Pj 144

Page 1

05 2012

Issue 144



Editor’s Note


Our Readers


Say Cheese!


What’s On


Monthly Notepad


Global Eye


Our Picks

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EXPO Last Call!


百家寶BB展 最後召集!


Mother’s Day Special 8 Mums’ Lifesavers 8位救兵來幫手 媽媽湊B唔使憂


Pregnancy Post-pregnancy Diet: Essential Ingredients 產後食乜好?坐月媽媽必備食材逐個數


Baby Zone Middle Ear Infection: Things you should know 警惕再警惕 急性中耳炎


Learning Is Talking Back Always a Sign of Rudeness in Kids? - Another way to look at metacognition 駁嘴就是不好嗎?——認識「後設認知」


Health Are Children Naturally Hoarse? 幼童聲沙是否天生?


Expert Says Self-Learning = No Teaching? 自學 = 沒人教 = 唔識?


Playground Under Construction 小小機械工程師 是你!


Healthy Recipe Braised Fish Fillet with Hairy Gourd, Sweet Corn and Straw Mushroom 節瓜粟米草菇燴魚柳


Out & About Fiji: the South Pacific Eden 斐濟:南太平洋上 新樂園


Column Home Sick 孩子生病在家時




What’s Hot

PJ Promotion

Securing Babies’ Well-being for the Future

CordLife: The Cord Blood Bank Families Can Trust 讓父母安心的臍帶血儲存庫

康盛人生全面保障BB健康 All parents want their babies to be healthy. The mission of CordLife is “To give hope, and save lives”. They are devoted to providing all-round health protection for babies. Choosing a suitable cord blood bank is a long-term investment for parents-to-be. As a result, many factors should be taken into consideration, such as the company background, financial status, international accreditation, successful cases, etc.

new? What’s CordLife最新優惠!

First listed cord blood bank on SGX

Since its inception in 2001, Cordlife Group Limited has provided a comprehensive range of cord blood and tissue banking services which include collection, processing and cryopreservation storage of cord blood stem cells and umbilical cord tissue. It has rapidly grown from a fledgling company in Singapore to a multi-national corporation. This March, CordLife was formally listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange (SGX). Its financial strength has been well-recognised. A sound financial backing is crucial for providing comprehensive health protection for your baby and family. 寶寶能夠健康成長相信是天下父母最大的心願,康盛人生本著「給予希望‧挽救 生命」的宗旨,致力帶給寶寶最珍貴最全面的健康保障。準父母要選擇一間合適

CordLife will join “The 11th Parents’ Journal International Children & Baby Brands Expo” in May. Parents who enroll in CordLife’s stem cell storage plan on-site will receive an attractive gift: Philips AVENT 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer. For more details about CordLife’s stem cell storage plan, please visit them at booth ! number



CordLife將登陸第11屆The Parents’ Journal


國際兒童、嬰兒品牌用品購物展,即場登記 CordLife幹細胞儲存服務可享更多優惠!其中


包括免費獲贈Philips AVENT三合一電子蒸氣






Enquiry: 3980 2888 Website: www.cordlife.com.hk



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Publisher Michelle Liu

Chief Editor Emily Choi

Editor Ealon Li, Wendy Choi

Reporter Angie Lee

Senior Sales & Marketing Manager Villy Leung

Sales and Marketing Manager Desmond Lam, Ronald Li

Marketing Manager Esme Tang

Marketing Executive Candy Chan

Web Master Daniel Tse

Senior Designer Chow Kwok Wang

Designer Natalie Wong

Photography Art Direction Chow Kwok Wang

Administration & Subscriptions Ariel Ng

Advertising Department (852) 3741 1720 sales@peegaboo.com

“One Stop” – All I Need This May will see the 11th annual Parents’ Journal Expo, and my third time participating. Thinking back to my first year helping with the Expo, I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter, and my older son had just turned 1. At that time, my home wasn’t that well-equipped with baby stuff. Some stock was running low, and I would quickly stuff my shopping bags during my lunch break with great satisfaction. My focus at the time was on newborn necessities and children’s storybooks, as my son had started enjoying an intimate bond with picture books. Last year was my second year with PJ Expo. My hubby and mother-in-law brought me a pleasant surprise as well as support – my little darlings: my 2-year-old boy and 8-month-old girl. Although my son wasn’t that much into the interactive games arranged on the spot, my family of four participated in quite a lot of activities together. While watching her brother trying his best at each game, my little girl was thrilled with excitement, and kept wriggling her tiny body. They even made quite a few new friends that day, including “Peekee” from Peegaboo family.  This year is the third year of PJ Expo for my family and I. I am wondering which games my three-year old and one-and-a-half-year old will set their eyes on; EVI Liberal Studies Playground will be good for them. I want to bring my son to the Mock interview Room too. If I have enough time, I will attend the Parenting Corner and join the seminar myself. Some of my pregnant friends will be coming too for a rehearsal at the Mock Delivery Room, as well as preparing some baby stuff for their newborn babies. Shopping for kids, family activities, parent training, friends’ gathering. . . all in one stop – so cool!

我的「一站式」 今年已是《育兒天地》第11屆的展覽會,亦是我加入百家寶後第三年參與這一年一度的 盛事。記得第一年,我大腹便便,陀住5個月大的囡囡,而囝囝剛剛1歲大。那時候家中 湊B裝備還不完善,趁lunch break我便大手入貨,專攻初生B用品和幼兒圖書——因為當 Published by: Peegaboo Corporation Limited 10/F, Jonsim Place 228 Queen’s Road East Wai Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3741 1720 Fax: (852) 3741 1725 Email: info@peegaboo.com Printed by: DG3 Asia Limited 9/F, Haking (Tung Shing) Industrial Building, 34 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2965 6777 Website: www.dg3.com All rights reserved. No part of The Parents’ Journal may be reproduced or used in any form – graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopied – without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher, editors and authors accept no responsibility in respect to any products, goods or services which may be advertised or referred to in this issue, or for any errors, omissions or mistakes in any such advertisements or references.

時囝囝開始對圖書有feel。 到了第二年,亦即上年,奶奶和丈夫給了我驚喜,帶了兩歲大的囝囝和8個月大的囡囡 來捧場﹗雖然囝囝還未能真正投入互動遊戲,但我們一家大小都玩了展場內不少親子活 動和工作坊。妹妹見到哥哥每次的努力參與,都會興奮得手舞足蹈,他們還即場認識了 不少朋友仔,百家寶吉祥物Peekee便是其中一位。  今年是我於百家寶搞博覽的第三年了,不知3歲大囝囝和歲半大囡囡最喜歡玩甚麼呢? 「EVI通識遊樂園」會不錯,我也想帶囝囝踏進「小寶寶入學面試學堂」。有時間的 話,我自己想去「家長匯習星級父母學堂」。我有些大肚媽媽朋友,亦有興趣產前做個 rehearsal,參觀一下「孕媽媽模擬產房」,順道為新生B入定貨。 幫B入貨、親子活動、父母增值、朋友相聚……同一地點做齊,真不錯﹗

Emily Choi Chief Editor

本刊保留一切版權。未經出版人同意,不能複印或以任何形 式(包括圖像、電子、技術和影印)使用《育兒天地》任何部 份。出版人、編輯和作者對本刊廣告或相關文字的任何錯 漏,及所介紹之產品、貨物或服務一概毋須負上法律責任。 www.facebook.com/Peegaboo


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What’s up Eunice I am a first-time mum to my little girl Larissa who is 7 months old now. I am managing my own business and sparing some time with her, in which, as a parent, I wish I could be more focus and spend more quality time with her. I think the best part about being a parent is witnessing the creation of my lovely baby and seeing her change and growth day after day. Larissa is an easygoing baby and she is not afraid of strangers and that she always smiles at them. I like reading stories about other babies’ development such as Jon and

Kate Plus 8 and A Baby Story on Discovery Channel. I wish Larissa will grow and become a logical thinker.

What is the cutest thing your child ever did or said? Lately Larissa sings like a dolphin when she tries to express her good mood. I think that is really cute of her. What inspired you to give your child the name that you did? We love the meaning of Larissa as light-hearted and cheerful, and she is one easygoing and friendly baby indeed. In fact, Larissa shares the same first initial with her father, Leo.

Send an email to editor@peegaboo.com with the subject “What’s Up”. Then we will send out the questions for you to answer. If your sharing is published, you will receive a Sponsor: HK$1,000 voucher from Moments Child & Baby Portraiture. 你只需以「What’s Up」為主旨,電郵至editor@peegaboo.com, 我們即會寄出問題供你回答。你的分享一經刊登,即可獲得由 兒童凝像攝影送出價值港幣1,000元禮券。

Your Voice

Fashion Shoot

多謝!好高興啊! -「拍住Thomas & Friends過龍年」攝影比 賽得獎者

Want to see your kids being the cover model of The Parents’ Journal or The

Baby’s Journal? Dress them up and let them shine at our Expo! Every year, new star models were born through our Cover Model Contest. This year, we further divide it into 4 age groups: 0-9 months, 9-18 months,18-36 months, and 3-6 years, hoping to capture their sweet childhood memories. The winners from each group will be invited to participate in our fashion shoot! Please refer to p.38 for more details. 想你的孩子登上《育兒天地》或《育嬰天地》雜誌封面嗎?記得 於5月4-6日來到會展的百家寶BB展現場,參加我們的「小小封 面模特兒比賽」! 每年都有許多小朋友透過我們的比賽,成為小小模特兒界的新星。

好得意啊!我都想為BB 扮靚影咁樣嘅相! - Sky Kwok

今年我們更加設置了0-9個月、9-18個月、18-36個月、3-6歲4個 年齡組別,希望能捕捉他們與別不同的可愛與童真。表現優勝的 小朋友,就有機會被我們邀請參加我們的Fashion Shoot啦!想了 解更多詳情,請留意P.38。 Give us your voice at: editor@peegaboo.com


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Heymann 2.5 yrs Tseung Kwan O

我愛媽媽 I Love Mama Ayden & Ryan 8 mths To Kwa Wan

Jack So 2 yrs Tai Wai

Kismet Chahal 18 mths Braemar Hill

Matt Wong 6 yrs Tin Shui Wai

Ashton Zenn 10 mths Aberdeen


Gift of the Month

Theme for June: Hello Sunshine! (Closed)

Theme for July: Bubble Fun (Recruiting) 6月主題:同陽光玩遊戲(經已截止上載)



SOYJOY有大豆果滋棒 x 2 + 得意原子筆 x 1

Want to upload your kid’s photos and receive the update on the monthly theme in time? Go to Peegaboo.com and join the “Say Cheese” group now! 想上載孩子照片並即時知道每月主題更新,並了解參加辦法,請即上 Peegaboo.com,加入「Say Cheese」群組!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Anne-Marie 10 mths Taipo

Hugo Lui 4.5 yrs Olympic

ONYI 3 mths Wong Tai Sin

Submitted by Parent Elizabeth Tong

Mathis Beland 20 mths Clearwater Bay Nicole Wong Kwai Chung

All these winning photos would be uploaded to facebook.com/peegaboo. Don’t forget to click “Like” to spread the joy! 得獎照片將會上載至 facebook.com/peegaboo,記得上嚟 click「Like」,讓全世界知道!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Bonus Gift for Star of the Month 「每月之星」額外獎賞 Hong Kong Memory Family Game (Valued at HK$200)

May Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo: “The Trocks” 「雄糾糾」芭蕾舞 The multi-award

A Date With Mum @ Museums 和媽媽有個約會@博物館

winning international dance phenomenon, Les


Experience an extraordinary Mother’s

Tr o c k a d e r o

Day with your family for a 2 day historical field visit at the Hong Kong

Monte Carlo, known


Railway Museum and Hong Kong Museum of History to appreciate the

as “The Trocks”, the

Transformation of the Qipao exhibition at Olympic City!

all-male company of


14 perform classical


ballet excerpts – playing both male and female roles – to dazzling


and hilarious effect. Suitable for all audiences.

When: May 12 & 20


Enquiries: 2724 9082 / hk.history.museum

集剛勁與柔美於一身,其閃亮耀目、熱鬧歡笑的效果,贏得各界激 賞,適合任何人士觀看。 When: May 15-20

Picasso Masterpie ce Exhibition 畢加索珍品展

Where: Lyric Theatre, HKAPA 香港演藝學院歌劇院 Enquiries: 3980 2888

The Musée National Picasso is travelling its collections around the world to delights fans of the master of modern painting until Spring 2013. After Taipei and Shanghai,

ART HK 12 香港國際藝術展2012

Hong Kong is the next destination in presenting these 55 works (48 paintings and 7 sculptures) of the renowned artist. 畢加索迷有福了!巴黎國立畢加索藝術館 現正裝修,展館趁此機會將其珍藏作世界 巡迴,於是有了這本港有史以來最大型的 畢加索展覽,展出48幅名畫及7座雕塑。 When: May 19-Jul 22 Where: Hong Kong Heritage Museum 香港文化博物館 Website: www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk

The Hong Kong Art Fair is back! Bring your

kids to discover the wonderful world of art. A guide tour specially organised by Colour My World to give your children aged 5 years and up an excitin g new perspective on visual arts. 一年一度的香港國際 藝術展 又來了,快帶 孩子 一齊感 受藝術 的魅力吧!藝 術機構 Colou r My World更特別為5歲或以上小朋友特備導賞團。

When: May 17-20 Where: HKCEC 會展

Website: www.hongkongartfair.com Enquiries: 2580 5028 (Colour My World)

International Museum Day 2012 國際博物館日2012

In association with the International Museum Day 2012 on May 18, a variety of programmes will be held by 30 local groups, such as “Museum Touch: Let’s ‘Jam’ with Our Creativity” from the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and “Easy Money Origami”by

An exhibition and a talk by a group of prominent local comics and animation artists is held as the prelude to discover the magnetic auras of the art forms. Their themes range from

the Hong Kong Museum of History.

everyday stories to media events in different

為響應5月18日「國際博物館日」,本地30多個文博 單位將於5月19及20日推出多項特備節目,當中包

Hong Kong districts.


聚集本地多位 動、漫畫家,以 展覽及講座為 平 台,讓香港市民,特別是灣 仔區的居民認 識香

及歷史博物館的「摺疊銀紙DIY」等。 When: May 19-20

港動漫畫的特色及現況。 When: till May 25

Website: www.lcsd.gov.hk/imd2012


Comix and the City 《動漫都市》展覽

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Where: Experimental Gallery, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心實驗畫廊 Website: www.comixhomebase.com.hk

iPad app


Grandma’s Garden

• A 9 year old boy built an elaborate

• 美國一名9歲男孩用父親的汽車

arcade out of cardboard boxes and


tapes at his father’s auto parts shop.


A customer found this cardboard-


made arcade and decided to make


USD 0.99

a short film for his college fund. So far the film has raised more than


US$80,000. • A school bus driver suffered from a

• 華盛頓一架校車的司機突然心臟

heart attack at Milton, Washington


State. A 13-year-old student was


calm enough to pull the bus over


and performed CPR aid while others


contacted police for rescue. • A baby in UK can potty-trained

• 英國一名6個月大的嬰兒竟然已

at 6 months old. She can ask


for potty when nature calls. Her


precociousness stunned experts


A house definitely needs a grandma in it! This app will win your kids’ hearts as they will get constant compliments from sweet beloving grandma while having fun learning about letters, numbers, shapes, and colours. 字母、數字、形狀、顏色,BB通通都要學!就等嫲嫲教你 吧!這個app的特別之處,便是嫲嫲這角色讓孩子十分有

when it takes most babies 32 months to change from diapers to




Great Quotes

Micro Blog @蔡少芬:晚安!今天11個月的你,已有8 隻咬人會痛的小牙!已會自己獨立走路的小 腿!已懂叫爸爸媽媽的小咀!已不知不覺 間……你已長大了……湯圓晚安

我不太擔心,相信有足夠床位配合,必要時就 在屋企生吧! 懷孕兩個多月的羅敏莊被問到會否怕沒有床位 時這樣說。




因為自己叫Baby,個女叫BabyBaby,我叫第二 個名時,佢就有好大反應。 懷孕6個多月的姚嘉妮笑說已為女兒改了新名。

和動作,偶爾抖一下,偶爾委屈,偶爾微笑! 她現在做的夢,是上輩子的事嗎? 孩子,很想你知道,世界塌了我也愛你,這裡 你最了不起。 @郭晉安--歐倩怡:大結局有40點收視,寡人 全家旅行慶祝! 猜猜我們在那裡?!

@任達華:兩部手機都同時掉了,希望拾取者能把 手機歸還我,因為裡面大部分都是我女兒從小到 現在的珍貴照片,非常感謝!


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朱茵日前在微博這樣寫。黃貫中亦說: 一直以來 都認為愛只是我們兩個人的事,但從今我們再也 不只兩個人了,我愛你。睇來娛圈又有喜事了!

我想好未來的職業了:育嬰室護士!這是我 最、最、最想做的行業!有抱不完的小嬰兒, 爽快啊~ 大S在妹妹小S誕下第三胎後發表此番言論,聽 得出她對自己結婚一年肚皮仍無動靜有點唏噓。


Indoor Floral Wonder 逛逛藝術大花園 Children’s season arrives at the Singapore Art Museum! Every May, Art Garden exhibition introduces young people to a variety of contemporary artworks. This year Echoes-Infinity by Shinji Ohmaki is one of the exhibited works displaying splashes of colourful painted floral pattern using pigments, felt, fluorescent lights, etc. that appeals to adults and children alike. Every participant can leave their mark with touches and footsteps that blurs and smudges the piece, comparing to nature where it also evolves, transforms, and creates new images. 新加坡藝術館專為「下一代」而設的Art Garden藝術展又回來了!今年繼續打造藝術大花園, 當中包括日本藝術家Shinji Ohmaki的這個室內裝置作品《Echo-Infinity》。他用顏料、毛氈、 熒光燈等將展覽廳的地和墻都佈滿五顏六色的花圖案,大人小朋友進來參觀時會留下自己 的印記,令原本的設計變得模糊淩亂,就如大自然不斷地演變,並創造新生命。 www.singaporeartmuseum.sg


Wind Turbine Playground 風車做的遊樂場 The Wikado playground is another exemplar of sustainable development to its fullest! It provides an unusual form of recreational experience to children. Instead of typical swing, slides, and see-saws we normally seen, discarded rotor blades from wind turbines were used to form caves, slides, and climbing towers. A design team “2012Architecten” from Rotterdam-based studio transformed the Wikado Playground into a different kind of playful experience with a meaningful cause. 這個遊樂場內的滑梯、鞦韆、小山窿、,都跟我們平時見到的很不一 樣,皆因他們都是用舊風車的葉片打造的。這個Wikado Playground 是荷蘭鹿特丹設計團隊2012Architecten的作品,既實現了可持續發 展,又為給小朋友帶來與別不同的玩樂體驗。 2012architecten.nl


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Japan MUJI LEGO Toys 無印的LEGO玩具 A collaboration of Japanese lifestyle retailer and toy maker, MUJI and LEGO, to create a new children making toy collection using papers hole punching tools and the Lego plastic bricks. However, all these lovely ladybirds, aeroplanes, and crocodiles have not arrived Hong Kong yet, but you can get them online at MUJI online stores of Taiwan and US. MUJI的產品出名簡潔,它和LEGO的crossover會是怎樣?看看他們月前 聯合發佈的全新兒童玩具系列,小瓢蟲、小飛機、小鱷魚,都是用MUJI 的紙品和LEGO的塑料磚仔拼砌而成的,當中用到工具大概只有打窿 機。想即刻玩玩這益智新玩意嗎?可惜未在香港發售,在台灣和美國 MUJI的網上店才有得賣。


Nurturing Global Inclusion 從小學習共融

The 21st century brings the world closer than ever in many ways. This Bringing Everyone Together Children’s Book Series teaches our kids how to respect differences and get along with others from all walks of abilities and backgrounds. The box set consists 5 picture books with each story illustrating different concepts including diversity, acceptance, and friendship. They make quality reading fun for parents and kids before bed and at leisure. 我們的社會將更多元化,我們的孩子會認識更多文化背景不同的人, 而21世紀令我們的距離更接近。《親親‧融融》童書系列教小朋友包 容人與人之間的差異,及學習如何與人相處。這套童書以硬盒包裝,全 系列包5本精美圖書,透過不同故事讓孩子明白多樣化、平等、接納和 友愛等價值觀。不論是睡前或是閒時,都是親子共讀的一個好選擇。


Timeless Classic 經典家庭音樂劇

Over 35 years, Annie the red-headed orphan has inspired the audience at every performance and it has become the timeless tale. The story of how a struggled kid hold on to the hope and positivity is back again in Hong Kong this year in late May. Bring your children to experience this legendary classic with delightful music and dramatic theatrical action on stage. ANNIE will open at the Lyric Theatre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts on May 31, 2012. Extra show: Friday, June 8 at 4pm.

《小安妮》音樂劇的小女孩安妮,於每一次的演 出都啟發和打動觀眾,成為了不朽的經典故事。 故事講述一個積極開朗的小女孩如何努力實踐 夢想,而小安妮於5月再次帶著希望,踏上香港 舞台。你和孩子不要錯過這個傳奇的經典之作。 《ANNIE小安妮》將於2012年5月31日起假香港演藝 學院歌劇院隆重公演。特別加開場次:2012年6月8日 (星期五) 下午4時。


Healthy Snack Time 大豆營養小食

We are in the age of nutrition-consciousness, and when it comes to snack time, we are no longer stuffing our tummies with all the high fat, high sugar junk food. SOYJOY is made with whole soybeans with all natural ingredients where all the necessary nutrition has been kept, thanks to its extract-free process. So now the whole family can enjoy together a guilt-free snack time. 做爸媽的愈來愈重視自己及孩子的飲食健康,選擇零食都會避開那些高 脂肪高糖份的。SOYJOY大豆果滋棒以無經過隔渣程序的大豆製成,令營 養得以全面保存,加上全天然成份,一家大小可以放心吃多多都不怕! Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win 2 bars of SOYJOY and a lovely ball pen! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會 贏取SOYJOY大豆果滋棒2件,以及得意原子筆一支﹗

www.peegaboo.com Info: ① 2889 1332, www.treats.org.hk


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

② www.hkticketing.com, 3128 8288

③ 2881 6299, www.soyjoy.hk

Free admission for kids. Yeah!! 好嘢﹗ 小朋友 免費入場!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Come Join Our EXPO!

May 4-6 See you @ HKCEC!

5月4-6日 會展見!

THE FAMILY EVENT of the Year! 一家大細都要嚟嘅展覽會

提升育兒智慧 掃盡最抵優惠 Our annual Children & Baby Brands Expo is only a few days away! This is where you can find the craziest

deals, the strongest academic parenting seminars, the hottest family activities . . . all in one spot! This Children & Baby Expo is the biggest family extravaganza ever. You won’t wanna miss it! With 300+ booths, 10,000+ products with the lowest deals in town, our family Expo is satisfaction guaranteed! Your family is sure to benefit from 100+ academic seminars with specialists and professionals from a wide range of parenting-related sectors, and numerous hands-on interactive workshops and activities. These will serve to enhance your intellectual parenting skills and exercise your kids’ development in all areas! 還有即日就到一年一度的「百家寶BB展」啦!集結 至筍購

物優惠、至強育兒學堂、至熱親子活動,這個展覽 會絕對會是你一家大小都必須參與的盛會!近300個攤位、 過萬件激減價貨品,保證讓你買到最稱心滿意的心頭好! 而過百場權威專家講座、多項讓孩子親身參與的互動工作 坊及活動,亦將提升你的育兒智慧,鍛煉你孩子的多元智能!

Get Free Tickets! How? 想 攞飛?!


Like us on Peegaboo Facebook page and fill out your info. 立即登入Facebook,Like百家寶facebook page,並填寫 有關資料,即可獲得免費入場券! *desktop only 必須以桌面電腦操作

peegaboo 主辦機構:


RGB color tonal







RGB color tonal on color background

All activities are subject to change without prior notice. 所有活動之詳情以展覽會當日安排為準。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ




Top Jetso Giveaways to Mummies

大Jetso 錫晒媽咪

o abo ne g e Pe o Zo 站

o s Jet 寶Jets n io 百家 edempt 點 R 地 換領

This year, as our Expo falls one week before Mother’s Day,


we have special gifts ready for all precious mummies in Hong


Kong! Whether you are an expectant mum, a new mum, or


an experienced mum, you will all have a chance to take away


our “3 Top Jetso Giveaways”!

Mums-to-Be Sign-up: FREE Diapers!

Milk Formula: FREE Samples

 Huggies紙尿片 攞 奶粉試用裝 孕媽媽現場登記


玩法 Details

玩法 Details

Head to Peegaboo Jetso Zone and fill in your

Head to Peegaboo Jetso Zone for a chance to get a

personal information. You can instantly receive

free sample pack of milk formula. Check our website

a pack of Huggies diapers.

and media coverage for redemption details.

展覽會期間,孕媽媽前往「百家寶Jetso站」登 記個人資料,即可拎走Huggies紙尿片一包!

展覽會期間,只要前往「百家寶Jetso站」,即有機會 Photo is for reference only. 圖片只供參考之用。

• Note: Only pregnant women can redeem the gifts;


• Limit: one redemption per person daily; • 留意:只有孕媽媽才可以換!

• Limit: one redemption per person daily; • Offer valid on first come first served basis, while stocks last.

• 每人每日只限換領1次;

• 每人每日只限換領一次;

• 名額有限,先到先得!

• 名額有限,先到先得!

• Offer valid on first come first served basis, while stocks last.



PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Coupons from Newspapers/Magazines: FREE Goodie Bags!

換 親親媽咪百寶袋 剪報章雜誌 Coupon

玩法 Details Our Goodie Bags always have the BEST stuffs just for you! We mix and match products in more than 1,000 Goodie Bags, each worth more than $500 of baby goods for you to take away! Beginning in April, you can find our “Mummy Goodie Bag” coupons at: Sky Post, Sharp Daily, Headline Daily, Metro Daily, and Sudden Weekly. Bring the coupon to the Organiser’s booth, click LIKE on Peegaboo Facebook in your Facebook account for an instant Free Goodie Bag! 百家寶的百寶袋從來都是最吸引的!我們將以下各款產品精心配搭,炮製了 1,000個每個價值約HK$500的親親媽咪百寶袋!4月起,留意《晴報》、《爽 報》、《頭條日報》、《都市日報》及《忽然一週》內有關「百家寶BB展」的 廣告,便會找到「親親媽咪百寶袋」換領coupon;展覽會期間憑coupon前往 「百家寶Jetso站」,並即場以閣下本人facebook帳戶為主辦機構的facebook專 頁按下「LIKE」,超豐富的親親媽咪百寶袋即時拎走! • Distributed daily from 11:00am to 5:00pm; limit 55 bags per hour; • Limit: one bag only per person; • Offer valid while stocks last. • 每日11:00am – 5:00pm派發,每小時限量派發55個; • 每人每日只限換領一次; • 名額有限,想攞著數就趁早啦!

Sponsors 贊助:

The Organiser reserves the right of final decision in case of any disputes. 有關以上活動的任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ



Entry to each Classroom is limited and is on a

first come first served basis; FREE OF CHARGE!


各教室之講座名額均有限定, Dynamic Classrooms: 先到先得,費用全免! Meet Your Parenting Mentors


Our Expo is a lot more than just a smashing sale of goods! We offer a wide range of interactive and educational workshops catered to parents at different stages of their parenting lives. Everyone is sure to spend a meaningful day at our Expo having fun and gaining some useful information all in one spot! This year, we are collaborating with our partners in forming the “Four Classrooms”, providing a variety of topics that everyone will find pertinent. Let’s take a tour to see each of them. 適合一家大小的展覽會,點可以淨係「有嘢買」?我們為入場人士特備多項精彩活動,希望他 們盡享購物樂之餘亦「有嘢玩、有嘢學」,在這裡渡過有意義、有得著的一天。今年的重頭戲 是我們聯同各方夥伴合力打造的「4大教室」。一齊來睇睇各教室的情況吧。




Mock Delivery Room 孕媽媽模擬產房全接觸 • With 6 sessions daily at 45 minutes each, this is a must-go workshop for all expectant mummies! Daddies should also come forward to participate in this informative session! • A mock delivery room with close-up illustrations by registered nurses and assistants about what goes on inside the delivery room; • The whole delivery process is unveiled for the purpose of having mummies and daddies prepared to welcome this moment with cheers and joy.

o: Wh -to-be 媽 s um 孕媽

• 孕媽媽必聽!每場約45分鐘。 • 現場特設模擬產房,由資深助產士、註冊護士教學; • 以互動手法展示模擬生產過程,務求令各位準爸媽做足十全準備,以 最佳身心迎合新生命降臨的一刻。


: 適合

nn 0 ) 0 12: 每日6場 (


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

pm 0 0 - 6:


yrs ts 6 2 ren o: Wh ith pa-6歲 w old :2 家長



適合 及其 pm 友 0 0 朋 小 - 6:

Mock Interview Room 小寶寶入學面試學堂

nn 0 0 12:

• Hosted by instructors from Infinity Learning who are specialised in admission interviews; • A mock interview with your children is done on site; • Certification and interview assessment will be given to advise you and your children on how to prepare for actual admission interviews. • Kindergarten admission interviews: 11 sessions/day, 15 minutes/session. • Primary School admission interviews: 3-6 sessions/day, 45 minutes/session. • 美國雅培 教室呈獻的入學面試教室,是由Infinity Learning星級入學入學面 試訓練導師主理; • 即場為你的小寶寶進行模擬入學面試,預演面試現場,感受面試氣氛; • 因應表現提供證書及面試評估,教你與小寶寶在入學面試前如何做足準備; • 幼稚園入學:每日11場,每場約15分鐘; • 小一入學:每日3-6場,每場約45分鐘。

RGB color tonal







Parenting Corner


RGB color tonal on color background

Liberal Studies Playground


Enhancing parents’ mentality and ability

• Children are free to choose their favourite educational

• Hosted by renowned former TV artist Ms. Chan Man Yee

cartoons and stories running non-stop through a giant on-site

(Barbara Chan);

touchscreen visual display;

• Celebrity parents will be present to share their parenting tips;

• Storytelling sessions will be hosted by representatives from The Hong Kong Institute of Education;

• For 6 sessions daily, a range of family therapies concerning parents’ physical, psychological and mental health to parents of

• Children will get to learn liberal studies in an interesting and

children aged 0-12 will be provided.

fun manner through music, body movement, and storytelling.


• 由EVI兒童教育資訊網傾力打造,現場設有輕觸式互動大

• 由電視女藝人陳敏兒小姐率領其跨界別專業團隊親自教授;

電視,讓小朋友親自選擇卡通、兒童故事等; • 來自香港教育學院的「故事姐

• 一眾影視紅星父母親臨分享育兒心得;


• 為育有0-12歲子女的家長提供一站式

o: Wh -to-be 長 s um 有家

身、心、靈輔導:包括: 「身」——爸媽和孩子的飲食智慧; 「心」——提升正向情緒,建立良好 的夫妻及親子關係; 「靈」——強化精神健康,促進父母 養兒育女的動力。


所 合:

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以輕鬆手法讓小朋友更易明白 故事中的正面道理; • 透過唱歌、簡單動作、輕鬆故 事讓小朋友學習通識課題。

o: Whyone 齡的 r Eve 何年 長

:任 其家 pm 適合 友及 0 0 朋 小 - 7: ) n n 0 送


www.peegaboo.com | PJ


I Love Mama Crazy Bargain 我愛Mama 瘋狂購物區

This year, online group buying site “I love Mama” will have 1000+ parenting related products that include food, toys, learning tools and resources and other essential accessories which have been slashed to an incredible 90% off! The best bargain ONLY to be found at our Expo!

今次展覽會,我愛Mama團購網(shop.ilovemama.com)會將近千件網上熱賣的母 嬰食品、湊仔用品、玩具教材、生活百貨通通帶到會展現場,並以低至1折的價格 發售,讓各位媽咪親身感受優質團購貨品的平、靚、正! Let’s Sing Series (1 Book+1CD, 1A-3C其中一本)

Baby fun - Words

SoftTouch®脫脂棉花球 (250枚入)

Now: $29

Now: $10

Now: $12.5

Original price: $128

Original price: $60

Original price: $39.9

Limit: 150 per day 每日限量150份

Limit: 100 per day 每日限量100份

Limit: 30 per day, each customer is limited to 1 pack. 每日限量30包,每人限購1包

高清儲物袋 - 單個包裝 (雙袋口 - 中)

大字咭掛袋(細) Original price: $59

Original price: $30

Now: $29

Now: $10

Limit: 100 per day 每日限量100個

Limit: 50 per day 每日限量50個

木製45粒動物/水果/形狀串繩 Original price: $68

Now: $20

Limit: 100 per day 每日限量100條

mini point三角造型口水巾 Original price: $39

Now: $8

Limit: 100 per day 每日限量100條

Bremed兒童電子探熱針 Original price: 69

Now: $10

Limit: 20 per day 每日限量20支


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

m I´

! e e k Pee

Profile 小檔案 Name 名稱:Peekee Gender 性別:M Date of Birth 出生日期:Mar 8, 2011 Height 身高:6 celeries 6棵西芹 Weight 體重:60 large size cupcakes 60個大cupcake Residence 居住地點:in every child’s heart 每個小朋友心中

Characters 性格: Adventurous, easy-going, loves to smile, desires to look good, forgetful 愛冒險、愛平易近人、喜歡笑、貪靚、大頭蝦(個頭的確幾大) Super Powers 強項:make you laugh in 3 seconds, has tons of curiosities, loving, able to make friends with every child 3秒內引人發笑、好奇心旺盛、愛心爆棚、能跟任何小朋友成為好朋友 Interests 興趣:reading, chat with babies, shake hands and take photos with kids, active & outgoing, smiles at all times, make oops-es sometimes 睇圖書、同B傾計、跟小朋友影相+握手、好動愛玩、成日都笑、有時會撞板 Like 喜愛:babies, kids, celery & cupcakes BB、小朋友、西芹、cupcake Dislike 不喜愛:tail being pulled, brush teeth (4 teeth only), sit still, asked to be quiet 被人扯尾巴、刷牙(有4隻要刷)、坐定定要安靜 Goal 願望:make more friends, teach children over the world to learn his Peekee Dance, spread the joy and cheers 識多D新朋友仔、教識全世界小朋友跳Peekee舞、將快樂和笑聲傳開去

COUNT Me If You Can 數數Peekee大競猜! Guess the number of Peekees that appear on the display board located at the entry,

to win a FREE 3 night stay at Bali Westin Hotel (includes daily breakfast) for the family! Prize Quiz Entry Form is attached with the admission ticket. 估中展覽會入口展板上總共出現了幾多隻Peekee,即有機會免費贏取峇里Westin酒店三晚 家庭住宿連早餐!答案提交表格印於入場券上。

1st Prize


3 nights Family Suite stay+breakfast at Bali Westin Hotel

峇里Westin酒店3晚免費Family Suite住宿連二人早餐

2nd Prize 3 nights Regular Room stay+breakfast at Bali Westin Hotel


峇里Westin酒店3晚免費Regular Room住宿連二人早餐 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Stage Area

Special Highlights

舞台區 重點推介活動 Fit Baby Obstacle Race - Final

第3屆全港至Fit小超人 BB障礙賽 決賽 This is our third year hosting the Fit Baby Obstacle Race. As the warm-up event for the Expo, this year we are making it BIGGER THAN EVER! We are taking the two semi-finals to KidX at Harbour City, where the first semi-final has already attracted almost 2,000 people! And the real showdown will be held at the Expo! The 10 winners from each category of the two semi-finals will engage in the final combat for the ultimate title of “Fit Baby”, and

ay win stunning prizes! We welcome everyone to share the joy d r u t , Sa 期六 and be cheerleaders on the stage! 5 y Ma 日星 pm 已經是第3屆的「至Fit小超人BB障礙賽」為展覽會的頭炮 5 0 5月 - 4:3 活動,自然特別盛大。今年兩場準決賽均於海港城KidX舉 pm 0 0 3:


決賽! 綜合兩場準決賽成績,各組別將選出最快的頭10位參賽BB進入決 賽,角逐「至Fit小超人」的最高稱號及贏取豐富獎品。歡迎所有 入場人士屆時前往舞台區,齊為小超人們加油打氣吧﹗

Event Sponsor 活動贊助


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Official Camera 指定相機

Sponsor 贊助

賽外賽 Fit Baby Charity Marathon 全港至Fit小超人(慈善馬拉松)BB體驗賽 Due to the exploding registration of more than 2,000 people signing up for

eft L ep Ke 左側

e Zon y 舞A台 t i v 點 cti


the Fit Baby Obstacle Race, far exceeding the 600-people limit, we decided to hold a 3-day “Fit Baby Charity Marathon” during the Expo for more babies to experience how it feels like to cross the finish line! Join this meaningful charity event and receive a certificate for completing the race! 本屆「全港至Fit小超人BB障礙賽」的網上報名破紀錄地突破2,000人,遠 高於600人的限定名額。為提供更多機會予一眾至Fit Baby於賽道上一展所 長,大會決定於展覽會現場舉行一連3日的「全港至Fit小超人(慈善馬拉 松)BB體驗賽」,讓更多BB體驗向前衝的競技感覺,同時又可做善事, 還可獲得證書,一次過滿足3個願望!

• We welcome 10-18 month-old toddlers to join this race from 1-6pm each of the 3 days. Registration will be done on site for the first 200 toddlers daily on a first come first served basis. Registration fee is HK$20, and all proceeds will be donated to the SKH St. Christopher’s Home. 體驗賽歡迎10-18月大嬰兒參加,每日下午1點至6點舉行,限定200名,現場報名,報名費為HK$20,收益全數捐贈予聖基道兒童院。

www.peegaboo.com | PJ


G22 ht h t o Bo p Rig


側 右 e Zon y 舞A台 t i 點 ctiv 地


Want to see your child’s face on The Parents’ Journal or The Baby’s Journal cover? Remember to dress up your kids and let them shine at our Expo. Bring them to join the “Be Our Cover Model” Contest. Your child’s lovely face may appear in our magazines, and winners from different age groups will even become the cover model of our upcoming issue. 想你的孩子登上《育兒天地》或《育嬰天地》封面?記得為孩子作至潮至靚的裝扮,到百家寶 BB展參加「小小封面模特兒」比賽,即有機會在我們的雜誌見到他/她的可愛樣子!各組別的優 勝者將成為雜誌未來幾期的封面模特兒!

Categories 參賽組別 • 0-9 month old babies 0-9個月大之嬰兒 • 9-18 month old babies 9-18個月大之嬰兒 • 18-36 month old toddlers 18-36個月大之幼兒 • 3-6 year old children 3-6歲之兒童

當日你更可選擇將現場拍下的照片製成《育兒天 地》或《育嬰天地》封面印出來!(需收取費用)

Step 1

Go to the appointed booth and fill in a form to join our snapshot session. 前往指定攤位排隊填form,參加現場 snapshot環節。


Peegaboo panel of judges will select the winners of each category and invite them to our fashion shoot. 百家寶評審團將選出各組優勝者參加 fashion shoot。

ep t S

Event Sponsor 活動贊助


You can even choose to have your child’s photo taken on the spot made into a PJ/ BJ magazine cover! (charges apply)

PJ | www.peegaboo.com

? ?

Step 3 The child of the best performance in front of the camera will eventually become our Cover Girl/Boy! 表現最優秀者將最終登上封面!

Other Must-see Programmes on Stage


Kindergarten Pre-graduation Ceremony 幼稚園精英畢業預演巡禮 • A collaboration of Peegaboo and EVI which will attract more than 10 early childhood institutions from every part of Hong Kong as well as more than 300 performers. • It will showcase all kinds of performances including musical, dance, ensemble, drama, etc. and become the largest kindergarten pre-graduation ceremony ever seen in Hong Kong. • 由百家寶與EVI攜手打造的「幼稚園精英畢業預演巡禮」,將 吸引超過10支來自香港、九龍、新界的幼稚園隊伍參加,預 料表演人數高達300人。 • 他們將施展渾身解術,帶來唱歌、跳舞、合奏、戲劇等各類 表演。這將是全港最大型的幼稚園畢業預演,絕對會是幼稚

day n u 6, S 期日 y a M 日星 pm 6 0 0 5月 : -2 am 0 0 : 11


Top 10 P-Mark Educational Institution Award & Top 10 B-Mark Baby Brand Award 10大P嘜幼兒教育大賞 10大B嘜新晉嬰幼兒品牌大賞 The first Top 10 P-Mark Educational Institution Award held last year received enormous response. This year, we continue our mission in selecting the best institutions according to 5 main areas which include: recognition, quality of products/ services, innovation, well-rounded facilities/programmes, and convenience.

day r u t , Sa 期六 5 y Ma 日星 pm 5 0 0 月 : 5 -2 pm 0 3 : 1

The newly established Top 10 B-Mark Baby Brand Award is to acknowledge and motivate newly established brands in their continuing efforts for innovation and positive competition within the parenting sector. Their mission is clear: they want the best for the next generation. So who are the winners? Let’s find out at the Expo! 去年首次舉辦的「10大P嘜幼兒教育大賞」獲得盛大迴響,今年大會繼續依據品 牌認知度、產品/服務質素、創意培育、設施/配套完整度及便利程度等五方面的 準則選出得獎者,並頒發獎座。 另外,今年新增設的「10大B嘜新晉嬰幼兒品牌大賞」,將表揚嬰幼兒產業內的 新晉品牌,鼓勵他們繼續創新,推動行業良性競爭,為下一代帶來更關懷備至的 呵護。誰能最終獲得殊榮?一起期待頒獎的那一刻吧!

day r u t , Sa 期六 5 y Ma 日星 5 30pm : 5月 2 pm 2:00

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Mother's Day!


Text I Emily

Info & Photo I Bloom & Glow Ltd.

Mums’ Lifesavers to Make Your Lives Easier

位救兵來幫手 媽媽湊B唔使憂

“Mummies are always the B-E-S-T!” How can it not be? The whole journey of motherhood is never an easy one! In this feature we have selected some of the most innovative products to ease your daily stress. There are award winning ones, as well as others that editor used and felt were really useful, so recommend them for your consideration. 「媽媽真偉大」這句話,相信你不會反對吧﹗的確,由懷胎十月到誕下寶寶,再由坐月、湊B至到 教B,通統都不簡單﹗今期PJ特別搜羅了一些又靚又正的嶄新育兒產品,當中有得獎的,也有編輯 用過勁Like的。我們希望能盡點綿力,為各位處於不同「作戰」階段的媽媽,提供一些實用貼心好 介紹。辛苦?唔使怕﹗有佢哋幫你﹗

Lifesaver No.1 1號救兵

For Pregnant Mums 給大肚媽媽

Fertile Mind – bellybelt® 腹帶組合 HK$160

For many mums-to-be, a lot of hassle would be done away with if simple adjustments could be made to their existing collection so that the clothes still fit when their tummies grew bigger! This bellybelt is suitable for denim lovers. It won the 2010 Australian Business Awards. Great flexibility that can match with button or slide belts (in different lengths), and are easy to fasten or undo. 要買合身同時又合心的大肚衫衭,對許多孕媽來說都絕不是易事。要是能夠把陀B前的衣服簡單改裝一下,於大肚 後仍然能穿上,有多好﹗這條贏得2010年澳洲產品獎的腹帶,很適合愛穿牛仔衭的孕媽媽。它伸縮性強,同時配 上不同長短的鈕扣和滑扣伸縮帶,讓孕媽容易佩戴及拆下。另外,有三種顏色的布條供選擇,不太愛牛仔衭的孕 媽一樣啱﹗

Lifesaver Theraline® No.2 Maternity and Nursing Pillow 2號救兵 妊娠及育嬰枕頭 HK$699 When spasms struck my knees almost every night during my second trimester, a pillow where I could clamp my knees together was what I needed to keep my sleep quality in check. After my child was born, it was the same pillow that supported my back every time I breastfed (or bottle fed)! This multi-use pillow provides amazing support that can ease strain on neck and shoulders. It can be your greatest companion to relax with. 回想起進入了懷孕第二階段的我,幾乎每晚睡時雙腳都會抽筋,一個給我用雙腳 「夾住嚟瞓」的枕頭成了我的安睡必需品;到了產後,同一個枕頭,仍然每次在 餵奶時在我背後支持著我﹗這個多功能枕頭可為準媽咪在晚睡覺時舒緩腿部、 腹部和背部的壓力;其背部承托作用亦可減少頸部和肩膀的壓力,令不論母 乳或用瓶餵哺都更加輕鬆。


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Mother's Day! For Mums with Babies 給湊小B的媽媽

Lifesaver No.3 3號救兵

Cuddledry® Baby Bath Towel 嬰兒浴巾


When I was still a new mummy 3 years ago, bathing time was my greatest alltime fear because I almost dropped my slippery son on the floor! I believe this apron-style organic towel will gain the confidence of mamas like me, and grant them added courage! This award-winning towel allows you to spread your hands out to safely lift your baby from the bath without wetting yourself! 3年前當新手媽媽的我,最怕幫BB沖涼,皆因我有次浴後差點將滑溜溜的阿 仔跣落地﹗這條有機純綿的得獎圍裙式毛巾,應該可以為曾有類似經歷的媽 媽挽回不少勇氣和信心﹗它可以讓你騰出雙手,以便更安全地抱起浴中的嬰 兒,還可避免弄濕自己。

Lifesaver No.4 4號救兵

ewan™ The Dream Sheep 甜夢綿羊 HK$399

Children have to sleep well before mummies are able to. This cute award-winning sheep comes with light and different calming tracks including actual womb and heartbeat recordings, combined with either vacuum cleaner, rain or harp sounds. It will become your baby’s best companion at home, in the pushchair or car seat, where it can be secured by its Velcro tail. 媽媽要「有覺好瞓」,首先要讓小B睡得好。這隻樣子可愛的獲獎小綿羊,能發光 及發聲,強項是「曖B瞓覺」,因牠錄有安眠聲響如真實的子宮和心跳聲,結合吸 塵機聲、雨聲或鋼琴的美妙樂聲。小綿羊不一家要留在家的嬰兒床或搖籃,加上尼 龍扣子、綁上汽車座位後,可以伴你的小B周圍走。

Lifesaver Skip Hop® No.5 5號救兵 Duo Essential Diaper Bag 側背BB袋 HK$549

We all want to take our babies out but organising baby’s goods, from having them prepared to completely sorted, and within easy and handy reach requires a master’s touch! This shoulder-strapped bag has 11 pockets and compartments for easily organising diapers, bottles, toys, as well as placing your wallet, phone, keys, and other personal items together for easy finding. Their patented Shuttle Clips allow a quick transformation into a stroller bag. 帶B去街街,由執齊用品入袋,以至把物件按重要性妥善編排好就手位置,都是一 大學問。這個系列的側背BB袋,附有多至11個口袋和間隔,方便輕鬆整理及放置 嬰兒尿片、奶瓶和玩具,同時又可存放電話、錢包、鑰匙等,方便媽媽尋找物件。 其特有專利的Shuttle夾子,能快速使其變身成為嬰兒車掛袋。


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Mother's Day!

For Mums with Toddlers 給湊大B、小B的媽媽

Lifesaver No.6 6號救兵

Bumbo® Baby Seat 嬰兒座椅


When babies hit 4 months, they start to be curious about their surroundings and mummies start preparing solid food for them. Yet it’s not easy to get these little acrobats sitting nice and still. Using safe and low-density foam material, this award-winning baby seat is designed to keep babies in a comfy and correct sitting posture. It is the right thing for your active baby! 小B到了4個月大,開始對周邊事物和玩具提高興趣,媽媽亦準備引入固體食物。要把還是坐得「一仆一碌」 的小B定位餵食或玩耍,實不容易。此獲獎無計數的嬰兒座椅是一個聰明設計,以通過最高安全標準的低密 度的無毒泡沫材料製造,能令小B舒適地維持正確的坐姿。最啱愛吃愛玩的小baby﹗

Lifesaver No.7 7號救兵

Baby Zoo – Momo SleepTrainer 睡眠訓練鐘


Are you having trouble urging your kids to go to bed at night and dragging them out from bed in the morning? No problem! Your kids will be guided by the Monkey on the clock who opens and closes his eyes to indicate either wake-up time or bed time. A cool jungle alarm replaces typical annoying alarm sounds so kids can happily adapt to a schedule. 大B、小B晚上不肯上床睡?到了早上又愛賴床?無問題﹗訓 練鐘上的小猴子是好幫手,牠能以身作則:當牠開眼睛的時 候,就在提醒寶寶「起床了小朋友!」;而當猴子的眼睛閉 起來的時候,就在跟寶寶說:「該睡覺了小朋友!」而起床 時的森林配音,取代了令人厭煩的鬧鐘聲,令寶寶更能熟識 和容易接受。

® ® Lifesaver Dusky Moon – Dream Tubes Bed Guard 床套 HK$419 (cot bed嬰孩床)/HK$499 (single bed單人床) No.8 8號救兵 We heard about kids falling out of bed every once in a while. This revolutionary bed

guard can overcome safety concerns about kids’ transition from cot to bed. This double-spread guard includes a mattress with 2 inflatable tubes that are easy for home and travel purposes. Simply place the fitted sheet onto the mattress, inflate the tube and zip into the integral pockets – how portable and user-friendly for mummies!!

不時都會聽到有B「碌落床」的驚險事件,這革命性床上護衛兵「床套」,有助解決幼童由BB床轉換 至單人床過程中經常面對的安全問題。其雙面床套包括有一張附有兩個口袋的床單和二支穩固的充氣 長管,家用、旅行都方便。只要把床單安放床上,把長管充氣後套入床單口袋內,然後用拉鍊拉上口 袋便可。媽媽要攜帶及安裝,無難度﹗

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win one of the above items from Bloom and Glow! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會 贏取Bloom and Glow送出以上禮物的其中一份﹗

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Distributed by: Bloom & Grow is a leading Asian wholesale distributor of the world’s best baby, infant and maternity products. They distribute many of their brands exclusively across the region, including leading brands from the UK, US, Canada, South Africa and Belgium. 全球首屈一指的亞洲經銷商,專門供應最佳優質的嬰孩、初生兒和孕婦用品。其分 銷的品牌大部份是獨家代理的,產品目錄包羅英國、美國、加拿大、南非和比利時 的著名品牌。



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Post-pregnancy Diet:

Essential Ingredients 產後食乜好?

坐月媽媽必備食材逐個數 The first month after childbirth is also known as the “confinement period”, an important stage for new mummies. Traditional Chinese practice believes that women’s physical health has weakened due to loss of blood and energy from childbirth. As a result, “Wind” can easily get into their body. Mummies need appropriate diets to regain their physical strength so as to take care of their babies and get ready for breastfeeding. Hence, ingredients that help restore energy as well as promote the flow and secretion of lactation are essential. Here are some suggestions for your reference. 分娩後的第一個月,亦即是「坐月子」,對孕媽媽甚為重要,尤其按中國傳統的說法——孕婦產後身體較虛弱,血氣 不足且容易「入風」,需要滋補食物來恢復精力,同時為照顧BB做好準備。因此,一些有助疏通乳腺和增加乳汁分泌 的食材亦不可少。以下的一些參考希望幫到你手。

The“Big Four”

坐月四寶 3.





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1 Mature Ginger 老薑 .

Warm in nature; it expels Cold and Wind; warms the uterus. It is good for supplementing the asthenia bodies especially women feeling weak after delivery. Pick those in large chunky shape and juicy. Women are suggested to clean up the body with boiled ginger water which warms the body and expels Wind from the head. 性溫,具驅寒祛風及暖子宮的功效,是體虛血弱的產婦重要食材,以厚肉多汁的老薑最佳。產婦用薑皮煲水洗 頭及洗澡,可暖身及驅除頭風。

2 Black Sesame Oil 黑麻油 .

It expels Wind, improves shrinking of the uterus and promotes the elimination of lochia. It is a good seasoning for strengthening the body after delivery. Sesame oil should be cooked over low heat, or the nutrition would be destroyed. 祛風、滋補、有助子宮收縮及促進瘀血排出,是坐月的保健調味料,但注意黑麻油宜用小火烹調,以免破壞養份。

3 Glutinous Rice Wine 糯米酒 .

It promotes lactation and blood circulation; warms the body. Though it is good for the asthenia bodies of the women after delivery, you should pay attention to the amount of win you take. It avoids the baby absorbing excessive alcohol. 通乳、活血、暖身及促進血液循環,對產後虛弱的身體幫助甚大。哺乳者需注意米酒的份量,以免嬰兒吸收過量 酒精。

4 Sweet Vinegar 甜醋 .

It contains some Chinese herbals for strengthening the body; improving the appetite; and quenching the thirst. It is the main ingredient of making “Simmered Pork Trotter,” it helps to dissolve the calcium contained in pork trotter. 內含中藥材,具開胃生津之效,是烹調豬腳薑的主要調味料,也有助溶解豬腳內的鈣質,容 易被產婦吸收。

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What’ s More

材料百科 Wood Ear Fungus

白背木耳 It helps to remove the lochia (blood stasis in uterus). Add the appropriate amount in the early stage of postpartum period; but do not use excessively. 有助清除子宮內瘀血(惡露),坐月早期(十二朝前)可酌加餸 菜內,但不可過量。

Papaya 木瓜 Papaya is nutritious ingredient. It is effective to promote the lactation and strengthen the body. Choose half-ripe papaya for boiling soup. 增加產婦乳汁分泌,營養豐富,增強體質。煲湯宜選半生熟木瓜。

Red Date 紅棗

Neutral in nature; it promotes blood cell regeneration and enhances the energy. Drinking red date tea can tonify the body. It is suggested to remove the stone first, in order to decrease the hotness. 性平,有補血及恢復精力的功效,產後喝紅棗水有助補 身,建議先去核可減低燥熱。

Black Date 南棗 It nourishes Yin; tonifies Qi; invigorates the blood and strengthens the body. It is a popular ingredient for postpartum care. 養陰、補氣補血、滋補強身,常作為產後調理之滋養補品。

Peanut 花生 It promotes the lactation. Make a soup with peanut and papaya if you do not have enough breast milk. 疏通乳腺、促進乳汁分泌。母乳不足的產婦,可配木瓜煲湯飲用。 Source: Simple Confinement Tonic by Forms Publications 飲食天地出版社出版之《菲傭入廚手記—坐月好輕鬆》


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Middle Ear Infection:

Things you should know 警惕再警惕 急性中耳炎 Text I Dr. Amos Lo

Dr. Amos Lo 盧駿業醫生 MB BS, FRCS (Glasg), FRCSEd (ORL), FHKCORL, FHKAM (Otorhinolaryngology) Dr. Lo had worked in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital for almost 12 years. His practice includes diagnosis and treatment of general ear, nose and throat diseases as well as sleep-related breathing disorders. He has now entered into private practice and is currently a visiting doctor at several hospitals including Matilda International Hospital. 曾任職東區尤德夫人那打素醫院耳鼻喉科近12年,現為私人執業醫生,並在多間醫院主理耳鼻 喉科手術,包括明德國際醫院。

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Otitis media is the inflammation of the middle ear and is one of the most common diseases requiring medical treatment for children under the age of five living in western countries. 70% of all children will experience one or more attacks of acute otitis media (AOM) before their second birthday. There are two types of otitis media, namely acute otitis media (AOM) and a slow form of inflammation, otitis media with effusion (OME). AOM is characterised with acute earache, often in a child with a cold and fever. OME means the presence of fluid in the middle ear cavity without any signs of acute inflammation. 急性中耳炎亦即中耳發炎,在外國是5歲以下兒童最常出現的疾病。七 成兒童在滿兩歲前會患上至少一次的急性中耳炎。中耳炎分為急性中耳 炎和慢性中耳積水。急性中耳炎患者通常會因感冒和發燒而引起耳痛, 中耳積水則是中耳腔內有積水,但沒有急性發炎的病徵。

What causes AOM? 導致中耳炎的因素

Ear drum 耳膜 Eustachian tube 耳咽管

Obstruction of the Eustachian tube is the most important event leading to AOM. Most cases of AOM are preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection or “cold” involving the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx (see drawing). Inflammation at the nasopharynx, which is related closely to the nasal end of the Eustachian tube, creates stasis and swelling around the area, and alters the pressure within the middle ear. The causative agents for the inflammation can be viral or bacterial. These pathogens can ascend to the middle ear cavity through the Eustachian tube, resulting in acute otitis media. 耳咽管阻塞是導致急性中耳炎的主要因素。 大部分的急性中耳炎都會在上呼吸道感染或 影響到鼻腔和鼻咽的感冒之後出現(見圖)。

Inner Ear 內耳

由於鼻咽非常接近鼻腔盡頭的耳咽管,當鼻 咽受到感染,便會出現腫脹,令中耳內的壓 力改變。一般而言,導致中耳發炎的病原體

Outer Ear 外耳

Middle Ear 中耳

可以是病毒或細菌,透過耳咽管進入中耳 腔,引致急性中耳炎。


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Risk factors 風險因素

• Prematurity and low birth weight • Young age • Family history of AOM • Altered immunity • Craniofacial abnormalities • Day care or crowded living conditions • Exposure to tobacco and pollutants • Use of a pacifier • Prone sleeping position • Prolonged bottle-feeding • Autumn and winter seasons • 早產嬰兒和出生時體重過輕 • 年幼 • 家族遺傳的急性中耳炎紀錄 • 免疫系統的改變 • 顱面結構異常 • 常處於日間託兒中心或擠迫的居住環境

Symptoms 病徵

The presentation of AOM varies with age. In newborns, irritability and feeding difficulties may be the only symptoms noticeable. In older children, fever is usually associated with ear pain and ear tugging. Hearing loss and ear stuffiness are constant features in even older children and adults. Ear examinations by physicians usually reveal reddening of the ear drum with purulent material collected in the middle ear cavity and the ear drum may bulge under pressure. Perforation of the ear drum may occur but this is uncommon. However, a perforation of the eardrum can immediately relieve pain. Discharge from the ear, which can be purulent or bloody, may follow. The perforation usually heals on its own. 急性中耳炎的病徵因年齡而異。新生嬰兒唯一可察覺到的病徵就是煩躁不安和 餵食困難,而較年長的兒童通常在發燒時會感到耳痛和不停拉扯耳朵作紓緩。 年紀再大一點的孩子甚至成年人則會持續出現聽力減弱和耳塞。

• 接觸煙草和污染物


• 使用奶嘴


• 俯臥的睡眠姿勢


• 長期以奶樽餵食 • 秋冬季節

Medical therapy AOM is most common in infants 3 months to 18 months. 急性中耳炎最常見於3至18個月大的幼兒 身上。


AOM will resolve within one week without antibiotic therapy in more than 80% of children; prescribing an antibiotic increases this rate by only 13%. AOM without bulging eardrums, which is much more common, is likely to clear spontaneously. Delayed antibiotic prescribing strategy (waiting 48 to 72 hours to prescribe antibiotics while giving paracetamol or ibuprofen) is often appropriate. Treatment options may include commencement of antimicrobial agent or a drainage procedure with culture. Decongestants and antihistamines may relieve coexisting nasal symptoms. 八成的兒童患者都毋須服用抗生素,並會在一星期內痊癒,使用抗生素只可以 提升13%的痊癒比率。若患者的耳膜沒有腫脹(這也是較常見的),則會較易 痊癒。令一種常用的治療方法是醫生會先讓患者服用止痛藥如paracetamol或 ibuprofen,觀察48至72小時後,再決定是否需要給予病人抗生素。其他治療 方法包括開始使用抗生素或進行包含種菌的引流手術,而減充血劑和抗敏感藥 則可以紓緩其他鼻腔不適的症狀。

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Complications of AOM 中耳炎併發症

Possible complications include perforation of the ear drum, acute mastoiditis, facial nerve palsy, meningitis and brain abscess. As a general rule if the child is not responding to antibiotic treatment in 48 hours, a review of the treatment and further investigations have to be considered. 併發症可能包括耳膜穿孔、急性乳突炎、 面部神經痲痺、腦膜炎和腦膿腫。一般來 說,如果病情在接受抗生素治療48小時內 仍沒有改善,便要評估治療的方法和進一 步的診斷。

Recurrent AOM 急性中耳炎復發

Follow-up 覆診

Middle ear effusion is expected at the first follow-up. 70% of children will present with effusion after 14 days. Up to 10% of children will have persistent effusion after three months of the onset of AOM. Otitis media with effusion is typically painless. Hearing impairment and schooling problem are the main symptoms the child may suffer from. 中耳積水的情況通常在第一次覆診時出 現。七成兒童在接受治療的14天後中耳仍 有積水,而一成以下兒童在急性中耳炎第 一次病發後的3個月內,中耳仍有積水。 中耳積水通常沒有痛楚,但兒童的聽力會 受影響。

Some children may experience recurrent attacks of AOM. Apart from the standard management, control of rhinitis and the environment should be considered, for example, tobacco free living space and cessation of bottle-feeding. Prevention of respiratory infections, as with the influenza vaccine, and treatment of influenza with an antiviral drug, will have an effect on reducing otitis media during the influenza season. In a few cases, myringotomy with grommet insertion and adenoidectomy may be needed for definitive treatment. 部分兒童的急性中耳炎會復發。除了使用標準 治療法外,父母也應留意鼻炎的控制和周遭的 環境(如無煙的生活空間、停用奶樽餵食)。流 感季節期間,若能透過疫苖,使用治療流感, 以預防呼吸道的感染,亦可減低患上急性中 耳炎的機會。有部分兒童或需要接受鼓膜切 開、鼓膜置管和腺樣體切除術,以作較徹底 的治療。


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為什麼孩子只喜歡學琴,不練琴? 樂藝坊音樂總監伍詠詩老師在鋼琴教學20年內 碰過不同的家長、學生,她發覺近年有不少「神 童」出現,小學階段已考獲十級鋼琴、琴棋書畫

學生:葉心陶 4歲 初時父母還擔心手指不夠力、一向要做物理 治療的她會否有困難。幸好伍老師用特別的 方法令她不吃力,手指亦強壯了不少。「好 彩伍老師還未用到最大酷刑:『舉生油』和 『托字典 』!」

樣樣識,當中有幾多真正「學」好音樂「享受」樂 趣?又有幾多家長要求伍老師幾年內將自己孩子 變成「神童」?

你的收生要求其中一項是評估家長的心態,為什麼? 無錯!孩子年幼要教導他們比較易,但家長本身對孩子學琴的目的和 願意付出的時間、心機一定要了解和溝通過先。

幾多歲學琴最適合? 年齡並不最重要,我有最年幼和最年長的學生是兩歲和四十多歲。不同 的年齡用不同的教學方法,同樣他們可以享受到鋼琴的樂趣。

你的學生每日練琴幾小時?為何孩子多數不喜歡練琴? 我當然希望學生不是「被逼」練琴,如果認真練習每天一小時都可以 接受。我聽過很多家長埋怨孩子不肯練琴,親子關係也因此破壞了。 現今小朋友時間緊迫,放學後做功課、溫書、練琴……家長都會很心 急要他們在指定時間內完成事情,但越迫越不奏效。 學業固然重要,良好的環境讓小孩子容易集中,有父母的陪同可能更 有心機,做功課中亦可插入遊戲時間「練琴」,抽一至兩首要練習的 曲目和他一齊練習、數拍子、唱歌詞,開心地與小孩子練琴令他不覺 得有壓力。他們遇到困難,家長不應只答「我不識音樂,你自己想辦

學生:雷芷妮 5歲 伍老師最疼愛的「學生」女兒,從來不會強迫 她練琴,芷妮願意時便會坐上琴椅隨手彈奏。 伍老師說:「從來不願見到學生哭住來練琴。」

法!」我有試過家長和孩子練琴時遇上大家不同的理解時打電話給我 求證,然後繼續練習。孩子對事物興趣有幾濃,視乎家長本身放幾多 時間和心思入去陪他發掘。

家長與老師應怎樣配合才可以令孩子愉快學琴? 我非常著重家長與我的配合、認同和信任。每個學生習琴頭幾年我都

“ 某琴行職員話:「伍老師常來翻看琴書,研究每套教材 的優點,以配合不同學生的學習,有時更會提議從外地 訂購新教材回港。」 “

會每半年至一年與家長商討學生的進度、過往的表現、課程是否適 合,接著一年內要完成的目標、要參與各項的表演、比賽或考試作怎 樣的安排,這樣令家長更了解孩子的程度、學習的範圍。有時我亦會 打電話給家長詢問孩子練習的問題,校園生活的變化或家庭上大大小 小的轉變。有家長會問:弟弟出生後會否影響哥哥習琴的進度?我們 暑假會去旅行會否有怎樣的課程改變。

你的學生中有沒有「神童」出現? 如果有家長一開始便要求我將他的孩子幾年內考獲某級數,我一定不 會接受他作為我的學生,我並不是覺得他的孩子無潛質。我亦有很多 學生七歲已考獲五級樂理和鋼琴,在鋼琴比賽中屢獲獎項,我不會埋 沒有潛質的學生,但我亦不會「迫」他們成為李雲迪。

為什麼你會接收一些被「遺棄」的學生? 有些家長來找我教琴時,她說自己的孩子給之前的老師放棄了,說他

學生:莊敬謙 估不到12年前頑皮的謙謙,當年更多時與伍老 師「對抗」,現在受音樂薰陶下成為文質彬彬 的男孩呢?

不可能學琴,沒有天份,教到嘔血。我接手之後首先要令她不恐懼老 師和鋼琴,用課外時間和她傾談,用不同的教材讓他重新欣賞音樂的 吸引力。試過有個學生每天放學後到我家一齊吃午飯,做完功課練琴 至晚上,日日如是,令他和我的距離拉近些,他逐漸將問題和困難一



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Is Talking Back Always a Sign of Rudeness in Kids? Another way to look at metacognition

駁嘴就是不好嗎? 認識「後設認知」 Text | Vicky, Wong Wing Kei 黃穎琪

A few years ago, a friend told me about his 3-year-old son, begging to go to Ocean Park, promising that he would walk the whole time in Ocean Park. While at Ocean Park, this little boy kept his promise, but when it was time to leave he didn’t want to walk anymore. Daddy said to him that he had promised to walk at Ocean Park, and so refused to carry him. The little boy returned, “I did walk in Ocean Park but now we are leaving (walking out of Ocean Park).” Based on the above story, parents could say that the little boy was only making excuses to avoid walking on his own. However, when you reflect on the case, you find that the little boy first needed to think of what he had said to his father and explain the reason why he did not want to walk anymore. The boy gave a second thought to his earlier promise and a second thought to his action of not wanting to walk. This story clearly reveals that young children do have “metacognition”.

多年前有朋友曾說過這樣一件事:他3歲的兒子要求到 海洋公園玩,並許下承諾說去海洋公園時定必自己走 路。在海洋公園遊玩時,兒子謹守自己的承諾,但 到了離開時,他便要求爸爸抱,爸爸跟他說他承諾 了會自行走路,不答應其要求,兒子卻立即說: 「去海洋公園遊玩時我有守承諾自己走路,但現 在是離開海洋公園了!」 就以上的故事,家長可能會覺得那小孩只是在 找藉口,好使爸爸抱他離開。但當你們細心 想一想,那小孩的藉口是需要經過一番思考 的。他先要回想自己許了甚麼承諾,然後再 想出如何向爸爸解釋其不想走路之原因。那 男孩說出他的原因前,需反思自己是如何向 爸爸作出承諾的,才向爸爸討價。 以上的故事正正反映了幼兒是具備後設 認知能力的。

Vicky, Wong Wing Kei 黃穎琪 Vicky is currently a full-time lecturer at the Hong Kong Baptist University. Her lectures cover child psychology, child development, teaching and learning, and school curricula. She also conducts school-based workshops for kindergartens and offers consultations. She has worked in kindergartens of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Canada. Vicky於香港浸會大學擔任全職導師4年,現為一級講師。她除教授幼兒心理學、幼兒發展、學與教及幼稚園課程 等科目外,亦經常到不同的幼稚園作教師培訓及顧問工作。此前曾於香港、台灣、加拿大多地的幼稚園任職。


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What is “metacognition”?

後設認知:知道自己如何知道 Cognition is a term that many parents pay serious attention to, hoping that their children possess high cognitive ability, especially in such a competitive society as Hong Kong. However, today I’d like to introduce another term: “Metacognition”; I don’t know if parents are familiar with this term or not. What is “metacognition” anyway, and how does it relate to cognition? While cognition is the ability to think, metacognition is a higher-order thinking ability. Breaking the word down, we have “meta” which refers to a change in position to a higher level, and “cognition” which refers to our faculty of knowing or thinking. We can say that metacognition is knowing about knowing or thinking about thinking, but this sounds quite complicated, doesn’t it? Making it simpler, we can say that “metacognition” means “reflection”; reflecting on one’s thinking, on one’s learning process and on one’s knowledge. Of course, young children need cognitive ability before they are able to use their metacognitive ability. I believe a lot of parents do experience their children arguing, negotiating and reasoning with them. For all the aforementioned actions, children need to apply logical reasoning. Therefore, next time your children talk back, as parents, you should admire how smart they are instead of berating them for not being respectful. 認知一詞,很多家長都十分在意,特別是在香港這競爭激烈的社會,家長都 希望自己的小孩有高認知能力。今天帶出的另一個詞彙「後設認知」,不知 道又有多少家長聽過呢?到底何謂「後設認知」?它又與認知有何關係? 事實上,認知是反映人的思維能力,而後設認知則是高階思維能力。把「後 設」分開來解解讀,「後設」認知是把地位變高,而「認知」則是我們對事 物的認識及想法。我們亦可說後設認知是指,知道自己如何知道,思想自己 如何思想。有點複雜?簡而言之,「後設認知」可謂「反思」自己的想法, 反思自己的學習過程,反思自己得來的知識可以如何運用。當然,幼兒是先 需要有知識才能運用其後設認知能力。 相信很多父母亦曾經歷類似文章開頭故事的情況。其實小孩與你們討價還價 時,是需要具備良好的邏輯思維才能做到的。所以日後每當你們認為孩子在 駁嘴時,細心想想,不要遷怒於他們不尊重成人,而是從另一角度欣賞他們 的智慧吧。

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Can Metacognition be taught?


Of course it can. Even though metacognition is an innate ability, with the proper environment and guidance, metacognition can be enhanced. As mentioned above, metacognition is the knowledge of one’s own cognitive and affective processes and states, as well as the ability to consciously and deliberately monitor and regulate those processes and states; in other words, be able to self-regulate during a thinking process and reflect on it. We know children are able to use metacognition, and if this is the case, it should help them to enhance cognitive abilities and thinking skills. In order to enhance children’s learning effectiveness, adults should understand the importance of metacognition in teaching and learning, and be able to use metacognitive strategies to help children to self-regulate. The activities provided in “scaffolding” instruction, advocated by Russian psychologist Vygotsky, are just beyond the level of what the learner can do alone. Therefore, the goal of parents when using the scaffolding teaching strategy is for children to become independent and self-regulating learners and problem solvers. As the learner’s knowledge and learning competency increase, parents can gradually reduce the supports provided. One simple application is for parents to provide daily life choices for children and ask about their preferences. Also, allow children to solve their daily problems on their own and ask about the process afterwards. This can allow the children to think about their needs and solve different problems, and in the process help themselves. From time to time, parents can provide some help (scaffold) to children so that they can finish the task on their own. 後設認知可以培養嗎?當然可以。雖然後設認知是一種與生俱來的能 力,但如能配合適當的環境及指導,幼兒的後設認知能力是可被提升 的。 前面提及後設認知是人對自己學習的過程、認知的過程的理解,及有 意識和故意地操控及調節這些過程的能力,換句話說是能於自己思維 的過程時作自我調整及反思。幼兒後設認知能力之高與低是能直接影 響他們的思維能力的,如希望幼兒能有效地學習,成人需要了解後設 認知在學與教上的重要性,利用適當的策略來幫助幼兒自我調整。學 者維哥斯基所提倡的「鷹架作用」,即適時及適當地引導及輔助幼學 習,便是最佳的策略。 有很多時候幼兒是不能獨自一個完成一些工作的,但家長不應幫助幼 兒去完成其任務,而是應提供一些指引,引導幼兒使幼兒能透過一些 提示自行把任務完成。所以家長的目標是要適切地運用鷹架策略來訓 練幼兒,使幼兒變成個獨立、懂得自我調整的學習及解難者。當學習 者的認知及自我學習能力提升時,家長便能逐漸減少「鷹架」,減少 對幼兒的指導。 在日常生活中,家長可給予幼兒選擇權、自主權,多詢問他們的意願, 多讓幼兒自行解決問題,為日常面對的困難作出決定,然後要求他們 解釋其想法。以上的方法,可讓幼兒先思考他們自己的需要,然後再 想出恰當的辦法解決困難。間中,家長可提供一些引導(鷹架)來協 助幼兒,好使幼兒能透過協助自行完成不同的工作。


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Methods of teaching children metacognition differ according to age. 不同年齡層的幼兒可透過不同的方法培育其後設認知。

For young children (2-5 years old) 2至5歲的幼兒 • Teach them how to categorise different objects. This is a strategy that helps children to construct knowledge and to think more fluently. • Provide rewards to children to motivate them in finishing different tasks. • Read stories to children and afterwards ask them to relate the content. • Provide guidance to children when they cannot finish a task on their own. Do not help them finish the task! • 教導他們如何把物件分類,這有助幼兒自行建構知識及能更流暢地思考。 • 提供不同的獎勵予幼兒,以提升他們自行完成工作之動機。 • 多閱讀故事予幼兒,然後提問他們有關的故事內容。 • 當幼兒未能自行完成活動時提供適當的協助,不要幫他們完成活動(工作)。

For older children (6-10 years old) 6至10歲的兒童 • Allow children to solve daily problems themselves, such as buying things at the supermarket, preparing simple foods, walking a short distance home, etc. • Read a lot to children and ask them to re-tell the story to you from time to time in order to see how well they understand it. • Set expectations for children. Tell them exactly what you want them to do and let them know the consequences. • Give children responsibilities; it can be as simple as taking care of a plant. • 讓孩子自己解決日常面對的事情,例如到超市買東西、自行煮食、走一小 段路回家等。

• 多閱讀故事予孩子,然後要求他們重述故事,從而了解他們對故事內容的 理解程度。

• 對孩子設定期望,告訴他們你希望他們能做到的事情並說明後果。 • 把一些責任委托於孩子,例如要求他們打理盆栽、清理自己的房間等。

Remember, external motivators and clear instructions are always important elements to enhance children’s metacognitive ability. Always let children know the consequences before asking them to do anything, and provide all sorts of rewards to motivate their behaviour. 最後緊記,外在動機及明確的指示是能提升幼兒後設認知的重要元素。當要求孩子做事情前要清楚告知其任務及透過獎賞來 提升他們的動機。


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School Discipline – Learn with Fun

快快樂樂上學去 紀律篇 It takes time for children to adapt their first year of school life. The duration depends on whether they are well-prepared before school starts. This preparation does not only equip children with the concept of learning, but also reinforce their concentration, and to give them an early experience of social interaction in a group learning environment.

小朋友初踏校園必定要經過一段適應期,時期的長短視乎學前的準 備工夫。學前教育不僅讓小朋友有學習的概念,更可訓練其集中力 及預早了解群體生活,為入學作好準備。 對小朋友而言,學校是一個與家中完全不同的地方。在學校,媽媽 不在身旁,換來的是老師等新面孔。在課堂上,小朋友需要安靜坐 著,不可如在家中跑跑跳跳。在學校,大伙兒一同學習守紀律,如 排隊等候、保持安靜等。如何讓小朋友更易適應學校生活及學習紀 律?就等My Kiddy Gym幫你手,透過體適能課程活動幫助小朋友提

For children, school is a completely different place from home. Mummy will not be around, they have to acquaint with new faces of teachers and staffs. They have to sit quietly in class and are not allowed to run everywhere like they usually do at home. Also, they need to learn about discipline such as waiting in queues and staying quiet when teacher talks. How do children cope with all these? My Kiddy Gym can guide them to get their minds and bodies ready for school through some group gymnastic programmes.


My Kiddy Gym designs curriculum with weekly themes using facilities including inflatable beds and slides, balancing beams, and double rings, etc. Training for children will cover areas of discipline, concentration, self-confidence and sharing through a 45-minute class.


Discipline is an important part of learning for every kid. Before classes, My Kiddy Gym instructors will explain and demonstrate movements to children and parents. This kind of briefing section helps children develop patience and concentration. During activities, children have to queue up to play in turns. Children will learn to follow rules and instructions while playing and will gradually adapt to the school environment with the new skills learned. Let Kiddy Gym help your kids to get ready in welcoming the new school life.

My Kiddy Gym每星期按課程主題設計,配備形形色色的設施,如 充氣彈床、充氣滑梯、小型平衡木、雙環等體操器材,於45分鐘課 堂內訓練多方面的學習態度,如紀律性、專注度、自信心、與人相 處的心態等。 紀律是孩子學習過程中非常重要的一環。課堂前,由導師先向小朋友 及家長講解及示範動作,藉此訓練小朋友耐心聆聽及專注。課程開 始後,小朋友會學習排隊等候;若想再玩一次必須往後重新排隊。 守課堂的規矩,將由此慢慢明白學習環境的模式,明白不可依從自 己喜好任意活動。 來吧,讓My Kiddy Gym為你作好準備,讓小朋友快快樂樂入校園。

Book now to experience the wonders of child development at My Kiddy Gym. Call 2759 8811 to book a trial class now or visit www.mykiddygym.com to get more details. 立即到My Kiddy Gym試堂,體驗孩子成 長發展的神奇。請即致電2759 8811 或瀏覽www.mykiddygym.com了 解更多詳情。

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Are Children Naturally Hoarse? 幼童聲沙 是否天生? Text I Dr. Anna Lee

Why do children often have hoarse voices? Are children born with hoarse voices? Before answering these questions, let us first understand the mechanisms of voice production. 為甚麼幼童經常都會聲沙?究竟聲沙是否天生?在解答這些問題前,讓 我們先了解發聲的原理。 Our vocal cords are composed of two overlapping mucous membranes in our larynx. They can be opened and closed during phonation. When we intend to speak, our brain sends signals to (1) our lungs to prepare enough air for voice production and; (2) to our vocal cords asking them to close. The air flow and air pressure from the lungs encounter the closed vocal folds, causing a rapid vibration of the vocal folds. The vibrations then create sound waves which are amplified in the oral cavity and modified by the position of the tongue and the shape of the lips, which then turn into the different sounds we can produce in oral language. 聲帶是兩片位於喉部的黏膜。它們會在發聲時分開或碰合。當我們想說話 時,大腦便會傳送訊息到肺部,讓肺部準備足夠的空氣,然後再傳送訊息 到聲帶,讓聲帶碰合。從肺部而來的氣流和氣壓衝上閉合的聲帶,使聲帶 迅速地震動。這震動能產生聲波,而聲波會在口腔內被擴大,及被舌頭的 位置及唇形所改變,最後成為我們能在語言中發出的不同語音。


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Pitch, which refers to how low and high the voice sounds are, is determined by how fast the vocal folds vibrate, and how long the folds are. Loudness is determined by the amount of air flow from the lungs and how tense the vocal folds are. The quality and clearness of the voice is determined by: 1) if the vocal folds vibrate smoothly, 2) if they close tightly and 3) if they are moist enough. If a child screams and shouts frequently, that means his or her vocal folds vibrate quickly and are tense and strained most of the time. This will easily dehydrate the vocal folds, and result in a hoarse and rasping voice. Hoarseness is commonly seen in children. It occurs when something causes the vocal folds to vibrate abnormally. It is usually related to colds, flus and laryngitis which cause inflammation and swelling of the vocal cords. Chronic voice abuse like frequent screaming, yelling, crying, coughing, loud talking of children can cause nodules and calluses, preventing the vocal folds from vibrating smoothly. Hoarseness can also be caused by gastro-esophageal reflux where the regurgitated food or liquid can irritate the vocal cords, resulting in a cough or in breathing problems. In rare cases, infection from viruses, and trauma of the head and neck causing vocal cord paralysis are also causes of hoarseness. Hoarseness is rarely inborn. If it results from colds or flu, the hoarseness will disappear when the child recovers. If there is a sudden change of voice or the hoarseness does not disappear in two weeks, then the child should go to see an ear, nose and throat specialist. If it is a nodule, it needs to be removed surgically. Sometimes the child needs to see a speech therapist to learn some vocal hygiene techniques or relaxation exercises.

聲調指聲音的高低,是決定於聲帶震動的速度, 以及聲帶本身的長度。聲量的大小取決於肺部產 生的氣流,及聲帶的繃緊程度。聲線的清脆程度 要視乎1)聲帶是否能順暢地震動,2)聲帶是 否緊閉,3)聲帶是否經常保持濕潤。如果兒童 經常大聲尖叫及吵鬧,這表示他的聲帶經常快速 地震動,亦處於繃緊的狀態,這樣會導致聲帶乾 涸,造成聲音沙啞。 幼童經常都會聲沙。聲帶不正常地震動時,就會 出現聲沙。傷風感冒及咽喉炎都會導致聲帶腫脹 及發炎。長期的聲帶濫用,例如大力咳嗽、尖 叫、大哭大鬧、大聲說話,都會導致聲帶生繭或 息肉,阻礙聲帶震動。聲沙的原因亦包括胃酸倒 流,倒流的食物及液體會刺激聲帶,引致咳嗽 及影響呼吸,令聲音沙啞。另外比較罕見的聲 沙成因有病毒感染及因頭頸受到撞擊而導致的 聲帶癱瘓。 聲沙極少數是天生的。如果聲沙是傷風感冒及咽 喉炎導致的,聲沙的情況通常會在病痊癒後好 轉。如聲音的特變及聲沙持續超過兩星期,應帶 幼童求診耳鼻喉專科醫生。視乎情況而定,可能 需要割除息肉,或需要言語治療師教授正確的發 聲方法及肌肉鬆弛運動。

Dr. Anna Lee Dr. Lee is the founder of Dr Lee’s Language and Dyslexia Treatment Centre (www.dyslexiacentre.hk). She is a specialist in speech therapy for dyslexia. She obtained her PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Liverpool, UK. 榮獲英國利物浦大學認知心理學博士的Dr. Anna Lee,是文 穎語言及讀寫障礙治療中心 (www.dyslexiacentre.hk) 的創辦 人,亦是言語治療師及讀寫障礙專家。

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10 Tips for children to have a clear voice 1. Children should avoid shouting, yelling and screaming; don’t shout with your child to see whose voice is louder. 2. They should not talk loudly; ask your child not to talk when there is too much background noise. 3. Children should talk slowly and learn to take pauses when speaking. 4.They should drink enough water to keep the vocal cords moist. 5. For babies, avoid letting them cry for a long time. 6. Child should avoid whispering as this will strain the vocal cords. 7. Take your child to see a doctor immediately when he or she has a cold, flu or sore throat. 8. Children should avoid eating foods that are fried, too hot or spicy. 9. Children should avoid clearing their throats and coughing. 10. Let your child have enough rest and sleep.

10個保護聲帶的方法 1. 避免讓幼兒尖叫及大吵大鬧,不要和幼兒鬥大聲。 2. 避免讓幼兒大聲說話,吩咐幼兒在嘈吵的環境下盡量 不要說話。

3. 教導幼兒應慢慢說話,說話時要作適當的停頓。 4. 讓幼兒多喝水,讓聲帶保持濕潤。 5. 避免讓嬰孩哭叫太久。 6. 告訴幼兒不要耳語,這樣會令聲帶繃緊。 7. 幼兒如患感冒或咽喉炎,應盡早求診。 8. 避免讓幼兒吃過熱、煎炸或刺激性食物。 9. 避免讓幼兒時常清喉嚨及咳嗽。 10. 讓幼兒有足夠的休息及睡眠。


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Self-Learning = No Teaching? 自學=沒人教=唔識?

n a knowledge-based society, the ability to think independently and learn on one’s own is crucial. The new academic curriculum requires that students use these approaches to learn and broaden their horizons. What can parents do to foster the ability to learn on one’s own? Does self-learning imply that teaching is not required? How can parents nurture their children’s ability to solve problems and think independently in order to achieve a true state of self-learning? Most parents assume children cannot grasp new knowledge well without the guidance of teachers. Although they acknowledge the importance of self-learning, they still prefer a guiding hand in the form of a teacher. The problem is that many teachers tend to provide solutions or answers, depriving students of the opportunity to search for answers on their own. A good analogy is teaching children to fish. If we undertake this, we will teach children the skills required to fish rather than handing them fish on a silver platter. In fostering children’s ability to grasp this lifelong skill of thinking independently, the role for parents and teachers is to inspire and lead children to think independently. It takes time for children to develop self-learning, so they need appropriate and suitable guidance. Here are some useful tips for parents: Avoid blurting out the answer straightaway: Try to use questions to guide them to find out the answers themselves. This can raise their ability to think independently instead of relying on others.

現今知識型社會,懂得自學尤 為重要,因此新高中課程需要 學生有自學能力及廣闊眼界,

那麼家長應如何培養孩子的自學能力?何 謂「自學」?自學是否等於不需要人教? 家長應如何訓練孩子學會獨立思考、自行 解決問題,做到真正的自學? 普遍父母都認為,孩子在沒有老師的教導 下,難以掌握新知識。雖然認同孩子自學

Foster multi-perspective thinking: Engage children in discussions and encourage them to express their opinions through different perspectives. Try to direct their efforts to find out the answers through different means using what they already know. Give praise: The satisfaction and confidence that come from seeking answers on their own not only derives from the knowledge that “I can do it”, but also originates from praise and acknowledgement on the part of parents. Do not stint on praise; your words of encouragement are the motivation and foundation of your children’s skills in self-learning. Self-learning ≠ No teaching 自學自習 ≠ 沒人教 Kumon advocates self-learning that nurtures students’ ability to solve problems and acquire new knowledge. Instructors observe students during class and guide their learning using questions. In this way students can solve problems and learn independently one step at a time. This does not imply that Kumon is not teaching; instead, instructors use examples from previously learned materials to provide appropriate assistance to students. 公文式主張「自學自習」,培養學生憑自己的能力解決 困難,學習新知識。導師會緊密地觀察學生堂上表現並 以提問作引導,讓他們學會閱讀例題,理解當中內容, 嘗試自行解答,以逐步培養自學能力。公文式並不是完 全不教學生,導師會利用例題或學生之前學過的內容, 向他們說明並給予適當提示,引導他們學習。

是很重要,但也希望老師能從旁給予指 導。可是,很多老師都習慣直接給予解題 方法,甚至即時告知答案,令學生缺乏經 歷通過思考尋找答案的過程。因此,自學 猶如「授之以漁」,我們應教曉孩子釣魚 技巧,而不是把魚硬塞進他們的嘴。 要培養孩子掌握獨立思考、尋根究底等自 學精神,家長及老師的責任就是啟發及引 導孩子。培養獨立思考能力並不是一朝一 夕的事,孩子需要得到正確及適當的引 導,家長不妨參考以下提示,共同培養具 備自學能力的孩子︰ 切忌直接說出答案:家長應多以提問方 式,引導孩子自行找出答案,減少其依賴 性,提升思考能力。 培養孩子多角度思考:多跟子女討論,鼓 勵他們發表意見及從不同角度思考;家長 不妨利用孩子已掌握的知識,引導他們找 出答案。 多讚賞與認同孩子:孩子透過自己思考後 獲得答案的滿足感和自信,除了因為那種 「自己能做到」的肯定感外,也源自被父 母讚賞和認同。請不要吝嗇讚美的說話, 這是讓孩子建立自發學習的基礎及動力。

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n o i t c u r t s n o Under C 小小機械工程師 是你﹗ Whether or not your kid has aspirations to become a great mechanic, he/she cannot resist and put their little fingers on these colourful adorable gears. The German toy maker, mic-o-mic, designs a construction series to offer a unique hands-on building experience for 3 year olds and above. The satisfaction is beyond completion of vehicles or boats or aircrafts, the building process further enhances children’s development in eye-hand coordination, fine motors skills, and 3-dimensional imagination; at the same it’s a learning process to strengthen kids’ understanding of colours and shapes, concentration, and problem solving skills. This kind of stimulation equips your children with essential skills to face everyday challenges at home and in school. Each piece is made with materials that are safe for kids to spend a wonderful time with parents and let their creative designing buds sprout and thrive! 無論你孩子的志願是否做一個機械工程師,當他(甚至是你自己)見到這一個個色彩繽紛的玩意,一 定會忍不住拿起來玩一玩。來自德國的玩具品牌mic-o-mic,帶來一系列造型獨特的飛機、汽車和船 隻,它們全由一件件既sharp又精緻的小零件組成,其材質保證安全無毒。 在動手組裝的過程中,小朋友們不但能體驗「建造」的樂趣,感受完成一件大作的成就感, 他們的手眼協調能力、小肌肉群能力、空間感等發展亦會得到有效的訓練;與此同時, 更加強他們對顏色、形狀的認知、專注力及解決問題的能力。這些發展對他們將來的 學習和生活都大有幫助!急不及待跟你的孩子一起動手砌一件藝術品吧?抑或讓他憑 己的想像力和創造力,做個小小機械工程師呢?

On the Road 荒野馳騁 Your kids may look at this big wheeler and wonder the pieces it took to assemble it! A form of patented rivet punching technology has been used for the pieces. You can easily assemble them together, but special tools are needed in order to take out the parts. This is the beauty of the truck to be ready for some heavy duty task! 用一個個零件砌成這麼大一架車,小朋友放它在地上轆幾轉就會 散嗎?別擔心,mic-o-mic採用獲世界專利的鉚釘打孔技術,你可 以輕鬆地裝嵌這些鉚釘,但直接用手是很難拔出來的,需要特別 的工具。所以這些拼裝好的玩具十分堅固耐玩!


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Up in the Air 沖上雲霄 It’s the dream of many boys to be a pilot one day, and now first let their imagination fly high! Nothing is more satisfying than making their own choppers and jet liners! All parts are specially made to curvy shape by using the finest materials and craftsmanship to ensure safe play – no worries even when your kid is fixing the propeller. 男孩子都愛揸住飛機模擬飛行的模樣,或者撥 動螺旋槳,還會配上呼呼的聲音。mic-o-mic 的零件採用優質的工藝,各邊緣都是以圓弧 形作為主要設計,沒有銳利的邊緣,所有收 邊都圓滑安全,家長就無需擔心類似螺旋槳 割傷手的情況了!

Set Sail and Away 乘風破浪 The fun does not end after the craftsmanship work is done! Your kid’s masterpiece is not simply a decor in the sitting room or bedroom. Look! This sailing boat can actually float on water! 小朋友,完成了大作嗎?別只把它放在 某個地方作裝飾,皆因mic-o-mic的這款 帆船是可以在上浮起來的!

mic-o-mic www.mic-o-mic.com


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Braised Fish Fillet with Hairy Gourd, Sweet Corn and Straw Mushroom

節瓜粟米草菇 燴魚柳 Ingredients • 200g sole fillet • 150g hairy gourd • 160g straw mushrooms • 160g sweet corn kernel • suitable amount of ginger • 1 tsp minced garlic • 1 tbsp oil

Method 1. Wash straw mushrooms and hairy gourd. Slice straw mushrooms. Dice hairy gourd. 2. Dice sole fillet and stir-fry till 70% done. Dish up and set aside. 3. Heat up a little oil in wok. Stir-fry ginger and minced garlic till fragrant. Add straw mushrooms, hairy gourd and sweet corn kernel. 4. Lastly add fish fillet and stir-fry till all ingredients are done. Serve.

材料 • 龍脷柳200克 • 節瓜150克 • 草菇160克 • 粟米160克 • 薑適量 • 蒜茸1茶匙 • 油1湯匙 做法 1. 草菇、節瓜洗淨,草菇切片,節瓜切丁。 2. 龍脷柳切丁炒至7成熟,盛起備用。 3. 以少許油下鑊燒熱,將薑和蒜茸放入鑊內炒 香,再加入草菇、節瓜及粟米。 4. 最後加入魚柳炒至全熟,即成。

Tips Sole fillet can be replaced by meat of grouper or cod fish. Any fish with few bones and thick meat will do. 龍脷柳可隨意改為石斑肉或銀鱈 魚肉等,只要為無骨多肉的即適 合使用。

以上內容摘自嘉出版有限公司出 版之《小學生健康便當》。


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Thoughtful Indoor Footwear for Toddlers


Almost all playgroups require children to put on either socks or indoor shoes. However, most of the socks can be slippery, and most indoor shoes are leather-made that are not washable. Attipas, the Korean indoor shoes for toddlers, solves the problem. They are not only machine-washable, but also come with many thoughtful designs. Collaborated with Seoul National University in research and design, Attipas focuses on the development of the joints in children’s feet. Its big toe box is designed to let the little toes move and develop with flexibility. Apart from that, the shoes are made with materials that are light weighted and not easy to slip. By ensuring the feet pressure are evenly distributed, these qualities helps our little ones walk in an appropriate way. What’s more, fine holes located at the bottom of the shoes help releasing heat. The shoes are also made with non-toxic materials which had passed the formaldehyde test to promise development of your children’s feet.

相信差不多每位家長都遇過這樣的情況:每次到一些幼兒遊戲 班,小朋友們都要換上襪子或一些室內鞋才可進入。襪子大多加 了防滑,但仍會不時滑動,而室內鞋又選擇不多,多是皮的, 全都不能清洗,尤其小朋友們都很搗蛋,一不小心就會把衣服 鞋子弄髒。最近,終於找到了這個韓國幼兒室內鞋品牌—— Attipas,它不但能放進洗衣機清洗,還附有很多貼心的設計, 令家長們可以放心給予孩子穿著。 Attipas還與韓國首爾國立大學共同進行了研究,針對幼兒腳部發 展合力完成設計。Attipas因應了小孩足趾關節的生長,鞋頭 部份特別寬闊,讓腳趾能自由活動,不會阻礙其發展。 另一方面,Attipas鞋底採用了較輕的橡膠製成,並用上 防滑設計,讓小朋友們更輕易掌握步行技巧而又不怕滑 倒。設計同時能令足部壓力平均分佈,從而改善孩子步 行姿勢。此外,底部設有多個透氣孔,不會因穿久了而焗 住一雙小腳。還有,製造過程不用上任何膠水或有毒物質, 並通過甲醛測試,不會導致小腳敏感,保障孩子腳子健康發展。

Attipas is a worldwide patented product. It comes with 11 colours for selection. Available in Citistore. Attipas已獲得世界專利,共有11款顏色可供 選擇。全線千色Citistore有售。 Enquiries: 2893 8099 Website: www.jollybazaar.com

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the South Pacific Eden

斐濟 南太平洋上 新樂園 Text | Allan Lee

Photo | Allan Lee, Thinkstock

You may think of Fiji as just another exotic island with white sand and d e n s e r a i n f o r e s t s . B u t t h e r e’s something particularly special about this South Pacific country that you c a n not f i n d a ny w h e r e e l s e: t h e world’s first sunshine! Fiji sits right on the International Date Line that corresponds to the 180th longitude meridian; it is the first country in the world to welcome every new day! Indeed, there are things that you can do with your family in Fiji which you may not have realised. But whether you love to enjoy the sun, take a deep dive to explore coral reefs, or learn more about the mysterious Fijian culture, Fiji is the ideal vacation spot to satisfy various preferences. 瓦魯阿圖,你最想住嘅地方?其實瓦魯阿圖旁邊 的另一個島國斐濟,才是真正人人嚮往的天堂。 帶小朋友睇睇地圖吧:南太平洋上,澳洲東面, 紐西蘭以北,未到美加的地方,有一片被180°經 線穿過的島嶼,那便是被海洋、珊瑚礁、雨林環 繞的斐濟。只要你熱愛海島,渴望陽光,無論親 子、蜜月、高爾夫、潛水、探險或其他主題,斐濟 都是一個理想的度假目的地。

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Village natives filled with passion

熱情•民俗風 Village visits are the best way to get to know about Fijian culture. The native Fijians are extraordinarily friendly. Even young natives will enthusiastically run around you without a hint of embarrassment. When they see you taking out your camera, they will pose with all kinds of gestures and with the most adorable smiles. But before you feel too amused and want to return the affection, always remember to NEVER touch their heads. This is a cultural and spiritual symbol to Fijians. 拜訪斐濟的傳統村落是認識斐濟文化的最好途徑。斐濟人出名熱情好客,當地的小 朋友也會亳不畏懼地在你身旁鑽來鑽去,當你拿出照相機為他們拍照時,他們會做 足動作表情,以熱誠熱切讓你留下他們最美麗的笑容。但切忌摸他們的頭,因為斐 濟人認定頭是一個人的精神所在。

Fijian men love to dress in a kind of costume called SOLO. It has become a Fijian cultural icon! A Fijian man sporting flowers on his head is a sign that he’s single. 斐濟的男人都會穿一種叫SOLO的裙裝,連指揮 交通的警察亦如是,實為斐濟一大特色!而你會 見到許多頭戴鮮花的男子,別有樣學樣,皆因這 是未婚的標誌。

Fire Dancing on 火把舞 There is a cultural show held at the Westin Denarau Island Resort at Coco Palm that allows you to gain more understanding about Fijian culture while simultaneously enjoying their local feast. The fire walk is one of the most anticipated parts of the show. Fijians show their yearning for light and hope by walking on fire after praying to God. Westin Denarau Island Resort內亦有個 Coco Palms Cultural Show,讓你了解斐濟文化, 同時享受斐濟美食。當中最精彩的節目莫過 於火把舞,斐濟人向神祈福後在火裡行走, 象徵他們對光明與希望的嚮往。


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Out to the sea

清澈•海洋風 Taking a boat to sea is a must during your stay in Fiji. Enjoy the fresh breeze, feel the water and appreciate the underwater world. You can take a boat ride to various islands from Port Denarau, or join local tours. 到斐濟的必備行程,便是乘船出海到小島享受陽光與海灘,呼吸海風的味道,和魚兒做 朋友。你可在Port Denarau乘船到不同的小島,亦可參加當地的本地團前往。

The world under water can be seen with your naked eyes! My daughter could not stop touching the starfish she got from the water. You can also go for a dive to experience real serenity, or take a glass-bottomed boat to view coral gardens. 斐濟的海清澈得一望見底,水下萬千世界一覽無遺。女兒手上這隻藍色海星就是非常特 別的品種,拿著它有種特別的感覺。你還可以選擇浮潛,去看更多的海洋生物;亦可以 做玻璃船出海,去欣賞這裡著名的珊瑚礁。

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Fijian spa emphasises the use of strength to alleviate any form of stressfulness. It was said that the ancient Fijians used a form of Bobo Massage for medical treatment. As most Fijians are

Editor’s Pick 編輯推介

physically well-built and muscular, we are sure that the therapist will offer us the most soothing experience ever. 斐濟的spa格外講究力道。據聞古代斐濟人是用Bobo Massage 來治病的。因為斐濟人天生牛高馬大,個個都健碩非常,自然 按得你超級舒服啦﹗

Kula Eco Park is the only safari in Fiji. Thanks to its ecological surroundings, we are actually experiencing close encounters of the tropical kind! For example, we can touch a real lizard, and watch a family of parrots fly right over our heads! Kula Eco Park是斐濟唯一的野生動物園,但得天獨厚的生 態環境,讓這裡的物種極其豐富,十分適合帶孩子來跟各種 雨林動物來個全接觸,譬如摸到真的蜥蜴,看到成群鸚鵡從 你頭頂飛過﹗

Info Visas: No visa required for HKSAR and BNO passport holders. Enquiries 2375 1618 (Consulate of Fiji in Hong Kong). Climate: Summer (November - April) warm and humid between 22-33℃; Winter (May October) around 19-29℃. Bring sun block, hat, water, and umbrella. Currency: FJD1 = HKD4.3 Others: The Fijian custom officers enforce a strict rule where tourists are not allowed to bring any kind of food into the country. All incoming food must be declared before entering the country. Baby formula must be sealed upon entry. It is best to reserve an amount for use on the plane. Children 14 years old and under are not allowed to set foot on some nearby islands in order to maintain their tranquility.

簽證:特區護照及BNO毋須簽證,詳情查詢 2375 1618(斐濟領事館)。 天氣:夏季(11-4 月)炎熱潮濕,平均22-33℃;冬 季(5-10 月),平均19-29℃。記得做足防曬、帶帽 及飲水,亦請帶備雨具。 匯率:FJD 1約兌HK$4.3 其它:斐濟海關非常嚴格,禁止旅客攜帶食物過關, 所帶食物都要申報。若是嬰兒奶粉,必須要未開封, 所以最好另外帶備上機飲用的份量。有些島嶼為保持 絕對的安靜,不允許14歲以下兒童上島。


Azita Crerar Azita Crerar lives and writes in Macau, in the company of her husband and children. Follow her blog at www.kidsmacau.com.

Home Sick


時候,譬如這天上午,我4歲的兒子生病在家, 生活於是一下子慢了下來,我放棄自己的日常工 作,陪在孩子身邊,順從他的時間表。

Every once in a while, one of my kids misses a day or two of school. This morning my 4-year-old son is home sick. Life slows down, I forego my routines, and defer to his schedule.


Needless to say, he’s thrilled to be home. “All the other kids are at school,” he chortles. “But I’m at home.”


He’s had his breakfast; he built two robots out of LEGO blocks; now he’s happily playing video games on my phone.


It’s a pleasant feeling to slow your life down every so often, even if it’s because your child is sick. I’ve bundled him up in multiple layers, he’s agreed to keep his socks and slippers on, and I’ve pulled a heater out of storage.


I’m waiting for the pharmacies to open so I can replenish our stock of Vitamin C. In the meantime, I get to hold him, cuddle him, find out what’s on his mind. It’s mostly video games, but he eventually needs a respite from them. He checks the weather on my phone, and calls out the forecast for my benefit. “It’s sunny, cloudy, cloudy, rainy, sun-clouds, sun-clouds.” He’s fascinated by countries that show snow.


Later on I’ll cover him in a blanket and urge him to nap. Will he? Wishful thinking on my part. He’ll no doubt end up lying on the couch watching an afternoon cartoon.


Since he started school in September, I have adjusted to having two kids in school and having an “adult” day. No longer do I need to coax and wheedle so we can get out the door, visit the bank, go to the supermarket or a playground. And how quickly I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a kid at home.


I have filled my days with writing projects, yoga and other forms of exercise, baking, hassle-free errands, and the occasional spa treat. As I hear him sniffling beside me, I am reminded of what drives me to keep dreaming, planning, and writing. Like nearly all parents, I want a better life for my children.



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我可以留在家裡。」很明顯,他因此而非常興 奮。吃過早餐後,他用LEGO砌了兩個機器人,

偶爾放慢生活的腳步是件讓人愉快的事,即使是 也答應我會著襪、穿拖鞋,然後我便從儲物箱裡 置一些維他命C之類的藥物。我抱著他,摟在懷 裡,試圖了解他在想甚麼。大多還是關於電子

閱著我手機裡的天氣預報,似是為求讓我知道般 大聲讀出來:「晴天,多雲,多雲,多雨,晴轉 多雲,多雲轉晴。」他對那些預報裡要下雪的國 家很感興趣。

話嗎?恐怕只是我一廂情願吧,他肯定會整個下 午都躺在睡椅上看漫畫。自從他9月上學後,我 需要再哄孩子,可以去銀行、超市、做運動。我 甚至很快就忘了自己是有小朋友的。 我每天都在搞我的文字創作、練瑜伽,或做焗 蛋糕之類的其他事情,輕鬆地出差,偶爾做舍 個spa。當我聽到他在身邊擤鼻涕,我終於明白 是甚麼讓我繼續努力、筆耕不輟。皆因,我和各 位父母一樣,都想給孩子更好的生活。

For 0-3 yrs Book Recommendations

袋鼠也有媽媽嗎? 艾瑞.卡爾

Mama Mama

這書的主題是「愛」。作者以一 貫的彩繪剪貼圖畫,為幼兒介紹 了11種可愛的動物,並透過「袋 鼠也有媽媽嗎?」這句話開始, 讓 幼兒 知 道 媽 媽 是 疼 愛 孩 子 的,連動物也不例外!(英文原 著為《Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?》)

Jean Marzollo A comforting poem for babies entering the world – it will make you want to cuddle up with your baby and hug him/her tight as you explore the different ways animals bond with their babies all over the world.

For 4-6 yrs Mama, Do You Love Me? Barbara M. Joose

Mole and the Baby Bird

Unusually set in the Arctic, a child tests the limits of her independence with a mother who reassuringly proves that a parent’s love is unconditional and everlasting. The glossary at the back introduces young readers to a distinctively different culture with exciting and unique animals.

Love transcends boundaries in this heart-warming tale of a mole who decides to take home and look after a baby bird. Mole must decide if it is better to keep the bird inside forever or set him free – a decision mothers themselves will have to face one day with their own children.

Marjorie Newman





「養寵物」在不同家庭中都是較具 爭議的問題。其實「養」與「不養」 都是與孩子討論意見的絕佳機會, 不管最後寵物有否進入家門,對親 子而言都是雙贏。這書以母子間有 趣的紙條交換辯論養蜥蝪的問題, 文與圖完美配合。

小蜜糖第一次想自己買母親節禮物 給媽媽,她省下零用錢,為爸爸洗 車賺錢,就是想買件好禮物,但最 後她卻不小心將禮物摔破了。書中 最後一句寫道:「我送媽媽一個摔 破的花瓶;媽媽給了我最完美的幸 福。」誠意推介,母親節必讀繪本!

For parents Reading Together: Everything you need to know to raise a child who loves to read Diane W. Frankenstein A practical guide and springboard for conversations between parents and children about literature. Diane Frankenstein teaches us that the most important outcome may not just be how many books children have read, but how many conversations they’ve had about them.

再次撒下幸福的種子 ——親子共讀圖畫書 松居直 對松居直而言,親子之間交換的 豐富語言,是家庭最大的財富。作 者以經驗分享,告訴讀者如何透 過共讀圖畫書,引導孩子感受愛 和快樂。

Supplied by: Bring Me A Book Hong Kong (www.bringmeabook.org.hk) www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Ivy Chinese Summer Camp A Distinctive Cultural Experience Summer camp in China has become a hit in recent years for parents living outside China who are eager to expose their kids to Chinese culture and to build strong foundation in Chinese language. The Ivy Chinese Summer Camp is ideal for these families who want to improve their children’s Mandarin speaking, reading and writing skills via an immersive yet fun programme in Beijing. Founded in 2004, Ivy Education Group is dedicated to providing premier early childhood education. The schools offer the only Multiple Intelligences (MI) programme in China officially recognised by the MI Institute. The Ivy Chinese Summer Camp located at Ivy Academy at East Lake is designed by a very experienced curriculum director, who is a native Chinese teacher at Harrow International School. The three-week programme is based on 3 themes, where morning is dedicated for academic activities, while afternoon is more cultural and fun activities. Every week, 4 days will be spent for classroom learning, while one day will be a field trip that coincides with the theme. With a class size of 10-15 students, this allows sufficient time for non-native mandarin speaking children to emerge in the Chinese language environment. Parents are welcome to accompany with children to stay for the full period during the programme. lisa.yan@ivygroup.org / anitamawm@gmail.com www.ivyschools.com/Schools-EL/

Thomas & Friends movie Day of the Diesels 湯馬仕小火車智鬥柴油車 There’s a fire on Sodor! Thomas and his best friend Percy fight the fire until Belle the new engine saves the day! Thomas now spends all his time with Belle, and Percy starts to feel left out. Diesel wastes no time in manipulating Percy’s loneliness and asked him to join Diesel Works – Percy does not realise his folly in trusting Diesel with the cause of possibly losing Steam Works! Don’t forget to bring your little fan of Thomas and Friends to enjoy the new show which was released on April 26, 2012. 索多島發生火警了! 剛抵步的消防火車Belle大展身手拯救了災 場。Thomas獲委以重任,負責向他們介紹全島,因此冷落了最好的 朋友Percy。Percy感到不再受到重視,讓不懷好意的Diesels柴油車隊 伍有機可乘,設法使Percy加入其車隊。Percy卻不知道自己被利用, 更差點令Thomas和蒸汽火車朋友們失去了車廠! 你家中的小fan一定 會喜歡湯馬仕小火車這套於4月26日上映的新電影。 Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a movie premium of Thomas & Friends: Day of the Diesels. 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題, 有機會贏取《湯馬仕小火車之智鬥柴油車》電影禮物一份。 Special Thanks: Deltamac (HK) Co. Ltd.


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Just About Kids Learning Centre Award-Winning Little Pim DVD 獨家代理DVD教材Little Pim Just About Kids Language Centre introduces Little Pim language series, which has been internationally acclaimed with 22 awards, suitable for children ages 0-5. Join their membership now and you can get 3-language DVD and 10 playgroup classes for only HK$2,380. You can choose among these languages: French, Spanish, German, English, and Putonghua. Just About Kids語言中心獨家代理國際知名的Little Pim DVD,曾獲得 22項國際大獎,適合0-5歲的孩子,荷里活巨星安祖蓮娜的孩子也曾 使用。快成為他們的會員吧,現以最優惠會員價HK$2,380便可自選 三國語言的DVD及10堂Playgroup。語言選擇包括法語、西班牙語、 德語、英語及普通話。 www.justaboutkids.com.hk

Nabelle Organic Organic Mother’s Day Set 天然母親節系列 Mother’s Day is around the corner, it’s a perfect time for some mummies’ pampering. Nabelle Organic now offers two skincare sets in celebrating this special occasion in a natural, healthy and organic way. Mummies will be amazed by the special “I love You Mom Set” that includes organic rosewater hydrosol mist, organic rosehip moisturizing milk, organic rose body balm, rose garden aromatherapy roll and also a lovely talking bear. Meanwhile, the mums-to-be and new mummies will feel that the “Special For You Set,” is specially designated to cater to their needs as this collection includes mother and baby care 2 in 1 shampoo, body balm and an adorable bear for the newborn. 母親節即將來臨,你為太太及/或母親準備好驚喜沒有?Nabelle Organic為體 貼所有媽媽的需要,為大家準備了兩套專貴母親節套裝。「I love You Mom Set」套裝包括有機玫瑰噴霧、玫瑰面霜、玫瑰護膚寶及玫瑰香薰走珠筆, 既可舒緩壓力同時又能滋養呵護肌膚。而準媽媽們會喜歡「Special For You Set」,這套裝包括嬰兒有機2合1薰衣草洋甘菊洗髮及沐浴露、金盞花乳液 (有效減退妊娠紋),以及洋甘菊護膚寶,好讓她們在懷孕期間得到有機大自然 的呵護,不會因為體內激素水平的變化而出現敏感痕癢的情況。兩款套裝均附 送Nabelle錄音小熊,能代你向心愛的女仕說出平日沒有勇氣說的話,令她們在 這溫馨的日子更加感受到你的愛意﹗

2375 7000

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a Nabelle Organic Mother’s Day Set (Valued at HK$1,258/$1,303)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取Nabelle Organic 送出的專貴母親節套裝一份(價值HK$1,258/$1,303)。


ELC (HK) LTD. ELC Summer Camps 2012 2012夏日英語勵進營 Are you considering something new for your kids this summer? ELC is bringing unimaginably diverse and fun themes to this year’s summer camps, suitable for children aged 3 to 15! Their “Learning English is Fun!” camps offer engaging roles for children. In Heaven’s Kitchen, your kids will be trained into the next junior master chef; they can also become spies and work undercover to complete their secret missions in 39 Clues; your young travellers will also set off to Australia in Party Down Under! History will come to life in the hand of our little paleontologists, in Indiana Bones! Themes of camp like Magicians, Drama Kings and Queens, Broadcasters, Little Weatherman and many more creative ones from ELC will take your kids into inventive areas where they have never been before! Kids aged over 8 can also enjoy nature and sea sports on a lovely beach at their overnight camps. All these are sure to bring your child an edutaining experience. 正為你的孩子尋找嶄新有趣的暑假活動?ELC已為你3至15歲的孩子準備了既破格又多元化的夏日英語勵進 營!為緊貼其「Learning English is Fun!」的座右銘,ELC讓你的孩子有機會在今年的夏日勵進營扮演不同的 角色﹗他們會在Heaven’s Kitchen中成為少年廚神;39 Clues將引領他們假扮間諜並完成秘密任務;新晉的旅 遊家已準備在Party Down Under向澳洲出發;小古生物學家在Indiana Bones中把歷史重現眼前!其他創新主 題包括有魔術、戲劇、天氣報告、多媒體創作等,還有給8歲或以上孩子的三日兩夜戶外宿營,能讓他們享受 大自然和水上活動,務求帶領小朋進入前所未有的學習領域,集遊樂和學習於一身! 2715 8201


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青田教育中心 《我自己會讀》叢書 教育家愈來愈重視培養兒童提前閱讀、提早認字的興趣和能力,因 為中外多項實驗證明,語文能力強的孩子,學習其他學科更容易。 為了讓小朋友從小就培養閱讀的興趣,青田教育中心推出了《我自 己會讀》叢書。幼童從故事的重複句式中,學習各種閱讀技巧,同 時認識生字840多個,以及字詞1,600多個。叢書共有8輯,由彩虹的 7色(紅至紫,另加上最後的彩虹輯閱讀包)組合而成,由淺至深選 取了與教學主題有關的故事編寫,並附上雙語CD(廣東話/普通話) ,適合家長跟幼稚園至小一幼兒親子閱讀。 2304 0355



立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」頁面並回答簡單問 題,便有機會贏取《我自己會讀》叢書的其中一套 (價值HK$225)。


Perfect Pitch Music Centre Nurtures the Future Musicians 培育未來音樂家 Perfect Pitch Music Centre has everything an aspiring musician could possibly need. It offers lessons on almost any instruments and for any ages, it is a great place to bring your child to begin their musical education. Perfect Pitch has become a hub for many families who would like to bring music into their children’s lives. Ms. Brenda Wong, owner of Perfect Pitch Music Centre and Do Re Mi Studio, understands that raising children’s interest in music is the best way to make them appreciate music. She believes that under appropriate guidance, even a little child can develop musical sensation. 靜儀音樂中心具備一切培育「未來音樂家」的優質條件,是小孩子接觸和學習音樂 的最佳起點。中心負責人黃靜儀小姐是資深兒童音樂家,精心設計一系列循序漸進 的音樂課程,並聘請具專業資格的導師,讓小孩子在趣味中學習及愛上音樂。黃小 姐表示,只有透過引起孩子對音樂的興趣,才能讓他們真正欣賞音樂。她認為即使 是年幼的孩子,若能在適當的引導下,也可以培養音樂感。 2894 9825 / 2522 7081

《表情的真相》、《小動作的背後》 知人口面就知心 人心永遠最難測,只要讀懂身體小動作,觀眉察色,就可識別他人內心想法! 國內微反應 心理學博士姜振宇的《小動作的背後》詳解最常見的8種身體微反應,如凍結反應、安慰 反應及愛恨反應等。只要觀察入微,一個笑容,一下蹙眉,每個表情箇中也有玄機。同 系列的《表情的真相》全面分析人類的6種共通情緒以及其衍生的微表情,包括不屑、害 怕、勉強等。正確認識微表情,就能讓他人內心想法赤裸呈現。無論工作升職、業務談 判等,你也能認清謊言,掌控局面。 2976 6622

立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取送 商務印書館送出《表情的真相》+《小動作的背後》一套(總值HK$164)。



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Health Centres

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CEO劉雪文 Michelle Liu 對話



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今期嘉賓:陳敏兒 www.peegaboo.com 「我係第一代怪獸家長!」 育有3子的陳敏兒自1993年淡出演藝圈, 自稱第一代怪獸家長,後來經歷了愛子諾諾 的患病和離世,深深體會做父母的悲與喜。她於 2008年成立「家長匯習」,至今與超過35,000名家 長分享育兒心得。等她與你分享成為100分父母的祕訣!



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