Pj 145

Page 1

06 2012

Issue 145 12

Editor’s Note


Our Readers


Say Cheese!


What’s On


Monthly Notepad


Global Eye


Our Picks





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Get Off the Couch and Go! 暑假 動起來﹗


My Cool Summer Plan 爸媽暑期有搞作


The Real Waterbabies BB落水唔使驚


Fun Summer Refreshers:


Hot Toys to Cool Down Your Summer


Preventive Guide:


Summertime Parties: What are the Essentials? 準備「夏」一個party


Summer Water Game: Mission Ice Rescue 夏日水遊戲:火速救「冰」


Sunny & Breezy Summer Desserts 嘆一嘆 甜絲絲消暑聖品


How the World Soaks Up the Sun 千奇百趣夏日祭


Club Med Phuket: Family Tropical Sanctuary 找片熱帶海 樂享天倫

Summer Guide 2012 暑期指南2012

Story • Game • Exercise

親子又醒神:故事 • 遊戲 • 練習

Heatstroke•Bug Bites•Sunburns•Drowning

炎夏難搞事件簿 錦囊解救





row years in a 2 e n i z a g a M g n i t en r a P t s e B The ! e of 2012 award g Magazin n azine – 1st” ti n ag M re g a P tin t en s e ar P lly B t e es h iti T “The B the cr ca urnal wins sults from

’ Jo survey re This The Parents cording to Marketing. ac , w ro a in ublication, p s ar g oo ye tin o ab ke tw the Peeg and mar everyone in advertising to t ed m en ut ai b em cl ac l encourag ur readers, is wonderfu nised by o s g w co ne re ss d s o re rt o p g reby ex e our effo cies. We he t only wer r service agen Family – no g tin tner for thei ke ar ar p fessional m d business an t e en d ar vi p also by pro to every inue to pro t gratitude e will cont ith our deepes journey. W l fu er ing you w nd o urces, serv ong this w so re g tin support al est paren with the b all of you d passion. , creativity an dedication,





12年 號公佈「20 arketing》4月 M 《 刊 座, 月 寶 廣 穩坐第一 告及市場推 天地》繼續 兒 本港權威廣 育 《 , 及 結果 育兒天地》 」問卷調查 第一名!《 」 度最佳雜誌 誌 雜 兒 佳育 到讀者的 2012年度最 努力不但得 蟬聯成為「 證明我們的 , 舞 鼓 業夥伴 感 同人都倍 位家長和商 百家寶全體 衷心感謝各 們 我 。 兒路 可 ,成為你育 得專業的認 創意與關愛 支持,亦獲 、 思 心 以 續 ,我們將繼 的一路相隨 。 伴 陪 身的 上最貼心貼

2年度最 榮獲「201

w w w . p e e g a b o o . c o m

06 2012

Issue 145


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Father’s Day Special Nine Types of Fathers – Which Type Are You? 「型」爸爸 你係邊種? 3種類型 9種性格


Pregnancy Summer Pregnancy Survival Tips Help you stay cool and comfortable 大肚 最怕熱辣辣


Learning From Struggles to Snuggles Keep homework battles at bay with these simple tips 功課愛作戰


Expert Says How to Plan Summer Schedule? 如何度過充實的暑假?


Behaviour Sports Reveal Character 玩運動 見品格


Health Taking the Right STEPS Find the best shoes for kids 起步!為孩子揀「對」鞋






Event Highlight


What’s Hot

Publisher Michelle Liu

Chief Editor Emily Choi

Editor Ealon Li, Wendy Choi

Reporter Angie Lee

Senior Sales & Marketing Manager Villy Leung

Sales and Marketing Manager Desmond Lam, Ronald Li

Marketing Manager Esme Tang

Senior Marketing Executive

Happy Summer! This issue of PJ is a combined version with Summer Guide 2012, and we hope that you will like the cooling experience we bring you this month! We have everything cool for you and your kids, including skin care products (p.28), party tips and Playright’s play idea (p.84), sunny recipes (p.88), and precautions on health traps in summer (p.76). Play hard, work hard, and also profit from this time to help your children refresh skills they acquired at school. The workbooks and reading material we introduce may aid you in this (p.64); we also remembered to showcase some great summer toys and swimming gears for you and your family. They are sure to give you a breezy summer time no matter whether you are relaxing at home or enjoying the pool. (p.70) Lastly, PJ wishes all daddies – new or experienced – a very happy and memorable Father’s Day!

Marco Tang

Marketing Executive Candy Chan

Web Master Daniel Tse

Senior Designer Chow Kwok Wang

Designer Natalie Wong

Photography Art Direction Chow Kwok Wang

Administration & Subscriptions Esther Lo

Advertising Department (852) 3741 1720 sales@peegaboo.com

今期的PJ是跟《暑期指南2012》的合訂版,希望能給你一個涼浸浸的驚喜﹗皆因當中 夏日衣食住行、暑期有玩有學樣樣齊——首先為你介紹大人小朋友的夏天護膚必備, Published by: Peegaboo Corporation Limited 10/F, Jonsim Place 228 Queen’s Road East Wai Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3741 1720 Fax: (852) 3741 1725 Email: info@peegaboo.com Printed by: DG3 Asia Limited 9/F, Haking (Tung Shing) Industrial Building, 34 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2965 6777 Website: www.dg3.com

讓你在陽光下玩得盡興 (p.28);想為孩子搞個安全又開心的夏日party?讓我們醒你幾 招,Playright智樂兒童遊樂協會亦會教你玩水遊戲 (p.84);你亦可以來個親子下廚樂, 一同炮製消暑甜品 (p.88);炎夏裡孩子常遇到的一些健康小陷阱,我們為你準備了對策 (p.76);涼浸浸玩具,無論在家中玩的、帶出街玩的,希望都能給你跳進水中的涼快感 覺 (p.70);還有適合不同年紀的課外讀物和暑期作業,畢竟孩子玩還玩,也要溫故知新 啊 (p.64)!內容絕對豐富! 最後,預祝各位爸爸,無論是剛剛榮升新手爸爸的,還是已經有幾年年資的,都有個難 忘快樂的父親節﹗

All rights reserved. No part of The Parents’ Journal may be reproduced or used in any form – graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopied – without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher, editors and authors accept no responsibility in respect to any products, goods or services which may be advertised or referred to in this issue, or for any errors, omissions or mistakes in any such advertisements or references. 本刊保留一切版權。未經出版人同意,不能複印或以任何形 式(包括圖像、電子、技術和影印)使用《育兒天地》任何部 份。出版人、編輯和作者對本刊廣告或相關文字的任何錯 漏,及所介紹之產品、貨物或服務一概毋須負上法律責任。


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Emily Choi Chief Editor




What’s up

Judy Lau 我有兩個精靈活潑的男孩:7個半月的Aristo和4歲半的Aidan。雖然我不 是全職媽咪,但都全心全力為孩子一點一滴的成長而努力! 有人曾經講過:我是第一次做人父母,囝囝也是第一次做人子女,所 以大家都是新手,不會有誰人比誰人優勝。不要以為你是大人,一定 是你比較有優勢,處處以你為先,其實有時候,小朋友的學習能力比 我們大人更全面,更優勝,所以大家要互相尊重、學習和進步,才會 有美滿的親子關係。

孩子說過的最有趣的說話是甚麼? 有一天,媽咪指著電視中一個出名靚仔的吳姓男演員問囝囝:「這個哥哥 靚仔嗎?」 他說:「都唔係咁靚仔啫!」 我又問:「咁爸爸靚仔D,定哥哥靚仔D?」 孩子說:「爸爸靚仔好多……」 多窩心的褒獎啊!

我大兒子是9月2日出世的,在幫小孩子找幼稚園時,才知道原來兩日 之差,差之千里。部分幼稚園把9月份出世的孩子劃分為「細仔」,部 分學校更不接受我們的申請!雖然我一早知道9月出世的小孩會被分為 「細仔」,但完全估不到連表也不能交,面試的機會也沒有。 如果你問我有甚麼事情「懷孕做父母前早些知道就好了」,我想,我是 剖腹產子的,我一定會安排早兩日入產房,讓孩子趕在9月前出世,以 增加入學機會,免得像現在一樣,同一年出世,卻被拒人於千里,心 中總覺得不公平!

Send an email to editor@peegaboo.com with the subject “What’s Up”. Then we will send out the questions for you to answer. If your sharing is published, you will receive a Sponsor: HK$1,000 voucher from Moments Child & Baby Portraiture. 你只需以「What’s Up」為主旨,電郵至editor@peegaboo.com, 我們即會寄出問題供你回答。你的分享一經刊登,即可獲得由 兒童凝像攝影送出價值港幣1,000元禮券。

Your Voice 好溫馨的畫面啊! - Michelle Tin

文章開頭的故事很有 趣,但後面的理論比 較難理解。希望能解 釋得再簡單些。 - 文小姐

Give us your voice at: editor@peegaboo.com


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Amber Lam 17 mths Quarry Bay

同陽 Hell 光玩遊 o Su nshi 戲 ne! Hayden Tsang 22 mths Yuen Long

豆豆 13 mths South Horizon s

Ching Ching 2 yrs Southern District

Submitted by Parent Cily Chan

Sze Pui Yin 2 yrs Tin Hau


Gift of the Month

Theme for July: Bubble Fun (Closed)

Theme for August: My Little Flying Fish





A swimming item from Sanrio沙灘用具1件

Want to upload your kid’s photos and receive the update on the monthly theme in time? Go to Peegaboo.com and join the “Say Cheese” group now! 想上載孩子照片並即時知道每月主題更新,並了解參加辦法,請即上 Peegaboo.com,加入「Say Cheese」群組!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com


Effie Law 6 mths Ma On Shan

Hui Kiu 15 mths Tseung Kwan O

Yiu Yiu Cheng 16 mths Yuen Long

Cyrus Kuan 4 yrs Ma On Shan

Sherlock Ma 18 mths Sham Tseng

All these winning photos would be uploaded to facebook.com/peegaboo. Don’t forget to click “Like” to spread the joy! 得獎照片將會上載至 facebook.com/peegaboo,記得上嚟 click「Like」,讓全世界知道!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Will Yip 18 mths Tseung Kwan O

Bonus Gift for Star of the Month 「每月之星」額外獎賞 Hello Kitty 橡皮艇一隻 (Valued at HK$59.9) Prize sponsor:

June 親子閱讀講座2012 親子共讀是教養孩子的有效渠道,從生活學習、行為規範、情緒疏導、以至文 化價值和人生信念,都可以在有趣快樂的共讀中,自自然然地傳遞給孩子。公 公圖書館今年的「親子閱讀講座」請來6位對親職教育富有經驗和心得的專 家、學者、親子教育書籍作家,與父母及對親子教育有興趣的人士,分享如何 透過親子共讀進行良好的言教、身教和境教。 When: Jun 9 - Jul 21 Where: 香港公共圖書館 Enquiries: www.hkpl.gov.hk

Exhibition: I Love Lyuba e – Baby Mammoth of the Ice Ag 展覽:冰河時期長毛象寶寶

s of the Ice Age” exhibition showcase The “I Love Lyuba: Baby Mammoth g havin is h whic a, Lyub , baby mammoth the world’s most well-preserved ived in Asia. This exhibition has rece ition exhib c publi al offici her first it is now and Mall IFC the public at overwhelming response from the c publi the ing offer um, Muse Science currently staging at the Hong Kong . moth mam ble baby more opportunities to visit this lovea 完 亞洲公開展示迄今世界上保存得最 首次在 展覽 寶寶」 毛象 時期長 「冰河 展出 心商場 金融中 國際 覽在 」。這展 整、冰封逾4萬年的長毛象寶寶「柳芭 館大堂繼續展出,讓更多市民能夠 科學 師到 後現移 完結 展覽 迎, 時大受歡 接觸這頭可愛的長毛象寶寶。

“Umbilical Cord and Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking” Talk & Laboratory Visit 參觀CordLife實驗室 了解幹細胞用處

Cor d bloo d stem cells and umb ilica l cord tissu e stor age are gain ing wide r popularity in recent years. Come join this talk and labo ratory tour held by Cordlife to further understand umbilical cord/cord blood colle ction, processing, and storage. Participants will get a free goodie bag with exquisite baby items! 儲存臍血及臍帶幹細胞日趨 普及,想知該技術如何保障你的 龍B,為他做好人生第 一份準備,請勿錯過康盛人生 臍帶血庫舉辦的這個免費講 座及實驗室參觀活動。 擁有11年經驗的康盛人生,首創 於香港瑪麗醫院為客戶提取 自體臍帶血的先河,成 功進行自體幹細胞移植,順利 協助治療神經母細胞瘤,為臍 帶血儲存立下新里程。 立即上網登記吧,參加者更可 獲孕婦及家庭攝影套餐及豐 富嬰兒禮品包一份! When: Jun 16 Where: Hong Kong Science Park (shuttle bus available at Shatin MTR) 香港科學園(沙田港鐵站專巴 接送) Enquiries: 3980 2888 / www .cordlife.com.hk

When: Until Jun 10 um 香港科學館 Where: Hong Kong Science Muse hk .gov. .lcsd Website: www

戲偶兒童劇《兔媽媽男孩》 明日藝術教育機構6至7月帶來戲偶兒童劇《兔 媽媽男孩》。故事講述小男孩跟媽媽吵架,在 離家出走後,竟變成了3隻小白兔的媽媽。小白 兔一天天的成長,可是卻越來越看不起他們那 不太像樣的「兔媽媽」,亦再不願意接受他的管 教。這時,恍然大悟的他,可以怎樣 做呢?該劇 為粵語演出。 When: Jun 22 - Jul 8 Enquiries: 2268 7323 Ticketing: www.urbtix.hk


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“Childhood Memories” Art Exhibition 「童年回憶」藝術創作展

design and spread ECO lifestyle This exhibition aims to encourage HK HK designers, Carmen Ng and concept to the public. At the same time, of ECO jewelries for charit y Allan Flores, are invited to design a series ty. sale to raise funds for Heep Hong Socie 揚環保 生活概 念。香港設計師 大眾宣 計,向 香港設 及支持 展覽旨在鼓勵 一系列環保飾品作慈善義賣,為 Carm en Ng及A llan Flores更特別設計了 協康會籌款。 When: Until Jul 5 Where: The Peak Galleria 香港山頂廣場 Website: www.thepeakgalleria.com

International Arts Carnival:

PJ Promotion

The International Arts Carnival is coming again to bring families together to enjoy a variety of entertaining shows this summer. Organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, this carnival will showcase over 430 events featuring 11 overseas groups and 21 local groups for family enjoyment. Don’t let your children miss out on this year’s remarkable shows!

Engaged in Summer Family Delight

Photo | Mao show, Brothers of War by Experience the epic scenes in this multimedia This moving performance iation. Assoc Art local production team All Theatre iung. Your kids will be Kaohs and Beijing in ms acclai has received critical original sand paintings, along stunned by this drama through their use of explore the meaning of war, to , with Chinese music, martial arts and dance peace, brotherhood, and friendship. July 20-22, HK$130, $190 Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre,

ed in mme series featur ss is the key progra ne are ijing aw l Be nta the me by Environ Bamboo Music l. The Sound of g” va nin rni pe ca s r-o ar’ “ea ye l s thi ur family a rea chestra offers yo ments tru ins oo mb Green Bamboo Or ba ty of showcases a varie . They performance which ssion instruments rcu pe d an nd wi , ing str of ned n sig tio de llec ve co and a semble” as they ha title of a “green en ce an the d rm ve rfo hie pe ac al o als ! This music of the instruments “the th wi s ng so and made some ren and child international folk of tranquillity. includes various for some moment es nc die au e tak to e” tur na of ds soun , $180, $240 July 21, HK$120 Hall Concert Hall, , $160, $210 10 $1 Hong Kong City HK , ditorium, July 22 Au ll Ha wn To an Tsuen W

In Cantonese with English surtitles

and Maps by Nats Nus Bring your children to feel the beats with Momentari ul melodies, props, beautif Dansa from Barcelona. They will be mesmerised by the explore Tari’s world to d delighte be will and playful dance performances. Your family of Momentari, story the from ts” momen “good of on filled with cheers and collecti stage served as a reminder where the occurance of every natural wonder on the In Maps, you will join dings. that true happiness comes from our everyday surroun rs. With striking humou with filled city the the journey of 4 travellers’ experiences in mugs, your and es suitcas of juggling , dances folk n choreography moves betwee ers. perform the from n invitatio by fun the in part take also little ones can Photo | Toni Mira

Momentari $220 Hong Kong City Hall Theatre, July 27-28, HK$110, $160, Limited English dialogue

Maps $220 Hong Kong City Hall Theatre, July 29, HK$110, $160,

at all brochures are available now Tickets and programme URBTIX outlets. site: www.hkiac.gov.hk Enquiries: 2370 1044 Web k tix.h .urb www : king Boo Internet

www.peegaboo.com | PJ


June Dragon Boat Championship s 2012 國際龍舟錦標賽

A great summer outing with your family to join and cheer for the teams at this annu al dragon boat race of the year and let your children expe rience and embrace this traditional Chinese Tuen Ng (Dragon Boat) Festival. 每年初夏的盛事!帶同你一家人去 為龍舟隊員打打氣, 並讓你的小朋友感受一下香港端 午節的傳統氣氛。 When: Jun 23 Where: Stanley Main Beach 赤柱泳灘 Enquiries: www.dragonboat.or g.hk

International Children’s Film Carnival 兒童電影合家歡 The annual International Arts Carnival is back again, bringing a splendife rous array of entertain ing and meaningf ul physical programmes to all, including ballet, acrobatic s, magic, musicals, special The comedy, hip-hop, music, electrolum inescent puppetry, etc. to family “Children’s Film Carnival” features films which welcome the whole enjoy this meaningful summer together. 、 一年一度的「國際綜藝合家歡2012」又來了!今年繼續有超多教育與娛樂並重 劇、嘻哈舞 創意滿分的節目等緊大家,包括芭蕾舞、雜技、魔術、音樂劇、形體喜 大小朋友 蹈、音樂、電致發光偶劇等。當中更特設「兒童電影合家歡」,精選多部 都會喜歡的長片,讓大家度過充實而有意義的暑假。 When: Jul 7 - Aug 19

New movie: What To Expect When You’re Expecting 新戲上映: 《潮爆生仔秘笈》 Inspired by the perennial bestseller of the same name, What to Expect When You are Expecting is a hilarious and heartfelt big screen comedy about 5 couples whose intertwined lives are turned upside down by the challenges of impending parenthood. This movie finds humour and uplift in all the unexpected trials and triumphs of welcoming a child into the world. 以暢銷全球的同名懷孕寶典兼育嬰天書為靈感,《潮爆生仔秘笈》講述5個摩登 小家庭,5對夫婦與情侶不約而同因懷孕成功或失敗,生活起了翻天覆地變化的 故事。他們各施各法展開「B計劃」,各自為了迎接新生命而同時經歷了不同的起 伏波折,引爆溫馨惹笑5喜臨門「嬰兒潮」! When: released on Jun 7 Where: various theatres 各大戲院

Enquiries: 2370 1044 Ticketing: www.urbtix.hk

Adventure Ocean Park’s All-new Polar 海洋公園全新景區:冰極天地 , The Polar Ocean Park’s exciting new zone


the to experience a deep freeze at Bring your family this summer er penguins, s, such as Southern Rockhopp kind r encounter of different pola Adventure! You will get a close Polar Animal a of Also, you will explore the role uins right from your reaches! Gentoo penguins and King peng take good ers Keep , and to experience how the food and keep their place clean Keeper to learn to prepare their and other uins peng ene caring facilities for ! By visiting those behind-the-sc care of polar animals in the Park s! pole these animals survive in the discover with your children how polar animals, you can further 動物一次盡覽無 新景區「冰極天地」,極地珍貴 出全 地體驗吧!皆因海洋公園將推 今個夏天,和你家人一同來個極 多保育知識! 習更 鵝,及其他珍貴極地動物,學 跳岩企鵝、巴布亞企鵝、國王企 遺!小朋友可以超近距離接觸南極 清潔它們睡 物及 備食 作,試試親手為動物們準 幕後,體驗動物護理員的日常工 你們更有機會深入「冰極天地」的 。這些涼浸 料的 級照 如何為極地動物提供星 人止步」地帶,講 解護理員們是 覺的地方!導賞員會帶你們走進「遊 樣的夏天! 浸快樂體驗,跟小朋友過一個不一 請密切留意海洋公園公佈 When: Stay tuned for updates 香港海洋公園 Park Where: Hong Kong Ocean m.hk rk.co anpa Website: www.oce

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iPad app


端午節 Free

• A 9 year old girl from Seattle has

• 來自西雅圖的9歲女童自行宣佈自

declared herself to be a presidential


nominee for the year 2040. Her


campaign theme is “trying to make


the world a better place.” She


already started a campaign to fund her nomination 28 years later. • With the help with her dad, a 9 year

• 在 父親的幫助下,蘇格蘭一名9

old girl from Scotland took a photo


of her £2 school meals and posted


in her blog. It quickly became an


Internet sensation that stirs the


attention to make healthier school


meals. • The US Transportation Security Authorization has mistakenly placed

• 美國交通安全管理局錯將一名18


an 18 month old toddler under



the government’s watch list and



prompted an airline to escort the



family off a plane that was prepared



to leave Florida!


Micro Blog

Great Quotes

@農夫陸永:感謝@鄭裕玲do do姐送了這

大仔見到妹妹沖涼前除衫,都會叫妹妹着番衫! 我預咗個仔遲早學壞,要學識尊重女性囉!

麼多禮物給小女@陸一穎Hannah,是時候 送現金了do do姐~~~~~

郭錦恩表示12歲大仔對男女性別感到好奇,卻 因尷尬而沒有問她性知識。她會向兒子解釋男 女的分別,如何尊重女性,提醒兒子和女兒都 要保護自己。

@鄭裕玲:其實送給你千金的,都是 一些借花敬彿的禮物,應該多謝@ Dickson23及@蔡一智,至於現金…… 還是自己賺的馨香啲!

佢好活躍,鍾意踢足球同游水,等佢可以消耗多 啲能量,早啲瞓! @區永權Albert:Aidan大個仔,理髮唔扭計! @ The Lee Gardens 利園

好開心,其實佢好有藝術天分,不時有手作仔 送畀我!

@陳琪June:那天到迪士尼她是最多收獲的一 個!我可什麼也沒有!

徐濠縈表露收到囡囡做的卡和與Eason一起挑選 頸鏈作禮物時的驚喜。


老闆好好,得閒會借架遊艇畀我同啲女玩!(邊 啲女?)我兩個囡囡,我廣東話唔好嘛!



嗦了,有時候覺得好煩!不過再想一想,等她不煩 你的時候,你才真的煩了!有媽煩的孩子是幸福的, 真的是“好”煩!好棒的煩!媽媽們!健康快樂! P.S.我好像沒遺傳到父母的優點?!


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林嘉欣透露平日會與囡囡參加親子興趣班講及 她的性格。

王敏德接受訪問時解釋他的「女朋友」是他的 女兒。


Fantasy Playland Adventure 夢幻小樂園探險

Danish design company Monstrum took their theatrical designs into park renovations, creating different outdoor fantasy lands! The masterpieces combine with playground classics elements for children’s full motor engagement while letting their imaginations thrive. Some of the pieces carried the little ones into marine life boats, whales, and submarines, all made with quality wood materials. 丹麥設計公司Monstrum經常會負責當地公園的改造,他們充滿童真和幻想的設 計,總是讓孩子們眼前一亮!這些作品均採用優質木材建造,很多都是以海洋生物 和船隻造型為靈感的,譬如張開大口的鯨魚,一半沉入地面的大船等等。爬上爬下 的小朋友,開心出航了! www.monstrum.dk



Lego Shell for Hermit Crab 樂高牌寄居蟹竇

Jacuzzi is no longer an adults-only luxury! An Italian design firm creates this baby-sized tub, featuring 10 air jets to provide real relaxation for your baby. It also comes with 6 underwater LEDs that beams the tub in blue, green, red or pink. This is the real definition of the first stimulating experience in a colourful and magical setting.

Like other hermit crabs, Harry needs a protective shell for his vulnerable body. But Harry is a lucky one with a outer shell that is one of a kind: Lego-made! He currently lives in the Atlantis Discovery Area at Legoland in Windsor, and he seems feeling truly comfortable moving around with this shell topped with blue, yellow and red Lego bricks.

浸浴缸不再是成人的奢侈專利!意大利一間設計公司就設計了這 款嬰兒躺下去大小剛剛好的浴缸。它有10個為寶寶按摩放鬆的噴 氣口,底部裝了6盞不同顏色的水下LED燈,讓你的小寶貝從小就 做「識嘆」BB。

寄居蟹之所以叫寄居蟹,就是因為它喜歡吃掉其他軟體動物,然後住它 們的殼。英國溫莎Legoland的工作人員突發奇想,幫這隻叫Harry的寄 居蟹建了一個Lego竇。這殼要套在一個海蝸牛的殼上面Harry才肯住, 但它似乎很習慣戴著這個紅黃藍三色殼四圍走。



True Bathing Luxury 寶寶浴缸嘆世界

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Mosquitoes Worry-free 神奇腕帶 惡蚊走開

The warm summer weather arrives with a consequence: humidity and mosquitoes! Your little ones’ skin may be sensitive to the mosquito-sprays and Para’Kito’s refillable wristbands and clips can serve as an alternative option. They come with protective pellets containing a blend of essential oils extracted from plants for your kids to become mosquito-free. It is also water-proof and good to use for 15 days! Get your kids to wear them and ready for water fun! 熱浪迫近,夏日已至,惡蚊亦隨之而來。不想小朋友的幼白皮 膚被咬到一撻撻?不一定要用蚊怕水的,Para’Kito驅蚊腕帶及 驅蚊扣子,裝有可替換的驅蚊膠片,當中滲有提煉自不同植物 的天然精油,藉此阻隔蚊子飛近。更重要的是:它的有效期長 達15天,而且完全防水,大可放心讓孩子落水玩亦不怕它失效!

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a Para’Kito wristband + 2 pcs of protective pellets (Total valued at HK$145)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會 贏取Para’Kito驅蚊腕帶1件 + 驅蚊膠片2片 (共值HK$145)﹗



Ready Aim for Water… But Wait! Baby落水 勿忘防曬

Just picturing the summer warmth at the beach is already too tempting for your kids to get ready for water. But this doesn’t mean that you can just let them run out to the sun tanned and burned. Indeed they need more protection as their skin is too delicate from overexposure. The Mentholatum Sunplay Series contains the right ingredients to cater their skin for long periods of sun exposure free from ultraviolet rays and other external harmful free radicals. 想像一下炎炎夏日,一家大細聚在海邊享受日光浴的情景,是不是很寫意呢? 等一下,你為孩子防曬了嗎?別讓他們在陽光下暴曬到出現雀斑或皮膚紅腫, 別以為他們新陳代謝快,就算曬傷脫皮也會很快長出新皮。去海邊玩,小朋友 不但要搽防曬,還需要每隔數小時補搽!防曬品牌專家Mentholatum SUNPLAY 特別研製了一組特為兒童而設的防曬產品,當中的革命性Solarex-3配方能有效 阻隔人體造成傷害最大的紫外線UVA,同時做到溫和保濕。


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Bugs Out, Bubble’s In! 有機護理 孩子專屬

Our little ones loves running on the green with their bare feet, and playing with sand with their bare hands. We want to keep their smiles on and ensure their delicate skin is taken care of. Originated from Australia, eco.kid’s Bug-a-Bug and Call Me Bubbles provide a perfect combination as both contain organic certified hypo-allergenic ingredients to not only soothe and nurture the skin but prevent rashes and other sensitive skin conditions. They bring your kids a safe outdoor play while keeping bugs away as well as after-fun enjoyable bathing moment. 樹叢間捉迷藏,海灘上玩泥沙,孩子一到戶外,便玩得特別開心。但到戶外玩,環境不一樣了, 皮膚狀況要顧好。試試澳洲有機兒童頭髮及身體護理品牌eco.kid的兩款皇牌產品:出門前噴上 Bug-a-Bug驅蚊液,趕走蚊叮蟲咬;回家後用Call Me Bubbles沐浴露,洗走塵土和細菌。其全線 產品均使用有機認證成份,並於澳洲製造,能滋潤呵護孩子幼嫩肌膚,同時避免因敏感而引起的 疹子及其他敏感徵狀,相信對你孩子將會是一個更健康的選擇。 Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a bottle of eco.kid Bug-a-Bug or Call Me Bubbles (Valued at HK$168)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取eco.kid Bug-a-Bug驅 蚊液或Call Me Bubbles沐浴露一支 (價值HK$168)﹗



Sun Cream to Sun Screen 高效阻隔 紫外侵襲

Your summer outdoor experience can be wonderful but also can be harmful with inadequate skin protection. The sun gives you nice tannings but also dehydrates the outer layer of your skin. Before your outdoor takeoff, you can consider applying AINHOA Specific Total Protection Cream that preps your skin free from harmful violet rays as it contains Sun Protection Factor 20; it also maintains a hydrating balance with its hydrating factors and natural floral extracts. 一身夏日古銅色肌膚當然令人羨慕,但是如果你沒有做好足夠的防曬準備功夫,對你的肌膚只 會造成傷害。這款AINHOA Specific Total Protection Cream是一款全天候的保濕防曬霜,質感 清爽,保護但不會阻塞毛孔;SPF20能有效阻隔紫外線侵襲,防止肌膚出現斑點及出現老化。 Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a AINHOA Specific Total Protection Cream (HK$680/50ml)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取AINHOA Specific Total Protection Cream全效防曬霜一件 (價值HK$680/50ml)﹗


After-sun Soothing 曬後肌膚 極速舒緩


It’s time for a break for your skin after a day exposing under the sun. It needs proper and immediate rejuvenation and the Liquid Gold Cream Gel from Anna Lotan will do the trick as it contains ingredients such as Seabuckthorn Oil that easily absorbs into the skin to revive and comfort your skin from day long sun exposure, along with Squalanethe and soybean to maintain the moisture within your skin, and Gluconolacton to remove dead skin, improve the skin roughness and tighten the pore. 皮膚被太陽曬了之後是需要休息的。Anna Lotan的金滴水潤啫喱以沙棘果油為主要成份,配合油溶性 維他命A及E衍生物,能促進皮膚更新,增白、祛黃及淡斑。而且其質感柔軟豐潤,能輕易被肌膚吸 收。它適合所有肌膚,特別適合脆薄的肌膚作為早、晚的修護使用。

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to a Anna Lotan Facial Toner (Valued at HK$310/200ml)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取Anna Lotan金滴美肌保 濕液一支 (價值HK$310/200ml)﹗ Info: ① http://hk.parakito.com/ ② 2699 0078 ③ Exclusive @Harvey Nichols 獨家發售 ④ 3118 8067 (K11 Shop) / 2868 9202 (LUXUS Beauty) ⑤ 2620 0608


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Our annual three-day Expo was held at the HKCEC filled with booths of mums-tobe/ babies/ toddlers/ children products at slashing prices, academic and parenting workshops and seminars, non-stop stage performances and other interactive activities, attracting a record of over 150,000 visitors! We hereby express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to your continuous support! 一年一度的百家寶BB展日前於會展圓滿結束!展覽會再一次讓各式各樣的孕、嬰、 童產品與服務匯聚一堂,加上貼身實用的育兒工作坊及講座,豐富精彩的舞台節目 和互動比賽,讓一家大細都收穫大滿足!3日的活動吸引超過15萬人次入場參觀,再 次衷心感謝各位支持!


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Next page first comes the P-Mark and B-Mark winners. More Expo highlights to share in the upcoming issue! 下頁先有P嘜、B嘜得獎品牌,下期更多Expo精彩花絮! www.peegaboo.com | PJ


As parents, we always strive to provide the best for our children. Peegaboo’s “The Top 10 P-Mark Educational Institution Award” is presented to the most outstanding institutions in terms of recognition, quality of products/services, innovation, well-rounded facilities/programmes, and convenience, hoping to shed a light in helping parents making a right choice with confidence. The award presentation was held during The 11th Parents’ Journal Children & Baby Brands Expo where the winners received the award from Peegaboo CEO, Michelle Liu. (in arbitrary order)

做父母的,都希望為孩子揀最好的。百家寶親子集團設立的「10大P嘜幼兒教育大賞」,依據品牌認知度、產品/服務質素、創 意培育、設施/配套完整度及便利程度等準則,選出香港幼兒教育界的表表者,希望給家長的選擇多一份指引和信心。日前結 束的「百家寶BB展」中,各品牌代表均上台接受百家寶集團行政總裁劉雪文女士頒發獎項。(排名不分先後)


體 適能

Mr. Dino Trakakis, Director 總監

Mr. Joel Stewart, Manager 經理

Gym 體適能中心 My Kiddy Gym Limited

Special Needs 特殊教育 Autism Recovery Network Limited



Ms. Yuki, Tutor 導師

Mr. Nui Pak Hung Peter, CEO 行政總裁

Playgroup 遊戲班 Bravo Kids’ Land 美意優才天地


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English Learning 英語教育 Peterson Education Group Co. Limited 彼得森教育集團有限公司





Ms. Ego Law, Education Development Director 教育發展總監

Ms. Angela Cheung, Manager 經理

Visual Arts 視覺藝術教育 Little Cosmos Multiple Intelligences Education Center 小宇宙多元智能教育中心

Interview 入學面試 Infinity Learning 苗成長教室



Mr. Wong Ka Yin, General Manager 總經理

Ms. Betty Sham, Development Manager 課程發展經理

Examination 英語評核試 LCM Speech Exam

Swimming School 游泳學習 Stanford Swim School 史丹福游泳學校


數學 教

Ms. Peony Chan, Dean 院長

Ms. Stephanie Cheung, Team Leader, Vision Communication Team 願景交流科主管

30c 100m 10y 20k 80k

Dance 舞蹈教育 SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie SDM爵士芭蕾舞學院

Mathematics 數學教育 Kumon Hong Kong 公文香港有限公司

www.peegaboo.com | PJ





Giving the best to our children starts before the child is born. Peegaboo’s “The Top 10 B-Mark Baby Brand Award” acknowledges and motivates newly established brands in their continuing efforts for innovation and positive competition within the parenting sector. All the representatives are invited to The 11th Parents’ Journal Children & Baby Brands Expo and we have Peegaboo CEO, Ms Michelle Liu presented the honour to our 10 winners. (in arbitrary order) 為孩子揀最好的,從BB未出世時已開始。百家寶親子集團設立的「10大B嘜新晉嬰幼兒品牌大賞」,表揚嬰幼兒產 業內的新晉品牌,鼓勵他們繼續創新,推動行業良性競爭,為下一代帶來更關懷備至的呵護。各品牌代表日前均現身 「百家寶BB展」,接受百家寶集團行政總裁劉雪文女士頒發獎項。(排名不分先後)



Ms. Janice Ho, Marketing Manager 市場部經理

Ms. Teresa Li, General Manager 總經理

Great Eastern Healthcare Ltd. 遠大醫療用品有限公司


活 電器

Mosaic Photography



Ms. Liza Lui, Managing Director 董事總經理

Eco-Home International Limited 家居環保國際有限公司


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Ms. Lihua Song, Founder and Director 董事 & Mr. Gordon Chalmers, Chief Operations Officer 集團營運總監

Koala Baby Organics Limited 考拉寶寶




Mr. Ray Lee, Business Development Manager 業務發展經理

Ms. Mickey Lai, Product Manager 產品經理

Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited 美國輝瑞科研製藥有限公司

Soondoongi 順順兒



Ms. Tracy Wong, Marketing Executive 市場推廣主任

Disposable Soft Goods Limited 瑞德衛生紙品有限公司


Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Limited 余仁生(香港)有限公司


眼部 健

Hongkong Post 香港郵政

HealthBank 保多康

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h c u o C e h t f f O Get and Go! ﹗ 動起來 暑假

Summer is here and school is al most out. You planned a sum may have alread mer list for your y kids. If this soun chore for you, or ds too much like a if you don’t have any plans, there good sports for are actually som young children to e begin with. Let’s we’ve got lined ta ke a look at wha up for you! t


外去,就是要動 起來!對於孩子 這個暑假怎麼過 仍在盤算當中? ,你是已經 無 論如何,為孩子 結束前把它學會 安 排 一 項 運 動吧,在暑假 。擁有一項熱愛 且擅長的運動, 讓健康人生從這 個夏天開始。 胸有大計,抑或

g n fi r u S 衝浪 Hunt Smith

Treasure Island Surfing Coach 環保金銀島 衝浪滑水教練



to s Age 習年齡: 始學



year 歲

衡力 ce 平 Balan 身協調 捷 敏 性 tion 全 Agility y coordina od Full b 動性 ity 流 il Mob

PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Surfing is a fun summer sport anytime, rain or shine. Mr. Smith explained its benefit for children “to learn to appreciate the ocean from the beginning.” He encourages parents to join and try boogie boarding if they are beginners. The potential for confidence building in this sport is enormous. He and his colleague recall a 5-year-old girl who had never surfed, who rarely spoke (and with a stutter at that); she improved her surfing skills and her speaking skills in continuous little steps. 無論晴天雨天,衝浪都是一項屬於夏天的運動。Mr. Smith說「衝浪能讓孩子懂得欣賞海洋。」他建議家 長可以讓初學的孩子用衝浪板嘗試。他的同事說, 曾經有一個5歲的小女孩,學習衝浪前帶有口吃, 但開始衝浪後這狀況竟慢慢地改變了。所以他認為 這項運動帶來的自信是無可想像的。

“Let your ki ds Slip, Slop , Slap, and Slurp! Slip on your rashie, sl op on your sun cream, sl ap on your ha t and slurp lots of water !” 「記得讓孩子 穿好泳褲,搽 好防曬, 帶好帽,喝多 點水,讓你的 孩子到水 中去感受水吧 !」

fully hydrated Keep your kids 的水 讓孩子喝足夠 morning ng times: early ni ar Optimum le oon and late aftern 時間 是最好的學習 分 時 清晨和傍晚 le an d ng co m fo rt ab Wea r so m et hi ent sweat absorb 衣物 的 汗 吸 穿著易

Tennis 網球


Age to start:


years 歲

Eye-hand coordi nation 手眼協調 Alertness 警覺性 Decision making 判斷能力 Body movemen t 體能

“It’s one of th e lowest risk sports as far Benny remov as injuries ar es parents’ e concerned. do ubts about ” are too youn whether thei g for tennis. r little ones H e go es further, refe long sport th rring to it as at means m a lifeore than “usi in enhancin ng everything Benny Lin g physical, you have”, m en ta l an d “your every cognitive de Founder an hit involves velopment, d precision an but Academy D d decision, irector, to your life.” an d that applie Hong Kong s 「這是各種 Internationa 運動中其中 l 一項最少受 Tennis Aca 母們大可不 傷的運動。 demy 必擔心小朋 」Benny表 香港國際網 友 示父 因為年紀太 球學院 為這是一項 小而不適合 終生運動, 創辦人及總 學網球。他 其 監 意 認 義 不單在於促 於一揮一拍間 進身心意發 皆是做決定的 展,更在 過程,這和我 們的生活是很 相似的。


Age to start:


years 歲

Attention building 集中力 Discipline 紀律性 Full body coordi nation 全身協調

雪 滑 d r a o b w o n S / i k S Sir Lolo Yau 丘 ard Instructor Ski and Snowbo

Slope infinity 練 to learn 心滑雪及雪板教 思樂滑雪訓練中 for small fishes “an aquarium” as ck de o are not ng ini wh e indoor ski tra r little beginners Lolo refers to th tank is good fo e Th a. rning takes place se lea to t e re heading ou s of whether th les rd ga Re r them. . re basic skills befo l more secu r things will go fo to learn; they fee se this, the easie ali re ey th er on confident enough vitable. The so 初學者, oors, falling is ine 適合信心不足的 indoors or outd 習」。模擬雪場 學 的 前 海 大 往 。 ,前 接觸,學得越快 「魚仔離開魚缸 避免的。但越早 心的學習比作是 ,摔倒都是不可 雪 丘Sir將在滑雪中 滑 習 學 外 室 內或 全。無論是在室 他們會覺得更安 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Basketball 籃球

Age to star





years 歲

Team work /Team spiri t 合作精神 Discipline 紀 律性 Gross/moto r skills 大小 肌肉鍛鍊 Attention b uilding 集中 力 Decision m aking 判斷能 力 Persistence building 忍 耐力


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ts’ d his studen had change he r us ou ld k, to did the tric When Harris basketball d an en ts Th bi g ha ection. picky eatin eking a conn churning, se d te w simple it ar ho st of ds min reminded us he e: m etball ca ion about bask the elucidat passionate is ho w ” It is ne d. eo malnourishe can be, “Som well if he is t oo sh ents, ot ud nn p with st knows he ca a relationshi ng hi is ning bl ar ta t es ones in le more abou for the little on ss le a so “this is al g but 病。你 Harris Leun how to live. 挑食的壞毛 的學生改掉 他 幫 曾 釋說這 球 籃 , H ar ri s解 H ar ri s說 他 梁凱威 有甚麼關係 底 到 者 營養不 兩 這 道,如果他 或許還會想 A KIDS 的孩子會知 球 籃 愛 堂教孩 「 N 球課亦是一 間很簡單: EDUCATIO 」他認為籃 oach 之 。 C l 準 al 得 tb 射 ke 波 Bas 均就很難射 兒 甲子教育幼 的課。 活 生 練 何 教 如 球 子 兒童培訓籃

the muscles sential to flex Warm-up is es 弛肌肉 少的,它能鬆 熱身是必不可 g ust for providin actice are a m pr r fo rs ke ea Sn ection adequate prot 必備 供足夠保護的 運動鞋更是提

Cycling 單車 Age to s



: 習年齡


“There is a rise in group bikers in recent years, especially among families living in urban areas.” Man Sir sees the advantage of more nature exposure for little bikers. For families with very young bikers, there are chainless bikes. When they are able to balance on those bikes, they are pretty much good to go for the chained ones”

Man Wai Chung 文Sir Joyful Ride

Cycling Instructor 騎乘樂單車活動教練

眼協調 tion 手 a in d oor and c 能鍛鍊 Eye-h s 警覺性 心肺功 s s s e e Alertn lar fitn vascu 性 io d r a C 律 line 紀 Discip

Warm-up is a must 熱身是必須的 on Best learning occurs during early morning and late afterno 晚時分 晨和傍 間在清 hours 最好的學習時 Gears ready: helmet, arm pads and knee pads 請準備好頭盔、護臂和護膝

Principal, Ho Jason 式跳繩學校校長 cided to join in. ing ropes, and de ipp 陳慶輝 香港專業花 sk th wi level xt h” tc ne advance to the ying “Double Du . When children sed by kids’ pla pe es ro pr im ing her.” re ot ipp we e sk s th Parent over and then oose from when ays, one person y fun styles to ch ew an m sid , of rd e wa on . ck pe it’s ba says er a flying ro n jump “forward, ability to leap ov come in, they ca nfidence in their co of and acrobatics t os bo eir 中一招,當孩子 e th 是花式跳繩的其 ners, you can se 想加入其中。這 至 For young begin 甚 , 起 不 你會見到他們 了 叉繩都覺到很 小朋友初學者, 見到孩子識玩交 人一起跳。對於 長 它 家 其 多 入 很 加 , r說 後 Si 向 陳 花式:向前、 ,就會有更多的 達到一定的水平 。 繩中突飛猛進的 那種自信是在跳

art: to st


Age 習年齡: 始學



功能 s 心肺 s e n t lar fi 協調 vascu n 手腳 Cardio oordinatio rc 跳力 Moto ity 彈 g abil 量動作 in p a Le 作精神 力 irit 合 skills p r s e w m Po /tea work Team

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「近年多了很多單車友,當中很多來自住在城市的家 庭。」文Sir認為讓孩子到大自然踩單車的益處再顯而易 見不過了。有小騎手的家庭,可選擇無鏈單車。當他們 能夠掌握單車的平衡了,再踩有鏈的單車就容易很多了。

i, Jason ping Academy Chan HingngFa ip Kong Rope Sk




Sneakers are a must. Many parents assum e sanda ls will do just as well. Continuous leaping without protective sneakers can hurt their knees. 跳繩要穿運動鞋。許多家長以為跳 繩穿涼鞋同樣可以。其實在沒有運 動鞋的保護下進行連續的跳躍,對 小朋友的膝蓋很容易造成傷害。

g n i p Skip e p o R 跳繩

PJ Promotion

I Can Do It!

練出自信 練出自信

It is important to guide and take good care of your children. Putting your children first is a great step to help cement a longterm, loving, trusting relationship. However, helping them too often can lead to over-protecting your child. The result is that the child will be too dependent on the parents as he/she will lose the ability to think and make decisions for himself/herself, be responsible and be self-confident. You can help them develop their self-confidence by providing chances for them to play on safe equipment at playgroups and baby gyms where structured supervised activities are geared towards teaching your child problem solving skills relevant for their age. Probably the most important benefit of all will be, that once your child is able to maneuver themselves independently, they will exude confidence, develop a “I can do it by myself attitude” and be proud that they are able to encounter a risk taking activity – conquer it and gain valuable self confidence from it! This is one of the many benefits they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. Bring your child to My Kiddy Gym where you will be shocked as to what your child can actually achieve on their own.

孩子的成長,正確的指引和悉心的照顧很重要,和他建立 一份充滿愛和信任的穩固關係更是首當其衝。然而給予太 多的幫助有時可能會變成過分的保護,結果將是孩子變得過 於依賴父母,變得不善獨立思考、自己做決定,缺乏責任感及 自信等素質。 想幫助孩子建立自信?其實你可以讓孩子到一些環境安全的playgroup 和baby gym參加各類精心設計的活動。這些活動將教導一些切合他們 年紀的的解決問題技能,孩子可能會因此由衷地表現出自信的感覺, 有了一種「我可以做到」的精神,遇到問題也會嘗試克服它並從中獲 得更大的自信。透過baby gym課程的訓練,必定能幫助小朋友建立自 信,讓他們終生獲益。 帶你的孩子來My Kiddy Gym吧!讓我們一同訓練小朋友的自信心,見 證他們的成長,為他們每項完成的技能喝采!

Book now to experience the wonders of child development at My Kiddy Gym. Call 2759 8811 to book a trial class now or visit www.mykiddygym.com to get more details. 立即到My Kiddy Gym試堂,體驗孩子成 長發展的神奇。請即致電2759 8811 或瀏覽www.mykiddygym.com了 解更多詳情。

My Kiddy Gym wins Top 10 P-Mark Educational Institution Award 2 years in a row 連續兩年獲得P嘜幼兒教育大賞


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My Cool Summer Plan

爸媽暑期有搞作 What did you do last summer, and how do you plan this year’s? These loving parents are ready to share. 你跟孩子上年的夏天怎過?今年的暑假又有甚麼好玩搞作?以下七 個家庭將跟你分享good idea。




Joshua (13

Learning Plan I want my little boy to enjoy his childhood as much as possible without spending too much time in the classrooms. Like all other parents, I want him to learn in a happy fun way with music, dancing, arts or swimming.

Travel Plan Maybe a short trip in Japan or Southeast Asia. As Joshua is still small, his main diet is congee, and it’s not convenient to travel with him too far away. We will wait till he gets to know more about himself as well as knows how to enjoy the journey. In fact, my husband and I love travelling because it helps a person learn through life experiences.

Parents’ Learning As a medical professional, we face challenges every day especially of advanced medical information. I would like to study more on child psychology or take a child care diploma course. Not only will that benefit my own family, I can also apply my skills when helping my patients.

New Goal & Breakthrough My husband and I are carefully thinking whether we should have a second child or not, and when if so. We have been giving too much attention to our son. We are still asking ourselves “can we afford our love and time for one more child?” That tops the family planning list.

Something Different This is our second summer holiday with our son. Last year, Joshua was just a-few-monthold baby, and this year he can interact more with us and we can enjoy more family outing like swimming. We aim to teach Joshua swimming this summer by ourselves as there are not that many swimming classes for small children. We hope to set a target and arrange good schedule to make everything systematic and organised.

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Alex Yu

Angel Ho

全家旅行 6月初會去泰國布吉影家庭照,親子玩樂又可增 廣見聞。

B學甚麼 希望囝囝可以學禮儀,成為一個乖孩子。亦希 望囝囝學游泳,感受陽光氣息、強壯身體,以 及多聽音樂,陶冶性情之餘,未來對學鋼琴有 更大幫助。

余壹 個月)

Yu Yat (11

齊做善事 捐錢到奧比斯和聯合國兒童基金會,讓囝 囝從小明白「施比受更為有福」;同時教 孩子從小學習珍惜食物,關心身邊的人。



戒掉看電視,因有時太專注 看電視而忽略大人的說話。

學習普通話,因為將來孩子必須學,所以父 母要先充實自己,做足準備。自己也要上學 健康煮食課程,才能為孩子炮製既有營養又 好味的飯菜。


養好習慣 增加對書本興趣,多看書;多玩互動學習遊戲,培養 思考力。

努力照顧丈夫和孩子的生活,令一家 人幸福快樂。最大的希望是孩子可以 知書識禮,健康生活。

B學甚麼 由於家中混合3種語言,以致Mathis語言發展比較慢,目 前的表達仍是多以名詞和動詞為主,甚至還有BB話,希 望趁著假期多多練習,能做到用完整中文句子去表達。

養好習慣 幫 Mathis提 高 自 理 能 力,不要太依賴爸媽。

全家旅行 不太宜帶小女兒Nadège外遊,但又不能 因而忽略哥哥。由於Mathis是米奇老鼠超 級fan,所以去主題公園及其酒店,到小農 莊看小動物等也在計劃之中。

爸媽增值 有共識地希望子女於中、英、法3種語言上 平衡發展,爸媽必須先裝備好自己,身為 法國人的爸爸要進修中文,而媽媽則進修 法文,互相學習對方的語言。

共同目標 一個看似很簡單的目標——夫妻兩人 外出過一個二人世界的晚上。


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Yves Beland

Annie Fu

Mathis Beland (2.5 )

Nadège Beland (3 )


Karr Yip


Annie Or



還沒確定。一家人已到過上海、澳洲、三亞和新加 坡,必要條件是擁有自然環境的城市,如悉尼的草 原、沙灘和農場等。

葉知純 歲 個月)

Will Yip (2 4



會去學鋼琴和網球,願望是一家人可以有日一起 演奏,享受音樂;一起運動,強身健體。

孩子年紀尚幼,可以學習的範疇有限,所以選了他最 喜愛的音樂和美術作起點。暑假會開始上親子音樂啟 蒙班,直到4歲才正式學習樂器;亦將會上親子繪畫 班和手工藝班,以加強孩子的手眼協調力和專注力, 而幻想和創造力更是所有學習的根源。

共同目標 和孩子一起累積各種生活體驗,期望將所 有珍貴有趣的事情結習成書,跟新手父母 們分享經驗。

養好習慣 不一樣暑假

現在看書、唱歌和做美勞是不定期 的,希望藉暑假每天在家親子,培養 「一書一歌一藝」的習慣。

孩子在今年2月份才開始上學,這是他的第一個暑假,暑假過後就是K1的學 生了﹗寄望來年的每一個暑假都能有珍貴的體驗,過得精彩。

B學甚麼 上學前班,希望囡囡不怕羞、不要常常黏著媽媽。亦想她 學自理、學游水和跳舞,還有學講自己的中文名。

Julian Liu


戒壞習慣 戒掉用奶樽飲奶,改用學習 杯;戒掉與爸媽一起睡,學習 自己睡;戒掉每當不喜歡就做 出「拜拜」手勢和伸舌頭。

希望帶囡囡到第三世界體驗一下物質缺乏 的生活,以及小朋友沒有父母的世界是怎 樣的,但她現在年紀太小,計劃要稍後才 能實行。亦想一家去日本遊行,或到三亞 歎陽光與海灘。

創新突破 印傭姐姐會返家鄉兩周,在沒有「姐姐」的日 子還要出外旅行,算是媽媽的一大突破吧﹗

Mable Yeung

楠楠 歲 個月)

Emma Liu (1 8

不一樣暑假 第一次同囡囡過暑假,很期待﹗ 會為她安排戶外及水上活動,讓 她的第一個暑假過得難忘。


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B學甚麼 提高對不同語言和音樂的興趣,會上親子英語和 普通話playgroup,透過遊戲和活動增加接觸英語 和普通話的機會;亦報讀了音樂playgroup,用樂 器學打拍子。


讀萬卷書不如行萬里路,對於一個就快2歲的小 朋友來說,活動教學是最好不過。所以今年暑 假計劃一家人到長隆動物園旅行,認識不同動 物,增廣見聞。

共同目標 目前最緊要是能陪伴著兒子成長,看 見他天天都開心生活,健康成長。


刁晉宇 (20個 月)



上英文拼音班,增值 之餘,學會後又可再 教孩子。


不一樣暑假 上年的暑假,兒子還是幾個月大的嬰 兒,根本甚麼都不懂,還是「一舊飯」 ;今年已經是個會跑會跳的小寶寶,想 安排多元化的活動給他嘗試。


B學甚麼 學滑雪,已經搜集有關資料。上年曾帶囡 囡到滑雪場玩了4、5次,而今年又適齡參 加滑雪初班,相信會很愉快、難忘。

養好習慣 外國人比較喜歡閱讀,時常在咖啡店書不離手。 希囡囡可以培養愛閱讀的習慣,為8月幼稚園生 活做好準備。

戒壞習慣 戒吃零食,否則長大後太肥 不能跳芭蕾舞。

全家旅行 一家會去英國,英國的夏天是四季裡 最舒適的,空氣好、地方大,又遠離 環境污染,好讓囡囡跑跑跳跳。


John Rawlinson

媽媽是個廣告化妝師,要不時自我增值,與時並 進。今年會到倫敦的London Film Academy上堂, 希望有所領悟,順道學習西方的潮流。

Bonnie Wong

不一樣暑假 共同目標 考慮為囡囡買一隻小貓或小狗,由於英國的家比香 港的大,想於花園做個寵物屋讓囡囡與小動物相處, 培養責任感及學習照顧小動物,跟牠們一同成長。


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去年暑假一家人到了法國,看水族館和迪士尼,住 在艾菲爾鐵塔附近,每晚都帶備野餐用品,躺在地 上休息,每晚10時鐵塔燈閃動時,囡囡總會手舞足 蹈大跳大叫,而爸爸就將此醉人美境及囡囡的每一 刻都拍下來。

Jasmine Rawlinson (2 )

PJ Promotion

Hong Kong Parkview Summer Camp


Loads of Interactive




Before considering whisking your children off on a relaxing, fun, and meaningful summer vacation, did you know a place in Hong Kong can satisfy all these expectations? Providing a holistic healthy lifestyle has always been part of Hong Kong Parkview’s commitment, and now this promise has extended to the little ones. Available to children 2 years and up, Hong Kong Parkview offers a multi-sport camp for children to engage in physical activities including rugby, swimming, soccer, tennis, etc. Art and dance classes were added this year to perfect children’s development in a well-rounded manner, while maintaining fun and interaction with a diverse group of new friends. Here you will find many smiles and screams of delight.

怎樣讓孩子過一個放鬆、好玩又有意義的暑假?有否想過香港有一 處地方能滿足這所有願望? 陽明山莊一直致力為大家提供全方位的健康生活,這一承諾對小朋友 亦是一樣。他們舉辦的綜合運動訓練營為孩子們提供了各式各樣的體 育活動, 例如欖球、游泳、足球、網球等,只要滿兩歲就能參加。 今年新增的藝術和舞蹈班讓一班同樣多才多藝的小朋友仔一起玩、 一起學。在這裡,你將會聽到孩子們此起彼落的放聲大笑和尖叫。 另外,該夏令營在時間安排上亦十分靈活。家長可以根據孩子的情 況,報讀整個課程,或選擇個別日子的課堂。夏令營亦歡迎父母和 傭工一起參與,皆因年幼的孩子知道他們的親人就在附 近,會更容易全心全意地投入。

Furthermore, this summer camp comes with room for flexibility. It caters to the availability of the little ones, and parents are free to sign up for the whole session or specific dates, as their schedules allow. Parents and helpers are welcome to participate. Younger children will feel completely secure with their loved ones nearby, and will engage easily and wholeheartedly in the activities.

Hong Kong Parkview 88 Tai Tam Reservoir Road, Hong Kong Website: www.hongkongparkview.com / www.parkviewlifestyle.com Email: pv05@hongkongparkview.com Tel: 2812 3945 Membership package available

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We live in the tropical climate of Hong Kong, and it is an excellent place to start your baby swimming. It is great fun for baby and parents and has tremendous advantages. Benefits include helping with balance and coordination skills, improving muscle tone, enhancing spatial awareness and it certainly helps babies overcome any fear or shyness of water. 香港屬亞熱帶,絕對有利於寶寶要學游泳提供了絕 佳條件。寶寶和父母一起游泳樂趣無窮,益處多 多,既有利培養寶寶的平衡和協調能力,增強他們 的肌肉張力,提高他們的空間意識,也會幫助寶寶

s e i b a b r e t a W l a The Re 使驚 克服對水的恐懼或羞怯。

唔 水 落 B B


Months Old


0.8-1.4 Metres米

Text I Helen


An ideal time to start is around 3 months old (6 weeks absolute minimum). Assuming your baby was not premature and they are in good health, this is a great time for your little one’s first dip. 寶寶大約3個月的時候是教他游泳的最佳時間(最少為寶寶出 生6週後)。如果你的寶寶不是早產兒,而且身體不錯,這個 時候是他第一次下水的最佳時機。

Choose a time of day when the pool is not too busy, and try to take your partner or a friend with you for practical help and moral support. You must be comfortable standing in water and a depth of 0.8 to 1.4 metres is best. You can use sunscreen (but not too much as you don’t want your baby to be too slippery to handle!) and a hat.

A specialist paediatric physiotherapist with over 30 years of experience. She is a mother of two, and has been teaching


Waterbabies classes for many years. She


also teaches baby massage and is the


The best temperature for the water is between 28 and 34 degrees centigrade. 水溫最好在攝氏28度至34度之間。

21-24 Inches吋

Helen Binge

28-34 C度


founder member of Physiobaby here in Hong Kong. She advises on all aspects of children’s growth, development and posture. 擁有超過30年經驗的專業兒科理療醫 生。她是兩個孩子的母親,多年來一 直擔任Waterbabies系列課程的講師。 同時,她還教授嬰兒按摩,而且是香 港Physiobaby的創始成員。她可以為

Hold your baby close to you when you enter, with baby facing you. Once in, you can then distance yourself from baby at 21-24 inches (average arm’s length) with your arms under him.

孩子的成長、發育及各種情況提供全 面建議。

下水的時候,緊緊抱住寶寶,而且要讓寶寶跟你面對面。進入泳池 後,可以讓寶寶與你保持21至24吋(一個手臂的長度)的距離,並用 你的雙臂護衛寶寶。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Little Exercises

for you and your baby


You can start by gently bouncing baby up and down, but be careful not to submerge the head. You can do swaying actions side to side as well. 你可以讓寶寶在水中上下跳動,但注意不要

2 3

讓水淹過寶寶的頭。當然,也可以讓寶寶左 右搖擺。

Take baby round in circles: do a 360 degree turn then change direction, so you do not get dizzy. You can speed it up a little so that baby feels the motion and turbulence of the water. 帶著寶寶轉圈圈:轉個360度的大圈,然後轉回 來,這樣你就不會發暈。你可以加快一點速度, 讓寶寶感受到水的波動和衝擊。

You can change your hold and holding him under the chest with 2 hands so your wrists meet in the middle. You then have a firm hold at the ribcage and baby’s legs are allowed to float back .Start to walk back and pull baby along. They should feel a sense of propulsion and start to kick a little. 你也可以換一下抱寶寶的方式,將雙手放到寶寶胸口下面,讓你 和寶寶的手腕接觸。然後抱住寶寶的胸口,這時寶寶可以向後揚



Playing with a colourful beach ball is fun too. With baby facing away from you encourage them to hit the ball across the surface of the water with hands or feet. You can always use a ping pong ball and blow it across the surface of the water yourself. This helps demonstrate lip closure at the surface which is something baby will need to learn.


水。然後,你可以開始後退,拉著寶寶前進。寶寶會感到胸前一 股推力,並開始慢慢踢水。

You can place baby at the very edge of the pool. With you in the water supporting them under the arms, slowly scoop baby into the water, bringing their body weight forward so they don’t enter vertically. Make it a game and place baby back on the side and repeat the whole procedure several times. Action and songs in the water are fun too, You can always sing “Humpty dumpty”, a wonderful one for entering the water, when Humpty has his “great fall”! 你可以將寶寶放在泳池邊上,然後用手臂支撐著他們,慢慢地將寶寶









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ol o p e h t in e Length of tim? 久 BB可以游多

There is always a controversial question about submerging your baby. There is no doubt that those babies that are used to going under have less fear of water. They will also learn to swim quicker that those who constantly try to keep their heads out. It is your decision alone and you should not feel pressurised to do so if you are uncertain. It is preferable to let a swimming coach or experienced physiotherapist demonstrate how best you should do this. Joining a class is the perfect way to learn. Remember, never allow baby to have their head under the surface more than 3 seconds. Length of time in the pool is important. First time only let baby stay in for 10 minutes, but you can gradually increase this to 20 or 30 minutes, no more! 對於要不要讓寶寶整個浸到水下,人們也頗多爭 議。無疑,習慣鑽到水下的寶寶更不怕水。而且他 們也比那些總想露出腦袋的寶寶學得快。你可以自 行選擇,如果你對此存有疑慮,也不必勉強。最好 是請一位游泳教練或是有經驗的理療醫生,向你展 示怎麼做最好。參加培訓班是學習最好的選擇。 請記著,寶寶的小腦袋在水下的時間絕對不要超 過3秒鐘! 在泳池中,時間長短非常重要。寶寶第一次下水, 最好只逗留10分鐘。不過慢慢地,你就可以把這一 時間延長最多至20或30分鐘。

When finished, shower your baby, as the chlorine in the water can be an irritant and wrap them up warm. Pay attention to his ears, wipe them dry and turn baby to one side to drain the water from the auditory canal and repeat other side. Then give baby something to drink or eat. They will be hungry after all that exercise! 游完之後,給寶寶淋一下浴,水中的氯有一定的刺激性。之 後,將寶寶溫暖地包起。注意寶寶的耳朵:幫寶寶擦乾淨,然 後將寶寶側向一邊,讓他們耳道中的水流出來,然後再側向另 一邊。之後,可以給寶寶一些吃的或是喝的。做完所有這些運 動,他們一定肚餓了!


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s n io t u a c e r p t Importan 事 意的 你要特別注

• Please do not take baby swimming if he has a cold, chest, tummy or ear infection. The same goes for eye troubles or contagious skin lesions. • Baby must have had at least one dose of the DPT and polio vaccine. • Do not feed baby immediately prior to taking them in the water. Try and time the feed 1 to 2 hours before. • Remove all jewellery from baby for safety. Necklaces can be particularly hazardous. • Always make sure baby is attended at the poolside: Never leave your baby unattended even momentarily. • Your baby will benefit enormously by playing in water. Apart from being an enjoyable experience, it is also a different form of socialisation for baby…especially if you join a class. • A final word on safety: your baby’s safety is of paramount importance. Please adhere strictly to the precautions mentioned here. This way you and baby will gain the most from this enjoyable activity and experience. Happy swimming! • 如果寶寶感冒了,胸前、肚皮或是耳朵發炎了,請不要帶寶寶去游泳。寶寶如果有眼部疾病或是傳染性皮膚病 也不宜去游泳。 • 寶寶必須已經打過一次DPT(白喉、百日咳和破傷風疫苗)和小兒麻痹症疫苗。 • 下水之前,不要餵寶寶。最好在1至2小時之前餵寶寶。 • 把所有珠寶首飾收起來,以免傷到寶寶。頸鏈是最危險的。 • 保證寶寶身邊一直有人照顧:永遠不要丟下寶寶一個人不管,就算是一秒也不可以。 • 在水中的玩耍會讓他們受益良多。游泳除了樂趣無窮之外,也是寶 寶參與社交生活的另一種形式,特別是上堂跟朋友仔一起學時。 • 最後一點安全建議:寶寶的安全,應該放在第一位。請嚴格遵守此 處所列的注意事項。這樣你和寶寶才能從這項樂趣無窮的活動中,收穫益 處。游得開心D!


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Fun Summer Refreshers Story, Game and Exercise

親子又醒神 故事•遊戲•練習 Summer is a time for relaxation. These interesting stories, games and light exercises do not only strength family bonding, they will also brush up on what your kids have learned and equip them to prepare for the new school year – in a happy relaxing way! 夏天,應該要輕鬆快樂地過。以下介紹的故事、遊戲和補充練習,不單能成就有質素的親子時 間,同時能幫孩子溫故知新,為新學年做好準備。


For Kids


專為幼兒編製的親子月刊,每期載有精 美立體手工、看圖識字材料等,配以精 美圖畫及故事光碟。 訂閱:www.bayard.com.hk

為慶祝芥子園踏入35週年,芥子園現特別送出圖書 給PJ讀者。立即登入Peegaboo.com,click「優惠」區並回 答簡單問題,便有機會贏取最新一期的《砵砵車》一本!



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《Happy Learning Series 喜羊羊英語學習系列》by Pan Lloyds Publishers 樂思教育出版 This series (6 books) aims to teach English through fun and interactive activities and games. Happy ABC teaches English alphabet and words; Happy Mazes are full of challenges with thematic vocabulary; Sticker Books enhance thinking skills and concentration. Available at major local bookstores

Story Fun English Summer Holiday by Pearson Specially designed for children to be promoted to K2, K3 and P1 in the coming academic year. Each workbook contains a lively story supplemented with fun exercises centred on themes. A Parents’ Guide included. Available at T. H. Lee Book Co. Ltd.

《暑期樂園FUN FUN活動冊》系列


全套3冊,分為幼兒班、低班和高班3個級別,內容按最新的《學前教育課程指 引》編纂。以有趣及具教育意義的故事串連活動,指示文字中英對照。附送彩 色《幼兒成長故事圖書》,加強孩子自理、自信、社交等方面的能力。 天利行書局有售

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For Kids


《小小紅蘋果》芥子園出版 除圖畫故事、常識百科、得意漫畫外,每期還載有益智遊戲、手 工勞作等,隨書附送光碟,輕鬆培養孩子的閱讀習慣。 訂閱:www.bayard.com.hk

StoryBox Bayard Presse Asia An award-winning magazine from the UK, especially designed for children aged 3 to 6. Interesting sections include Storytime, Wonder with Whizkid, Animal World, Fun and Games, and Time for a Rhyme. Subscription: www.bayard.com.hk

To celebrate Bayard’s 35th anniversary, Bayard have special prizes for PJ readers! Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a copy of Little Red Apple or StoryBox! 為慶祝芥子園踏入35週年,芥子園現特別送出圖書給PJ讀者。立即登入 Peegaboo.com,click「優惠」區並回答簡單問題,便有機會贏取最新一期 的《小小紅蘋果》或《StoryBox》一本!



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此系列幫助K3學生更易掌握小一學科的題目型式,練習銜接小學最新中、英、 數、常各科課程。另設 「家長指引」幫助家長協助學童融入小學生活。中、英 文科特設聆聽練習及附送聆聽音碟

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For Kids


《I Love English》芥子園出版 英語學習月刊《I Love English》由英美教育專家及新聞工作者編撰。每月 的特色主題層出不窮,每期更載有不同題材的補充練習,以及惹笑漫畫、 問答遊戲、手工、歌曲等,隨書附送光碟,讓小朋友輕鬆學習日常生字。 訂閱:www.bayard.com.hk

《開心放暑假》(最新升級版) 樂思教育出版 全書按科目編排,包括中、英、數、常、普5科,全新增 設普通話科,另特設「開心小百科」,以拓展孩子的課外 知識。附送的獎勵貼紙能鼓勵學習。 本地各大書局有售



每冊均設有中、英、數、常4科,孩子可透過趣味性 的活動習作,應用各科所學,訓練觀察、思考及組 織能力。隨書附送夏日活動貼紙以安排暑期活動, 培養自學能力。 本地各大書局有售


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New Longman Handwriting by Pearson Comprised of a variety of fun and contextualised handwriting exercises. Additional components include A-Z charts, progress charts and answer keys. Available at T. H. Lee Book Co. Ltd.

《朗文新編暑期作業》培生出版 練習中加入TSA類型,加強學生基本能力的訓練。32課中、英、數、 常溫習作業,助學生重溫全年的學習重點;另有8課中、英、數、常預 習作業,助學生預習下學年課題重點。 天利行書局有售

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n w o D l o o C o t Hot Toys Your Summer Summer House Party

Tree Play House 森林家庭樹屋 HK$649


Whether your choice is country style house gathering or splashing with a glamourous touch, house gathering is always a summer welcome event, kids will enjoy splashing the blue and embrace the green. 夏天到處都「熱辣辣」,不如留在室內開派對吧!你可選擇富 有原始味道的樹屋和別墅,亦可選擇色彩縯紛、充滿陽光氣息 的夏日屋,享受藍天碧海或擁抱綠色自然,都是夏天的味道!

Tree Play House & Village Cottage 森林家庭樹屋 & 森林度假別墅

Sylvanian Families’ embrace of nature extends in this series of tree houses and cottage to celebrate a wonderful family gathering in summer! 充滿原始味道和大自然氣息的「森林度假別墅」和「森林樹屋」,是 森林家族朋友最愛流連的地方。他們一家大小可在這裡度過一個逍遙 自在的夏日假期。 Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a Sylvanian Families Tree Play House or Village Cottage! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,贏取「森林度 假別墅」或「森林樹屋」一間﹗


Village Cottage 森林度假別墅 HK$569 Prize sponsor:

Hello Kitty Summer Fashion Store 夏日服裝店


Bring the beach glamour into your home! Your kids can dazzles up with mix-and-match colourful swimwears together with Hello Kitty. 在富有夏天氣息的服裝店內,你可替Hello Kitty換上各款不同泳 裝造型開party,色彩繽紛百變可愛泳裝look任你配搭。

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a Hello Kittly playset - fashion store or stage (p.126) (Valued at HK$99.9/$199.8). 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡 單問題,贏取Hello Kittly服裝店系列或時尚舞台 (p.126) 玩具一份(價值HK$99.9/$199.8)。

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2433 1828


Icy Sweet Surrender


These ice-cream lookalikes will sure melt your heart away! Lift up your kids’ creativity spirit through twist and scoop and mix it up colourfully icy style! 在炎炎的夏日裡,單是看著冰冷的雪糕都足以涼 透心!快快發揮孩子的創意,讓他們製作出五顏 六色、不同的扭紋的自家製雪糕吧﹗

Swirling Shake Shoppe 旋風雪糕屋


It’s a good time for some physical fingers work in making molds and twists the doughs! They can use this mixer for berries and ice-cream shakes with toppings. 旋風雪糕屋的全新攪拌模具,讓你輕易造出混色扭紋旋風雪 糕奶昔、冰沙及甜筒!更可加上鮮果、忌廉等裝飾。繽紛甜 品,創作無限Fun!

Magic Swirl Ice Cream Shoppe 奇趣雪糕屋


Create a multi-colour after dinner desert feast of ice cream twists, sundae, cookies and sandwich, whatever you want them to be! 想炮製多款色彩繽紛的雪糕、新地、甜筒、雪糕餅乾, 營造出自家獨有的飯後甜品,這款雪糕屋的模具十分 齊全喔!

Ice Cream Double Twister 扭扭雪糕機


Wanna make a banana split today? Well here you can have this – press and squeeze, and scoop it up with this ice-cream maker playset! 突然間想整香蕉船?只要有這套扭扭雪糕機,就可隨時隨地 利用模具製造出軟雪糕、雪條和新地筒!

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win one of the above PlayDoh ice-cream playsets. 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,贏取以 上培樂多雪糕系列泥膠玩具套裝其中一份。 Prize sponsor:


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2302 1221


Splish Splash with Sanrio

Hello Kitty 60cm Ring 水泡 HK$39.9


Are your kids ready to aim for water? For babies who are first time swimmers or yet to be swimmers, they need some help to enjoy the splash! These water gears and toys must steal their hearts! 你的孩子準備好「落水」未?對於一些仍未識游水的小寶寶 來說,水泡、水袖等輔助品是免不少,有了它們,大人小朋 友就可安心玩水和暢泳。

Hello Kitty Inflatable Boat 橡皮艇 HK$59.9

Hello Kitty Ring 水泡 HK$29.9

Hello Kitty Beach Ball 沙灘波 HK$25.9

Jewel Pet 寶石寵物 Beach Toy Set 沙灘玩具套裝 HK$39.9

My Melody Inflatable Boat 橡皮艇 HK$59.9 My Melody Arm Bands 水袖 HK$25.9

Jewel Pet 寶石寵物 Arm Bands 水袖 HK$25.9

Jewel Pet 寶石寵物 Ring 水泡 HK$29.9

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a Sanrio swimming item. 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並 回答簡單問題,贏取Sanrio泳具/沙灘玩具一件。

www.peegaboo.com Prize Sponsor: 2433 1828 www.danielco.com.hk


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My Melody Beach Ball 沙灘波 HK$25.9

Shinkansen Beach Toy Set 沙灘玩具套裝 HK$49.9

Shinkansen Inflatable Boat 橡皮艇 HK$59.9

Shinkansen Arm Bands 水袖 HK$25.9

Prevention Guide:

Heatstroke Bug Bites Sunburns Drowning

暑 中 e k o r t ats

tart by ey will s pale h T . e k heatstro ces turn ing from ly stop, their fa and twitch. r e ff u s udden umble nes are r little o r a while they s 0℃, and they m u 神昏 o y n e er 4 afte 蒼白,失 ll wh v n e o 色 t e t h o a 面 t t s d , y e 量減少 It’s eas y sweating, an ture spik 後突然汗 all empera t 陣 u 抽搐。 ir 一 in e t h n 了 T o 過 . c 亂說話或 汗, s out 會 s 出 a 還 p 直 能 y 一 e and th 開始會 ,有時可 很明顯: 40℃以上 狀 達 症 可 的 高 孩子中暑 發燒,最 火一樣地 像 身 全 倒,


Hands-On Advice 急救錦囊 Take them to a dry and cooler area, and have their body lie flat. Unbutton or remove excess clothing for easier breathing. Cool the room down by turning on the fan or air-conditioner, but do not blow cool air directly onto them. 立即帶孩子到陰涼通風的地方,平躺,解開衣扣或脫去多餘衣服,保持孩子呼吸通暢。可以風扇或冷氣降低 環境溫度,以助散熱,但不能直吹。 Dip a towel in room-temperature water and wipe their bodies. Do not cool them down with ice or cold water, as cold water will shrink their blood vessels. This will not help in expelling heat. Alcohol is also a no-no. 將毛巾以常溫的清水沾濕,幫孩子擦拭全身。千萬不要用冰水或冰塊幫孩子降溫,因為過冷的冰水會使皮膚 血管極度收縮,無法正常排熱。亦不可使用酒精。 It is very important to replenish water and sodium after heatstroke. However, intake of warm water will start them perspiring again, leading to further loss of water and sodium. It is best to serve smaller amounts of water every 10-15 minutes, 300ml or less for each serving, except for children who vomit during a heatstroke. You should choose water or low-sodium beverages rather than cold beverages or fruits. 中暑後補水補鹽很重要,但過量飲用熱水會讓孩子又再流汗,水分鹽分進一步流失。所以,讓孩子少量多次 地飲水,每隔10到15分鐘一次,每次不超過300毫升,但有嘔吐者除外。可選擇清水或淡鹽水,不應讓孩子 喝冷飲或吃涼性瓜果解渴。 Do not give children anti-flu medication. 切勿亂吃一般的退燒藥,會對身體不利。 Seek medical attention immediately if there are no significant improvements after following the above guidelines. 經由上述處理後,症狀仍無法有效改善的話,應立即送醫治療。


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炎夏難搞事件簿 錦囊解救 Preventive Measures 預防有方 Keep in mind that 11am to 3pm is a dangerous time span for any outdoor activities. For younger children, the dangerous time span should be extended even further. 記住這段時間:早上11點至下午3點,不宜進行戶外活動!對於年齡較小的孩子這段時間要再延長。 Remember 3 things before heading outdoors: light outfits, hats, and sun screen. 出外活動前必做3件事:穿著薄而寬鬆、涼爽通風的衣服、戴帽、搽幼兒用防曬用品。 By law, your vehicle’s engine must be turned off after parking. Do not leave your children inside the vehicle. This is highly dangerous! 法例規定停車要熄匙,但這時就不要將孩子留在車內了,否則隨時有危險。 Windows should be left open for constant fresh air and ventilation to maintain a comfortable room temperature. Give them a bath to cool off if they feel too warm. 在室內環境要保持通風及溫度適宜,當孩子感到燥熱時可以幫他沖凉降溫。 There is no need to over bundle your kids, especially newborns. However, frequent change of clothing is advisable for children who sweat profusely so as to prevent them from catching cold. 幼兒無需穿得過多,新生兒更不要包太實,但孩子流汗後則需幫他們及時更換衣服,以免著涼。 As it is easy for the body to lose water during the summertime, instill in your children a habit of drinking water frequently. 多喝水的孩子最叻!夏天身體水分流失較快較多,平日就應養成多喝水的好習慣。

e: k o r t s t a He n Bean Paste r e t n u o C Gree 綠豆沙 暑 中 解

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Sun s n r u B

Hands-On Advice 急救錦囊


rone kin is p u n s e t a c ’ deli te s le ones h o u t a d e q u a in a Our litt it d w ells ie urn c b n in u k s s t h is to ct, n. In fa y re s p o n d s t o ow io t c e t pro bod blood fl n. Our lerated e c sunbur c kin to a : ickly es the s end u s q u a y t c t e a pr are ss ffected ged cell to the a d burn; dama to feel u o n ing y a s u n a e c d , d in . The re your bra affected area o t ls a n e sig th iceable pain in ally not e u s m u e r t e r x e sa he sun; nd burn rexposure to t a s in a p e nd heal after ov hours a s 4 r 2 u r o e h ft 4 ka ms pea sympto . s r 更易曬 hou 防護自然 after 48 夠 足 有 沒 於是我們 膚幼嫩, 殺死了, 被 小朋友皮 胞 細 ,於是 其實皮膚 血流加快 位 部 傷。曬傷 損 受 大腦傳送 始反應: 損細胞向 受 的身體開 ; 紅 但疼痛 膚發燙發 覺得痛。 便 去 你感到皮 上 摸 4小 出現,2 ,於是你 時先開始 疼痛信號 小 4 後 常在曬 復。 和腫脹通 後開始恢 時 小 8 4 峰, 時達至頂

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. 多喝水,能補充流失水分。 If the burn is light, you can repeatedly apply water to the affected area. 發現孩子輕微曬傷,你可以乾淨毛巾或棉花蘸取清水為孩子 冷敷傷口,重複多次。 Have your kids take a cool bath but do not use soaps that contain alkaline in order to prevent skin irritation. 可為孩子沖個凍水涼,但不宜使用鹼性洗液,會刺激傷口。 Slowly dry with towel after bath. Apply lotion containing aloe on skin. 沖凉後,立即輕輕印乾,可搽上含蘆薈成份的乳液。 Another effective method to soothe the affected areas is to apply freshly chopped aloe or watermelon skin, or cold milk at 4-10℃. 以切開的蘆薈或西瓜皮舒緩曬傷均有一定效用,亦可用 4-10℃的冰凍牛奶冷敷。

Seek medical attention immediately if your child shows any of the following symptoms: 如果有以下情況,應立即到醫院就醫:

Emergence of blisters containing discharge, blood, or signs of bacterial infection. 曬至大量冒水泡,有化 膿、紅血絲等細菌感染 跡象。

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出現口乾、無淚、8小時 不小便的脫水情況。

The affected areas for small kids 12 months and under are bigger than the size of their palms.

Painful eyes; unable to bear light. 眼睛疼痛, 無法見光。


Dry mouth, tearless, unable to urinate for over 8 hours with symptoms of dehydration.

孩子不到1歲,但身上被 曬傷的部分亦比他的 手掌大。

Too weak to stand straight. 變得很虛弱,甚至無 法站立。

Emergence of rashes, algid, fever and nausea which are all heatstroke symptoms. 出現出疹、發冷、發燒 和噁心等中暑跡象。

Preventive Measures 預防有方 Choose cotton or other light fabrics. 選擇棉質、通爽的長衫長褲是防曬的好方法。 Many parents understand the importance of applying sun screen these days. But do not forget to apply sun screen at the areas around the ears and nape of the neck that are easily ignored. 現在很多媽媽都懂得為孩子搽防曬產品,但別忘了搽耳 仔、頸後等易疏忽部位。 In addition to sun screen, broad-brimmed hats and sunproof blinds are also great sun blocking tools. 除了搽防曬,闊邊帽、嬰兒車太陽擋皆是防曬利器。 Apply waterproof sunscreen before heading for the water. Ultraviolet rays reflect on water more powerfully than on the ground. It is easy for ultraviolet rays to permeate the skin with inadequate sunscreen. 落水就要用防水的防曬產品,皆因紫外線在水中的反 射相比地面更厲害,若玩水洗走防曬乳液,紫外線很 容易趁虛而入。 Sun-proof shades should be installed in vehicles to avoid ultraviolet rays from passing through. 爸爸的車亦要裝上防曬網,因為紫外線中的UVA能透 過玻璃射進來。

s: n r u b n u S Counter Aloe Vera 蘆薈 傷 曬 解

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Hands-On Advice 急救錦囊

Have your little ones wear gloves to avoid wounds caused by scratching. 為小寶寶及幼兒帶上手套,避免抓傷。

If affected areas start to swell, apply ice wrapped in a towel. 如果被叮部位腫脹,可以毛巾包住冰塊冷敷。 Cleansing the area with soap can also soothe the itchiness. Alkaline soaps can neutralise the acidity caused by mosquito bites. 用肥皂清洗被叮部位,亦能舒緩痕癢。因為肥皂鹼性, 能平衡蚊子的酸性「毒液」。 Apply anti-itch creams that contain few steroids to lower the allergic reaction. 搽上止痕藥膏或含少量類固醇的藥膏,以減低過敏反 應。

If the affected areas are seriously scratched and appear inflamed, apply anti-inflammatory lotion. 如被蚊叮部位嚴重抓傷及發炎,就需使用抗菌藥膏。

Preventive Measures 預防有方 Bring a hat and dress lightly for outdoors. Apply antimosquito spray and stickers. Common sense! 外出帶帽、穿淺色長袖衣物、使用蚊怕水或驅蚊貼,這 些已是老生常談,你一定知! Most mosquito repellents contain N-Diethyl-metatoluamide (DEET). Little ones should not use spray products that contains 10% concentration of DEET or more! Try spraying on the clothing instead of spraying directly to the skin, and avoid spraying on the wound. Do not apply repellents for babies two months or younger. There are DEET-free mosquito repellents out in the market. 蚊怕水多以避蚊胺(DEET)為有效成份,幼童應用低 於10%濃度的!儘量噴在衣物上,不直接接觸皮膚, 並避開傷口。兩個月以下寶寶不宜使用蚊怕水。目前 市面上亦有不含DEET的蚊怕水發售。

叮 蚊 s e t i B to

i u q s Mo

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You can try to install high-frequency mosquito repellents on your mobile phones. But its effectiveness is not as impressive as sprays. 市面有驅蚊器能發出高頻音波驅趕蚊蟲,你可在智能手機上安 裝,但效果不及蚊怕水。 Mosquitoes are attracted by aroma and floral fragrances. Therefore it is best to choose bath and skincare products without aromatic ingredients. 花香味道其實會招引蚊子,所以為寶寶選擇沖凉及潤膚用品 時,最好不要選擇含香料的。 Mosquitoes are more active during the early and late hours of the day. Try to avoid bushes when taking your little ones out during these times. 蚊子每日活躍時間是早和晚,這段時間媽媽們若帶孩子外出就 儘量遠離草叢啦﹗ Do not forget your aquarium! This is the best place to breed mosquitoes. Other than having a frequent water change, you can also consider stocking mosquitoeating fish in your tank. 別忽略了家中魚缸,因為這裡是蚊患的溫床。除了 常換水,你亦可考慮飼養吃蚊的魚。

: s e t i B o t qui s o M r e t Coun Soap 肥皂 叮 蚊 解

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ation Organis 0 0 0 h lt a e orld H 175, 2008, ing to W ning Accord in t h e y e a r in drow n s d s ie g d in -19 ppe f in d ages 0 m m o n l y h a n e r d o es we chil s . I t c er. Sometim ater t n e d i inc aw mm the su act that even f wning. during o e r h d t use lect a g c e n n a y c p the Immediately pull the child out from the water. Lay him flat on the ma m s, kee 10-20c e f h o p h o t r p de ground and see if he is still conscious. c a t a s t d. avoid min o T 發現小朋友溺水,應立即將他裡撈起,平躺在地,確認是否有意識。 17.5萬0 g tips in in w o 每年有 ll 球 fo 全 、曬 示: 和中暑 數據顯 它 年 8 。 0 If the child appears conscious, take off his soaked clothing, towel-dry 命 世衛 事; 溺水喪 常發生的 孩子因 常 his body, and wrap him in a blanket. Try to massage him and make 天 夏 時 至19歲 是 很多,隨 一樣,都 」 sure he is kept warm. 叮 事 蚊 件 、 傷 「大 你意 下,它卻 水常常是 孩子若有意識,脫掉他身上的濕衣服,用毛巾擦乾全身,然後用毛氈 溺 的 兒 但相較之 幼 度也 米的深 危險。嬰 包住孩子全身,再送醫院。可用手掌幫他按摩全身,一定要注意保暖。 厘 命 0 2 生 至 及 急 涉 10 基本的 即使是 定幾招 到的, 袋 不 , 想 Call his name and see if he responds. If he appears unconscious, try to 所以 溺水。 有可能 feel his breathing by lowering the side of your head with your ear close ! to his face to confirm if he is breathing, and look for his chest moving up 救知識吧

Hands-On Advice 急救錦囊

and down. If he is breathing, make sure he continues to breathe easily and that he has a blanket around him to kept his body warm until the ambulance arrives. 叫孩子名字,沒有回應即沒意識。將自己的耳朵及臉頰靠近小朋友的嘴邊 及鼻子,以呼吸聲或氣流確認小朋友是否還有呼吸。再確認小朋友的胸部 是否有配合呼吸聲上下振動。如果有呼吸的話,要確保呼吸道順暢,讓他 盡可能輕鬆呼吸,同樣以毛氈保溫,直至救護車到將其送院。 Immediately call for an ambulance and perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) if he has no pulse, and Artificial Respiration (AR) if he is not breathing. 如叫名字沒反應、亦沒呼吸脈搏,立即叫救護車,並進行人工呼吸及心肺復蘇。


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溺水ning Drow

: n o i t u l o n Site S O e g u c n i s e n eR Drow Immediat 場急救 現 水 解溺

Preventive Measures 預防有方 Guide your kids in water safety measures. Tell them the importance of never swimming alone in areas that are potentially dangerous. 多向孩子進行安全教育,教導他不可單獨落水、到危險地方嬉水等。 Parents or guardians must accompany babies and toddlers at all times. 嬰幼兒嬉水,家長或監護者一定要看實,不可任其單獨一個人。 Understand your kids’ health condition before taking them to swim. 孩子落水游泳前,應清楚了解他的健康狀況。 Make sure lifeguards are present in swimming areas. 選擇在有救生員執勤的合格游泳池或海灘玩水嬉水。 Try to learn and understand CPR and AR, as this is a skill that requires training. 家長可多了解一下人工呼吸及心肺復蘇術,甚至接受訓練,一技傍身以應對危急情況。

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Summertime is party time! Before you and your kids dial your relatives’ and friends’ numbers, here are a few points you should be aware of when planning a summer party. 暑假流流長,當然要邀請朋友仔 一起搞party。在夏天幫孩子策 劃派對,有甚麼是做家長的你 要留意和準備的呢?

: s ie t r a P e im t r e m m Su

? s l a i t n e s s E e What are th y t r a 個 P 一 」 夏 準備「


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Dressing down 穿得舒服些

Beware of food safety 食物要衛生

Snacks in smaller portions 食物「輕量級」

Dressing up may be suitable for Heat leads to diminished appetite, so try serving birthday parties, but for summer snacks in smaller portions and select light and It’s easy for food to spoil in warm parties, casual is definitely the way grease-free choices. It’s a win-win situation: weather. It is advisable to keep to go! Picture the kids spraying kids can continue their fun after eating, cold and hot dishes at their usual water guns at each other, and and it means less work in the kitchen. temperatures, and ask the kids to finish you know you should look for light, all their snacks before playing so as to avoid 夏天會沒甚麼食慾,派對食物大可以 cotton clothing. Don’t forget to any chance of food poisoning. 「輕量級」,譬如你可以將蛋糕 brighten up kids’ spirits with vibrant 夏天天氣熱,食物易變壞,所以記得讓凍的食物保 切細份些,選擇清爽不油膩 colours! 持凍的,熱的食物保持熱的。到了點心時間就召集孩 生日派對要著靚靚,夏日派對則大不 同!想像下孩子們隨時會玩水槍互射,當




然要穿輕鬆、舒適的衣服,最好選擇吸汗 的棉質。不過雖說是casual裝束,你亦應該 提醒小賓客們穿得鮮豔一點,才符合夏天的 活力感覺!

Try outdoor partying 嘗試把party開到戶外 Take your party to a sandy area or a grassy knoll, and decorate with any on-the-spot recyclable items you chance to find. Your little ones are sure to be impressed and excited with this novel party theme! 如果你方便的話,不妨將party搬到沙灘或草 地,用膠樽等手到拿來的可回收物品裝飾 會場,你會讓孩子體驗到不一樣的 派對感覺!

Outdoor shelters 遮陽帳篷

Adequate drinks for hydration 足夠的飲品

Seasoned outdoor partiers know Prepare Kids are always screaming the importance of having an onsite ice for and laughing during parties. It shelter for keeping food and more is easy to get thirsty, especially conducting other miscellaneous 大量的冰 in the heat, so be sure they are tasks. Shelter rentals are available Ice is a must for parties under hydrated at all times. Prepare for big outdoor parties, as well the sun! Give your kids a cube or some healthful drinks including as smaller size tents for parties two if they insist on this as a method of freshly-squeezed juices and fresh of 3-4 people. cooling themselves down! Did you know ice water. However, it is not a good idea 搞慣戶外party的朋友一定清楚 can be a great prop for fun? Read our next article for children to drink something too cold, 遮陽帳篷的重要性,皆因各位 especially right after engaging in active to find out more! 媽媽們通常便是在這帳篷下 sports. 如果有大人參加派對,少不了為他們的飲品準備










大量的冰。如果孩子也堅持要「飲凍嘢」,就加 一兩粒冰給他吧!另外,冰還可以是他們的遊戲 道具呢!唔信?看看我們的下一篇文章吧!



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r ame e m G Sum r e Wat 水遊戲


Mission Ice Rescue

火速救「冰 」

Text & Photo I Playright

Cooling water play is irresistible fun under the blazing summer sun! Many children are pros at water play; the bathtub was long ago used as a play area. Despite all the creativeness and splish-splashing fun, something new must be done! As a play expert, Papa Potato is not a dull daddy stuck with the same idea. He has finally figured out something fun with an added twist: playing with ice! 炎炎夏日,玩水當然最消暑涼快。很多小朋友 都玩水成性,把浴室作為御用玩水基地。但創 意再大、玩興再高,總需要有新點子!我們 請來玩遊戲的專家——薯爸,帶大家換個地 點,到樓下玩,而且今次玩勁一點--玩冰! 朋 呼小 歡稱 ! 喜 薯爸 豆丁」 「 友為

Prep up for play 準備材料 As usual, when planning play ideas, Papa Potato takes children’s wholehearted participation and preferences into consideration, and this time was no exception! First they collected medication boxes, towel containers, and takeout containers from various sources. Then Papa Potato got a motley collection of pliable wires “sponsored” by electronic shops and bakery stores to keep this fun project budget-free and environmentally friendly. 一如既往,構思任何遊戲時,薯爸都會考慮「豆丁全程事無大小的參與度」 及「豆丁之喜好」,今次也不例外!先一同來搜集不同的藥盒、杯杯毛巾 盒、外賣容器蓋……繼而,薯爸又呈上由各大電器舖及麵包店「贊助」的軟 膠鐵線,全部物資毋須外購,合符經濟及環保原則。

Potato Yu 余啟賢 Known as Papa Potato, Mr. Yu is currently working at Playright Children’s Play Association to promote the importance of play. He has two kids of his own who have grown up as “players” since birth. They now enjoy experimenting and acting as professional commentators. 薯爸,本名余啟賢,現任職於智樂兒童樂協會,專責推動遊戲;他的兩位小豆丁因而從小 奉旨玩到大,是受惠者、實驗對象、也是高級評論專員。


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Ice needs to be made before trying this activity. Papa Potato’s freezer is located at the bottom of the fridge, which makes it easy for kids to set the containers in the freezer before pouring the water. This easy task accomplished, their appetite is whetted for further excitement. 玩冰先要製冰。薯爸家中雪櫃的冰箱置於下層, 方便豆丁直接將容器放入冰箱,再將水倒入容器




While waiting for the ice to form, there was still fun to be had! Papa Potato does not let kids have one idle moment! He cut the wires into shorter pieces for the kids to twist this way and that. They formed funny faces from of the wires. They got a lot of fun out of that! 在靜候水變冰時,薯爸也沒有冷待豆丁。他

After half an hour, as the ice was only partially solidified, the kids stuck their wire creations into it. Look! The wire faces have turned the grim cold ice into blithesome creatures. After further freezing, ice and wires were wedded together.

把鐵線剪短,再扭成各式的「交叉眼」、 「震震咀」,讓兩位豆丁拼拼砌砌,創出了 不同的Face Look,豆丁們大讚Like!

冷藏半小時後,在冰還未完全凝固時, 豆丁們將震騰騰的Face Look放到凍冰冰 上,嘩!冷酷的冰冰頓時變得俏皮得意。 再放進冰箱一會,完全合體!

A happy disastrous zone 快樂「災場」 Papa Potato chose an area near their home as the rescue zone to ensure the rattling ice wouldn’t melt too soon. It was an optimal setting for the kids since they were pretty familiar with the surroundings. The game commenced with the older kid counting down from 50. Papa Potato took his time to place all the ice creations in designated areas within the kids’ reach.

In the end, after all the mad running about, all the ice creations were successfully rescued by the team. Look at their smiles of satisfaction! The kids also found fun in the half melted ice. They derived immense satisfaction in rolling the ice creations with their fingers, and watching flakes of ice fluttering away as they blew on them.




回所有震騰騰冰冰, 大小隊長完成任務, 非常滿足!這時,豆 丁們發現半溶的冰也 有好玩之處,便伸出 手指來指指撥撥, 看著冰在轉;換上 用口一吹,冰竟然

「冰」場地,原因在於與家鄰近,確保冰 冰不會因長途跋涉而過早溶掉;此外,兩

4, 3, 2, 1! Team Ice Rescue was in action to save the ice creations that were in jeopardy. The older kid took the lead and the younger one followed closely. When the younger one discovered the presence of ice, he hesitated to pick it up. Instead, he yelled for his older brother’s help. Meanwhile, the older kid was busy running around the area, gleefully


rescuing ice.


全。豆丁開始倒數50下,拯救大行動啟 動!薯爸立即抓緊時間,將冰冰藏在指定 範圍中、小朋友又伸手可及的地方。 4、3、2、1!拯救隊立即出動,拯救 「冰」命危在旦夕的災「冰」。大豆丁一 馬當先,小豆丁一直緊隨其後。當小豆丁 發現冰冰時,一時受不住冷,不敢拿起, 即高聲急召大哥出馬,令大隊長在災場疲

Tips for better fun 玩家心得 • Place the containers in the fridge before pouring water inside to prevent spillage. • If the ice creations are placed in the sun, kids will be more motivated and excited about rescuing them. • 將容器先放進冰箱,讓孩子用小瓶子將水 倒入容器內,可減少運送時倒瀉的機會。 • 將冰放在陽光照射到的地方,冰的融化會加 快,這有助孩子集中火力搜救。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Sunny & Breezy Summer Desserts

嘆一嘆 甜絲絲消暑聖品 4 serves 4人份

Children must fancy a cool drink or nice dessert as a little refreshment after playing or a learning session. It adds spice when you prepare them with your kids. Why not? 玩耍或學習過後,小朋友都會想「嘆 一嘆」。兩款消暑聖品,媽咪們可參 考自製,亦可和孩子一起下廚樂。

Green Spirit Jelly 大地綠精靈 Ingredients • 1 pack lime flavour jelly powder • 60g bitter gourd • 600g cucumber • 50g honey Procedures 1. Make jelly following the instructions written on lime flavour jelly powder box. But use only half of the water for the jelly to have a harder texture. Chop finely when set. 2. Wash and seed bitter gourd. Use juicer to squeeze juice. 3. Wash and peel cucumber. Use juicer to squeeze juice. Mix well with bitter gourd juice. 4. Add honey as seasoning. The amount of honey will depend on the children’s preference. 5. Chili in fridge. Add jelly upon serving. Done. 材料 • 青檸味啫喱粉1包 • 苦瓜60克 • 青瓜600克 • 蜜糖50克 做法 1. 青檸味啫喱粉按盒上做法製成啫喱,但少用一半水,令製成品更硬身。凝固後切碎。 2. 苦瓜洗淨去籽,用榨汁機榨汁。 3. 青瓜洗淨去皮,用榨汁機榨汁。 4. 加蜜糖調味,蜜糖多寡視小朋友口味而定。



5. 放進雪櫃冷凍,吃時放入啫喱,即成。

The cucumbers in the market are divide d into local cucumb different looks. Cucu ers, Japanese cucu mber has high water mbers and hot house content and a fresh cucumbers. They ha smell. This recipe use taste. However it is ve s lime jelly and hone sel dom used for makin y to combine cucumb g juice due to its grassy of juices that goes we er and bitter gourd juic ll together and can e. This creative comb be accepted and ca ination offers a blend n be accepted by ch 市面上的青瓜大致分為 ildren. 本地青瓜、日本青瓜及 溫室青瓜,從外形上看 它帶有一種草腥味,很 有明顯的分別。青瓜水 少榨汁來飲用。是次以 分多,瓜味清新,惟很 青檸啫喱及蜜糖配以青 接受。 多人覺得 瓜苦瓜汁,創意的配搭 在味道上完全配合,小 朋友亦能

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Mixed Fruit Yogurt Cone 雜果乳酪凍凍杯 es 6 Ingredients • 100g sweet corn kernel • 100g red apple • 80g Japanese cucumber • 6 ice cream waffle cones • 1/4 cup low fat yogurt • 1 tsp salt • 1 liter cold boiled water

serv 6人份

Procedures 1. Wash red apple. Remove flesh and cut into small cubes. Dissolve salt in cold boiled water. Soak apple cubes in salt water to prevent apple from being oxidised and turning yellow. 2. Scald sweet corn kernels till done. Peel cucumber and cut into small cubes. Set aside. 3. Dish up red apple cubes. Mix with corn kernels and cucumber cubes. 4. Swiftly blend in low fat yogurt to make mixed fruit yogurt salad. Chill in fridge. 5. Upon serving, spoon yogurt salad into waffle cones. 材料 • 粟米粒100克 • 紅蘋果100克 • 日本青瓜80克 • 威化雪糕杯6個 • 低脂乳酪1/4杯 • 鹽1茶匙 • 冷開水1公升 做法 1. 紅蘋果洗淨起肉切幼粒,用冷開水混和鹽成鹽水,浸蘋果肉免氧 化變黃。 2. 粟米粒灼熟,青瓜去皮切幼粒,備用。 3. 盛起鹽水中的紅蘋果,與粟米粒及青瓜粒混合。 4. 將低脂乳酪快手拌入成雜果乳酪沙律後冷藏。 5. 進食時,將雜果乳酪沙律放進威化雪糕杯內即成。


Let your child join in! 小朋友可參與的部分 Tools: Plastic knife and spoon 用具:膠刀、膠匙

☆Cutting fruits with plastic knife 用膠刀切水果☆ Training target: Coordination among hands, eyes and brain 練習目標:手眼腦協調

☆Controlling using of spoon 控制匙羹動作☆ Ingredients for cone filling can be change d according to individual preference . Preferably fruits wit h a dry and not too juicy texture. Try putting in poached potato or kidney beans to develop he althy eating habits. 杯內各種材料可隨個人 口味而作出變化,以乾 身及不會 出太多水的生果為佳, 可試試放進一些其他食 物鼓勵小 朋友嘗試,例如熟薯仔 、紅腰豆等。

Training target: Fine motor training / Coordination among hands, eyes and brain 練習目標:小肌肉控制/手眼腦協調

以上內容摘自嘉出版、 柯文滿著作之《親子健 康入廚樂》。

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How the World Soaks Up the Sun

千奇 百趣夏日祭 Thailand 泰國 Songkran Water Festival 潑水節

The Thai New Year festival is meant for 3 things: bathing, splashing, and getting wet! Every April, the whole country’s aqua mode is turned on after a religious ceremony seeking blessings from Buddha has concluded. Imagine enjoying this ultimate water festival with your children under the bright rays of the summer sun; as a matter of fact, no one can escape getting splashed that week! 泰國的新年在每年的4月,這時候夏天已至,當禮 佛儀式完畢,這裡的人便會拿純淨的清水互相潑 灑,以此表達祝福。這便是聞名的潑水節。如果你 和你的孩子置身其中,別閃躲,盡情享受水潑過來 的涼快與暢快吧!

Spain 西班牙 La Tomatina 蕃茄節 Another splashing festival also pretty much water-based: Tomatoes. Though this frenzy of being the messiest festival in Spain only lasts an hour, it wreaks enough havoc to soak the town of Bunol in a tomato bath. The rule of thumb before getting splashed by the red: put your goggles on! 每年8月的最後一個星期三,西班牙Bunol 小鎮都會被熟透多汁的番茄浸沒。這場番 茄大戰只會維持一小時,參加前請帶上防 護眼鏡啊!


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South Korea 韓國 Boryeong Mud Festival 保寧泥土美容節

As the world becomes more of a melting pot, more people are looking for different ways to celebrate the warming breezes. Are you ready to join in the fun? These festivals will make you want to go and head for your nearest travel agency! 太陽為不同緯度的地方定義著不同的夏天, 各處的人用各自的方式慶祝著夏日的來臨。 你有沒有興趣帶孩子去體驗一下這些跟夏 天有關的節慶?

When speaking about splashing celebrations, how can mud be exempted? Koreans take mud very seriously; its mineral-rich ingredients have shown skin benefits. Perhaps the mud festival is their way of embracing its effectiveness through mud slides, mud fights, and other mud-themed competitions. 7月,韓國保寧大川海水浴場的泥土美容節迎來世界各地 的大小遊客。韓國人認為當地的泥漿中含有具美容效果 的豐富礦物質,所以大家都爭前恐後跳入其中。

USA 美國 Texas SandFest 德州沙雕節 Every April, many families enjoy more than just a gathering of fun in the sand; they come together to appreciate another form of art. This 3-day competition has attracted over 100,000 people, with 24 masters and over 200 amateur sand sculptors competing in creating their distinctive pieces of artwork. 每年4月會有過10萬人來到德州Port Arkansas的海灘, 不單為了感受陽光與海,還為了欣賞美輪美奐的沙雕作 品。維持3日的沙雕節。吸引著專業非專業的沙雕藝術 家來切磋較量。 Photo I Jennifer Wolff life-sunnysideupwithjennifer.blogspot.com/2012/04/sandfest-2012.html

Japan 日本 Kanto Festival 秋田竿燈祭 Held in the city of Akita, this annual grain harvest celebration has thrilled many newcomers, amazed at the sight of 3,000 incredible performers who demonstrate their wonderful balancing skills by holding multiple lanterns on a bamboo frame. The largest lanterns weigh about 50 kilograms and are 12 metres in height. The lanterns are balanced on the performers’ palms, foreheads, shoulders, or lower backs. 8月 初 , 日 本 秋 田 縣 , 夏 天 就 快 完 結 , 穀 物 收 割 在 即。3,000個漢子會憑驚人的平衡技巧,將綁有許多燈 籠的單腳竹竿架頂在手上、肩上或額頭上,即使竹竿架 長達12米、重達50公斤,亦完全不會倒下來。 Text & Photo I Allan Lee

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Club Med Phuket

Family Tropical Sanctuary Text I Angie

Photo I Angie & Club Med

找片熱帶海 樂享天倫

Laid-back mode: ON 啓動無憂狀態 As the sun beams down at Kata Bay, Phuket, the view of the beach and the surrounding tropical ambience lend a sense of peace to the mind. The newly renovated Club Med Phuket was themed “The Magic of Lights”. The name is borrowed from Thailand’s annual Yi Peng Festival where locals float traditional candle lanterns out to the sky. Visitors will be welcomed by staff from different countries who are in a position to cater to their cultural needs. Once you step in, your laid back mode will automatically switch on, as your children’s daily joyful itinerary will be well taken care by the amicable G.O. (Gental Organiser) staff. Now you can welcome the continual exciting events and beautiful beach with your open arms. 陽光灑落美麗的卡他灣,映襯著無處不在的沙灘美景和熱帶風情,讓人心情瞬間 平靜。全新裝修的布吉Club Med便坐落於此,以泰國一年一度的水燈節為靈感, 打造出「光影傳奇」的全新主題。踏入這裡,你們一家大小都將體驗到真正「賓 至如歸」的感覺,皆因來自世界不同國家的工作人員會用你家鄉的文化習俗歡迎 你的到來。踏入這裡,你的無憂假期正式開始:親善友好的G.O.們會無微不至地 幫你照顧好你的孩子,讓他們每天的行程都開心滿載,大人們便可以肆意享受這 裡無盡的精彩節目和美麗海灘了。


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Remarkable night of surprises 揭開精彩一夜 As night falls, your family will be amazed by the evening entertainment including spectacular circus shows performed by Club Med’s multi-talented G.O. staffs. Adults and children alike watch and scream in excitement. Visitors can also have a chance to celebrate Thai culture by floating a candle lantern out to the sky! It is truly an unforgettable experience. 夜幕降下,精彩才剛揭幕。帶孩子去看馬戲 表演吧,無論大人小朋友都會一邊觀賞一邊 尖叫的。而白天裡陪在你身邊的G.O.也會在 夜裡登上舞台,他們的多才多藝絕對會讓你 全家人歎為觀止、驚喜連連。大家還有機會 體驗泰國傳統節日水燈節, 站在水面上將燈 籠放上天,想必一定別有一番感受。

Let the kids have their fun 放心讓孩子去玩吧 If you are looking for dedicated child catering services, Club Med Phuket needs no introduction. They provide an exclusive child catering service based on age: Baby Club Med (4-23 months), Petit Club Med (2-3 years), and Kid Club Med (4-10 years). A multi-cultural team of specialist G.O.s will accompany your kids at all times with a variety of activities based on weekly themes, such as cake-making workshops, etc. It’s time to rekindle your honeymoon moments when your children can as well enjoy their own activities. 想暫時「放低」孩子,過過二人世界?Club Med有出 名無微不至的兒童看護服務,按孩子年齡分為嬰兒俱樂 部(4至23個月)、幼兒俱樂部(2至3歲)及兒童俱樂 部(4至10 歲),來自不同的國家的G.O.都是擅長跟小 朋友溝通和相處的哥哥姐姐,他們將全程陪伴你的孩 子,每星期都會設計各式各樣的主題活動,如蛋糕製 作工作坊等。你自己可以放心地玩,亦可以放心地讓 孩子去玩!

We understand the importance of attentive care for babies and toddlers. We ask parents to provide us with extensive information about their babies prior to their trip, such as meal and nap times, what they eat and how much they eat per day, etc. 我們深知要為嬰幼兒提供最悉心的看護十分重 要。所以我們會在行程一開始,便要求家長們 提供有關他們孩子盡可能多的資訊,如用餐和 睡覺時間、每天吃哪些食物以及其份量等。

Children will have


special meal time catered by G.O. staff. Their meal tray comes with different colours and shapes to help them categorise different kinds of food. G.O.會為孩子們專門設定用餐 時間。五顏六色、形狀多樣的餐 盤,能讓孩子很容易地分辨不同 種類的食物。

Club Med Phuket 3 KATA ROAD, PHUKET (852) 3111 9388 www.clubmed.com.hk

Lucas from Brazil, Mini Club Med Manager for 6 years 來自巴西的Lucas,任迷你俱樂部經理已有6年 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Nine Types of Fathers Which Type Are You?

「型」爸爸 你係邊種? 3種類型 9種性格

Text I Janet Chiu

Dear fathers, please try and


picture the following scenario:


You and your baby are playing in a park. Your baby wants to play on a swing, but another kid is sitting on it. Your baby cries because he/she cannot use the swing, and instead decides to grab the seat. At this time, your course of action is to…


Forcibly stop your baby’s behaviour Be obedient to your baby’s will, allowing him/her to grab the seat

另一個小孩先一步上了鞦韆,結果你的小寶寶因未能夠 玩而大吵大鬧,正想搶去那個小孩的位子,你會……




Ignore your baby’s behaviour

Janet Chiu 趙逸思 Janet is an educational psychologist with numerous professional qualifications, including Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology. She has extensive experience in various childcare services in Australia and Hong Kong, providing comprehensive psychological assessments and workshops for children. She pays close attention to children with literary difficulties and learning disabilities in particular. 專業教育心理學家,獲取多項心理學家專業資格,包括社會科學心理學學士等。曾為多間澳洲及香港扶幼 團體工作,為兒童提供詳盡心理評估及小組工作等,歉有讀寫困難和學習障礙的兒童尤其關注。

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Dear fathers,


have you made a choice?


The purpose of this mini-test is to classify you into one of 3 types, namely, active type, obedient type and dissociated type. The main features of these 3 types are as follows:

其實這個小測試的目的,是想就你以上的反應分為3種類 型:主動型、順從型及抽離型。以下為這3種類型的主要

Active type: confident, holding on to his/her own views, self-centred, active, quest for power, strict and careful


Obedience: perceptual , sympathetic, cooperative, eager to obtain other people’s acknowledgement


Dissociated type: isolated, indifferent, easy to ignore others, eager for independence




In an interactive environment, a parent’s discipline model may have a direct influence on their baby’s attitude towards things and even the development of their personality. Next, we will match fathers to children, and summarise the basic concept of Enneagram for your reference: 父母的管教模式,在互動的環境下,有可能直接影響小寶寶對待事物的態度以致其人格發展。 以下將會為各位爸爸進行大配對,並綜合出9型人格的基本概念給你作參考:


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1: Perfectionist Type 2: Helper Type 3: Achiever Type 4: Artist Type 5: Thinker Type 6: Loyalist Type 7: Epicure Type 8: Leader Type 9: Peacemaker Type

1型:完美主義者 第2型:助人者 第3型:成就者 第4型:藝術型 第5型:智慧型 第6型:忠誠型 第7型:快樂主義型 第8型:領袖型 第9型:和平型 第

Active Kids Vs. Active Fathers

As both parties hold on to their own views and it is hard for them to compromise, they tend to have conflicts and arguments. It is difficult for an active father to tolerate his child disobeying. On the other hand, active children are relatively self-centred, tending to insist on and actively strive for what they want to obtain. Active children tend to feel that the world is full of challenge and competition. This kind of child, under their powerful father’s discipline, may form the 8th type of personality – Leader. These children attach importance to individualism, and are unwilling to accept other people’s opinions; they like controlling others and their environment; they are strong, confident and willing to meet challenges and strive to the end; they are eager to get power and hope that others are obedient to him/her.

主動型寶寶 Vs. 主動型爸爸 兩者較堅持己見,難於妥協,因而較易產生衝突與爭辯。主 動型的爸爸較難容忍孩子叛逆自己的意思。另一方面,主動 型的孩子較自我中心,對自己想得到的東西會比較堅持和積 極去爭取,因此,主動型的孩子會覺得這個世界充滿挑戰與 競爭。這類型的孩子在強勢爸爸的管教下容易形成第8型


Active Kids Vs. Obedient Fathers

別人的意見,愛操控別人及控制環境,堅強及有自信,勇於 接受挑戰並抗爭到底,渴望得到權勢,希望別人服從他。

When an active child expresses his/her own opinion and demands, an obedient father makes an appropriate response and gives support and encouragement, letting the child freely express his/her thinking and arousing the child’s interest in new things. Obedient fathers have great empathy; they try their best to respond to and satisfy their children’ needs and requirements, making their children the recipients of love as well as of concern, and allowing them to grow in a pleasant environment. In such an interactive environment, children tend to form the 7th type of personality – Epicure. These children are extroverted, optimistic, vigorous, highly initiative and dynamic; they are committed to what they are interested in and know appreciation and gratefulness; they know the goodness of life, but they may control others in order to achieve their desires and pursue immediate happiness at the same time.

主動型寶寶 Vs. 順從型爸爸 當主動型的孩子表達自己的意見和訴求時,順從型的爸爸會 作出適當的回應,並給予支持與鼓勵,讓孩子能自由地表達 自己的想法,亦能激發孩子對新事物的興趣。順從型的爸爸 富有同理心,並盡量回應及滿足孩子的需要和要求,讓孩子 感受到愛與關懷,在愉快的環境中成長。孩子在這種互動環 境中較容易形成第7型人格——快樂主義型 。 孩子性格外向樂觀,活力充沛,自發性高,充滿動力,對 感興趣的事物十分投入,懂得欣賞及感激,感覺到生命的 美好,但同時亦可能會操控他人以達到自己的慾望並追求 即時的快樂。

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Active Kids Vs. Dissociated Fathers

When an active child interacts with a dissociated father, he/she becomes more active in order to attract the father’s attention. As children may have big emotional swings, they may increase the strength of the appeal to achieve their desires and display attention-getting behaviours. Dissociated fathers usually ignore children’s emotional needs, so they may make children feel frustrated and depressed. In such a situation, children tend to form the 4th type of personality – Artist. Children are likely to query themselves because they have not obtained the attention and acknowledgement of their father for a long time, but such a feeling of being abandoned often makes them pursue a sense of identity and seek themselves; they are usually emotional, possess a rich imagination and keen feelings.

主動型寶寶 Vs. 抽離型爸爸 主動型的孩子與抽離型的爸爸互動時,會更加主動以博取爸 爸對他的注意。孩子會遇到較大的情感變化,為達到自己的 需要而增加訴求的強度,以及做出引人注意的行為,渴望得 到父母的關心。由於抽離型的爸爸大多忽略孩子的情感需 要,容易讓孩子感到挫敗與沮喪。孩子在這種情況下容易形 成第4型人格——藝術型 。孩子由於長期得不到 爸爸的注意和認同,會容易質疑自己,但這種被遺棄的感覺 往往令他們追求認同感及尋找自我,孩子常有情緒化的表 現,幻想力豐富,感覺亦較敏銳。

Obedient Kids Vs. Active Fathers

Generally, active fathers are strict, and they often control their children’s behaviour. When the children make a mistake or display what is considered to be bad behaviour, these fathers blame and criticise them. The obedient children usually do things to comply with their father’s will; they are obedient to the standards and rules their father has made; they perform well and want to be a good baby. This kind of baby, under the strict discipline of their father, is likely to form the 1st type of personality – Perfectionist. These children can distinguish right from wrong and have strong moral values; they are independent, organised, principled and highly self-disciplined, but they tend to criticise themselves and others, pursuing perfection when doing anything.

順從型寶寶 Vs. 主動型爸爸 主動型的爸爸一般較嚴厲,並經常操控孩子的行為,當孩子 犯錯或做出被認為是壞的行為時,會加以責備與批評。順從 型的孩子通常會遵照爸爸的意思去做事,乖乖順從爸爸所訂 下的標準和規則,行為表現良好,做一個好寶寶。這類型的 孩子在爸爸的嚴厲管教下容易形成第1型人格——完 美主義者。孩子是非分明,有很強的道德價值觀,做事 獨立有條理,有堅定的原則,自律性高,但對自己及他 人有較強的批判性,凡事追求完美。


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Obedient Kids Vs. Dissociated Fathers

When an obedient child faces an indifferent father, he/she, in order to obtain father’s attention and acknowledgement, tends to do his/her utmost to fawn on him. They gain their parents’ love through meeting and catering to their parents’ needs; they often consider others, and even unconsciously change themselves to accommodate others to gain their concern and love. In such a situation, the children are likely to form the 2nd type of personality – Helper. These children are sympathetic and full of love for others, caring for other people’s needs; they are willing to help others, good at dealing with interpersonal relationships and are welcomed by others. In order to win over other people’s identification and support, these children are willing to self-sacrifice and strive to change themselves in order to cater to others; they know they should consider others but they also want this feeling reciprocated.

順從型寶寶 Vs. 抽離型爸爸 順從型的孩子面對冷膜的爸爸時,往往會為求得到他們 的注意和認同,而更加盡力討好爸爸,通過滿足及迎合 父母的需要以獲得他們的愛,孩子常為他人著想,甚至

Obedient Kids Vs. Obedient Fathers

An obedient child gets along well with his/her father, and has a close relationship. These kinds of children depend on their father’s education and support very much, but as the fathers are obedient as well, they are interdependent. Sometimes, the children feel that their fathers have no power to protect them, so they lack a sense of security; they pursue harmony and seek trustworthy people. Such an interactive relationship is likely to make the children form the 6th type of personality – Loyalist. These children like taking things as they are and resist being in an unfamiliar environment; they are friendly and cooperative, paying attention to mutual trust and hoping to establish long-term relationships with others; they are doubtful about and do not trust unknown people and things; they cannot make up their minds and feel helpless, lacking a sense of security, and sometimes they even depend on trustworthy persons in authority to ensure their safety.

順從型寶寶 Vs. 順從型爸爸 順從型的孩子與爸爸相處融洽,彼此的關係密切。這類型的孩子非常 依賴爸爸的培育與支持,但由於爸爸也是順從型,他們相互依賴,有 時讓孩子感覺爸爸沒有權勢保護自己,因而缺乏安全感,他們追求 和諧,尋找值得信賴的人。這種互動關係容易讓孩子形成第6型 人格——忠誠型。孩子較喜歡安於現狀,抗拒處於不熟悉的 環境,表現友善和合作,重視彼此之間的信任,希望與他人建立長 久的關係。他們對陌生的人和事充滿疑慮和不信任,當欠缺安全感 時會表現得遲疑不決,感到無助,有時甚至會依附他們所信賴的權 威以確保自己的安全。

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會不自覺地改變自己去遷就別人以博取他人的關愛。孩 子在這種情況下容易形成第2型人格——助人 者 。孩子有同情心,對別人充滿愛與情感,照顧關懷 他人的需要,熱心幫助別人,善於處理人際關係,受大 眾歡迎。孩子為爭取他人的認同和支持,願意作自我犧 牲,努力改變自己去迎合他人,懂得為人設想,但亦渴 望得到別人的回報。

Dissociated Kids Vs. Active Fathers

Faced with active and powerful fathers, dissociated children appear to be afraid of their father’s control, so they try to avoid conflict. Active fathers are not good at listening to children’ opinions, making the latter feel that they are refused and ignored by others, so as a result the children ignore their own needs. They lack selfconfidence, dare not express their own opinions, and are used to repeating what others say. In such an interactive environment, these children are likely to form the 9th type of personality – Peacemaker. These children display strong endurance and receptiveness; they do not stick to their own viewpoints but instead tend to make compromises to avoid conflict with others; they place importance on others’ acceptance of them, and their ultimate goal is to establish harmonious and stable relationships with others.

抽離型寶寶 Vs. 主動型爸爸 面對主動、強勢的爸爸,抽離型的孩子對爸爸的操控顯得害 怕,因而避免與父母產生衝突。由於主動型的爸爸不善聽取 孩子的意見,讓他們感到遭人所拒、不被人重視,以致孩子 也忽略自己真實的需要。他們缺乏自信,不敢表達自己的 想法,習慣附和他人。孩子在這種互動環境中較容易形成

第9型人格——和平型。孩子忍耐力及接受能力 較強,且不會堅持自己的觀點,容易作出妥協,以避免與 人產生衝突,他們重視別人的接納,渴望與人建立和諧、 穩定的關係。

Dissociated Kids Vs. Obedient Fathers

Dissociated children, faced with obedient fathers’ excessive attention, seem to be out of breath. The fathers are concerned about their children’s needs at every given moment, while the children for their part do not think that they need so much care; these children prefer to escape their parents’ concern and love. They like to spend time alone meditating, and enjoy doing so. In such a situation, these children are likely to form the 5th type of personality – Thinker. The children are fond of thinking and learning, with a strong thirst for knowledge and curiosity; they possess keen observation skills and a passion for exploration and discovery; they concentrate on what they are interested in, and are good at thinking and analysing things calmly; they attach importance to private space, like being alone, and do not willingly reveal their feelings to others; they are not good at communication and are dissociated emotionally.

抽離型寶寶 Vs. 順從型爸爸 抽離型的孩子對順從型爸爸的過份關注,顯得有點喘不過 氣來,由於爸爸時刻照顧他們的需要,而孩子自覺不需要 備受關注令他們傾向逃避父母的關愛。他們較喜歡獨處沉 思並樂在其中。孩子在這種情況下容易形成 第5型人

格——智慧型。孩子喜愛思考、喜愛學習,求知慾 強,充滿好奇心,觀察力敏銳,鐘情於探索發現,把專注 力放在有興趣的事物上,擅於冷靜思考與分析。他們重視 私人空間,喜歡獨處,不喜歡在他人面前表露情感,不太 擅於交際,情感較抽離。

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Dissociated Kids Vs. Dissociated Fathers

Dissociated fathers are relatively indifferent and may not give due consideration to their children’s needs, but these children do not feel that they are ignored, and their performances are dissociated too, making them more independent. As dissociated children do not have a strong need for affection, they tend to use outstanding performance to attract their parents’ attention. In such a situation, these children are likely to form the 3rd type of personality – Achiever. These children are confident, have strong adaptability, ambition and desire to excel; they like competing with others; they usually want to surpass others and like being noticed by others; they think they are extraordinary and are willing to perform better; they ignore their real feelings as a result of paying attention to their personal achievements.

抽離型寶寶 Vs. 抽離型爸爸 抽離型的爸爸較為冷漠,不會顧及孩子的需要,但孩子並 不會因而感到被忽略,他們的表現也較抽離,反而使他們 變得獨立。由於抽離型的孩子沒有很強的情感需要,他們 會利用自己出色的表現來獲得被父母重視的需求。孩子在 這種情況下容易形成 第3型人格——成就者 。 孩子表現自信,適應力強,有很強的野心和好勝心,喜歡 與人競爭,常常想超越別人,喜歡被人注意,覺得自己很 了不起並有決心要讓自己表現更好,由於他們重視個人成 就而忽略了自己的真實感受。

Through the above analysis, we hope all “types” of fathers have learned more about Enneagram and their own children. We hope that you, your wife and children can work together and make further progress on the road of parent-child relationships! 透過以上的分析,希望各位「型」爸爸能對9型人格,以及自己的寶寶 有多一點了解,並能跟太太和孩子三方面互相配合, 於親子路上更暢順無阻,更進一步﹗

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PJ Promotion

機會只會留給有準備的人 日朗坊幼稚園面試培訓/學前預備班 日朗坊 Glory Learning House 去年投考 K1 的面試班學生中,超過95%考獲第一志願幼稚園,其中包 括協恩、根德園、創價、St. Catherine (國際英文)、崇真、培正、民生、約克、學之園、救世軍吳國 偉、荃灣浸信會、綠楊等,當中更不乏獲過十間名校錄取的優秀學生,成績十分驕人。究竟孩子們 是怎樣做到的?日朗坊的總監 Ms. Fong 跟我們說:「在激烈競爭下,機會只會留給有準備的人!」 Ms. Yvon Fong 日朗坊總監,香港理工大學工商管理學碩士,「努力試」 中心關愛自閉症之義工導師,現亦在教會事奉自閉症兒童 團契。

個案分析 明智同學(09年9月出世)

變成精靈仔之路 就讀前:當時歲半的明智很怕接觸陌生人,離不開 家傭;語言表達能力欠佳,尤其是中文詞語;專注 力及紀律亦有待改善。 解決方案:11年6月開始在日朗坊開始就讀學前適 應班及20堂面試班。現正在該中心就讀多方面幼 稚園培訓班包括音樂、普通話、英文及邏輯思維。 就讀後:獲得根德園、民生、St. Catherine、崇真、 約克、學之園等過十間名校取錄。

最後選擇:2012年入讀根德園幼稚園 K1

Q: 在老師眼中,明智是個怎樣的小朋友? 明智一開始參加我們的親子感統 playgroup 時,脾氣確實比較壞。試過上堂第一 天就嘔吐在老師的衣服上。我們認為他其實是為了吸引家傭姐姐的注意,且不想 獨自上堂。他媽媽亦表示,他的確常常有這樣的行為,很多 learning centre 教了 兩三堂後也缺乏耐性教他。但我們的老師選擇給予他更多的耐心,讓他覺得參加 playgroup 是有歸屬感的。皆因讓孩子對我們的環境有安全感和信任,對接下來 的學習是至關重要的。經過一段時間的學前預備班及面試班課程,明智變得有耐 心、有紀律了許多,對於老師的提問亦幾乎是「有問必答」。要知道,社交和情 緒方面的表現都是現時名校幼稚園面試中十分重視, 亦是現今小朋友最弱的一環。 在幾次的模擬面試中,明智都順利通過,他亦因此變得更自信。我們都很高興他 獲得逾10間的幼稚園錄取,包括父母的第一志願–根德園幼稚園。

Q: 日朗坊的面試班及學前預備班會訓練孩子哪些能力? 我們的幼稚園面試訓練班及學前預備班由註冊名校教師根據各名校幼稚園之面試 及學習內容設計教材,訓練孩子認字、認物、邏輯思維、數數、顏色、形狀、配 對、小肌肉活動、閱讀、聆聽故事、執行指示等;同時亦會透過有系統的長期 訓練,幫助孩子在反應、禮貌、坐姿等方面養成好習慣,培養專注力,增強自 信心,並模擬幼稚園上課模式,讓幼兒體驗幼園校園生活。 我們每堂課都會有音樂律動和群體活動的部份,包括教唱兒歌,皆因唱歌是很 多學校,例如根德園的常考題目。自理及合群能力方面,課堂中特別設立的茶 點時間、集體遊戲及活動,會多讓學生習慣群體生活及訓練他們的自理能力, 如自己穿鞋、收拾玩具、茶點後清潔等。不要看小它們,這些往往是近年面試 成功一大因素,尤其是一些需要集體面試的學校。

Q: 在這個過程中,家長的角色又是如何的? 記得去年月第一個面試時,明智的爸爸媽媽都很緊張,影響了臨場表現。在回 家時的士上,明智的媽媽十分懊惱。我們告訴她,應該為孩子打氣,鼓勵他下 次做得更好,而非愁眉苦臉導致打擊孩子自信心。家長的訓練亦是面試班極重 要的一環。因為學校了解家長教養模式和對答表現也佔相當的比重。因此教予 家長應對技巧和深入了解各校的面試特點是本班一重要特色。而最重要的也是 家長和我們合作。我們要求家長在家中重複在課堂所訓練的技巧,老師們也會 定期向家長報告學生進度,包括需要改進的地方。譬如明智剛開始時中文語言 能力較弱,很多詞彙只懂用英文表達。我們便及時地提醒家長特別注意這一點。 日朗坊提供一系列有系統的課程給一至十二歲小朋友. Playgroup 課程: 精靈BB探索班 Playgroup, 英語 Playgroup, 學前課程: 學前適應班, 名校幼稚園課程培訓班 (音樂, 思維訓練, 普通話, 英語), 幼稚園面試培訓班 語言課程: Letterland 拼音, 劍橋英語YLE (Starters - KET), LCM 英國倫敦音樂學院英語證書課程 Scholastic Big Day 國際學校幼兒英語課程. KPCC 幼兒普通話水平測試課程 音樂課程: LCM 英國倫敦音樂學院音樂證書課程 思維訓練: Mensa IQ 思維訓練課程

日朗坊 Glory Learning House 荃灣沙咀道289號恆生荃灣大廈13樓C&D室 想了解日朗坊的各項課程,歡迎致電3568 6432 或瀏覽 www.glorykids.com.hk。

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Summer Pregnancy Survival Tips Help you stay cool and comfortable



Summer is a tough time for many mums-to-be, especially for those in a hot and humid place like Hong Kong. Now we have good news for all summer mamas! We have compiled a list of tips to cool you down this summer! 夏天懷孕的媽媽似乎要面對多一份考驗,尤其身處香港這又熱又濕的亞熱帶地 方。別怕,我們為你列出了各方面的注意事項,幫你輕鬆安穩地度過夏天!

Wardrobe 衣物篇 Summer is the season for sweating, especially for mumsto-be. They need to choose loose, cotton clothing that allow them to perspire easily and that are sweat absorbent. No tight belts or bras should be worn in order to prevent hyperplasia, and affect the growth of the fetus. Lace and cotton corsets are preferable for their comfy, moisture-absorbing and heatoozing purposes. Clothed in these, you can avoid perspiration problems that lead to rashes and other skin infections. 夏天易出汗,孕婦的身體代謝比其他人更旺 盛,所以更加需要選擇利於排汗、吸汗的衣 物。日常衣物最好選寬鬆、棉質的,胸圍和 腰帶皆不宜束得太緊,以免引發乳腺增生, 或影響胎兒發育。而貼身衣物則可選擇真絲 或棉質的,以軟熟舒適、透濕吸乾及散發體 溫為宗旨。這都可以讓孕婦避免因排汗不暢 導致皮疹、皮膚感染等問題。

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Diet 飲食篇 Pregnant mummies should pay special attention to their summer diet, as what you take in will inevitably affect the baby in your womb. The rule of thumb is to be constantly vigilant about food hygiene so as to avoid uterine contractions and premature birth caused by gastrointestinal infection. 孕婦對夏天的飲食上要特別注意,皆因你擺 入口中的東西隨時影響著肚中胎兒的健康。 當中第一條、亦是最重要的一條,便是注意 飲食衛生,避免引起消化道感染所導致的子 宮收縮、早產等不良反應。

Refrigerating: raw Vs. cooked 雪櫃食物 生熟分開 Even when food is refrigerated at -4℃, Yersinia can still breed on meat, fish, milk, and vegetables; the infected food can caused gastroenteritis. To avoid this, it is highly recommended that you separate raw and cooked foods in the fridge, and ensure they are fully cooked before serving. 即使在-4℃的低溫環境,耶爾辛氏菌(Yersinia)仍能在肉類、魚 類、牛奶、蔬菜等食物中生長繁殖;雪櫃內食物若受到該菌污染或會 引起腸炎。因此雪櫃內食物要生熟分開,進食前要徹底翻熱或煮熟。

Light and nutritional diets 保證營養 但要清淡 It’s common to have a loss of appetite in hot weather. But it’s still important for the fetus to receive sufficient nutrients. One tactic is for expectant mummies to choose to have multiple light meals per day to ensure adequate daily intake of quality protein such as eggs, fish, and chicken. Cooking style should stay as light as possible. Also, summer vegetables and beans should top the diet list for mums-to-be. These are good combined with different types of meat. But do not overindulge your appetite to avoid having an overweight baby. 夏天天氣炎熱,很容易食慾不振。但營養攝入關乎胎兒發育,孕媽媽可選擇少 食多餐,保證每天都攝入足夠的優質蛋白,如蛋、魚、雞等,唯烹飪手法上儘 量清淡。另外,夏天盛產的各類蔬菜、豆製品等都是準媽媽的飲食首選,最適 合用來葷素配搭。但別吃到營養過盛,造成嬰兒過大、分娩過難。

Avoid heatstroke, stay hydrated 勤快補水 慎防中暑 As metabolism increases in expectant mummies, it is easy for mummies to become dehydrated, leading to heatstroke. Mummies should keep themselves hydrated by downing liquid every two hours. Boiled water, green bean paste, milk, soy milk, freshly squeezed juices, and lemon tea are great hydrating drinks. 夏天孕媽媽的代謝比平時更快更大,在氣溫較高的情況下很容易脫 水、中暑。所以切忌口渴了再喝水,應每兩小時喝一次。滾水、綠 豆沙、牛奶、豆漿、自製蔬果汁、檸檬茶都是不錯的補水食品。

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Moderate fruit intake 進食水果 適可而止 Many expectant mummies tend to eat a lot of fruits such as watermelon or cantaloupe. Although these fruits can do a good job of cooling you down, overindulgence of fruits during pregnancy can place you at greater risk of diabetes. Therefore the daily fruit intake should not exceed 250g. If possible, try to replace your regular fruit by low-glucose vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. For high-glucose vegetables, eat moderately. 很多孕媽媽會在天時暑熱時進食大量西瓜、哈密瓜等水果,這的確能起到 消暑效果,但在生理變化多多的懷孕期攝入過量糖分,極易引起糖尿病。 因此每日進食水果不宜超過250克,儘量以番茄、青瓜等含糖量低的蔬菜 代替,切忌無限量吃西瓜這類高糖分水果。

Bathing 洗澡篇 There’s no reason not to take a shower, even if your pregnancy is quite advanced, especially during this warm and muggy summer! Just make sure the water isn’t too warm in order to prevent birth defects due to lack of oxygen. It is best to keep the water temperature below 38℃, or close to body temperature. Keep bath time short during pregnancy. Depriving yourself of oxygen at bath time can cause problems for mums-to-be: dizziness, weakness, and chest pains; hot showers can cause blood vessels to expand; inadequate blood flow to the brain may lead to a lack of oxygen and accelerated fetal heart rate for the fetus; in severe cases the fetus may suffer from neurological developmental disorder. Therefore a 10-20- minute bath is recommended by experts. Furthermore, bathing in a tub should be avoided during pregnancy so as to prevent warm water covering your tummy. A bath may cause suffocation and increase the chance of getting bacterial vaginal infections, as the hormonal changes during pregnancy will lower their defense against bacteria. Therefore it is better to stand in the tub while bathing, and take rests if necessary. 悶熱天氣,很容易滿身臭汗,即使大腹便便不方便,亦要每天洗澡。洗澡時水溫 不宜過高,以免因為缺氧導致胎兒發育不良。合適的水溫大概在38℃以下,和體 溫差不多或比體溫略高。 其次,孕婦洗澡時間不宜太長。淋浴時,浴室內空氣會逐漸減少、氧氣供應相對不 足,孕婦易出現頭暈、眼花、乏力、胸悶等症狀;同時熱水亦會令身體表面的毛細 血管擴張,讓孕婦腦部供血不足,隨時令胎兒出現缺氧、胎心率加快,嚴重者還會 令胎兒神經系統發育不良。因此專家建議孕婦洗澡時間最好控制在10至20分鐘內。 另外,孕婦亦要避免浴缸浸浴,避免熱水浸沒腹部。浸浴除了易引起窒息外,亦會 增加細菌透過陰道引致感染的機會,皆因懷孕期間內分泌變化會令陰道防禦技能降 低。所以孕婦最好站著淋浴,覺得累或不舒服就稍坐休息一下。

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Naps 睡覺篇 As pregnant women burn more energy during the summer, they became easily tired and adequate rest is essential. Avoid over-exhaustion that puts you in danger of heat stroke, blackout, irritable fetal movement and even miscarriage. During naptime, the bedroom air-conditioning temperature should not be too low; 26℃ is optimal. The air-conditioner should not remain on continually; it is preferable to open windows for fresh air at night. Also, leave an open container of water in the bedroom to keep the room moist. The same rules apply for fans with regards to the right time and temperature. Avoid having the fan blow directly in your face as this can lead to headaches, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. 夏天裡孕婦的體力消耗較大,很容易感到疲勞,所以一定要有足夠 的休息和睡眠,避免過度勞累,讓自己置於中暑、暈厥、胎動不安 甚至流產的危險中。睡覺開冷氣,溫度不宜過低,26℃是最佳的溫 度;亦不宜一直開著冷氣,能半夜開窗通通風最好。另外可於睡房 擺一盆清水,以避免空氣過於乾燥。如選擇開風扇,同樣要適時適

Outings 出行篇 Women’s skin becomes more sensitive during pregnancy and, as such, more prone to sunburn. If neglected, it will leave stretch marks on the skin. As the sun’s beams are particularly strong during the summer months, it is important for pregnant mums to pay attention to proper outdoor sun protection: take parasols and hats, and apply iron-free sun protection lotion. Wash the lotion off once you are back home. Also, as many expectant mummies commute to work, try to avoid rush hour as far as possible, as congested areas may cause emotional stress and other health issues.




所以烈日炎炎之時,孕媽媽外出防曬很重要:要儘量使用打傘、戴帽 等防曬方法,最好搽不含鉛的防曬霜,回到室內應儘快洗去防曬霜。 另外,很多孕婦懷於孕期間依然要上班,出行時最好避開早晚的繁 忙時間,以免人多擠擁造成情緒緊張及其他對健康的不良影響。

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From Struggles to Snuggles Keep homework battles at bay with these simple tips


Text I Wendy Lau

It’s amazing how the mere mention of the word ‘homework’ sends stress levels sky-high, as exasperated parents try to get their children to finish their homework without the situation escalating into a full-scale tantrum, leaving both the child and the parent in a state of agitation. Homework battles are the bane of most students’ and parents’ lives. The good news is there are ways to go about making it less of a struggle. As a mother of two, I’ve been through the conflicts brought about by a combination of young children and homework, and after a lot of trial and error, managed to banish the battles. Turning struggles into snuggles and avoiding altercations with early years homework is a breeze with a few simple tactics. 一提到「功課」二字,立即進入警戒狀態?雖然家長們都希望在自己未激氣到頭頂 冒煙之前,孩子就能自覺地完成功課,但通常事情進展下去,結果都是父母、孩子 都各坐一邊,互相對峙。這做功課引起的「戰爭」,幾乎是所有學生和家長生活的 痛苦之源。慶倖,這世間其實是有化敵為友的辦法的。作為兩個孩子的母親,我也 曾與他們因為功課纏鬥許久,苦不堪言。經過無數的挫折與失敗,我們終於擺脫了 開戰的命運。希望以下這些準則,能如一道清風,吹走那因功課引起的縈繞你們親 子間的陰霾。

Wendy Lau Wendy came to Hong Kong from England 21 years ago. Passionate about education, she is a published author with over 16 books in print. Her informative website www.elite-kids-hk.com provides support to help students in Hong Kong excel. 由英國來港已21年的Wendy熱愛教學, 出版過16本書。其網站www.elite-kids-hk. com刊有許多幫助香港孩子取得好成績的 文章。

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Put yourself in your child’s shoes 從孩子的角度思考

First and foremost, imagine the situation from their perspective. If you were two years old with a room full of toys or a drawer full of DVDs beckoning you, would you really want to sit at a table and mindlessly copy Chinese characters or English alphabet letters? When you get back from the office, do you want to sit down and work on more spreadsheets? No? So, it’s no surprise that young kids lose it when they are forced to sit and do something mind-numbing. You know that doing the work is going to improve their hand-eye coordination and help them become proficient writers in the future. You may even be seeing way into the future and imagining them graduating from an Ivy League college. But in a preschooler’s world the only thing that matters is “now”. That’s why you have to put fun into homework. 首要問題,就是從他們的角度了解整個局面。如果你只有兩歲大,面前有一大堆的玩具和卡通片等緊你, 你真的願意坐在那裡,心無雜念地抄寫漢字或英語字母嗎?從公司回家,你會願意又坐在辦公檯前,處理 堆積如山的表格嗎?你不會?那麼你的孩子不想坐定定,做那些讓人心煩意亂的功課又有甚麼出奇呢?當 然,你明白做功課有助提高他們的手眼協調,幫他們將來流利地寫作等等。可能你還會幻想,他們站在Ivy League college的畢業講台上,發表畢業致辭的情景。但請醒醒。一個學齡前兒童的世界裡,只有一件事情 是最重要的,那就是「現在」。這就是為甚麼要在功課裡添加有趣的元素的原因。

Right time, right place 對的時間 對的地點

Expecting your child to tackle homework when he or she is hungry or tired is a recipe for disaster. Make sure they’ve had a rest, a break with time to play and a snack before getting started. Make sure you assign a special location for your child to do his or her homework. For kindergarten children, it’s a good idea to buy a small table. Take your child with you to buy it so they “own” part of the process. Empowering a child will make them much more likely to want to do their homework. Right from the beginning, label it the “homework” table. Make your child feel grown up because all kids want to feel grown up. Go to the stationery shop together and pick out some appropriate stationery to put on their desk/table. Place it somewhere with as few distractions as possible. Set a time every day for homework and use a timer to remind your child – they will soon be delighting in telling you it’s homework time. (See below for more about timers).

如果孩子饑餓難耐或是困乏至極,你卻要他完成功課,這簡直是對 人性的摧殘。開始做功課之前,請先讓孩子休息一下、玩一會兒, 吃點甜品點心,然後再開始。為孩子安排特定的地點,讓他們安心 做功課。對於幼稚園的孩子,買張小桌子就是不錯的主意。帶著孩 子一起去買,這樣他們會有「參與其中」的感覺。這樣授予孩子權 利,孩子就會更願意做功課。從一開始就在桌子上貼上「功課」的 標籤。讓孩子有長大了的感覺,因為所有孩子都希望快點長大。去 文具鋪,挑選一些合適的文具,放在孩子的書桌上。把孩子的小桌 子放在不會讓他分心的地方。固定每天做功課的時間,使用計時器 提醒孩子,它們就很樂意告訴你孩子做功課的時間到了。(參看下 面更多有關計時器的資訊)。

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Fun and games 趣味和遊戲

The key to getting your child to enjoy homework is to make it seem like a game. Using a timer is easy and the perfect solution for the child who seems to take forever to finish their homework. Buy a simple timer. If you can find one that looks like a toy, it’s even better. Or use your computer – there are some computer timers for which you can choose the alarm sound, like a dog barking. Again, empower your child - let him or her choose the sound. The more ownership they have the more motivated they will be. Set an appropriate time for the task. For example, for a three year old writing a sentence, allow five minutes then make it into a “game”. Let’s see if we can beat the timer. Ready! Get set! Go! 將功課變成遊戲是讓孩子享受其中的關鍵所在。計時器,簡單方便,也是給那些做功課要花很長時間的孩子開出的良方。買個簡單的計時 器,要是能找到一個像玩具一樣的計時器,就更好了。或者用你的電腦也可以——電腦上有很多計時器,而且可以自由選擇鬧鈴聲音,如 小狗「汪汪」叫的聲音。再次將話事權給孩子,讓他自己選擇聲音。屬於他們自己的東西越多,他們也就越容易參與其中。為孩子做功課 設定恰當的時間。比如說,3歲的孩子造句子,可以給他5分鐘的時間,然後開始「遊戲」。看看是計時器先走到,還是寶寶先造好句子。 準備!各就各位!開始!

Give oodles of positive reinforcement 給孩子大量的鼓勵

The golden rule is to praise not criticise. When your child finishes his Chinese writing, make a point of praising him. Display it on your fridge. Show it to your husband when he gets home. Your child will pick up on this positive feeling. Give your child a big hug (snuggle not struggle – remember). Avoid criticising and never show anger on your face. For older children you can introduce a reward chart with stickers. 不要指責,要讚賞,這是黃金法則。譬如孩子完成寫漢字的功課後,好好地表揚他。把他完成的「大作」貼在冰箱上。 老公回家時,跟他一起分享孩子的成果,孩子會感受到其中蘊含的積極情緒。給孩子一個大大的擁抱(請記住:你們是 相互扶持的朋友,不是抗爭的敵人)。不要斥責孩子,永遠不要滿臉怒氣。對於大點兒的孩子,你可以買貼紙獎勵他。

Steer clear of negatives and threats 避開負面因素和威脅舉動

This takes some getting used to because “don’t” and “no” and “if you... you can’t...” tend to be part of most parents’ vocabulary. But if you can get out of that and “frame” everything you say related to homework in a positive way, you will see a huge difference. Remember that by associating not doing homework with a bad consequence such as not being able to play, you immediately create negative feelings linked with the word “homework”. This makes homework look like a chore and could have lasting implications. If you’ve done it already (and most of you will have) use positive reinforcement and framing to reverse the negative connotations. 父母總是習慣用「不要」、「不准」和「如果你…你就不能…」這樣的辭彙。其實如果你跳出這個圈子, 用積極向上的方式去衡量與孩子做功課相關的一切事情,你就可以收到與以往大不相同的結果。請記著, 如果你對孩子說,做不完功課就不准去玩,那你就是在將消極情緒與「功課」這個詞聯繫在一起。你會把 功課變成家務瑣事,帶來長期不良影響。如果你已經這樣做了(大多數父母想必都已經這樣做過了),那 就利用積極正面的鼓勵,將這些消極的因素扭轉過來吧。

These are some examples of reframed wording: 感受一下這樣講有甚麼不同:

You haven’t done it properly. Do it again. 你的功課有不對的 地方,重做。

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Well done for trying! I bet you can do it even better! Try again. 很好,勇於嘗試!我相 信你可以做得更好!再 試試。

If you don’t finish your homework in the next 5 minutes, you won’t be allowed to watch TV! 如果你5分鐘內做不完功課, 就沒得看電視了!

If you finish your work in the next 5 minutes (use the timer), you’ll have time to watch TV or choose a book for me to read to you. 用多5分鐘(指指計時器)如 果可以做完功課的話,你就有 時間看電視了,讓媽媽讀書給 你聽也可以哦!

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Be supportive 支持

Preschoolers and kindergarten age children generally need the presence of an adult to help them keep on task. Your role is to give praise and reinforcement and guide them where necessary. As your child moves into primary school, you should start training them to become more independent, otherwise you could end up with a situation where your child refuses to do homework without you at his or her side.

Be assertive but positive 態度堅定,但要積極正面


Remember you are the boss. Your child needs rules and boundaries that you set. And remember that every child tests these boundaries (that’s just part of growing up). Make a set of homework rules such as where and when to do it. When you speak, use the positive framing but say it assertively.










One final word 再講多一句

A key to raising a happy learner is an understanding of EQ. Visit this site to learn more about emotional intelligence and intrinsic motivation: 要培養出樂於學習的孩子,其中一個關鍵是了解EQ( 情緒智商)。以下網址有許多有關情緒智商和內在動 力的資訊:

www.emotional-intelligence-education.com/ intrinsic-motivation.html

Homework can be futile or fruitful. You can easily make it the latter by avoiding battles, resulting in more snuggles than struggles and paving the way for a bright future for your child as a happy learner. 做功課可以是毫無效果,也可以是頗有成效的。只需簡 單幾步,你就可以避免為功課開戰,讓你們之間的關係

跟親密,而不是處處像死敵般;同時,這也是為孩子未 來的發展在鋪路。

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How to Plan Summer Schedule? 如何度過充實的暑假?


ow that summer is upon us, many parents have started arranging summer activities for children to nurture their interest and promote self-enhancement. However, are parents afraid of their children spending too much time playing and end up feeling too relaxed to get their learning back on track once new school term starts? In fact, children can enhance their ability if parents can plan the summer schedule well enough, such as balancing the study and play times. So, how should parents plan the summer schedule? Planning a schedule is essential for children to enjoy a meaningful summer. If too much time is spent on playing, they will end up feeling too relaxed to get their learning back on track once school term starts. Therefore, parents should let children understand that learning, even during holidays, should be a daily routine. It is just like taking meals and naps, which is part of the life. Parents should not underrate the importance of daily learning, as continuous learning is a good habit for children to acquire knowledge and develop a sense of responsibility. Before planning a summer schedule, parents should first know children’s preferences. The schedule should be balanced in 3 areas: learning, playing, and resting. Below are some important points for parents’ reference: 1. Daily learning: Children must maintain a good learning habit even though in summer. Keeping an appropriate amount of learning every day can stimulate children’s brains and develop a good learning foundation.

假快將來臨,相信家長已開始 為孩子安排暑期活動,以培養 不同學習興趣,自我增值。可

是,家長會否害怕孩子因玩樂過多,以致 開學後容易心散,難以適應?其實,父母 若能為孩子好好計劃暑假活動,幫助他們 平衡學習、玩樂時間,孩子定能趁這個悠 長假期提升學習能力。那麼,家長應如何 計劃孩子的暑假? 要孩子過一個有意義的暑假,訂立時間表 最為重要。若玩樂時間過多,孩子的學習

2. We l l - b a l a n c e d d y n a m i c & static activities: When arranging activities, do not fill their time with studying or tutoring. Instead introduce some active outings, such as camping or hiking. This allows children to get in touch with nature, and expand their horizons. It can also serve as great family bonding time.


3. Static then dynamic: If children engage in more than 2 activities a day, it is preferable to complete the static activities before engaging in the active ones so as to avoid children being too excited to concentrate afterwards.


30 minutes of daily learning 每天30分鐘的學習

2. 動靜兼備:安排暑期活動時,切忌把溫

Kumon encourages 30 minutes of daily learning and believes children can strengthen their intellectual foundation through daily learning. Not only does it foster persistence, but it also brings learning into their life. For children who are falling behind academically, summer is a golden moment to help them catch up with the curriculum. For children who are doing well, this is an opportune time for them to preview new materials to further enhance their learning. 公文式提倡每天30分鐘的學習,孩子透過每天做適量教 材,鞏固知識,打穩根基。每天學習不但能幫助孩子培 養出永不放棄的堅毅精神,也能把學習融入生活。對於 基礎不穩的學生,暑假是他們的學習黃金期,追及與學 年相應的學習內容;對於成為優異的學生,暑假是他們 預習新內容的好時機,更進一步提升學習能力。

欲,返回學習軌道。因此,家長應讓孩子 明白,學習如吃飯、睡覺一樣,是生活的 一部分,即使在假期,也必須每天持續學 習。家長千萬不要輕視每天學習的重要, 持續學習絕對能幫助孩子建立良好的學習 習慣,累積知識之餘,亦能建立責任感。 父母在訂立時間表前,應先了解孩子的 意願,盡量平衡學習、玩樂、休息的時 長參考: 1. 每天學習:即使是暑假,孩子也必須保 持良好的學習習慣,每天做適量的作 業,能使腦筋保持靈活,打好學習基 礎,增進知識;

習或上補習班的安排充塞著整個時間 表,應加入動態活動,如︰郊遊、遠足 等,讓孩子多接觸大自然,擴闊眼界, 增進親子關係; 3. 先靜後動:若同一日需要參與兩項或以 上的活動時,宜先完成靜態活動,再進 行動態活動,以免令孩子心情過於亢 奮,難以集中精神。

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Sports Reveal Character Text I Chinmoy Lad

“Sports do not build character. They reveal it,” said legendary NCAA basketball coach John Wooden, famous for guiding UCLA to seven straight basketball championships, which included 88 straight victories – a feat still unmatched in any sport today. Questions over whether character and development can be developed through sport have troubled scholars, coaches and parents over the years, with many arguing that it is intrinsic and cannot be taught, and that sport only bring forth a person’s character as the game helps display it.

How a sportsman reacts Undoubtedly, sports are a test of patience and tolerance of a person. They help reveal the positives of a sportsman’s character, they also expose the negatives of a sportsman’s personality. One way sports help reveal a person’s character is by how a sportsman will react to a loss – the fact that whether he/she can handle defeat and setbacks shows the sportsman’s capability to react to future failures in life and real life stressful situations. Another way sports reveal a person’s character is by way of victory – will the sportsman be humble and thankful after winning a game, or will he/she be vain and arrogant about it? In that sense, sports help bring out the innate characteristics of a person.

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Sports are more than victory Nevertheless, children at a young age often do not understand the complexities of moral choices. Coaches and parents therefore become mentors and role models. Health and fitness experts believe that in an environment where both the coaches and parents are geared towards helping the child rather than merely winning, fosters the right environment for child development and core morals including work ethic, sportsmanship and integrity, teamwork, handling adversity and competitive effort (Livestrong.com).

Development of life skills Philippe Bru, who founded Football for Life, a local Hong Kong charity designed to build confidence and a sense of self-worth for underpriveleged children, believes that sports give children a reason to try, and are crucial to the development of life skills. Bru, who also runs the AC Milan-affiliated and AC Milan legend Franco Baresiendorsed AC Milan Soccer School (www.acmilan.hk) in Hong Kong, explains that being an instructor and coach often means playing the role of a mentor. He says: “Many of our students start off looking to impress their peers, parents and coaches. Unfortunately, at a younger age, this often means ‘hogging’ the ball and trying to do everything themselves. As they grow older and learn through experience, they soon realise that it is after all a team sport – much as life is. They realise that bringing out the best in others will also bring out the best in them, and that playing to each other’s strengths will result in a team that is greater than the sum of its parts. Through such experiences, they become leaders. All we have to do is guide them in the right direction.”

Photo I AC Milan Soccer School

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John Wooden是NCAA(美國大學體育學會)最 具傳奇色彩的籃球教練,曾帶領UCLA(加州大 學洛杉磯分校)連續七奪籃球冠軍,包括88場連 勝。在現今的任何體育項目中,這都是難以追趕 的成績。他曾說過:「運動不是建立品格,而是 彰顯品格。」那麼,人是否可以通過運動發展性 格呢?多年來,這個問題一直都在困擾著眾多學 者、教練和父母。很多人認為,人的性格是一種 本能,無法通過教育習得。運動是傳遞出一個人 性格的媒介,因為競賽有助於將性格展示出來。


見品格 Text I Chinmoy Lad

Photo below I AC Milan Soccer School

運動員的反應 毫無疑問,運動是對我們耐心和承受力的考驗,它既可以展示出運動 員性格中正面的部分,也會展示出負面的部分。運動展示個性的一 個方式,表現在運動員面對失敗的反應上。運動員是否能應對失 敗和挫折,展示出運動員應對未來生活中的失敗和各種緊張情 況的能力。運動展示個性的另一個方法,是他們面對成功的 反應,獲勝後的態度是謙虛感激,還是虛榮自大?從這 個角度來看,運動有助於顯示我們與生俱來的性格。

生活技能 的開發 Philippe Bru是香港慈善

組織Football for Life的創辦 人,該組織的目標是為貧困兒童 構建自信和自我價值感,並相信運動 能夠為他們一個嘗試的機會,對成長發展

非常重要。此外,他還在香港開設了一家隸屬 於AC米蘭的足球學校(www.acmilan.hk),並 獲得AC米蘭前著名球員Franco Baresi的支持。他 相信運動能為兒童提供一個去嘗試的理由,這對生 活技能的開發非常重要。此外,他還解釋道,做一 名教練和老師常常意味著你要扮演引路人的角色。


















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Taking the Right STEPS

Find the best shoes for kids

起步!為孩子 揀「對」鞋

It’s fairly common for newborns and toddlers to go around in footies or in rubberised soles to avoid falling. Shoes are merely a “decoration” as they are too young to walk. But once kids learn to walk at around 12 months of age, parents should know what type of shoes they should wear without endangering their feet. Before doing this though, there are factors that should be taken into consideration. 為了避免孩子跌倒,我們通常會讓初生寶寶或剛學走路的寶寶打赤腳或穿有膠底的鞋仔。他們太小了,還不會 走路,鞋對他們來講更多是「裝飾」。不過當他們12個月大時,父母就應該清楚了解穿怎樣的鞋不會傷孩子的 腳仔了——你要考慮的東西涉及方方面面噢!

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Big Factors


Foot Size 腳的尺寸

Parents must choose a pair of shoes to fit their child’s feet, not vice versa. The length, width and depth of the shoes should all be taken into account. You may harm your child’s feet if you pick a pair of shoes that is ill fitting, leading to ingrown toenails, calluses and bunions. Also, try checking your child’s “growth spurts” because when kids grow, their feet grow too. As such, it is advisable to buy new shoes for your child every 3 to 4 months. Some parents are tempted to buy shoes bigger than their existing sizes. But you should never buy shoes that are more than one size too large for your children because it is easy for them to trip and fall, and foot problems might develop. 父母必須為孩子選擇不大不小、剛好適合他們的腳的鞋子。鞋的 長度、寬度和高度都應考慮在內。所穿鞋子如果大小不合適,他 們的腳仔就可能會受到傷害,甚至出現腳趾甲內生、足繭或腳趾 甲外翻等。同時你亦要考慮孩子的「成長勢頭」,他們身體長得 快,腳仔亦長得快!建議你每3至4個月就替孩子買新鞋。有些 父母試圖為孩子買碼數大一點的鞋子,為求可令穿的時間更長 些。但請謹記:千萬不要讓鞋子比孩子的腳仔大出一個尺碼!孩 子穿這樣的鞋子,不但容易跌倒,更會令他們的腳仔出現問題。



Kids’ sandals: ros and cons? 孩子穿涼鞋:是好是壞?

Shoe Materials 鞋的質地

There are 4 distinctive parts that form every shoe: upper sole, insole, outer sole and heel. The materials used should allow adequate comfort in all parts of the shoe, and should be thick enough to protect, yet flexible enough for walking. 每對鞋子都由鞋面、鞋墊、鞋底和鞋踭4個部分組成。你應該揀選各 部份都穿得舒適的鞋子質地,有足夠厚度,能給腳仔提供很好的保 護,有足夠的柔韌性,走起路來可以很輕鬆。

Summertime is about outdoors and running around, and kids like to wear sandals to easily cool their feet. Some parents may be concerned about whether wearing sandals poses a negative effect on foot development. Experts advise parents to choose quality sandals that are durable, ventilated, made with light-weight materials, or come with adjustable hook and loop straps to secure their feet. Also, kids should not wear sandals for long periods of time. Neither should they wear sandals while engaged in physical activities, as sandals may not provide sufficient support compared to trainers. In addition, avoid wearing sandals in the rain as they could become relatively more slippery. 夏天是戶外運動、四處兜風的好季節,孩子喜歡穿上涼鞋,這樣腳仔 便會更涼快。一些父母可能會擔心,穿涼鞋會不會影響孩子腳的正常 發育。專家建議,父母應當給孩子選擇品質好的涼鞋:耐穿、通風、 輕質材料製成,或者要有可調節的掛鈎和環帶,以保護孩子的雙腳。 當然,孩子亦不應長時間地穿著涼鞋。孩子參加運動時就不應該穿涼

Upper Sole 鞋面 Children in their early years are usually quite active, so it is advisable that the upper sole is made of strong but breathable materials such as canvas or leather. This allows the feet to “breathe” and helps avoid sweat accumulation and skin irritation. 小孩子一般比較活躍,因此鞋面要選擇結實、透氣的材料,如帆布 或皮革。這樣孩子的腳仔才可以「呼吸」,而不會積聚太多汗液, 刺激皮膚。

Insole 鞋墊 While leather uppers are desirable, leather soles are not necessary and can be replaced by rubber or crepe soles made from an absorbent material. It is not actually necessary to have padded insoles or special arch support insoles at this young age. 若鞋面選擇了皮的,那鞋墊就沒必要再選皮革的,而可選用有吸水 性的橡膠或生膠鞋墊。孩子還太小,所以沒必要在鞋墊裡加襯墊或 特殊的足弓支撐墊。

Outer sole 鞋底 The outer sole gives flexibility, traction and cushioning to the shoe, but it shouldn’t be bulky or sticky. This can lead to unnecessary injury by making your child clumsy. 鞋底是鞋子柔韌性、牽引力和緩衝力的來源,不要選擇太過臃腫、 粘性太強的鞋底,這樣只會讓孩子走起路來很笨拙,造成不必要的 傷害。

Heels 鞋踭 Heels are not necessary at this age! Not only is it difficult for kids to walk, but also particularly bad for foot development. Try choosing flat soles for easier walking and greater comfort. 小孩子不需要穿有鞋跟的鞋子!這不單是因為這樣會讓孩子走路不 方便,更會嚴重影響孩子腳的正常發育。為孩子選擇平底鞋子,他 們走起路來會更舒服、更輕鬆。

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鞋;因為相對於運動鞋來說,涼鞋對孩子整個身體的支撐略顯不足。 另外,下雨天亦不要讓孩子穿涼鞋,因為涼鞋鞋底相對較滑,孩子穿 上走路,容易滑倒。


Age-appropriate 是否適合孩子的年齡

If you have a toddler just learning to walk, he or she should wear shoes that have a smooth sole and a high top that stay on better and help avoid falls. If you have a school-age kid, there is a great assortment of suitable shoes, such as tennis shoes, sandals and even hiking boots. 如果你的孩子剛開始學走路,你應該為他選擇鞋底光滑、鞋幫較 高的鞋子。這樣,他們會站得更穩、不易跌倒。如果你的孩子已 開始上學,可供選擇的鞋子款式就多了,如網球鞋、涼鞋,甚至 可以選擇登山鞋。




Unlike many adults, kids don’t really enjoy shopping for shoes. But at the rate that feet outgrow shoes, trying shoes on is absolutely essential. Here are some tips for shopping for children’s shoes that will help you ensure that they fit properly. 小朋友大多不喜歡試鞋買鞋的過程。但他們一天長大一點,試鞋在所難免。下面是幾點建議,幫 你為孩子選擇合腳舒服的鞋子。

• Shoe shopping should always be done later in the afternoon or evening, since feet swell over the course of the day. • Look for a store with staff that specialise in children’s footwear; staff should be knowledgeable in how to deal with little shoppers. • Unless it’s for a very special occasion, it’s best to avoid overspending as children outgrow shoes so quickly.

might seem comfortable to them for a minute or two in the store is very different from what will be comfortable after a day of playing. Measure both feet while standing since one foot is usually larger than the other.

bad idea for anyone, particularly for kids. Shoes need to fit well and be comfortable from the very beginning. Do not allow for a breaking in period or expect shoes to get more comfortable over time.

• When your child is trying on the shoes, there should be half an inch between the edge of the shoe toe and the edge of your child’s toes. Let your child walk in them for a bit. Ask if they feel comfortable wearing the shoes.

• Children’s shoes should have laces, Velcro or other fastening systems. Avoid backless or slip-on shoes.

• Have your children’s feet measured when buying shoes, since what

• “Breaking in” a pair of shoes is a

• Allow your children to give input on which shoes they prefer in terms of colour or design, so as to make their shopping experience a better one.

• 買鞋時間應選擇在傍晚或晚上,因為經

• 買鞋時再量度孩子腳的大小;在店鋪裡試

• 「撐大」鞋子的想法是絕對錯誤的,尤其









• 所選鞋店中要有專門負責童鞋的服務人 員,因為他們可以更好地「伺候」這班 小顧客; • 除非有特殊的情況,最好不要在孩子的鞋 上花費太多,他們長得太快了;

們的腳都是一隻大、一隻小的; • 試鞋時,孩子腳的腳趾頭要與鞋子前端有 半英寸(1.25厘米)的距離。讓孩子穿上 鞋走走看,問問他舒不舒服。

• 小童鞋子上要有鞋帶、魔術貼或其他扣 件。不要買沒有鞋背或是容易甩掉的鞋。 • 讓孩子參與其中,看他喜歡甚麼顏色、款 式,讓他享受買鞋這過程。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


For 0-3 yrs Book Recommendations


現在,你知道我是誰 了嗎?

Suzy Lee


In this wordless but powerful book, Korean artist Suzy Lee takes 3 simple elements – a sunny day, a curious little girl and a playful wave – to create a visually stunning exploration of the natural world.

火車開了!我們一起去郊遊, 你認得出「我」嗎?本書透過 精緻有趣的文字和圖畫,邀 請小朋友動動腦,猜猜故事 的主角是誰。該書更獲得第 一屆豐子 愷兒童圖畫書獎 之「優秀兒童圖畫書獎」。

For 4-6 yrs 我要去遠足




學校要去遠足,小男孩卻生病了, 怎麼辦呢?小男孩能順利參加這 次遠足嗎?

有一天,一對可愛的雙胞 胎姐妹(琪莉和琪莉莉), 一起騎著腳踏車出門,腳 踏車輕快的前進春夏的 森林。透 過 連 續 不斷 的 想像,讓單純的單車之旅 也變得充滿樂趣。

書中把生活體驗與想像力結連,透 過誇張活潑及擬人化的人物造型、 加上色彩濃厚的筆調,令故事充滿 了驚喜,讓孩子有更多想像空間!

Can You Hear the Sea? Judy Cumberbatch This simple yet deep tale about a girl, Sarah, who is given a shell by her grandpa and told to listen to each it every day to hear the sea. Although she puts the shell to her ear, all she hears are the market ladies haggling and banana trees swish-swishing until she gets fed up. It takes Grandpa’s calm presence to enable her to rise above the hustle and bustle of everyday life to finally hear the sea.

Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea Jan Peck A b o l d a n d v ib ra nt introduction to all the wonder ful creatures lurking under the sea in a child’s quest to find treasure.

For parents Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Children’s Book

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Anita Silvey


“Children’s books change lives” – how will the books your children read affect their future careers and aspirations? Anita Silvey asks over 100 leaders from the arts, science, politics and business to recall a children’s book they loved and its impact on their lives. This book is a must-read treasury and introduces readers to a selection of the best books for young readers.

菜姨 姨 是香港 推 動親子 閱讀的資深工作者,曾主 持數以千場的閱讀講座及 故事活動。她透過這書, 將多年的共讀經驗,以及 所接觸過的家長問題,跟 父 母 分享 不同的親子共 讀心得。

Supplied by: Bring Me A Book Hong Kong (www.bringmeabook.org.hk)

Hugo 《雨果的巴黎奇幻歷險》 Ages: 6+ yrs


Welcome to a magical world of spectacular adventure! When wily and resourceful Hugo discovers a secret left by his father, he unlocks a mystery and embarks on a quest that will transform those around him and lead to a safe and loving place he can call home. 金像導演馬田史高西斯,帶你走入一個落泊孤雛的傳奇歷險旅程!在巴黎火車站27座時鐘後 牆的暗窄通道裡,12歲的男孩雨果為了紀念逝世的父親,一直鍥而不捨地修理父親留下給他 的機械人,找尋當中隱藏的秘密訊息,卻因此而引發出另一個驚天秘密;而雨果的命運,也 隨之發生了翻天覆地的變化!

Best Lazy Day Ever 《飛哥與發仔:慵懶的一天》 Ages: 4+ yrs


On the Best Lazy Day Ever, Candace freaks out when her brothers decide to spend a blissful day doing absolutely nothing! And Perry gets an “un-makeover” when Doofenshmirtz invents an “Uglyinator”! In the bonus track Summer Belongs To You!, Phineas and Ferb want to make it even longer at the summer solstice by following the sun around the Earth for a day! 搞作層出不窮的飛哥與發仔這天決定甚麼都不做,反令人無所適從!而杜博士發明了「慢動 作毀滅器」及「變醜毀滅槍」,令高手驟變醜小鴨!另外收錄的《暑假特輯》中,飛哥與發 仔則製造了萬能飛機,誓要追著太陽走遍世界!這一路上又有甚麼美麗奇遇和艱險任務呢?

Special thanks to: Intercontinental Video Ltd.

Peanuts: Happiness is Team Snoopy 《花生動畫:幸福是團隊精神》 Ages: 8+ yrs


For Charlie Brown, a new baseball season equals new hopes of winning. Unfortunately, one player just isn’t measuring up, which makes the team decide that Lucy must be traded. It’s time to catch the winning spirit and share these tales with your teammates, since happiness is what Team Snoopy is all about! 夏天來了,又是最適合戶外運動的好時節!新的棒球賽季開始讓Charlie Brown有了勝利的希 望,不幸的是,沒有一名球員達標。史努比隊唯有決定向另一個球隊交換隊員,希望能結束 球隊連敗的命運。究竟新隊員能否為史努比隊帶來勝利呢?

Special thanks to: Deltamac (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a DVD! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「Jetso」區,並回答簡單問題,贏取DVD一隻﹗

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百家寶親子集團 視像呈獻

CEO劉雪文 Michelle Liu 對話



親子時間 怎樣過?


成長趣事 特別多?

攝影機前 講盡湊仔教仔苦與樂 同為父母



今期嘉賓:陳敏兒 www.peegaboo.com 「我和智叔沒有七年之癢」


陳敏兒和廖啟智(智叔)結婚逾20年,究 竟他們有甚麼相處之道?他倆會在孩子面前吵 架嗎?她又是甚麼時候醒覺到自己在孩子身上投入 太多,而忽略了配偶呢?作為一位妻子及母親,陳敏兒 又為自己打幾多分呢?立即去片!

Global First Education 一環教育 Authentic Putonghua learning 北京專家指導 正宗漢語課程 Do you want your kids to receive the most authentic Putonghua learning programmes to lay a solid Putonghua foundation the easy way out? Located at the convenient area in Central, Global First Education Centre is able to meet your child’s Chinese learning needs. The Centre collaborates with Beijing Normal University, one of the top-notched universities in China specialised in linguistics, to provide educational materials, teacher training and support for children in Hong Kong. Ms. Ursula Mak, its principal said the Centre shows its effectiveness in taking an interactive pedagogical approach through multimedia in raising children’s learning interest. Ms. Mak also wants children to make summer time into good use, the Centre now offers summer courses for children to experience Beijing Normal University’s way so as to help them master Putonghua language and to lay a strong foundation. 你想讓孩子從小學到正統的北京漢語課程嗎?你想讓孩子用最輕鬆的方法打下紮 實的漢語基礎嗎?地處中環的北京師範大學香港漢語教育中心能滿足你孩子的漢 語學習所需。北京師範大學是內地著名學府之一,教育學、中國語言學兩大專業 更是名列前茅。現在北師大與一環教育中心合作,提供教材、教師培訓及專家 支援,讓小朋友在香港亦能學到正宗的漢語課程。中心的麥燕玲校長表示,中 心在教學上使用國外經典的活動式教學法,並配以多媒體手法,以提高小孩的 學習意欲,使教學成果更出眾。學校現正開辦暑期班,讓家長了解北師大的課 程,亦讓孩子善用暑假時光,掌握漢語學習的每一環,打好紮實的漢語基礎。 3996 8060



泳心游泳會 × K-ONE香港親子資訊網 Facebook讚好 贏取游泳課程及用品 幼兒學習游泳不但能促進兒童身體發育及增強身體各方面機 能,更能培養其自主性,亦有助個人反應、智力、思維等方 面提升。泳心游泳會的游泳課程分為幼兒、兒童、親子、私人 等多個組別,由具豐富教授親子泳班及幼兒經驗之游泳教練授 課,港九新界均有上課地點。6月30日前報名游泳課程,可獲贈 總值$200游泳用品一套。 而6月1日至27日期間,登陸www.k123.com.hk網站,為 「K-ONE香港親子資訊網」的facebook page讚好,即有機 會參加抽獎,贏取泳心游泳會送出的豐富課程及獎品,包 括:$1000游泳用品現金券+游泳課程兩期(總值$3000,名 額1位)、$500游泳用品現金券+游泳課程一期(總值$1500 、名額3位)或免費游泳試堂+學前評估+游泳用品一套+游泳 用品8折優惠券(總值$500、名額30位)。得獎結果將於6月 30日在「K-ONE香港親子資訊網」facebook page公佈。除此 之外,成為K-ONE會員更可獲Swim-Sport網上游泳用品online shop(www.swim-sport.com)8折優惠! 5111 5873 www.swim-heart.com

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Magic Box English learning combo 多功能英語學習教材活學活用 Magic Box is a multi-media English learning package wtih 8 levels to cater to different needs of learning, and each level contains 5 books (each of 24 pages) with 15 stories, a workbook, a VCD, a CD and word cards. It makes English learning easier for children through watching videos, and at the same time fosters their listening skills. The English learning CD is recorded by native English speakers to teach children accurate pronounciation. The other supplimentry materials serve as different means to help children absorb English language more easily, which in turn cultivates their independent learning as well as raises their interest in learning. 《Magic Box》是一套多媒體英語學習教材,有8個不同程度以配合不 同的學習需要,每個程度包括5本書 (24頁/本),共15個故事、1本練 習簿、1隻VCD、1隻CD及字卡。透過有字幕的電視畫面來學習,孩 子耳濡目染,自然發展其聆聽地道英語的能力;CD由操地道英語的 英裔專業人士灌錄,能誘發孩子留意讀音和語調;故事運用全語文方 法編寫,透過重複句式和圖畫提示,讓孩子更容易理解並吸收字彙和 句式。另附多種輔助教材:認字卡遊戲可鞏固幼童認讀生字以及仿作 句子的能力;練習本有助溫習所學字詞和句式;而閱讀記錄表、貼紙 的獎賞更能鼓勵幼童有閱讀的好習慣,在學齡前就可以自行讀英文故 事,令小朋友有成功感。 2304 0355


Disney Junior Jake and the Never Land Pirates Season 2 《傑克與夢幻島海盜》第2季 A new season of Jake and the Never Land Pirates is launched! That music-filled interactive treasure hunt introduces a crew of kid pirates – leader Jake and pals Lzzy and Cubby – and follows their Never Land adventures as they work to outwit two infamous characters, the one and only Captain Hook and Smee, from Disney’s classic Peter Pan. Each episode features two adventures as Jake and team sail on the good ship Bucky away from their Pirate Island hideout on a lost treasure hunt. Along the way, they model team work, problem-solving and physical activity that your seaworthy preschooler can take part in! Jake and the Never Land Pirates – Season 2 can now be enjoyed at Disney Junior daily at 1pm. 第2季的《傑克與夢幻島海盜》推出了﹗今季登場的有小飛俠系 列中的經典人物虎克船長和海盜史密,不過這次小飛俠不會現 身,而小海盜首領傑克將成為新主角,帶領小朋友展開冒險之 旅。於每一集,傑克都會都會帶領他的同伴在夢幻島海盜探險, 智取虎克船長和海盜史密的金幣。故事能讓孩子學懂正義感,並 在冒險解旅程中學懂解決難題的方法。《傑克與夢幻島海盜》第 2季現於每日下午1時在Disney Junior頻道播放。 Disney Junior Channel now TV 442 & bbTV312 & CABLE TV 136 now TV 442台 & 香港寬頻312台 & 有線電視136台

132 PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a set of Magic Box (any 1 level, valued at HK$350)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題, 有機會贏取《Magic Box》其中一個程度一套(價值HK$350)。


Animal Myths by Hong Kong Kids Student charity project 學生慈善項目 A teacher gave her students a chance to have their stories in print with a meaningful purpose. As a result, a special written project was done by her 17 students, ages 6-13, explaining why the 12 Chinese animals from the Chinese calendar look the way they do today. After each student came up with a characteristic of the animal, she took all their work in forming the book, Animal Myths by Hong Kong Kids. For every HK$8 earned from the book sales, one book will be put into a library or school in Nepal to support Room to Read’s local language book project. Judy Butler給了她的學生一個將自己的故事付梓成書的機會,而這寫作計劃背後更是 十分有意義。這位老師的17名介乎6至13歲之間的學生,用故事向大家介紹中國12生 肖中的12種動物,結集成這本《Animal Myths》。更有意義的是,每本書的受益都會 撥出HK$8,用作支持「閱讀之家Room to Read」於尼泊爾出版語言書本的計劃。 Available in major local bookstores. 2570 3783

Habit Rouge L’eau Charm your dad on Father’s Day 讓型爸爸散發魅力 It’s about time for Father’s Day, and if you are looking for some special gift ideas with a refined and sophisticated taste, Guerlain HABIT ROUGE L’EAU is the one for your beloved man of all time. It is a woody fragrance with an oriental touch to arouse his unique characteristic of being charismatic of taking an extraordinary fatherly role, where its red bottle respectively resonate his personality as a vibrant modern gentleman. 一年一度的父親節快到了,如果你正在尋找一些精緻的父親節禮物給你心愛的男 仕,法國香水品牌嬌蘭的HABIT ROUGE L’EAU不失為一個貼心選擇。該木香調香 氛散發出東方氣息,體現出當父親那種非凡的魅力,而紅色的樽身更突顯出新一 代潮爸的獨特個性和幹勁。 2265 7064 (Festival Walk Image Shop)

Ingredients: bitter orange, fresh hazelnut, jasmine, vanilla 成份:苦橙、新鮮楱子、茉莉花、香草


Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a Guerlain HABIT ROUGE L’EAU (Valued at HK$610/100ml)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」頁面並回答簡單問題,便有機會贏取法 國嬌蘭 HABIT ROUGE L’EAU男士香氛一支 (價值HK$610/100ml)。


Mell Chan 20th Anniversary Special Collection 咪露20周年紀念套裝 It’s hard to imagine that the Japanese all time favourite “Mell Chan” has already been part of our lives for 20 years! To celebrate this special occasion, a special memorial collection is launched! It includes a Mell Chan with an adorable cake-theme hat, a dress, a comb, and a notebook. The lovely Mell Chan in this memorial set will even have her hair turned pink when they get wet! 不知不覺,來自日本的可愛「咪露」娃娃已經陪伴住我們20年 了!為慶祝咪露的20週年,現推出了全新的「咪露Mell Chan 20周年紀念套裝」,配件包括有咪露公仔一個、可變身的蛋糕 帽子、可貼在蛋糕裙的裝飾、梳子和小冊子一本!最特別不過 就是當咪露的頭髮遇溫水,就會變成粉紅色﹗ Available in major local toy stores. Distributed by: Paka Toys & Gifts (K’s Kids) 2108 0388

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a box of Mell Chan 20th Anniversary Special Collection (Valued at HK$399)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」頁面並回答簡單問題,便有 機會贏取「咪露Mell Chan 20周年紀念套裝」一份 (價值HK$399)。


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Tiny Footprints A fresh new shopping experience 母嬰輕鬆齊shopping Tiny Footprints is a place more than just buying products for your little ones. It’s a welcoming environment for busy mothers to take a break, and a safe and accommodating place where they can breastfeed their babies or let their toddlers play while they browse the very finest products from around the world – sustainable items wherever possible. Tiny Footprints位於中環心臟地帶,店內環境舒適,爸媽能忙裡偷 閒享受購物樂,為心愛寶寶選購來自世界各地的品質優良產品; 其寧靜環境更能讓媽媽安心餵哺母乳,帶著幼兒的又可到店內遊 樂區玩耍。Tiny Footprints強調產品需要夠環保,並以這原則為爸

《成語更有趣圖解100例》 看漫畫學成語 小時候最害怕讀成語,學習單字已令人很苦惱,而成語更是由四個字 組成的啊! 每當頭暈眼花地背著成語時,總希望有一件輕輕鬆鬆的讀 書法寶。今天,這法寶終於面世了,是爸媽和孩子的一大喜訊!《成 語更有趣圖解100例》把成語編成生活小故事,一邊看漫畫一邊學 成語,能讓小朋友輕輕鬆鬆掌握成語的用法。每條成語均以四格漫 畫形式來解構,並有作家筆下的經典文句例子及正反義詞,深入淺 出,有趣幽默,幫助孩子從字裡行間更易體會成語的妙處。此書既 可作為學校課外讀物,亦可作為親子閱物,大小同樂。 2976 6622

媽嚴選貼心的嬰兒護理產品。 10/F, 1 Duddell Street, Central

2522 2466


立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」頁面並回答簡單問 題,便有機會贏取《成語更有趣圖解100例》一本 (價值HK$67)。


Bandai VooV Evolving toy vehicles VooV極速變身車系列

As the world is changing fast nowadays, even toys are undergoing constant evolution. A new series of Bandai line, VooV offers toy transformation that is quick and easy for little ones to handle. There is a variety of vehicles to choose, including some limited versions that are only available in Japan! 時代和科技不斷進步,連玩具也要「進化」了!VooV極速變身車系 列是近年頗受歡迎的車仔玩具,它最新「一扭即變系列」及「超機 動變身系列」都以超容易的「極速變身」為賣點,連小至3歲的小 孩也可以很輕鬆地完成整個變身過程,有些款式甚至是日本限定, 在國外是看不見其真身的車款,非常有型﹗ www.danielco.com.hk

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a Voov toy vehicle (Valued at HK$60)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com, click入「優惠」頁面並回答簡單問題,便有機會贏取VooV 極速變身車一部 (價值HK$60)。

134 PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Hello Kitty Fashion Show 時裝舞台系列閃亮登場 Hello Kitty loves surprising her fans, and this time she is catwalking with different costumes! The stage can even move for every fan to see her most glamourous side! Her costume includes the elegant princess, heavenly angel, refreshing summer look, etc., that matches with designated backgrounds. Time to enjoy a relaxing summer playing fashion fun with your kids! Hello Kitty每次都帶給大家不同的驚喜,今次換她換上各款不同造型 行cat walk,而且可以連同時尚轉轉舞台一起玩!Fashion Show當 然不少得多款不同的造型:華麗公主服、飄逸仙子服,以及清新夏 天服,再加上種種不同特色的場景如歐陸宮殿、森林世界等等。今 個暑假,跟孩子日日為Hello Kitty換上不同的靚look吧! www.danielco.com.hk

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Learning Centres

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Fung Yiu King Hospital Haven of Hope Hospital HK Adventist Hospital HK Baptist Hospital Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital Hong Kong Central Hospital Hong Kong Eye Hospital Hong Kong Sanarotium & Hospital Kowloon Hospital Kwong Wah Hospital Madehose Medical Rehabiliatation Centre Matilda International Hospital North District Hopspital (Pediatrics) Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas) Prince of Wales Hospital Princess Margaret Hospital Queen Elizabeth Hospital Ruttonjee Hospital Shatin Hospital Shatin International Medical Centre Union Hospital St Paul's Hospital St Teresa's Hospital Tang Shiu Kin Hospital Tsan Yuk Hospital Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital Tuen Mun Hopspital (Pediatrics) Tung Wah Eastern Hospital Tung Wah Hospital United Christian Hospital (O&G) Wong Chuk Hang Hospital Wong Tai Sin Hospital Yan Chai Hospital

Health Centres

818 Medical Centre Baby Brilliant Child Health Care Center Discovery Bay Medical Center Great Eastern Healthcare Ltd. HK Health Management Causeway Bay Centre Hong Kong Chiropractic Group Hong Kong Foot Spine IMC Premier Medical Centre Kinetics Medical & Health Group Kornhill Medical Centre Margaret Trench Medical Rehabilitation Centre MSL Nutritional Diet Centre NurtraCare Consultancy PacifiCheck PolyVision Premier Medical Center The Women's Clinic Vital Health Chiropractic Well Woman Haelth Clinic


MTR Stations: Sheung Shui, Tai Wai, Kowloon Tong, Hung Hom, Tsim Sha Tsui, Jordan (Kiosk JOR 16 at Exit A) Lok Fu, Wong Tai Sin, Choi Hung (Kiosk CHH18 & 19) Kwun Tong, Ma On Shan, Tin Hau

Other Locations: Sheung Wan – Teda Building, Wing Lok Street Central – (1) Man Kwong Street, (2) Bank of America Tower Admiralty – United Centre, 95 Queensway Wan Chai – (1) 38 Hennessy Road, (2) On Hong Comm. Bldg Causeway Bay – Wai Tak Building, Lockhart Road North Point – Cheong Yuen Apartments, Tsat Tsz Mui Road Shau Kei Wan – 106-108 Shau Kei Wan Road Pokfulam – Pokfulam Chi Fu Landmark Ap Lei Chau – South Horizons (East Wing) Tai Kok Tsui – Metro Habour View Prince Edward – Bijou Apartments Kowloon Bay – Telford Plaza 1 Sai Kung – Sai Kung Building Tseung Kwan O – (1) Metro City Phase II (2) Metro Town Shopping Mall Tsuen Wan – (1) Victory Court (2) Fou Wah Centre

The above is just a highlight of the complete distribution list. It is subject to change and will be updated on a regular basis. Please send an email to info@peegaboo.com if you would like our magazines to be distributed at your premise(s). Thank you for your support! 贈閱地點較多,不能盡錄。我們將不日更新,並保留更改權利。如想申請擺放,請電郵至info@peegaboo.com聯絡我們。感謝你們的支持!

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