grand Prize Award Winner. The story is appealling for parents and children alike – it’s a must-have on your bookshelf! 曾獲第一屆「豐子愷兒童圖畫書獎」首獎的原創華文兒童圖畫書《團圓》最近 在海外再獲殊榮:其英文版入選《紐約時報》2011年最佳兒童圖畫書Top 10! 可見「豐子愷兒童圖畫書獎」真是眼光獨到!《團圓》所講的是一個富有人情 味、 帶有中國傳統文化的感人故事,十分適合家長與小朋友共讀。 Feng Zikai Chinese Children’s Picture Book Award website「豐子愷兒童圖畫書獎」網站: www.fengzikaibookaward.org Info: ① Available at major department stores and toy shops ② For places where to buy, visit www.thinqhongkong.com ③ Available at Commercial Press/Blooming Club
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
PJ Promotion
Cosmo Beebies One-stop High-end Maternity & Baby Shopping
一站潮買 High-end嬰兒用品旗艦
Cosmo Beebies is passionate about bringing the latest and most innovative maternity, baby and infant products with highest possible quality and cutting-edge designs from Western European/ Scandinavian countries, Northern America and Australia/New Zealand, to Hong Kong parents. Cosmo Beebies is honoured to provide a one-stop shopping experience to the customers. Carefully selected brands include maternity and nursing clothes to nursery furniture, gears, toys, baby care and a lot more. You can find many unqiue products like the chic Dutch brand NUNA, while its stroller, highchair, swing seat and travel cot are always appear on the celebrities blog or weibo like Ada Choi (蔡少 芬) and Leila Tong (唐寧). Cosmo Beebies is also being extremely eco-friendly as you can find their baby clothings are guaranteed organic, while the USDA certifited organice skin care brand Mii Pure Baby/ Mii Pure Mom is appreciated by global mums who choose the 100% organic hand blended ingredients for their babies and themselves. If there is anything you are particularly looking for but cannot be found in their shop, simply send them a message then Cosmo Beebies will do their best to get those for you.
Cosmo Beebies一直都很樂於將西歐、北歐、北美、澳洲、紐西蘭 等地的最新、最潮的高質素孕婦嬰兒產品,推介給香港的家長們。 從孕婦裝、外出哺乳裝,到兒童家俱、嬰兒手推車、玩具、嬰兒護 理產品,這裡都應有盡有,全部品牌都經過嚴格挑選。爸爸媽媽們 可以一站買齊各種所需物品。 在這裡,你可以找到來自荷蘭品牌NUNA的手推車、高椅、搖椅、旅 行用小床。你或許在蔡少芬、唐寧等藝人的微博上看到過它們,原來 正是這裡的獨家產品。和Cosmo Beebies一樣重視環保 的你,別錯過各款有機棉嬰兒服,以及獲美國USDA 認證的有機護理產品Mii Pure Baby/ Mii Pure Mom。 如果你未能在Cosmo Beebies找到你想找的產品,即管 告訴他們,他們會竭盡所能為你做到最好。
Cosmo Beebies Address: 9/F, The Loop, 33 Wellington Street, Central 中環威靈頓街33號The Loop 9樓 Tel: 2905 1188
Website: www.cosmobeebies.com www.peegaboo.com | PJ
No Fear 2012 不信有末日
Parents’ Blessings for the Better
許願 2012
It’s too difficult to trace the origin of the rumours regarding the 2012 doomsday discussion. And now 2012 is here! So what do you think? As we are the ones raising the future generation, most of us are only too ready to dismiss the doomsday theory. We also hear a lot about being transformed after having children; perhaps that “transformation” implies our hope for the future: our children are our hope; there are tons of things we want to do together and share together. The end of the world? Not for now! In this feature, we are glad to have six parents share their hopes of sweetness or insanity, hopes that are too ambitious, or simple hopes that they cherish. Wishes from the bottom of their hearts might reveal their parenting approaches and journeys. Consider it food for thought. 不知道從甚麼時候開始,關於2012年末日降臨的話題便持續延燒。到了 今天,真的踏入了這個被渲染又渲染的年份,你有甚麼感覺呢? 作為有下一代的我們,大抵都是不信末日的。常聽到很多人說有了小朋 友之後「整個人不同了」,那份「不同」,也許就在於我們心中總是滿 懷希望吧!孩子是我們的希望,我們還有一大堆要和孩子一起做、一起 分享的事情,怎容許末日到來呢?今期專題,我們邀請6位家長,讓他 們寫下對新一年或甜蜜、或瘋狂、或奢侈、或簡單的願望。許願最能透 露心跡,你會從他們的回答中看到他們對孩子教養的態度,以及這一路 上那些你一定感同身受的苦與樂。
Photography | Baby da Vinci Photography 2311 5211
Flat B4, 2/F, Prat Mansions, 26 – 36 Prat
Clothes | Zara Kids 2506 0700 Shop 313-316 & 418-421, Times Square,
Avenue, TST
Causeway Bay
尖沙咀寶勒巷26 – 36號華寶大廈2樓B4室
銅鑼灣時代廣場313-316 & 418-421舖
Shanghai Tang 2525 7334 6/F, Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street,Central 中環畢打街12號畢打行6樓
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Big Bro! Are you ready? 囝囝 準備做哥哥啦! Michelle Liu Michelle is the CEO of Peegaboo Group. She strongly believes the new parents of this generation need lifelong learning. She turned her passion into her career by creating this interactive parenting platform in learning together with parents. Last year she took part in the filming of Rich Mate Poor Mate; the experience gave her new inspiration for life. This coming year, she will be welcoming a second child into this world. It’s a beautiful life. Michelle是百家寶親子集團的CEO,熱愛小朋友的她,相信在這 個世代做家長是需要不斷學習的。所以她將親子變為事業,創辦 多方位的親子資訊及活動平台,和同為家長的大家一同成長。去 年她參與拍攝《窮富翁大作戰2》,讓她對生活有了新的領悟。 而新一年,她將迎接她第二個孩子的誕生。生命中最精彩的部份 才剛開始。
My 2012 accomplishment is to give birth to a healthy baby, then I can get on with my life, feel my waist once more, and be able to eat sashimi again! I hope my husband will continue to be loving and caring, and continue to treat me like a queen – even after I give birth. I wish I could go for a late night drink or foot massage and still able to stay awake after 11pm; or party on Friday night but not have to worry that my human alarm clock (i.e. my son) will wake me up at 6 a.m. the next day. I wish Siri could tell me when my baby will be born. If I am able to design an app, I would like to make an app that can help me organise my family photos, automatically “know” which pictures I would like to keep or delete, automatically save, file them nicely, and print them out. That would definitely save me a lot of time! Or create an app that will tell me where my things are when I can’t find them! For example, my car in the parking lot, or my wallet, etc.
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
If I could obtain two things out of Doraemon’s gadget bag, I would like to get a “Time Extension Machine” – I would be delighted to have a few extra hours of sleep whenever I am tired; a few extra hours to spare when I am battling with deadlines; a few extra hours to spend when I am going on vacation, etc. For my son, I would like to get a “Reminder Machine” that has the following features to (1) Automatically help me “remind” my son to do his homework, brush his teeth, change his clothes, pack his bag, take a bath, and get up for school, etc., and (2) Automatically delete all the nagging and whining from him. Yeah!! Though I do not believe in this doomsday theory, if it finally arrives, I wish we could just sit in the house, look at all the family pictures we have taken over the years, and review what we have accomplished. Then probably head out and have a big yummy lunch with the whole family, and give everyone a big hug!
個鐘搏殺,旅行時能有多幾個鐘慢遊。另外,我希望有一個「自動提 醒機」給我的兒子,提醒他做功課、刷牙、換衫、執書包、沖凉、 起床返學等等,最好還能自動刪除他那些時不時就發作的小牢騷。 儘管我並不相信末日論,但有天它真的降臨,我希望我能靜靜地留 在家中,看看這些年來拍下的家庭照,看看我們這些年都做過些甚 麼。然後可能出去和所有的家人一起吃一大餐,給每個人一個大大 的擁抱。
我2012年的最大任務就是讓我肚中的寶寶健康地出世,然後重拾過 往的一些生活、讓腰身再現、可以大肆地吃魚生。我希望我的丈夫能 繼續像侍奉女王般愛我照顧我,即使是在我生完孩子之後。 我希望我的孩子Markus在新一年能學習做一個哥哥,他即將6歲了, 希望他能疼愛即將誕生的弟弟,體貼大人。 我希望我能在夜晚出去喝一杯,或做做足底按摩,可以在晚上11點 仍然保持清醒;或者在週末夜派對上大玩特玩,而無需擔心有人肉 鬧鐘(譬如我的兒子)會在第二天早上6點叫醒我。 我希望Siri能告訴我:我的BB會在哪一日出世? 我希望有一個app,能夠幫我整理數量龐大的家庭照,能很智能地知 道哪些保留哪些刪除,並自動保存、分類、列印。這絕對會幫我慳 很多時間。另外我還想要一個能告訴我那些我找不到的東西在哪裡 的app,告訴我的車停在哪裡,我的銀包放在哪裡。 如果讓我從叮噹的百寶袋中拿兩樣法寶出來,我希望能有一個「時間 延長器」,讓我疲累時能多幾個鐘睡覺,和deadline作戰時能有多幾 www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Karina:我希望新的一年可以好似公主咁靚,同 埋有更多公主用品同玩具! 我希望自己可以溜冰叻叻、 畫畫靚靚、唱歌好聽聽! 我會做個好寶寶,希望有機會 再去日本玩啦!
On Karina Yeung, 3 yrs Multi-coloured Cheongsam HK$980 from Shanghai Tang
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Purple Velvet Dress from Zara Kids Linen Hood Cardigan HK$2,980 from Shanghai Tang
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Speak Your Mind, Dear 寶寶 多些表達你的想法吧 Forward Chin Forward possesses many years of research experience in hospitals and the Department of Health. He specialises in the behavioural and emotional problems of adolescents and related parental counseling. Currently, he is studying for a Ph.D. in marriage and family therapy, and specialising in early childhood and adolescent development. He is the Director of Family Matters Consultancy. He is also a father of a 1-yearold daughter Siu Wai, who already knows how to walk home after going out from the lift. 在醫院和衞生署從事研究工作多年的錢鋒先生,一向重視青少年的 行為與情緒問題,擅長青少年及家長管教培訓。他現正修讀專注 「兒童與青少年發展」的婚姻及家庭治療哲學博士學位,並擔任 「一家一家庭顧問」項目的家庭發展總監。常教人教仔的他,亦正 努力地學做一個盡責的好爸爸。女兒小慧才滿一歲,出了升降機門 已懂得自己走到家門口。
This year I wish my child could learn to use sign language, so as to better communicate with us and freely express her thoughts. Something I have never done, that I wish I could do this year is to bring my wife and daughter to visit my relatives in Shanghai, which is the city of my ancestry. I want to read a book written by the renowned psychologist John Gottman’s The Heart of Parenting: Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child. If I can take something out from Doraemon’s gadget bag, it would be a potion where I could freely enlarge and shrink myself.
With regards to this world where wishing for peace sounds like such a cliché, at the same time isn’t this something everyone wants these days, given all the chaos and turmoil going on right now? PJ | www.peegaboo.com
我希望孩子在新一年能學會更多的手語,能更好地和我們一起溝通, 表達她的想法。 一直沒有做,想新一年能夠實現的事,便是帶妻子、女兒一同回上海 祖家,探望親友。那裡是我的故鄉,希望2012年能成行。 我想讀一讀著名心理學家John Gottman的《好個性勝過好成績: 高EQ小孩的教養秘訣》(The Heart of Parenting:Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child)一書。 如果能從叮噹的百寶袋拿一件法寶出來,我希望是一樽可以讓我自 由地把自己變成大人或小孩的藥水。 對於這個世界,和平也許是最老土的願望,但是在這充滿紛爭、天 災和混亂的年代,這不是人們最希望得到的事嗎?
Read the Twilight Trilogy She Raved About 讀讀女兒瘋迷 的《吸血新世紀》 Yvonne Ng Yvonne was a former school nurse at the Hong Kong International School. She takes pride in her daughter, Isabel, who also went to the same school. Now 15-year-old Isabel is leaving her parents for Boston to study at Milton Academy – a high school. Her SSAT score was at the 98% percentile, and she is pursuing many artistic projects that she enjoys working on. Yvonne insists she is not a tiger mum, as she never uses any tough parenting approach. Yvonne之前是Hong Kong International School的護士,這亦是她引 以為豪的女兒Isabel的母校。最近15歲的Isabel首次離開父母,到波
我的女兒很少向我們要甚麼禮物或物質上的東西,除了她做時裝設 計時用的各種布料,做藝術創作的畫具,及她的手作網店需要用到 的材料。我想她在這方面的需求會越來越多(因為她的創作將越來 越多)。 新一年我希望能讀一讀女兒瘋迷的《吸血新世紀》!我之前一直沒 時間讀,但我真的很想知道為何這麼多人喜歡吸血鬼,甚至模仿他 們化面無血色的妝容。 Keep fit是我這一年的一大目標。Isabel去美國讀高中了,因此我會 花多些時間加強我的瑜伽和肚皮舞的技巧。
士頓的Milton Academy讀高中。她的SSAT成績位列最高的2%,同
我希望香港的公帑的使用能有恰當的優先次序,政府能確保所有孩子 有同等的受教育的機會,低收入人士能有更多的工作機會,長者和無 家可歸者能得到良好的照顧。我希望這城市亦有change。
My daughter seldom asks for anything. The only items she likes are fabric for sewing her fashion creations, art supplies for her artwork, and craft material for her online shop. I’m sure we will be getting her more of those items. I plan to read the Twilight trilogy in 2012. My daughter loved it so much! I never had the time to read them before and want to find out why so many people love vampires and even try to look like vampires with their pale faces and long hair! I also plan to spend some time perfecting my yoga and belly dancing skills, since I have more time now with Isabel attending boarding school. Keeping fit is my goal for this year. If I am able to design an app, I would like to make an app that can make dinner and do the dishes. I hope Hong Kong can change its way of prioritising the way public money is spent, make sure all children have equal opportunity for education, more job opportunities for lower income citizens, and that all elderly and homeless are taken care of. www.peegaboo.com | PJ
勤勤:新的一年我希望爹地媽咪,天天不用上班陪著 我,可以買很多玩具和圖書給我﹗如果可以天天食生日蛋糕 或甜品就好喇!
On Kan Kan, 2.5 yrs Aviator Jacket HK$529 Checker Shirt HK$199 Dark Straight Jeans HK$299 from Zara Kids Red Lined Cardigan HK$3,280 from Shanghai Tang
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
My wish for my children in 2012 is to learn to simply never give up and just try their best in everything they do. If they can do this, they will have already accomplished a lot. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill.
Get a Snowboard, Learn to Stumble 買塊滑雪板 教她學Balance Peggy Lo Peggy was born in Canada and moved to Hong Kong 12 years ago. She has two wonderful princesses: Katrina and Keira, six years old and three and a half years old respectively. She loves collecting all kinds of kids’ accessories and testing them on her daughters to see if they find them fun or useful. She gradually turned this hobby into a career and founded Tickles Kids for promoting quality kids’ gadgets and offering fabulous party planning services. Peggy在加拿大出世,回港居住已12年,她的兩個可愛小公主 Katrina和Keria分別6歲及3歲半。她一直樂於搜集各式各樣的兒 童用品,並找女兒試驗是否方便實用又有趣。漸漸地興趣化為生 意,Peggy幾年前開辦了Tickles Kids,推廣優秀設計之餘,更提 供兒童派對服務。
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
I hope I can start writing a blog in the New Year. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I’ve always wanted to read but never did as a kid and never found time when I grew up. So, I recently bought Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) to read to my daughters so the three of us can enjoy it together for the first time. I thought, “Why not?” when Katrina asked for a pink Hello Kitty skateboard. I think it’s an important life lesson to learn to “balance”, to get up when you fall down and that practice makes perfect. So perhaps this toy can teach her all of this and at the same time she’ll have a blast! So again – why not? I wish Siri could tell me who my daughters will marry when they grow up. What will my daughters be when they grow up? And what is the best phone in the world? If I am able to design an app, I would make an app that can instantly turn any melody/song my kids are humming or singing into musical scores, and then have the option of playing it on any instrument for them to listen to. That would be an awesome app for kids of all ages – to see something they have created transformed into something tangible. They will definitely love being Lil Music
我希望我的孩子在新一年能學會不輕易放棄,全力以赴做好她們該做的事(很多她們都已做 到)。正如溫斯頓•邱吉爾說過:「態度是小事,但能造成很大區別。」 我希望自己新一年可以開始寫blog。這是我想做很久但一直都沒做的事。 我一直想看看書,長大後很少能像兒時那樣讀書了。最近我買了《小王子》,第一時間便是和 兩個女兒一起讀,我們三個都很喜歡這個故事。 大囡Katrina前些日子跟我說想買一塊Hello Kitty的滑雪板,我心想:Why Not!「平衡」,摔 倒再爬起,在實踐中做到最好,這些都是人生中的重要一課。或許這一切,她能從這塊滑雪 板中學到。所以,Why Not! 我最希望Siri能回答我:我的女兒將來會嫁給誰?長大後會做甚麼? 如果讓我設計一個app,我希望這個app能將孩子們哼唱的旋律,迅速地轉換為音符記錄下來, 然後可以選擇以甚麼樂器播放這段旋律。果真能如此,任何年紀的孩子都能成為小作曲家,他
Composers and this can help them gradually develop a better sense of rhythm and pitch. If I could obtain two things out of Doraemon’s gadget bag, I would like to get a Magic Carpet Time Machine for my daughters so they could fly anywhere in the world, anytime they wanted, with whomever they wanted. Isn’t it every girl’s dream to have a magic carpet ride? I would also like to get a Magic Wand so with a flick of the wand, anything could happen! Wouldn’t it be awesome to have all the chores magically done, all of the kids’ homework done perfectly, get rid of all the pollution, poverty and disease in the world, or go back in time to right all the wrongs and help make this world a better place?
們亦會因此有更強的節奏感和音感。 如果我能從叮噹的百寶袋裡拿兩樣東西,我首先希望有一條「穿梭時空飛氈」,讓我的女兒隨 心所欲地去她們想去的地方,想去的時代。坐上飛氈周遊,這不是每個女孩子的夢想嗎?如果 可以的話,我還想要一支「魔法棒」,能瞬間讓家務做好,讓孩子好好地完成功課,讓污染問 題都解決,讓這世界不再有平窮與病痛,讓過去的錯誤都得以修正,這樣這星球將會多美好!
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On Hailey, 6 yrs Silk/Cashmere Knot Cardigan HK$2,800 from Shanghai Tang
I wish this year
Carissa [my little sister] is good at eating because she doesn’t eat much all the time! And I wish I could live in a castle one day!
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Multi-coloured Cheongsam HK$980 Silk/Cashmere Knot Cardigan HK$2,800 Jeans HK$780 from Shanghai Tang
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My Journal Will Go On 我會繼續寫日記 Chan Man Keung Mr. and Mrs. Chan are both secondary school teachers with two sons, aged 4 years and 1 year respectively. Their births brought a bustling kind of life in direct opposition to their previous weekly happy hours and mah-jong gatherings with friends. They have long given up these entertainments and adjusted their lives for the purpose of giving more time to their sons. They truly believe that this sacrifice is essential for proper childcare.
年總會去旅行輕鬆一下,但自從太太懷孕到大兒子現在4歲了,5年 沒有去旅行了。問我苦嗎?我的答案是苦的,但也樂在其中,小朋 友給我們的喜悅是能蓋過所有辛酸和苦痛的。 新一年我會繼續寫日記。我們床頭櫃上放了一本日記簿,每天寫下兒 子的生活點滴,不經不覺已維持這習慣四年了,第一本100頁的日記 已被我倆寫完了。我想好快又要多開一本了,因為開心事情實在太 多。偶然翻來看看,孩子兒時的片段逐一浮現眼前。如果沒有把它
友happy hour、打麻雀的熱鬧不同。他們早已犧牲掉這些娛樂,將
自己原有的生活節奏調校至小孩子的模式,為的都是增加親子的時 間。他們相信,願意犧牲是照顧孩子的不二法門。
I never did this before and I wish I could have a family vacation this year. My wife and I used to be so carefree and go anywhere we wanted. Our oldest son is four years old; It’s been five years since our last vacation. Does this sound miserable? My answer is yes, but I also feel gratified. The joy my children give us can surely compensate for all the pain and misery. I will continue writing journals. We have a journal kept next to our bed filled with daily entries about our sons. I have kept this habit up for four years. The first 100-page journal has been filled, and I am sure I will need another one. There are too many memorable things worth jotting down. Every time I peruse the entries, those moments surface in front of me. I am sure you miss a lot of memorable moments if you don’t write them down. I wish I can go out for a hotpot. We haven’t done this since our kids were born.
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Let the Boys Enjoy Their Childhood 孩子 自由自在地成長吧 Meko Oh Meko works in a financial planning firm and she is a mother of two enegetic boys, Jayden and Jamie, age 3.5 and 1.5 respectively. Jayden is laid back and intelligent whilst Jamie seems to be very fearless. You can’t tell from here that Jayden was born early in 26 weeks. He was further diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease at 9 months and was finally cured under his courage and strong fighting spirit. On one of Jayden’s birthdays, instead of receiving gifts, Meko and daddy Dave asked their guests to make a donation to charity organisation related to child illnesses. The family is now happily residing in an air polluted-free Tung Chung, for the purpose of giving the boys more exposure to the outdoors. Meko在一間金融機構工作,兩個兒子Jayden和Jamie分別3歲半和 1歲半,一個懶散但醒目,一個大膽無有怕。不過不說你可能看不 出,哥哥Jayden是26週便出世的早產兒,9月大時更診斷出川崎 症。但Jayden十分堅強地擊退了病魔。所以他生日時,Meko和丈
我和丈夫都希望我們的孩子能按他們自己的個性,自由地成長,不 要給他們太多來自我們的壓力。我時常看到很多香港的家長在孩子 很小的時候就給他們很大的壓力,讓他們參加各式各樣的課程和比 賽,我不希望我的孩子這樣。 我想我會買Thomas Misty Island Train set送給Jayden。他是一個 無論收到甚麼禮物都會很開心的孩子,譬如最近收到的來自聖誕 老人的一封信,已足以讓他高興不已。相信我們對他的愛亦是他 的禮物之一吧。 我希望那個有一個app能幫我透過聲控打出中文字。 我希望香港人在地鐵、巴士見到孕婦和帶小朋友的家庭時,能多些 讓座。這是一種公德,應該大力提倡。
夫Dave都會建議賓客捐款給兒童疾病慈善機構,不要送禮物。現 在他們一家人住在空氣清新的東涌,他們是為了讓孩子成長過程 中更多地接觸戶外而特地搬到這裡的。
Dave and I hope our children can develop their own individual personalities, and not expect much pressure from us. I see many Hong Kong parents giving their children too much pressure from an early age, insisting that their children learn different activities and compete with other children. I decided to give Jayden the “Thomas Misty Island Train set” – I think he will be happy with whatever gifts I get for him. Recently Jayden was happy to receive a letter from Father Christmas from the North Pole! My love as a parent is also a gift for him. Presents are meaningless if a child does not understand the appreciation and thoughtfulness behind them. If I am able to design an app, I would like to make an app that can type Chinese through voice control. I wish Hong Kong people can spare their seats to the mums-to-be on the buses and trains. This is a kind of virtue and should be strongly advocated. www.peegaboo.com | PJ
On Ayden, 4 yrs Dark Straight Denim HK$299 from Zara Kids Cotton Shirt with Striped Trim HK$680 Reversed Mein Lap HK$2,200 all from Shanghai Tang
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
I want
the space mountain goes so slow, and can Dark Straight Denim HK$299
go up to the sun!
from Zara Kids V-Neck Purple T-shirt HK$480 Cotton Zipped Reversed Hood Jacket HK$ 1,480 all from Shanghai Tang www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Life is Beautiful
Doomsday is dispersed. The future shines bright.
Text | Angie & Ealon Edit | Emily & Ealon English Translation | Angie Chinese Translation | Ealon Art | Wang & Natalie Model | Karina Yeung, Kan Kan, Ayden, Hailey
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e l b i d e r Inc tories S h t r i B
事 娩 分 激 最
one’s e some k a t o t ugh olly bour wh tory eno s la r r u u o o y b la t of se Is your the onse ns? The s ig a s W l a ? u y wa e us irth. breath a ithout th w d of childb n a s , ie r d o e t t s c 激的難 azing unexpe 驚險又刺 their am 既 e r 過 a h 遇 s 出世呢? 前有沒有 2 mums 準備分娩 BB突然要 媽的, 況下, 首次做媽 準備的情 無 毫 娩事。 在 件,或 的最激分 們 她 忘陣痛事 述 你憶 媽媽將向 以下2位
Case 01 Sudden Labour: Paula Kept Her Cool 冷靜媽媽Paula︰突然分娩 “It happened 10 years ago, but the moment is as vivid in my mind, as though it had occurred just now. It was October 29, 2001, 8:15 in the morning. I had just woken up and was on my way to brush my teeth, when I felt a sudden pain. The pain grew intense. I was in such great pain that my hands gripped the sides of the sink. And then the baby and water just washed right out. It only took half an hour from the pain to the coming of the baby! I was sitting on the bathroom floor and I asked my maid to call the ambulance. My maid was too nervous and ran out asking for neighbours’ help. I was feeling okay and even called my husband and father. My maid wrapped the newborn baby up in a towel.” Paula recalled she needed to call the ambulance 3-4 times. Fortunately they were both in good condition. Her firstborn baby weighed in at 6 lbs. 雖然Paula的最激分娩事相距現在已經有10年,但突然分娩事件 仍然歷歷在目。「記得喺2001年10月29日上午8:15,剛剛起身, 準備刷牙,點知突然感到陣痛,後來由小痛,變到突然大痛,經 此一大痛,我痛到扶住洗手盤,BB就連同胎水一齊衝出來。由陣 痛到BB出來,只喺半個鐘之內嘅事。當時我已經坐咗喺廁所嘅地 下,然後我立刻叫工人打999,工人當時亦好緊張,走去隔離屋 叫人來幫手,相反我就無驚,仲打電話俾老公及自己Daddy;而 工人則用毛巾包住剛出世嘅囝囝。」Paula還記得等了很久救護車 仍未到,打了3-4次電話才來到。幸好,兩母子抵達醫院,經檢查 後都健康平安,而且剛出生的囝囝體重亦有6磅多。
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Case 02 Wickey: Last Minute Switch 怕痛媽媽Wickey︰分娩方法急轉軚
Wickey是新任媽媽,對於分娩事都是聽取友人的意見,就好像她 在預產期前一個星期,便聽朋友的意見做針灸。「我聽說做針灸後 會準時生,及生嘅時候會順利啲。結果針灸當日嘅零晨便出現輕微
Wickey was a new mum so she listened to many friends’ advice. She took one of her friends’ suggestions to have acupuncture a week before her expected delivery. “I heard that acupuncture promotes a more accurate and smooth childbirth. At last the contraction came the night after acupuncture. I experienced vaginal bleeding in less than an hour. At first I thought to postpone going to the hospital as long as possible as this was my first childbirth. But my husband was worried and called the hospital. We realised that a case like mine required immediate hospitalisation! It was 2 a.m. by the time we got to the hospital, and I was sucking nitrous oxide till 7 a.m. but the opening was only two centimetres! The doctor hooked me up to oxytocin to augment the labour, and I experienced intense contractions right away. I requested an epidural. But the doctor told me that the baby had fallen asleep in my womb! He suggested switching to Caesarean section instead of my original plan of vaginal delivery.” Though the whole process was not too terrifying, for a first time mum switching to Caesarean section after going through many hours of labour pain was truly a memorable experience.
嘅陣痛,唔夠一個鐘便見紅。但當時諗住係第一胎嘅關係,將入院 嘅時間盡量推遲,不過當時因為老公唔放心,打電話去醫院細問之 下,原來同時出現陣痛、見紅,就要立即入院,於是入到醫院已經 係零晨兩點,由果時起已經要聞笑氣,直至第二朝嘅7點,都只不 過係開咗2度﹗後來醫生話要吊催生藥水,之後就好快出現嚴重陣 痛,果時我要求打止痛針,經醫生檢查後,發現止痛針令肚裡面 嘅BB瞓著咗﹗醫生於是建議,由我原本自然分娩嘅計劃,改變為 剖腹分娩。」雖然整個過程,不算十分驚險,但對於第一次做媽媽 的Wickey來說,經歷了多小時的陣痛之後,還是要轉為開刀分娩, 那絕對是難忘的經驗。
* The above stories are isolated incidents. Expectant mums should consult their gynecologist for any related enquiries. *以上最激分娩事件純粹個別例子,孕媽媽們不用過份擔心。若有任何疑問,不妨詢問自己婦產科醫生的意見。
QA &
from Doctor Doo 杜醫生為你解難 Most mothers said the 10-month pregnancy was a rollercoaster ride. In fact, the physical and emotional changes during pregnancy brought an unprecedented experience to first time mums, where it contained both sweetness and pain. Dr. Alexander Doo, specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at The Women’s Clinic, shares his professional tips to some labour worries. So chilled down now, the worried mums-to-be! 過來人的媽媽會說懷胎10月的日子,彷彿是「坐過山車」。的確,身體和情緒的變化會令孕 媽媽,帶來前所未有的經歷和體會,有苦亦有甜。The Women’s Clinic婦產科專家杜堅能醫生 就孕媽媽的一些分娩憂慮,提出專業意見,孕媽媽Relax﹗
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I am worried my waters will break in public, is this likely? 我擔心會在公共場所時破羊水,有這種可能嗎?
Dr Doo says: The water can break anytime from 37 weeks onwards. There is no way of predicting when it will happen, however, even if it ruptures in public, it isn’t a great concern, as this is only natural so don’t feel embarrassed. You may experience a gush or slow leakage, so if you are unsure, you should contact your doctor. 羊水在懷孕37週後隨時都可能破裂,醫生沒有辦法預測它何時破裂。但即使它在公共場 所破裂,也沒有甚麼大不了的,因為這是很自然的事,毋須因此而感到難為情。你會 感到羊水大量流出或慢慢滲漏,若你不敢肯定,則應該立即聯絡醫生。
I have elected to have a Caesarean section but I am worried my baby will suffer because he will not born “naturally”. Will not passing through the birth canal negatively affect my baby? 我已選擇了剖腹生 產,但我也擔心胎兒 會因非「順產」而受 到影響。不經過產道 出生會對胎兒有不良 影響嗎?
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Labour Tips from mum 媽媽分享小貼士 Elaine Yeung: After my first contraction, it took me only 15 minutes to deliver my baby. I would say that constitutes a record for an older woman like me! I hope the tips I share below will be of help to all new mums: 我在分娩時,只陣痛了約15分鐘BB就出世了,以一個高齡產婦的首胎 來說,可算是個傳奇吧﹗在此與大家分享我的一些心得:
Dr Doo says: Baby’s lungs are full of fluid and natural labour has the benefit that some of the fluid may clear when the baby’s chest is squeezed while passing through the birth canal, and the first few breaths your baby takes after delivery fill the lungs with air and help to clear most of the remaining lung fluid. Transient tachypnea is a respiratory disorder usually seen shortly after delivery in full- or near-term babies. Transient means it is shortlived (usually less than 24 hours). Tachypnea means rapid breathing. A baby born by Caesarean may have an increased risk of this disorder, but even if it happens, it normally resolves within the first 24 hours. If you plan to have a Caesarean, try to schedule it around 39 weeks gestation, thus decreasing the chance of fetal lung immaturity. 嬰兒的肺部充滿液體,順產時嬰兒的胸 部在通過產道的過程中受到擠壓,有助 清潔肺液,而嬰兒出生後最初幾下的呼 吸會讓肺部充滿空氣,有助清理遺留在 肺部的液體。 暫時性呼吸過速,是妊娠足月或快足月
• Breathing and pushing It is vital to use the correct breathing method when pushing during labour. So take advantage of the free classes organised by Family Health Services as well. • 呼吸方法 分娩時,正確呼吸及用力方法非常重要,有助加快分娩 (在政府的母嬰健康院有免費教授)。
• Cool-natured food In the last month of pregnancy, you may eat more “coolnatured” foods, such as watermelon and “Sweetened Beancurd Skin Soup” that are believed to help with delivery. • 食「涼嘢」 懷孕最後一個月多食「涼嘢」 ,例如西瓜、腐竹糖水等。
• Acupressure points While you are waiting in the pre-delivery room, you can try pressing your “Hegu Point” (a part of the hand between the thumb and the index finger). Chinese practitioners suggest doing this to speed up a painless delivery (*Do not press the “Hegu Point” prematurely as it will stimulate the onset of labour). • 按催生穴位 分娩當日,在醫院候產時,不斷按合谷穴(拇指、食 指張開,位於虎口處),會有催生作用,中醫無痛分娩時常用。 (注意:其他時候千萬不要按,否則會加速子宮收縮)」
的胎兒出生後常見的一種呼吸紊亂症。 暫時性是指其持續時間短(一般在少於 24小時),過速是指其呼吸過快。剖腹 生產的嬰兒有較高的機會出現此情況, 但即使出現,正常情況下它也會在24小 時內回復正常。 如果你計劃剖腹生產,最好把它安排在 妊娠39週左右進行,這樣會降低胎兒肺 部功能不健全的機率。
* The information provided above is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Please consult your physician or local medical facility for information specific to your individual needs. * 以上資訊只供參考學習,不能取替專業醫學意見。請按個人的情況及 需要,諮詢你的家庭醫生或有關醫療機構。
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Dr. Paul Leung 梁赤華 兒科專科醫生 Dr. Leung graduated from The University of Hong Kong in Paediatrics and then obtained his postgraduate training and paediatric gastroenterology training in Queen Mary Hospital and GOS Hospital for Children London respectively. Dr. Leung has two children. 梁醫生畢業於香港大學醫學院,曾先後在瑪麗醫院及倫敦兒童醫院 接受兒科及兒童腸胃科訓練,現時育有兩名子女。
5 “S”
to Stop Baby Colic 5個「S」 搞掂BB吵百蘿 Text | Dr. Paul Leung
A newborn baby s h o u l d b e j o l l y. However, research shows that the sudden onset of crying episodes are very common among newborns. Around 20-25% of newborns would cry suddenly without reason for 1 - 4 hours on a daily basis. The unexplained
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and persistent crying usually lasts for 3 months and disappears after that. That is why it is also called “the one hundred days crying” in Chinese. The medical community is still puzzled about the causes of colic. It is suspected the developing newborns, filled with a sense of insecurity, can be easily stimulated by the external environment and this triggers off their “crying system”.
Although doctors are unable to stop colic, however, they can help rule out the possibility of illness in babies so that parents can focus on dealing with the crying. According to clinical experience, if a baby is not crying due to illness or injury, then parents can apply the 5 “S”.
5 “S” to deal with colic 5個「S」策略
Side position
發出 「殊殊」聲
The babies may feel like they are back
in the mother’s womb when these
內,讓他們充滿安 全感,有助控制寶寶的
methods are applied. This can restore
a sense of security and help control
the crying.
(For more information about the soothing techniques, you may refer to: www.newmom101.ca/Soothing_techniques.html)
喊,特別是如果發覺孩子並非於慣常的時間 喊起來,這可能是孩子發出的求救訊號,例
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Steering the Boat 做個乘風破浪小領袖 Text | Angie
“Nobly dare the wildest storm, Stem the hardest gale; Brave of heart and strong of arm, You will never fail. When the world is cold and dark, Keep an aim in view, And toward the beacon mark Paddle your own canoe.”
Paddle Your Own Canoe, Sarah T. Bolton, 1851
Photo | The Scout Association of Hong Kong & Angie
Many say that leaders are not born, but mostly made. Many of today’s leaders learn and develop from experience, and that includes hitting numerous snags and facing a succession of waves. Over the years in rover and sea scout training, Vincent Lai has nurtured many young minds into dependable leaders. He shared with us five main qualities that are significant in raising a true leader. 常說領袖不是天生的,大多是後天養成 的。當今的眾多領導者,都是從經驗中學 習成長起來的,包括遭受無數次挫折,經 歷大起大落。一直以來,童軍訓練培育了 許多領導人才。擁有多年樂行童軍與海童 軍訓練經驗的黎Sir,將告訴我們他認為成 為真正領袖需要具備的五大條件。
Vincent Lai 黎卓輝 Vincent Lai has been a Rover Scout Leader of The Scout Association of Hong Kong for over 8 years. He has also been a Standard Pulling Boat Instructor since 1995, and an Assistant District Commissioner. 黎Sir擔任香港童軍總會樂行童軍團長超過8年,他也是童軍標準艇 教練和資深童軍總監。
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Independence 獨立
Loving & Caring 愛與關懷
Independence is the basic quality where they learn to take care of themselves. This involves selfdiscipline and responsibility that should be cultivated through simple tasks when they are young. Each member of the rover scout team is asked to be neatly dressed in their uniforms before hitting the water. We check their attire and provide advice if necessary. In building their sense of responsibility, we ask them to make a list of the things to bring the next time and make sure they bring all of them.
We believe many children today receive an abundance of love from their parents, relatives and other loved ones. It is also a matter of knowing to give before they take, as love cannot be taken for granted. During our gatherings, we often ask our members to create arts and crafts as a gift for their parents and loved ones, and even their own teammates. Team members learn to take care of each other during activity times such as offsite camping. These are opportune moments for developing team bonding and caring for others.
獨立是一個領導者需要具備的最基本 素質,孩子要學會照顧自己,包括自
便通過簡單的任務進行培養。樂行童 軍團中的每位兄弟姐妹,都需要在下 水前自行穿戴好他們的制服。阿Sir將 就此檢查,並在必要時提出建議。阿 Sir亦會要求團員列出在下次集會時應 帶上的物件名單,並確定是否帶齊, 以培養他們的責任感。
Team Player 團隊合作 A leader is not an authoritarian, one who instructs through one-way communication. A leader must also be a good team player. We regularly hold orienteering activities to have teams of children complete checkpoints within a set time. Whether or not they make all the checkpoints is not our primary focus. What we are more concerned with is seeing them develop a sense of trust, solve problems together and divide tasks among the team.
會給予,明白關愛並非理所當然的 事,對於孩子來說也是十分重要的。 在集會期間,我們通常會要求團員製 作一份手工藝品作為禮物送給他們的 家長與親友,甚至隊友。團員們會在 場外露營的活動期間學會互相照顧。 這些都是發展團員團結感與關懷精神 的一個好機會。
一個領導者並不是一位統治者,他 不能希望所有人只聽從於他,而拒 絕聽他人的意見。所以,一位領導 者必須是一名出色的團隊參與者。 童軍會定期舉行越野活動,目的是 讓孩子們組成團隊,在規定時間內 能闖過關卡。孩子是否能闖過所有 的關卡並不是考察的重點,而是觀 察孩子是否能發展信任感、齊心協 力解決問題,並在過程中將任務劃 分給每一位夥伴。
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Problem Solver 解決問題
Initiator 懂得倡導
Problem solving is an important skill involving some of the previous mentioned qualities. It also includes the ability to reason, analyse, evaluate, and reflect. Younger rover scout members are faced with simple activities such as chess games and logic tests. In this way they can strengthen analytic skills and develop patience in overcoming difficulties. Older team members are given real life scenarios while camping, snorkelling or other outdoor activities. It is up to them to solve the problems.
People who take initiative are often good communicators; they are also the ones who are willing to listen and take risks. We train our young members to raise their confidence through activities and teamwork. In the process we ask them to make suggestions and propose ideas related to completing the tasks.
主動做發起者的通常會是善於溝通 的人,他們一般也都願意聽取他人 的意見並甘願冒著風險。童軍會通 過活動與團隊的通力合作來培養小
輕的樂行童軍團員,他們會參加一些 簡單的活動,如棋類遊戲與邏輯測 試,從而鍛煉出他們的分析能力與 克服困難的決心。對於年紀稍大的 團員,我們將會在露營、浮潛或其 它戶外活動中,為他們營造出一個 真實的生活場景,讓他們自己來解 決這些問題。
Raising leaders at home? 在家培養領導者?
Family Home Cooking 廚房變訓練場
Animated Role Models 動畫角色作榜樣
Parents can play a part in raising their children as leaders at home. Depending on the age of the children in question, Mr. Lai believes simple household chores can develop their sense of responsibility. He suggests family cooking, where children play the part of “the instructor” reading out each direction from the recipe to parents during the cooking process. Mr. Lai believes this is a good training for children not only because they will realise that it takes many steps to complete a task, but also through reading out the steps, they learn the importance of communicating with another party through simple and clear messages.
Positive role models play an essential part in developing children’s leadership abilities. It is easier for children to assimilate behaviours and action if the role models take the form of animated characters. Recently an animated television programme The Octonauts was launched, It is about a team of undersea adventurers led by Captain Barnacles Bear. Their mission is to explore new underwater worlds to rescue amazing sea creatures while simultaneously protecting the ocean. Children will be able to learn about what it takes to lead a team. Along the way, they will also learn the value of friendship and teamwork. The Octonauts is now showing on the Disney Junior Channel (now TV 442 & bbTV312 & CABLE TV 136).
家長根據子女年紀分配家務給他們做,以助發展其責任 感。黎Sir建議可在煮飯時,由孩子們擔任「輔導員」 ,將菜譜上給父母讀出所有的烹飪步驟。這不單有助 孩子明白完成一項任務需要許多的步驟,也能通過讀 出這些步驟,讓他們學會從簡單清楚的資訊中與別人 溝通的重要性。
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榜樣對孩子的影響很大,如果是卡通人物,小朋友會更容易吸 Octonauts》,講述藤壺熊船長所率領的團隊海底探險的經歷,他 們的目標是拯救海洋。同時挽救美妙的海洋生物。孩子們能從中 學習如何領導一個團隊,並從這過程中明白友誼與團隊合作的重 要。《The Octonauts》現正於Disney Junior頻道播出 (now TV 442 & bbTV312 & CABLE TV 136)。
Dragon Trunki Ages: 3+ yrs HK$499 • Light weight, durable and hand luggage approved • Generous space inside for toys, games, books and spare clothes 輕身耐用的手提行李箱,足夠把玩具、遊戲機、書、衣服 都放進去,更可以騎可以坐,最適合去旅行。
Skip Hop Dragon Mini Zoo Pack Ages: 3+ yrs HK$179 • A little perfect on-the-go pack for kids. • BPA-, Phthalate-, and PVC Free • Roomy main compartments 有趣又實用的書包仔,不含任何有毒物質,各功能袋一應俱全。
Skip Hop Dragon Zoo Bib Ages: 6 mths – 3 yrs HK$79 • Lightweight and water-resistant • Handy catch-all pocket 極輕的防水圍兜,前袋的特別設計可接 住寶寶的食物碎屑,保持整潔。
Dragon Snoozihedz Ages: 3+ yrs HK$249 • Innovative 3 in 1 travel pal, pillow and blanket • Perfect for napping 3合1的旅行好伴侶,可愛造型的枕套 打開,有一張羊毛氈和一個充氣枕頭 芯,讓孩子旅途上也睡得好。
Dragon Travel Friends Head Rest Ages: 0-12mths HK$129 • Gorgeous head supports • Unique shape, soft as a pillow • Your little one’s comfy traveller 獨特造型,為頭部提供完美支撐,無論哪種交通在 飛馳,都能讓孩子安穩地睡一睡。 Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a limited edition Dragon item. 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區, 並回答簡單問題,贏取以上限量版龍年禮物 其中一份。
Dragon Travel Friends Seat Belt Pal Ages: 0-12 mths HK$125 • Great protection to your child’s skin • Crinkly sounds for baby’s senses stimulation 保護寶寶幼嫩皮膚的安全帶,還能發出聲 音,刺激寶寶感官,並附有安撫小工具。
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Distributed by: Bloom & Grow Ltd. 3583 3253 www.bloomandgrowasia.com www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Aim for
with these Parenting Ways!
Text | Wendy Lau
Wendy Lau Wendy came to Hong Kong from England 21 years ago. Passionate about teaching, she is a published author with over 16 books in print. Her newly-launched informative website www.elite-kids-hk.com provides support to help students excel. 21年前, Wendy從英國來到香港。她熱愛教學,出版過16本書。登陸www.elite-kidshk.com可了解有關她的最新資訊,尋求幫助孩子取得優異成績的方法。
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Every year in Hong Kong, the local print media clambers to print stories about the handful of students who achieve the “golden-ticket” 10As in the public exams. Every parent fantasises about their child being one of them. In August 2011, my son, Matthew, 16 studying at Island School became one of these students. He has never attended a single tutorial class or had a private tutor. After waiting for what seemed like an age, it was finally the day for the last set of results to be announced. Emotions were running high that morning in the Lau household.
每年,本地媒體都會爭相報導會考 10A狀元,大概每個家長都幻想過自 己的孩子能成為其中的一員。2011 年8月11日,我就讀於港島中學的16 歲兒子Matthew做到了!由小到大, 他從來沒有上過一對一補習,或者請 過補習老師。 那天,經過了彷如一世紀的滿場等 待,終於到了宣佈最終成績的那一 天。整個早上,劉家上下都情緒高 漲。唯獨Matthew面無表情,走進來
When Matthew came in and said, blank-faced, “I’ve checked – you can check now, Mum”, I hastily logged into the results website. As my my eyes struggled to focus on the medley of numbers and letters dancing across the screen, the realisation dawned on me that he had achieved As in all 10 subjects. Temporarily dumbfounded, my shock soon turned to ardent admiration for my son and, as tears of joy and pride splashed onto my keyboard, the last 16 years of parenting flashed before me. The news of Matthew’s outstanding achievement triggered a barrage of questions from friends and my students’ parents, hungry for me to disclose my secret recipe for success.
跟我說:「我查過了,你可以去查 了,媽媽。」我立刻登陸成績查詢 網站,雙眼緊盯著螢幕上的數位與字 母:兒子在10科考試中全拿到A。我 一時不知道說甚麼才好,等我緩過神 來,淚水已滴濕了鍵盤,當中充滿了 我對兒子的驕傲和喜悅。過去16年 對孩子的培育一一閃現在我的面前。 Matthew取得10A的消息讓許多朋友和 學生家長蜂擁而至,希望我可以披露 成功教養的秘訣。或許我可以用愛爾 蘭著名詩人William Yeats的一句名言 概括:「教育不是注滿一桶水,而是
In a nutshell, the famous words of poet William Yeats: “Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire” have been the adage that has driven all of my parenting strategies. It basically means EMPOWER rather than CONTROL.
點燃一把火」。我所有的教育策略的 精髓都可以濃縮在這句格言中,它的 基本涵義是:鼓勵,而非控制。 當你的孩子面臨考試時,你可以這樣
Here’s how you can apply this to give your child the best chance of succeeding when exams are round the corner.
應用以下的策略,幫助孩子取得最 佳成績。
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Create a revision-friendly streamlined workspace 創造一個利於複習的學習環境 A well-organised work environment is conducive to productive revision. It could involve small changes or a complete change around of your child’s room/your home. Putting in effort now will pay dividends later. ★ Work with your child, empowering him or her to design the area. ★ If necessary visit places like Ikea for inspiration. ★ Gently suggest removing physical clutter and non-essential items from the assigned revision area (an uncluttered workspace = an uncluttered mind). ★ Ensure there is adequate light. ★ Set up a storage system for folders with colour codes and labels. ★ Buy a clock timer (or download one online) – useful for past papers and keeping to revision schedule. 井然有序的學習環境有助提高複習的效率。這可能需要對孩子的房間/整個家進行多處裝修,甚 至徹底改變。但現在付出努力,將來必有收穫。 ★ 與你的孩子一起努力,允許孩子自己設計學習的環境。 ★ 如有必要,參觀宜家等傢俬舖,尋找靈感。 ★ 如果將要作改動的地方,有甚麼無用的雜物或不必要的物品,建議搬走(整潔的學習環境 = 清晰的思路)。 ★ 確保光線充足。
★ 利用帶彩色符號與標籤的資料夾,建立一個文件存儲系統。 ★ 買一個時鐘(或者下載一個電子時鐘),有利於完成past papers,跟上複習進度。
Equip your child with effective note-making and revision strategies 讓孩子學會有效的記筆記方法和複習策略 No two people work in the same way so suggest a number of methods. Let the final decision be your child’s. If they feel empowered rather than controlled they will make these methods work for them. ★ Make mind-maps: proven to be effective they help students to create colourful and visual images which link points and ideas logically so the brain can not only process the information but retain it for use in the exams. ★ If your budget runs to it, invest in i-Mindmap software by Tony Buzan – You can download the trial version first. ★ Learn how to use mind-maps yourself and then teach your child or watch the tutorial videos together. ★ File the mind-maps or even laminate them and stick them up on the wall. ★ Use colour-coded notebooks – one for each subject ★ Condense and summarise information into bite-sized nuggets ★ Utilise revision apps for devices such as i-Phones and i-Pads. ★ Aim to complete past papers but even just creating a mind-map for essay questions is useful if time is short. 不同的孩子適合不同的方法,所以建議幾個不同的策略,讓孩子自己做出最後的決定。如果他 們感受到有充分的選擇自由而非被控制,他們會更好地使用這些方法。 ★ 製作思維圖:很多研究證明該方法很有用。它透過創造五顏六色的圖像,幫助學生將知識有 邏輯地聯繫在一起。這樣,大腦不僅只是處理這些資訊,還會保留它們,在考試時使用。 ★ 如果預算允許,買一套Tony Buzan設計的i-Mindmap軟件。你也可以下載試用版本。 ★ 你自己也要學會使用思維圖,然後教孩子如何使用,或者一起觀看教學視頻。 ★ 對思維圖進行分類整理,或者製成卡片,貼在牆上。 ★ 使用彩色編碼的筆記簿,每一科使用一本。 ★ 對資訊進行壓縮和總結,使之成為「小塊」的資訊。 ★ 在i-Phone和i-Pad等電子設備上使用複習app。
★ 完成所有往年試卷,如果時間有限,也可以只為寫作題製作思維圖。 PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Provide guidance with time-management strategies 教孩子怎樣管理時間 Many students feel so overwhelmed by the amount of material to revise that they literally feel like they are “drowning”. This leads to ineffective revision. Having a plan will empower them and allow them (not you) to gain control. ★ Work together to make one master checklist of all the subjects and units within the textbooks. ★ Encourage your child to tick the boxes and monitor progress on a daily basis. ★ Prioritise revision areas (e.g. the most challenging subjects). ★ Create a timetable. Focus on 1-2 subjects per day. ★ Assign the same colour codes to the files for colour codes on the timetable. ★ Plan short revision periods allowing for breaks. Use the timer. 面對大量的複習資料,許多學生都會覺得難以應付,以至於覺得真是陷 入「題海」。這會導致複習效率降低。製定計劃可以使他們(而非你) 感覺一切仍盡在掌握之中。 ★ 與孩子一起,對所有科目和課本上的所有單元製作要點目錄。 ★ 鼓勵孩子每天核對進度,控制複習節奏。 ★ 區分複習方面的輕重緩急(例如,優先複習最有挑戰性的科目)。 ★ 做一個時間表。每天集中1至2科。 ★ 根據時間表上的顏色編碼,在歸類文檔中利用同樣的顏色。 ★ 複習階段不要太長,留出休息時間。好好利用你的時鐘。
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Provide encouragement without overstepping the line 鼓勵孩子 但不要變成壓力 Just like all human beings, teenagers need a nudge sometimes but there is a fine line between encouragement and pressure. Pressure can create stress which can hinder revision and have the opposite to the desired effect. ★ Use positive language. Rather than “You should be revising more!” or “Why aren’t you revising?” use dialogues such as “What is your plan for today”. “Which two subjects are you focussing on today?” “Are you allowing time for rest?” ★ Offer your help but step back if it is declined. Just let your child know that you are there for them. 與所有人類一樣,青少年需要督促,但要區別鼓勵與壓力。壓力會使孩子緊張,這會阻礙複習,起到事與願違的作用。 ★ 使用積極的語氣。不要說「你應該多複習一些!」或者「你怎麼沒在複習?」使用這樣的話,例如「你今天的計劃是 甚麼?」「你今天重點複習哪兩科?」「留出休息時間了嗎?」 ★ 主動提供幫助,但如果孩子說不需要,不要強求。只需要讓孩子知道你時刻關心鼓勵他們。
Do not ban other activities – strive for balance instead 不要禁止其它活動 要力求平衡 It’s all too easy to expect your child to focus exclusively on revision, giving up all leisure and non-studying activities but this is counter-productive. Bans and restrictions will result in your child channeling energy into rebellion rather than revision. Also, when we enjoy ourselves, our brains secrete positive hormones and this can benefit study periods later. ★ Actively encourage your child to keep up physical activities or hobbies. (For my son it was bass guitar playing) ★ Suggest breaking up study periods with short bursts of these activities. ★ Do not ban social networking like Facebook. Instead, empower your child to use it effectively by forming on-line study groups. Keep Facebook open at certain times for these groups to pose questions and share thoughts – like a study group but using social network platforms. 希望孩子只關注複習,放棄一切休閒和非學習的活動?說起來輕 巧,隨時起反作用。這種禁令與限制只會導致孩子反抗,而非安心 複習。我們在放鬆的時候,大腦會釋放出積極的荷爾蒙,這有益於 我們之後的學習過程。 ★ 主動鼓勵孩子參加體育活動或興趣愛好。(我的孩子彈低音吉 他) ★ 在學習過程中,穿插這些活動。 ★ 不要禁止孩子的社交網路,例如Facebook。相反,允許孩子有 效地利用網路複習,例如建立線上學習小組。允許他們時常使 用Facebook,以便在學習小組提出問題、分享經驗,就像一個 利用網路平台的學習小組。
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Donna Watts Donna is an experienced infant massage instructor and early childhood and mothercraft nurse in Annerley Maternity & Early Childhood Professionals. She specialises in the special care treatment, growth and development of newborn and early childhood. She had a 17-year experience in a maternity hospital in Australia. Donna是經驗豐富的嬰兒按摩師及Annerley專業醫護中心的幼兒育兒護士,專 長於特別護理及照顧初生兒和幼兒成長。她曾於澳洲的婦產科醫院執業17年。
Don’t Spare the Soap
Soap and water are the best prevention for many common ailments explains Donna Watts, Early Childhood and Mothercraft Nurse at Annerley Maternity & Early Childhood Professionals. But despite best efforts at hygiene, children still manage to get sick. Donna shares tips on how to care for your sick child.
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Annerley婦產與幼兒專業服務機構的幼稚 教育與育兒護士Donna Watts表示,肥皂 與水是許多常見疾病最好的防護措施。不 過,你在衛生方面做足了努力,孩子仍然 有機會會生病。Donna將與我們分享如何 照顧生病孩子的小貼士。
One of the easiest ways to make sure that you keep your baby or young child healthy and happy is to practice good hygiene. It might sound obvious but hand washing with warm soapy water is crucial in preventing the spread of disease and infection. You should wash your hands before and after: feeding your baby, handling your baby, taking or giving medication, touching your pets, using the toilet and especially after dealing with vomit, blood, stool and urine.
It is always good practice to keep your home clean, especially the areas you use with your young child the most such as the nappy changing area, which should be cleaned and disinfected regularly before and after use. Toys and other objects your baby or young child may use should also be cleaned carefully.
這可能聽起來很簡單,但用溫的肥皂水洗手對於防止疾病的傳播與 感染至關重要。在做這些事情前後,你應該清洗雙手:餵食幼兒、 擁抱幼兒、餵食藥物、撫摸寵物、如廁,尤其在處理了嘔吐物、血 液、尿液與糞便之後。 保持家居清潔是另一好習慣,尤其是你與孩子活動最頻繁的地帶, 如換尿布的地方,應在使用前後定期清洗並消毒。玩具與其它你的
Many children pick up ailments from just social interactions, below is some of the more common ailments.
iiss t t i i v v i i t t c c n un njju on C Co 症
Time from exposure to illness: 3 days 潛伏期:3日
Symptoms • Scratchy eyes • Red and watery • Eyelids stick together • Puffiness may appear
徵狀 • 眼睛發癢 • 眼睛泛紅並多淚 • 眼皮黏在一起 • 可能出現浮腫
Should we stay at home? Yes. While there are still symptoms you should keep your baby at home.
我們應該留在家裡嗎? 是的。只要孩子仍有徵狀,你就應讓 孩子留在家裡。
Tips and advice Gently wash your child’s eyes with boiled, warm water while gently rubbing away the dried discharge. If the condition hasn’t improved after 2 weeks, a course of antibiotics may then be required. If a bacterial infection is suspected your GP or pharmacist may recommend antibacterial eye drops or ointment, which contain an antibiotic called chloramphenicol, and are suitable for children over 2 years. Remember to wash your hands before and after treating your child’s eyes and never share medication or use old drops or ointment.
建議 以煮沸的溫水輕輕沖洗孩子的眼睛,並輕 輕地洗去乾的分泌物。如果2週後病情沒有 好轉,可能需要進行服用抗生素的療程。 如果懷疑是細菌感染,你的醫生或藥劑師 可能會建議使用抗菌眼藥水或眼藥膏,其 中包含了稱為氯黴素的抗生素,適合2歲以 上的兒童。 記著,治療你孩子眼睛前後都要清洗雙 手,並且絕不共用藥品或使用舊的眼藥水 或眼藥膏。
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d n a t o fo , d n a ase e H s i d mouthFMD) (H 病
手足口病 Time from exposure to illness: 3-7 days 潛伏期:3-7日
Symptoms • Mild fever • Blisters on their feet, mouth and nappy area
徵狀 • 輕度發燒 • 足部、嘴部與尿布區水泡
Should we stay at home? Yes. HFMD is contagious and it’s best to wait until the blisters have dried or completely disappeared. Tips and advice Wash your hands and your child’s regularly, and especially every time you change a diaper or deal with your sick child’s needs. Also wash and disinfect toys and other commonly used household objects. Baby teething gel may relieve your baby’s pain in his mouth, rub a small amount on their gums and anywhere else you can see sores. Be sure your child drinks plenty of fluids to stay well hydrated. Seek medical care if a fever is present and not brought down to normal by medication or your baby has a stiff neck, irritability or reduced awareness.
我們應該留在家裡嗎? 是的。手足口病具有傳染性,最好等到水泡 乾了或完全消失後再出門。 建議 與孩子定時洗手,尤其是每次更換尿布時或 處理病童所需後。同樣,清洗並消毒玩具及 其它常用的家居物品。 出牙凝膠可能有助於減輕他口中的痛苦,擠 少量於牙齦或任何長有潰瘍創口的地方。 確保你的孩子飲用大量水,以保持充足水 分。 如果出現發燒並在吃藥後仍未退燒,或孩 子脖子僵硬、煩躁不安或思維模糊,請尋 求醫生援助。
ccee i i L L d d a a H Hee
Time from exposure to illness: 5-7 days 潛伏期:5-7日
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Symptoms • Small red spots • Blisters that ooze, burst and spread; they most often appear around the nose, mouth and baby’s hands and scalp. Should we stay at home? Yes. Until the treatment has run its full course. Tips and advice Cover the sores with a watertight bandage and clean the infected area gently with warm water and antibacterial soap; make sure you pat the area dry. Apply an antibiotic ointment 3-4 times daily after washing the skin, make sure you wash your hands after application or wear gloves to apply. To remove crusts soak with a vinegar solution (1 tablespoon of white vinegar to a pint of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash all your baby’s clothing, towels and bedding daily. If the infected area becomes more tender or re-infected it is a good idea to seek a doctors advice.
Symptoms • Scratchy scalp • White spots on the scalp • Lice on head Should we stay at home? No. There is no need to keep you child at home if lice management is on going.
徵狀 • 小的紅色斑點 • 有水泡滲出、破裂並擴散,通常出現於鼻 子、嘴巴及嬰兒的手部與頭皮 我們應該留在家裡嗎? 是的。完成全部療程前都應留在家裡。 建議 以防水繃帶蓋住瘡口,並以溫水與抗菌肥 皂輕輕地清洗感染部位;輕拍使其乾燥。 每日使用3至4次抗生素軟膏,在洗臉後使 用,確保你每次塗藥後都會清洗雙手或戴 手套塗藥。 浸醋以去除結痂(將一湯匙白醋放入一品脫 清水中浸泡15至20分鐘)。清洗孩子的所有 衣物、毛巾與寢具。 如果感染部位變得更敏感或再次感染,建 議就醫。
o ggo i i t t e e p p m IIm
膿皰疹 Time from exposure to illness: 1-3 days 潛伏期:1-3日
Tips and advice Your child probably picked up lice from an infested sibling or playmate. Despite common belief, lice can’t jump or hop but instead they crawl from one head to another, for example when children hug or if they lay their heads on the same pillow. Children with longer hair do tend to be more susceptible to infestation. A fine-toothed lice comb used regularly get rids of the larger breeding lice and in this way you will usually get rid of the infestation. Many of the lotions are very harsh and can burn or irritate delicate skin. The majority of lice on an infested head are found in front of a line drawn from the backs of the ears up to the crown of the head so that is where you should look first. If you find your child has an infestation, all members of the household should be checked for lice too. The best way to avoid a cycle of re-infestation is to check and treat everyone at the same time. Vacuum objects that your child has laid or rested his head on.
徵狀 • 頭皮發癢 • 頭皮上出現白色斑點 • 頭上生有蝨子 我們應該留在家裡嗎? 不。如果已經控制了蝨子,無需把孩子留 在家中。 建議 你的孩子可能是從其它兄弟姐妹或玩伴身上 染上蝨子的。儘管普遍認為蝨子不能跳躍, 但它們可以從一個人爬到另一個人的頭上, 例如當孩子們擁抱或躺在同一個枕頭上。頭 髮較長的孩子更容易受到侵染。 定期使用細齒梳子梳頭可以去除較大的蝨 子,通常你可以通過這種方式擺脫煩惱。 許多去虱乳液十分刺激,可能會灼傷或刺 激細膩的皮膚。 寄生於頭上的大部分頭蝨都可能出現於耳 朵後至頭頂之間,因此這裡應是你首先檢 查的地方。 如果你發現孩子感染了頭蝨,其他所有家庭 成員也應該檢查是否感染。預防再次感染的 最佳方法,是每一位成員都在同一時間接受 檢查與治療。 同時,用吸塵機打掃孩子臥躺的地方。
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dish more aromatic? How do you make the is tha t the ba co n Th e ke y to thi s dis h t before adding other should be browned firs may sprinkle some ingredients. Besides, you cess. wine in the stir-frying pro 如何令整道菜增添香氣 或可灒酒拌炒。
Stir-fried Chinese Celery and Southern Poplar Mushrooms with Smoked Bacon 茶樹菇芹菜炒煙肉 Ingredients • 2 strips smoked bacon • 150g fresh Southern poplar mushrooms • 2 sprigs Chinese celery • 1 piece dried beancurd • 3 cloves garlic • 2 red chillies (cut into strips)
Seasoning • 2 tsps light soy sauce • 1/2 tsp sugar • 2 tbsps water *mixed well
材料 • 煙肉2塊 • 新鮮茶樹菇4兩 • 唐芹菜2棵 • 豆乾1塊 • 蒜肉3粒
Method 1. Cut off the roots and the leaves of the Chinese celery. Use only the stems for this dish. Rinse well and cut into short lengths.
• 紅辣椒2隻(切條)
2. Rinse the mushrooms and cut into short lengths. Cut the beancurd into strips. Cut the bacon into pieces.
• 糖半茶匙
3. Heat a wok and add tbsp of oil. Put in the bacon and fry until lightly browned. Stir fry garlic until fragrant. Add mushrooms, dried beancurd and seasoning. Stir for a while. Lastly add Chinese celery and red chillies. Stir well and cook until the sauce reduces. Serve.
* 調勻
調味料 • 生抽2茶匙 • 水2湯匙
做法 1. 唐芹菜去鬚根、留菜莖(去掉葉),洗 淨,切段。 2. 茶樹菇洗淨,切段;豆乾切條;煙肉切
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win the recipe book - 3 Steps Saving Stir-fry! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區, 並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取《 3步 驟 勁 慳 小 炒》一本!
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片。 The above are extracted from 3 Steps Saving Stir-fry by Food Paradise Publishing Co. 以上內容摘自飲食天地出 版社出版之《3步驟勁慳 小炒》。
3. 燒熱鑊下油1湯匙,下煙肉炒至微黃,下 蒜肉炒香,加入茶樹菇、豆乾及調味料炒 片刻,最後加入唐芹菜及紅椒炒勻,待汁 液收少即成。
A Picturesque Archipelago 難忘 油畫般的美
Stockholm 斯德哥爾摩 @瑞典Sweden Text | Allan Lee
Ove rse Tips as 海外 遊
Photo | Allan Lee, Image Bank Sweden
Allan Lee 李家輝 Allan ardently loves travelling and writing. He is a newspaper and magazine columnist. Allan熱愛旅遊及寫作,乃報章雜誌的專欄作 者。
Sweden is a lot more than just the home of IKEA. There is no doubt that you will be captivated by the panoramic spectacle of its capital city, Stockholm. 講起瑞典,只想起IKEA?這個國家其實有很多出名的東西。如果你去過瑞典的首都斯 德哥爾摩,那兒油畫般的美景,一定會讓你很難忘。
City Hall
Stockholm is well known as the homeland of Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize. This annual ceremony is held on December 8 at Stockholm City Hall. City Hall is composed of Blue Hall and Golden Hall. The exterior dark red bricks reflect its historical magnificence. The mosaic motifs of Golden Hall splendidly display the elegance of romanticism.
Why is the Blue Hall red? 藍廳為何是磚紅色的? The original plan was to have the wall painted blue but a last-minute change from the architect was made – to keep the natural red bricks instead to better match the elegance of the Golden Hall. Despite this, Blue Hall kept its name. 設計師原本計劃把藍廳的牆壁塗成藍色的,但當以紅磚建成藍廳時,設計師發覺磚 紅色的牆壁更顯高貴,和金壁輝煌的金廳更為匹配,所以最後決定不塗藍色了,但 名字依舊。
講到瑞典和斯德哥爾摩,實會提到諾貝爾。皆因這裡是 他的故鄉,每年12月8日,諾貝爾頒獎盛典都會在市政 廳(City Hall)舉行。市政廳由藍廳(Blue Hall)和金 廳(Golden Hall)組成,其設計及裝潢實在美絕!尤其 是砌滿馬賽克圖案的金廳,高貴氣派又充滿藝術感覺。
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The Royal Palace 瑞典皇宮 The Royal Palace is a must-see historical site in the Old Town. It is the official residence of the Swedish royal monarchy. Kids are sure to be impressed by its baroque design and the daily Changing-of-the-Guards ceremony.
Time for Souvenirs! 手信這裡買! There are numerous gift shops around the Royal Palace. Children would love to get their hands on a classic wooden horse (the Dala wooden horse), one of the most popular souvenirs from Sweden. The area is laidback, and as such is great for families to spend some time, enjoy an afternoon tea, or stroll down Riksgatan. 皇宮附近有很多售賣紀念品的店舖,其中木馬是瑞典的獨特紀念品,小朋友見到一定 喜歡。一家人又或在這裡的露天茶座來個悠閒下午茶,享受陽光灑在身上的時光;或 下到步行街(Riksgatan)閒逛一會,說不定也能淘到心水愛物。
在舊城區,皇宮是必去的景點。這是瑞典皇室居住的地 方,除了其美麗的意大利巴洛克式建築外,還有御林軍 換兵儀式,必定令小朋友看到目瞪口呆,嘆為觀止。
Vasa Museum
The Vasa Museum is one of the most visited museums in Scandinavia, where long queues outside the museum can be expected as a matter of course. The museum displays the almost fully intact Vasa warship that was sunk in the 17th century. Visitors can view the warship from different angles in this 7-storey museum. 這裡堪稱北歐最受歡迎的博物館,每天館門外都大排長 龍。皆因這裡展出的,是保存得甚好的超巨大戰船,約 95%屬於原船,博物館一共7層,大家可從不同角度欣 賞這偉大的戰船。
Glorious Golden Days 記載瑞典昔日輝煌 The Swedish naval force had a splendid time playing a dominant role in the Baltic, gaining territory including Norway, Finland, and parts of Russia. In 1628, the Vasa warship sank during a war with Poland. The ship stayed on the ocean floor for 333 years until 1961. Apparently it was to do with the design of the warship. Try find the answers with your children in the museum. 昔日瑞典海軍強悍無比,彊界曾延伸至現在的挪威、芬蘭、波羅的海區域,甚至俄 羅斯的部份地方。1628年,華沙號於其出戰波蘭的處女航中沉沒,於海底沉睡333 年,1961年才重現天日。據說海難和這戰船的設計有關,究竟原因何在,你可以帶小 朋友在這博物館中找答案。
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Sweden Travel Tips 瑞典旅遊小貼士 Visa
No visa required for HKSAR and BNO passport holders. 持有特區護照或BNO均不需要簽証。
Compared to other countries at the same latitude, Sweden enjoys a fairly mild climate. Average daytime temperatures: Summer 15-17°C; Winter 0°C or below.
瑞典屬溫帶海洋性氣候,雖處北歐,卻較同緯度國家溫和。夏天平均日間溫度約15-17°C,冬天天氣冷,溫度 在0°C以下。
Time Difference
6 hours behind Hong Kong 比香港慢6小時
1 SEK (Kr) to HKD 1.18
A two-prong plug socket 使用雙圓腳插頭
You should obtain a Stockholm Card when traveling the city; it offers benefits including free entry to more than 80 museums, site attractions, and free public transportation! There are 1-day, 2-day, 3-day, and 5-day cards with rates starting at SEK425 (Children SEK195). 購買斯德哥爾摩咭(Stockholm Card)會有很多優惠,包括免費進入80個博物館及景點,免費乘搭公共交通工 具等。咭分1天、2天、3天及5天,費用由SEK425(小童SEK195)起。
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For 0-3 yrs My First Discoveries Dinosaurs
Peppa and George’s Annual 2012
Gallimard Jeunesse, Claude Delafosse and James Prunier HK$77
Ladybird Books Limited HK$88 This fantastic annual is brought to you by the best-loved characters – “Peppa Pig”! It is full of piggy tales, puzzles, games and activities and lots of stickers! It’s the number one preschool Christmas present, stocking-filler and birthday present for the year.
Find out which mysterious giant was the longest and which one was the heaviest. See protoceratops’ babies hatching out of their eggs. Discover which prehistoric creatures are still alive today. My First Discoveries系列最了解兒童的好 奇心,這一本就利用印有圖案的透明膠片 來吸引孩子主動了解恐龍的特質。快隨牠 們的足印回到過去!
Peppa Pig人見人愛,這書中整合了大量有關 它的故事、謎語、遊戲和活動和貼紙,很適合 給幼齡孩子作聖誕和生日禮物。
For 4-6 yrs Pop-Up London Jennie Maizels HK$165 Explore London in this pop-up tour of one of the world’s greatest cities. This title helps you follow the River Thames through the famous, funny and fantastic sights of London. Full of fun and facts, this is a delight for all. 倫敦奧運就快到,先來了解當地地標! 沿泰晤士河,會看見白金漢宮、皇家阿 爾伯特音樂廳、莎士比亞大劇院和倫敦 大橋等著名建築。這書還有很多關於英 國的趣味小知識等著你。
You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You Mary Ann Hoberman HK$119 Designed with budding readers in mind, this collection features 8 fairy tales, each given a new twist and set in 3 columns and 3 colours as a script for 2 voices to read separately or together. 為鼓勵親子閱讀,作者將著名的童話 故事改寫成為劇本,讓家長、孩子以一 人一句的方式共同閱讀。你們都會愛 上這富有幽默感的內容和押韻的句子。
For parents Usborne Illustrated Stories for Bedtime Usborne Publishing HK$88 Snuggle down under the covers and dip into this magical mix of 8 classic and modern tales full of heart-warming fun and adventure, stories include King Donkey Ears, The Enormous Turnip, Danny the Dragon, and The Inch Prince, etc. Best gifts for New Year! 怎樣才能讓你的小孩乖乖入睡?這本書或能給你提供一個最佳答案。書中收錄了8 個Usborne的經典故事,包括King Donkey Ears、The Enormous Turnip和Danny the Dragon等。今夜就開始閱讀給你的小寶貝聽吧﹗
* The above titles are all available at www.booklodge.com.
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Jake and the Never Land Pirates: Yo Ho, Mateys Away! 《傑克與夢幻島海盜: 向寶藏出發》
Phineas & Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension 《飛哥與發仔: 超時空之謎》電影版
Ages: 3+ yrs DVD: HK$98
Ages: 5+ yrs DVD: HK$98
Set sail with Jakes and friends for adventure of Never Land and hunting for lost treasure! But watch out for Captain Hook who always trying to snatch the kids’ treasure. Jake And The Never Land Pirates is 7 action-packed episodes filled with swashbuckling fun!
The Emmy® Award winning adventure is now available in first full-length movie! Phineas, Ferb, and Perry find themselves in an alternate universe where evil Dr. Doof rules over with an army of iron-fisted robots. To save his friends from certain doom, Perry makes the ultimate sacrifice by revealing his secret identity to save their home from the clutches of Evil Dr. Doof!
小海盜傑克和小伙伴一起到神奇夢幻島展開連場智激尋寶 歷險旅程!只要解決途中遇到的難題,便可獲得金幣放進 百寶箱。但狡猾的鐵鈎船長卻經常破壞他們的計劃!他們
造成他的忠心部下。為拯救家園,阻止杜博士稱霸世界,派瑞唯有曝 露超級特務的身份,跟兩位主人並肩作戰!
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win a DVD! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「Jetso」區,並回答簡單問題,贏取DVD一隻﹗
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T h e a m p h i t h e a t re w a s occupied by Santa orchestra with dancing parents and kids! For the first time, the 10th Classic for Kids Christmas Concert is held at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. It is the continuous joint effort by the Peegaboo Group with The SAR Philharmonic Orchestra in delivering a classical concert yet in a family style! 今年首次移師香港演藝學院舉辦的第10屆Classics for Kids 聖誕音樂會由香港愛樂團主辦、百家寶親子集團協辦。一 如既往,Classics for Kids繼續將古典樂以一家同樂的方 式呈現,小朋友興奮湧向台邊,和樂手指揮親密接 觸,大人也隨之起舞,不再坐定定。許多樂手 和孩子都穿戴上紅帽紅衣,讓現場儼 然變成聖誕歡樂大派對!
「這是我們第二年參加CFK喇!今年的位置更 方便!去年有很多與樂團的互動環節,希望今 年更加多!」 ~ Elaine, Augustine with daughter, Eugenie (2 yrs)
B e f o re t h e c o n c e r t b e g a n , audiences had a warm-up moment through ball-playing fun. 音樂會開始前,先來玩波波熱身。
Peekee was so lovable everywhere, in and out! 戴上聖誕帽的Peekee無論身在何 處都大受歡迎!
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
「其他古典音樂不會讓年紀太細的小朋友參 加,我們帶Michael來,希望讓他知道這種演 奏會也可以很有趣!」 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Chan with son, Michael (2 yrs)
The kids were thrilled to have the chance to become a conductor! 小朋友很高興能一嘗做指揮家的 滋味!
The sweet papas were having their “first tango dance” with their daughters during performance of “Por Una Cebeza”. 爸爸們跟女兒在《Por Una Cebeza》的音樂下,一起跳探 戈舞!
The families are getting their arms moving – playing the trombone! 一家大小無時停——玩長號!
“This is our first time joining Classics For Kids. Sophie listens to a lot of Christmas Carols and I am sure she will enjoy the concert!” ~ Natalia and daughter, Sophie (3.5 yrs)
「我們去年已欣賞過這個音樂會,非常好玩!我們今年 再來聽更多好音樂! 」 ~ Sherry (mother) with sons, Vicente (5 yrs) and Augustine (2 yrs)
“My friend told me this concert is a different kind of family concert and we come as two-family team! And we all love it! It’s a Small World is Ariel’s favourite song!” ~ Maya Furumoto (mother) with children, Ariel (5 yrs) and Zeev (3 yrs)
「孩子聽完這個音樂會後,都說想成為指揮 家!他們最喜歡的聖誕歌是普世歡騰!」 ~ Vivian Lai with daughter, Charis (5 yrs) www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Bring Me A Book Workshops 書伴我行工作坊
今次這兩個和閱讀有關的工作坊是由致力 推動親子共讀的非牟利機構書伴我行(香 港)基金會與百家寶學府共同舉辦的。工 作坊由從美國遠道而來的教育專家及導師 Julie Fowlkes主持,擁有超過40年教學經驗 的她,理論與實戰技巧並重,讓一眾參加家 長皆深受啟發。
Be Your Child’s First Teacher
Julie explained the importance and benefit of reading with children. 親子共讀的重要無庸置疑,Julie更分享如何 令閱讀有效又有趣。
The 2-day workshop was a collaboration by Peegaboo Group and Bring Me A Book Hong Kong (BMABHK), a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting family literacy. Parents were deeply inspired by the hands-on sharing of Julie Fowlkes, an experienced reading specialist and trainer for over 40 years.
Parents gained many fun ideas in helping their children enjoy reading and writing. 這次工作坊,為家長帶來了許多幫助孩子閱 讀的有趣好點子。
Parents were listening attentively to Julie and jotting down notes for good reading tips! 良好閱讀技巧有哪些?家長們一邊聽一邊 記低!
Making Books with/ for Your Children
Look at their work, made with love and dedication! 來看看他們的作品吧!
It’s like an art class all over again for parents to learn how to create home-made books! And they were quite enjoying it! 家長正在剪紙貼圖,像上勞作堂一 般。他們很享受這過程呢!
Parents were having fun sharing their children’s stories and their work. 家長們在製作過程中有講有笑。
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
s done! It’ 來張大合 做好了! 照吧!
Kiddy Village Perfect Party Venue 親子派對最佳場地 It’s party time and some parents might go frustrated looking for a right gathering venue, and not every family are living in a place with residential clubs. The first priority is always the best location for everyone’s convenience. Kiddy Village is a newly established children indoor playground locating right above Taikoo MTR station offering spacious, clean and comfortable function rooms which are ideal for holding birthday parties and gatherings. In addition, Kiddy Village equips with a variety of play facilities including Colourful Ball Pool, Trampoline, Swing Tunnel, Slides, Sponge Ball Guns, Sponge Ball Fountain, Climbing Wall, and Balloon Room. At Kiddy Village, happy time is guaranteed. 家長許多時都會四處尋找新的場地給孩子舉行生日會或親子聚 會,但很多時場地並非在居所的附近。一個完美的派對場地,除 了場地設施外,地點亦是一個非常重要的因素。位於太古港鐵站 上蓋的Kiddy Village是一個地點非常方便的全新室內兒童遊樂場。 場內設有敞大、清潔和舒適的派對房間,是一個舉行生日會或親 子聚會的理想地方。此外,場地更提供多款小朋友至愛的遊戲設 施,包括波波池、彈跳床、蟲蟲隧道、開心滑梯、海綿球射槍、 海綿球噴泉機、繽紛攀爬牆和幻彩氣球屋等。在Kiddy Village舉行 派對,小朋友必能盡興而返。
809,8/F, Kornhill Plaza – Office Tower, 1 Kornhill Road, Quarry Bay 香港鰂魚涌康山道1號康怡廣場辦公大樓8樓809室 www.kiddyvillage.com.hk
2560 9493
星級小學堂 網上遊學新體驗 因應電子學習的趨勢,商務印書館香港有限公司的全資附屬機構 香港教育圖書公司,聯同香港中文大學附屬機構香港學校網絡, 開發小學生網上學習平台「星級小學堂—Smart Union」,推廣網 上學習,發展自我學習的一站式電子學習空間。 香港學校網絡董事總經理及香港中文大學工程學院副院長(外 務)黃錦輝教授指出,現時互聯網香港滲透率超過七成,大部份 家長都很願意去購買電子產品,希望家長及學生利用這個電子平 台去更了解自己的學習進度,培養自學能力。香港教育圖書公司 副總編輯黃燕如博士說,星級小學堂擁有龐大練習庫,每個練習 課程經過精心編排,均設有大量題目;而其網上購買學習套流程 簡單及具彈性,方便家長。現時的首個階段,能提供中文科及英 文科網上練習,期望下年將會推出數學科網上練習。 www.hkep.com
Little Green Music Multiple Intelligence Music Program 多元智能音樂課程 Various researches have shown the benefits of music to children’s cognitive and learning development. Baron Junior Music Academy developed a multiple intelligence music program. “Little Green Music” led by a team of music educators and educational psychologists and taught by native English speakers. The program offers 4 levels of year-round learning, each term will have a theme with new songs, music repertoire and activities. Each student will receive a progress report at the end of each term and a certificate of completion after completing two terms. 多個研究顯示出,音樂對兒童的學習能力、認知能力及情緒表達 能力皆帶來好處。伯樂兒童音樂學院的Little Green Music由音樂 教育工作者及教育心理學家合力研發,利用全英語教學。課程 分為4個階段,每個學期均有不同的主題,配合相應的歌曲、音 樂及活動去帶動學習。首次報讀之學生將獲贈一本包含習作和 CD之圖畫歌曲集,並於課程完結後獲得由音樂學院院長和教育 顧問簽發的成績表。 www.baronjunior.com.hk
2877 1660 www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Peterson English Join CCTV’s National Super League of Practical English 帶你參加CCTV全國實用英語超級聯賽 Organised by China Central Television (CCTV), National Super League of Practical English aims at improving Chinese students’ English standards and English skills. It is divided into 4 levels: lower primary (P.1-3), upper primary (P.4-6), junior high (F.1-3) and senior high (F.4-6). Students from over 20 different regions of China, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing, Guangdong and Hong Kong are joining the competition. Candidates entering the final stage will have a chance to let others know about their school and may receive an award for best performance. All Hong Kong candidates shall receive a certificate for their participation. As Hong Kong’s sole organiser, Peterson Education Group encourage local students to join the competition by accepting the first 50 Peegaboo members with free registration (apply through www.peegaboo.com). 全國實用英語超級聯賽是中央電視臺(CCTV)為提高學生英語水 準和現實使用能力而舉辦的專業比賽。大賽分小學1-3年級、小學 4-6年級、初中、高中4個組別,覆蓋北京、天津、南京、廣東及
www.studytv.hk / www.peterson.hk
2630 9616
nest beauty Babies only Kiss It Better Balm 親親寶寶萬用膏 Red Packet The Best Thing to Gift 完美送禮體驗 Choosing a perfect gift can be quite a headache. Red Packet can ease your pain by offering an experiential gift package that matches budget and based on the receivers’ (adults and kids) passions and needs. A wide variety of gift packages can be chosen, from from the latest spas to flight and racing car simulators, fine dining and fitness options. The receiver is free to choose their favourite experience from within that package, book and enjoy themselves. This “gift of choice” combines with great value and convenience and makes it the perfect gifting solution for every festive season and birthday. 香港體驗禮品供應商Red Packet,精心設計出最讓收禮人——無 論是大人或是小朋友最稱心的驚喜。新禮品搜羅了香港最時尚的 「必試」體驗,由最新的水療護理服務、飛行與賽車模擬器、美 酒佳餚以至健體活動式式俱備。透過Red Packet,送禮人可以因 應預算和收禮人的喜好選擇最合適的禮品。收禮人可從禮盒提供 的體驗中自由選出最愛一款,然後預訂相關服務,在方便自己 的時間盡情享受。這種「有選擇的禮物」 結合了超凡的價值和 方便,令Red Packet成為每個佳節及生日的最完美送禮方案。 www.redpacket.hk
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The dry winter is robbing babies’ delicate skin of its natural moisture. Babies Only Kiss It Better Balm provides the best treatment to relieve dry chapped skin, dry lips, cuts and scrapes and minor skin rashes. This all-purpose healing balm contains Calendula for soothing, Rosemary and Lavender for healing along with antiseptic properties of Manuka Honey that is suitable for the whole family to use. 成分天然純淨,呵護寶寶的幼嫩肌膚。加入舒緩抗炎的金盞花、 殺菌的麥蘆卡蜂蜜和迷迭香、抗敏又具治癒性的薰衣草,這款適 合一家大小的萬用軟膏,可舒緩乾燥肌膚、嘴唇,治療割傷、擦 傷,以及緩和輕微痱疹等多種常見肌膚問題。 www.nestbeauty.com 3162 8638
The Muppets Lunar Reunion 農曆新年 好戲暖洋洋 We used to grow up with The Muppets and now they are back with us for a reunion in the Lunar New Year! This time, the Muppet Theatre is at stake to be dismantled by oilman Tex Richman. Let’s see how the Muppets reunited to save the theatre! 經典布公仔農曆新年來個大團圓!布公仔狂熱粉絲發現自從布公仔
AC Milan Soccer School World-class Soccer Training 訓練世界級足球小將 Soccer is one of the most popular sports in Hong Kong. It’s a great sport in learning the real teamwork and persistence. Uniquely amongst soccer schools in Hong Kong, the training sessions are supervised and run by coaches who were trained by AC Milan soccer coaches in Hong Kong. They offer several programmes including private training sessions at schools, as well as the open school that operates weekly around Hong Kong. Every June, AC Milan hosts a tournament to invite players to Milan. It’s a great chance for your kid to represent Hong Kong! 足球是香港最受歡迎的運動之一。而且是一個真正學習團隊精神 和持久性的運動。AC米蘭足球學校的課程是由設在米蘭總部的教
快參加「布公仔慈善馬LIKE松」做善事,只要於1月31日前 到Disney Movies Hong Kong Facebook去LIKE一LIKE,每20 個LIKE,布公仔就會透過成長希望基金請1位小朋友睇《慈善 星輝布公仔》﹗
年6月,AC米蘭會舉辦一次全球AC米蘭 足球學校比賽。給你的孩子一個機會, 讓他代表香港參賽吧! www.acmilan.hk
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win a family set of 4 tickets of
The Muppets! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並 回答簡單問題,有機會贏取《慈善星輝布公仔》戲票4張。
Bandai VooV Cross-dressing Toy Vehicle 玩具車大變身 These Japanese cars can transform themselves into another vehicles, with no extra tools needed! They are the car collection from the Bandai line, VooV, which features different types of vehicles you can think of, buses, fire trucks, police cars, etc. Your kids must enjoy the roll of two cars into one! 不需要額外的工具,這些日本車都可以極速變出不同款式日本著名特 色車!這些車都是來自Bandai VooV系列,包括了不同類型的車輛, 例如巴士、消防車、警車等等,貪新鮮的小朋友們會愛上這些二合 為一的玩具車。 www.danielco.com.hk
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win a Bandai VooV vehicle! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有 機會贏取Bandai VooV玩具車一部。
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
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Learning Centres
ABC Pathways School Amazing Language Angela Childern's Theatre Art Adventure Art Galaxy Art Plus Baby Buddies Baby Signs Hong Kong Baron School of Music Better Chinese LTD Blink Think Inc Block-a-lot Blossoms Early Mandarin Bright Sparks Language Learning Centre Carol Bateman School of Dancing Catil International Children Technology Workshop Clearwater Bay Equestrian & Education Centre Creat Learning Dance and Art Studio Danse a Lili
Discoveries Learning Centre Do Re Mi Music Wonderland (HK) Ltd. Dramatic English School and Studio E.nopi Math Centre Ease Education EC Juniors (Executive Mandarin) Edukey Limited Faust International Limited Green Music Gymboree Heng Yue Yen Long Kwon HKPPA Playgroups HK Institute of Languages HK Melodion Music Institute HK Young Talents Association Hong Kong Study Innonation Intelligent Kids Jean M Wong School of Ballet JEI JEMS Jolly Faith Learning Center Jolly Learning Centres Joy Sports Club Joyful English Centre JWT Kids Gym KiddiKraft Kiddy Village Kid's Gallery Kidsciences Education Centre Kindermusik By Catherine KinderU KUMON KWIK Maths Language Lab Le Beaumont Language Centre Learning Plus Learning Tree Little Academy Little Cosmos Little Dyanmites Luk Chan Chinese Language School Mathemagics Asia MI Kids Club Micwin Child Development Centre MindChamps (HK) Mini Golf MiniMinds Miss Belle Education Music Fun House Music Motion Dance Academy My Gym Children's fitness center My Kiddy Gym My MusiKBox My ToolBox My Training New Horizons Development Centre Perfect Pitch Music Centre Peterson English Play House Play Town PolyEd International Pro-Active Learning PRTA QQ Club Ready to Learn Rhythm N Style R-Kids Educational Centre Rolly Pollies SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie Selin Education Shelly Lo Jazz and Ballet School Smart Champs Smart Kids' Club Star Learning Center (Hung Hom) Sunkids Super Champ Syvian/Southside The Little Gym The Speech & Language Centre Toddle Kids Artground Trinity HK Music Centre Venture Language Wholeperson Development Center Wiener Klang Yifan Mandarin YMCA, Kowloon YWCA, Central Zion Music Centre
Private Clinics
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Health Centres
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MTR Stations: Sheung Shui, Tai Wai, Kowloon Tong, Hung Hom, Tsim Sha Tsui, Jordan (Kiosk JOR 16 at Exit A) Lok Fu, Wong Tai Sin, Choi Hung (Kiosk CHH18 & 19) Kwun Tong, Ma On Shan, Tin Hau
Other Locations: Sheung Wan – Teda Building, Wing Lok Street Central – (1) Man Kwong Street, (2) Bank of America Tower Admiralty – United Centre, 95 Queensway Wan Chai – (1) 38 Hennessy Road, (2) On Hong Comm. Bldg Causeway Bay – Wai Tak Building, Lockhart Road North Point – Cheong Yuen Apartments, Tsat Tsz Mui Road Shau Kei Wan – 106-108 Shau Kei Wan Road Pokfulam – Pokfulam Chi Fu Landmark Ap Lei Chau – South Horizons (East Wing) Tai Kok Tsui – Metro Habour View Prince Edward – Bijou Apartments Kowloon Bay – Telford Plaza 1 Sai Kung – (1) Hop Yik Lau (2) Sai Kung Building Tseung Kwan O – (1) Metro City Phase II (2) Metro Town Shopping Mall Tsuen Wan – (1) Victory Court (2) Fou Wah Centre
The above is just a highlight of the complete distribution list. It is subject to change and will be updated on a regular basis. Please send an email to info@peegaboo.com if you would like our magazines to be distributed at your premise(s). Thank you for your support! 贈閱地點較多,不能盡錄。我們將不日更新,並保留更改權利。如想申請擺放,請電郵至info@peegaboo.com聯絡我們。感謝你們的支持!